Good Book
Good Book
Good Book
Suyog CHS, C 718, TPS 3, Link Road, Pt. MV Ku ka!ni Ma!g, O"". #on $o%&o S&'oo , $o!i(a i )*%t, Mu+,ai - .// /01 Mo, No. 1 20188/343337.
P*!%ona P!o8i *
October, 1986
Nationa ity6 Indian Languag*% I S"*ak6 English, Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati Ho,,i*%6 Photograph , !strolog , "eading, #$i%%ing . A&ad*+i&%6 :ua i8i&ation &'#c &otan In%titut* ; <ni(*!%ity Maharaja sa ajirao )ni*ersit o+ &aroda Maharaja sa ajirao )ni*ersit o+ &aroda 0il% and -ele*ision Institute o+ India =*a! 2((8
,iplo%a In Per+or%ing arts -abla One .ear PG /erti+icate /ourse in #ound "ecording 2 -3 Engineering
T*&'ni&a A&>uaintan&* Pro -ools, !dobe Pre%ier, !dobe Photoshop, !dobe !udition4 0inal /ut Pro, 0ruit 5oops, #on 3egas' Int*!*%t% 5ocation #ound "ecording, #ound Post Production, #ound ,esigning'
"ecorded +usion albu% $hich is $ell acclai%ed at #tate le*el' 6ul 2((7
#OC<M5NTAR=6 T'* ?ung * ?ou!na C!*dit%6 ,igital Photograph , Production Manager' Su&&*%%8u y &o+" *t*d g!aduation in ,otany @it' Aoo ogy and &'*+i%t!y a% %u,%idia!y %u,B*&t%. Ha*e good 8no$ledge and interest in the subject and ha*e $atched %ore than 9( docu%entaries pertaining to the subject %ade $orld$ide b reno$ned naturalists li8e #ir ,a*id !ttenborough' I ha*e %ade a docu%entar called T'* ?ung * ?ou!na +or the depart%ent' -he +il% e:plores the cultures, histor and +lora o+ regions li8e Mahabalesh$ar, &hi%asha8ar 5ona*le and adjoinings, Maharashtra'
SHORT CILM6 COIN C!*dit%; Production and ,ubbing "ecordist' Idea to use +aceless, na%eless people and /oin beca%e the %ost i%portant thing $hile people beca%e incident to the stor '
SHORT CILM6 R5COR#IN9 C!*dit%6 !cting and ,ubbing "ecordist' "E/O",I<G $as o++iciall selected at Gujarat=s biggest short +il% co%petition and +esti*al, Hot shorts'
S'o!t Ci +6 V5RS<S C!*dit%6 &ac8ground #core' ! short +il% about t$o %en o+ di++erent religions but o+ sa%e %odern ideolog o+ secularis% is shattered at the ti%e o+ brutal riots in their *icinit ' -he abandon their secular belie+s and decide to choose a pernicious path'
18471?aag <t'a Hindu%tan C!*dit%; #ound E++ect Editor Produced b &6P>&harti a .u*a Morcha Gujarat' -his +il% is docu>dra%a $hich contains inter*ie$s o+ +a%ous authors o+ historical boo8s' -he +il% sho$s un8no$n aspects o+ 1897 %utin '
A!*na Mu ti+*dia Credits: Production and ,ubbing "ecordist !long $ith +our other tea% %e%bers I %ade a local ad +or the local branch o+ !rena +ranchise' Production o+ this project $as a great learning e:perience
Co!"o!at* Ad(*!ti%*+*nt C!*dit%6 Music "ecording, <arration <eta+i% Irrigation India Pri*ate 5i%ited, the Indian subsidiar o+ <eta+i% Israel'<eta+i% India is %anu+acturing and suppl ing $ide range o+ Irrigation E?uip%ents and products'
C!*dit%6 P!o+o P!odu&*! DT!ain**E @or8ed in "adio Mirchi +or 2 %onths as a pro%o producer' !s a pro%o producer I ha*e %ade se*eral jingles, *oice o*er, scripts etc'
Ani+at*d S'o!t Ci +6 LOV5 IN TH5 AIR C!*dit%6 S8F 5diting ! short +il% project b #tudents o+ !rena !ni%ation'
S'o!t Ci +6 P!in&i"a C!*dit%6 )!itt*n G #i!*&t*d #elected at co%petition organiAed b gorbatscho$ *od8a in association $ith 1ta8e%edia'co% at Mu%bai'
#o&u Ad(*!ti%ing6 on &ity $a!oda, 9uBa!at @it' Cognito Ad(*!ti%ing $a!oda. C!*dit%6 Lo&ation Sound R*&o!di%t. !n ad*ertising docu%entar +il% on cit &aroda %ade b /ognito !d*ertising +ro% Oct>2(11 to <o* > 2(11'
)o!k*d a% Sound R*&o!di%t and Sound 5dito! in P5RSAN9 KARAOK5 a ,a!oda ,a%* ka!aok* &o+"any +ro% !pr to #ep B2(12'
Ci + and T* *(i%ion In%titut* o8 India6 Cou!%* P!oB*&t% 8o! t'* y*a! H/1H113
Na+* O8 P!oB*&t% C!dhuri C C5o*e D /ondition !ppl C CE8 Ma8an PuranaE C5i+e as it isE Cat*go!y o8 P!oB*&t 0iction 0iction 0iction <on 0iction C!*dit #ound "ecording 2 #ound ,esigning &oo% Handling 2 !ssistant #ound recordist &oo% Handling 2 !ssistant #ound recordist &oo% Handling 2 !ssistant #ound recordist #ound "ecording 2 #ound ,esigning #ound "ecording 2 #ound ,esigning &oo% Handling 2 !ssistant #ound recordist &oo% Handling 2 !ssistant #ound recordist #ound "ecordist !ssistant #ound recordist #ound "ecording 2 #ound
C#ahara "aiderE
<on 0iction
C-hings MissingE C<0!I ; Preser*ing space and ti%e since 199FE C"ootsE <e$s Production !$ard 0unction Production CMirageE
CI+ onl E
Ci +6 T'* )o!k%'o" /redits; ,irection, /ine%atograph , #ound 2 Editing' S* *&t*d at 3!d Pun* S'o!t Ci + C*%ti(a H/13 and @on t'* ,*%t %ound d*%ign a@a!d.
,ocu%entar on Mangro*es b Maharashtra Go*ern%ent e:ecute b 0-II, @or8ed as 5ocation #ound "ecordist <o* > 2(11' ,ocu%entar on Mu%bai Metro +or <atGeo /hannel e:ecute b ,rea%catchers't*, $or8ed as 5ocation #ound "ecordist' ,ec > 2(11 Gujarati 0eature 0il% G&E .!!"G )nder Production /ine%an Production 5td' !h%edabad' @or8ed as 5ocation #ound "ecordist HPilot #oundI 29th ,ec 2(11 > 2Fth 6an 2(1F