Learning Packages
Learning Packages
Learning Packages
A g st *., -+**
TYPE FOR DEVELOPING ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDING In!i"i!#a$ Gro#& G#i!e! In!e&en!en' Te(hno$ogy In!i"i!#a$ Gro#& G#i!e! In!e&en!en' Te(hno$ogy Li'era(y S#r"ey fro) 'he in'erne' In!i"i!#a$ Gro#& G#i!e! In!e&en!en' Te(hno$ogy LESSON 1: The Joy of Learning INTEGRATION S&ee(h De$i"ery INTERA TION INTRODU TION Song Ana$y%i% IN PREPARATION FOR TRANSFER TASK
LESSON 1: The Joy of Learning
+or! P#//$e*
Li'era(y S#r"ey
UNIT 1: NARRATIVE LESSON 1: The Joy of Learning JUNE 2011 6ONDAY Day: 1 89 J#ne TUESDAY Day : 8 J#ne 81
II. Int$r%"t#on o)&rehen%ion Venn !iagra)
Day: ? J#ne -9
S&ee(h De$i"ery 5efore 'he ($a%% ASSIGN 6ENT LOSURE
10 weeks
LESSONS COVERED: 1. T+$ Jo* o, L$%rn#n& 2. M* Cr$%t#0$ M#n 3. Gro4#n& P%#n. 6. 7$ M* G!# $ :. 7r$%;#n& t+$ P%tt$rn -. 1. 5. 8. 10. Po..#/#)#t#$. D#,,$r$nt 2or) . C+%n&#n& L#0$. L$%0#n& M* Co(,ort 9on$ A4%;$n#n&
Identi"( the e!e$ents that distinguish narrative as a !iterar( "or$ and e&'!ain the narrative e!e$ents used b( the writer# Identi"( the va!ues re"!ected in various te&t t('es# +how va!ue and res'ect "or diversit( evident in wor!d !iterature# E&'!ain how writers bui!d a s(ste$ o" va!ues through their se!ection o" words and detai!s and the wa( the( sha'e rea!it(# +how courtes( whi!e !istening to the ideas and "ee!ings o" others# Identi"( the ro!e o" discourse $arkers in signing the "unctions o" state$ents $ade# /se a''ro'riate !anguage) idio$s) "igurative !anguage) and ana!og( to e&'ress one s "ee!ings) thoughts) and ideas# -onve( in"or$ation using interactive $edia as aids# Read c!ose!( to get e&'!icit!( and i$'!icit!( stated in"or$ation# /se 'revious e&'eriences as a sca""o!d "or 'rocessing in"or$ation in a given te&t# 0e"ine words "ro$ conte&t and through word ana!(sis# 1i!! out a''!ication "or$s# ,re'are schoo! 'ro2ect 'ro'osa!s and Transcode in"or$ation "ro$ !inear to non!inear and vice versa#
Students will understand that !iterature is a $eans to dee'en their know!edge o" the$se!ves and those around the$ which can "oster better understanding and sensitivit( o" others# 3ow a 'erson acts in or reacts to certain situations is sha'ed b( severa! "actors such as one s out!ook in !i"e) 'revious e&'eriences and know!edge) standard o" societ( he or she !ives in) deve!o'$ents or advance$ents and the 'revai!ing cu!ture# !istening is the gatewa( to understanding the abi!it( to read) s'eak and write c!ear!( is an i$'ortant ski!! in co!!ege and at the work'!ace# a dee'er understanding o" one s cu!ture can "oster cu!tura! sensitivit() or acknow!edg$ent o" and res'ect "or other 'eo'!e s cu!ture# -u!tura! sensitivit( is an i$'ortant ski!! in a g!oba! econo$( and -ritica! thinking and co$$unication ski!!s are !ike an( other ski!!s % with wi!!ingness to i$'rove and under the guidance o" a good coach) one wi!! get better in ti$e#
3ow can !iterature dee'en (our understanding o" (ourse!" as a $e$ber o" a societ(5 3ow does cu!ture a""ect (our wa( o" thinking5 3ow does se!"-know!edge contribute to better understanding o" the 'eo'!e around (ou and "ro$ other cu!ture5 3ow can (ou best a''!( (our own !i"e insights "ro$ other s e&'eriences5 6hat critica! ski!!s do (ou need to interact success"u!!( with the rest o" the wor!d5
Students will know ke( ter$s on !iterar( t('es) their distinctive e!e$ents and devices4 vocabu!ar( strategies) diction and connotation and denotation4
Students will be able to E&'!ain the uni7ue "eatures and e!e$ents o" a narrative 0istinguish a narrative "ro$
6ritten and ora! res'onse to grou' and individu activities > in c!ass or ho$ework A
Re"!ection 'a'er at the en o" the unit connectin e&'eriences and ke !earning to their !ives outsid o" schoo!
DAYS: 1- ?
ERIENTATIEN: 0iscuss the the$e o" the unit) and out!ine the co$'etencies the students need to deve!o' or gain $aster( o" as the( go through the !essons and activities) as we!! as the di""erent assess$ent $ethods that the( can e&'ect# ,rovide a written course out!ine# A!ternative!() (ou $ake ask the students to down!oad this on!ine#
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: Re"er the students to *esson 1 o" the te&tbooks# 3ave the students do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat words wi!! (ou 0iscover5
The teacher brie"!( introduce the author and the conte&t o" the se!ection#
REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students take turns in reading ; 3ow I *earned to Read and 6rite ; at 'ages :-F o" the te&tbook# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher#
The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The students write a s'eech good "or three to "ive $inutes on how t i$'rove the !iterac( o" out-o"-schoo! (outh# +tudents $ust have thorough 're'aration be"ore the 'resentation#
CLOSURE : The students take 'art in eva!uating the 'er"or$ance o" their c!ass$ate and given the chance to co$$ent and give suggestions to i$'rove their 'er"or$ance DAYS: DATE: TIME FRAME: WEEKE 2 : My Creative Min <- 10 June 2F-Ju!( 1) 1 6EED 2011 ,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The students do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat words wi!! (ou discover5 In *esson 2 Grie"!( introduce the author and the conte&t o" the se!ection#
REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: *et the students take turns reading ; -hi!dhood and ,oetr(# ; ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher#
The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The students dra"t a 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! in re"erence to ; 8ou can do itH ; at 'age 1I CLOSURE : 'ro'osa!# The students stud( the criteria o" the rubric in writing a 'ro2ect
DAYS: 11-1?
The teacher ca!!s on each student to de!iver the s'eech on how to i$'rove the !iterac( o" out-o"-schoo! (outh The teacher brie"!( reviews the 'oints on e""ective s'eech de!iver(# The students are re7uired to observe c!ose!( the
'resenters to 'rovide genera! "eedback on their c!ass$ates 'er"or$ances# ,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson :# The teacher brie"!( introduce the author and the conte&t o" the se!ection# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The students take turns in reading ; Advice to 8outh at 'ages 20-21 o" the te&tbook# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher# The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The students dra"t a 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort in re"erence to ; 8ou can do it ; at 'age 2< "or the detai!s# CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students answer this 7uestion : 0o (ou think it is eas( "or the 'ro'onents to address the ,rob!e$s the( encounter as the( work on their 'ro2ect without a 'ro2ect $onitoring schedu!e# DAYS: DATE: TIME FRAME: WEEKE % : &e My G'i e 1<- 20 Ju!( 11-1?) 2011 1 6EED ,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson C# The teacher brie"!( introduce the author and the conte&t o" the se!ection# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The students take turns in reading ; 1ather and I ; at 'ages 2I-:0 and rete!! the stor( using one o" the "o!!owing : cartoon stri's) dra$atiBation) 'hotos) 'u''et show and $usica! 'resentation# The teacher !eads the discussion o" the 'resentations and the students e&'eriences# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher#
The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The students write an entr( in their G*E= co$'aring and contrasting their e&'eriences with the e&'erience o" the bo( in the stor( 2ust read# CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students 'oint out the bene"it that the schoo! $a( get out "ro$ the 'ro2ect the grou' has '!anned# WEEKE ( : &rea)ing the #attern DAYS: 81382 DATE: Ju!( 1I-22) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson ?# The teacher brie"!( introduce the author and the conte&t o" the se!ection# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The students take turns in reading ; The Gread o" +a!t ; at 'ages :F-C1 and rete!! the stor( using one o" the "o!!owing : cartoon stri's) dra$atiBation) 'hotos) 'u''et show and $usica! 'resentation# The teacher !eads the discussion o" the 'resentations and the students e&'eriences# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher# The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The students write an entr( in their G*E= re!ating their e&'eriences to the e&'erience o" the bo( in the stor( 2ust read# CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students 'oint out the bene"it that the schoo! $a( get out "ro$ the 'ro2ect the grou' has '!anned#
WEEKE * : #o$$i+i,itie$
DAYS: 8238?
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson <# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher grou'ed each students to c!uster and !ets each c!uster read a stanBa "ro$ the 'oe$ ; Thoughts o" 3anoi# ; The teacher !eads the discussion o" the students answer o" the co$'rehension 7uestions# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher# The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities# QUIZ : :0 ite$-7uiB covering ke( !iterar( ter$s and containing writing) !istening and reading activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The teacher divides the c!ass into grou's and have the grou's research on the internet the 'ractice o" "oot binding in -hina# The student cover an as'ect o" the to'ics % its histor() how it is done) the risks o" doing it) the risks o" not doing it# CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students 're'are a 'ower 'oint 'resentation showing the e""ects o" war on 'eo'!e# WEEKE - : .ifferent Wor, $ DAYS: -93-: DATE: August 1-?) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
The teacher gives each grou' :0 $inutes to re'ort on their "indings about "oot binding# The teacher rates the re'ort using the rubric a"ter each unit '!an# ,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson F#
REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher grou'ed each students to c!uster and !ets each c!uster read a stanBa "ro$ the 'oe$ ; *ost +ister# ; at 'ages ?F-?I# The teacher !eads the discussion o" the students answer o" the co$'rehension 7uestions# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher# The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The teacher !ets the student write a 2ourna! entr( about a 'ersona! e&'erience in !osing a !oved one) whether te$'orar( or 'er$anent# The students write about how the( "ee! and how the( co'e with it# CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students read in advance ; The +tor( o" A!i Gaba and the 1ort( Thieves ; > An e&cer't "or the ne&t !esson A WEEKE / : .ifferent Wor, $ DAYS: -23-? DATE: August I-12) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson I# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher !ets the students write a short su$$ar( o" the se!ection "or their advanced reading in the 'revious week# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher# The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The teacher !ets the student write an argu$entative 'a'er to answer this 7uestion : Is it right "or a "ather to 'ass on to his son ; good "ortune ; that was ac7uired through deceit and dishonest(#
CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students 'ut theirse!ves in the shoe o" their "ather then decide the best heir!oo$ "or their chi!dren# Each student $ust e&'!ain the $eaning o" the heir!oo$ the( have chosen to !eave "or their chi!dren# WEEKE 0 : Leaving My Co1fort 2one DAYS: :9-CC DATE: August 1?-1J) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents do the activities in +hare 8our Thoughts and 6hat word wi!! (ou discover in *esson J# The teacher discusses the e!e$ents o" dra$a and stage 'roduction# +how the video c!i's o" a 're-'roduction o" a stage '!a(# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher !ets the students rete!! ; A 0o!! s 3ouse ; through dra$atiBation# The students shou!d use the ideas the( have !earned "ro$ the discussion on dra$a and stage 'roduction# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( and this sha!! be discussed brie"!( b( the teacher# The teacher discusses the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities#
ASSIGNMENT: The teacher divides the c!ass into grou's# Then) have the grou's 're'are a dra$atiBation o" the se!ection) ; The -herr( Erchard#K The teacher discuss the rubric that wi!! be used "or rating the '!a( 'roduction# Inc!ude individua! contribution during the 're'aration as 'art o" the criteria# CLOSURE : 3ave the students do ,er"or$ance Task :# -heck their out'uts using the sa$'!e rubric 'rovided in this unit#
WEEKE 13 : A"a)ening
DAYS: :23:?
,RE-,RE+ENTATIEN : The teacher 'rovides the schedu!e "or dress rehearsa! The teacher gives an orientation on 'ro'er decoru$ when watching stage '!a(s# ,RE+ENTATIEN : *et each grou' take turns 'resenting their '!a(s# =ive each grou' 20-:0 $inutes# The sub2ect teacher invites other teachers and student re'resentatives to be $e$bers o" the board o" 2udges# I" 'ossib!e) record via videota'e the 'resentations "or a''reciation and as re"erence "or 'ost-'resentation discussion# ,E+T-,RE+ENTATIEN: The teacher discuss the student s e&'eriences in doing their 'resentation# Then have the$ do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover( The discuss the 'oints in E&'ress 8ourse!" and then have the students do the acco$'an(ing activities# 6atch the video o" the each grou' 'resentations together) then have a 'ost-'resentation discussion with the c!ass#
UNIT TITLE : Yo!r S"+oo) %n Yo!r Co((!n#t*
INCLUSIVE DATES: August - +e'te$ber 2011
10 weeks
LESSONS COVERED: <!(%n.: A)#;$ 7!t #,,$r$nt #n t+$#r 4%*. T+$ J$4$) #n M* 2or) M* Pr$"#o!. R%"$ S$$#n& <$r T+$ 7on t+%t t#$. P$o>)$ To&$t+$r
-. E=>)or#n& t+$ Un;no4n 1. In T+#. .>%"$ %n t#($ 5. Po4$r 7$*on M$ 8. T+$ Tr!t+ Un0$#)$ 10. 7$%!t#,!) <%n .
activities such as 'oetr( reading and writing) 'ub!ic s'eaking) ro!e-'!a(ing) dra$a and essa( writing#
/se e""ective nonverba! cues and !ogica! thinking in discourse co$$unication4 E&'ress re"!ections and insights on a given issue through s'eeches and re'orts4 0erive $eaning"u! insights and e&'eriences "ro$ !iterar( te&ts which are e""ectiv vehic!es o" thought in the stud( o" Eng!ish4 Identi"( the di""erent !iterar( e!e$ents and techni7ues > e#g# characteriBation) '!o s($bo!s) i$ager( A ada'ted b( the writer to achieve his or her 'ur'ose4 =ather accurate and re!iab!e in"or$ation "ro$ 'ri$ar( and secondar( sources "o a $eaning"u! and ob2ective research4 ErganiBe their thoughts b( e$'!o(ing 'aragra'h writing strategies and e""ectiv use o" transitions4 0is'!a( their s'eaking and writing ski!!s through active invo!ve$ent in 'ub! s'eaking) ro!e-'!a(ing) dra$a and essa( writing#
Students will understand that !iterature is a $eans to dee'en their understanding o" !i"e at ho$e) in schoo! and in the co$$unit(4 a short stor( $irrors !i"e and unvei!s va!ues through its characteriBation and '!ot structure4 !ogica! thinking and reasoning are i$'ortant as'ects o" 'ersuasion4 avoiding run-on sentences and dang!ing $odi"iers resu!ts in a c!ear and e""ective ora! and written co$$unication) thereb( enhancing c!ear understanding o" the $essage4 and A good essa( has structure and uses transitiona! devices "or a s$ooth "!ow o" ideas# Students will know the di""erence between inductive and deductive
3ow does !iterature dee'en (ou understanding o" !i"e at ho$e) in schoo! and in the co$$unit(5 In what wa(s does a short stor( $irror !i"e5 3ow are !i"e va!ues $ani"ested through the characters and '!ot o" the stor( 6h( are !ogica! thinking and reasoning ver( i$'ortant in 'ersuasion5 3ow do run-on sentences a""ec the overa!! 7ua!it( o" a written work5 3ow are transitiona! devices used in an essa(5 6hat ski!!s do (ou think (ou need to i$'rove "or this unit5
reasoning4 reading techni7ues that aid in research writing4 'ri$ar( and secondar( sources o" in"or$ation in research writing4 the structure o" an essa( and the transitiona! devices that aid in its deve!o'$ent4 ke( gra$$atica! structure > adverbs and 're'ositions A 4 run-on and dang!ing $odi"iers as errors in e""ective sentence construction4 and co$'osition writing strategies > de"inition ) descri'tion) co$'arison and contrast and narration A
Students will be able to A''!( !ogica! thinking i s'eaking and writing through th use o" inductive and deductiv reasoning4 Inter'ret the $eaning o" 'oe$ through an ade7uat understanding o" 'oet e!e$ents such as tone an i$ager(4 Identi"( the reading techni7ue that aid in s(ste$atic researc writing4 0i""erentiate 'ri$ar( source "ro$ secondar( sources o in"or$ation in research writing4 6rite an interesting essa( tha "o!!ows correct structure an uses transition words e""ective to connect ideas4 /se adverbs and 're'ositions t co$e u' with e""ective an gra$$atica!!( correc sentences4 -orrect sentences that contai run-on and dang!ing $odi"iers and /se a''ro'riate co$'ositio writing strategies > e#g de"inition) descri'tion co$'arison and contrast an narration A to conve( $eaning#
LuiBBes and Tests +'eech and Essa(s Research 6ork Interviews Ebservations 3o$ework
'ersuasive s'eech on how environ$enta! issues) s'eci"ica!!( 'o!!ution and ine""ective waste $anage$ent) can be reso!ved# 8ou shou!d be ab!e to ca'ture the attention o" the !isteners) show good reasoning in (our s'eech) observe good de!iver() and use s($bo!s and rhetorica! devices > e#g#) ana'hora and a'ostro'heA "or an e""ective s'eech# ,er"or$ance Task 2: Essa( 6riting a co$'arison and -ontrast
,er"or$ance rubrics
8ou are one o" the res'ondents o" a research being undertaken b( (our guidance counse!or on e""ects o" 'arenta! di""erences in chi!d care and i$'osition o" disci'!ine on the deve!o'$ent o" a chi!d s attitude and behavior# The stud( ai$s to "ind answers to and e&'!anations on the re'orted!( growing attitudina! and behaviora! 'rob!e$s o" students in secondar( schoo!s# 8our task is to write a three-'aragra'h co$'arison and contrast essa( on how 'arents take care o" and i$'ose disci'!ine on their chi!dren# The essa(s) which are sub2ect to va!idation) wi!! be given ob2ective inter'retation and ana!(sis b( the guidance counse!or a!ong with the other data gathering $ethods# The essa( shou!d "o!!ow correct structure and transitiona! words#
,er"or$ance Task :: 6riting a 0escri'tive Essa( 8our "oreign "riends want to visit the ,hi!i''ines# Ge"ore the( visit the countr() the( want to have an idea o" the cu!ture) c!i$ate) weather conditions) "oods and the beauti"u! '!aces the( can e&'!ore# -hoose one s'eci"ic to'ic about being a 1i!i'ino (ou can write about c!ear!( and interesting!(# The descri'tive essa( shou!d have a catch( and interesting tit!e) consist o" :00 words) and be ab!e to $ake the reader visua!iBe the ob2ect) event) '!ace or e&'erience o" being in the ,hi!i''ines# The in"or$ation shou!d be organiBed according to their chrono!ogica! order) order o" i$'ortance or s'atia! order#
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: 3ave the students ana!(Be the tab!e in +hare 8our thoughts# 3ave the$ co$'are and contrast the$se!ves "ro$ 3ave the students !ook "or the $eaning o" the words in 6hat words wi!! (ou discover then !et the$ use each word in sensib!e sentences# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher guides the students in reading and ana!(Bing ; The Three Ages o" .an#K ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students answer the co$'rehension 7uestions in ; 3ow we!! do (ou understand the se!ection5 ; The teacher asks the students to choose certain !ines and have the$ e&'!ain those in their own words# The students discuss the writer s ro!e in deve!o'ing !iterar( a''reciation# A"ter which) the teacher !ets the students do the activities in 6hat ge$s have (ou "ound5 And in 6hat insights have (ou gained5 The teacher discusses the 'arts o" the essa( as seen in 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak then !eads the students to answer 8ou give it a shotH The teacher discusses the adverbs o" $anner and ti$e then directs the students to answer the e&ercises that "o!!ow WORK&OOK ACTI5IT66 The teacher discusses the to'ic in ;3ow we!! can (ou writeK then directs the students to do the activities in ;8ou can do itK and ;8ou can show it#K
ASSIGNMENT: The students create their own inter'retation o" the three ages o" $an b( '!otting it on a '(ra$id CLOSURE : The students choose the one age o" $an the( consider best then e&'!ain wh( the( consider such as best# WEEKE 2 : T+$ J$4$) #n M* 2or) DAYS: ??- ?J DATE: +e't# ?-J) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher asks the student to ana!(Be the 'icture in ; +hare 8our ThoughtsK then each students are re7uired to describe their res'ective observations on it# The teacher !ets the students !ook "or a 'artner to answer ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discoverK vo!unteers are encouraged to share their answers# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: 6ith the sa$e 'artner) the students read the se!ection ; +'eech on the =ranting o" Indian Inde'endence# The teacher discusses the answer o" the students in ; 3ow we!! do (ou understand the se!ection5 ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher "urther discusses the students answer in ; 6hat ge$s have (ou "ound5K The teacher !ets the students do the activit( in ; 6hat insights have (ou gained5K The teacher discusses the wa(s on how to ana!(Be s($bo!s in a s'eech as seen in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak# The teacher discusses the answers o" the students
ASSIGNMENT: The students 're'are "or their 'ersuasive s'eeches to be de!ivered in "ront o" the c!ass# 0etai!s to this activit( is !aid in ,er"or$ance Task No# 1 CLOSURE : Each students 'artake in rating the 'er"or$ances o" the other grou'# Ene sha!! share his9her co$$ent about the 'er"or$ance based on the rubric# WEEKE ! : M* Pr$"#o!. R%"$ DAYS: <0-<C DATE: +e't# 12- 1<) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: +tudents cut out a news artic!e about discri$ination o" 1i!i'inos abroad then ana!(Be the 'icture in ; +hare 8our thoughts K The teacher discusses racia! discri$ination and !et the students give $ani"estations o" it based on what the( have read or observed and watched on te!evision# The students answer the activit( in ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discover#K REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The students read the s'eech ; I 3ave a 0rea$K b( .artin *uther Ding Jr# then under!ine the un"a$i!iar words in the s'eech know "ind out its $eaning in conte&t#
The teacher discusses so$e bio!ogica! "acts about the !i"e o" .artin *uther Ding Jr# The students then answer the co$'rehension 7uestions in ; 8our reading 0iscover(#K ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students do the activities in ; 6hat ge$ have (ou "oundK and ; 6hat insights have (ou gainedK The students identi"( one govern$ent !eader in the ,hi!i''ines toda( who has si$i!ar thoughts as .artin *uther Ding Jr# then each wi!! share to sa( so$ething about this !eader# The students identi"( the "igures o" s'eech used in ; I 3ave a 0rea$#K The teacher s'ares ti$e "or interactive discussion with the students on how the "igures o" s'eech were used in the s'eech# The teacher discusses adverb o" "re7uenc( as 'resented in ; 3ow accurate is (our e&'ression then answer the activit( that "o!!ows# The teacher teaches the students the use o" co$'arison and contrast in writing as 'resented in ;3ow we!! can (ou write#K Then do the task in ; 8ou can show it#K
The teacher asks the students to search on the internet so$e news about 1i!i'inos in other countries# Then have the$ write a co$'arison and contrast essa( about the '!ight o" the 1i!i'inos abroad and in the ,hi!i''ines#
ASSIGNMENT: The students do ,er"or$ance Task No# 2 CLOSURE : The teacher asks the students to !ist down their drea$s "or their countr( and "or their "e!!ow 1i!i'inos# This sha!! be 'resented in a "or$ o" a 'oe$) song or s'eech# DAYS: DATE: TIME FRAME: WEEKE % : S$$#n& <$r ;2- <J +e't# 1J-2:) 2011 1 6EED ,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: Ask the students to share the i$ages that co$e to their $inds when the( are asked about their chi!dhood# 0istribute 'ieces o" bond 'a'er and assign the students to work in 'airs# +tudents are given enough ti$e to draw the i$ages o" their
chi!dhood as 'resented in ; +hare 8our Thoughts#K The teacher "aci!itates the students sharing# The students reca!! a gir! or a bo( who "ascinated the$ when the( were (oung# The teacher asks) ; 6hat 7ua!ities o" that gir! or bo( "ascinated (ou5K ; 3ow did (ou "ee! about hi$ or her5 ; ; 3ow did (ou hand!e such "ee!ings5K The teacher !eads an interactive discussion with the c!ass about the to'ic# The students answer the e&ercises in ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discover5K REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The students read the stor( ; Arab( ; b( Ja$es Jo(ce ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: 3ave the students answer the co$'rehension 7uestions and the activit( in ; 8our reading discover( ; The teacher discusses the i$'ortance o" flashback as a narrative techni7ue and e&'!ain how it is used# The teacher uses the discussion and activit( in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak5 And ; 8ou give it a shotK The teacher discuss 're'ositions showing 'osition then !ets the student answer the e&ercises in ; 3ow accurate is (our e&'ression5K The teacher 'resents narrative writing as discussed in ;3ow we!! can (ou writeK M ; 8ou can do itHK
The teacher !ets the students di""erentiate i!!usion "ro$ rea!it(# +tudents !ist down their i!!usions and rea!ities in re"erence to ; 8ou can show itHK ASSIGNMENTS: The students !ook "or a $ovie that uses "!ashback as a narrative techni7ue# +tudents wi!! down!oad and 'resent in c!ass a short video c!i' o" the said $ovie# The students write a short reaction 'a'er which "ocuses on the a''ro'riateness and signi"icance o" the use o" "!ashback in the scenes shown# CLOSURE : The students write a 2ourna! entr( with the conte&t on their e&'!anation on the given situation) ; I" (ou were to write a book that te!!s about (our chi!dhood what wou!d its tit!e be5 6h(5
DATE: +e't#2<-:0
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students write on the board the de"initions o" "riendshi'# 6ith a seat$ate) a!!ow the students to ta!k about the characteristics o" their Gest "riends# Re"er to ; +hare 8our Thoughts#K The teacher e!icits the students reactions to the sa(ing % ;T3ERE -AN NEVER GE 1RIEN0+3I, 6IT3E/T TR/+T AN0 *E8A*T8#K The teacher asks the students i" the( ever had a bad e&'erience with a "riend# *et so$e o" the students te!! their stories brie"!( in c!ass# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher introduces the stor( ; Two 1riends ; b( =u( de .au'assant in ; 8our Reading Vo(age ; The guides in un!ocking the $eaning o" the un"a$i!iar words based on conte&t c!ues# The teacher checks the students understanding in the se!ection b( !etting the$ answer the co$'rehension 7uestions# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students deter$ine the 'arts in the stor( where "oreshadowing and 2u&ta'osition are used# The teacher discusses the 'oints in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak5K The students 'er"or$ a dia!ogue in c!ass as 'resented in ; 8ou give it a shotH ;
ASSIGNMENT: 3ave the students do ,er"or$ance Task No# : CLOSURE : The students co'( "ro$ the stor( sentences that contain 're'ositions o" ti$e and then !et the$ re'ort on the i$'ortance o" ti$e se7uence as a transitiona! device# 7UI2 4 An essa( t('e o" 7uiB to deter$ine how $uch the( have !earned "ro$ the !esson# WEEKE * : E@&$oring 'he Un<no1n DAYS: =23=? DATE: Ect#:-F 2011
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: show the students a !ist o" chi!dren s stories and !et the$ check those the( have read) heard about) or watched in a $ovie# -a!! on students to describe each stor(# Then) have the students do the task in ; +hare 8our Thoughts#K Ge"ore reading the $ain se!ection) !et the$ answer the activit( in ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discover#5K *et the students identi"( the criteria o" a good stor(# 3ave the$ na$e its i$'ortant e!e$ents and e&'!ain what each e!e$ent is about# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : *et the students read ;The +hadowK b( 3ans -hristian Andersen# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: *et the students answer the co$'rehension 7uestion in ; 3ow we!! do (ou understand the se!ection5K 0iscuss with the$ how the setting) characters and '!ot he!' in their co$'rehension o" the stor(# Re"er to the discussion in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak5K then !et the students answer the given e&ercises# =rou' the students and have the$ 'resent a shadow '!a( based on one scene that wi!! assign to the$# Te!! the$ to 'rovide the dia!ogue and cut out hu$an "igures "ro$ cardboards "or the 'resentation# 0o an eva!uation o" the 'resentation# Invo!ve the students in giving "eedback and suggestions#
ASSIGNMENT: Ask the students to do the tasks in ; 8ou can do itHK and ; 8ou can show itHK CLOSURE : The students write a grou' essa( entit!ed) ; I" I were a shadow "or a 0a(#K Each grou' $e$ber contributes two sentences to co$'!ete the essa(# +tudents $ust use accurate 're'ositions o" $ove$ent and 're'ositiona! 'hrases in their sentences# WEEKE - : In T+#. .>%"$ %n T#($ DAYS: >93>: DATE: Ect#10-1C) 2011
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: Ask the students i" the( be!ieve in +u're$e Geing# *et the$ te!! how di""erent 1i!i'inos ca!! the +u're$e Geing in their native !anguages# Re"er the students to ; +hare 8our Thoughts# Then) ask the students to answer ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discover#K
-a!! on three to "ive vo!unteers to share brie"!( an( e&'erience that wi!! 'rove that the wor!d and !i"e are divine!( governed# REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher divides the c!ass into "ive grou's and have each grou' recite with 'ro'er 'auses and sto's the 'oe$ ; 1our +core ; b( +ir 3enr( ,arkes# /n"o!d the $eaning o" the di""icu!t words# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher discusses with the students what a sonnet is and how it di""ers "ro$ other "or$s o" 'oetr(# Instruct the$ to answer the co$'rehension 7uestions in ; 3ow we!! do (ou understand the se!ection5K and ; 6hat insights have (ou gained5K The teacher takes the students outside the c!assroo$ or to a '!ace where the( cou!d see things "ro$ nature > e#g# "!owers) trees) birds) grass butter"!ies A# *et the students !ook "or a co$"ortab!e '!ace to sit and write a sonnet about an( o" the things "ro$ nature that the( consider a s($bo! re'resenting =od s i$age# The teacher te!!s the students to use "igures o" s'eech such as 'ersoni"ication) and si$i!e in their sonnet to enhance i$ager(# The teacher discusses 'ersoni"ication using the te&t 'rovided in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak5K Then) have the students do the given task as we!! as the task in ; 8ou give it a shotHK The teacher discusses run-on sentences in re"erence to ; 3ow accurate is (our e&'ression5 1or e&a$'!es# The students answer the e&ercises# The students read in "ront o" the c!ass the sonnets that the( have written# The students wi!! eva!uate the sonnet read#
ASSIGNMENT: The teacher !ets the students !ook "or artic!e) 'oe$) essa( or song that te!!s about the beaut( and $agni"icence o" =od s creations# The teacher directs the students to co$'i!e the artic!es as a c!ass 'ro2ect# CLOSURE : The students do the activities in ; 3ow we!! can (ou write5K) ; 8ou can do itHK and ; 8ou can show itH ; WEEKE / : Po1er 0eyon! 6e DAYS: DATE: >23>? Ect# 1F-21)2011
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: Te!! the s to stud( the 'ictures in ; +hare 8our Thoughts ; at 'age 1?1 in the te&tbook# The teacher asks the students to describe the 'hotos and identi"( the di""erence between the two then share what the( know about ARAG+# Introduce new words to the students using the vocabu!ar( e&ercises at 'age 1?1# The students 'rovide !itera! and suggestive $eanings to the words# 0i""erentiate between denotative and connotative $eaning# +tudents give the denotative and connotative o" PAIN. REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : =ive a short biogra'h( o" NaBek a!-.a!aika# Then) have the students read her 'oe$ ; 1ro$ "ive 3($ns to ,ain#K ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students answer the co$'rehension 7uestions and do the tasks in ; 8our reading 0iscover(#K The divides the c!ass into grou's and ask the$ to do a choric reading o" the 'oe$) observing a''ro'riate e$otiona! intensit() 'ro'er stress and 'auses# The students identi"( so$e 'honic devices that are used in the 'oe$ !ike a!!iteration) re'etition and ono$ato'oeia# +tudents wi!! do the activit( in ; 8ou =ive it a +hotHK
The teacher re$inds the students not to write sentences with dang!ing $odi"iers "or c!arit( o" their ideas b( 'resenting the !esson in ; 3ow accurate is (our e&'ression5K and b( having the students answer the e&ercises# The teacher "urther discusses the to'ic in ; 3ow we!! can write 5K then do the activities that "o!!ow# ASSIGNMENT: The teacher assigns the students to do the task in ; 8ou can do itHK and ; 8ou can show itHK CLOSURE : The teacher !ets the students choose the stanBa that he 9she !ikes best in the 'oe$ then !et each student e&'!ain wh( he9she !ikes it# WEEKE 0 : The Tr#'h Un"ei$e! DAYS: DATE: TIME FRAME: ?9-JC Ect# 2C-2I)2011 1 6EED ,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher asks) 1#; 0o (ou know the true character o" (our "riend5K 2# ; 6hat wou!d (ou do i" (ou discover that (our "riend has so $an( character "!aws5K
:# ; 3ow about (ou) do (ou have character "!aws) too5K C# ; 3ow do the( show in ever(da( situations5K The teacher 'rocess the students answers The teacher 'roceeds b( !etting the students do the activities in ; +hare 8our ThoughtsK and ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discover5K REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher in"or$s the students about .o!iere > Jean-Ga'tiste ,o7ue!in A and give the$ a$'!e ti$e to read his '!a( ; TART/11EK ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: The teacher !ets the students answer the co$'rehension 7uestions in ; 3ow we!! do (ou understand the se!ections5N
/sing the tasks in ; 6hat ge$s have (ou "ound5K and ; 6hat insights have (ou gained5K the teacher !eads the students to an interactive discussion o" the '!a( which is "ocused on the characteriBation# The teacher introduces to the students the TL*R strateg( that can he!' deve!o' their !istening ski!!s# The students !isten to their c!ass$ates in reading the 'art o" the '!a( assigned to the$ and assess their !istening ski!!s using the TL*R strateg(# The students do the activit( at 'ages 1<?-1<<# The teacher discusses "au!t( 'ara!!e!is$ using the te&t in ; 3ow accurate is (our e&'ression 5 K Then $ake the students do the given e&ercise# 1aci!itate a short essa( test to deter$ine how attentive!( the students have !istened during the discussion# 0iscuss the 'rocess and the "actors to consider in se!ecting and eva!uating in"or$ation "ro$ the internet using the te&t in ; 3ow we!! can (ou write5K Instruct the students to visit a website that can give the$ an ana!(sis o" ; Tartu""e#K Then) assess the site s re!evance) identit( and trustworthiness#
ASSIGNMENT: The teacher divides the c!ass into grou's# Then) have the grou's 're'are a dra$atiBation o" the se!ection) ; The -herr( Erchard#K The teacher discuss the rubric that wi!! be used "or
rating the '!a( 'roduction# Inc!ude individua! contribution during the 're'aration as 'art o" the criteria# CLOSURE : Instruct the students to visit a website that can give the$ an ana!(sis o" ; Tartu""e#K Then) assess the site s re!evance) identit( and trustworthiness# The students write their assess$ent on a sheet o" 'a'er WEEKE 13 : Geauti"u! 3ands DAYS: ?23?? DATE: Ect#:1-Nov#C) 2011 TIME FRAME: 1 6EED
,RE-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : The teacher shou!d discover who a$ong the c!ass !ove to 'aint and do scu!'ture# The teacher asks what rewards their artistic ski!!s have given the$ and who a$ong the$ has an artist "riend# +tudents characteriBe or describe their artist "riend# Through a 'ower 'oint 'resentation) show to the students so$e scu!'tures and then !et the$ identi"( who $ade the$# *et the students sa( so$ething about the artist# The teacher !ets the students answer ; 6hat words wi!! (ou discover5K REA0IN= A-TIVIT8 : +hare with the c!ass a short biogra'h( o" .iche!ange!o# Then) !et the students read ; .iche!ange!o: 0ra"ts$an and 0esigner ; b( John Addington +($onds at 'ages 1<J-1F2 in the te&tbook# ,E+T-REA0IN= A-TIVIT8: ,rocess the se!ection b( !etting the students do the tasks in ; 8our Reading 0iscover(#K I" 'ossib!e) record via videota'e the 'resentations "or a''reciation and as re"erence "or 'ost-'resentation discussion# ,E+T-,RE+ENTATIEN: The teacher discuss the student s e&'eriences in doing their 'resentation# Then have the$ do the activities in 8our Reading 0iscover(# The teacher discusses the te&t in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak5K and ; 3ow accurate is (our e&'ression5K The students do the activit( "o!!owing the discussion# The teacher discusses "ree writing b( giving the ti's enu$erated at 'age 1F<# The students do the "ree writing e&ercises in :K 8ou can do itHK and ; 8ou can show itHK
7UI24 To check how $uch the students have !earned "ro$ the unit#
ASSIGNMENT4 The students $ake a 'oster showing an artwork with the "o!!owing 7uote: ,h(sica! beaut( is one o" the rarest o" =od s gi"ts# I have $( !i"e to creating a race o" g!orious creatures in $arb!e and 'ain because I worshi' hu$an beaut( as =od s $ost divine attribute# ; CLOSURE: The students write down their assess$ent on the 'oster 'resented then give their own rating based on the rubric discussed be"orehand#
The !earners !isten to a song b( .ichae! Jackson entit!ed) ; G!ack or 6hite ; where the( !! describe the beat and the rh(th$# A"ter !istening to the song) the !earners answer the "o!!owing 7uestions: 3ow does the stanBa describe the wor!d5 6hat is $eant b( the !inesK 6here (our b!ood co$es "ro$ is where (our s'ace isK 5 0o (ou !ike the song5 E&'!ain (our answer#
The !earners !ocate words in the word 'uBB!e then de"ine each based on how it is used in the sentence# G!ighting I# horrid ?# vestige
T R A N L / I * E R 6 J 8 . I I L * +
in"erna! J# servi!it(
0A8: 2
A !earner shares to the c!ass the !i"e o" the author) 1rederick 0oug!ass# This is assigned the da( be"ore#
The !earners answer the co$'rehension 7uestions about the narrative) ; 3ow I *earned to Read and 6rite ; assigned one da( be"ore# 6hat was the status o" 0oug!ass in A$erica5 Read the !ines that 'rove (our answer# -haracteriBe .rs# Au!d# 3ow did she change5 0escribe .r# Au!d# 3ow do the !ines ; +!aver( soon 'roved its abi!it( to divest her o" these heaven!( 7ua!ities# under its
in"!uence) the tender heart beca$e stone) and the !a$b!ike dis'osition gave wa( to one o" tiger-!ike "iercenessK a''!( to .rs# Au!d5 0iscuss how 0oug!ass "irst !earned to read and write# 3ow did reading and writing a""ect his state o" !i"e5 6h( did the white A$ericans not want the s!aves to !earn how to read and write5 6hat were the ad$irab!e 7ua!ities o" 0oug!ass5 6h( do (ou think so5
The !earners co$'are the$se!ves with 1rederick 0oug!ass with the use o" a venn diagra$ one da( be"ore#
0A8: :
Through a re"!ective 2ourna! the !earners e&'ress their e$'ath( with 1rederick 0oug!ass desire to !earn to read and write# I" (ou were a s!ave !ike 0oug!ass) wou!d (ou a!so desire to !earn how to read and write5 6h(5
The !earners 'redict what 0oug!ass cou!d have done with his new!( "ound "reedo$ % !iterac( as a bo() as a teenager) as a "ather) as a citiBen) as a writer and as a hu$an being#
6hat 0oug!ass cou!d have done with his new!( "ound "reedo$ % *ITERA-8 a ### A+ GE8 A A+ A A+ A A+ A A+ A TEENA=ER 1AT3ER -ITIPEN 6RITER
A+ A 3/.A GEIN
0A8: C
*earners are grou'ed into "ive to design a studentcon"erence 'rogra$ that wi!! discuss wa(s on how the( can he!' out-o"-schoo! (ouths to !earn how to read and write# The 'rogra$ $ust inc!ude the "o!!owing:
Tit!e o" the con"erence) venue) and inc!usive dates 6e!co$e re$arks b( a student-!eader De(note s'eaker To'ics "or 'ane! discussion
The teacher !eads the students in discussing ; 3ow 6e!! can (ou *isten and +'eak ;
*earners $ust acco$'!ish the check!ist "or 're-!istening 'ractices# This $ust be ana!(Bed in order to check 'oints "or i$'roving one s !istening ski!!s# Acco$'!ish the check!ist be!ow and "ind out i" (ou are an e""ective or ine""ective !istener# Ana!(Be the resu!ts# 6hat can (ou do to i$'rove (our !istening ski!!s5 6rite (our answer on a Q cross-wise sheet o" !ong siBe bond 'a'er# Ge read( to share (our out'ut in c!ass# #re8Li$tening #ra9ti9e$ I start !istening without thinking about the sub2ect# I create or a$ in"!uenced b( distractions# I bui!d background know!edge on the sub2ect be"ore !istening# I have no s'eci"ic 'ur'ose "or !istening and have not considered the s'eaker s 'ur'ose# I $ini$iBe distractions# I do not "ocus attention I have no s'eci"ic 'ur'ose "or !istening and I atte$'t to ascertain the s'eaker s 'ur'ose# A,"ay $ So1eti1 e$
0A8: ?
WORK&OOK ACTI5IT6: an a''!ication o" the 're-!istening 'ractices where the !earners !isten to the o'inion to "ive o" their c!ass$ates about $aking the stud( o" another "oreign !anguage co$'u!sor( "or high schoo! students# Eng!ish ,ro"icienc( 6orkbook 'age1#
*earners conduct a !iterac( surve( o" A"rica) A$erica) ,hi!i''ines) -hina and Russia with the aid o" the internet# > This is assigned the da( be"ore A
=iven the data above) what can (ou sa( about the state o" !iterac( in the "ive countries cited5 6hat can (ou reco$$end to i$'rove their !iterac( condition5
The !earners 're'are the$se!ves "or the sharing o" out'ut be"ore the c!ass#
0A8: <
The *earners write a :-'aragra'h s'eech about i$'roving the !iterac( o" 1i!i'inos# > This sha!! be sub$itted "ive $inutes be"ore the end o" the 'eriod# A 0A8: F 0ATE: June 2I) 2011
The teacher writes on the board si& sentences where each consists o" an under!ined word# The !earners wi!! then identi"( the 'art o" s'eech each under!ined word "a!!s under# 1rederick 0oug!ass is deter$ined to !earn how to read and write# As a s!ave) 0oug!ass tried hard to educate hi$se!"# 1rederick 0oug!ass did a se!"-stud( through reading books# 0es'ite 0oug!ass "ate) he $anaged to con7uer the bitterness he "e!t as a G!ack A$erican# 1ro$ being a s!ave) 0oug!ass was ab!e to co'e with ignorance through se!"-he!' !iterac(# A 'oor "a$i!( $a( rise "ro$ 'overt( through education#
The !earners "i!! in the tab!e with two e&a$'!es o" each t('e o" noun then use the$ in sentences#
-E.,E/N0 -E**E-TIVE
0A8: I
The teacher discusses the "i!!ing out o" the E$'!o($ent A''!ication 1or$s# The !earners "i!! out 'ro'er!( an E$'!o($ent A''!ication 1or$# WORK&OOK ACTI5IT6: 1i!!ing out a''!ication "or$ 'ages :-C#
0A8: J
The teacher e&'!ains the criteria in de!ivering their written s'eech about i$'roving the !iterac( o" 1i!i'inos be"ore the c!ass# 0e!iver( Enunciation +tage 0e'ort$ent Audibi!it( Audience I$'act
The teacher ca!!s each !earner in rando$ to start de!ivering the s'eech assigned "our da(s ago#
ASSIGNMENT : -o!!ect at !east : E$'!o($ent A''!ication 1or$ "ro$ the di""erent o""ices) institutions) and estab!ish$ents in .aasin -it(# CLOSURE 4 3ow does the desire o" 1rederick 0oug!ass to !earn how to read and write a""ect (our own desire to achieve so$ething worthwhi!e5 0oes the narrative ins'ire (ou in an( wa(5
The !earner de$onstrates a heightened sensitivit( to the needs o" others "or a better understanding o" $an through a narrative read#
The !earner thinks o" a 'ro2ect that bene"it his schoo!) then write 'ro'osa! "or such 'ro2ect#
A 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! $ust be care"u!!( thought o" since it serves as a guide to the '!anner in e&ecuting a 'ro2ect to avoid a waste o" ti$e) resources and e""ort#
An e&'ositor( narrative the i$'ortance o" critica! thinking the use o" 'ronouns and sub2ective or no$inative case the necessit( o" '!anning a 'ro2ect
identi"( the ideas and the e&'erience o" character in a narrative# write a 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! 'resent to the c!ass a 'ro2ect 'ro'osa!
The !earner shou!d be ab!e to de$onstrate understanding covering the si& ><A "acets o" understanding:
The !earner 'resents a 'ro2e 'ro'osa! be"ore the c!ass ba on the "o!!owing criteria: "or$at 'ur'ose bene"it 'resentation out'ut
be e&'ressive in thinking "or other s we!"are as an o'en !ink between one s !i"e and !ives o" others#
state in a thank-(ou note the degree o" gratitude received "ro$ an ins'iration
DAYS: 1- I
0A8: 10
The !earners take ti$e to think their "avorite to( or treasure when the( were a chi!d then draw it on a drawing '!ate# At the back 'age o" the drawing '!ate) the students) the students wi!! describe the drawing b( "o!!owing the guide 7uestions:
3ow did the to( or treasure !ook !ike5 3ow did (ou "ee! when (ou had it as a chi!d 5
3ow did it $ean to (ou5 I" (ou sti!! had it) how wou!d (ou "ee! about it5
The !earners take turns in 'resenting their out'ut be"ore the c!ass#
0A8: 11
The teacher 'resents 2u$b!ed 'hrases taken "ro$ the e&cer't o" ; -hi!dhood and ,oetr( ;
The !earners arrange the 2u$b!ed 'hrases to "or$ a sentence# Then circ!e the word be!ow the !ine that has the sa$e $eaning as the ita!iciBed word# > 'age 1: A
The teacher asks a vo!unteer to share the background o" the author) ,ab!o Neruda#
0A8: 11
A teacher !ets the !earners read the e&'ositor( narrative entit!ed) -hi!d and ,oetr( b( ,ab!o Neruda
The !earners answer the "o!!ow-u' 7uestions at 'age 1?# Each answer is written on a cut-out sheet o" art 'a'er# As soon as the answers are done) the !earners "or$ a "igure out
"ro$ the varied sha'es b( 'atching the "igure on a R sheet o" carto!ina o" desired co!or#
The !earners e&'!ain the $eaning o" the "or$ed "igure then share to the c!ass the answers to the "o!!ow-u' 7uestions# > 'age 1? A
0A8: 12
The teacher e&'!ains the $anner an e&'ositor( narrative is written and narrated#
Idea :
Experience : __________________________________________________________
Wor)+oo) A9tivity4 Identi"( the $ain idea and 'oint o" view o" an e&'ositor( narrative at 'ages < and F#
0A8: 1:
The !earners reca!! so$ething or so$eone the( cherish that eventua!!( ins'ired the$ to beco$e a better student) chi!d) "riend) brother) sister or neighbor#
The !earners write a thank-(ou note to this so$ething or so$eone $aking use o" their creativit( and art ski!!s# > The teacher assigns the students to bring art $ateria!s "or this activit( # A
0A8: 1C
The $earner% en#)era'e 'he 'hing% 'o (on%i!er 1hen $i%'ening (ri'i(a$$y 'o a %&ee(hA
: ____________________________________________________________
The *earners !isten to the teacher reads 6i!!ia$ 1au!kner s s'eech# Thus ana!(Be the as'ects enu$erated in the chart using the guide!ines stated in ; 3ow we!! can (ou !isten and s'eak# ;
Intended Audience The $essage The +'eaker The s'eaker s evidence and reasoning The s'eaker s e$otiona! a''ea!
0A8: 1?
The teacher discusses the 'ronoun usage in the sub2ective or no$inative case# The !earners do e&ercises A and G at 'age 1F# The teacher gives a 1?-ite$ 7uiB on the 'ronoun usage The teacher assigns the !earners to 'rint a sa$'!e 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! "ro$ a website source#
0A8: 1<
The teacher introduces to the !earners the 're'aration o" a 'ro2ect 'ro'osa!#
The !earners work in grou' o" : $e$bers where each think o" a certain 'ro2ect# The ne&t da() the grou' wi!! sub$it the 'ro'osa! on such a 'ro2ect#
0A8: 1F
The !earners 'resent the 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! to the c!ass e$'hasiBing on the "o!!owing criteria:
The !earners act as criti7ue to the 'resenters then !ist suggestions to i$'rove the 'resenter s 'ro'osa!#
ASSIGNMENT : Revise (our 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! based on the suggestions given# +ub$it the revised co'( o" (our 'ro2ect 'ro'osa! on Ju!( 1I) .onda(#
CLOSURE 4 I$agine a co$$unit( 'ro2ect without a written 'ro'osa!) do (ou think this 'ro2ect wou!d co$e out) the wa( (ou e&'ect it5 -ite at !east "ive > ? A as'ects that wou!d !ead a 'ro2ect to succeed# /se Q cross-wise sheet o" !ong siBe bond 'a'er#
The !earners show evidence o" disci'!ine The !earners write a 'ro2ect $onito through the 'ractice o" i$'ortant va!ues which re'ort and $ake 'osters using 7uotations a bui!ds their character thought"u!!( and wa( to 'rovide evidence o" va!ues in 'ractice# 'ainstaking!(#
+hy i% a &roBe(' )oni'oring re&or' an i)&or'an' 'o 'he (o)&$e'ion of a &roBe('D A 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort he!'s !essen
The !earner shou!d be ab!e to de$onstrate understanding covering the si& ><A "acets o" understanding:
In $aking a 'oster out o" a given 7uotes) the students $ust be guided with this "o!!owing criteria: Re!evance .ateria!s Artistic conce't Aesthetic
!ist down the wa(s b( which (ou can a''!( the 'ieces o" advice stated b( .ark Twain in (our !i"e# A''!( the advices read in the se!ection 6rite 'ersona! 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort /se 'ronoun in ob2ective case sentences# Re!ate the re!evance o" the 'eace o" advice that the author states in his satirica! s'eech# Ge creative in a''!(ing the virtuous state$ent stated b( the author in his s'eech# Indu!ge (ourse!" in writing a 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort as a e""ective $ean " se!" assessing (our work#
DAYS: 1- I
0A8: 1I
The !earners the 'oe$ o") A!e&ander ,o'e stresses the i$'ortance o" virtues#
3ear this) and tre$b!e (ou) who Tsca'e the !aws# 8es) whi!e I !ive) no rich or nob!e knave +ha!! wa!k the wor!d) in credit to his grave# To virtue on!( her "riends) a "riend The wor!d beside $a( $ur$ur or co$$enced# -taken "ro$ I$itations o" 3orace) II)i ;E'i!ogue to the satires) 0ia!og I and IIK The teacher !ets the students answer the "o!!owing 7uestions: To who$ is the versed addressed5 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 6hat is the s'eaker s $essage to the addressee5 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
The teacher !earner shares to the c!ass the !i"e o" the author .ark Twain# This is assign the da( be"ore# The teacher as the students read the se!ection# The teacher 'osts the 7uestions that wi!! test how "ar the students understood the se!ection# 6ho was addressed in .ar Twain s s'eech5
6h( do (ou think Twain chose ;obe( (our 'arentsK as his "irst advice to the (outh5 According to Twain) the (outh $ust ;a!wa(s avoid vio!ence5K what does this sa( o" A$erican societ( in 1II25 According to Twain) what wou!d $ake a student 'er"ect5 E" !(ing) Twain to!d the (outh that it is better to ;te!! the truth at once and be done with it# ;what (ou think about this5 6hat do (ou gain "ro$ te!!ing the truth5 6h( did Twain warn the (outh to be ;ver( care"u!K in choosing the books to read5 6hat did Twain $ean b( the !ine ;$ake >$( s'eechA a guide to (our "eet and a !ight to (our understandingK5
The teacher uses +ocratic discussion as ever( students share their own ideas#
0A8: 20
The teacher "aci!itates in e&'!aining what and how satire is being used in the s'eech as a $ean o" $aking a 'oint#
The !earners e&'!ain what the "o!!owing satirica! state$ents $ean# ;I" a 'erson o""ends (ou and (ou are in doubt as to whether it was intentiona! or not) do not resort to e&tre$e $easures4 si$'!( watch (our chance and hit hi$ with a brick# That wi!! be su""icientK#SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS
;8ou want to be ver( care"u! about !(ing4 otherwise) (ou are near!( sure to get caught# Ence caught) (ou can never again be in the e(es to the good and the 'ure) what (ou were be"ore#KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS
The !earners !ist down the wa(s b( which the( can a''!( each in their !i"e the advices that the author gave to the$# /se the tab!e be!ow#
A!wa(s obe( (our 'arents Ge res'ect"u! to (our su'eriors# Te!! the truth at once and be done with it# There are $an( sorts o" books) but good ones are the sort "or the (oung to read#
0A8: 21
The teacher e&'!ains the discuss the nonverba! cues and how it enhance the de!iver( o" s'eech at the sa$e ti$e revea! his 'ur'ose The !earners !isten to the debate or 'ane! discussion "aci!itated b( their teacher# The( wi!! deter$ine the 'ur'ose "or the debate or 'ane! discussion "aci!itated b( their teacher# The( wi!! deter$ine the 'ur'ose "or !istening then) note the 'oints raised b( the s'eaker and their non verba! cues# The( wi!! discuss their written out'ut a"terwards#
The !earners acco$'!ish check!ist be!ow to "ind out how e""ective (ou are in !istening according to 'ur'ose# A*6A8+ +E.ETI.E+
*I+TENIN= ,RA-TI-E+ I 2udged the $essage through the s'eaker s a''earance or de!iver(# I acce'ted the words at "ace va!ue# I constant!( check $( understanding o" the $essage b( $aking connections) $aking and con"ir$ing 'redictions) $aking in"erence) eva!uating) and re"!ecting# I gave co$'!ete attention to the !istening task and de$onstrated interest# I was a "!e&ib!e notetaker- out!ining) $a''ing) and categoriBing %who si"t and sort and o"ten add in"or$ation# I knew whether cursor( !istening is re7uired and ad2usted $( !istening behavior according!(#
Gased on their rating) the !earners wi!! $ake conc!usion about their behavior as a !istener# Then) think o" wa(s b( which (ou can i$'rove (our !istening ski!!s# 6rite the$ in a one-ha!" crosswise# 0A8: 2: 0ATE: Ju!( :0) 2011
The teacher conducts a short reca!! the : kinds o" 'ronouns and 'recious to'ic about 'ronoun usage: +ub2ect and No$inative case#
0A8: 2C
Getween yo' and 1e) this is the biggest !ie I have heard# To "ho1 do (ou "i$h to s'eak5
The teacher "aci!itates the discussion about 'ronoun usage: the use o" ob2ective case# The teacher conducts a ten >10A ite$ 7uiB#
The teacher discusses the essence o" $onitoring a 'ro2ect and how it a""ects the 7ua!it( o" their out'ut# The !earners stud( the sa$'!e 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort be!ow# Note the descri'tive state$ents o" the as'ects o" the 'ro2ect being $onitored#
0a( : o" the i$'!e$entation ,roduction and distribution o" virtue cards -ardboards) each one with a virtue state$ent acco$'anied with artistic decoration -ardboards cut into I&10)!ist o" virtues other that $ark Twain s given virtues Virtues have been gathered "ro$ the internet4 the !ist ha been shown to the co$$ittee to decide on a''ro'riateness and re!evance4 and cardboards have b cut# 6ork 'roceeds as schedu!ed En!( F out o" I students-vo!unteers are consistent!( working U:C0#00 s'ent on $ateria!s4 U1<0#00 is sti!! with the tea !eader
The teacher asks the students to write their or "or$u!ate their own se!" 'ersona! 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort re"erring to the e&a$'!es given#
0A8: 2?
The !earners 'resent their out'ut) regarding with their 'ro2ect $onitoring re'ort# The teacher shows the 7uotes to the students and assign to the$# The !earners wi!! $ake a 'oster out o" the 7uote assigned to the$#
ASSIGNMENT : .ake a "inishing touch to the 'oster that (ou $ade and e&'!ain the given 7uote about how great!( a""ects (our !i"e as a student# 0oes it change (ou notion about se!" res'onsibi!it(# CLOSURE 4 0o (ou think that it is sti!! re!evant to !earn a!! o" these advices that the author gave to (ou in our conte$'orar( settings5 +u''ort (our stand b( giving an e&a$'!e#
Ge .( =uide
The !earners de$onstrate understanding The !earners $ake an end o" the 'ro and a''reciation to the 'ictures7ue descri'tion re'ort which is he 'ro2ect s cu!$inating activit o" the se!ection# a wa( o" 2usti"(ing to their created 'ro2ects#
0iscourse $arkers are words or 'hrase that 2oin or re!ate one idea to another idea#
LEARNERS 2ILL KNO2: 7o1 'o #%e !e'ai$% an! e"i!en(e% in f#$$y !i%(#%%ing an! #n!er%'an!ing 'he gi"en %o$#'ionA 7o1 'o 'ra(< 'he %erie% of e)o'ion of 'he (hara('er in 'he %'ory #%ing 'he i$$#%'ra'ion% gi"enA 7o1 'o #%e Di%(o#r%e )ar<er% a%e for)% of E+hoF 7o1 'o &re&are an! en! 'he &roBe(' re&or'A
I% 'heir any e@&erien(e in yo#r $ife 'h &ara$$e$ or 'ha' yo# (an !e&i(' on (hara('er% e@&erien(e in 'he %'oryD
3ow can 0iscourse $arkers he!' in $aking (our state$ent in crea (our 'ro2ect 'ro'osa!5
LEARNERS 2ILL 7E A7LE TO: Pre%en' a gro#& en! &roBe(' re&or' 'o 'he ($a%%
Ana!(Be the guide 7uestions to "u!!( rea! the $essage o" the se!ection#
/se the 0iscourse $arkers in $aking state$ent >Verba! 0iscourseA and in writ their 'ro2ect re'ort >6ritten 0iscourseA#
The !earner shou!d be ab!e to de$onstrate understanding covering the si& ><A "acets o" understanding:
In writing an end 'ro2ect re' the students $ust be guided with this "o!!owing criteria: re!evance visua! aids accurac( dis'osition audibi!it(
!ist down the wa(s b( which (ou can a''!( the 'ieces o" advice stated b( .ark Twain in (our !i"e# /se discourse $arkers in $aking a state$ent # ,resent an end 'ro2ect re'ort in the c!ass /se i!!ustration to e&'ressed series o" e$otions through out the stor(# Ana!(Be the $eaning o" the se!ection b( these criteria -ritica! ana!(tica! sense 6ith insights 6ith the use o" evidence Re!ate the e$otiona! e&'erienced to the se!ection read# Indu!ge (ourse!" in writing and using verba!!( the discourse $arkers in a conversation#
DAYS: 1- F
0A8: 2<
The teacher shows two >2A 'ainting to the !earners) and asks the to write about so$ething the( "ee! regarding with the two 'aintings# Ask the$ to write their out'ut in a one-ha!" sheet o" 'a'er# The !earners identi"( the new words b( crossing out the words that does not be!ong to the set# Res'onsib!e 0anger Anguished 3urried!( +atis"ied Reasonab!e 1orsaken .oving Grisk!( -ontained
The !earner de"ines the ita!iciBed words base on how the( are use in the sentence# The !earners "or$ a d(ad read and discuss their insights about the stor(# The teacher "aci!itates b( so!iciting ideas "ro$ the c!ass in discussing the se!ection# The !earners answer the "o!!owing guide 7uestions#
6hat did the s'eaker and his "ather do one +unda( a"ternoon5 3ow did he describe the work o" his "ather5 -ite the !ines "ro$ the se!ection that indicate the bo( s ha''iness) content$ent and "ee!ing o" securit( being with his "ather# -ite "ro$ the !ines that indicates the bo( s "ear) worr( and uncertaint( des'ite the 'resence o" his "ather# The bo( and his "ather encountered trains during their da(ti$e and night ti$e wa!k# -ite the !ines that describe these encounters# Then discuss brie"!( how the bo( was a""ected b( each encounter# 6hat did the bo( e&'erience "ro$ his encounter5
0A8: 2I
The !earner su''!ies the i!!ustration be!ow to e&'ressed series o" e$otion# >2A SSSSSSSSSSSSSS
To $ake use o" the insights that the students gained in the se!ection) the !earners wi!! think o" a $eaning"u! e&'eriences that the( both have with their "ather and $other) using the bo& be!ow#
Now) think o" so$ething (ou did b( (ourse!"# 0escribe it# 6hat "ee!ings and thoughts did (ou have then5 *ist the$ inside the bo&#
-o$'are (ou (our two !ists# 3ow did (ou dea! with (our "ee!ings and thoughts when (ou were with (our 'arent>sA and when (ou were a!one5 6rite a short 'aragra'h about this on a sheet o" 'a'er#
0A8: 2J
The students read the "o!!owing sentences taken "ro$ the se!ection# It a!! ha''ened 7uick!(4 then on we went#
I knew ver( !itt!e about such things due to the fact that I was born in town#
The teacher discuss the about discourse $arkers# The !earners wi!! !isten to the teacher read the ;0esiderataK The students !ist down the discourse $arkers used in the se!ection and identi"( ideas !inked or re!ated b( the $arkers that the( have written# The( wi!! discuss their written out'ut a"terwards#
The teacher !inks the 'revious gra$$ar discussion about 'ronoun usage to the new gra$$ar to'ic ;case "or$ o" >6hoAK The teacher "aci!itate the discussion o" the case "or$s o" ;6hoK The !earners answer a 1? ite$ 7uiB#
The teacher conducts a short reca!! the : kinds o" 'ronouns and 'recious to'ic about 'ronoun usage: +ub2ect and No$inative case#
Getween yo' and 1e) this is the biggest !ie I have heard# To "ho1 do (ou "i$h to s'eak5
The teacher "aci!itates the discussion about 'ronoun usage: the use o" ob2ective case# The teacher conducts a ten >10A ite$ 7uiB#
0A8: :2
The teacher reca!!s the 'revious task o" the students which is their 'ersona! 'ro2ect re'ort# The !earners !isten attentive!( to the discussion as the teacher shows the 'art s on how to $ake an end o" 'ro2ect re'ort# The !earners stud( the how the 'arts o" the end re'ort using the e&a$'!es be!ow#
The !earners go to their res'ected grou's to discuss the schoo! 'ro2ect that the( have 'revious!( done) and $ake an end o" 'ro2ect re'ort out o" it#
0A8: ::
The !earners 'resent their out'ut) regarding with their end 'ro2ect re'ort to the c!ass b( grou'# The teacher re$inds the$ to use visua! 'resentation in doing such re'ort# The teacher gives the criteria in eva!uating their re'ort# This is given the 'revious da(#
ASSIGNMENT : +ub$it their hard co'( o" their end 'ro2ect re'ort b( grou'# CLOSURE 4 86hat signi"icant va!ues did the se!ection i$'arted into (ou5 80o (ou $ake a''oint that (ou and (our "a$i!( wi!! have a 7ua!it( ti$e o" bonding during +unda( in going to $ass5
The stor( o" A!i Gaba NO. OF SESSIONS: the 1ort( Thieves
The !earners de$onstrate understanding The !earner $akes an ana!(tica! 'a and ab!e to identi"( the characters "!aws and inde'endent!( to a$'!i"( their 'ro'ositions !ocking virtues which wi!! subse7uent!( guide certain to'ic and to 2usti"( their ideas that wi!! the$ in correcting it# to a har$onious co$$unication#
Ana!(tica! ,a'er as a $eans o" a$'!i"(ing (ou 'ro'ositions about a certain issue or to'ic#
LEARNERS 2ILL KNO2: The (hara('erG% h#)an f$a1% in 'he %e$e('ionA 7o1 'o (rea'e a %'ory5oar! The #ni"er%a$ 'r#'h* "a$#e or h#)an e@&erien(e
Do yo# 'hin< 'ha' 'he (hara('er ha% hi% f$ Do yo# 'hin< 'ha' hi% (hara('er %ho1% 'he of 5eing h#)anD +hy !o yo# 'hin< %oD Di! 'he (hara('er ha"e a (hoi(e of !oing a('ionD
%ho1n in 'he %e$e('ionA A('i"e "oi(e an! Pa%%i"e "oi(e 7o1 'o i)&ro"e 'heir &ro&o%i'ion% #%ing 'he Ana$y'i(a$ &a&erA
Dnow the di""erence between 'assive vo and active voice) and be ab!e to constru "ive sentences in each#
Identi"( the universa! truth) va!ue or hu$ e&'eriences shown in the se!ection# -reate a stor(board 0iscover the hu$an "!aws o" the $ain character
The !earner shou!d be ab!e to de$onstrate understanding covering the si& ><A "acets o" understanding:
In writing an ana!(tica! 'a'e the students $ust be guided with this "o!!owing criteria:
re!evance using o" indicators evidences c!arit( >thesis state$ gra$$ar "ocus
6rite a co$$ent to the character s choice o" actions base on the 7uoted virtues !ines in ;0esiderataK# A''!( the know!edge o" writing ana!(tica! 'a'er in a$'!i"(ing a 'ro'osition re!ate the characters events and situation in a narrative to rea! !i"e
de'ict ones e&'erience to the characters characteristic and e&'erience re!ate reading to ones e&'erience to c!ari"( $eaning
DAYS: 1- F
0A8: :C
The !earner reads Denn( s di!e$$a be!ow# Then) answer the 7uestions that "o!!ow#
Martin is walking back home rom the school. he wants to buy his mom a pair of shows for her upcoming birthday. However, he does not have enough money to but the new pair of shoes because he used up some of his savings to buy new items for his school project. As he was walking, he saw a wallet on the sidewalk. It contained 2, !! pesos"""just enough to buy the shoes. #ut the owner$s I%s were also in the wallet. Luestions: 6hat shou!d .artin do5 6h(5 6hat wou!d be a good reason "or .artin to return the wa!!et5 -an (ou think o" an( other reasons5 6ou!d it be stea!ing to kee' the $one(5 6h( is it wrong to stea!5
The !earners identi"( the new words !etting the$ encirc!e the word that has the c!osest $eaning to the ita!iciBed words in the sentences# The thieves mounted their horses and went o""# =et on a horse back b# !et go c# tied u'
-aught in the act) he was instant!( deprived o" !i"e# =iven b# cut c# denied
The imam 'er"or$ed "or the dead# ,ra(er !eader o" the $os7ue b# nun c# $a(or
3e wanted the treasure "or hi$se!" so he concealed it "ro$ the others# Revea!ed b# hid c# wra''ed
The !earner wi!! use the "o!!owing words a''ro'riate!( in a $eaning"u! sentence#
-onceived > to take into once $inedA -on"ounded >con"used) 'er'!e&edA 0e!iberating > discussing or thinking about issues care"u!!(A +tratage$ >to be a genera! $aneuverA E""icacious >having a 'ower to 'roduce a desired e""ectA
The !earner reads the se!ection ;The +tor( o" A!i Gaba and the 1ort( ThievesK) "o!!owed b( answering these "o!!owing 7uestions# 6ho was A!i Gaba5 3ow did he di""er "ro$ Dasi$5 6hat did he witnessed one da( in the woods5 6h( di A!i Gaba te!! Dasi$ about the treasure5 6hat ha''ened to Dasi$ when he atte$'ted to get treasure "ro$ the cave5 6h( did A!i Gaba te!! .ar2aneh that the( had to bur( Dasi$ s bod( ;as i" he had died a natura! deathK# 0id A!i Gaba deserve his riches5 I" (ou were A!i Gaba) wou!d (ou have o'ened the cave and gotten so$e o" the treasures in the "irst '!ace5 6h( or wh( not5
6hat cou!d A!i Gaba have done instead o" o'ening the cave and stea!ing the treasures5 6h( do (ou sa( so5 6hat kind o" 'erson is A!i Gaba5 *ist down his character "!aws based on his actions in the stor(# 0A8: :< 0ATE: August 1?) 2012
The teacher asks the students to "or$ a grou' o" "ive $e$bers and !et the$ $ake the$ a stor( board "or the se!ection starting "ro$ A!i Gaba s discover( o" the caves treasure to the ti$e he handed it to his son# The teacher asks the$ to $ake their work in a .ani!a 'a'er or neon 'a'er# This is assigned the da( be"ore the activit(# =rou' sharing o" out'uts wi!! "o!!ow#
0A8: :F
The teacher reads .a& Ehr$anns s ;0esiderataK whi!e the students !ist down the !ines which the( think wi!! enab!e A!i Gaba to !ive a virtues !i"e# The teacher The !earners wi!! !isten to the teacher read the ;0esiderataK The teacher asks the students to "i!! in the tab!e#
0A8: :J
The teacher active!( discusses the new gra$$ar to'ic which is when to use the Active and ,assive voice# The !earners answer a 1? ite$ 7uiB# 0ATE: August 20) 2012
The !earners !isten to the discussion regarding on how t i$'rove or a$'!i"( their 'ro'ositions b( writing an ana!(tica! 'a'er# The teacher "aci!itates the discussion about the ana!(tica! 'a'er# The !earners reca!! on the se!ected scenes be!ow# The( wi!! "or$u!ate a 'ro'osition about it and !ist down evidence that 'rove their 'oint# A!i Gaba s discover( o" the treasure The incident that !ed to the death o" Dasi$ The discover( o" the dead bod( A!i Gaba with his son
0A8: C0
; +o$e (ears !ater) he carried his son to the cave and taught hi$ the secret) which he handed down to his 'osterit() who) using their good "ortune with $oderation) !ive in honor and s'!endor ti!! the( were visited b( the ter$inator o" de!ights and the se'arator o" co$'anions#K -0o (ou think it is good "or a "ather to 'ass on to his son ;good "ortuneK that was ac7uired through deceit and dishonest(5 6rite an ana!(tica! 'a'er to answer this 7uestion# /se active voice and 'assive voice correct!( in (our sentences# The !earners wi!! be guided in writing their ana!(tica! 'a'er b( these "o!!owing criteria Re!evance Evidences =ra$$ar "ocus /sing o" indicators -!arit( >thesis state$entA
ASSIGNMENT : 6atch news and "ind out what are the 'o!itica!) $ora!) educationa!) and re!igious issues that our countr( is having right now# 6rite a short ana!(tica! 'a'er about it incor'orating the correct usage o" the active and 'assive voice# CLOSURE 4 6hat universa! truth) va!ue) or hu$an e&'erience did (ou !earn "ro$ the se!ection5 6rite (our thoughts about it#
The !earner de$onstrates understanding o" the interconnection a$ong the basic "eatures and e!e$ents o"dra$a that he!' engage audience to gain insights about the kind o" wor!d the characters inhabit# The !earner understands how !i"e 'resented in a dra$a di""ers "ro$ how it is 'resented in straight news through a care"u! ana!(sis o" their distinctive "eatures that can be re"!ected in an origina! scri't "or dra$a 'resentation The !earner understands that dra$atic conventions and ro!e interna!iBations are essentia! in 'resenting a dra$atic $ono!ogue#
The !earners de$onstrate understanding The !earners !ook at the two 'aint o" the se!ection and with the essentia! e!e$ents 'rovided in !esson C# -o$'are and contrast o" 0ra$a and how these varied e!e$ents $ake two 'aintings and $ake a critic "ocusing on an interde'endent ro!e in this t('e o" genre# sub2ect $atter to a''reciate the beaut( o" a genera!#
6riting visua! i$ages and how to inter'ret and a''reciate the visua! i$ages 'ro'er!( b( using know!edge in "or$) $ediu$ and sub2ect#
Do yo# 'hin< 'ha' Dra)a &or'rai'% rea$i $ife of h#)an &er%onD 7o1 !oe% 'he e$e)en'% of 'he !ra)a in'er!e&en!en' ro$e 'o &or'rai' h#)an e@&erien(e%D
LEARNERS 2ILL KNO2: The %y)5o$i%) #%e! in 'he %e$e('ion in f#$$y a&&re(ia'e an! #n!er%'an!ing of 'he %e$e('ionA +ha' i% !ra)a an! i'% e%%en'ia$ e$e)en'% LEARNERS 2ILL 7E A7LE TO:
7o1 'o a(' 5a%e on 'he ro$e 'ha' are gi"en 'o 'he)A 7o1 'o #%e $ogi(a$ (o)&ari%on 7o1 'o 1ri'e a5o#' "i%#a$ i)age%
Dnow the di""erence between 'assive vo and active voice) and be ab!e to construc "ive sentences in each#
Identi"( the universa! truth) va!ue or hu$ e&'eriences shown in the se!ection# -reate a stor(board 0iscover the hu$an "!aws o" the $ain character
The !earner shou!d be ab!e to de$onstrate understanding covering the si& ><A "acets o" understanding:
In writing an ana!(tica! 'a'e the students $ust be guided with this "o!!owing criteria:
re!evance using o" indicators evidences c!arit( >thesis state$ gra$$ar "ocus
6rite a co$$ent to the character s choice o" actions base on the 7uoted virtues !ines in ;0esiderataK# A''!( the know!edge o" writing ana!(tica! 'a'er in a$'!i"(ing a 'ro'osition re!ate the characters events and situation in a narrative to rea! !i"e
de'ict ones e&'erience to the characters characteristic and e&'erience re!ate reading to ones e&'erience to c!ari"( $eaning
DAYS: 1- F
0A8: :C
The !earner reads Denn( s di!e$$a be!ow# Then) answer the 7uestions that "o!!ow#
Martin is walking back home rom the school. he wants to buy his mom a pair of shows for her upcoming birthday. However, he does not have enough money to but the new pair of shoes because he used up some of his savings to buy new items for his school project. As he was walking, he saw a wallet on the sidewalk. It contained 2, !! pesos"""just enough to buy the shoes. #ut the owner$s I%s were also in the wallet. Luestions: 6hat shou!d .artin do5 6h(5 6hat wou!d be a good reason "or .artin to return the wa!!et5 -an (ou think o" an( other reasons5 6ou!d it be stea!ing to kee' the $one(5 6h( is it wrong to stea!5
The !earners identi"( the new words !etting the$ encirc!e the word that has the c!osest $eaning to the ita!iciBed words in the sentences# The thieves mounted their horses and went o""# =et on a horse back b# !et go c# tied u'
-aught in the act) he was instant!( deprived o" !i"e# =iven b# cut c# denied
The imam 'er"or$ed "or the dead# ,ra(er !eader o" the $os7ue b# nun c# $a(or
3e wanted the treasure "or hi$se!" so he concealed it "ro$ the others# Revea!ed b# hid c# wra''ed
The !earner wi!! use the "o!!owing words a''ro'riate!( in a $eaning"u! sentence#
-onceived > to take into once $inedA -on"ounded >con"used) 'er'!e&edA 0e!iberating > discussing or thinking about issues care"u!!(A +tratage$ >to be a genera! $aneuverA E""icacious >having a 'ower to 'roduce a desired e""ectA
The !earner reads the se!ection ;The +tor( o" A!i Gaba and the 1ort( ThievesK) "o!!owed b( answering these "o!!owing 7uestions# 6ho was A!i Gaba5 3ow did he di""er "ro$ Dasi$5 6hat did he witnessed one da( in the woods5 6h( di A!i Gaba te!! Dasi$ about the treasure5 6hat ha''ened to Dasi$ when he atte$'ted to get treasure "ro$ the cave5 6h( did A!i Gaba te!! .ar2aneh that the( had to bur( Dasi$ s bod( ;as i" he had died a natura! deathK# 0id A!i Gaba deserve his riches5 I" (ou were A!i Gaba) wou!d (ou have o'ened the cave and gotten so$e o" the treasures in the "irst '!ace5 6h( or wh( not5
6hat cou!d A!i Gaba have done instead o" o'ening the cave and stea!ing the treasures5 6h( do (ou sa( so5 6hat kind o" 'erson is A!i Gaba5 *ist down his character "!aws based on his actions in the stor(# 0A8: :< 0ATE: August 1?) 2012
The teacher asks the students to "or$ a grou' o" "ive $e$bers and !et the$ $ake the$ a stor( board "or the se!ection starting "ro$ A!i Gaba s discover( o" the caves treasure to the ti$e he handed it to his son# The teacher asks the$ to $ake their work in a .ani!a 'a'er or neon 'a'er# This is assigned the da( be"ore the activit(# =rou' sharing o" out'uts wi!! "o!!ow#
0A8: :F
The teacher reads .a& Ehr$anns s ;0esiderataK whi!e the students !ist down the !ines which the( think wi!! enab!e A!i Gaba to !ive a virtues !i"e# The teacher The !earners wi!! !isten to the teacher read the ;0esiderataK The teacher asks the students to "i!! in the tab!e#
0A8: :J
The teacher active!( discusses the new gra$$ar to'ic which is when to use the Active and ,assive voice# The !earners answer a 1? ite$ 7uiB# 0ATE: August 20) 2012
The !earners !isten to the discussion regarding on how t i$'rove or a$'!i"( their 'ro'ositions b( writing an ana!(tica! 'a'er# The teacher "aci!itates the discussion about the ana!(tica! 'a'er# The !earners reca!! on the se!ected scenes be!ow# The( wi!! "or$u!ate a 'ro'osition about it and !ist down evidence that 'rove their 'oint# A!i Gaba s discover( o" the treasure The incident that !ed to the death o" Dasi$ The discover( o" the dead bod( A!i Gaba with his son
0A8: C0
; +o$e (ears !ater) he carried his son to the cave and taught hi$ the secret) which he handed down to his 'osterit() who) using their good "ortune with $oderation) !ive in honor and s'!endor ti!! the( were visited b( the ter$inator o" de!ights and the se'arator o" co$'anions#K -0o (ou think it is good "or a "ather to 'ass on to his son ;good "ortuneK that was ac7uired through deceit and dishonest(5 6rite an ana!(tica! 'a'er to answer this 7uestion# /se active voice and 'assive voice correct!( in (our sentences# The !earners wi!! be guided in writing their ana!(tica! 'a'er b( these "o!!owing criteria Re!evance Evidences =ra$$ar "ocus /sing o" indicators -!arit( >thesis state$entA
ASSIGNMENT : 6atch news and "ind out what are the 'o!itica!) $ora!) educationa!) and re!igious issues that our countr( is having right now# 6rite a short ana!(tica! 'a'er about it incor'orating the correct usage o" the active and 'assive voice# CLOSURE 4 6hat universa! truth) va!ue) or hu$an e&'erience did (ou !earn "ro$ the se!ection5 6rite (our thoughts about it#