The word stroking has originated from the studies of the needs that babies have for physical affection for complete psychological development. Now it applies to all types of recognition. People seek recognition in interaction with others. Lack of strokinmg has its consequence bot physiological and psychological well being of the persons .The future of autonomy of a person depends upon the type of stroking he gets since his childhood .Joneward ans seyer observe that people need strokes for their sense of survival and well being on the job In fact strokes are a basic unit of motivation As a general Guide 1. The Quantity and quality of strokes serve as either positive or negative motivation for employees 2. A good Share of satisfaction we get from depends on the strokes available from other people: and 3. We can get strokes from the activities of the work itself specially if what we are doing really fits and we can take responsibility for it For Positive results on the job, it is crucial to give people positive strokes .If a person does not get proper strokes; he learns to manipulate the environment to get strokes. even if he is not able to get stroking after manipulating .he settles for a state which gives negative strokes .This process may continue even after child grows older unless he updates his original experience and becomes aware of the reality. There are two types of strokes POSTIVE AND NEGATIVE .the stroke that makes one feel O.K is a positive one. Words of recognition, affection, and pat on the back are come of the examples of positive strokes .As against this ,the stroke that makes on feel as not O.K is a negative one criticism, hating and scolding are the examples of negative stroke. However, people donot always seel positive strokes only . They may seek nefative strokes also for such reasons as guilt or a low self image .The Negative stroke completes a social transation for the people as they think it should be, that is it provides social equilibiruim from their point of view .For example when a superior criticizes his subordinates for committing certain mistakethe latter may feel relived of his mistake since expexted punishment has been recived .However,Negative strokes rarely change the undesirable behavior .The positive behavior can be secures by avoiding the punismnet parent to child approach and intiating an adult-to-adult intreration.Further ,giving and reciveing of positive strokes can be learned and people can make efforts to give positive strokes.
Psychological Games A psychological game is a set of transation witr three charactertics : 1. The Transaction Tend to be repeated : 2. They make sense on superficial or social level : and
3. One or more of the transaction is ulterior The set transaction ends with a predictable payoff a negative feeling .Payoff usually reinforce a decision made in childhood about onself or about others . They reflect feelings n non-OKness .When people play games ,they do things like this : fail to ccome through for others pass the buck ,make mistakes,complain about and dote on their own sorrows and inadequ ,and catch others in the act . Psychological games can be a powerfull force in preventing people and organizations from becoming winners. Game players usually assume one of three basic roles :persecuter,victim or resuer. Persecutors are characterized by such people who make unrealistic rules, enforce rules in cruel ways and pick on little guys rather than people of their own size .Victms are people who prove conventely and act confused.rescures are characterized by people who offer helpfulness to keep others dependent on them, do not really help others and may actually dislike helping and work to maintain the victim role so that they can contine to play rescuer . These three roles are not independent ,rather the players of psychological games often switch back and forth in their roles .In many circumstance , such characterctis may be real .For example ,people may be really victimized personally or politicaly,or discriminated against on the job .In such a case ,they real victims ,However ,Psychological game denotes that people assume the role of game players and differ from reality. Reasons for psychological Games People usually learn their game patterns right since their childhood .They learn to belive certain things about themselves and about others and act accordingly .As grown ups , they play games for a variety of reasons , important of them being as follows 1. To get strokes . People want positive strokes on their jobs ,However when they are not able to get these from others ,they try to set a situation where they satisfy their needs for strokes. 2. To strengthen psychological postions/ Games are generally played a strengthen psychological possiton ,which the people hold .if people hold non OK positions ,they try to emphasize it through the games .Jongeward observes that most of us occasionally assume an I am not OK postion and arrange our wirds to confirm it For People who think themselves as not Ok. Kick me games provide a powerful way to reconfirm negative expectation. 3. To Avoid or Control Intimacy . People who fear openness, accountability, and responsibility in relationship,play games as avoidance. This is so because games put distance between people .They can be used to control or block intimacy, keeping people away from open and honest encounters. Methods Of Preventing Games Games are essentially two-way transactions . Thus they can be broken on either side . However an effective thwarting of someones game is not possible witout changing the psychological postion of the person concerned .This is so because it is unrealistic to assume that the person is cured of game playing if suitable response is held .The person may be cured only of playing the games in that particular
situation or with that person ,and there is possibility that the person may play that games elsewhere .A therapeutic change is often necessary for permanent change .The knowledge of TA gives for more effective control over hurtful or harmful relationship one the job . Joneward has suggested the following steps to overcome the psychological gamed; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Avoidance of the complementary hand ; Avoidance of acting roles involved in games , particularly victim roles : Avoidance of putting other people down; Avoidance of putting oneself down ; Giving and taking positive strokes as against negative stokes Investing More of lifes time in activities and intimacy ; and Leveling the thinking with others
Benefits and uses of TA Ta is an approach towads undertaking human behavior .Thus it can be applied to any field of human interaction this is more particularly related to when people come for interaction and that too in interpaersonal relationship .Follwing are some of the specific areas where TA can be applied beneficially
Developing Postive Thinking TA is applied to bring ppstive from people because Ta Brings positive approach towards life and hence positive actions. Ta brings a clear change from negative feelingsconfusion ,defeat, fear, frustration, loneliness, pessimism and suppressiono positive fwwlingsclear thinking ,victory ,achievement, courage ,gratification, decision, friendship, optimism, and fulfillment .Such a change from negative attitude to positive attitude is a source of psychic energy .Positive attitude ,akes peiplew stronger and negative attitude ,makes them exhausting .Whole objective of TA training programme is directed towards positive thinking . Thus its application can enhance relations .Some of the specific areas for developing positive thinking through TA are stroking ,positive reinforcement, inner dialogue as related to decision making active listening and time structuring. Interpersonal Effectiveness Ta improves interpersonal relationship by providibg understanding of ego states of person involved in interaction .It emphasizes complementary transaction which ensure complte communication and problems solving approach .Since Complementry transaction can be learned by indicudiual in the organization,people can improve interpersonal relations through Ta .The effective managers may be able to analyze transactions with employees in the organizations . TA provides them with a theoretical framework within which to examine interactiom with the emplyess .The managers may be able to identify the ego states from which both parties are interacting .A better understanding of themselves
and of other persons will ,ake them more comfortable, confident and effective ,The improved interpersonal relation will bring effectiveness to the organization.
Motivation TA can be applied in motivation where it helps in satisfying human needs through complementary transactionsa nad positive strokes . managers can enrich jobs for people by helping them to enagage in kinds of activites that give them more positive strokes .It emphasizes strokes from the intrinsic value of the work,rather than depending entirely on strokes from outside (extrinsic).The job enrichment in this case means increasingly the number of intrinsic strokes gained from the work activity .TA helps in changing the managerial styles more suitable to the emergent situation .In this context,TA may be compared with McGregors Theory X and Y. The theory X managers emphasize parent child relationship and uses terms like should be ,have to, must and so on .He adopts a life position of Iam O.K you are not O.K which is not a healthy postion either for motivationg the employess or for the organization as a whole. On the other hand ,Theory y managers emphazies adult-adult interaction with life postion I am O.K you are O.K,Which is motivating for employess and beneficial to the organization as a whole.
Organizational Development Organizational Development applies a hum,anistic value system to wrk behavior and a reorienataion of mans thinjimdg and brhaviour towards his work organization.The major goal of organization development is to fight the past in the present in order to choose freely the futre. TA can help in organization development process.Joneward has defined the of Ta in six areas of organization development to maintin adult-adult give an Ok to the natural child,to identity and untangle quickly crossed transaction ,to minimize destructive game playing to maximize encounters (intimacy),and to develop supportive system,polices,and work environment.TA can be compared with managerial grid of blake and monton, a technique for adopting appropriate leadership styles Organizational Development. Various leadership styles may be described in terms of life ,ego states and transation.For example the9-1 managers uses parent-chilg transaction,the 1-9 manager acts from child ego state ,the 9-9 manager acts from adult ego and effectively makes use of parent and chil ego states .In managerial grig,9-9 style is the most desirable which corresponds with adult-adult transaction which is best according to TA. Besides the major arear,TA can be utilized anywhere the people come to interact Jongeward has suggested that transactional analysis is practical and useful interrelationship model foe organization bexause. 1. It is easy to learn 2. It gives a positive communication tools that is practical and almost immedialtely usable
3. It helps to increase a persons on-the-job effectiveness because of bettrr self understanding and greater insight into personalietes and transactions 4. It may help solve persomal and family problems 5. It gives a common language for people working together to attempt to solve their own communication problem 6. It is a non threatening approach to self eva;uatin and 7. It offers a method for analyzing not only people but also organizational scripts .