Environmental Benefits and Disadvantages of Economic Specialisation Within Global Markets, and Implications For SCP Monitoring

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Environmental benefits and disadvantages of economic specialisation within global markets, and implications for SCP monitoring

Paper for the SCORE! conference, 10-11 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium

David Watson and Stephan Moll

The European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management, Copenhagen [email protected]

As nation states, we can feel responsible for all the direct environmental pressures arising within national borders i.e. from national production and households (a production perspective), or the global environmental pressures activated by our national demand for goods and services (a consumption perspective). This latter perspective includes pressures arising in other countries to produce our imports, but excludes those taking place at home to produce exports. For economies operating in increasingly globalised markets the environmental pressures arising in each case can be markedly different, particularly for countries specialising in a handful of key industries for export. However, most indicator systems only evaluate and compare direct pressures arising from national production. This paper uses environmentally extended input-output analyses to investigate the difference between the two perspectives for 8 European countries. It argues that the consumption perspective, although more difficult to evaluate and monitor, gives a better measure of sustainability on the global scale. It is found that specialisation of an economy in an impact-intensive industry can potentially lead to global environmental benefits, even though it may cause the country to appear less sustainable than its neighbours using traditional monitoring mechanisms. Policy frameworks which lead to industrial specialisation giving global environmental benefits are identified, along with frameworks which have the opposite effect.

Proceedings: Sustainable Consumption and Production: Framework for action, 10-11 March 2008, Brussels, Belgium.Conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network, supported by the EUs 6th Framework Programme.

David Watson and Stephan Moll


The UKs progress in reducing emissions of climate change gases came under scrutiny in a recent independent UK report Too Good to be True? The UKs Climate Change Record (Helm et al., 2007). When measured using reporting methods prescribed by the UNFCCC, the UK has already achieved reductions well beyond its Kyoto obligations: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 15% lower than 1990 levels by 2005. However, the UNFCCC approach includes only direct emissions of GHG gases taking place within national borders i.e. emissions related to UK production facilities, agriculture and direct emissions from households and government. The authors of the report argue that much of the reduction has been achieved through a shift in the national economys production mix towards lighter industry and services which, however, doesnt reflect any similar change in consumption patterns. Rather, the same products are being consumed but the UK is increasingly importing the more pressure-intensive of these. In other words it is outsourcing the more pressure intensive extraction and production processes to China and other developing countries. If all the GHG emissions associated with the life cycle of goods which are consumed in the UK were added up and monitored over time, the authors estimate that this would show an increase in UK-driven GHG emissions by 19% between 1990 and 2006. Similar calculations have also recently been made for Sweden (CarlssonKanyama et al., 2007) and Norway (Peters and Hertwich, 2006). Such work raises questions over the methods by which we measure and report on national environmental pressures or, in other words, which pressures we take responsibility for as nation states. Two different monitoring perspectives are effectively compared in the UK report. The first is one where countries take responsibility only for direct emissions within their borders from all national production of goods and services, and from private households. For the remainder of this paper we term this the production perspective though it can also be described as the territorial perspective. The second perspective is that of environmental pressures activated by national consumption. This includes pressures emitted abroad to produce imports for consumption but omits pressures emitted at home to produce goods for export. We term this the consumption perspective. The UK study found that GHG emissions activated by national consumption are significantly higher than direct emissions under the production perspective. The Swedish study had mixed results depending on assumptions made about production processes in other countries. This is described in more detail later. The monitoring of national environmental pressures has a long history in Europe and is a key element in the environmental policy cycle. In addition to a number of international conventions and EU Directives which require regular reporting of emissions and other pressures, individual countries have also initiated there own monitoring mechanisms often connected to environmental indicators. Recently this has included the adoption of

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring

indicators on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in a number of EU countries (EEA, 2007). However, most if not all of the respective indicators and monitoring mechanisms have taken the production perspective similar to that of the UNFCCC i.e. only including direct territorial emissions. The reasons for this have changed over time. Before the emergence of SCP as a policy issue during the 1990s, the focus of environmental policy was on end-of-pipe solutions, i.e. regulation of national production processes. Governments felt little if any responsibility for production processes occurring in other countries even if the resulting goods were being imported and consumed at home. These processes and the local environments they were affecting were clearly the responsibility of the producing country. Moreover, the share of imports and exports in national economies were significantly smaller than they are today. As such national production and national consumption could be regarded as more or less synonymous. However, with growing international trade and increasing specialisation of countries in a handful of economic sectors, a countrys production reflects to a diminishing extent the goods its population and government consume. Today, as illustrated by the UK report, pressures activated by national consumption can be quite different to those related to national production. This, and the increasing recognition of the environment as a global rather than local issue have raised challenges to the traditional views of environmental responsibility. The need for a paradigm shift has been particularly brought home by the unique challenge of climate change where 1 tonne of carbon dioxide emitted in China will have precisely the same long term effects on a European citizen as 1 tonne of CO2 emitted at home. Nevertheless, despite an increasing recognition that, as nations, we can and possibly should feel responsible for global pressures activated by national consumption, monitoring of environmental pressures and setting of targets for reductions in these pressures continues to be dominated by the production perspective i.e. focused on direct national emissions. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, it is much easier for governments to regulate national production facilities than it is to influence production processes along global value chains. Secondly, the alternative means for regulating pressures activated by consumption that of influencing which goods and services we actually consume nationally has been, and still is, a political hot potato. Last, but not least, collection of data on pressures emitted along all stages of global production chains of nationally consumed products, has so far proved impractical if not impossible. Input-output analysis of national economic and environmental accounts gives one possibility for estimating and comparing the environmental

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pressures activated under both perspectives for a given country. This paper reports on such a comparison for 8 European countries to investigate whether all European countries are actually outsourcing their environmental impacts as has been reported for the UK, or whether some European countries are actually net importers of environmental pressures. It then discusses the findings in the context of sustainable consumption and production goals, identifying under which circumstances outsourcing of production can have negative implications and under which they have positive implications. Policy which works for and against environmentally beneficial economic specialisation is identified. Finally, implications for monitoring of progress in SCP are discussed

2 2.1

Brief Overview of the Methodology Background

This paper draws on data and analysis generated by a multi-annual project carried out by the European Environment Agencys (EEA) European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management (ETC/RWM). The project which first began in 2004 was aimed at investigating the potential of environmentally extended input/output analysis for analysing the environmental effects of European production and consumption. The I/O method has many potential outputs and the project has explored a number of these. So far results have been published in an ETC/RWM technical report (Moll et al., 2006) but in June 2008 a full EEA report will be published covering some key outputs of the project so far (EEA, in press). This paper covers one application and area of analysis which will not be given focus in the EEA report. The full methodology can be viewed in Moll et al. (2006). Some key aspects are given briefly below.


What exactly do we mean by the consumption and production perspectives?

Within a closed economy consumption and production are two sides of the same coin i.e. everything that is produced is eventually consumed. This is true of the global economy or of economies which dont engage in trade with other countries. However, for an economy involved in international trade there can be a large difference between the products that the country produces and the products which are finally consumed both by private households and the government. Similarly there can be significant differences between the

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring

environmental pressures associated with a countrys total production and the pressures associated with the products it consumes. Here we term the first scenario as the production perspective (or alternatively the territorial perspective) and define this as all the direct environmental pressures occurring within the national borders or by companies registered within the country. With respect to emissions to air this would include all emissions to air from national production facilities agriculture, transport services etc. irrespective of where they are supplying goods and services to (identified as black dots in Figure 1) plus all direct emissions from the end users i.e. households and government. Direct emissions from households will include those emitted by combustion of fuel mainly for heating and private cars.

Figure 1: The production perspective for a given country The flip side of the coin is the consumption perspective. We define this as all environmental pressures activated directly or indirectly by national consumption. This only includes pressures from national production for the home market i.e. excludes pressures from production for the export market. It includes, however, pressures occurring in other countries to produce our imported goods. Finally, as with the production perspective it includes direct pressures arising in private households and government. Another way of looking at this perspective is that it includes all the pressures arising along the life cycle of goods and services finally consumed within the home country. Thus, while in the production perspective the individual production facility is in focus (black dots in Figure 1), under the consumption perspective it is the product itself that is the focus (illustrated by black flows between production branches in Figure 2)

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Figure 2: The consumption perspective for a given country


Environmentally extended input-output analysis

The analysis utilised a method known as environmentally extended inputoutput analysis (EE-IOA) for investigating the two perspectives. This method makes use of matrices which combine national economic accounts with environmental data. These are known as national accounting matrices including environmental accounts (NAMEA) NAMEA matrices provide data on economic flows between economic branches within a country (i.e. the food processing industry, transportation equipment industry, banking and insurance etc.) and between these and final consumption groups (government, households, capital investments and exports). They also include monetary flows of imports for intermediate use and final consumption. In addition, the tables provide data on direct inputs and outputs to and from the environment, from each economic branch, and from households and government. In their basic form NAMEAs present information related to the production perspective. They provide a picture of where exactly in the national economy resources are directly used and air emissions and other wastes directly generated. For the purposes of this paper total direct emissions and resource use within national borders can be obtained simply by summing contributions from each economic branch, and from households and government. The pressure-intensities of individual industries are calculated by dividing the total pressures they are responsible for by their economic output. Considerably more effort is required to shift the perspective over to the consumption orientated view. Complex matrix transformations developed by Leontief (1970) and others are applied to the NAMEAs. Environmental pressures attributable to a given branch are re-allocated to the flows of goods

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring

and services it sells to other branches and eventually to the final consumer. The pressures are allocated in accordance with the monetary value of these flows. At the end of this process, the pressures allocated to a finally consumed product group are equivalent to the sum of all direct and indirect pressures accumulated along the full production-cycles of those goods. For the final use product group food and beverages it includes all pressures emitted in the production of food from the farm through to the supermarket shelf, including all inputs made along this journey. (e.g. pressures activated by the production and application of fertilisers, by the production and combustion of fuels in agricultural machinery, by the production of electricity consumed in food processing plants, fuel combusted during the transportation of all components through the production chain etc.). We calculate the total pressures activated by national consumption by summing the pressures accumulated along all national product chains but excluding those chains ending in the export market. We must then add in direct pressures from households and government and the pressures accumulated along the global production chains of imported goods. This latter includes both final-use goods and inputs into national production chains e.g. imported fossil fuels, sub-components for machinery, pig-iron etc. We may reach a point in the future where interlinked NAMEAs have been developed for all European countries and their key trade partners. For now, however, the EE-IO method can only make rough estimates of pressures accumulated by imported goods. This is done by assuming that industries abroad generate the same wastes and use the same resources per unit output as the same industries in the home country (what is actually being measured are avoided national emissions). Where goods are imported from developing and transition countries this assumption is likely to significantly underestimate their ecological rucksacks.


The scope of the study

NAMEAs of the type necessary for transformation to the consumption perspective were developed for 8 EU countries: Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The tables disaggregated national economies into 60 separate economic branches (NACE 2-digits) plus the final use areas of private households, government, capital investments and exports. The latest available NAMEAs in the correct format were from 2000. The number of environmental pressure variables available in the NAMEA tables varied by country. The UK NAMEA included 12 air pollutants, 9 heavy metals and 7 classes of material input while at the other end of the scale the Netherlands NAMEA included only 6 air pollutants, no heavy metals and 6 classes of material input. These were transformed into four main impact potentials: Global Warming Potential (measured in tonnes CO2 equivalent); Acidification Potential (measured in tonnes SO2

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equivalent); Tropospheric Ozone Forming Potential (measured in tonnes NMVOC equivalent) and Domestic Extraction Used including all material types.

Not all European countries outsource environmental pressures

Figures 3 and 4 compare the national global warming potential and total material extraction per capita from the production perspective and the consumption perspective, for the 8 EU countries (the two bars to the left for each country). The difference between the two perspectives is entirely accounted for by something we term the burden exchange. This comprises on one side, the pressures emitted during the production of goods for export which can loosely be described as imported pressures and on the other side, avoided pressures in the home country though the import of goods for consumption. This latter can be considered as a rough estimate of the pressures which are embodied in imported goods. We term these outsourced pressures. Imported and outsourced pressures are illustrated in the right hand bars of Figures 3 and 4. Where the pressures embodied in imports are greater than those embodied in exports, the country shows a net outsourcing of impacts. In this case consumption-activated pressures are greater than direct territorial pressures.
Production/territorial perspective Consumption perspective 'imported GWP': GWP embodied in exported products 'outsourced GWP': avoided national GWP due to imported goods

tonnes CO2-equivalent/capita/year

15 10 5 0 DK -5 -10 NL UK DE HU IT ES SE

Figure 3: Nationally-activated Global Warming Potential viewed from two perspectives plus contributing burden exchange

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring

Production/territorial perspective Consumption perspective 'imported material extraction': extracted materials embodied in exported products 'outsourced material extraction': avoided national material extraction due to imported goods

Material extraction - tonnes/capita/year

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 DK SE DE UK NL ES IT HU

Figure 4: Nationally-activated material extraction viewed from two perspectives plus contributing burden exchange A first observation is that pressures related to consumption are somewhat more consistent between countries than pressures related to production. This is not surprising. Householders in OECD countries consume similar mixes of products and services, but the mix of goods a country produces differ widely as international trade increases and economies begin to specialise in certain economic branches. A more surprising result is that the widely accepted argument among green thinkers, that Europeans outsource their dirty industries, and resulting environmental pressures to other parts of the globe may not be altogether correct. For 6 out of 8 countries material consumption for use in national production is indeed considerably lower than total material consumption at home and abroad to feed national demand for goods. All countries except Denmark and the UK are outsourcing material extraction mostly connected to outsourcing of extractive industries i.e. minerals and metals, fossil fuels, biomass etc. However, for greenhouse gases, the picture is much more mixed. Differences between the two perspectives are fairly small for most countries. This is not because the burdens associated with traded goods are insignificant but rather that the estimated pressures embodied in imports and those embodied in exports largely cancel one another out. Only Hungary shows a marked tendency to outsource greenhouse gas emissions.


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Meanwhile in Denmark and the Netherlands air emissions connected to national production activities are actually significantly higher than global air emissions activated by the countrys demand for goods. In other words, these two countries are specialising in pressure intensive industries for the export market. The same trends were observed for the other air emission related impact potentials. It should be noted here that the method used to estimate pressures embodied almost certainly represents a significant underestimate where those imports are coming from developing and transition countries. As discussed later, pressures per unit output of production processes in developing countries can be significantly higher than for the same process in EU countries. This will effect the balance of the burden exchange given in Figures 3 and 4 and may mean that in actual fact that Sweden and, depending on the scale of the underestimate, even the Netherlands and Denmark have a net shift of GHG emissions abroad. However the important point here is that, for those three countries at least, the net shifts are not occurring because the countries are outsourcing their dirtier GHG-heavy industries. Rather if it is occurring, it is a result of production processes, both light and heavy, being generally less eco-efficient in developing countries than in the EU. This is an important distinction. Returning to Figures 3 and 4, the greatest differences between the two perspectives appear to be occurring in the countries with smallest population. This may be because smaller countries tend to engage more in international trade and their economies can be dominated by a few large companies or branches specialising in the export market. In Denmark the difference between the two perspectives is particularly high. While Danish citizens, through their consumption were responsible for around 12 tonnes of CO2-equivalent per capita in 2000, the Danish economy was responsible for 16 tonnes (the final ~2 tonnes in the territorial perspective represented by direct emissions from households). The main cause of this difference is Danish specialisation in the pressure-intensive industries of container shipping and, to a lesser extent, meat production for export. The gap between the two perspectives has widened even further over the intervening years since 2000, since the Danish shipping industry has grown more rapidly than the rest of the economy. Between 2000 and 2005 emissions of CO2 from Danish shipping grew from 19 to 32 million tonnes i.e. from 3.5 to 6 tonnes per capita (Statistics Denmark, 2007). Recent figures released by AP Mller-Mrsk suggest that by 2007, CO2 emissions from the Danish companys ships have increased further to 40-50 million tonnes by 2007, or approx. 8-10 tonnes per capita (Politiken, 2008). The fact that these emissions, though nationally significant, are excluded from Kyoto obligations, has come under scrutiny in Denmark in recent months. Many have been calling for the UNFCCC rules to be changed to avoid such blind spots. However, a counter argument could be made: that specialisation in pressure-intensive economic branches could potentially be

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring


beneficial when viewed from a global perspective, but only if the company is carrying out those operations more eco-efficiently than other countries. Furthermore, that while impact-intensive branches should certainly be tackled under multinational agreement, including them in national inventories could work against beneficial specialisation and lead to pressure leakage to other countries. This argument is presented and examined below.

Is production-specialisation environmentally beneficial or problematic?

Where consumption activated pressures differ markedly from territorial pressures, it is either because the national economy has specialised in low pressure-intensive branches (i.e. switched towards a service economy) or because it has specialised in industries with a higher than average pressureintensity. Specialisation by a national economy in a particular industry or economic branch can occur for a number of reasons. These can be summarised as follows: Availability of natural resources this can include minerals, metal ores, as inputs to industrial production but also good soils, and good climatic conditions for agriculture etc. Cheap energy this would give advantages to energy intensive industries compared to other countries Cheap labour this gives particular advantages for labour intensive industries Technological innovation Historical trends the original conditions for specialisation may no longer exist but specialisation may continue due to: a) accumulation of a specialist work forces; b) government grants and policies to protect an important national industry c) earlier investments having being paid off d) development of single large national company with increasingly improving economies of scale and improving efficiencies Specialisation can also be reactive i.e. if heavy industry and manufacturing have been outsourced to other countries due to availability of resources and cheap labour respectively, the home economy may be forced to specialise in other branches, e.g. financial services etc. Specialisation is likely to increase as global trade barriers are broken down, but is it good or bad for the environment?


Environmentally beneficial specialisation

Under certain conditions increasing specialisation can drive improving eco-efficiencies within the specialist branch. Examples can be where improving economies of scale lead to growths in energy efficiency within the specialist branch, as a result of continual reinvestment in new more


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efficient machinery, ongoing technological development etc. Vice versa, specialisation may actually be driven by higher eco-efficiencies and greater competitiveness due to favourable local conditions. For example, the climatic conditions in Italy and Spain favour vegetable and fruit crops which in northern European countries can only be grown in greenhouses with corresponding high energy inputs. Similarly, the availability of abundant hydro-energy in Norway is favourable for cheap and eco-efficient aluminium production. Country specialisation in an environmentally-intensive industry branch may be perceived as negative when viewed at the national scale, leading to unfavourable comparisons with neighbouring countries (under the territorial perspective). However, if we take a global view, specialisation by a country in a dirty branch may actually be giving overall environmental benefits. Global environmental benefits from specialisation will only occur where: 1) specialisation is leading to or is a result of improving ecoefficiencies, and; 2) global environmental reductions in emissions resulting from specialisation more than outweigh resulting increases in transport emissions. Condition 2 arises because country specialisation for the export market increases the need for international transport of goods. This condition has not been tested further in this paper. Condition 1 was however tested for the 6 countries with 2000 data as follows. The NAMEAs of the 6 countries were viewed at the 60-branch level of resolution under the territorial perspective in other words the 60 main economic branches which make up their economies. A combined NAMEA for the 6 countries was also assembled adding up the total economic output across the 6 countries within each economic branch, along with total environmental pressures for that branch. Two factors were calculated for each branch at the country level: 1) Eco-efficiency factor: the eco-efficiency (pressure per unit of economic output) of that branch relative to the average ecoefficiency for that branch across the 6 countries as a whole a value greater than zero denotes a better eco-efficiency; and 2) Specialisation factor: the level to which that branch is represented in the national economy relative to its importance at the 6 country level i.e. the degree to which the country specialises in that branch a value greater than zero shows that the a branch is over-represented in the national economy Figure 5 plots the two factors against each other for each of the 60 industries in the 5 countries which were part of the EU at the time i.e. 300 data points in all, with eco-efficiency expressed in terms of global warming potential. If specialisation were synonymous with improving eco-efficiency, the graph would show a scatter of industries from the bottom left hand corner (industry under-represented in country and having low relative eco-

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring


efficiency) up to the top right corner (industry over-represented in country and with high relative eco-efficiency). The graph shows that, at least in 2000, the relationship does not hold. The central scatter of industries appears random. A number of industries at the extremes do show good accordance with the relationship i.e. specialisation is consistent with higher eco-efficiency and, vice versa, low eco-efficiency is consistent with under-representation of the industry in the national economy. Three key industries are working in particular against the general principal. These industries are worth considering in more detail and have been highlighted on the graph the Swedish electricity industry, the Dutch chemicals industry and Danish shipping services. The Swedish electricity industry shows higher eco-efficiency than its equivalent in other countries due to a high proportion of hydro-electric power along with some nuclear energy. Nevertheless, the industry is underrepresented in the Swedish economy: the country actually imports electricity from the rest of Scandinavia. In this particular case the potential for new hydroelectric capacity is limited by geographic conditions but an additional factor may be that new eco-efficient energy sources are not favoured economically. Increases in carbon tax costs may be necessary before eco-efficient electricity production is also economically advantageous (see later).
3,5 3
Sw edish electricity

2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0

Eco-efficiency factor

Specialisation factor 0 0,5 1 1,5

Danish shipping Dutch chemicals




-0,5 -1 -1,5 -2


Figure 5: Specialisation (over-representation in economy) versus ecoefficiency (relative to same branch in other countries) for 60 economic branches in 5 countries (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden) The Dutch chemicals industry and Danish shipping industry show the opposite effect. They are over-represented in the economy but at the same time have lower eco-efficiencies than the same industry in other countries. There may be a variety of reasons for this. With respect to the Dutch chemicals industry, a relevant factor may be that the industry was exempt from carbon taxes during the end of the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s, unlike its counterparts in other countries such as Denmark and Germany


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(Kasa, 2000). The industry has since been encompassed by the EU emissions trading scheme although still enjoys some exemptions which can be exercised through the scheme. The lower efficiency of the Danish shipping industry may partially reflect the fact that fuel for international shipping was in 2000 exempt from any form of environmental tax and remains exempt today. However, the sharp rise in basic fuel prices since 2000 means that even without additional taxes, fuel costs may now be acting as a driver towards improving efficiency and pushing towards specialisation with beneficial effects (fuel costs in 2007 represented approximately 50% of operational costs for freight shipping). It may take some years for these effects to be seen in the analysis applied in Figure 5. Most industries in the 6th country, Hungary, do not follow the relationship if they are added into the graph. Of key relevance is the fact that in 2000 Hungary was not part of the EU with subsequent implications: firstly that trade between Hungary and the EU would not be free flowing with protection of industry on either side of the border, secondly that Hungarian industries would not be subject to similar environmental regulation and taxes as the EU countries, and thirdly that labour costs were significantly lower in Hungary than other countries. As described below beneficial specialisation is more likely to occur in regions with homogenous environmental regulation and taxes and similar labour costs.


Environmentally problematic specialisation

Branch specialisation can lead to an increase in global environmental pressures, where production is outsourced to countries with lower ecoefficiencies than the home country. Specialisation which can lead to environmental benefits as described earlier may most typically result from increasing distribution of production within the EU, although as shown by Figure 5 even here specialisation is occurring which works against environmental goals. Specialisation leading to increasing global environmental pressures is more typical of exchanges between EU and non-EU countries. The latter is a case of reactive specialisation, where manufacturing, steel production, extraction and processing of metal ores, minerals and fossil fuels and other heavy industries in the EU have been increasingly unable to compete against similar industries in developing and transition countries. Products from these industries are increasingly imported from outside the EU and as a result many European economies have specialised more in services etc. These industries in developing and transition countries are often outcompeting their counterparts in the EU not because of greater efficiency but because of lower labour costs and access to raw material inputs. Even more relevant for this paper, lower environmental standards in these countries compared to the EU, can also reduce costs and increase competitiveness. As

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring


such, the drivers for specialisation in these cases are working against improved eco-efficiency rather than for them as may occur for redistribution of production within the EU. As noted earlier, the input-output method used in the EEA and ETC/RWMs NAMEA project may significantly underestimate the pressures embodied in imports (Figure 3 and 4) by making the assumption that emissions per unit output (emissions coefficients) for a given industry abroad are the same as in the home country. No assessment has been made in this project of the scale of these underestimates. The NAMEAs used do not hold information on where in the world imports originate. Nor do many of these countries have their own NAMEAs from which emissions coefficients could be drawn. The potential scale of underestimates were hinted at in the project named earlier, which compared two different methods for estimating CO2 emissions embodied in Swedish imports (Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2007). The first method was similar to that used here making use of Swedish input/output tables, and Swedish emissions coefficients to estimate pressures embodied in imports (but in actual fact show emissions avoided at home due to imports) The second method used input/output tables and emissions coefficients from the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP). GTAP is a global database presenting rough exchanges of imports between 87 world regions and 57 economic branches within those regions. The database also contains regionally varying emissions coefficients for some air emissions from the various sectors. The two modelling exercises gave estimates of 26 MTon and 74 Mton respectively for CO2 embodied in imports. In other words they differed by almost a factor of 3, largely because of differences in eco-efficiency of Swedish processes and those of its main trading partners (Carlsson-Kanyama et al. 2007). In particular, imports from the former Soviet Union and China were estimated to embody 7 times and 4.7 times the emissions as the same products produced in Sweden. However, it should be noted that, firstly, the GTAP database has been gathered from many sources over many different years and as such is likely to contain considerable errors (Peters, 2007) and, secondly, that eco-efficiency of Swedish product chains is particularly high for CO2 emissions due to a significant proportion of electricity coming from renewables and nuclear sources. Therefore the GTAP comparison results for Sweden are likely to overestimate general differences between pressures associated with production chains in developing countries compared to those at home for the remaining 7 EU countries. Nevertheless, importing raw materials, fuels and manufactured goods from transition and developing countries in Eastern Europe and Asia and resulting specialisation in lighter industries and services in the EU, is likely to lead to overall increases in global pressures. Returning to the case where distribution of production within the EU may lead to global benefits, it should be mentioned that it can also lead to local


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environmental problems due to overloading of local natural resources. An example of this is in Denmark, France and Holland where regional specialisation in intensive pig production leads to problems with contamination and eutrophication of ground and/or surface waters (Jongbloed et al, 1999).

Policy working towards and against environmentally beneficial specialisation

It was identified earlier that some drivers of specialisation work towards global environmental benefits while others work against them. Similarly policy can be identified which strengthens or weakens these respective drivers. Providing a level playing field is of key importance: any policy which acts towards harmonising polluter-pays costs across countries will lay a foundation for environmentally beneficial specialisation. Large differences in pollution costs between countries can encourage negative specialisation i.e. carbon intensive industry may relocate from a country with high carbon taxes to one with low taxes, reducing costs without the need to improve efficiency. This is termed as carbon leakage. Where pollution costs are harmonised, eco-efficiency can become a more important competitive variable in international markets. However, a second necessary condition is that pollution and material costs must be high enough to give a real competitive advantage to ecoefficient processes and local conditions, and override other differences between countries such as differentials in labour costs. Harmonisation of pollution regulation is a central element of the work of the EU Commission and DG Environment and has been progressed over the years through a variety of Directives. However, the costs of emissions still vary significantly between countries. The costs of carbon emissions are a case in point. While the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to a limited extent harmonises carbon costs within countries for large emitters, there can still be significant cost differences between countries. A recent report for the EU Commission on energy costs and carbon taxes in 7 EU countries found that taxes for energy intensive companies varied by a factor of nearly 10 (Andersen et al, 2007). Harmonisation of taxes on a number of other pressures, for example NOx emissions or minerals extraction, is lagging even further behind. Moreover, the same study found that carbon taxes remain a fairly insignificant cost factor for energy intensive companies. The nominal costs for carbon in the EU, lies at around 10-20 Euro per tonne. However due to the widespread use by countries of exemptions within the ETS, costs for large energy intensive companies typically lie at just 1-2 Euro per tonne, representing less than 2% of profits for most large emitters. Only in Sweden, the country most advanced in green tax reform, do carbon taxes represent

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring


over 3% of profits for some energy-intensive branches (Andersen et al, 2007). The use of exemptions within the ETS is only one example of protectionism of important national industries which can work directly against beneficial distribution of production within the EU (such as was illustrated by the example of the chemical industry in the Netherlands earlier). Other examples are where governments protect nationally important companies through state subsidies or laying of tariffs on imports etc. The common agricultural policy (CAP) is an important example of a subsidy system which works against drivers for beneficial specialisation. In general removal of perverse subsidies and liberalisation of markets will be beneficial but only if supported by green tax reform and harmonisation of emissions costs. There are examples within the EU of where green tax reform is already leading to potentially positive distribution of production. The Danish Energy Ministry has recently proposed to adjust carbon taxes for companies not covered by the ETS, to give similar costs per tonne as under the scheme. For some companies this will mean increases in carbon taxes per tonne by up to a factor of 50. One implication of this development is that it will no longer be economically viable to grow salads and vegetables in greenhouses in Denmark (Kronberg, 2008). In the future such products are likely to be increasingly imported from Spain and Italy. Since other studies have found that emissions associated with growing tomatoes in greenhouses in northern European countries are much higher than agricultural and transport emissions associated with importing field-grown tomatoes from the Mediterranean, this is likely to give global environmental benefits. With respect to this last point, transport fuel taxes also need to be harmonised with emissions costs for industry to ensure that environmental benefits of further distribution of production arent outweighed by resulting environmental pressures from increasing transportation of goods. Looking beyond regional borders, it is paradoxical that the green tax reform and tax harmonisation within the EU that is necessary for beneficial distribution of production within the EU, may at the same time lead to negative global environmental implications when trade with non-EU countries is taken into account. Increasing and harmonised emissions costs in the EU will push energy intensive industries out of Europe to countries with lower environmental standards and lower emissions costs. According to the GTAP data, the same industries in developing and transition countries have comparably lower ecoefficiencies, added to which will come emissions from increasing transportation. It is therefore imperative that at least the key exporting countries to the EU are encompassed by the post-Kyoto climate agreement. Until then there may be a case for imposing pressure related tariffs on imports from countries with no emissions taxes, at a rate similar to the taxes in the home country, as


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proposed by the French government in 2006 (ENDS, 2006a). This would require improved data on emissions coefficients for industry in other countries, and could only be justified if tax exemptions in the home country were removed. Moreover, such import tariffs may not be allowable under current WTO ruling (ENDS, 2006b).

Implications for monitoring progress in SCP

The discussions above have important implications for which pressures we monitor and take responsibility for as nation states. In theory we can feel responsible for direct territorial pressures arising from national production of goods and services and from households, or for direct and indirect global pressures activated by national consumption, or both. Essentially a choice between producer pays and consumer pays perspectives. To date most focus has been on taking responsibility for national production for both domestic use and for export: economy-wide emissions inventories and monitoring schemes generally only consider the production (or territorial) perspective. This is because consumption side responsibility is both more difficult to measure but also more difficult to administer with a much greater number of actors and limited influence of a national government over production taking place in other countries. As discussed, policy (and monitoring) focus on production can lead to increasing environmental pressures when looking from a global perspective by pushing heavy industry to areas with lower regulation and eco-efficiency. Moreover, such environmental costs are not visible under current production-based monitoring which therefore can give false positives for progress in decoupling. At the other end of the scale, specialisation of an economy in an impactintensive industry can potentially lead to overall global environmental benefits, even though it may cause the country to appear less sustainable than its neighbours using traditional territorial monitoring mechanisms. Monitoring of the production perspective can overlook or work against national specialisation with global benefits. The current UNFCCC methods for calculating inventories and defining national targets under Kyoto, do at least give allowance for existing specialisation in energy-intensive industries for the export market since targets are relative rather than absolute (i.e. relate to the countrys earlier emissions). However, they work against further national specialisation in GHG-intensive branches for export although this might decrease GHG emissions globally. Adjustments are made in national inventories for imports and exports of electricity, but no account is taken of GHG emissions embodied in imports and exports of other goods and services. The need to take account of such issues in post-Kyoto climate agreement have been studied in more detail by Peters and Hertwich (in press). Over and above climate change agreements and mechanisms, trade and specialisation are also directly relevant in the selection of indicators for sustainable consumption and production (SCP).

Specialisation and implications for SCP monitoring


As described above, the consumption perspective, although more difficult to evaluate and monitor, gives a better measure of sustainability of a countrys activities when viewed at the global scale, by avoiding both the false positives and false negatives of the production perspective. Moreover, while monitoring of national production is necessary as it allows governments to identify the need for further regulation of production processes (via IPPC, BATNEEC and seeding of new technologies through ETAP and similar initiatives), there are some indications that in Europe at least, potential for further efficiency gains in producing a given set of goods may be relatively limited (EEA, in press; Moll et al. 2005; The Guardian, 2007). It is certainly unlikely that the EU can achieve some of the long term goals of SCP through improvements in production cycles alone i.e. the 80% reduction in GHG emissions required from industrialised countries by 2050 (IPPC, 2007) and a halving of material resource consumption by 2030 called for by the EU parliament (ENDS, 2007). Future efforts in decoupling pressures from economic growth will need to focus more on changing the mix of goods being consumed by national populations i.e. focus on consumption-based measures and policy. Progress in these trends is best observed using the consumption perspective. It therefore can be argued that future national SCP indicator sets should have their chief focus on the consumption perspective. This would include both looking at total global pressures activated by national consumption, and also more detailed views of global value chains for individual consumption clusters. Such a change of perspective could encourage a shift in policy, from production-process-oriented to more consumption-focused. Concerns that national production for export would as a result fall into a monitoring and policy blind-spot, can be countered. The home market remains an important consumer for most national industries; even those with large shares in export and national production processes would therefore also be captured by the consumption perspective. The development of operational indicators based on the consumption perspective is still some way off, however. The input-output analysis method presented here can in theory capture global pressures activated by national consumption. However, the methods usefulness for this is currently limited by the boundaries of national NAMEAs. Accurately assessing the pressures released along global value chains of consumed goods would require harmonisation and linking of NAMEAs, both for the EU but also all the major importers to EU countries. Even the estimates of global pressures activated by national consumption as presented here are not yet operational as regular indicators with reasonably short reporting periods. This is because they use a symmetrical form of NAMEAs which are currently updated by countries only sporadically with typically four to five year delays.


David Watson and Stephan Moll

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