Strike On 10 July and Fight Racism

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here is now a real chance that
1.5 million workers will strike
together on 10 July.
Tis includes almost 900,000 local
government workers in England and Wales
(600,000 Unison, 220,000 GMB, 70,000
Unite) who are now balloting on whether
to strike after years of below-ination pay
oers or no increase at all.
A quarter of a million teachers in the
NUT are set to join them, as are another
quarter of a million in the PCS civil
service union.
Everywhere we need to win the ballots
and consultations for the strike by the
biggest possible majority, and with the
biggest possible turnout. If you have a
vote and havent used it then say yes today!
And if you have voted, go and win others
to the strike.
Tis is not time to give up or let the
Tories o the hook. Tey are unpopular,
they serve only the rich and they are
wrecking lives.
A mass strike on 10 July followed by
broader and harder-hitting strikes, could
sink their plans. To link up with other
trade unionists campaigning to win the
ballots go to
Te Peoples Assembly demonstration
in London on 21 June is also a real chance
to show our opposition to the Tories and
our unityand also to tell the Labour
leaders that they are utterly failing to put
up real opposition to austerity. For details
go to
Resistance unites us, but racism divides
us. Tis week we have seen the disgusting
attack on schools in Birmingham by
Michael Gove and his allies.
Tis is not about protecting children
or improving education. It is a racist and
Islamophobic slur designed to attract
right wing votes and divide the opposition
to austerity. Tis is a matter for all of us, not
just Muslims.
A government of ruthless millionaires
is out to deect peoples anger over

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General 11/06/14
falling living standards, low wages, poor
housing and declining public services
on to scapegoats such as immigrants or
Tey hope that the real culpritsthe
bosses, the bankers and the politicians
who support themwill escape. Dont be
Here is a simple test: if a Catholic
school had been alleged to have separate
swimming lessons for girls and boys,
would there have been the same furore as
there is in Birmingham?
If at any other school a group of
teachers had allegedly complained that
they were intimidated by management,
would the Tories have lined up with the
Rather than report facts, much of the
press reporting has been based on rumour,
speculation and racist stereotypes.
We were told that schools under
investigation had banned Christmas, that
others had spent 70,000 on speakers to
call children to prayer. Closer scrutiny
proved such stories to be thoroughly
For all the lurid headlines, Ofsted
reports failed to nd any evidence of
extremism being promoted or tolerated
in any of the schools that were inspected.
Yet some of the schools have been
catapulted from a verdict of outstanding
to inadequate.
Strike on 10 July
and ght racism
March on 21 June
Te continued national focus on
these schools will have done nothing but
disrupt pupils preparing for important
Dont be divided, reject racism and
Islamophobiaand keep up the ght
against Ukip. A national statement
against Ukip, signed by gures such as
Len McCluskey of Unite, Diane Abbott
MP, Ken Livingstone, and Owen Jones
is winning hundreds of signatures. Add
your name at
And on Saturday the Unite Against
Fascism conference will discuss and
organise the battle against the fascists and
have a workshop for Stand Up to Ukip.
Come along and be part of it. Full details

Unite Against Fascism
Themes include:
Challenging scapegoating of immigrants
No to Islamophobia
Responding to racism and fascism in
Stand up to UKIP
Saturday 14 June, 9.30am-5pm
@ Congress House, Great Russell Street,
London WC1B 3LS
Book at

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