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The ability of neurons to modify their structure and

function as a result of activity is critical for normal devel-

opment, learning and responding to brain damage and
neurological disease. At the synaptic level, neural activity
can generate persistent forms of synaptic plasticity, such
as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression
(LTD). There is now a wealth of data indicating that LTP
and LTD mechanisms are used to retain new informa-
tion in activated networks of neurons
. Safeguards must
therefore be in place to prevent the saturation of LTP
or LTD, which could ultimately compromise the ability
of networks to discriminate events and store informa-
tion and, in the case of extreme levels of LTP, lead to
How is the proper balance of LTP and LTD main-
tained? Various intercellular signalling molecules
including catecholamines, GABA (-aminobutyric
acid), acetylcholine, cytokines and hormones directly
regulate the degree of LTP and LTD that can be induced.
However, a different kind of regulation that persists
across time also exists. Here, neural activity at one point
in time can change cells or synapses such that their abil-
ity to exhibit LTP or LTD after a later bout of activity
is altered. This form of plasticity regulation has been
termed metaplasticity
. The meta part of the term
reflects the higher-order nature of the plasticity that
is, the plasticity of synaptic plasticity.
Essentially, metaplasticity entails a change in the
physiological or biochemical state of neurons or syn-
apses that alters their ability to generate synaptic plas-
ticity. A key feature of metaplasticity is that this change
outlasts the triggering (priming) bout of activity and
persists at least until a second bout of activity induces
LTP or LTD (BOX 1). This distinguishes metaplasticity
from more conventional forms of plasticity modulation
in which the modulating and regulated events overlap in
time. Metaplasticity entails an extensive range of mecha-
nisms, many of which overlap with the mechanisms of
conventional plasticity. This overlap, plus the fact that
plasticity and metaplasticity can be induced simultane-
ously, poses a considerable challenge for metaplasticity
research in terms of experimental design and interpreta-
tion. Nonetheless, there has been substantial progress
in understanding metaplasticity over the past decade.
In this Review, paradigms for inducing metaplasticity
and other associated mechanisms will be detailed, fol-
lowed by a consideration of the behavioural and clinical
implications of these processes.
NMDA-receptor-mediated metaplasticity
A common paradigm for experimentally inducing
metaplasticity involves pharmacological or synaptic
activation of NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptors
(NMDARs). NMDAR activation is a key trigger for LTP
induction; however, it has also been shown to trigger
metaplastic changes that inhibit subsequent induction
of LTP
(FIG. 1a). This effect is restricted to the activated
synapses and slowly decays over 6090 minutes
. The
capacity to induce LTP can be recovered by increas-
ing the tetanus stimulus intensity, indicating that the
NMDAR priming stimulation elevates the threshold
for LTP rather than completely inhibiting it
. However,
even when LTP is induced by strong or repeated tetanic
stimulation, priming synaptic activity can inhibit its per-
. The inhibition of LTP by priming synaptic
activity depends on the activation of NMDARs, adeno-
sine A2 receptors, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase
(p38 MAPK) and the protein phosphatases 1A, 2A and
. Importantly, the inhibition of LTP can-
not be explained as simply a saturation of potentiation
Department of Psychology
and the Brain Health and
Repair Research Centre,
University of Otago, BOX 56,
Dunedin, 9054, New Zealand.
[email protected]
Published online 10 April 2008
Long-term potentiation
(LTP). A long-lasting and
activity-dependent increase in
synaptic efficacy. Canonically it
requires activation of the
NMDAR subtype of glutamate
receptors; however, different
forms of LTP caused by the
activation of other receptor
subtypes also occur.
Long-term depression
(LTD). The converse of LTP: in
LTD there is a long-lasting and
activity-dependent decrease in
synaptic efficacy.
Cellular toxicity involving the
activation of glutamate
receptors in the CNS. Excessive
activation of these receptors
by high concentrations of
glutamate or by neurotoxins
leads to cell death.
A bout of HFS used to elicit
activity-dependent synaptic
plasticity. The frequency and
duration of the stimulation
varies across protocols.
Metaplasticity: tuning synapses
and networks for plasticity
Wickliffe C. Abraham
Abstract | Synaptic plasticity is a key component of the learning machinery in the brain. It is
vital that such plasticity be tightly regulated so that it occurs to the proper extent at the
proper time. Activity-dependent mechanisms that have been collectively termed
metaplasticity have evolved to help implement these essential computational constraints.
Various intercellular signalling molecules can trigger lasting changes in the ability of
synapses to express plasticity; their mechanisms of action are reviewed here, along with a
consideration of how metaplasticity might affect learning and clinical conditions.
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Nature Reviews | Neuroscience
Plasticity modulation
Metaplasticity Synaptic plasticity
Synaptic plasticity
(Minutes to days)
Priming activity
paracrine signals,
hormones, etc.
paracrine signals,
hormones, etc.
The release of a molecule from
a photolabile binding partner
known as a cage. Cages
typically inhibit the biological
activity of the bound (caged)
molecule. A brief flash of light
of the appropriate wavelength
can photochemically disrupt
the structure of the binding
partner and render the now
uncaged molecule biologically
processes by the priming stimulation
, as it can occur
even when the priming stimulation does not cause any
detectable change in basal synaptic transmission
NMDAR activation can also facilitate the subsequent
induction of LTD
(FIG. 1a). The LTD facilitation can be
generated by low-frequency priming stimulation
, is
restricted to the activated synapses and lasts for 6090
minutes in vitro
(it lasts longer in vivo
). The effect of
priming on LTD can occur rapidly enough to contribute
to the induction of LTD by conventional low-frequency
stimulation (LFS) protocols
. Again, the priming stimu-
lation can facilitate LTD without itself causing persistent
synaptic plasticity.
The expression mechanisms that underlie NMDAR-
mediated metaplasticity are not well understood. It has
been reported that prior induction of LTP reduces the
postsynaptic voltage threshold for subsequent LTD
and elevates it for further LTP
, but it is not clear
what mechanisms mediate these effects or whether
similar changes occur following non-plasticity-inducing
priming stimulation.
It has been suggested that NMDAR activation results
in LTD of NMDAR currents (LTD
), which are
crucial for the induction of conventional LTD and LTP
and are known to be highly plastic in their function and
localization (for reviews, see REFS 18,19). In support of
this hypothesis, both LFS and low-frequency uncaging
of glutamate at single dendritic spines cause LTD

and a reduction in Ca
entry through the receptor chan-
. Both nitric oxide (NO) and protein kinase C
(PKC) mediate the LTD
. These findings are sup-
ported by the fact that NMDAR activation increases
NO production, which can in turn suppress NMDAR
, and by the fact that pharmacological acti-
vation of PKC by phorbol esters causes a dispersal of
NMDARs from synaptic to extrasynaptic sites
, which
might also be a prelude to receptor endocytosis
. Both
NO and PKC have been linked to NMDAR-mediated
, as has p38 MAPK
Despite the attractiveness of this hypothesis, there is
no direct evidence that LTD
mediates metaplastic
inhibition of LTP. Furthermore, other mechanisms are
almost certainly involved. For example, the apparently
NMDAR-dependent saturation of LTP by repeated high-
frequency stimulation (HFS) protocols actually reflects
an inhibition of further LTP, which can be recovered by
using stronger stimuli during the HFS
, by waiting for the
metaplasticity to decay
or by stimulating -adrenergic
. This form of metaplasticity is not mediated
by NO or by a reduction in NMDAR currents
Downstream of NMDAR activation there are many
other potential sites of metaplasticity expression. Ca
dependent kinases and phosphatases are central to plas-
ticity processes, and priming stimulation could alter the

Box 1 | Methodological considerations in metaplasticity research
The standard paradigm for studying metaplasticity is to
have an episode of priming activity at one point in time and
then a subsequent plasticity-inducing event, such as low-
frequency stimulation (LFS), high-frequency stimulation
(HFS) or learning, that evokes synaptic plasticity such as
long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD).
The priming signal can entail electrical stimulation of neural
activity, pharmacological activation of specific transmitter
receptors, or behavioural events that might cause hormone
release in addition to neural activity. An essential aspect of
this protocol is that there must be a change in neural
function as a result of the priming that persists after the
termination or washout of the priming stimulus and that
alters the response to a subsequent plasticity-inducing
event (see figure, top). This distinguishes metaplasticity
from conventional modulation of plasticity, whereby the
modulation occurs in conjunction with the induction of
plasticity (see figure, bottom). There is no agreed criterion
for the degree of persistence that is required to meet the
definition of metaplasticity, but commonly studied effects have ranged from minutes to many days.
The study of metaplasticity is facilitated when the priming stimulation does not overtly alter the strength of synaptic
transmission, but instead changes only the state of readiness of synapses to generate LTP or LTD later on. If the priming
stimulation does cause, for example, LTP, this makes it ambiguous whether a lack of further LTP induction by an HFS is due
to a ceiling for LTP having been reached (termed saturation) or due to the mechanisms that generate LTP being actively
inhibited. The situation also becomes ambiguous if such priming facilitates subsequent response depression, because it
then needs to be ascertained whether LTD is being facilitated
or whether the synapses have simply become capable of
exhibiting depotentiation
. Because LTD and depotentiation entail at least partially dissociable mechanisms
, it greatly
simplifies the analysis of LTD priming if prior LTP has not been induced and therefore depotentiation is not possible.
Unfortunately for investigators, it is probable that bouts of neural activity often cause both synaptic plasticity and
metaplasticity. Protocols that induce LTP can also trigger metaplastic mechanisms that inhibit further LTP
, and LFS can
evoke a metaplastic lowering of the LTD threshold early in the stimulus train that is necessary for LTD induction
. This
can complicate the interpretation of molecular correlates of plasticity, such as gene expression and protein synthesis,
because in principle these events might be critical for synaptic plasticity, metaplasticity or both.
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Postsynaptic response
Primed state
Primed state
mRNA trafficking
Dopamine Glutamate
GluR1,2 mRNA
Primed state
Protein synthesis
mGluR1,5 SOC
Group 1 mGluR Primed
NMDAR Primed
magnitude or duration of the increase in the intracellular
free Ca
concentration during plasticity induction, lead-
ing to altered enzyme activity
. More experimental
attention, however, has been given to the effects of prim-
ing on the phosphorylation state of key Ca
kinases, such as -calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein
kinase II (CaMKII)
, which has a critical role in initi-
ating LTP by regulating AMPA (-amino-3-hydroxy-5-
methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptor (AMPAR)
conductance and transport to the membrane
Mutation of Thr286 of CaMKII to Ala mimics the
autophosphorylated state of CaMKII (in which its
activity is Ca
-independent) and replicates the effects
of NMDAR priming stimulation
. Such autophospho-
rylation might account for the apparent saturation of
LTP following HFS, as LTP is accompanied by a pro-
longed increase in CaMKII autophosphorylation at
Thr286 (REF. 42). It is not clear, however, whether auto-
phosphorylation of Thr286 can be elicited by priming
stimulation that does not itself cause LTP. The functional
contribution of Thr286 autophosphorylation to meta-
plasticity also remains unclear. It could, for example,
Figure 1 | Glutamate-receptor-mediated mechanisms of
metaplasticity. a | The black (control) line shows how
synaptic strength changes in response to afferent activity at
different levels of postsynaptic cell firing at excitatory
synapses on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells.

represent the threshold level of postsynaptic firing that is
required in order for afferent stimulation to result in long-
term depression (LTD) or long-term potentiation (LTP),
respectively (see BOX 2). The effects of prior glutamate
receptor activation (priming) on subsequent LTP and LTD
are shown in blue and red. NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate)
receptor (NMDAR) activation (red line) lowers the threshold
for LTD (
) while raising the threshold for LTP (
), as
shown by the grey arrows. By contrast, group 1
metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) activation (blue
line) lowers
, as shown by the black arrow. b | Two
mechanisms that have been suggested to mediate the
metaplastic effects of metabotropic receptor activation on
LTP induction. In the first, mGluR activation inhibits the
-activated K
channel that mediates the slow after-
hyperpolarization. This mechanism is regulated by the Tyr
phosphorylation state of an unknown regulatory protein
(phosphoprotein; Pr). In the second, adenylyl cyclase (AC)
and protein kinase A (PKA) are activated by either
stimulation of phospholipase C (PLC) by mGluR and
subsequent release of Ca
from intracellular stores or, more
directly, by dopamine D1 or D5 receptor activation of the G

signalling pathway. Activation of PKA causes it to
phosphorylate Ser845 of GluR1, a step which is necessary
for GluR1-containing AMPA (-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-
4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptors (AMPARs) to be
inserted into the extrasynaptic membrane. The
enhancement of AMPAR-subunit mRNA trafficking to
synaptic sites might also assist this process. c | Mechanisms
that have been suggested to mediate the effects of group 1
mGluR activation on the synaptodendritic synthesis of
plasticity-related proteins (PRPs), leading to enhanced LTP
persistence. Evidence suggests that this process is
mediated by the stimulation of PLC and the subsequent
release of Ca
from intracellular stores (especially through
ryanodine receptors (RYRs), which might be tethered to
mGluR sites by Homer1). This Ca
release is supplemented
by Ca
entry into the cell through store-operated channels
(SOCs) in the plasma membrane. These processes trigger
the activation of kinases such as extracellular-signal-
regulated kinase 1 (ERK1), ERK2, protein kinase C (PKC) and
-calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
(CaMKII), which contribute to the activation of local
protein synthesis machinery. The identity and function of
the PRPs are still being elucidated. cAMP, cyclic AMP;
G, G protein; IP
, inositol trisphosphate; IP
PSD, postsynaptic density; PTK, phosphotyrosine kinase;
PTP, phosphotyrosine phosphatase.
2008 Nature Publishing Group

dependent protein kinase II
(CaMKII). A multi-functional
serine/threonine kinase that is
activated by a Ca
complex. Once activated,
CaMKII can autophosphorylate,
leading to autonomous (Ca
independent) activity and
calmodulin trapping. The
isoform is a major component
of the postsynaptic density
and a key component of the
LTP induction process.
Slow afterhyperpolarization
(slow AHP). A type of
membrane hyperpolarization
that can last for seconds. It is
mediated by the opening of
-dependent K
and is generated in response to
the firing of one or more
postsynaptic Na
or Ca

action potentials.
G-protein-coupled receptors
(GPCRs). A large family of
transmembrane receptors that
couple extracellular signalling
molecules to an intracellular
signalling cascade which they
trigger by activating a G protein.
trap calmodulin and prevent it from activating other
enzymes. Indeed, knocking out another binding partner
of calmodulin, RC3 (also known as neurogranin), led to
a decrease in the LTP threshold
An alternative CaMKII autophosphorylation site
that might mediate the inhibition of LTP is Thr305/
Thr306. Priming stimulation of lateral perforant path
synapses in the dentate gyrus prevented subsequent LTP
induction for up to 18 hours, without affecting LTD
Mutation of Thr305/Thr306 to prevent CaMKII auto-
phosphorylation at these sites completely blocked the
metaplasticity. The mutation did not affect metaplastic-
ity in medial perforant path synapses, consistent with
the lack of dependence of LTP on CaMKII in this input
mGluR-mediated metaplasticity
In contrast to the inhibitory effects of NMDAR priming
on LTP, activation of group 1 metabotropic glutamate
receptors (mGluRs) facilitates both the induction and
the persistence of subsequent LTP in area CA1 (FIG. 1a).
The increased induction is not input specific and seems
to be mediated in part by a long-term downregulation
of the Ca
-activated K
current that underlies the slow
afterhyperpolarization (slow AHP)
. This has the effect
of enhancing the level of depolarization that is reached
during HFS (FIG. 1b). The reduction in the slow AHP is
mediated by a non-classical mGluR signalling pathway
that does not involve phospholipase C (PLC), PKC or
the release of Ca
from intracellular stores
, but which
is regulated by the degree of Tyr phosphorylation of one
or more unknown regulatory proteins
(FIG. 1b).
The enhancement of LTP induction by mGluR acti-
vation might also be mediated by increased trafficking
of AMPARs to the extrasynaptic membrane as a result of
PKA-mediated phosphorylation of Ser845 of the GluR1
. This primes the AMPARs for entry into and
capture in the postsynaptic density during subsequent
synaptic activity. This priming process could be ampli-
fied by mGluR-triggered trafficking of the mRNA for
the AMPAR subunits GluR1 and GluR2 into dendrites,
which would expand the pool of receptors that are
available for later insertion
(FIG. 1b).
mGluR activation might also facilitate NMDAR function
or trafficking, as many G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
are known to amplify NMDAR currents
. Indeed,
activation of muscarinic and corticotropin-releasing
factor receptors, which initiate a signalling cascade that is
similar to that which is initiated by group 1 mGluRs, can
also prime hippocampal LTP
. However, preliminary
analysis has suggested that an increase in NMDAR func-
tion is not responsible for the priming of LTP by mGluRs
In the prefrontal cortex, GPCR facilitation of subsequent
LTP entails dopamine D1 and D2 receptor activation in
concert with NMDAR activation
. The mechanisms that
are involved in this form of metaplasticity include D1-
receptor-triggered delivery of GluR1-containing AMPARs
to the extrasynaptic membrane
(FIG. 1b).
Independent of its enhancement of LTP induction,
group 1 mGluR activation can also facilitate the persist-
ence of LTP. For example, HFS of group 1 mGluRs sets
a molecular switch that abrogates the need for these
receptors to be activated during subsequent stimulation
in order to generate persistent LTP
. The priming stimu-
lation affects LTP only at primed synapses and lasts for
at least an hour
. The signalling cascade that is involved
in this switch-setting includes the activation of mGluR5,
Similarly, prior pharmacological or HFS priming of
group 1 mGluRs which by itself does not notably affect
synaptic efficacy converts a decaying form of LTP into
a longer lasting form
, an effect that is particularly
prominent in the ventral hippocampus
. The effects of
this priming stimulation are mediated by the activation
of PLC
, the release of Ca
from intracellular stores and
the entry of Ca
through store-operated Ca
in the plasma membrane
(FIG. 1c). Direct priming
activation of the ryanodine receptors that regulate Ca

release from intracellular stores also facilitates subsequent
. Ultimately, these pathways lead to the stimulation
of local protein synthesis at the synapse
, with the newly
synthesized proteins being kept in reserve for enhanc-
ing the persistence of subsequently generated LTP. The
pathway that leads from mGluR stimulation to local
protein synthesis probably entails activation of the pro-
tein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR),
which facilitates the translation of terminal oligo-
pyrimidine mRNAs
, as this pathway is also triggered
during mGluR-dependent LTD
and during a protein-
synthesis-dependent late phase of LTP
. Although it is
not clear which newly synthesized proteins contribute to
the priming of LTP, candidates include elongation factor
, elongation factor 2, ribosomal protein
S6 and poly-A binding protein 1 (REF. 69).
Priming stimulation of mGluRs affects the plasticity
of medial perforant path synapses in the dentate gyrus,
but the effects are opposite to those described above for
CA1. In the dentate gyrus, prior activation of group 1
or group 2 mGluRs by HFS inhibits subsequent LTP by
activating PKC and p38 MAPK mechanisms
. Under
these conditions, the mGluRs might merely be ampli-
fying the function of NMDARs, which also contribute
to the inhibition of LTP
. Priming HFS also inhibits
mGluR-dependent LTD at these synapses, again through
group-1-mGluR- and PKC-dependent mechanisms, but
independently of NMDARs
Heterosynaptic metaplasticity
The metaplasticity examples described above are largely
homosynaptic in nature; that is, the synapses that are
activated during the priming stimulation are also those
that show altered plasticity. However, activity at one set
of synapses can also affect subsequent plasticity at neigh-
bouring synapses. Such heterosynaptic metaplasticity
was predicted by the Bienenstock, Cooper and Munro
computational model of synaptic plasticity
(BOX 2),
in which cell-wide modifications in the threshold for
LTP induction are driven by the history of postsynaptic
cell firing.
Studies in the hippocampus have begun to reveal
a complex variety of heterosynaptic interactions that
govern LTP induction and persistence. In CA1 in vitro,
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Visual deprivation
Postsynaptic response
A reversal of LTP that brings
synaptic efficacy to a baseline
level. There is growing evidence
that this process involves
mechanisms that are different
to those that mediate LTD.
Antidromic stimulation
The activation of neuronal cell
bodies and dendrites by back-
propagating action potentials
triggered by electrical
stimulation of the cells axons.
Plasticity-related proteins
(PRPs). Proteins that are
synthesized in response to
synaptic activation or
postsynaptic activity and that
are necessary for establishing
the persistent forms of LTP and
strong priming stimulation of one input pathway facili-
tated the induction of LTD (and depotentiation) and
inhibited the induction of LTP in a neighbouring set of
. This modulation lasted 90150 minutes
and was not blocked by administration of the NMDAR
antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV)
during the priming stimulation
. A similar effect, which
was also observed in CA1, required extensive stimula-
tion of the priming pathway and extensive activation of
NMDARs and voltage-dependent Ca
. The
molecular mechanisms that mediate such heterosynaptic
inhibitory actions have not yet been investigated.
In the dentate gyrus in vivo, the induction of LTP in
medial perforant path synapses inhibited subsequent
LTP in nearby lateral perforant path synapses, an effect
that lasted for more than 2 days
. In accord with pre-
dictions of the BCM model, simply applying antidromic
stimulation to the postsynaptic granule cells in the pres-
ence of an NMDAR antagonist was sufficient to block
LTP. These results suggest that a cell-wide homeostatic
process adjusts plasticity thresholds to keep the overall
level of synaptic drive to a neuron within a range that
permits plasticity to be expressed.
Synaptic tagging and capture. Despite the appar-
ent theoretical advantages of restraining the overall
amount of LTP that a cell exhibits, there are nonetheless
mechanisms that mediate cooperative and metaplas-
tic upregulation of the persistence of LTP and LTD.
Normally a weak HFS cannot generate the protein-
synthesis-dependent late phases of LTP. However, if a
strong HFS that induces protein-synthesis-dependent
LTP in one input pathway precedes a weak HFS to a
second, independent pathway, this enables the second
pathway to establish a late phase of LTP
(FIG. 2). This
process is referred to as synaptic tagging
; molecules
in the synapses of the second pathway are said to be
tagged by the weak stimulation in a way that permits
them to capture the proteins that have been synthesized
in response to stronger stimulation elsewhere.
Synaptic tagging is also effective when the regulating
event (the strong HFS) follows the test event (the weak
HFS), in which case the temporal ordering of events
does not fit a metaplasticity paradigm. Nevertheless, this
shows that synaptic tags can be maintained for several
hours post-HFS
, although in vivo they might last for
less than 30 minutes
. The tag can be deleted by LFS
shortly after it is set
, or can be prevented from being
set by prior LFS
(FIG. 2). The latter protocol affects LTP
maintenance both homosynaptically and heterosyn-
aptically and depends on the activation of the protein
phosphatases 1A and 2A, which reduces the ability of
PKA to participate in tag-setting
. Important issues
that remain to be resolved are the identities of the newly
synthesized plasticity-related proteins (PRPs), how these
proteins are captured by the tagged synaptic proteins
and how they promote LTP persistence. Recently a con-
stitutively active PKC isoform, protein kinase M, was
identified as a key PRP. Inhibiting this kinase completely
reversed LTP that was made persistent by the tag-and-
capture process
. Synaptic tagging and capture also
occur for the late phase of LTD
. Remarkably, it seems
not to matter whether late-phase LTD or late-phase LTP
are induced in the first pathway, as either protocol can

Box 2 | The Bienenstock, Cooper and Munro model
The Bienenstock, Cooper and Munro (BCM) computational
model of synaptic plasticity was developed to account for
experience-dependent plasticity in the kitten visual
. Subsequently it has been adapted to account for
experience-dependent plasticity in the adult rat barrel
cortex and long-term potentiation (LTP) and metaplasticity
in the adult rat dentate gyrus
The model has two principal features. First, it describes
the extent of LTP or long-term differentiation (LTD) as a
function () of the degree of postsynaptic cell firing during
afferent activation (see figure). If afferents are active
during times of low postsynaptic activity, those inputs are
depressed. Conversely, if afferents are active during high
postsynaptic activity, those inputs are potentiated. To
preserve stability in the network and prevent runaway
potentiation or depression, the model incorporates a
feature that varies the crossover point between LTD and LTP on the function, termed the modification threshold (
), with
the time-averaged level of postsynaptic firing. Thus, if firing levels are maintained at a high level, the modification threshold
shifts to the right, making LTP harder to obtain and LTD easier to obtain. More recent models have combined BCM
principles with experimentally observed features of spike-timing-dependent plasticity, whereby the precise timing of
action-potential firing relative to the synaptic activation determines the direction and degree of synaptic modification
Although cell firing is the key computational unit of the BCM model, it has been suggested that the physiological metric
used for computing weight changes could be the level of intracellular free Ca
, as Ca
is a key trigger for both LTP and
LTD induction
. Subsequently, wholly Ca
-based models have been generated by Cooper and colleagues, with
particular emphasis on the role that NMDARs have in generating the relevant Ca
. The resulting Ca
dependent plasticity model, like the BCM model, accounts for many aspects of LTP and LTD induction. Importantly, it also
features homeostatic metaplasticity, which is generated by slow, activity-dependent changes in the regulation of
intracellular Ca
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Nature Reviews | Neuroscience

Back-propagating action
Action potentials that are
initiated at the soma or the
axon hillock and that
propagate back into the
dendrites, where they shape
the integration of synaptic
activity and influence the
induction of synaptic plasticity.
support the development of the late phase of subsequent
LTP or LTD in the second pathway
The effects of synaptic tagging are confined to local
dendritic compartments. Thus, protein synthesis that is
stimulated in basal dendrites does not promote LTP or
LTD persistence in the apical dendrites of CA1 pyrami-
dal cells
, presumably because the proteins are generated
synaptodendritically and not somatically
unless very
strong stimuli are used
. This dendritic compart-
mentalization has been proposed to offer computa-
tional advantages for memory formation
. Conversely,
somatically synthesized proteins can protect LTP from
depotentiation in a cell-wide fashion
Heterosynaptic metaplasticity that promotes LTP
has also been observed in the dentate gyrus of whole
animals. Stimulation of extrinsic inputs, such as those
that originate from the basolateral amygdala (BLA),
up to 15 minutes before HFS of the perforant path can
facilitate the induction and persistence of LTP
, as well
as the induction of LTD
. The facilitated persistence of
LTP is protein-synthesis-dependent and is mediated
by the activation of cholinergic systems in the medial
septum and -adrenergic systems arising from the locus
. The facilitation is itself regulated by the
history of prior BLA stimulation
. As for tagging and
capture, BLA stimulation can reinforce late-phase LTP
if it is given after the weak HFS of the perforant path
or if it is given beforehand
, indicating that PRPs can be
captured at any time as long as the key synaptic molecules
remain tagged.
Metaplasticity arising from changes in cell excitability.
As both LTP and LTD are depolarization-dependent,
heterosynaptic metaplasticity might arise from changes
in the membrane properties or excitability of the post-
synaptic neuron. Activity-dependent alterations in the
properties or levels of voltage-dependent Na
, Ca

and K
channels have been reported (for recent
reviews, see REFS 9698), and the resultant modification
of cell excitability has been termed intrinsic plasticity
Although intrinsic plasticity is likely to be an important
memory mechanism in its own right
, it is also strongly
predicted to be a metaplasticity mechanism that regu-
lates LTP and LTD, given the effects that ion channels
have on transmitter release, postsynaptic depolariza-
tion, the delivery of back-propagating action potentials to
the dendrites and the triggering of protein synthesis and
gene expression.
Although demonstrations of the metaplastic effects
of intrinsic plasticity are rare, progress is being made
towards establishing these effects existence. Ca
dependent K
channels in the postsynaptic membrane
that underlie post-spike AHPs are good candidates
for study because they regulate the threshold for LTP
induction in many neurons
(FIG. 2). Pharmacological
activation of -adrenergic receptors or group 1 mGluRs
can elicit long-lasting reductions in these AHPs, lower-
ing the threshold for LTP induction
. It has been dif-
ficult, however, to demonstrate long-term reductions
in channel function following synaptic stimulation,
although HFS of afferents led to an NMDAR-dependent
and cyclic-AMP/PKA-mediated suppression of the slow
AHP in hippocampal pyramidal cells
. This suppres-
sion lasted for a few minutes and was associated with
facilitation of LTP induction. By contrast, HFS in one
study was found to cause a long-term amplification of the
slow AHP that was associated with the inhibition of
subsequent LTP both homo- and heterosynaptically
Other channels that should attract attention include
the A-type K
channel and the hyperpolarization-
activated cation channel that mediates the non-selective
cation current, I
, as both regulate LTP and LTD and
both show long-term reductions in function following
synaptic stimulation
There is now widespread appreciation that the excita-
tory inputs onto GABAergic interneurons can undergo
multiple forms of LTP and LTD, generating changes in
inhibition onto principal cells
. Although it is debat-
able whether plasticity of GABAergic signalling per se
is a type of metaplasticity, when postsynaptic excitation
leads to a direct retrograde regulation of neighbouring
GABAergic afferent terminals then its designation as
a metaplasticity mechanism becomes more clear-cut.
Indeed, both evoked and spontaneous presynaptic
release of GABA are transiently inhibited by postsyn-
aptic depolarization or cell firing, in a process termed
Figure 2 | Proposed mechanisms of heterosynaptic
metaplasticity. Priming activity at excitatory synapse 1
has the potential to cause lasting inhibition or facilitation
of the Ca
-activated K
channel mediating the slow after-
hyperpolarization (top); to inhibit setting of the synaptic
tag by a subsequent high-frequency stimulus (synapse 2);
to inhibit NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor
(NMDAR) function (synapse 3); to trigger the production
and release of endocannabinoids (ECs), which cause a
presynaptic inhibition of GABA (-aminobutyric acid)
release at inhibitory terminals (synapse 4); and to activate
the synthesis of plasticity-related proteins (PRPs), which
are captured by the synaptic tags that are set by a
subsequent HFS at neighbouring synapses, facilitating the
persistence of the otherwise-decaying long-term
potentiation produced there (synapse 5). CB1R,
cannabinoid receptor 1; Pr, protein; T, tag.
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Active zone
A portion of the presynaptic
membrane that faces the
postsynaptic density across
the synaptic cleft. It is the site
of synaptic vesicle clustering
and docking and resultant
neurotransmitter release.
Critical period
A finite but modifiable
developmental time window
during which experience
provides information that is
essential for normal
development and permanently
alters brain structure and
depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition
(FIG. 2). Such plasticity is likely to powerfully
affect the synchrony of cell firing and information
processing in neuronal networks. Moreover, it should
affect the plasticity of excitatory synapses on the princi-
pal neurons, as GABAergic inhibition profoundly affects
plasticity thresholds
Both DSI and its longer-term counterpart, inhibi-
tory LTD (iLTD) of GABA release (which persists for
more than an hour), are mediated by the activation of
presynaptic cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors on the GABA
terminals. These receptors are activated by endogenous
endocannabinoids that serve as retrograde signals follow-
ing postsynaptic group-1 mGluR activation and mem-
brane depolarization
(FIG. 2). During the minute or
so that DSI persists, LTP induction at excitatory inputs
is facilitated
. Similarly, priming-stimulation-induced
iLTD facilitates LTP that is induced at least 6090 min-
utes later
. This latter form of metaplasticity entails
mechanisms that are distinct from those that are at work
in DSI, including CB1-receptor-mediated activation of
presynaptic cAMP/PKA signalling and presumed phos-
phorylation of the active zone protein Rab3-interacting
molecule 1 (Rim1)
. Intriguingly, focal-stimulation
experiments revealed that the spatial spread of iLTD,
and thus the facilitation of LTP, extended 1040 m
from the excitatory synapses that were stimulated dur-
ing priming
. This mechanism seems to be well-suited
for promoting bands of localized LTP on the dendrites
of postsynaptic neurons
. It could also be an impor-
tant mediator of the mGluR-mediated priming of LTP
described above, although other mechanisms must also
contribute because mGluR priming is observable in the
presence of the GABA
antagonist picrotoxin
Behavioural relevance of metaplasticity
Metaplasticity induced by environmental stimuli.
Environmental stimuli, such as enriched environments
or stressful events, can powerfully affect synaptic plas-
ticity. Such regulation could in principle be considered
a form of metaplasticity. However, it is often difficult
to distinguish modulation of plasticity, generated by
the presence of released hormones, catecholamines or
neurotrophic factors, from metaplasticity. One approach
is to use ex vivo experimental preparations, in which
tissue is removed from environmentally stimulated
animals and studied in vitro. This approach has shown
that enriched-environment exposure or exercise can
facilitate LTP induction and persistence
, although
others have reported an apparent inhibition of LTP that
was due to occlusion by environmentally induced LTP
Intensely stressful stimuli, such as restraint or tail-shock,
reliably inhibit hippocampal LTP and facilitate LTD
These effects can be observed for up to 24 hours after
the stressful experience
and can be blocked by giving
systemic NMDAR antagonists at the time of the stressful
. Remarkably, the same stressor can both
inhibit LTP through glucocorticoid receptor activation
in the dorsal hippocampus and facilitate LTP through
mineralocorticoid receptor activation in the ventral
Is the inhibition of LTP by stress a metaplastic effect
or simply an occlusion of further LTP by stress-induced
? Evidence that it might be the latter is provided
by the fact that strong fear conditioning leads to a poten-
tiation of responses that lasts for up to 7 days in CA1
(REF. 130) and for at least 24 hours in the cerebellum
However, as the inhibition of LTP in CA1 lasted for only
1 day
whereas the response potentiation persisted for 7
days, it seems that response potentiation per se is not suf-
ficient to account for the lack of further LTP in the hip-
pocampus. This suggests that a simultaneous induction
of NMDAR-mediated LTP and metaplasticity prevents
further LTP.
Developmental metaplasticity in the visual cortex. Dark
rearing can reduce the thresholds for LTP and LTD in
visual cortical neurons
. Exposing dark-reared
animals to light for 2 days completely reverses these
, which might be mediated at least in part by
an experience-dependent switch in NMDAR subunit
composition. Early in life, NR2B is the predominant
NR2 subunit of NMDARs in the visual cortex
. During
normal developmental maturation through the critical
period, NR2A subunits become more prominent
. In
dark-reared animals this maturational change is reduced,
but 2 hours of light exposure is sufficient to markedly
increase the proportion of NR2A-containing receptors
An even faster activity-dependent switch in NMDAR
subunit composition following tetanic stimulation has
been reported in neonatal hippocampal neurons
Because NR2A-containing receptors produce cur-
rents that are shorter than those that are produced by
NR2B-containing receptors, and because they should
thus be associated with reduced synaptic Ca
, the subunit composition of NMDARs was
predicted to account for the effects of dark rearing and
subsequent light exposure on plasticity thresholds.
Indeed, pharmacological agents that mimicked the
effects of light exposure on dark-reared rats by short-
ening NMDAR currents also reproduced the elevation
in LTD threshold
, whereas NR2A-knockout mice lost
the capacity for visual experience to metaplastically
regulate their plasticity thresholds
. The prominence
of the subunit-switch hypothesis, however, does not
rule out other development- and experience-dependent
changes, such as altered levels of GABAergic inhibition,
brain-derived neurotrophic factor or other modulatory
agents, contributing to the metaplastic effects.
Learning-associated metaplasticity. A key issue is
whether metaplasticity is important for learning. Does
learning cause metaplasticity that influences either the
current period of acquisition or the learning of new
information in the future? Certainly stressful stimuli or
enriched environments can affect synaptic plasticity in
addition to learning and memory, but the link between
learning and metaplasticity remains uncertain. There is
growing evidence, however, that learning-induced long-
term alterations in AHPs might directly affect new learn-
ing. It is now well established that reflex conditioning in
invertebrates and mammals produces intrinsic plasticity
2008 Nature Publishing Group

Nature Reviews | Neuroscience
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Training days
rule learning
Odour-discrimination training
Spatial learning
Pre Post
Eye-blink conditioning
pyramidal cell
pyramidal cell
Eye-blink conditioning
A classical conditioning
paradigm that is commonly
used for the study of learning.
In it, an eye-blink, or the
retraction of the nictitating
membrane over the eye, is
reflexively conditioned by
pairing a conditioned neutral
stimulus such as a tone with
an aversive stimulus such as an
air-puff to the eye. After
sufficient pairings the
conditioned stimulus can elicit
the eye-blink response by itself.
of cell excitability
. In rabbit eye-blink conditioning,
learning-induced reductions in the slow AHP and
increases in cell firing in response to a depolarizing cur-
rent pulse lasted for up to 5 days in CA1 pyramidal cells

(FIG. 3). These changes were not observed in animals that
were given the same conditioned and unconditioned
stimuli but in a random order. Similar effects have been
reported in rat CA1 pyramidal cells following spatial
water maze training
and in piriform cortical neurons
after operant conditioning and olfactory-discrimination
, where a persistent decrease in the apamin-
sensitive medium AHP was also observed
(FIG. 3). The
persistent decrease in the slow AHP is mediated by a
prolonged increase in PKC, extracellular-signal-regulated
kinase 1 (ERK1) and ERK2 activity
. Curiously, at
approximately the time that olfactory-discrimination
learning reduces the slow AHP, there is a shift in plastic-
ity thresholds in the olfactory cortex towards enhanced
LTD and reduced LTP
, as well as an increase in the
NR2A/NR2B ratio for piriform NMDARs
An increased slow AHP, which can, for example, be
induced by aging and by increased levels of corticoster-
one, impairs learning and memory
. Similarly, it has
been proposed that a reduction of the slow AHP might be
critical for the learning process: it might metaplastically
lower the threshold for LTP
. Moreover, the changed
neuronal state that is represented by the reduced slow
AHP might provide an improved environment for new
learning. These concepts were lent support when olfac-
tory-discrimination training was observed to reduce
the slow AHP in rat CA1 pyramidal neurons of trained
but not pseudo-trained animals
. The slow AHP
reduction occurred before there was any behavioural
evidence that the discrimination rule had been learned,
and was reversed once the learning rule was acquired.
Importantly, the ability to learn a different task for which
CA1 cells are important spatial navigation in a water
maze was enhanced during the time period that the
slow AHP was reduced
(FIG. 3).
Another potential metaplasticity mechanism that
might enhance the neuronal environment for learning
can be inferred from the dependence of transcriptional
processes on the state of histone acetylation and DNA
methylation. Animals that have been trained on memory
tasks show increased histone acetylation in relevant
brain regions, and pharmacological inhibition of his-
tone deacetylase promotes the formation of long-term
memory and a late phase of LTP
. Conversely, inhibi-
tors of DNA methylation block memory consolidation and
inhibit the late phase of LTP
. These data suggest that
the proteins that are synthesized as a result of learning-
activated transcription might promote subsequent long-
term memory formation in a new task, as long as there
is overlap of the neurons participating in the learning
of the two tasks and as long as the proteins produced
during the first task can be captured by molecules
tagged during learning of the second task.
In a different model, single-whisker stimulation gen-
erates NMDAR-dependent LTP of connections between
layer 4 and layer 2/3 neurons in the barrel cortex
Eventually potentiation stabilizes owing to NMDAR-
dependent inhibition of LTP. However, additional
whisker stimulation can increase responses further
through a metaplastic recruitment of mGluR-dependent
mechanisms, if the inhibitory effect of NMDARs is
pharmacologically blocked
. These findings indicate
that NMDAR inhibition and mGluR facilitation of LTP
are in a dynamic balance and are regulated by sensory
Clinical relevance
Learning and memory mechanisms lie at the heart of all
cognitive functions, and synaptic plasticity is vital for
normal cognition and behaviour. Not surprisingly, many
Figure 3 | Proposals for metaplasticity that is induced during learning. Training can
induce a reduction of the slow afterhyperpolarization (slow AHP) and a corresponding
increase in cell excitability. Odour-discrimination training can cause these effects to
occur in both piriform and CA1 pyramidal cells and lead to a facilitation of odour-
discrimination-rule learning as well as spatial-memory acquisition in the water maze.
Eye-blink conditioning and spatial training in the water maze can also elicit these
physiological changes in CA1 pyramidal cells. Such changes might be important for the
early phases of learning in these tasks. However, other mechanisms are not excluded. The
top left section of the figure depicts the odour-discrimination apparatus, including the
odour ports P (the site of the rewarded stimulus) and N (the site of the non-rewarded
stimulus) and the water-reward port (W). The bottom left section shows the acquisition of
a response to the positive odour in the trained animals and no learning in the control
pseudo-trained animals. The top waveforms illustrate the slow AHP pre-training (Pre) and
how it might look after being reduced by training (Post). The bottom waveforms illustrate
the corresponding increase in action-potential firing to a depolarizing-current pulse. The
sections illustrating odour-discrimination training are modified, with permission, from
REF.151 (2006) Oxford University Press. The piriform pyramidal cell was kindly provided
by John Bekkers and Noromitsu Suzuki (Australian National University). The
reconstructed CA1 pyramidal cell was kindly provided by Clarke Raymond (Australian
National University).
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2008 Nature Publishing Group

Memory consolidation
A protein-synthesis-dependent
process of memory
stabilization occuring over
hours in animals and for up to
years in humans that renders
the memory resistant to
Poor vision, usually occurring
in one eye, that is associated
with a prolonged period of
indistinct visual stimulation or
visual system dysfunction
during development.
Ischaemic preconditioning
(IPC). A phenomenon observed
both clinically and
experimentally whereby a mild
ischaemic event primes a
tissue by activating
endogenous cellular protective
mechanisms that amelioriate
the neurotoxic outcome of a
later, more severe ischaemic
neurological disorders entail learning and memory defi-
cits, and animal models of Alzheimers disease
, head
, stroke
, epilepsy
, Down syndrome
Fragile X-linked mental retardation syndrome
Parkinsons disease
and Huntingtons disease
show evidence of dsyregulated synaptic plasticity.
Furthermore, abnormal conditions such as prolonged
inhibition of synaptic input can lead to alterations in
synaptic receptor complement and ion-channel expres-
. Insofar as these latter changes return neurons
to a pre-existing level of activity, they can be viewed as
being homeostatic in nature. However, as some changes
include increased expression of Ca
-conducting gluta-
mate receptors/channels, such as NMDARs and GluR2-
lacking AMPARs, they could serve a metaplasticity
function as well
. Hyperactivity during epilepsy
also upregulates GluR2-lacking AMPARs, which might
promote pathological levels of plasticity
. Therefore, it
is important to understand regulatory mechanisms such
as metaplasticity both to gain insight into disease mecha-
nisms and to provide targets for promoting functional
recovery and repair.
An excellent example of how metaplasticity might
be harnessed for clinical purposes arose from studies
of visual cortex plasticity, which have challenged the
conventional wisdom that the adult visual cortex cannot
exhibit the experience-dependent plasticity that is seen
in juveniles. In fact, a nearly complete capacity for ocular
dominance shifts is observed in the visual cortex fol-
lowing monocular visual deprivation (MD) when adult
animals are given 7 days of dark exposure shortly before
the MD
. Furthermore, prior experience with transient
MD, either during development or as an adult, sensitizes
the adult cortex to future bouts of MD, leading to more
rapid and persistent changes
. Importantly, it has been
reported that the loss of visual acuity (amblyopia) that is
associated with chronic MD can be significantly reversed
if the animals are given either 310 days of dark expo-
sure before the return of vision to the occluded eye
23 weeks of enriched-environment exposure
. These
effects presumably occur by reducing plasticity thresh-
olds through a return to the juvenile (NR2B-containing)
form of NMDARs and decreasing the inhibition
excitation ratio
. These exciting experiments sug-
gest that metaplastic alteration of the threshold of cor-
tical synapses for synaptic change might be a possible
therapeutic approach to adult amblyopia.
Another consideration is that metaplasticity, by
homeostatically preventing the saturation of synaptic
potentiation, might guard against excitotoxicity or
epilepsy. Indeed, synaptic or pharmacological stimula-
tion of glutamate receptors can inhibit the subsequent
induction of epileptic seizures
. Furthermore, some
metaplasticity control mechanisms might be part of a
larger repertoire of endogenous cellular mechanisms that
protect against excitotoxicity and death for example,
those that are involved in ischaemic preconditioning (IPC)
(for reviews, see REFS 175177). The induction of IPC
bears some similarity to a metaplasticity protocol and
might entail overlapping signalling molecules and cellu-
lar processes, such as NMDARs, mGluRs, adenosine and
protein synthesis. Also, both phenomena exhibit short-
term (minuteshours) and long-term (days) modes of
operation. Accordingly, understanding the mechanisms
that mediate metaplasticity might help us to generate
new hypotheses regarding the molecular mechanisms
of IPC and might help us to identify new therapeutic
targets for experimental testing.
Implications for network function
Given how robust synaptic plasticity can be, there is a
clear need for homeostatic controls, to prevent LTP from
occurring too readily in response to weak stimuli or to
too great an extent after strong stimuli, with possible
resultant excitotoxicity. Conversely, metaplasticity can
prevent a network from becoming incapacitated by too
much LTD or by loss of afferent input
. Such controls
have been predicted on theoretical grounds in network
models and have been shown empirically to operate
in practice.
An important implication of metaplasticity is that
metaplasticity mechanisms can be operative even during
plasticity induction. Thus, changes to plasticity thresh-
olds early during an induction protocol might facilitate
plasticity induction by later stimuli
. This seems to hap-
pen during learning as well
. Thus, metaplasticity
mechanisms might begin to function relatively quickly
after their engagement, in order to put synapses and
networks into a learning-ready state. The possible co-
engagement of metaplasticity and plasticity mechanisms
renders it difficult to ascribe particular molecular changes
induced by conditioning stimulation to one mechanism
or the other. Protein synthesis, for example, can promote
plasticity persistence (or memory consolidation) but can
also raise the threshold for reversing the plasticity (the
memory) as a metaplasticity mechanism. Subsequent
stimulus patterns or, in the case of memory, environ-
mental cues might then first have to lower the plasticity
thresholds at these synapses before additional
plasticity (learning) can occur. Thus, it needs to be clari-
fied which proteins serve plasticity versus metaplasticity
functions or, alternatively, whether the two outcomes
derive from the activation of common effectors.
A third general contribution that metaplasticity might
make is to the prolongation of memory retention. Models
of dynamically learning neural networks have shown that
incorporating multiple metaplastic states at the learning
nodes of the model helps to keep previously learned
information from being overwritten by new learning
It is interesting to note, therefore, that in hippocampal
organotypic cultures up to five discrete synaptic states
have been described, with the number being dependent
on both the degree of synaptic efficacy evident at the syn-
apse and the history of prior activity that generated that
level of efficacy
. Furthermore, these postsynaptic states
could be multiplicatively amplified by state-dependent
modulation of plasticity at presynaptic release sites
Concluding remarks
Like synaptic plasticity and, indeed, memory the
term metaplasticity refers to a variety of processes
that layer over each other. Synapse-specific regulation
2008 Nature Publishing Group

provides local control, whereas wider heterosynaptic
and network changes provide more global regulation.
Together, these metaplasticity processes represent a
major form of adaptation that helps to keep synaptic
efficacy within a dynamic range and larger neural net-
works in the appropriate state for learning. However, the
metaplasticity field is still young, and more extensive
studies are required of its molecular mechanisms, their
effects on network function and their contributions to
learning and memory. Harnessing these regulatory
mechanisms might also prove to have important clini-
cal usefulness, particularly as the more tempting direct
manipulations of plasticity processes are likely to be
fraught with severe side-effects. However, with the
multitude of possible mechanisms for study and
the excitement which that generates comes the caution
that not all plasticity regulation is metaplasticity, and it
is important to retain rigor in the design and interpre-
tation of the experiments that address this fascinating
and complex topic.
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44. Zhang, L. et al. Hippocampal synaptic metaplasticity
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This paper provided a key demonstration that
phosphorylation of the Thr305/Thr306 site on
CaMKII mediates the metaplastic inhibition of LTP
by synaptic activity.
45. Cooke, S. F. et al. Autophosphorylation of CaMKII is
not a general requirement for NMDA receptor-
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48. Ireland, D. R., Guevremont, D., Williams, J. M. &
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49. Oh, M. C., Derkach, V. A., Guire, E. S. & Soderling,
T. R. Extrasynaptic membrane trafficking regulated by
GluR1 serine 845 phosphorylation primes AMPA
receptors for long-term potentiation. J. Biol. Chem.
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This study provided an important hippocampal
demonstration that trafficking of AMPARs to the
extrasynaptic membrane can prime synapses for
enhanced LTP in response to a subsequent HFS.
50. Gao, C., Sun, X. & Wolf, M. E. Activation of D1
dopamine receptors increases surface expression of
AMPA receptors and facilitates their synaptic
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54. Christie, B. R., Stellwagen, D. & Abraham, W. C.
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55. Cohen, A. S., Raymond, C. R. & Abraham, W. C.
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56. Blank, T., Nijholt, I., Eckart, K. & Spiess, J. Priming of
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57. Cohen, A. S. & Abraham, W. C. Facilitation of long-
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60. Bortolotto, Z. A., Bashir, Z. I., Davies, C. H. &
Collingridge, G. L. A molecular switch activated by
metabotropic glutamate receptors regulates induction
of long-term potentiation. Nature 368, 740743
This paper provided the first demonstration that
activation of mGluRs can metaplastically promote
subsequent LTP induction, in this case by changing
the state of the synapses so as to render further
activation of mGluRs unnecessary for LTP.
61. Bortolotto, Z. A. et al. Studies on the role of
metabotropic glutamate receptors in long-term
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62. Bortolotto, Z. A. et al. The regulation of hippocampal
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63. Bortolotto, Z. A. & Collingridge, G. L. Involvement of
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64. Bortolotto, Z. A. & Collingridge, G. L. A role for protein
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65. Raymond, C. R., Thompson, V. L., Tate, W. P. &
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67. Mellentin, C., Jahnsen, H. & Abraham, W. C. Priming
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This seminal paper described a model designed to
account for the various features of experience-
dependent plasticity in the visual cortex. Now
known as the BCM model, the work inspired
numerous experimental tests of its essential
74. Holland, L. L. & Wagner, J. J. Primed facilitation of
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77. Abraham, W. C., Mason-Parker, S. E., Bear, M. F.,
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This paper described the concept of synaptic
tagging for the first time. Experimental evidence
was presented for an interaction between a
strongly activated input pathway and a weakly
activated pathway. This interaction promotes
protein-synthesis-dependent LTP in the weak
79. Frey, U. & Morris, R. G. M. Synaptic tagging:
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This paper provided an important demonstration
that sensory experience can cause NMDAR-
dependent LTP. The LTP saturates owing to an
NMDAR-dependent inhibition of additional mGluR-
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Preparation of this Review was assisted by a James Cook
Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Metaplasticity research in the authors laboratory has been
supported by grants from the Health Research Council of New
Zealand, the New Zealand Marsden Fund and the University
of Otago Research Committee. I thank M. Bear for many
years of discussion and collaboration on metaplasticity topics.
I thank D. Ireland, J. Wagner and E. Quinlan for comments on
an earlier version of this manuscript.
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