for the education, examination and qualification of welding personnel Copyright EWF 1995 IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10
Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 1 of 49
Published by: EWF-IAB/IIW Secretariat Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, 33 Taguspark Apartado 012 P-2741-901 Porto Salvo Portugal
Tel: +351.21 4211351 Fax: +351.21 4228122 E-mail: [email protected] Prepared and issued by the IAB-International Authorisation Board Under the authority of the IIW-International Institute of Welding IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 2 of 49
Table of Contents
Introduction. 4
Part 1 Standard requirements for IIW Authorised National Bodies ANBs. 5
Part 2 ANB assessment, surveillance and reporting procedure. 14
Part 3 Standard requirements for ATBs. 16
Part 4 The Examination. 20
Part 5 Distance (self) learning courses as a route to IIW qualifications 24
Appendix 1 ANB Application Form. 25 Appendix 2 ATB Application Form. 28 Appendix 3 Application for an ATB seeking Approval of Courses 31 Appendix 4 Application from Existing ANB for Extension of Scope. 36 Appendix 5 Layout of International Welding Personnel Diplomas 38 Appendix 6 Specific requirements when printing the IIW Diplomas 44 Appendix 7 ATB Certificate, Schedule and Rules for using IIW-ANB combined logo... 45 Appendix 8 ANB Certificate and Schedule.. 48
IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 3 of 49
These rules have been developed following the principle of mutual recognition, which has been agreed between the International Institute of Welding and the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting
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Rules for the implementation of IIW Guidelines for the education, examination and qualification of welding personnel
These Rules establish the mechanism by which the Education, Examination and Qualification Guidelines of IIW are implemented, such that the requirements are applied uniformly by all countries involved, and that the diplomas granted are mutually recognised. This is done by appointing one organisation in each country to act for IIW, and these organisations are assessed and monitored in compliance with the Rules. These organisations are known as the IIW Authorised National Bodies (ANBs), and are responsible for ensuring that the standards of education, examination and qualification are maintained. In this, the objective is that IIW qualified personnel at a certain level will have achieved the same minimum level of knowledge, irrespective of the country in which they had been qualified.
The IIW has delegated all authority for this activity to the International Authorisation Board (IAB). This Body consists of a supervisory board and two subsidiary Groups A and B. The membership of these Groups is restricted to a maximum of two representatives of each existing and applicant ANB. These Rules are administered on behalf of the Board by Group B Implementation, Authorisation and Certification.
Whereas the Rules follow the general principles of ISO IEC 17024 (1) where applicable, ANBs wishing to comply fully with ISO IEC 17024, for example for the purpose of achieving national accreditation, will need to take further measures than those required by these rules.
These rules shall be updated and reissued every two years and there is an obligation of all ANBs to implement the changes within one year of the date of issue.
Period of validity of Guidelines
The Education, Examination and Qualification Guidelines are the responsibility for the IAB Group A: Education Training and Qualification and are up-dated every two years. Amendments to the Guidelines adopted by the IAB Board are to be communicated to Approved Training Bodies (ATBs) by ANBs and implemented as soon as possible.
When a revised Guideline is adopted by the IAB Board, there is an obligation on all ANBs to implement the changes, within their scope of authorisation, 18 months of the date of adoption. However, when a course has been announced, the Guideline current at the time of the announcement is valid for a period of not exceeding two years from the date of the announcement.
The adoption of a new Guideline by the IAB Board places an obligation on all ANBs to withdraw their own competing schemes within the scope of its authorisation, three years from the date of the adoption.
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1.1 Introduction
This Part specifies the requirements for ANBs wishing to implement the IIW system for the education, examination and qualification of personnel.
The policies and procedures of ANBs and their administration shall be fair and equitable among all candidates and shall comply with any applicable statutory requirements.
1.2 Role of the ANB
It is the role of the ANB to act in its own country for IIW in respect of personnel qualification, including:
i) The approval of ATBs for the conduct of courses in accordance with IIW Guidelines. ii) The conduct of the examinations. iii) The qualification of personnel and the recording of relevant information.
An ANB shall not offer or provide training, or aid others in the preparation of such services, unless it demonstrates how training is independent of examinations in order to ensure that confidentiality and impartiality are not compromised.
1.3 Definitions
Qualification: The award of an IIW diploma gained in accordance with the IIW Guidelines and these rules. Such diplomas remain valid for the life of the holder.
ATB: For the purpose of these rules, the term Approved Training Body (ATB) is an organisation that has been assessed and approved by an ANB in accordance with IIW rules for training organisations. By awarding ATB status, the ANB confirms that the ATB fulfils the requirements for delivering training in accordance with one or more IIW guidelines. It shall be an organisation independent from the ANB or clearly separated from it.
Council of the ANB: The body, which is legally responsible for ANB affairs. It could be the 'Board of Directors' or the 'General Assembly of the organisation. Governing Board The body which is responsible for conducting the activities of the of the ANB: ANB listed in 1.2 above.
IAB Lead Assessor: A person elected by the IAB Board, on recommendation of Group B, who is responsible for leading an ANB audit team. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 6 of 49
IAB Peer Assessor: A person approved by Group B to assist the Lead Assessor with a site visit
IAB DL Assessor: A person with experience in use of the Instructional System Design approach to curriculum development, Distance Learning and Quality Assurance, having the Peer Assessor status and appointed by the Chairman of IAB Group B.
ATB Lead Assessor: A person elected by the ANB Governing Board, on the Chief Executive recommendation, who is responsible for leading an ATB audit team
Invigilator: A competent person who supervises examination candidates during theoretical examinations in accordance with IIW rules for examinations. Invigilators must be independent from the persons being examined.
1.4 Responsibilities and status of ANBs
An ANB accepts responsibility for the implementation of the current IIW system for education, examination and qualification of welding personnel at the national level.
All ANBs, applicant ANBs and IIW members interested in becoming ANBs are charged a fee, in accordance with the rules established by Group B.
1.5 Grant of IIW Authorisation
The grant of IIW Authorised National Body status for a defined scope of activity is made by the IAB Board on the recommendation of the Group B. See OP-03.
If a country already has an EWF ANB, this is the IIW ANB in that country.
The Secretariat shall issue a certificate of authorisation to the ANB covering its activities on behalf of IIW following authorisation, and this shall be valid for a period of five years.
The certificate shall have an appended schedule to indicate the scope of authorisation (e.g. IWE, IWT, IWS, etc.) for which the ANB has been assessed and approved. Extension of scope shall be applied for and assessed and, if granted, a new schedule shall be issued by the Secretariat. Application for extension of scope shall be made to the Lead Assessor using the official application form (see also Part 2, Clause 2.4 and Appendix 4).
The procedure for using the IIW ANB certificate of authorisation is given in OP 07.
In the event that it is established that an ANB is failing to comply with the requirements of these Rules, the IAB Board may terminate the authorisation with three months notice.
The Chairman of Group B has the power to suspend approval of an ANB in advance of a meeting of the Group B if the non-compliances are, in his/her judgement, sufficiently severe.
An ANB may terminate the authorisation by giving three months notice of its intention to do so.
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1.6 Sub-contracting
Sub-contracting of the principal tasks covered by Item 1.2 above is prohibited. The ANB may, where appropriate, sub-contract other minor parts of its IIW work, and the organisations to which this work is delegated shall be subject to audit by the ANB. All sub-contracting shall be fully detailed in the ANB's Quality Manual.
Note: Sub-contracting is defined as the delegation of activities to a body over which the ANB does not have direct executive control, and may include matters such as printing and publicity. In certain circumstances, the ANB may delegate special technical activities to another body. This body must demonstrate to the ANB that it has a high level of expertise relevant to the functions delegated to it. The ANB will only be allowed to subcontract activities outside traditional welding technology, for example adhesive bonding. It is not allowed to subcontract activities related to the existing main Guidelines: International Welding Engineer, Technologist, Specialist, Practitioner, Inspection Personnel and Welders. These special subcontracting arrangements require prior approval of Group B.
1.7 Organisational structure
The ANB shall be structured so as to give confidence to interested parties in its competence, impartiality and integrity. In particular, ANBs:
a) Shall be independent and impartial in relation to applicants, candidates and qualified persons, including their employers and their customers, and shall take all possible steps to assure ethical operations.
b) Shall be responsible for its decisions relating to granting qualifications.
c) Shall identify the management team(s) or person(s) who shall have overall responsibility for:
evaluation and qualification of persons
formulation and implementation of policies and procedures covering qualification activities
the delegation of authority to any committees or individuals to undertake defined activities on its behalf
d) Shall have documents establishing it as a legal entity or part of a legal entity.
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1.7.1 The Governing Board
The ANB shall have in place a Governing Board that is independent of its commercial interests. It shall be representative of the major interests involved, and no interest shall predominate; it shall comprise at least 7 members, for example, as follows:
4 from industry, representing manufacturers, users, service organisations and other relevant interests, 1 representing academic institutions 1 representing the Council of the ANB 1 representative of the country on the IAB Groups,
and, where appropriate, one representative from the national standards body and one from the national association of engineers.
As a guide, it is suggested that members should serve for a maximum period of 9 years, the Chairman being elected by the Board from amongst the members and serving for a maximum term of 3 years. Re-election beyond these terms is acceptable, but a turnover of representation is desirable.
The terms of reference of the Governing Board shall be:
To formulate policy in respect of the implementation by the ANB of IIW personnel qualification requirements.
To supervise the operation of the ANB's role in the above matters, including the assessment and monitoring of training courses and facilities, conduct of examinations, the issue of diplomas and recording of data on diploma holders, preparation of the ANB's Quality Manual and all documentation.
To install an Appeals Panel.
To appoint the Examination Board(s), and nominate the Chairman/Chairmen and to ensure that those appointed are competent to undertake the tasks assigned to them.
To consider complaints against diploma holders.
The Governing Board shall meet at least once a year, and the meetings shall be minuted. A copy of the approved minutes and all Board documentation shall be filed for at least 10 years.
Note: It is permissible for the Governing Board to appoint an Executive Committee to manage the ANB activities on its behalf. However, the responsibility and authority must rest with the Governing Board. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 9 of 49
1.7.2 Staff
The ANB shall appoint a Chief Executive to administer the IIW activities and, in this task, he/she shall be responsible to the Governing Board, either directly, or indirectly, through an Executive Committee if one exists (see 1.7.1 Note above). He/she shall not be subject to any pressures or constraints, which will affect his/her impartial conduct of the ANB affairs. This appointment may be part or full time, as required by the workload.
The qualifications and CV of the Chief Executive shall be such that he/she may be deemed competent to undertake the tasks involved.
The ANB shall have at its disposal competent people, including administrators and Examiners, see Part 4, for implementing the qualification process. All persons involved shall possess appropriate education, experience and technical expertise for the tasks they fulfil.
The ANB shall require its employed or contracted persons to sign a document by which they commit themselves to comply with the rules defined by the ANB, including those relating to confidentiality and those relating to commercial and other interests, for example, any link with the persons to be examined that would compromise impartiality.
Records of the staff and contracted persons shall be kept, and shall include information about the means by which staff have been trained and kept up-to-date with relevant developments.
All staff and contracted persons shall have clear job specifications and shall be issued with instructions describing their duties and responsibilities..
The Chief Executive shall be responsible to the Governing Board for the conduct of the activities listed under item 1.7.1.
There shall be adequate facilities for the ANB functions to be carried out effectively.
1.7.3 Appointment of ATB audit teams by the ANB
The Governing Board (or Executive Committee acting on behalf of the Governing Board) shall approve the ATB auditors.
The number of auditors involved and the scope of the audit shall be in accordance with Part 3.
1.7.4 Examination Board(s)
The Governing Board (or Executive Committee) shall appoint the Examination Board(s) in accordance with Part 4 and with any special requirements stated in the relevant IIW Guideline. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 10 of 49
1.8 Quality Assurance
The ANB shall operate a Quality Management System (QMS) described in a Quality Manual, operating procedures and related documents. The QMS shall include at least the following information.
a) A quality policy statement
b) Brief description of the legal status of the ANB
c) A statement of the organisation of the ANB, including details of the Governing Board, its constitution, terms of reference and rules of procedure.
d) Name, qualifications, experience and terms of reference of the Chief Executive and other personnel, both internal and external.
e) Details of training arrangements for staff.
f) An organisation chart showing lines of authority, responsibility and allocation of functions stemming from the Chief Executive.
g) Details of the documented procedures for assessing applicant ATBs and diploma candidates.
h) A list of its sub-contractors and details of the documented procedures for assessing and monitoring their competence, see also Section 1.6 above.
i) Details of appeals/complaints procedure.
For the sake of facilitating its use, a national language version of an IIW guideline can be produced by the ANB. However, the English languages Guidelines published by the Secretariat remain the official versions which must be referred to, especially in case of dispute.
The ANB shall undertake periodic managements reviews at least annually covering key areas of its operation, including: Changes in IAB requirements Results of external and internal audits Staff, management or organisation changes Complaints and appeals received Information on number of candidates and pass rates Amendments and/or improvements to the quality manual and procedures.
The ANB shall also undertake periodic internal audits at least annually conducted by persons with no executive responsibility within the ANB. Such audits will be designed to check that the QMS continues to fulfil the requirements of the IAB and are properly implemented. The checklist given in OP-03, Annex 1 may be used as a guide during internal audits.
Record of management reviews and internal audits shall be presented to the ANB Governing Board and maintained for a minimum of three years. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 11 of 49
1.9 Records
The ANB shall maintain a record system appropriate to its particular circumstances and to comply with regulations, including a means to confirm the status of a qualified person. The records shall demonstrate that the qualification process has been effectively fulfilled, particularly with respect to application forms, evaluation reports, and other documents relating to granting qualifications.
The records shall be identified, managed and disposed of in such a way as to ensure the integrity of the process and the confidentiality of the information. The records shall be kept for at least 5 years.
The ANB shall establish and maintain indefinitely a database of diploma holders in its own country and in other countries where the ANB has issued IIW diplomas.
1.10 Confidentiality
The ANB shall, through legally enforceable commitments, keep confidential all information obtained in the process of its activities. These commitments shall cover all individuals working within the body, including committee members, and external bodies or individuals acting on its behalf. Such information shall not be disclosed to an unauthorised party without the written consent of the organisation or individual from whom the information was obtained, except where the law requires such information to be disclosed. When the ANB is required by law to release such information, the organisation or individual concerned shall be informed beforehand of what information will be provided.
1.11 Documentation
The following documentation shall be prepared, approved maintained and controlled by the ANB: QMS documentation Candidate application forms Check lists and report forms for course assessment
Information sheets and promotional literature shall also be prepared and maintained by the ANB.
Copies of all current documentation shall be readily available at all operating locations, and procedures for modification, authentication, and removal of obsolete documents shall be covered in the QMS.
1.12 Transition Arrangements
The ANB shall have in place a formal mechanism to deal with the qualification of candidates under IIW rules for transition periods established by Group B. Inasmuch as this will involve the assessment of those who will not meet precisely the IIW Guidelines, such applications shall be submitted to the ANB Governing Board or an assessment committee nominated by the ANB Governing Board for this purpose. The arrangements for each country are approved by Group B and are included in the Directory of Transition Arrangements. The Lead Assessors are responsible for maintaining the Directory. The Directory of Transition Arrangements is confidential, distributed only to the ANB in each country. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 12 of 49
An ANB can offer Transitional Arrangements for a period of up to 3 years in accordance with the following:
1. The ANB presents proposals to IAB Group B for its specific national Transition Arrangement criteria. 2. Once approved by IAB Group B, The ANB can be open for Transition Arrangement applications. 3. Six months after the approval by IAB Group B, the three-year life of the Transition Arrangement, for that Guideline and for that ANB, starts. The starting date will be indicated in the scope of authorisation. 4. No new applications can be accepted after this three-year period but applications received within the three-year period can continue to be processed. 5. Applications received after the three-year period must be directly to the Standard, Distance Learning or Alternative route.
General guidance for transition to a particular diploma is given in OP 09.
1.13 Access Conditions
The method by which Access Routes to the training required by the IIW Welding Personnel scheme are selected and approved are given in OP 08.
1.14 Appeals
Any individual or organisation that feels they have been unfairly treated shall have the right of appeal to the Governing Board, which may appoint a special 'Appeal Panel' to deal with such cases on its behalf. Members of the Panel shall be selected to ensure a fair and balanced consideration.
The ANB shall define policies and procedures for the resolution of appeals and complaints, received from applicants, candidates, qualified persons and their employers, and other parties, about the qualification process. These policies and procedures shall ensure that appeals and complaints are resolved, in an unbiased manner in principle not later than ten (10) weeks from the date the appeal was presented.
1.15 Renewal of Authorisation
ANBs shall be subject to intermediate surveillance (approximately two years after initial authorisation) and shall be re-assessed by audit approximately 6 months before the end of the five-year authorisation period. Successful assessment will result in a further period of authorisation for five years, which shall again be subject to intermediate surveillance and re- assessment as for initial authorisation. Surveillance audits may be waived at the discretion of Group B if the ANB has been granted national accreditation for a scope of activities, which includes the IIW Qualification Scheme.
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1.16 Rules for ANBs acting in a foreign country
ANBs may operate in foreign countries, but this must be done in accordance with OP 11 and the following general rules:
1.17.1. It must be agreed by the IIW member society in the country concerned, where applicable. 1.17.2. The ANB must follow the rules contained in this document, including those applicable to the assessment of ATBs. 1.17.3. Special care must be taken in consideration when the languages of the teachers and students are different (see OP-14). 1.17.4. The records shall be kept by the ANB but may be made available in the other country for validation purposes through an organisation approved by the ANB. Such approval shall ensure, by audit, that all relevant aspects of the Rules are met.
1.17 Procedure for ANBs acting in a foreign country
Further to the compliance with the general rules as described above, the ANB must comply with OP 11.
1.18 ANB Annual Reports
ANBs are responsible for making a report each year to the Secretariat using the form shown in OP 05. It is to be submitted by 31 March for the previous year (1 st of J anuary to 31 st of December) and the contents will be included in a document to be reported to IIW Board, IAB Groups A and B and EWF General Assembly.
1.19 Misuse of IIW Diploma
ANBs shall ensure that every diploma holder is made aware that he/she is responsible for its correct use and shall take measures to prevent misuse such as modification of its content or the name of the recipient. The ANB shall be able to demonstrate that all diploma holders have been informed accordingly.
Any cases of misuse of IIW diplomas by individuals or third parties discovered by the ANB shall be promptly dealt with the ANB including, for example, reporting it to national legal authority, publishing the facts of the case, recalling the diploma, etc.
ANBs shall ensure that its ATBs inform all participants in approved training courses of the risks of providing wrong information or falsified documents in relation to satisfying the access conditions for the appropriate diploma. If such cases occur and are proved beyond reasonable doubt, the ANB shall ensure that the diploma is withdrawn and should take legal action as appropriate. Such cases shall be reported promptly to the Lead Assessor who will monitor their progress.
The ANB must also report all other cases to the Lead Assessor who will inform Group B as appropriate. Group B is responsible for reviewing the cases and deciding any further action required. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 14 of 49
2.1 Objective
The objective of assessments, surveillance visits and re-assessments is to ensure that the applicant ANB has in place the features, procedures, documentation and staff which allow it to function in accordance with these Rules, the Operating Procedures and the relevant IIW Guidelines. It is also necessary to ensure that the same standards are maintained by operating ANBs.
Details of this procedure are given in OP 03.
2.2 The Audit Team
Please refer to OP 02 for details on qualifications and selection of assessors.
2.3 Application for authorisation as ANB
For details on the application procedure, please refer to OP 03. The Application Form is given in Appendix 1 of this document.
2.4 Application for Extension of Scope
An ANB is permitted to act on behalf of IIW only within the limit of scope shown on the Certificate of Authorisation, but ANBs established in countries having a Member of IIW may implement a new IIW Guideline following submission of an application for extension of scope and its preliminary approval by the Lead Assessor. Formal approval of Group B must follow within 12 months from the date of application. The ANB shall proceed as follows:
1. Ensure by internal audit that it meets all requirements of the additional IIW Guidelines for which authorisation is required.
2. Submit to the Lead Assessor an Extension of Scope application form (Appendix 4) together with the following documentation relevant to the additional IIW Guidelines:
Revised quality manual (if appropriate) Course approval requirements Information sheets for each category of personnel and promotional literature Composition of Board(s) of Examiners or, where appropriate, examination personnel and procedures Transition Period arrangements
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The Lead Assessor will review the documentation and, in accordance with the principles agreed by the IAB Board, advise the applicant with respect to assessment/audit requirements and their costs. The cost of assessments for extension of scope applications shall also be charged at the agreed rates.
Following a successful application following assessment/audit, the Secretariat will issue a new amended schedule on the instruction of the Chairman of the IAB Board, see appendix 8.
2.5 Complaints and Appeals
Please refer to OP 06 for details.
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3.1 Introduction
The IAB Board administers the procedures established and updated by Group B for the important task of approving ATBs to conduct courses designed to prepare candidates for qualifications, as described in the IIW Guidelines for the education of welding personnel. Successful completion of an approved course is a requirement of the qualification procedure, except for those able to qualify under the terms of the Transition Arrangements or an approved alternative route.
The approval of courses is a responsibility of the ANB in each country.
It is recognised that in some cases ANBs are themselves involved in training. This is acceptable provided the ANB activities in respect of IIW qualifications are fully isolated, and that the ANB can demonstrate that its own courses are properly assessed and controlled in accordance with IIW requirements. There must be complete freedom for course organisers not linked to the ANB to apply for approval with confidence in the impartiality of the ANBs course assessment activity.
It is to be understood that an approved ATB is expected to refrain from undertaking business of a nature similar to that covered by these Rules in another Member Country unless agreement to so do has been formally given by the ANB in that Country.
A course is approved with respect to the programme, the team of lecturers, course materials, facilities and equipment, and any significant change shall be cause for re-assessment.
Approval of Distance Learning courses shall be made according to OP-15.
3.2 Conformity with IIW Syllabus
Before applying for approval to conduct a specific course, ATBs must ensure that the course meets the current issue of the relevant IIW Guideline.
At the discretion of the ANB, a training organisation can be approved to conduct specific topics or parts of the course.
Also, a company's ATB can be approved provided that all the requirements are met.
3.3 Facilities
The facilities should be clean, well lit and comfortable. For practical work each student should have ample bench space and good access to test specimens. Classrooms should have adequate desks or tables, and be equipped with suitable teaching aids, such as blackboards, overhead projectors, closed circuit television, slide projectors and video equipment, as appropriate to the course. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 17 of 49
Each Guideline gives specific requirements for equipment and specimens with respect to specific courses.
3.4 Teaching Staff
Courses leading to IIW qualifications must be closely related to industrial practice, and it is essential for teaching staff to have continuing contact with industry. Teaching staff needs to combine:
1. Teaching ability - evidence of training in lecturing, public speaking or verbal communication.
2. Competence in the subjects being taught.
3. Knowledge and experience of current industrial practice in the subjects being taught.
4. Practical skills in the demonstration of welding practice.
The ATB must provide an appropriate complement of teaching staff which has, collectively, the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver the course for which approval is being sought in an effective manner. The number of such staff shall be sufficient to ensure that the essential specialist knowledge and industrial experience to cover the syllabus is adequately represented in the team of teachers and visiting lecturers. It must also provide a resource which is adequate for the development, updating and monitoring of the training programmes.
Teaching staff must maintain contact with current industrial practice and, for example, the involvement of teachers in consultancy work is one way of achieving this link; short-term secondments are another. The use of outside speakers from industry is a good way of introducing a strong industrial element into the course.
The above matters and monitoring of course performance must be covered by appropriate documentation for review by the ANB. The ANB shall be notified in writing of any changes to the teaching staff.
3.5 Visual aids
The lectures must be supported by good quality visual aids, for example: slides, overheads, transparencies and/or videos.
3.6 Reference books
The ATB should maintain a reference library of key material available to students for background study. This library should include a comprehensive collection of standards relevant to the subjects being taught.
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3.7 Documentation
A full set of course notes should be maintained in order to ensure consistency between courses and in the event of any change of staff. Lectures should be supported by good quality handbooks issued to students containing key information for reference.
3.8 Examination
A final examination to assess student performance, in accordance with the relevant IIW Guideline and Part 4 of these rules, will be performed. This examination is mandatory and is independent of any assessment procedure conducted by the ATB.
3.9 Application/ Audit
When the ATB has satisfied itself that its course complies with the ANB requirements, an application of the type given in Appendix 2, must be submitted to the ANB.
Separate application, of the type given in Appendix 3, must be made for each course leading to the award of an IIW Diploma.
The applications will be reviewed by the ANB, after which an audit visit will be arranged (see Part 1, Clause 1.7.3). The audit can take place before the course is running if circumstances dictate but, in such cases, an additional visit by at least one person must be made when it is running. Course materials, both lecturer and student, must be available for review by the ANB.
For each ATB assessment, the ANB shall appoint two auditors. The level of the ATB Lead Auditor should be at least equivalent to the level of qualification in welding of the IIW education programme the ATB is applying for, with a minimum of IWS level.
The questionnaire and associated documentation shall be reviewed by one of the two auditors. Any questions arising from this documentation assessment will be resolved before the audit takes place. The audit visit shall be conducted by both auditors, whilst the course is running, to check compliance with these rules. A decision on approval will be made by the ANB, on the recommendation of the auditors, shortly after the audit visit. If the course is approved, the ANB shall issue an ATB certificate and schedule in accordance with Appendix 8.
The ATB certificate and schedule shall be issued after final approval of the applicant ATB, once all non-conformities raised have been resolved.
At the discretion of the ANB some exceptions to the above are allowed as follows:
i. When an ATB is going to carry out a course practically in the same conditions as in previous ones, and the ATB authorisation is still in force, one abbreviated application can be used in the conditions previously agreed with the ANB.
ii. In the case of an assessment of a new course, which is being offered by an existing ATB, it is allowed for one auditor only to perform the whole assessment. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 19 of 49
3.10 Surveillance
The ANB shall maintain periodic surveillance at least every 3 years of the ATB to ensure that the course standard is being maintained.
If an ANB conduct surveillance audits, these may be accomplished by one auditor only. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 20 of 49
PART 4: EXAMINATIONS 4.1 Introduction
The ANB has the responsibility for conducting the examination leading to the award of an IIW diploma. The following are the Rules under which these examinations shall be conducted.
Specific requirements for the conduct of examinations are given in the IIW Education, Examination and Qualification Guidelines.
Examinations shall be planned and structured in a manner which ensures that all the requirements of the applicable IIW Guideline are objectively and systematically verified, with sufficient documented evidence produced to confirm that this is the case.
4.2 Examination Board(s)
The ANB must appoint a Examination Board(s-) to supervise examinations on behalf of the ANB.
The Chairman and the members of the Examination Board(s) shall be nominated by the Authorised National Body. The Examination Board(s) shall consist of:
a) The Chairman, who shall be independent from the ATB(s); b) Representatives from industry and other relevant organisations.
The responsibility of the Examination Board(s) is(are) to supervise the work of the team of Examiners, see below;
4.3 Examiners
The ANB shall appoint Examiners for every IIW Qualification that it is authorised to implement. A Team of Examiners (minimum two persons) shall be selected by the ANB, from the list of appointed Examiners, for every specific examination session. The responsibilities of the Team of Examiners are to:
a) Organise the examination (written and practical); b) Set the examination questions (written and oral as applicable); c) Conduct and mark the written and oral examinations; d) Decide on borderline results; e) Deciding the result of the examination.
All the above are carried out in accordance with the ANBs written procedures IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 21 of 49
Examiners shall: Be familiar with the IIW qualification scheme; Have a thorough knowledge of the relevant examination methods and examination documents; Have appropriate knowledge and competence in the field to be examined; Be fluent, both in writing and orally, in the language of examination; Be free from any interest so that they can make impartial and non-discriminatory judgements; Report to the Examination Board.
If an Examiner has a potential conflict of interest in the examination of a candidate, the ANB shall take measures to ensure that confidentiality and impartiality of the examination are not compromised.
It is permissible for a teacher from an ATB to be a member of the Team of Examiners, but he/she shall not make the final decision on the marking of an examination in the subject of a candidate that he/she has taught. The Team of examiners must include people who have not been employed as teachers for the course being examined.
4.4 Location of examination
Examinations shall be conducted at locations and times designated in advance by the ANB.
4.5 Facilities
Written examinations shall be held in a quiet, well-lit, well ventilated and comfortable room.
The oral examination shall be conducted in a quiet area.
4.6 Admission to Examination
The rules for admission to examinations leading to the award of an IIW Diploma are given in the appropriate IIW Guidelines. The ANB shall require supporting evidence from applicant examination candidates sufficient to ensure that the conditions for access to the examination, including education and training have been met.
4.7 Invigilating (supervision of examination)
Invigilators are responsible for supervising examination sessions and for ensuring that candidates abide by the rules of the examination. The ANB must have procedures to ensure that candidates suspected by the Invigilator of cheating are dealt with in an appropriate way. Invigilators must be competent to carry out the duties assigned to them. They shall by nominate from a list of approved by the ANB.
It is the responsibility of the Team of Examiners to ensure that the written examination is invigilated in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the relevant IIW Guidelines. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 22 of 49
4.8 Setting of examinations
Examination questions shall be provided by the teachers and/or other competent persons and shall form a collection from which the Team of Examiners shall select, on the occasion of each examination, those to be used for each paper. Examiners who are teachers from ATBs shall not be involved in the selection of the questions for examination papers related to subjects they have taught.
The ANB shall have a system for approving Examination papers to ensure that they cover the subject being examined and are at the appropriate level of difficulty.
The content and standard of the collection shall be monitored by the Team of Examiners.
Where harmonised examination questions are provided by IIW, it is mandatory that they are used.
4.9 Security and confidentiality
The ANB must ensure the security and confidentiality of all records and information related to examinations papers, marking, etc, throughout their life. Examination papers shall be kept in a secure manner, to prevent access by unauthorised persons. The papers shall be typed or printed and copied under secure supervised conditions. The printed papers shall be kept, for example, in sealed envelopes in a locked area, to which there is access only by the Invigilator.
All persons involved in these activities shall be nominees of the ANB, or the ATB and they shall be made aware of their obligations with regard to security and confidentiality.
Completed papers shall be returned to the secure area until ready for marking.
4.10 Marking of written examination papers
Marking shall be the responsibility of the Team of Examiners. The performance and results of examinations shall be documented and reported to the Examination Board (s).
Any anomalies, for example where the overall marks are unexpectedly high or low, the Team of Examiners shall report it to the Examination Board (s).
4.11 Timing of examinations
Both written and oral examinations, where applicable, may be held either on completion of each Module of the syllabus or at the end of the course.
4.12 Issue of results and diplomas
Examination results shall be communicated to candidates no later than eight weeks after the examination. Diplomas shall be issued no later than twelve weeks after the examination using only diploma blanks supplied by the Secretariat. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 23 of 49
Issue of Diplomas via Automatic Route, IIW Diploma to EWF Diploma holders or EWF Diploma to IIW Diploma holders, can be done only by the ANBs that issued the initial Diploma, IIW or EWF.
IIW Diploma designations shall normally be as indicated in Appendix 6.
Instructions to ANBs for filling in the actual diplomas are shown in Appendix 5.
Where national regulations conflict with the instruction to use the date of birth for unique identity purpose, the ANB may propose an alternative system of nomenclature, e.g. National Identity Number, National Social Welfare Number.
This information must be completed in the space provided for the date of birth. The use of alternative identification system shall have prior approval of the Lead Assessors.
4.13 Appeals
Should a candidate wish to appeal against his result, he shall apply to the ANB within four weeks of receiving his results. All appeals shall be heard and will be conducted by an Appeals Panel consisting of at least two persons: one of whom may be the Chairman of the Examination Board(s), but at least one other shall not have participated in the examination.
The result of the appeal shall be communicated within two weeks of the appeal hearing.
4.14 Re-examination
Failure in any individual subject of the examination shall require re-examination.
The rules for the re-examination are given in the appropriate Guideline.
4.15 Special conditions for extension of validity of examinations
If an examinee has failed an examination, the validity period relating to individual parts of the examination, as defined on each guideline, may be extended by decision of the Lead Assessor, if it has not been possible for the ANB to organise the necessary re-examinations within the relevant period.
In such circumstances, the following conditions shall be fulfilled:
i) The ANB must provide valid reasons for needing an extension.
ii) Any re-examinations taken after the first period must include oral examinations covering the whole syllabus.
iii) Under no circumstances shall the validity period exceed a total of six years.
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The IIW Guidelines provide syllabuses, which are intended to be taught in a classroom environment, thereby providing for direct interaction with the students on a continuous basis. They require a significant input of application experience so that the knowledge and thought processes of experienced engineers may be transferred to the students. Practical work, demonstrations and videos are also significant mandatory aspects of the IIW programmes.
Whilst the content of the syllabuses may be replicated in a distance-learning course, some of the attributes mentioned above cannot. It is only through exposure to the individual experts that these benefits may be gained. Furthermore, the content is continuously up-dated to reflect changing trends in industry and the technology.
These essential features must be retained but it is recognised that the classical theoretical studies included in the courses could be covered by distance learning courses. The following special requirements will be placed in the distance learning courses route to ensure that the benefits of the IIW approach are not lost.
1. The IIW Distance Learning Courses - DLC must be structured in accordance with the relevant IIW Guideline.
2. The ANB who wants to approve ATBs with the aim of performing DLCs must fulfil the rules and requirements that are defined in OP-15 Evaluation of Distance Learning Courses.
3. The ANB must ensure that all the practical work and demonstrations that are mentioned in the relevant guideline syllabus shall be developed according to the rules and requirements that are stated in this document and in the relevant guideline. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 25 of 49
The IIW Scheme for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel
Application Form for an Organisation wishing to become an Authorised National Body in respect of the IIW Scheme in accordance with the rules provided in Document IAB-001, IAB Operating Procedures and in the IIW Education, Examination and Qualification Guidelines.
Please complete the form in BLOCK CAPITALS or TYPESCRIPT in ENGLISH.
Please enclose THREE SETS of the documentation requested in OP 03 with the completed form.
A list of relevant current IAB documents is available on request and the documentation should be referred to before submitting the application. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 26 of 49 APPENDIX 1
What type of organisation is the prospective ANB (e.g., limited company, independent body etc)? ......... ........... ............ .......... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... ............ ......................
Please provide copies of documents, which define the ANBs legal status and its functions, organisation and management showing how the IIW Qualification Scheme activities are accommodated and isolated.
3 Scope of Authorisation sought
Please list below the categories of qualification for which authorisation is sought (e.g., International Welding Engineer):
Please provide the Quality Manual for the ANB. It can be forwarded later if it is not yet ready. The Manual must include documentation in respect of course approval, and composition of the Governing Board and Board of Examiners.
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5 Declaration
I declare that the information on this form and any other information given in support of this application is correct, to the best of my belief. I have read the Rules for ANBs and undertake to ensure that the applicant ANB I represent will abide by these requirements if granted accreditation by the IIW.
I further declare that the body I represent is the organisation nominated in............. ..................... ........... ............ .......... ............ ........... * as the applicant IIW Authorised National Body.
The national Member Society (ies) of IIW ... ........... ............ .......... ............ (name of Member Society (ies)) for. * agrees with this application for authorisation. *Insert name of country
IAB Secretariat C/o: ISQ Av. Prof. Cavaco Silva, 33 -Taguspark Apartado 012 CTT Porto Salvo P-2741-901 Porto Salvo PORTUGAL IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 28 of 49
The IIW Scheme for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel
Application Form for an Organisation wishing to become an Approved Training Body in respect of the IIW Scheme in accordance with National ANB rules
Please complete the form in BLOCK CAPITALS or TYPESCRIPT
Please enclose ONE SET of the documentation requested with the completed form.
A list of relevant current IAB documents is available on request and the documentation should be referred to before submitting the application. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 29 of 49 APPENDIX 2
What type of organisation is the prospective ATB (e.g., limited company, independent body etc)? ..................... ........... ............ .......... ............ ........... ........... ............ .......... ............ ......................
Please provide copies of documents, which define the ATB legal status and its functions, organisation and management.
3 Scope of Approval sought
Please list below the courses leading to the award of an IIW Diploma for which approval is sought (e.g., International Welding Engineer):
Please provide the Quality Manual for the ATB or any other documentation that includes the complete description of ATB activities regarding general organization and responsibilities, facilities and their maintenance, teaching staff and their continuous training, etc.
IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 30 of 49 APPENDIX 2
5 Declaration
I declare that the information on this form and any other information given in support of this application is correct, to the best of my belief. I have read the Rules for ATBs issued by the National ANB and undertake to ensure that the applicant ATB I represent will abide by these requirements if granted accreditation by the ANB.
National ANB IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 31 of 49 APPENDIX 3
This application is for approval of a specific type of course in accordance with IIW Guideline No. ....................... leading to a Diploma of International Welding
1. Name of organisation ........... ........... .........................................................................................
2. Title of course and your reference number (if any) ..........................................................
9. What is the nature of the diploma or similar document issued at the end of the course:...............
IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 32 of 49 APPENDIX 3
10. How is student's performance currently assessed:.........................................................................
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IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 34 of 49 APPENDIX 3
14. Address of permanent establishment ................ ............................................................................
17. Capacity (number of students) ........................... ............................................................................
18. Is this course ever held outside the permanent establishment? If yes, give details on a separate sheet, corresponding to Nos. 14-17 above for each venue. YES/NO
19. Is the course run in collaboration or jointly with any other establishment? YES/NO
If yes, state which establishment accepts overall responsibility for the course (joint responsibility not acceptable).
a) Responsible organisation ...........................................................................................................
b) Name and address of collaborator ............................................................................................
c) Contact ........................................................................................................................................
Please supply on separate sheet answers to Nos. 14-17 in respect of this establishment. IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 35 of 49 APPENDIX 3
20. General comments which you consider may be relevant ...............................................................
On behalf of the organisation named below, I hereby wish to apply for approval of the course described in this questionnaire. I confirm that we will abide by the conditions of approval set out in Document No. .............................................................................................................................
IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 36 of 49 APPENDIX 4
1. Name of ANB ...........................................................................................................
2. Country .....................................................................................................................
3. Existing categories of Authorisation ....................................................................
Please provide a copy of the manual containing up-dated requirements/ /procedures necessary to implement the additional categories.
6. Other documentation
Please provide all other documentation referred to in Clause 2.4 of Part 2 of Document IAB-001 - current issue.
IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 37 of 49 APPENDIX 4
7. Cost of assessment
On receipt of this form the Lead Assessor will prepare an estimate of assessment cost for submission to the ANB.
8. Declaration by Chief Executive of ANB
I declare that the information given in all documentation associated with this application is correct to the best of my belief. I have read Document IAB-001, Operating Procedures, and the guidelines covering the categories for which additional authorisation is sought, and undertake that this ANB will abide by all requirements given therein.
I further declare that this ANB contracts to pay all costs involved in this application as specified in Document IAB-001 current issue.
Signed_______________________________ Date ____________________
Name (block letters) ___________________________________________________ IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 APPENDIX 5
Layout of International Welding Personnel Diploma Standard Route
Hologram sticker
Having met the education and training requirements of IIW Guideline ....' and by examination having satisfied the requirements of the Examination Board of the IIW Authorised National Body
[Name (forenames, given name)]*
[Date of birth, (day, month, year)]*
is hereby awarded the diploma of
[ Dat e: day, month, year] * [ Di pl oma No. : ISO country code/ category/ unique serial code] *
[ Signature] * [ Signature] *
[ Name] * [ Name] * [ Chai r man of [ Head of Training School] * Exami nat i on Boar d] *
[ I I WAut hor i sed Nat i onal Body: Name of ANB and Country]
[ l ogo or st amp of ANB] *( opt i onal )
Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 38 of 49 IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 APPENDIX 5
Layout of International Welding Personnel Diploma Transition Arrangements Route Hologram sticker
Having met the education and training requirements of IIW Guideline ....' and by examination having satisfied the requirements of the Examination Board of the IIW Authorised National Body
[Name (forenames, given name)]*
[Date of birth, (day, month, year)]*
is hereby awarded the diploma of
[ Dat e: day, month, year] * [ Di pl oma No. : ISO country code/ category/ unique serial code] *
[ Signature] * [ Signature] *
[ Name] * [ Name] * [ Chai r man of [ Title] * Assessment Commi t t ee] * [ Posi t i on i n ANB] *
[ I I WAut hor i sed Nat i onal Body: Name of ANB and Country]
[ l ogo or st amp of ANB] *( opt i onal )
Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 39 of 49 IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10
Layout of International Welding Personnel Diploma Alternative Route
Hologram sticker
Having met the education and training requirements of IIW Guideline ....' and by examination having satisfied the requirements of the Examination Board of the IIW Authorised National Body
[Name (forenames, given name)]*
[Date of birth, (day, month, year)]*
is hereby awarded the diploma of
[ Dat e: day, month, year] * [ Di pl oma No. : ISO country code/ category/ unique serial code] *
[ Signature] * [ Signature] *
[ Name] * [ Name] * [ Chai r man of [ Title] * Exami nat i on Boar d] * [ Posi t i on i n ANB] *
[ I I WAut hor i sed Nat i onal Body: Name of ANB and Country]
[ l ogo or st amp of ANB] *( opt i onal )
Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 40 of 49 IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10
Layout of International Welding Personnel Diploma Automatic Route
Hologram sticker
Having met the education and training requirements of IIW Guideline ....' and by examination having satisfied the requirements of the Examination Board of the IIW Authorised National Body
[Name (forenames, given name)]*
[Date of birth, (day, month, year)]*
is hereby awarded the diploma of
[ Dat e: day, month, year] * [ Di pl oma No. : ISO country code/ category/ unique serial code] *
[ Signature] * [ Signature] *
[ Name] * [ Name] * [ Ti t l e] * [ Optional] * [ Posi t i on i n ANB] *
[ I I WAut hor i sed Nat i onal Body: Name of ANB and Country]
[ l ogo or st amp of ANB] *( opt i onal )
* - TO BE PRI NTED BY THE ANB Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 41 of 49 IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10
APPENDIX 5 Second issuing of a Diploma
Layout of International Welding Personnel Diploma
Hologram sticker Standard Route
Having met the education and training requirements of IIW Guideline ....' and by examination having satisfied the requirements of the Examination Board of the IIW Authorised National Body
[Name (forenames, given name)]*
[Date of birth, (day, month, year)]*
is hereby awarded the diploma of
[ Dat e: day, month, year] * [ Di pl oma No. : ISO country code/ [2 nd Issue Date:day, month, year]** / category/ unique serial code] *
[ Signature] * [ Signature] *
[ Name] * [ Name] * [ Chai r man of [ Head of Training School] * Exami nat i on Boar d] *
[ I I WAut hor i sed Nat i onal Body: Name of ANB and Country] *
[ l ogo or st amp of ANB] *( opt i onal )
* - TO BE PRI NTED BY THE ANB ** - Only if it is a Diploma 2 nd Issue, to be printed by the ANB Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 42 of 49 IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 43 of 49
The IIW diplomas will include on the front at the bottom a sentence saying: This diploma is subject to the rules concerning its use and misuse. See overleaf.
On the back of the IIW diplomas a sentence as follows will be printed:
The person holding this diploma is responsible for its correct use and shall take measures to prevent misuse such as modifications of its content. In the case of misuse the ANB can initiate legal activities against the diploma holder.
IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 44 of 49 APPENDIX 6 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS WHEN PRITING THE IIW DIPLOMAS
IIW Diplomas Designations and Numbering System All IIW Diplomas must be issued on blanks supplied by the IIW Secretariat and must carry a reference code comprising the following three elements: the country of the ANB (ISO designated), the category of qualification and a unique serial code (numeric or alphanumeric).
The reference to the category of the qualification shall be as shown on the following table. Printed on Diploma by Secretariat
Printed by ANB
Diplomas designations for Welders shall include:
Level of Diploma, e.g. International Tube Welder (or Plate or Fillet Welder) and
Welding process, e.g. MMA, SMAW, etc. and
Parent material, e.g. of Steel (or Stainless steel or Aluminium)
and a Diploma coding using the abbreviation, the process numbers of ISO 4063 and the material group of ISO/TR 15608
Example of Diploma coding for Welders: ITW 111 - 1.1 - DK00001
The possibility of deviations from this system must be approved by the IAB Group B
Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 45 of 49
Layout of the Certificate of International Approved Training Body International System for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Having met the requirements of the current issue of Document IAB-001 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING is hereby awarded the certificate of IIW Approved Training Body under the authority of the Authorised National Body in the Country of for training courses as shown in the corresponding Schedule Certificate No.: Date of Issue:
Date of Expiry:
ANB Chief Executive This certificate is the property of the issuing ANB and may be withdrawn or recalled IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 APPENDIX 7
Layout of the Schedule of the International Approved Training Body
Rules for the Implementation of IIW Guidelines for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel Approved: January 2010 46 of 49
International System for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel
The Approved Training Body
under the authority of the Authorised National Body
in the Country of
is approved for the following IIW Guidelines:
Guideline/Scope of Authorisation Date of Authorisation
Date of Issue ANB Chief Executive
This schedule is part of the Certificate which is the property of the issuing ANB and may be withdrawn or recalled IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 APPENDIX 7
The Approved Training Body, ATB, has the right to publicise its authorisation by using the combined IIW ANB logo in the manner considered most appropriate, only in those activities related with the scope of the authorisation. In any case, such publicity shall give a true and accurate picture of the ATBs capability covered by the authorisation.
In particular, the ATB is forbidden to alter the Certificate or its copies and/or to publish/utilise the authorisation outside the specified scope. Restrictions
The restrictions on the use of IIW ANB combined logo are:
a. The logos shall only be reproduced in its original colours or in black and white, and never in any other colour. b. The diameter of both IIW and ANB logos shall have the same diameter. The maximum width or height of both logos shall be 20mm. c. The combined logo shall not be used for other authorisations not defined in the Scope of Authorisation established by IIW ANB. d. The combined logo shall only be used while the Authorisation Certificate corresponding to IIW ANB is in force (valid for five years, subject to a surveillance audit after two and a half or three years). Contract Obligation
The correct use of the combined logo, or of the Authorisation Certificates, is obligated by contract. Withdrawal of the IIW ANB authorisation can be caused by deliberate, imprudent or inaccurate use of it.
If for any reason the IIW ANB authorisation is withdrawn, the ATB shall immediately cease to use the combined logo and, where necessary, remove all material containing the combined logo. The continued use and diffusion of the combined logo under these circumstances could end with legal actions taken by IIW ANB.
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Certificate n ATB ES - XXX
20 mm 20 mm 5 mm 8 mm
Layout of the Certificate of IIW Authorised National Body
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International System for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WELDING Having met the requirements of the current issue of Document IAB-001 is hereby awarded the certificate of IIW Authorised National Body for the award of the IIW Qualifications as shown in the corresponding Schedule Date of Issue:
Date of Expiry: Certificate No.: _________________
Chairman of IAB Group _________________
President of IIW This certificate is the property of the IAB and may be withdrawn or recalled IAB INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD IAB-001r4-10 APPENDIX 8 Layout of the Certificate of IIW Authorised National Body
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International System for the Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding Personnel
The Authorised National Body
is allowed to award the following IIW Qualifications:
Guideline Date of Authorisation
Date of Issue IAB Chief Executive
This schedule is part of the certificate which is the property of the IAB and may be withdrawn or recalled