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Borealis proposes innovative solutions to measure and minimize the ne ative im!a"ts of a product, process or service on the environment, the economy and society. In particular, Borealis offers technological solutions that ensure integration and management of data and business processes, which allows clients to manage their envi#onmental$"a#%on &oot!#int and their envi#onmental !e#&o#man"e.

Envi#onmental Monito#in
Manage field data collection activities and track environmental samples and data. More info

Com!lian"e mana ement

Allows companies to register and monitor their social and environmental performance to help them manage their commitments More info


Offers companies practical support in order to help them comply with the commitments defined in their biodiversity strategy. More info

Lan' Reha%ilitation Closu#e Site

Supports companies as they implement their and !ehabilitation and "losure #lan activities. More info

Ca#%on an' Ene# ( Mana ement

$esigned to satisfy regulatory re%uirements. More info

Pe#&o#man"e Re!o#tin Solutions

&nables the organi'ation and presentation of re%uired information in real time, including detailed performance summaries of operational activities. More info

)IS Inte#a"tive Ma!!in Solutions

Ac%uisition, integration, and centrali'ation of (IS data and interactive mapping. More info

Bo#ealis Envi#onmental Monito#in Solution


)he ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORIN) mo'ule provides tools to companies in the mining and oil and gas industries enabling them to manage field data collection activities and track environmental samples and data against measurement parameters and indicators such as water %uality, water consumption, wastes, land use, air %uality, noise and vibration, energy consumption, visual impacts, and land rehabilitation. )he module optimi'es processes at the operational level through automated data capture, but also allows manual data entry when re%uired. $ata can be compiled and analy'ed during all the pro*ect phases+ feasibility, assessment, development, production and closure. *E+ BENEFITS

&stablishment of a credible baseline for &nvironmental Impact Assessment studies #rocess optimi'ation at the operational level Identification of potentially damaging impacts on local communities Anticipate e,pectations and preoccupations of local communities Improve decision-making to reduce pro*ect-related environmental impacts .le,ible approach for sample collection and tracking of physical measurements. $efine and manage thresholds /environmental commitments0 established in the &nvironmental Impact Assessment.

1hat is &nvironmental Monitoring2 &nvironmental monitoring describes the processes and activities that need to take place to characteri'e and monitor the %uality of the environment. &nvironmental monitoring is used in the preparation of the &nvironmental Impact Assessment as well as during the entire pro*ect lifecycle. 1hy is it important to address those issues2 &nvironmental monitoring is necessary to establish a credible baseline for &nvironmental Impact Assessment. )his baseline represents the starting point to compare ob*ectively actual pro*ect impacts with predicted impacts. )herefore, monitoring is essential to assess the evolution of environmental impacts and provides solid elements to support decision making in environmental damage mitigation. .urthermore, monitoring fosters rapid intervention to prevent penalties related to regulatory non-compliance, identify areas for continuous improvement, and analy'e overall environmental changes that occur over the life of a pro*ect.

The th#ee "om!onents o& the Bo#ealis Envi#onmental Monito#in Solution, Envi#onmental sam!lin an' 'ata mana ement
)his is used to register all the environmental monitoring stations for a given pro*ect. It includes locations where water is collected, meteorological stations, stations for air %uality, etc. All of the samples collected by the environment department can be measured and managed with this tool. A sample is defined only by a monitoring station, a sample type and a date3hour. &ach sample includes one or various measurements for different measure types.

Cate o#ies



1eather stations Surface and groundwater, Stations, 4ydrometry, 1ater 5uality, etc. 4a'ardous products, !ecyclable, non-ha'ardous and non-recyclable products, Mining and #etroleum waste, etc. .orest resources, mammals, reptiles, ornithology, flora, etc. $ust, 6olatile Organic "ompounds /36O"0 and disturbance, (reenhouse (ases /(4(0 &lectricity, .uel "onsumption





&nergy "onsumption

$epending on the type of 7oises, 6ibrations, $ecibel measurement pro*ect activities

-ata Im!o#te#
)his import tool allows importing large amount of data from the monitoring stations. $ata are imported in relation to predefined constraints allowing a %uality control at the very first step of the process.

Envi#onmental stan'a#'s an' th#eshol's

)his component is used to create and manage all the different environmental standards that the company has to respect and report to various entities /government, stakeholders, etc.0. .or each standard, we can specify all the thresholds that should be respected for various measurement types /e.g. p4 should be over 8 and under 990. .or a given kind of data /e.g. water0, the system can assign and register different types of measures to it /volume, arsenic concentration, p4, etc.0

A.a#eness an' Ale#ts

)his section stores all the alerts created when an approved measurement does not respect at least one threshold. :sers can be instantly notified by e-mail or SMS in real time when an alert is triggered. )hose alerts can be linked in the Envi#onmental Com!lian"e Mo'ule.

A variety of reports related to the environmental monitoring module are available depending on the re%uired information+

Informative reports /data %uantity by type, sub*ect, location, etc.0 #erformance reports /according to the criteria predetermined by the company itself or by e,ternal entities0.

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