Research of Napier Grass
Research of Napier Grass
Research of Napier Grass
Effects of Planting Sugarcane and Napier Grass on N Leaching from Lysimeters under High Application of Cattle Manure
Shoko Ishikawa1*, Shotaro Ando2 and Seiko Yoshikawa3
National Agricultural Research Center, 3-1-1, Kannondai, Tsukuba, 305-8666, Japan. 2 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences,1091-1, MaezatoKawarabaru, Ishigaki, 907-0002, Japan. 3 National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences,3-1-3, Tsukuba, Kannondai, Tsukuba, 305-8604, Japan. Authors contributions This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Authors SI and SY designed the study. Author SI performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors SA and SI managed the analyses of the study. Author SI managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Aims: Excess manure accumulated in livestock areas has been a concern in Japan where a great amount of nutrients such as nitrogen (N) has been imported from abroad contained in various agricultural commodities especially feeds for livestock animals. Aims of the present study is to look into the effects of planting sugarcane and napier grass on nitrate leaching from fields overdosed with excessive amount of manure application. Study Design: A lysimeter experiment of 3 treatments with 2 replicates. Place and Duration of Study: NARO-Shikoku Research Center (Kagawa, Japan), three years. Methodology: (1) Monitoring of water samples drained from lysimeters during study period, (2) Sampling of planted crops and soils. Results: The plots planted with either sugarcane or napier grass showed less drainage of water as well as less leaching of mineral N compared to control plots after summer when canopy was fully established. However, leaching of mineral N could not be completely prevented at the events of severe rainfalls except for the plots planted with napier grass.
____________________________________________________________________________________________ *Corresponding author: Email: [email protected];
The reduced amount of drainage water for the plots planted with either sugarcane/napier grass was considered to be attributable to evapotranspiration of these crops. Both sugarcane and napier grass recovered a great amount of N in the above-ground part by the time of harvest. Yet, total N concentration of soil layers did not appear to have been affected by the presence of these crops compared to control plots. Conclusion: It was concluded that planting sugarcane/napier grass was effective in the studied area in reducing leaching of mineral N especially by reducing drainage water. Keywords: Nitrate leaching; lysimeter; evapotranspiration; sugarcane; napier grass.
Nitrate concentration in groundwater is regulated by laws and regulations in different parts of the world [1-3]. Agriculture has been considered as a major source of nitrate leaching to surface and ground waters [4-6]. Pionke et al. [7] observed a nitrate-N concentration as high -1 as 209 mg l from drainage below the root zone in a horticultural area located in Western Australia. Fujiie et al. [8] pointed out that the reduction in nitrate leaching estimated in an area of Miyakojima-island during the period between 1977 and 2005 was partly attributable to the halved amount of fertilizer application between 1980 and 2006 indicating that agriculture was actually a major source of nitrate leaching in the studied area. Improved methods of fertilization such as split application and the use of slow releasing fertilizers have been recognized effective in reducing nitrate leaching [9-10]. However, there are situations where high rates of fertilization are practiced [11-12]. De Paz and Ramos [13] mentioned growers in Spain who apply excessive amount of fertilizers by paying little attention to local recommendations. Similar cases can be found in other parts of the world [14-15]. In Japan, vegetables and tea [16-17] are the crops that usually receive highest rates of fertilizer. Nishio [18] reported that amounts of unutilized nitrogen are -1 especially high, more than 300 kgha , in the case of celery, eggplants, cucumbers and tea. The growers apply high rates of fertilizer to these crops, as they are less likely to show negative response, such as yield decline, to heavy fertilization. In the case of tea, yield -1 increased with the application of 1006 kgha of mineral N. High rates of fertilizer application by vegetable growers are attributed to the relatively high economic value of commodities [19-20]. It is common that crops receiving high rates of chemical fertilizers are also applied with high rates of manure [21], another major causal factor of nitrate leaching [22-24]. In areas where livestock is intensively produced, the disposal of excess manure is a concern [25-26]. In Japan, livestock production once was closely linked to arable farming when scales of farms were small and manure was seen as a valuable source of nutrients. Concentration of livestock sector and spread use of chemical fertilizer brought about a situation where livestock sector became separated from arable farming [27-29] leading to manure shortage in arable farms [30], while excess manure being piled up in livestock farms [28]. Compared to chemical fertilizers, nutrients released from manure are much harder to control especially when applied at high rates continually [27,31]. As it has been rather common for growers to focus on the role of soil conditioner of manure paying less attention to the aspect of fertilizer, amounts of nutrients added to soils through manure application are very often omitted from calculation of nutrients balance [22,32] leading to the increased number of fields overdosed with excess nutrients [32-33]. In extreme cases, accumulated nutrients need to be removed by means of planting green manure crops or drained by a
large amount of water in the case of glasshouse situations where natural drainage by rainfall cannot be expected. In any case, nitrogen-releasing effects of manure could last relatively a long period [34-35]. Outstanding ability of gramineae crops to take up N has been reported [25,36-38]. Sugarcane has been claimed to be promising as a double purpose crop, i.e. feed and cleaning crops for its ability to accumulate little amount of nitrate even when applied with high rates of N [39]. Effects of green manure crops and/or catch crops especially grown in winter on nitrate leaching have been studied relatively well. Thomsen and Christensen [40] and Thomsen [23] employed ryegrass as a catch crop in a series of lysimeter experiments and observed substantial reductions in nitrate leaching, although nitrate could be released again from the crop depending on methods and timings of incorporation. There seem, however, to be fewer studies so far that have looked into the effects of cultivating summer crops of gramineae such as sugarcane and napier grass on nitrate leaching from soils. It would serve agriculture as well as science to find out if the claimed ability of gramineae crops to take up large amount of N has significant meaning in terms of nitrate leaching from soils. The objective of the present study is therefore to evaluate the effects of planting summer crops such as sugarcane and napier grass as well as a winter crop of triticale on the amount of drained water and that of leached nitrogen under the conditions of high application of cattle manure.
For each lysimeter, a drum of 84 litre volume was placed to collect the drained water. The depth of the water was measured to estimate the amount of drained water. Water samples were taken to estimate the amount of leached mineral nitrogen. After the measurement and collection of the samples, water was drained from the drum. Although water was carefully collected especially after the rainfall, there were a few occasions when water overflowed the drum. Aboveground plant materials were sampled at harvest of each crop (Table 2) and the fresh matter weight was determined. A subsample was oven-dried at 70C for 5 days and the dry matter weight determined. Table 2. Planting, harvest and sampling dates of triticale, sugarcane, napier grass and weeds
Year 2008 2009 2010 Crop Control Triticale-Sugarcane Sugarcane Control Triticale-Sugarcane Sugarcane Control Triticale-Sugarcane Triticale-Napier grass Triticale P 21-Dec-07 15-Jan-09 15-Jan-10 H 25-Apr-08 15-May-09 26-Apr-10 P 19-May-09 30-Apr-10 Sugarcane/ Napier grass H 5-Nov-08 25-Nov-09 16-Nov-10 Weeds Sp 5-Nov-08 12-May-08 15-May-09 -
of variance (ANOVA) was performed for some of the datasets using a statistical program of SPSS 13.0 (Tokyo).
*Data recorded at Senyu area (3 km away from Ikano area); **excludes two missing dates
Fig. 1a. Accumulated rainfall (mm) and drained water (dm m ) in 2007/2008
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; S: sugarcane; DAP: days after planting; Rep: replicate
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; S: sugarcane; DAP: days after planting; Rep: replicate
Fig. 1b. Accumulated rainfall (mm) and drained water (dm m ) in 2009
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; TN: triticale-napier grass; DAP: days after planting; Rep: replicate
Fig. 1c. Accumulated rainfall (mm) and drained water (dm m ) in 2010
Table 4. Amount of drained water and leached mineral N at events of severe rainfall Severe Rainfall Events Start Date End Date Rainfall (mm) 20-Jul-09 21-Jul-09 80 9-Aug-09 10-Aug-09 102 11-Jul-10 13-Jul-10 70 Crop Sequence Control (C) Summer Crop (S) Winter-Summer Crop (TS and TN) P value Severe Rainfall Events Crop Sequence Drained Water (mm) 53.5 57.9 44.3 60.9a 51.9ab 45.5b .063 .031 Leached mineal N -2 (g m ) 5.9a 5.3a 2.1b 5.9a 5.2a 3.3b .001 .010
The change in mineral N concentration of the drained water observed during the experimental period is presented in Fig. 2. Lysimeters of Rep 1 exhibited extremely high concentrations of the drained water compared to those of Rep 2. It took approximately 300 days for the discrepancy of the two replicates to disappear. Mineral N concentration was reduced to zero by the presence of napier grass from July 2010. The cumulative amount of leached mineral N during the experimental period is presented in Figs. 3a, 3b and 3c. In 2007/2008, a similar discrepancy between the two replicates was observed (Fig. 3a) as was in the mineral N concentration of drained water. Both in 2009 and 2010, amounts of leached mineral N were significantly smaller for the lysimeters planted with sugarcane and napier grass compared to those assigned to control (Figs. 3b and 3c), (Table 5).
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; S: sugarcane; TN: triticale-napier grass; DAP: days after planting; Rep; replicate
Fig. 2. Change in the concentration of mineral N in drained water during the experiment
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; S: sugarcane; DAP: days after planting; Rep: replicate
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; S: sugarcane; DAP: days after planting; Rep: replicate
C: control; TS: triticale-sugarcane; TN: triticale-napier grass; DAP: days after planting; Rep: replicate
Table 5. Drained water and leached mineral N Year 2009 2010 Crop Drained water -1 (mmyear ) 446a 663b 790a 465b 408b .001 < .001 Leached mineral N -2 -1 (gm year ) 52.7 50.3 83.8a 36.6b 34.2b .458 < .001
Table 6. Height, aboveground DMW and above-ground N yield of the harvested crops Year 2008 2009 2010 Treatment C TS S C TS S C TS TN Height (cm) T S/N 86-96 290-323 305-322 88-121 266-281 281-285 46-48 281-318 48-49 292-315 Above-ground DMW (kgm ) T S/N W 2.25-10.05 0.69-0.87 3.09-3.55 3.52-4.36 0.29-0.53 0.78-1.68 3.05-3.52 0.10 3.85-3.86 0.41-0.65* 3.62-4.35 0.62-0.63* 4.91-5.38 -2
Above-ground N Yield (gm ) T S/N W Total 24-152 24-152 34-36 30-36 64-72 32-41 12-16 47-53 0 22-33 32-38 4 63-65 38-39 38-39 0 13-23* 40 53-63 18-23* 39-49 56-72
Table 7. pH, C, total N, nitrate-N and ammonium-N in the original soil and the soils after the experiment Crop Sequence Y1-Y2-Y3 C-C-C TS-TS-TS S-S-TN Depth (cm) pH 5.7 6.1a 6.4b 6.5b 6.2a 6.4b 6.4ab .003 .035 C (%) 2.6 2.7a 3.0ab 3.1b 3.3a 2.7b 2.7b .016 .003 Total N (%) 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.19 0.21a 0.18b 0.17b .053 .005 nitrate-N -1 (mg100g ) 0.63 4.23a 3.23a 1.36b 3.21 2.62 3.00 .002 .556 ammonium-N -1 (mg100g ) 1.43 0.55 0.58 0.37 0.48 0.52 0.50 .063 .899
Y: year; C: control; T: triticale; S: sugarcane; N: napier grass not included in the statistical analysis Means with the same letter within each component (Crop Sequence and Depth) are not significantly different.
3.5 Discussion
Planting sugarcane and napier grass was found effective in reducing the amount of drained water during summer (Figs. 1a, 1b and 1c). A hypothesis to arise is that water contained in the soil might have been reduced by evapotranspiration of the crop whether it was sugarcane or napier grass or even weeds, which would have provided soils with a higher capacity of holding water at events of rainfall. 1500 to 2500 mm of water has been reported to be required by sugarcane during its growth period [44], amounts greater than that of the rainfall observed in the present study. Although there are a number of studies that have looked at evapotranspiration of various crops including sugarcane [45-46], many of them were conducted to gain insight of water requirements of target crops for management of irrigation in semi-arid climates [47-48]. Efforts of reducing leaching losses of fertilizers can be seen in drought-prone areas as well. For areas of intensive cereal production in northern China, Islam et al. [49] proposed a use of superabsorbent polymer as soil amendment to reduce leaching losses. As to cleaning aspects of crops/plants, a number of studies can be found which have attempted to utilize plants to treat wastewaters [50-51] of especially municipal origin [52-53]. Bialowiec et al. [54], in a lysimeter experiment testing effectiveness of willow to treat polluted solutions, observed evapotranspiration of lysimeters planted with willow 3-14 times higher than evaporation of bare soil, which probably could also explain the observation of almost ceased drainage from the lysimeters planted with sugarcane and napier grass in the present study. Singh et al. [55] was unique in suggesting a system of treating waste waters by utilizing the transpiring ability of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) characterized with high evapotranspiration rate. In the present study, it took approximately 3 months until the preventing effects of sugarcane on leaching started being observed probably due to its slow growth during early phase. Weeds showed a great nitrogen recovery in one of the two replicates (Table 6). However, constant effects are hard to expect from weeds where N recovery would vary greatly according to the type of weeds that emerge. Besides, leaving weeds uncontrolled would result in an expansion of seed banks in the soil, which would make it difficult to grow crops in following years to come. In temperate regions, N leaching during winter has been well recognized and preventative measures such as planting catch crops have been practiced [23]. C3 cereal crops could take up a large quantity of N in suitable climates [56]. In the present study, triticale recovered a great amount of N comparable to that of sugarcane in 2008 and 2009. Triticale had a variable crop stand and its biomass yield was probably overestimated to some extent by limited sampling areas. The contribution of the crop both to the decreased water drainage and N leaching, however, was hard to recognize in 2009. In 2010, amounts of drained water and leached N appeared to have been reduced for the plots planted with triticale compared to control plots. The amount of rainfall in March and April in 2009 was approximately half of that in 2010 and there was little drainage of water in 2009 from any lysimeter. Triticale is therefore considered to have functioned as an effective cleaning crop in reducing N leaching, though the effects were smaller than those of sugarcane and napier grass. Concentration of total N in soils did not appear to have been affected by the presence of any crop tested in the present study. A possibility that N leaching occurred not only in mineral forms but also in organic forms in the drained water could not be excluded [57], however, the fact that drained water was reduced to the level of near zero exhibited that planting cleaning crops was effective in preventing N leaching. Prevention of leaching by transpiration, the major finding of the present study, was effective at least partially for the events of severe 508
rainfall in a short period of time (Table 4). Amount of annual rainfall observed in the studied area was less than 1000 mm, approximately two thirds of the average rainfall in the country. A further experiment is therefore required to study if transpiration of sugarcane/napiergrass would prevent N leaching in the areas of higher rainfall. As this study was carried out on lysimeters, containers where root growth is unnaturally restricted, a careful consideration is required in interpreting the results in the context of actual agricultural practices. Looking at nitrogen recovery, aboveground part of sugarcane and napier grass contained comparable amounts of nitrogen, while concentration of mineral nitrogen contained in the drained water as well as nitrate left in the soil after harvest significantly differed for two crops. Despite that this was the observation made only in a single year, it gives us an impression that sugarcane and napier grass might have different mechanisms in acquiring nitrogen. Possibilities of nitrogen fixation by diazotrophs have been suggested for sugarcane by a number of researchers [58-60]. If this was the case, ability of sugarcane as a cleaning crop might need be downgraded. Leaving out nitrogen fixation issue with sugarcane, napier grass is still considered to excel sugarcane in taking up nitrogen from soils under conditions of high fertilization. This is based on the observation made in our previous study [39] where field experiments of high fertilization were conducted in two years with sugarcane and napier grass. In the experiments, we observed nitrogen recovery of napier grass more than twice that of -2 sugarcane for the plots applied with the N rate of 60 g m , while difference was much -2 smaller between two crops when the N rate was 30 g m implying that sugarcane and napier grass have different capacity in taking up nitrogen. This might be related to another observation we had made in the previous study that sugarcane showed a tendency of accumulating less nitrate compared to napier grass when fertilized with high nitrogen. In the present study, neither sugarcane nor napier grass accumulated nitrate exceeding the critical level of 0.2% at dry matter basis for feed use. From the above, sugarcane might have looked less competent as a cleaning crop compared to napier grass. This would not be necessary so, if usage of the harvested crop was taken into consideration. Harvested crops could be used for feed in the case of sugarcane where one has less worries about the accumulation of nitrate-N, although this does not exemplify concerns for possible accumulation of other nutrients such as potassium. Sugarcane probably would not be able to clean fields of over fertilization very quickly; however, it could reduce nitrate leaching substantially by evapotranspiration also giving higher chances for growers to utilize harvested crops. Napier grass is capable of reducing nitrate leaching by evapotranspiration as well. In addition, it would be quicker in cleaning up the target fields. On the other hand, it was more susceptible to drought compared to sugarcane and utilization of harvested crop would be considered more difficult. If it happens that undesirable levels or types of nutrients are contained, alternative use needs to be sought for. Biomass use is a possible option [61-62] especially when methods of treating cellulose rich materials have been studied intensively [63-64]. Although this study was originally commenced supposing situations where cleaning crops were expected to treat crop lands applied with over-dosed fertilizers including manure in agricultural areas of mostly vegetable and livestock production, recent upsurge of plant factories in the country based on hydroponics and light emitting diode (LED) makes us ponder a possibility that they might require some types of cleaning crops to treat wastewaters [65] in the future.
Sugarcane and napier grass were found to be effective in reducing the amount of N leaching from lysimeters overdosed with high rates of manure application. The effects were appeared to be chiefly brought about by the reduced drainage water from lysimeters planted with these crops compared to those left as bare soil. This implies that effects of a cleaning crop could be evaluated not only from its ability of taking up N but also from that of minimizing drainage water at the time of rainfalls.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
We would like to acknowledge that Dr. Yasuyuki Ishii kindly provided us with seedlings of napier grass. Ms Yoko Okada, Mr. Katsutoshi Matsugami, Mr. Satoru Shiomoto, Mr. Masashi Kagawa, Mr. Takefumi Matsuzaki, Mr. Masaki Akiyama, Mr. Toshio Kita and Mr. Dairo Yamashita made a great contribution to this study.
Authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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