Answers To The Revision Photocopies Unit 2-Extra Practice 2

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Unit 2- Extra Practice 2


1 1. singer 2. dental hygienist 3. orchestra conductor 4.chef 5.ballet dancer 6.surgeon

7. fire-fighter 9.stuntperson
2 1. was using, went 2.was running, was taking 3. were clapping, was singing 4.left, were dancing
5.were going, saw
3 1. were … watching 2.announced 3. was sleeping 4.was listening 5.heard 6.screamed
7. woke 8.did … do 9. got up 10.was laughing 11.(was) crying 12.was … waving 13.happened
4 1. Who was the stuntperson in the film? 2. What did you see yesterday? 3. Who are they meeting?
4. Who lives in England? 5. What was boring?

Unit 3- Extra Practice 2


1 genuinecomfortablebrightoriginalnaturalefficientrare
1. genuine 4. comfortable 7. efficient
2. bright 5. rare
3. natural 6. original

2 1. Have you already spoken to the teacher?

2. Have Ken and Jill returned from the concert yet?
3. Have your friends lived in Mexico for a long time?
4. Have you ever been out of the country?
5. Has Pete just seen this film?
3 1. for 3. just 5. ever 7. yet
2. since 4. already 6. never
4 1. saw 4. didn’t go
2. has made 5. hasn’t cooked
3. haven’t visited
5 1. applied 4. left
2. has worked 5. have … made
3. has made 6. hasn’t decided

Unit 5- Extra Practice 1


1 Across Down
3. rudely 1. quietly
4. carelessly 2. brightly
6. neatly 4. carefully
7. noisily 5. suddenly

2 1. go 3. leave
2. become 4. goes
3 1. will go 3. order 5. will get
2. leave 4. sees 6. ask

4 1. would come 4. didn’t make
2. would send 5. didn’t apologise
3. won
5 1. If Carl studied for the test, he would pass.
2. The children would go if you told them about the magician.
3. The children wouldn’t know the answer if you didn’t help them.
4. If Lynn gave you a present, would you give her one?
5. If you didn’t like him, you wouldn’t go out with him.

Unit 5- Extra Practice 2

1 1. square 3. hexagon 5. triangle
2. pentagon 4. cube 6. cone
The hidden word is sphere.

2 1. can 3. Could 5. could

2. couldn’t 4. can’t
3 1. should, might 4. might
2. may not 5. couldn’t
3. mustn’t 6. don’t have to
4 Possible answers: (they can be others)
1. Donna should take a coat.
2. You mustn’t talk loudly.
3. My friends may leave early.
4. We might go to the show.
5. Donna can swim.
6. You must read that book.
5 1. You should go to the show because it’s great.
2. We may see the film later.
3. You mustn’t talk in a library.
4. I can’t understand the story.
5. Our friends might visit us tomorrow.

Unit 6- Extra Practice 1


1. shocking 3. convincing 5. powerful
2. inappropriate 4. original 6. upbeat

2 1. bigger than – the biggest

2. prettier than – the prettiest
3. more comfortable than – the most comfortable
4. better than – the best
5. trendier than – the trendiest
6. more popular than – the most popular
7. worse than – the worst
8. thinner than – the thinnest

3 Aquí todo puede ser válido porque se trata de tu opinión personal, lo importante aquí es entender la
frase comparativa.

4 1. taller than 3. thinner than 5. fatter than

2. longer than 4. shorter than
5 1. the thinnest 3. the shortest 5. the fattest
2. the tallest 4. the longest
6 1. cheaper than 4. more fashionable than
2. the tallest 5. happier than
3. prettier than 6. the most expensive

Unit 6- Extra Practice 2


1 1. fridge 6. toaster 10. spoon

2. oven 7. fork 11. frying pan
3. lunchbox 8. knife 12. saucepan
4. kettle 9. tin-opener13. pressure cooker
5. mug

2 1. too high 4. as tall as

2. too small 5. too heavy
3. sweet enough 6. fast enough
3 1. Our car is not as new as yours.
2. Jane is not tall enough to be a model.
3. The ring is as expensive as the necklace. /
The necklace is as expensive as the ring.
4. Those clothes are too expensive.
5. The game is easy enough for three-year-olds to play.
4 1. swimming 4. cleaning his room
2. running 5. shopping
3. playing tennis 6. watching TV
5 Aquí en estos huecos todas las respuestas son correctas porque depende de lo que te guste a ti o no te
guste, etc… lo importante en este ejercicio es entender y recordar el significado de todos estos útiles

Unit 7- Extra Practice 1


1 1. mineral water 4. thunderstorm

2. food stand 5. beach umbrella
3. sandcastles 6. seashells

4 1. played 4. wanted
2. would buy 5. was watching
3. had to leave 6. couldn’t repair
5 1. Dan said that he was doing his homework.
2. Mum said that I had to watch my sister.
3. I said that I would be at the party.

4. Amy said that she could get tickets for the concert.
5. Joey said that he went to the beach every day.

Unit 7- Extra Practice 2


1 1. told 3. pointed out

2. explained 4. complained

2 1. now 4. here
2. that day 5. that
3. the next day 6. my
4 1. would play the next day.
2. could meet there.
3. was having a party that weekend.
4. there was a good film that day.
5. wanted to leave then.
6. had to study that night.
5 1. I liked ice cream.
2. the class could do the homework.
3. he would complete the project by the next day.
4. the boys were going.
5. time the party started.

Unit 8- Extra Practice 1


1 1. bridge collapse 4. recurring nightmare

2. flashing lights 5. strange creature
3. UFO sighting 6. rescue

2 1. This is the teacher who teaches me English.

2. We read the book which you recommended.
3. Lynn has got a baby sister who is only two months old.
4. That is the place where I left my books.
5. Where are the CDs that were on the shelf?
3 1. which 3. who 5. who
2. who 4. which
4 1. which 3. who 5. where
2. where 4. who 6. that
5 1. which 3. who 5. who
2. where 4. where 6. which

Unit 8- Extra Practice 2

2 1. someone 3. anyone 5. anyone
2. anyone 4. Someone
3 1. anyone 3. somewhere 5. something
2. someone 4. anything 6. anywhere
4 1. anyone 4. something 7. someone
2. anything 5. anyone 8. anywhere
3. somewhere 6. anywhere

Unit 9- Extra Practice 1


2 1. A 2. P 3. P 4. A 5. P 6. A
3 1. is cleaned 3. is based 5. are paid
2. are rehearsed4. are given
4 1. are taught 3. are designed 5. is shown
2. is spoken 4. is delivered
5 1. The lunches are prepared at this restaurant.
2. The actors are driven every morning to the studio. / Every morning, the actors are driven to the
3. My favourite song is sung by Justin Timberlake.
4. This character isn’t played by Elijah Wood.
5. Cartoon characters are usually drawn by computer.

Unit 9- Extra Practice 2


2 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b
3 1. The milk was put in the fridge.
2. Was the game invented by a teenager?
3. My parents weren’t invited to the party.
4. The cartoons were created by famous animators.
5. Was the computer invented by Alexander Graham Bell?
4 1. was given 4. is broadcast
2. isn’t cleaned 5. are made
3. were taken 6. wasn’t found
5 1. Who was the telephone invented by?
2. Where is the film shown each day?
3. When was the statue built?
4. What is your dog called?

That’s all Folks!!

TIP (apunte): espero que aprovechéis estas fotocopias como una manera de aprender y que hagáis de
ellas un buen uso ya que los únicos que os beneficiáis de ello sois VOSOTROS!

Sirven para repasar y aprender lo que no recordáis, pero ojo!! Importante: primero hacedlo y luego
comprobadlo (checking) y no lo contrario!!. Don’t cheat, please!!

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