Diagnostic Methods

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SECTION 2 Diagnostic Methods

Diagnostic Methods..........................................................................2-1 Overview .......................................................................................2-1 Diagnostic Tools...............................................................................2-2 Scan Tool Setup and Functionality..................................................2-3 Vehicle Check/Preparation...............................................................2-4 Visual Checks ...............................................................................2-4 Vehicle Preparation ......................................................................2-4 Quick Test Description.....................................................................2-5 Clear the Continuous Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and Reset the Emission Monitors Information in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) ..............................................2-7 Resetting The Keep Alive Memory (KAM) ......................................2-8 On-Board System Readiness (OSR) Test.......................................2-9 Output State Control (OSC)...........................................................2-10 Output Test Mode (OTM)...............................................................2-11 Parameter Identification (PID)........................................................2-12 Freeze Frame Data........................................................................2-20

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

SECTION 2 Diagnostic Methods

Contents (Continued)
Flash Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)...................................................................2-22 Diagnostic Monitoring Test Results Mode 6.............................2-24 On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle ......................................2-25 Intermittent Diagnostic Techniques................................................2-28 Recreating the Fault ...................................................................2-28 Accumulating PCM Data ............................................................2-28 Comparing PCM Data ................................................................2-29 Adaptive Fuel Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Diagnostic Techniques ................................................................................2-30

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Diagnostic Methods

The Diagnostic Methods Section provides information on routine diagnostic tasks. When following powertrain diagnostics on vehicles with on board diagnostics (OBD), the system may be checked by an off-board tester referred to as a scan tool. This section contains information for carrying out diagnostics with a scan tool. A scan tool has certain generic capabilities that are standard across the automotive industry in the United States and Canada. All functions are selected from a menu. Refer to the instruction manual provided by the tool manufacturer.

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Diagnostic Methods

Diagnostic Tools

Below is an equipment list with corresponding part numbers: REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) and Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) software with appropriate hardware, or equivalent scan tool with functionality described under Scan Tool Setup and Functionality. Rotunda Smoke Machine, Fuel Evaporative Emission System Tester 218-00001 (522) or equivalent. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT: Rotunda Vacuum/Pressure Tester 164-R0253 or equivalent. Range 0-101.3 kPa (0-30 in-Hg.) Resolution 3.4 kPa (1 in-Hg.) Rotunda Vacuum Tester 014-R1054 or equivalent. Range 0-101.3 kPa (0-30 in-Hg.) Rotunda 73III Automotive Meter 105-R0057 or equivalent. Input impedance 10 Megaohm minimum. Spark Tester D81P-6666-A (303-D037) or equivalent. Non-powered test lamp. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Rotunda Fuel (Gasoline) pressure test kit 134-R0087 or equivalent. (Use tool manufacturers instructions.)

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Diagnostic Methods


Scan Tool Setup and Functionality

Connect the scan tool to the data link connector (DLC) for communication with the vehicle. The DLC is located in the driver side compartment under the steering column. It is attached to the instrument panel and accessible from the driver seat. The DLC is rectangular in design and capable of accommodating up to 16 terminals. The connector has keying features to allow easy connection. The required scan tool functions are described below: monitor, record, and playback of parameter identification (PIDs) freeze frame PID data diagnostic test modes; self-test, clear diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) output test mode resetting keep alive memory (KAM) diagnostic monitoring test results (mode 6) for on board diagnostic (OBD) on board monitors on-board system readiness (OBD monitor completion status) Some of these functions are described in this section. Refer to the scan tool manufacturers instruction manual for specific information on scan tool setup and operation.

International Standards Organization (ISO) 14229 Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Descriptions
The ISO 14229 DTC is a set of common requirements for diagnostic systems. The scan tool displays a failure type and a status type with the DTC. The types display additional information on the scan tool for the condition that set the DTC. For a list of failure type descriptions, refer to Section 1, Powertrain Control Software, International Standards Organization (ISO) 14229 Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Descriptions.

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Diagnostic Methods

Vehicle Check/Preparation

Before using the scan tool to carry out any test, refer to the important Safety Notice located at the beginning of this manual and the necessary visual checks listed below.

Visual Checks
Inspect the air cleaner and inlet duct. Check all engine vacuum hoses for damage, leaks, cracks, kinks, and proper routing. Check the electronic engine control (EEC) system wiring harness for proper connections, bent or broken pins, corrosion, loose wires, and proper routing. Check the powertrain control module (PCM), sensors, and actuators for physical damage. Check the engine coolant for proper level and mixture. Check the transmission fluid level and quality. Make all necessary repairs before continuing with the quick test. Refer to Section 3, Quick Test.

Vehicle Preparation
Carry out all safety steps required to start and run vehicle tests. Apply the parking brake, place the gear selector lever firmly into the PARK position on automatic transmission vehicles or NEUTRAL on manual transmission vehicles, and block the drive wheels. Turn off all electrical loads such as radios, lamps, A/C, blower, and fans. Start the engine (if the engine runs) and bring it up to the normal operating temperature before running the quick test.

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Diagnostic Methods


Quick Test Description

Quick Test
The quick test is divided into 3 specialized tests: (1) Key On Engine Off (KOEO) On-Demand Self-Test (2) Key On Engine Running (KOER) On-Demand Self-Test (3) Continuous Memory Self-Test The quick test checks the integrity and function of the electronic engine control (EEC) system and outputs the test results when requested by the scan tool. The quick test also provides a quick check of the powertrain control system, and is usually carried out at the start of each diagnostic procedure with all accessories off. The quick test is also carried out at the end of most pinpoint tests for verification of the repair and to make sure no other concerns are incurred while repairing a previous concern. A system pass is displayed when no diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are output and a scan tool communication error does not exist. System pass means that hardware monitored by the powertrain control module (PCM) is functioning within the normal operating limits. Only a system pass, a DTC, or an incomplete on board diagnostic (OBD) drive cycle (P1000) is displayed. For applications that use a stand-alone transmission control module (TCM) the PCM does not output TCM DTCs. For TCM self-test and diagnostics, refer to the Workshop Manual Section 307-01 Automatic Transmission.

Key On Engine Off (KOEO) On-Demand Self-Test

The KOEO on-demand self-test is a functional test of the PCM carried out on-demand with the key on and the engine off. This test carries out checks on certain sensor and actuator circuits. A concern must be present at the time of testing for the KOEO self-test to detect the concern. When a concern is detected, a DTC is output on the data link at the end of the test as requested by the scan tool.

Key On Engine Running (KOER) On-Demand Self-Test

The KOER on-demand self-test is a functional test of the PCM carried out on-demand with the key on, the engine running and the vehicle stopped. A check of certain inputs and outputs is made during operating conditions and at a normal operating temperature. The brake pedal position, transmission control, and the power steering tests are part of the KOER on-demand self-test and must be carried out during this operation if applicable. These are described below. A concern must be present at the time of testing for the KOER on-demand self-test to detect the concern. When a concern is detected, a DTC is output on the data link at the end of the test as requested by the scan tool.

Brake Pedal Position (BPP) Test

The BPP test checks the ability of the EEC system to detect a change of state in the BPP switch. The brake pedal is briefly applied and released on all vehicles equipped with a BPP input. This is done during a KOER on-demand self-test.
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Diagnostic Methods

Quick Test Description

Power Steering Pressure (PSP) Test

The PSP test checks the ability of the EEC system to detect a change in the power steering system fluid pressure. The steering wheel is briefly turned at least 1/4 of a revolution on vehicles equipped with a PSP switch or sensor. This is done during a KOER on-demand self-test.

Transmission Control Switch (TCS) Test

The TCS test checks the ability of the EEC system to detect a change of state in the TCS. The switch is briefly cycled on all vehicles equipped with a TCS input. This is done during a KOER on-demand self-test.

Continuous Memory Self-Test

The continuous memory self-test is a functional test of the PCM carried out under any condition (engine running or off) with the key on. Unlike the KOEO and KOER self-tests, which can only be activated on-demand, the continuous self-test is always active. A concern does not need to be present when accessing continuous memory self-test DTCs, making the test valuable when diagnosing intermittent concerns. The vehicle may need to be driven or the on board diagnostic (OBD) drive cycle completed to allow the PCM to detect a concern. Refer to On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle in this section for more information. When a concern is stored in memory, a DTC is output on the data link when requested by the scan tool. There are two types of continuous DTCs. The first type is an emission-related code which illuminates the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) in the instrument cluster. The second is a non-emission related, non-MIL code which does not illuminate the cluster indicator. For emission-related MIL codes, the PCM stores the DTC in continuous memory when a concern is detected for the first time. At this point the DTC does not illuminate the MIL and is now considered a pending code. The purpose of pending codes is to assist in repair verification by reporting a pending DTC after one drive cycle. If the same concern is detected after the next ignition start-run cycle, the emission-related MIL code illuminates the MIL. The MIL remains on even if the concern is intermittent. The MIL is extinguished if the concern is not present through 3 consecutive drive cycles or if the concern is fixed and the DTCs are cleared. Also, an emission-related pending MIL and any non-emission related, non-MIL DTCs are erased after approximately 40 vehicle warm-up cycles or if the DTCs are cleared. Any scan tool that meets OBD requirements can access the continuous memory to retrieve emission-related MIL DTCs. However, not all scan tools access pending and non-emission related, non-MIL DTCs in the same way. During most diagnostic procedures in this manual, it is required that all DTCs be retrieved and cleared. Consult the instruction manual from the tool manufacturer for specific instructions.

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Diagnostic Methods


Clear the Continuous Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and Reset the Emission Monitors Information in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
All on board diagnostics (OBD) scan tools support the clearing of continuous DTCs and resetting of emission monitors information in the PCM. The clearing of the continuous DTCs allows the scan tool to command the PCM to clear/reset all emission-related diagnostic information. While carrying out this operation DTC P1000 is stored in the PCM until all the OBD system monitors or components have been tested to satisfy a drive cycle without any other concerns occurring. For more information about a drive cycle, refer to On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle in this section. The following events occur when the continuous DTCs and the emission monitors information is cleared from the PCM: the number of DTCs is reset the DTCs are cleared the freeze frame data is cleared the diagnostic monitoring test results are reset the status of the OBD system monitors is reset DTC P1000 is set

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Diagnostic Methods

Resetting The Keep Alive Memory (KAM)

Resetting the KAM returns the powertrain control module (PCM) memory to its default setting. Adaptive learning contents such as adaptive airflow, idle speed, refueling event, and fuel trim are included. Clear the continuous diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) in the PCM and reset the emission monitors information, is part of a KAM reset. Refer to Clear the Continuous Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and Reset the Emission Monitors Information in the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) in this section. Both can be useful in post-repair testing. After the KAM has been reset, the vehicle may exhibit certain driveability concerns. It is necessary to allow the engine to idle at normal operating temperature with the air conditioning (A/C) OFF for 2 minutes. Then drive the vehicle to allow the PCM to learn the values for optimum driveability and performance. This function may not be supported by all scan tools. Refer to the scan tool manufacturers instruction manual. If an error message is received or the scan tool does not support this function, disconnecting the battery ground cable for a minimum of 5 minutes may be used as an alternative procedure.

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Diagnostic Methods


On-Board System Readiness (OSR) Test

All on board diagnostic (OBD) scan tools display the on-board system readiness (OSR) test. The OSR displays the supported monitors on the vehicle and the status of all monitors (complete or not complete) at that time. Fuel, misfire, and comprehensive component monitors (CCMs) run continuously and always display YES status. Clearing the continuous diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and resetting the emission monitors information in the powertrain control module (PCM), or resetting the keep alive memory (KAM) causes the non-continuous monitors to change to a NO status. A detailed description of completing the OBD monitors is found in this section. Refer to On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle in this section.

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Diagnostic Methods

Output State Control (OSC)


WARNING: Safety must be observed when using OSC. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury. The OSC aids in diagnosing output actuators associated with the powertrain control module (PCM) for the engine. This mode allows the technician to command the individual actuator state. For example: the output can be enabled or disabled, the duty cycle or the angle of the output can be increased or decreased. The OSC is used to help test the electrical, hydraulic or mechanical components of the vehicle. This function is supported by the vehicle strategy but may not be present on all vehicles or available on all scan tools. Retrieve the continuous codes and carry out a key on, engine off (KOEO) and key on, engine running (KOER) on-demand self-test before using any OSC. Any diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) related to the transmission range (TR) sensor, output shaft sensor (OSS) or the vehicle speed sensor (VSS) must be fixed or the PCM does not allow the OSC to operate. The OSC has 2 options for operation, the Bench Mode and the Drive Mode. The Bench Mode is functional only when the vehicle gear selector is in the PARK or NEUTRAL position. The Bench Mode may be used when the engine is on (running) or off (not running). Each OSC function has a unique set of vehicle operating requirements that the technician is required to meet before operating the OSC. If the vehicle requirements are not met while commanding the OSC value, an error message appears. When the error message is received, OSC is canceled. To confirm that the scan tool sent the OSC value and the PCM has accepted the OSC substitution, a corresponding parameter identification (PID) for each OSC parameter must be monitored.
One Touch Integrated Start System

Some vehicles are equipped with one touch integrated start system. It may be necessary to disable the one touch integrated start system to carry out diagnostic procedures that require extended cranking. Connect the scan tool, access the PCM and select the one touch integrated start system control PID to disable the system.

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Diagnostic Methods


Output Test Mode (OTM)


WARNING: Safety must be observed when using OTM. When all outputs are on, the electric fuel pump is briefly energized. Make sure the fuel system is intact and is not being repaired at this time. When low speed or high speed fan control(s) are turned on, make sure the fan blades are clear of any obstruction. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury. The OTM aids in diagnosing output actuators associated with the powertrain control module (PCM). This mode allows the technician to energize and de-energize most of the system output actuators on command. When entering OTM, the outputs can be turned off and on without activating the fan control. The low and high speed fan controls may be turned on separately without energizing the other outputs. This function is supported by each vehicle strategy and may not be available on all scan tools. As a safety precaution, OTM defaults to the off state after 10 minutes, and the fuel pump off state after approximately 7-10 seconds. OTM also turns off after the vehicle is started or after cycling the key off then on.

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Diagnostic Methods

Parameter Identification (PID)

The PID mode allows access to powertrain control module (PCM) information. This includes analog and digital signal inputs and outputs along with calculated values and the system status. There are 2 types of PID lists available and both are used throughout this manual. The first is the generic (J1979) OBD PID list. This is a standard set of PIDs that all scan tools must be able to access. The second is a Ford-specific (J2190) list which can be accessed by an appropriate scan tool. When accessing any of these PIDs, the values are continuously updated. The generic or Ford PID list provides definitions and values in appropriate units. For more information, refer to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) document J2205.

Generic OBD PID List

An X in the Freeze Frame column denotes both a mode 1 and mode 2 PID (real time and freeze frame).
Freeze Frame X X X X X X X X X AAT AIR APP APP APP D E F Acronym Description Ambient Air Temperature Secondary Air Status Accelerator Pedal Position D Accelerator Pedal Position E Accelerator Pedal Position F Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1 Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2 Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1 Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 2 Distance since codes cleared Continuous DTC Counter Engine Coolant Temperature PCT ERR Commanded EGR EGR Error Commanded Evaporative Purge Evaporative System Vapor Pressure Commanded Equivalence Ratio Fuel System Feedback Control Status-Bank 1 Measurement Units Degrees On/Off % % % Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees Km Unitless Degrees % % % Pa Unit OL/CL/OL DRIVEa/OL FAULT/ CL FAULT OL/CL/OL DRIVEa/OL FAULT/ CL FAULT Degrees %






Fuel System Feedback Control Status-Bank 2


Intake Air Temperature



Calculated Engine Load

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Parameter Identification (PID)

Freeze Frame X X LOAD


Description Absolute Load Value Current Bank 1 Fuel Trim Adjustment (kamref1) From Stoichiometry Which Is Considered Long Term Current Bank 2 Fuel Trim Adjustment (kamref2) From Stoichiometry Which Is Considered Long Term Mass Air Flow Rate Distance traveled with MIL on Bank 1 Upstream Oxygen Sensor (11) Bank 1 Downstream Oxygen Sensor (12) Bank 1 Downstream Oxygen Sensor (13) Bank 2 Upstream Oxygen Sensor (21) Bank 2 Downstream Oxygen Sensor (22) Bank 2 Downstream Oxygen Sensor (23) On Board Diagnostic System

Measurement Units % %




gm/s-lb/min Kilometer Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts OBD II OBD I OBD Combination of or None On/Off RPM Seconds %



Power Take-Off Status Revolutions per Minute Run time Current Bank Fuel Trim Adjustment (lambse1) From Stoichiometry Which Is Considered Short Term Current Bank 2 Fuel Trim Adjustment (lambse1) From Stoichiometry Which Is Considered Short Term Spark Advance Requested Spark Advance Actual Commanded Throttle Actuator Throttle Position Relative Throttle Position Number of warm ups since codes cleared Vehicle Speed Sensor


X X X X X X a b


Degrees Degrees % % % Units km/h-mph

OL = Open loop, have not satisfied conditions for closed loop. Percent engine load adjusted for atmospheric pressure.

CL = Closed loop using HO2S(s) as feedback for fuel control. OL DRIVE = Open loop due to driving conditions (heavy acceleration). OL FAULT = Open loop due to fault with all upstream HO2S sensors. CL FAULT = Closed loop fuel control, but fault with one upstream HO2S sensor on dual bank vehicles.
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Diagnostic Methods

Parameter Identification (PID)

Ford PID List

Note: This is not a complete list of Ford PIDs available. This is a list of Ford PIDs in this manual.
(Continued) 2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Description Air Conditioning Cycling Switch Input A/C Pressure Transducer Sensor A/C Pressure Transducer Sensor A/C Pressure Transducer Sensor A/C Pressure Transducer Sensor Secondary AIR Pump Control Secondary AIR Fault Indicator Secondary AIR Pump Monitor Accelerator Pedal Position Accelerator Pedal Position 1 Accelerator Pedal Position 2 Accelerator Pedal Position 3

Ford Units On/Off Volts kPa/psi DCV/psi psi On/Off Yes/No On/Off % Volts Volts Volts Degrees Pedal position Ratio DCV Frequency On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off Yes/No On/Off Degrees Volts Miles Count Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No On/Off On/Off Yes/No Volts Count Count


Maximum Difference between APP1 and APP2 Accelerator Pedal Position Mode Axle Ratio Battery Voltage Barometric Pressure Sensor Brake Pedal Position (BPP) Switch Brake Pedal Position (BPP) Switch Brake Pedal Switch (BPS) Brake Pedal Switch (BPS) Brake Pedal Position (BPP) Switch Catalyst Evaluated Coast Clutch Solenoid Control Cylinder Head Temperature Input Cylinder Head Temperature Input Distance Since DTCs Cleared Number of Warm-ups Since DTCs Cleared Camshaft Position Sensor Fault Mode Camshaft Position Sensor 2 Fault Mode Camshaft Position Sensor Fault Mode Clutch Pedal Position Switch Input Clutch Pedal Position/Park Neutral Position Switch Input Crank Fueling Disabled Differential Pressure Feedback EGR Input Number of Successful Key Cycles and Engine Starts Total Number of Fault Codes

Diagnostic Methods


Parameter Identification (PID)


Description Engine Coolant Temperature Input Engine Coolant Temperature Input Engine Coolant Temperature Engine Coolant Temperature Desired EGR Motor Control Output Command EGR Motor Control Output Command EGR Motor Control Output Command EGR Motor Control Output Command Electric EGR Motor Commanded in Steps Commanded EGR EGR Valve Vacuum Control EGR Evaluated EGR Valve Motor Position Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Input Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Input Volts Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Fault Electronic Pressure Control Electronic Pressure Control Electronic Throttle Control Actual Electronic Throttle Control Desired Electronic Throttle Control Trim Evaporative Emissions Monitor Evaporative Emissions Monitor Evaporative Emissions Monitor Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Fault Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Vent Control

Ford Units Degrees Volts Degrees F Degrees F On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off % % Yes/No Position Degrees Volts Fault/No Fault kPa/PSI Volts Degrees Degrees Degrees Yes/No Allow/ Disallow Ready/ Not Ready Yes/No % Yes/No Hz/% Yes/No Status Yes/No Current (mA) % RPM % Fault/No Fault On/Off % % %


Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Vent Fault Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Solenoid Duty Cycle Evaporative Emissions Monitor Soak Conditions are Met Evaporative Emissions Monitor Completed Cycle Evaporative Emissions Monitor Evaluated Electronic Vapor Management Valve Commanded Current Variable Speed Fan Duty Cycle Fan Speed Sensor Signal Variable Speed Fan Output Variable Speed Fan Output Fault Fuel Cap Indicator Light Fuel Level Indicator Input Fuel Pump Duty Cycle Fuel Pump Secondary Monitor

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Diagnostic Methods

Parameter Identification (PID)


Description Fuel Pump Secondary Monitor Fuel Rail Pressure Input Fuel Rail Pressure Input Fuel Rail Pressure Desired Fuel Rail Temperature Fuel Rail Temperature Voltage Fuel Tank Pressure Input Fuel Tank Pressure Input Fuel Tank Pressure Input Injector Pulse Width Bank 1 Injector Pulse Width Bank 2 Fuel System Status Fuel System Status Bank 1 Transmission Gear Status Generator Command Generator Field Signal Monitor High Speed Fan Control Bank 1 Sensor 1 HO2S Heater Control Bank 1 Sensor 1 HO2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 1 Sensor 2 HO2S Heater Control Bank 1 Sensor 2 HO2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 1 Sensor 3 HO2S Heater Control Bank 1 Sensor 3 HO2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 2 Sensor 1 HO2S Heater Control Bank 2 Sensor 1 HO2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 2 Sensor 2 HO2S Heater Control Bank 2 Sensor 2 1 HO2S Heater Circuit Fault Bank 1 Sensor 1 O2S Heater Circuit Current Bank 1 Sensor 2 O2S Heater Circuit Current Bank 2 Sensor 1 O2S Heater Circuit Current Bank 2 Sensor 2 O2S Heater Circuit Current HO2S Sensor 1 (Upstream) Heater Control HO2S Sensor 2 (Downstream) Heater Control Bank 1 Sensor 1 HO2S Input Bank 1 Sensor 2 HO2S Input Bank 1 Sensor 3 HO2S Input Bank 2 Sensor 1 HO2S Input Bank 2 Sensor 2 HO2S Input Idle Air Control Intake Air Temperature Input

Ford Units On/Off kPa/PSI Volts PSI Degrees Volts kPa/in-H2O Volts in-H2O Milliseconds Milliseconds Open/Closed Loop Open/Closed Loop Gear Yes/No % On/Off On/Off Yes/No On/Off Yes/No On/Off Yes/No On/Off Yes/No On/Off Yes/No Amps Amps Amps Amps On/Off On/Off Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts % Degrees

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Diagnostic Methods


Parameter Identification (PID)


Description Intake Air Temperature Input Volts Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Input Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Input Ignition Switch Run/Start Intake Manifold Runner Control Intake Manifold Runner Control Fault Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor Input Bank 1 Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor Input Bank 1 Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Fuel Injector Primary Fault (Cylinders 1-8) Fuel Injector Primary Fault (Cylinders 9 and 10) Injectors Circuit Voltage Monitor Input Shaft Speed Knock Sensor 1 Signal Knock Sensor 2 Signal Low Speed Fan Control Calculated Engine Load Long Term Fuel Trim Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 Fuel System Status Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 2 Mass Airflow Rate Input Mass Airflow Rate Input Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (Analog) Medium Speed Fan Control Malfunction Indicator Lamp Control Distance Since MIL was Activated Misfire Status Learned Misfire Correction Profile Number of Misfires Bank 1 O2S Status Bank 2 O2S Status Bank 1 Sensor 1 O2S Input Bank 1 Sensor 2 O2S Input Bank 2 Sensor 1 O2S Input Bank 2 Sensor 2 O2S Input Oxygen Sensor Circuits Evaluated Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuits Evaluated Overdrive Cancel Function

Ford Units Volts Degrees Volts On/Off On/Off Yes/No Volts Volts % Yes/No Yes/No DCV Hz/RPM N/A N/A On/Off % % % Open/Closed Loop % gm/s Volts Hz Volts On/Off On/Off Miles Yes/No Yes/No Count Rich/Lean Rich/Lean DCV DCV DCV DCV Yes/No Yes/No On/Off



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Diagnostic Methods

Parameter Identification (PID)


Description Output Shaft Speed Output Shaft Speed One Touch Integrated Start System Status Passive Anti-Theft System Status Positive Crankcase Ventilation Heater Control Power Steering Pressure Switch Input Power Steering Pressure Input

Ford Units RPM RPM Enabled/Disabled Enabled/Disabled Percent High/Low Volts Volts On/Off Yes/No Volts On/Off RPM RPM On/Off On/Off % % % Degrees MS On/Off On/Off On/Off On/Off Enabled/Disabled. % On/Off On/Off RPM DCV/ Degrees Volts Nm Volts Degrees Volts Volts Position Open/Closed Open/Closed

Power Steering Pressure Input Power Take Off Status Input Power Take Off Engage Input Power Take Off RPM Select Input Power Take Off Indicator Lamp Output Engine Speed Based Upon CKP Input RPM Desired Transmission Reverse Switch Input Supercharger Bypass Control Short Term Fuel Trim Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 2 Spark Advance Desired Spark Duration (Cylinders 1-8) Shift Solenoid 1 Control Shift Solenoid 2 Control Shift Solenoid 3 Control Shift Solenoid 4 Control Starter Relay Torque Converter Clutch Control Transmission Control Indicator Lamp Clutch Control Status Transmission Control Switch (TCS) Transfer Case Speed Sensor Transmission Fluid Temperature Input Transmission Fluid Temperature Input Net Torque Into Torque Converter Throttle Position Input Maximum Angle Difference between TP1 and TP2 Throttle Position 1 Voltage Throttle Position 2 Voltage Transmission Selector Position Input Status Transmission Range Sensor 1 Transmission Range Sensor 2 1-8

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Diagnostic Methods


Parameter Identification (PID)


Description Transmission Range Sensor 3 Transmission Range Sensor 4 Transmission Selector Position Input Status Transmission Selector Position Input Status (Digital) OBD II Trips Completed Turbine Shaft Speed/Input Shaft Speed Turbine Shaft Speed/Input Shaft Speed Turbine Shaft Speed/Input Shaft Speed Variable Cam Timing Advance Variable Cam Timing Advance 2 Variable Cam Timing Advance Error Variable Cam Timing Advance 2 Error Variable Cam Timing Advance Duty Cycle Variable Cam Timing Advance Duty Cycle Variable Cam Timing System Status Desired Voltage Vehicle Power Voltage Vehicle Reference Voltage Vehicle Speed A/C Clutch Command WOT A/C Primary Circuit Fault

Ford Units Open/Closed Open/Closed Volts Binary Count RPM RPM RPM Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees % % Open Loop/ Closed Loop Volts Volts Volts km/h-mph On/Off Yes/No

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Diagnostic Methods

Freeze Frame Data

Freeze frame data allows access to emission-related values from specific generic parameter identification (PIDs). These values are stored when an emission-related diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is stored in continuous memory. This provides a snapshot of the conditions that were present when the DTC was stored. Once one set of freeze frame data is stored, this data remains in memory even if another emission-related DTC is stored, with the exception of misfire or fuel system DTCs. Once freeze frame data for a misfire or fuel system DTC is stored, it overwrites any previous data, and freeze frame data is no longer overwritten. When a DTC associated with the freeze frame data is erased or the DTCs are cleared, new freeze frame data can be stored again. In the event of multiple emission-related DTCs in memory, always note the DTC for the freeze frame data.
Acronym AAT AIR APP APP APP BARO CATTEMP11 CATTEMP21 CLRDIST ECT EQ EQ EQ RAT RAT11 RAT21 D E F Description Ambient Air Temperature Secondary Air Status Accelerator Pedal Position D Accelerator Pedal Position E Accelerator Pedal Position F Barometric Pressure Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1 Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1 Distance Since Codes Cleared Engine Coolant Temperature Commanded Equivalence Ratio Lambda Value Bank 1, Sensor 1 Lambda Value Bank 2, Sensor 1 Commanded Evaporative Purge Evaporative System Vapor Pressure Fuel Level Input Fuel Rail Pressure Open/Closed Loop 1 Open/Closed Loop 2 Intake Air Temperature Long Term Fuel Bank 1 Long Term Fuel Bank 2 Calculated Load Value Mass Air Flow Rate Manifold Absolute Pressure Bank 1 Upstream Oxygen Sensor (11) Bank 1 Downstream Oxygen Sensor (12) Bank 2 Upstream Oxygen Sensor (21) % % % kPa Degrees Degrees Km Degrees Unit Unit Unit % Pa % kPa OL/CL/OL DRIVE/OL FAULT/CL FAULT OL/CL/OL DRIVE/OL FAULT/CL FAULT Degrees % % % g/s kPa Volts/mA Volts Volts/mA Degrees Measurement Units


2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Freeze Frame Data


Acronym O2S22 RPM RUNTM SFT1 SFT2 SPARKADV TAC PCT TP TP REL VS WARMUPS Engine RPM Run Time Short Term Fuel Bank 1 Short Term Fuel Bank 2 Spark Advance Commanded Throttle Actuator Absolute Throttle Position Relative Throttle Position Vehicle Speed Number of Warmups Since Code Cleared Description Bank 2 Downstream Oxygen Sensor (22) Volts RPM Seconds % % Degrees % % % km/h-mph Units Measurement Units

Some unique PIDs are stored in the keep alive memory (KAM) of the powertrain control module (PCM) to help in diagnosing the root cause of misfires. These PIDs are collectively called misfire freeze frame (MFF) data. These parameters are separate from the generic freeze frame data that is stored for every MIL code. They are used for misfire diagnosis only. The MFF data could be more useful for misfire diagnosis than the generic freeze frame data. It is captured at the time of the highest misfire rate, and not when the DTC is stored at the end of a 200 or 1,000 revolution block. (Generic freeze frame data for misfire can be stored minutes after the misfire actually occurred.) Note: MFF PIDs are supported on all vehicles, but may not be available on all scan tools because enhanced PID access may vary by scan tool manufacturer.
PID Name MFF RPM MFF LOAD MFF VSS MFF IAT MFF SOAK MFF RNTM MFF EGR MFF TP MFF TRIP MFF PNP MP LRN Description Engine RPM at the time of misfire Engine load at the time of misfire Vehicle speed at the time of misfire Intake air temperature at the time of misfire Engine-off soak time at the time of misfire Engine running time at the time of misfire EGR DPFE sensor at the time of misfire Throttle Position at time of misfire Number of driving cycles at the time of misfire (at least one 1,000 rev block) 1= in DRIVE during the time of misfire 1= Misfire wheel profile learned in KAM RPM % km/h-mph Degrees Time Time Volts Volts Number of Trips Mode Yes/No Measurement Units

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007


Diagnostic Methods

Flash Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)

The EEPROM is contained in an integrated circuit internal to the powertrain control module (PCM). The EEPROM contains the vehicle strategy including calibration information specific to the vehicle, and is capable of being programmed or flashed repeatedly. As part of the calibration there is an area referred to as the vehicle identification (VID) block. The VID block is programmed when installing a new PCM as described under Programming the VID Block for a Replacement PCM. Failure to carry out this procedure may generate DTCs P1635 or P1639. The VID block in an existing PCM can also be tailored to accommodate various hardware or parameter changes made to the vehicle since production. Failure to carry out this procedure properly may generate DTC P1635, Tire/Axle Ratio out of Acceptable Range. An incorrect tire/axle ratio is one of the main causes for DTC P1639. This is described under Making Changes to the VID Block and also under Making Changes to the PCM Calibration. The VID block contains many items used by the strategy for a variety of functions. Some of these items include the vehicle identification number (VIN), octane adjust, fuel octane, fuel type, vehicle speed limit, tire size, axle ratio, the presence of speed control, and 4-wheel drive electronic shift-on-the-fly (ESOF) versus manual shift-on-the-fly (MSOF). Only items applicable to the vehicle hardware and supported by the VID block is displayed on the scan tool. When changing items in the VID block, the strategy places range limits on certain items such as tire and axle ratio. The number of times the VID block may be reconfigured is limited. When this limit is reached, the scan tool displays a message indicating the need to flash the PCM again to reset the VID block. Programming can be carried out by a local Ford dealer or any non-Ford facility. Refer to the scan tool manufacturers instruction manual for details.

Programming the VID Block for a Replacement PCM

A new PCM contains the latest strategy and calibration level for a particular vehicle. However, the VID block is blank and needs programming. There are 2 procedures available. The first is an automatic data transfer from the old PCM to the new PCM, and the second is manual data entry into the new PCM. Automatic data transfer is carried out if the old PCM is capable of communicating. This is done by using a scan tool to retrieve data from the old PCM before removing it from the vehicle. The stored data can then be downloaded to the new PCM after it has been installed.

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Flash Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM)

Carry out manual data entry if the old module is damaged or incapable of communicating. Remove and install a new PCM. Using a compatible scan tool, select and carry out the module/parameter programming, referring to the scan tool manufacturers instruction manual. Make certain that all parameters are included. Failure to properly program tire size in revolutions per mile, (rev/mile equals 63,360 divided by the tire circumference in inches), axle ratio, 4x4/4x2, and/or MSOF/ESOF may result in DTCs P1635 and P1639. You may be instructed to contact the As-Built Data Center for the information needed to manually update the VID block with the scan tool. Contact the center only if the old PCM cannot be used or the data is corrupt. For Ford and Lincoln Mercury technicians, contact your National Hotline or the Professional Technician Society (PTS) website for As-Built data listed under the Service Publications Index. Non-Ford technicians use the Motorcraft website at www.motorcraft.com. From the Motorcraft homepage, use the search function to find the Module Programming or As-Built Data. For Ford and Lincoln Mercury technicians, check the Programmable Module Installation link on the PTS website for quick Programmable Module data information by vehicle.

Making Changes to the VID Block

A PCM which is programmed may require changes to be made to certain VID information to accommodate the vehicle hardware. Refer to Module Reprogramming on the scan tool.

Making Changes to the PCM Calibration

At certain times, the entire EEPROM needs to be completely reprogrammed. This is due to changes made to the strategy or calibration after production, or the need to reset the VID block because it has reached its limit. Refer to Module Reprogramming on the scan tool.

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Diagnostic Methods

Diagnostic Monitoring Test Results Mode 6

Mode 6 allows access to the results of on board diagnostic (OBD) monitor diagnostic test results. The test values are stored at the time of the particular monitor completion. Refer to mode 6 on the scan tool for test information.

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle

Description of On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle

The following procedure is designed to execute and complete the OBD monitors and to clear the Ford P1000, I/M readiness code. To complete a specific monitor for repair verification, follow steps 1 through 4, then continue with the step described by the appropriate monitor found under the OBD Monitor Exercised column. For the EVAP/secondary AIR monitor to run, the ambient air temperature must be between 4.4 to 37.8C (40 to 100F), and the altitude below 2,438 meters (8,000 feet). If the P1000 code must be cleared in these conditions, the powertrain control module (PCM) must detect them once (twice on some applications) before the EVAP monitor can be bypassed and diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P1000 is cleared. The EVAP bypassing procedure is described in the following drive cycle. The OBD drive cycle is carried out using a scan tool. Refer to the manufacturers instruction manual for each described function. A detailed description for clearing the DTCs is found in this section. Refer to Clear The Continuous Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) And Reset The Emission Monitors Information in The Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

Drive Cycle Recommendations

WARNING: Strict observance of posted speed limits and attention to driving conditions are mandatory when proceeding through the following drive cycles. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury. 1. Most OBD monitors complete more readily using a steady foot driving style during cruise or acceleration modes. Operating the throttle in a smooth fashion minimizes the time required for monitor completion. 2. The fuel tank level should be between 1/2 and 3/4 full with 3/4 full being the most desirable. 3. The evaporative monitor can operate only during the first 30 minutes of engine operation. When executing the procedure for this monitor, stay in part throttle mode and drive in a smooth fashion to minimize fuel slosh. 4. When bypassing the EVAP engine soak times, the PCM must remain powered (key ON) after clearing the continuous DTCs and relearning emission diagnostic information. For best results, follow each of the following steps as accurately as possible:

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007


Diagnostic Methods

On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle

OBD Monitor Exercised Drive Cycle Preparation

Drive Cycle Procedure

Purpose of Drive Cycle Procedure Bypasses the engine soak timer. Resets the OBD monitor status.


1. Install the scan tool. Turn the key on with the engine off. Cycle the key off, then on. If needed, select the appropriate vehicle and engine qualifier. Clear the continuous DTCs and reset the emission monitors information in the PCM. 2. Begin to monitor the following PIDs (if available): ECT, EVAPDC, FLI and TP MODE. Start the vehicle without returning the key to the OFF position. 3. Idle the vehicle for 15 seconds. Drive at 64 km/h (40 mph) until the engine coolant temperature (ECT) is at least 76.7C (170F). Prep for Monitor Entry 4. Is the intake air temperature (IAT) between 4.4 to 37.8C (40 to 100F)? If not, complete the following steps, but note that step 14 is required to bypass the EVAP/secondary AIR monitor and clear DTC P1000. 5. Cruise at 64 km/h (40 mph) for at least 5 minutes. 6. Cruise at 64 to 89 km/h (40 to 55 mph) for 10 minutes (avoid sharp turns and hills). NOTE: To initiate the monitor, the throttle should be at part throttle, EVAPDC must be greater than 75%, and FLI must be between 15 and 85%, and for fuel tanks over 25 gallons FLI must be between 30 and 85%. 7. Drive in stop and go traffic conditions. Include 5 different constant cruise speeds, ranging from 32 to 89 km/h (20 to 55 mph) over a 10 minute period. 8. From a stop, accelerate to 72 km/h (45 mph) at 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. Repeat 3 times. 9. Bring the vehicle to a stop. Idle with the transmission in drive (neutral for M/T) for 2 minutes. Executes SEC AIR flow check monitor (if applicable). Engine warm-up and provides IAT input to the PCM.

To bypass the EVAP soak timer (normally 6 hours), the PCM must remain powered after clearing the continuous DTCs and resetting the emission monitors information in the PCM.


Executes the HO2S monitor. Executes the EVAP monitor if the IAT is between 4.4 to 37.8C (40 to 100F).


Executes the catalyst monitor.



Executes the EGR monitor. Executes the idle air control (IAC) portion of the comprehensive component monitor (CCM) and the SEC AIR functional check (if applicable).

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Drive Cycle

OBD Monitor Exercised CCM (Transmission)

Drive Cycle Procedure 10. For M/T, accelerate from 0 to 81 km/h (0 to 50 mph), and continue to step 12. For A/T, from a stop and in overdrive, moderately accelerate to 81 km/h (50 mph) and cruise for at least 15 seconds. Stop the vehicle and repeat without overdrive to 64 km/h (40 mph) cruising for at least 30 seconds. While at 64 km/h (40 mph), activate the overdrive, accelerate to 81 km/h (50 mph) and cruise for at least 15 seconds. Stop for at least 20 seconds and repeat step 10 five times. 11. From a stop, accelerate to 97 km/h (60 mph). Decelerate at closed throttle to 64 km/h (40 mph) (no brakes). Repeat this 3 times. 12. Access the On-Board System Readiness (OBD monitor status) function on the scan tool. Determine whether all non-continuous monitors have completed. If not, go to step 13. 13. With the scan tool, check for pending codes. Conduct the normal repair procedures for any pending code concern. Otherwise, repeat any incomplete monitor. If the EVAP monitor or SEC AIR monitor is not complete and the IAT was out of the 4.4 to 37.8C (40 to 100F) temperature range in step 4, or the altitude is over 2438 m (8000 ft.), the EVAP bypass procedure must be followed. Go to Step 14. 14. Park the vehicle for a minimum of 8 hours. Repeat steps 2 through 11. Do not repeat step 1.

Purpose of Drive Cycle Procedure Executes the transmission portion of the CCM.

Misfire and Fuel Monitors Readiness Check

Allows learning for the misfire monitor.

Determines if any monitor has not completed.

Pending Code Check and EVAP Monitor Bypass Check

Determines if a pending code is preventing the clearing of DTC P1000.

EVAP Monitor Bypass

Allows the bypass counter to increment to 2.

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007


Diagnostic Methods

Intermittent Diagnostic Techniques

Intermittent diagnostic techniques help find and isolate the root cause of intermittent concerns associated with the electronic engine control (EEC) system. The information is organized to help find the concern and carry out the repair. The process of finding and isolating an intermittent concern starts with recreating a fault symptom, accumulating powertrain control module (PCM) data, and comparing that data to typical values, then analyzing the results. Refer to the scan tool manufacturers instruction manual for the functions described below. Before proceeding, be sure that: Customary mechanical system tests and inspections do not reveal a concern. NOTE: Mechanical component conditions can make a PCM system react abnormally. Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) and On-line Automotive Service Information System (OASIS) messages, if available, are reviewed. Quick Test and associated diagnostic subroutines have been completed without finding a concern, and the symptom is still present.

Recreating the Fault

Recreating the concern is the first step in isolating the cause of the intermittent symptom. A thorough investigation should start with the customer information worksheet located in the back of this manual. If freeze frame data is available, it may help in recreating the conditions at the time of a malfunction indicator lamp diagnostic trouble code (MIL DTC). Listed below are some of the conditions for recreating the concern:
Engine Type Conditions Engine Temperature Engine RPM Engine Load Engine idle/accel/deceleration Non-Engine Type Conditions Ambient Temperature Moisture Conditions Road Conditions (smooth-bumpy)

Accumulating PCM Data

PCM data can be accumulated in a number of ways. This includes circuit measurements with a digital multimeter (DMM) or scan tool parameter identification (PID) data. Acquisition of PCM PID data using a scan tool is one of the easiest ways to gather information. Gather as much data as possible when the concern is occurring to prevent improper diagnosis. Data should be accumulated during different operating conditions and based on the customer description of the intermittent concern. Compare this data with the known good data values located in Section 6 Typical Diagnostic Reference Values. This requires recording data in 4 conditions for comparison: 1) KOEO, 2) Hot Idle, 3) 48 km/h (30 mph), and 4) 89 km/h (55 mph).

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Intermittent Diagnostic Techniques

Comparing PCM Data

After the PCM values are acquired, it is necessary to determine the concern area. This typically requires the comparison of the actual values from the vehicle to the typical values from the Section 6 Typical Diagnostic Reference Values. The charts apply to different vehicle applications (engine, model, transmission).

Analyzing PCM Data

Look for abnormal events or values that are clearly incorrect. Inspect the signals for abrupt or unexpected changes. For example, during a steady cruise most of the sensor values should be relatively stable. Sensors such as throttle position (TP), mass air flow (MAF), and RPM that change abruptly when the vehicle is traveling at a constant speed are clues to a possible concern area. Look for an agreement in related signals. For example, if the APP1, APP2, or APP3, is changed during acceleration, a corresponding change should occur in idle air control (IAC), RPM, and SPARK ADV PID. Make sure the signals act in proper sequence. An increase in RPM after the TP1 and TP2 is increased is expected. However, if the RPM increases without a TP1 and TP2 change, a concern may exist. Scroll through the PID data while analyzing the information. Look for sudden drops or spikes in the values.

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007


Diagnostic Methods

Adaptive Fuel Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Diagnostic Techniques

The Adaptive Fuel DTC Diagnostic Techniques help isolate the root cause of the adaptive fuel concern. Before proceeding, attempt to verify if any driveability concerns are present. These diagnostic aids are meant as a supplement to the pinpoint test steps in Section 5. For a description of fuel trim, refer to Section 1, Powertrain Control Software, Fuel Trim. Obtain Freeze Frame Data Freeze frame data is helpful in duplicating and diagnosing adaptive fuel concerns. The data (a snapshot of certain parameter identification (PID) values recorded at the time the DTC is stored in Continuous Memory) is helpful to determine how the vehicle was being driven when the concern occurred, and is especially useful on intermittent concerns. Freeze frame data, in many cases, helps to isolate possible areas of concern as well as rule out others. Refer to Freeze Frame Data in this section for a more detailed description of this data. Using the LONGFT1 and LONGFT2 (Dual Bank Engines) PIDs The LONGFT1/2 PIDs are useful for diagnosing fuel trim concerns. A negative PID value indicates that fuel is being reduced to compensate for a rich condition. A positive PID value indicates that fuel is being increased to compensate for a lean condition. It is important to know that there is a separate LONGFT value that is used for each RPM/load point of engine operation. When viewing the LONGFT1/2 PIDs, the values may change a great deal as the engine is operating at different RPM and load points. This is because the fuel system may have learned corrections for fuel delivery concerns that can change as a function of engine RPM and load. The LONGFT1/2 PIDs display the fuel trim currently being used at that RPM and load point. Observing the changes in LONGFT1/2 can help when diagnosing fuel system concerns. For example: A contaminated mass air flow (MAF) sensor results in matching LONGFT1/2 correction values that are negative at idle (reducing fuel), but positive (adding fuel) at higher RPM and loads. LONGFT1 values that differ greatly from LONGFT2 values rule out concerns that are common for both banks (for example, fuel pressure concerns, MAF sensor, etc. can be ruled out). Vacuum leaks result in large rich corrections (positive LONGFT1/2 value) at idle, but little or no correction at higher RPM and loads. A plugged fuel filter results in no correction at idle, but large rich corrections (positive LONGFT1/2 value) at high RPM and load. Resetting Long Term Fuel Trims Long term fuel trim corrections are reset by resetting the keep alive memory (KAM). Refer to Resetting The Keep Alive Memory (KAM) in this section. After making a fuel system repair, the KAM must be reset. For example, if dirty/plugged injectors cause the engine to run lean and generate rich long term corrections, installing new injectors and not resetting the KAM causes the engine to run very rich. The rich correction eventually leans out during closed loop operation, but the vehicle may have poor driveability and high CO emissions while it is learning.

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Adaptive Fuel Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Diagnostic Techniques

DTCs P0171/P0174 System Too Lean Diagnostic Aids Note: If the system is lean at certain conditions, then the LONGFT PID would be a positive value at those conditions, indicating that increased fuel is needed. The ability to identify the type of lean condition causing the concern is crucial to a correct diagnosis. Air Measurement System With this condition, the engine runs rich or lean of stoichiometry (14.7:1 air/fuel ratio) if the powertrain control module (PCM) is not able to compensate enough to correct for the condition. One possibility is that the mass of air entering the engine is actually greater than what the MAF sensor is indicating to the PCM. For example, with a contaminated MAF sensor, the engine runs lean at higher RPM because the PCM delivers fuel for less air than is actually entering the engine. Examples: The MAF sensor measurement is inaccurate due to a corroded connector, contaminated or dirty connector. A contaminated MAF sensor typically results in a rich system at low airflows (PCM reduces fuel) and a lean system at high airflows (PCM increases fuel). Vacuum Leaks/Unmetered Air With this condition, the engine runs lean of stoichiometry (14.7:1 air/fuel ratio) if the PCM is not able to compensate enough to correct for the condition. This condition is caused by unmetered air entering the engine, or due to a MAF concern. In this situation, the volume of air entering the engine is actually greater than what the MAF sensor is indicating to the PCM. Vacuum leaks are normally most apparent when high manifold vacuum is present (for example, during idle or light throttle). If freeze frame data indicates that the concern occurred at idle, a check for vacuum leaks/unmetered air is the best starting point. Examples: loose, leaking, or disconnected vacuum lines intake manifold gaskets, or O-rings throttle body gaskets brake booster air inlet tube stuck/frozen/aftermarket positive crankcase valve (PCV) unseated engine oil dipstick. Insufficient Fueling

2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007


Diagnostic Methods

Adaptive Fuel Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Diagnostic Techniques

With this condition, the engine runs lean of stoichiometry (14.7:1 air/fuel ratio) if the PCM is not able to compensate enough to correct for the condition. This condition is caused by a fuel delivery system concern that restricts or limits the amount of fuel being delivered to the engine. This condition is normally apparent as the engine is under a heavy load and at high RPM, when a higher volume of fuel is required. If the freeze frame data indicates that the concern occurs under a heavy load and at higher RPM, a check of the fuel delivery system (checking fuel pressure with engine under a load) is the best starting point. Examples: low fuel pressure (fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel leaks, restricted fuel supply lines) fuel injector concerns Exhaust System Leaks In this type of condition, the engine runs rich of stoichiometry (14.7:1 air/fuel ratio) because the fuel control system is adding fuel to compensate for a perceived (not actual) lean condition. This condition is caused by oxygen (air) entering the exhaust system from an external source. The HO2S reacts to this exhaust leak by increasing fuel delivery. This condition causes the exhaust gas mixture from the cylinder to be rich. Examples: exhaust system leaks upstream or near the HO2S cracked/leaking HO2S boss inoperative secondary air injection system DTCs P0172/P0175 System Too Rich Diagnostic Aids Note: If the system is rich at certain conditions, then the LONGFT PID would be a negative value at that airflow, indicating that decreased fuel is needed. System rich concerns are caused by fuel system concerns, although the MAF sensor and base engine (for example, engine oil contaminated with fuel) should also be checked. Air Measurement System With this condition, the engine runs rich or lean of stoichiometry (14.7:1 air/fuel ratio) if the PCM is not able to compensate enough to correct for the condition. One possibility is that the mass of air entering the engine is actually less than what the MAF sensor is indicating to the PCM. For example, with a contaminated MAF sensor, the engine runs rich at idle because the PCM delivers fuel for more air than is actually entering the engine. Examples: MAF sensor measurement inaccurate due to a corroded connector, contamination/dirt. A contaminated MAF sensor typically results in a rich system at low airflows (PCM reduces fuel) and a lean system at high airflows (PCM increases fuel). Fuel System With this condition, the engine runs rich of stoichiometry (14.7:1 air/fuel ratio), if the PCM is not able to compensate enough to correct for the condition. This situation causes a fuel delivery system that is delivering excessive fuel to the engine.
2008 Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis, 8/2007

Diagnostic Methods


Adaptive Fuel Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Diagnostic Techniques

Examples: fuel pressure regulator causes excessive fuel pressure (system rich at all airflows), fuel pressure is intermittent, going to pump deadhead pressure, then returning to normal after the engine is turned off and restarted. fuel pulse dampener diaphragm ruptured (fuel leaking into the intake manifold, system rich at lower airflows). fuel injector leaks (injector delivers extra fuel). EVAP canister purge valve leak (if the canister is full of vapors, introduces extra fuel). fuel rail pressure (FRP) sensor (electronic returnless fuel systems) concern causes the sensor to indicate a lower pressure than actual. The PCM commands a higher duty cycle to the fuel pump driver module (FPDM), causing high fuel pressure (system rich at all airflows). Air Inlet System A restriction within any of the following components may be significant enough to affect the ability of the PCM adaptive fuel control. air inlet tube air cleaner element air cleaner assembly resonators clean air tube Base Engine Engine oil contaminated with fuel can contribute to a rich-running engine.

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