Finite Element Analysis Question Papers

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1. What is the finite element method?
2. How does the finite element method work?
3. What are the main steps involved in FEA. [AU, April / May 2011]
4. Write the steps involved in developing finite element model.
5. What are the basic approaches to improve a finite element model? [AU, Nov / Dec
6. Write any two advantages of FEM Analysis. [AU, Nov / Dec 2012]
7. What are the methods generally associated with finite element analysis?
8. List any four advantages of finite element method. [AU, April / May 2008]
9. What are the applications of FEA? [AU, April / May 2011]
10. Define finite difference method.
11. What is the limitation of using a finite difference method? [AU, April / May 2010]
12. Define finite volume method.
13. Differentiate finite element method from finite difference method.
14. Differentiate finite element method from finite volume method.
15. What do you mean by discretization in finite element method?
16. What is discretization? [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
17. List the types of nodes. [AU, May / J une 2012]
18. Define degree of freedom.
19. What is meant by degrees of freedom? [AU, Nov / Dec 2012]
20. State the advantage of finite element method over other numerical analysis methods.
21. State the fields to which FEA solving procedure is applicable.
22. What is a structural and non-structural problem?
23. Distinguish between 1D bar element and 1D beam element. [AU, Nov / Dec 2009, May
/ J une 2011]
24. Write the equilibrium equation for an elemental volume in 3D including the body force.
25. How to write the equilibrium equation for a finite element? [AU, Nov / Dec 2012]
26. Classify boundary conditions. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
27. What are the types of boundary conditions?
28. What do you mean by boundary condition and boundary value problem?
29. Write the difference between initial value problem and boundary value problem.
30. What are the different types of boundary conditions? Give examples. [AU, May / J une
31. List the various methods of solving boundary value problems. [AU, April / May 2010]
32. Write down the boundary conditions of a cantilever beam AB of span L fixed at A and
free at B subjected to a uniformly distributed load of P throughout the span. [AU, May /
J une 2009, 2011]
33. Briefly explain force method and stiffness method.
34. What is aspect ratio?
35. Write a short note on stress strain relation.
36. Write down the stress strain relationship for a three dimensional stress field. [AU, April /
May 2011]
37. State the effect of Poissons ratio.
38. Define total potential energy of an elastic body.
39. Write the potential energy for beam of span L simply supported at ends, subjected to a
concentrated load P at mid span. Assume EI constant. [AU, April / May, Nov / Dec
40. State the principle of minimum potential energy. [AU, Nov / Dec 2007, April / May
41. How will you obtain total potential energy of a structural system? [AU, April / May
2011, May / J une 2012]
42. Write down the potential energy function for a three dimensional deformable body in
terms of strain and displacements. [AU, May / J une 2009]
43. What should be considered during piecewise trial functions? [AU, April / May 2011]
44. Name the weighted residual methods. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
45. What is the use of Ritz method? [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
46. Mention the basic steps of Rayleigh-Ritz method. [AU, April / May 2011]
47. Highlight the equivalence and the difference between Rayleigh Ritz method and the finite
element method. [AU, Nov / Dec 2012]
48. Distinguish between Rayleigh Ritz method and finite element method with regard to
choosing displacement function. [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
49. Why are polynomial types of interpolation functions preferred over trigonometric
functions? [AU, April / May 2009, May / J une 2013]
50. What is meant by weak formulation?

51. Define the principle of virtual work.
52. Differentiate Von Mises stress and principle stress.
53. What do you mean by constitutive law?[AU, Nov / Dec 2007, April / May 2009]
54. What are h and p versions of finite element method?
55. What is the difference between static and dynamic analysis?
56. What is Galerkin method of approximation? [AU, Nov / Dec 2009]
57. What is a weighted resuidal method? [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
58. Distinguish between potential energy and potential energy functional.
59. Name any four FEA software.

1. Explain the step by step procedure of FEA. [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
2. Explain the general procedure of finite element analysis. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
3. Briefly explain the stages involved in FEA.
4. Explain the step by step procedure of FEM. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
5. List out the general procedure for FEA problems. [AU, May / J une 2012]
6. Compare FEM with other methods of analysis. [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
7. Define discretization. Explain mesh refinement. [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
8. Explain the process of discretization of a structure in finite element method in detail, with
suitable illustrations for each aspect being & discussed. [AU, Nov / Dec 2012]
9. Discuss procedure using the commercial package (P.C. Programs) available today for
solving problems of FEM. Take a structural problem to explain the same. [AU, Nov / Dec
10. State the importance of locating nodes in finite element model. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
11. Write a brief note on the following.

a. Isotropic material
b. Orthotropic material
c. Anisotropic material
12. What are initial and final boundary value problems? Explain. [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
13. Explain the Potential Energy Approach [AU, Nov / Dec 2010]
14. Explain the principle of minimization of potential energy. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
15. Explain the four weighted residual methods. [AU, Nov / Dec 2011]
16. Explain Ritz method with an example. [AU, April / May 2011]
17. Explain Rayleigh Ritz and Galerkin formulation with example. [AU, May / J une 2012]
18. Write short notes on Galerkin method? [AU, April / May 2009]
19. Discuss stresses and equilibrium of a three dimensional body. [AU, May / J une 2012]
20. Derive the element level equation for one dimensional bar element based on
the station- of a functional. [AU, May / J une 2012]
21. Derive the characteristic equations for the one dimensional bar element by using piece-
wise defined interpolations and weak form of the weighted residual method? [AU, May /
J une 2012]
22. Explain Gaussian elimination method of solving equations. [AU, April / May 2011]
23. Write briefly about Gaussian elimination? [AU, April / May 2009]
24. The following differential equation is available for a physical phenomenon.

Boundary conditions are, y (0) = 0 y (10) = 0. Find the value of the parameter a, by the
following methods. (i) Collocation (ii) Sub Domain (iii) Least Square
(iv) Galerkin.

25. Discuss the following methods to solve the given differential equation:

With the boundary condition y(0) = 0 and y(H) = 0 (i) Variant method (ii) Collocation
method. [AU, April / May 2010]
26. A cantilever beam of length L is loaded with a point load at the free end. Find the
maximum deflection and maximum bending moment using Rayleigh-Ritz method using
the function y= Given: EI is constant. [AU, April / May 2008]

27. A simply supported beam carries uniformly distributed load over the entire span.
Calculate the bending moment and deflection. Assume EI is constant and compare the
results with other solution. [AU, Nov / Dec 2012]
28. Determine the expression for deflection and bending moment in a simply supported beam
subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire span. Find the deflection and moment
at midspan and compare with exact solution using Rayleigh-Ritz method. Use
[AU, Nov / Dec 2008]
29. Compute the value of central deflection in the figure below by assuming.
The beam is uniform throughout and carries a central point load P.

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