Toyota HR Projects

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The key takeaways are employee retention, satisfaction, recognition and training programs.

The main objectives of the study are to understand employee retention, satisfaction, career growth opportunities and how employees feel, think and motivate themselves.

Some reasons cited for employees leaving are lower salary, mismatch between employee culture and organization culture, lack of rewards and recognition for performance.

Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.

In the present scenario employees play an important role in an organiation as
he or she influences the global economy of the organiation. Today retaining
employees is become a bu in most of the companies because of change in
technology and ne! things are getting introduced !ith causes faster updation of
technology in life and such a ne! technologies are creating "ob opportunities to the
talented employees# so that the employees tend to change their "ob because of several
reasons !hich !ill be mainly because of no career gro!th in faster technology.
Perceived self$efficacy is defined as people%s beliefs about their capabilities to
produce designated levels of performance that e&ercise influence over events that
affect their lives.
Self$efficacy beliefs determine ho! people feel# thin'# motivate themselves and
They set themselves challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them.
They heighten and sustain their efforts in the face of failure.
Different periods of life present certain types of competency demands for successful
functioning. These normative changes in required competencies with age do not represent
lock-step stages through which everyone must inevitably pass. There are many pathways
through life and, at any given period, people vary substantially in how efficaciously they
manage their lives. The sections that follow provide a brief analysis of the characteristic
developmental changes in the nature and scope of perceived self-efficacy over the course
of the lifespan.
Opportunities are creating jobs even though why the employees are started to quit the
organiation it is because of the following reasons.
(. Lo!er salary compared to others
). *ulture of the organiation might not be suit to employees
+. ,ecause of not re!arded for their performance
-. .ay be because of heavy "ob content
/. If there is no recognition for their performance
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Employee retention mn!ement t S"o#" Toyot $ H%&li'
T"e min o&(e)ti*e+ o, my +t%#y re
The main ob"ective of my study is mainly concerned !ith +R0s# vi
(. Respect
). Recognition
+. Re!ard
The Sub$1b"ectives are
(. To 'no! about employee retention.
). To see !hether the employee is satisfied !ith his !or' and suggestion if
+. To map areas of career advancement in the organiation.
-. To 'no! potential of an employee has for doing !or'.
/. Right person for right "ob.
2. To 'no! ho! employees feel# thin'# and motivate themselves in the !or'
-ee# ,or t"e +t%#y:
The study has been chosen because of to 'no! the employees ho! they believe in
their capabilities to goals. This study !ill help to 'no! the reasons !hy
employees are leaving the organiation.
(. The satisfaction level
). Lac' of challenging in the !or' place.
+. The company has not recognied their performance
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
-. The conflicts happened bet!een the employees themselves
/. The company has not allo!ed leave during festivals and for a particular family
2. ,ecause of ,ad boss.
After survey !ill have been conducted on all the above reasons it !ill help me to
conclude !hich might be the main reason for employees to 3uit the organiation.
Met"o#olo!y: The methods used to collect the information for the study are.
Primry #t )olle)tion: the primary data has been collected directly by
intervie!ing the employees of S"o#" Toyot $ H%&li# through 3uestionnaire#
and discussing !ith !hite color and blue color !or'ers .
Se)on#ry #t4 the secondary data re3uired for the study has been collected
from the follo!ing sources.
(. *ompany !ebsite.
). *ompany manuals.
+. *ompany past records.
Type o, re+er)"
This is a descriptive research !here survey method is adopted to collect primary
information from the employees using different scales as re3uired and secondary
information for the analysis has been collected from the company !ebsite and
company manuals.
Smplin! Te)"ni.%e:
The sampling techni3ue follo!ed in this study is non$probability convenient
sampling. Simple selection is done through random techni3ues are used to select the
respondent from the available database. The research !or' !ill be carried on the basis
of structured 3uestionnaire. The study is restricted to the employee of Toyota Indian
Ltd# only.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Smple Si/e:
The population being large the survey !ill be carried among +5 respondents !ho are
the employees of Shodha Toyota # Hubli. They !ill be considered ade3uate to
represent the characteristics of the entire population.
Tool+ %+e# ,or #t nly+i+:
The collected data has been analyed by using SPSS statistical tools.
6rom the pro"ect !hich conducted Toyota India Ltd# ,angalore the infrastructure at
Toyota *ompany is e&cellent and it has found that the facilities li'e cafeteria#
transportation# medical# ESI# etc.provided by the *ompany is e&cellent.
The company providing opportunity for gro!th and development of its employees.
And it has found that career gro!th opportunity plays a very important role retaining
its employees. The employees of Toyota *ompany en"oy their !or' !ith affordable
salary. And company is open to challenge# suggestions# and change. 6inally it has
found that company is encouraging its employees for their career gro!th.
6rom the study have been conducted it conclude that the Toyota *ompany is
'no!n for top talented employees. 7o! a day this company has started to open its sub
branches in big cities of every state in India. And Toyota has celebrated its ()/
anniversary in the year )5(5. The !or' environment and company culture very good.
S%!!e+tion+ n# Re)ommen#tion+:
The pro"ect study !hich I conducted at Shodha Toyota # Hubli# during the study I
found that the company is lac'ing in providing some of the facilities.
The company has to increase its education support to children of its employees so that
the employees !ill be more satisfied and pleasurable to the company.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
The company should inter change departments of employees for their better learning
and e&perience.
The company should rotate the "obs of employees for their better e&perience.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
The Toyota .otor *o. Ltd !as first established in (8+9 as
a spin$off from Toyota Automatic Loom :or's# one of the
!orld%s leading manufacturers of !eaving machinery.
;apan0s <=ing of Inventor> Sa'ichi Toyota headed the
Toyota Automatic Loom :or's. The patent rights to one of this
machine had been sold to Platt ,rothers ?@=A and provided the
seed$money for the development and test building of Toyota%s
first automobiles.
August (889 mar'ed the 25th anniversary of T.*. The
fledgling company founded by =iichiro Toyota# Sa'ichi%s son#
has since blossomed into the leader that it is today.
In (8/5 the company e&perienced its one and only stri'e.
Labor and management emerged from this stoppage firmly
committed to the principles of mutual trust and dependence# and
that corporate philosophy still guides our gro!th today.
Production systems !ere improved in the late (8/5s#
culminating in the establishment of the %Toyota Production
System.% It came to 'no!n as TPS in (895 but !as established
much earlier by Taiichi 1hno. ,ased on the principles of ;ido'a#
;ust$in$time and =aien# the system is a ma"or factor in the
reduction of inventories and defects in the plants of Toyota and
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
its suppliers# and it underpins all our operations across the
Toyota launched its first small car ?SA .odelA in (8-9.
Production of vehicles outside ;apan began in (8/8 at a small
plant in ,rail# and continued !ith a gro!ing net!or' of
overseas plants. Toyota believes in localiing its operations to
provide customers !ith the products they need !here they need
themB this philosophy builds mutually beneficial in long$term
relationships !ith local suppliers and helps the company to
fulfill its commitments to local labor.
1ver and above manufacturing# Toyota also has a global
net!or' of design and %Research and Cevelopment facilities
embracing the three ma"or car mar'ets of ;apan# 7orth America
and Europe.
In every community in !hich the company operates#
Toyota strives to be a responsible corporate citienB close
relationships !ith people and organiations in the local
community are essential contributors to mutual prosperity.
Across the !orld# Toyota participates enthusiastically in
community activities ranging from the sponsorship of
educational and cultural programmers to international e&change
and research.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Today# Toyota is the !orld%s third largest manufacturer of
automobiles in unit sales and in net sales. It is by far the largest
;apanese automotive manufacturer# producing more than /./
million vehicles per year# e3uivalent to one every si& seconds. In
the time it has ta'en you to read this paragraph# !e%ll have
produced at least another three or four carsD
A&o%t Toyot 0irlo+1r Motor Lt#
Toyota =irlos'ar .otor Ltd. ?T=.LA !as incorporated in (889# as a "oint
venture bet!een Toyota .otor *orporation# ;apan and the =irlos'ar Eroup# !ide.
Toyota .otor *orporation is the third largest auto manufacturer in the !orld. The
T=.L is practicing Toyota Production System at their plant at ,idadi# ,angalore.
The Toyota Production System !as born out of need. The t!o pillars that this
system is based on are J%+t In Time and A%tomtion2 The Toyota Production
System relies on absolute elimination of !aste as essential.
Toyota is by far the largest ;apanese automotive manufacturer# producing
more than -./ million vehicles per year# e3uivalent to one car manufactured every si&
seconds. Toyota%s plant in India is situated at ,idadi# =arnata'a# !hich is a green belt
Toyota%s commitment to preserving environment is very high.
Toyota all over the !orld provides a !ide selection of innovative# reasonable
priced and high$ 3uality products through an e&clusive dealer net!or' !ith the best
sales and aftersales service at global Toyota standards. Timely customer feedbac'
through the service net!or' also allo!s the company to respond to emerging
customer needs and introduce ne! products tailored to the Indian .ar'et.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Toyot 0irlo+1r Motor Lt#
Plot -o l$ 3i##i In#%+tril Area# Rmn!r Tl%1
3n!lore 4R%rl5 6i+tri)t 0rnt17 562109
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
1ur mission is to design# manufacture and mar'et# automobiles that offer
global standard and Huality that e&ceeds customer e&pectations and provides superior
value and e&cellent after sales service.
*ontribute to the Indian Industry and economy through technology transfer#
human resource development and vehicles that meet global standards at a
competitive price.
*ontribute to the !ell I being and stability of team members.
*ontribute to the overall gro!th of its business associates and in the
automobile Industry.
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Te)"nolo!y Trn+,er
Euided by the principle of "Growing Together", Toyota Eroup companies
have contributed to the gro!th of the automotive industry in each country they
operate in# through strong partnerships based on a high level of localiation and
technology transfer. Along !ith manufacturing and sales activities# Toyota Eroup
companies provide e&tensive 'no!$ho! related to product development#
manufacturing and sales through technological transfers to local corporations. And
those corporations also transfer technology to their affiliate companies. In this
manner# manufacturing and sales levels !ill be steadily improved on a broad basis.
Toyota products made in India have become increasingly competitive as a result
of continual# comprehensive improvements made ill operations. The introduction of the
!orld$famous Toyota Production System and cutting$edge technology has advanced
industrial innovation. 1ur professionals in manufacturing and sales contribute to
higher competitiveness and the gro!th of Indian industries in this ne! century.
Toyota%s Le&us and Toyota branded vehicles ran' annually among the !orld%s
highest$3uality cars in third party surveys of customer satisfaction.
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System <Technology
<Ero!ing Together Transfer>
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Toyot Te)"no Pr1 In#i
A global first for Toyota# Toyota Techno Par' India ?TTPIA# in ,idadi near
T=.# is a non$profit indusial infrastructure company conceived around the ne!
Toyota =irlos'ar .otor automobile plant. TTPI%s ob"ective is to foster ancillary
industries in India# to help promote local industries through technological transfer and
e&pand employment opportunities. 6irst "oint ventures have already been established
!ith Toyota Eroup companies in TTPI0s involving TE =irlos'ar Automotive Ltd.#
Stanen Toyotets India Pvt. Ltd.# Sona 'oyo Steering Systems Ltd.# Steel and
Logistics *entre Pvt. Ltd.# and Tran system Logistics International Pvt. Ltd.
So%n# 8or1pl)e 9 En*ironmentl Re+pon+i&ility
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
En*ironment2 Te)"nolo!y n# Employment
Toyota is committed to manufacture technically advanced and environment
friendly products. 1ur plant at ,idadi surrounded by a greenbelt# meets high
environmental standards and has also obtained IS1 (-55( certification on )2th April
Toyota has al!ays believed that the best !ay to serve society is by providing
automobiles that !ill not only ma'e people happy# but !ill also be environment
friendly. :aste!ater at T=. is collected and purified to a level that can be used for
fishponds and rice fields. To realie high 3uality vehicle production at reasonable
prices# Toyota see's the best balance bet!een human resources and advanced robot
:;; Million Ve"i)le+
A))%m%lte# 6ome+ti) Pro#%)tion o, :;; Million Ve"i)le+
,y 1ctober (888# Toyota had reached a domestic production of more than (55
million vehicles and a !orld!ide cumulative production of about (() million
vehicles# since its founding. This !orld$class record is proof of our continuing efforts
to satisfy customer e&pectations.
Research and development has made possible technological advancements in
3uality manufacturing safetyJ efficiency and environmental preservation# all of
!inch contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
A&o%t S"o#" Motor+
Shodha Toyota is engaged in Sales and Service of Toyota Gehicles. Shodha
Toyota covers () district of 7orthern =arnata'a. .r. Prasad Ceshpande and .r. P. R.
7aya' promote this dealership.
Shodha Toyota is situated on Poona$ ,angalore 7H# ((=ms from Hubli.
Hubli is a business center and is !ell connected by road# rail and air.
The customer base includes Industrial houses# ,usinessmen# Eovernment
Cepartments and others. The Principal# .L s Toyota for development of competence
of their employees.
They have implemented Huality .anagement System in accordance !ith IS1$
855(4 )555 and they are in the process of obtaining the desired result.
Shodha Toyota# Hubli# is the latest to "oin the net!or' of e&clusive Toyota %+S%
dealership. %+S%# !hich signifies Sales# Service M Spare parts under one roof# is
Toyota%s uni3ue approach to customer care and service.
The Sales# Service and Spare Parts officers in the Cealership# have been given
e&tensive training by Toyota.
Shodha Toyota is one of the first of its 'ind in Hubli# similar to other Toyota
Cealerships in India# meeting Toyota International Standards. It is fully e3uipped !ith
state$of$the$art tools M e3uipment and necessary spare parts# from the day of
commencement of its operations. .r. S. Kamaa'i .anaging Cirector# Toyota
=irlos'ar .otor Ltd.# in presence of the Honorable .inister for Large M .edium
Industries# Eovt. of =arnata'a# .r. R. G. Ceshpande# the Ceputy .anaging Cirector
of T=.L# .r. =. =. S!amy# and Cirector of .ar'eting $ T=.L# .r. S. Ao'i#
inaugurated the facility on )8th April )55(.
Hualis# launched as a premium .PG a year ago# conforms to the global
Toyota Standard. Toyota Hualis is poised in a category all to itself# having set ne!
benchmar's for Huality# Reliability and Perfomance. It is po!ered !ith most efficient
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
).-L diesel engine and comes in different variants# and conforms to Euron standards
by !ide margins.
Toyota Hualis launched in ;anuary )555# has +/N mar'et share in the .PG
segment# selling )(#9F/ Hualis ?domestic salesA in its first year of operation itself#
e&ceeding its yearly target of )5#555 units. )55( sa! a demand for Hualis on the rise#
!ith record sales of +#5(5 units in .arch alone.
S"o#" Toyot
Sbodha .otors Pvt. Ltd.#
Hubli$ Char!ad Road#
Rayapur# Hubli
=arnata'a$ /F5 55)
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
O&(e)ti*e+ o, S"o#" Toyot: 7
.anaging Cirector in co$ ordination !ith Eeneral .anager has defined
follo!ing 3uality ob"ectives for Shodha Toyota.
(. To understand and define customer vehicle re3uirements clearly and e&ecuting
the order as per the sales process so as to achieve (55N customer satisfaction.
). To procure spare parts and materials from approved suppliers and 'eep
optimum stoc' levels so that customer re3uirements are fulfilled.
+. To understand and define customer service needs clearly and e&ecuting them
as per service process so as to achieve (55N customer satisfaction.
-. To allocate !or' to competent personnel and improve their competence
through effective training.
/. To improve process continuously at every opportunity.
2. To maintain pressure free environment# hygienic facilities and clean#
atmosphere !ith an aim serve people and society.
9. To meet the re3uirements all interested parties# vi suppliers# directors#
employees# Toyota =irlos'ar .otors Ltd# suppliers# statutory and regulatory
bodies !ith an aim to enhance sta'e holders satisfaction.
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(. To define and document mission statement and 3uality ob"ectives for the
). To set$up organiation structure by defining levels of authority and
+. To define the authority and responsibility for ta'ing corrective and preventive
actions for the non Iconformances observed in the H.S.
-. To plan for 3uality by providing re3uired resources to the personnel.
/. To recruit and to provide ade3uate training to motivate personnel in all areas
of ob"ectives.
2. To revie! the performances of all the functional departments and overall
performance of the unit !ith respect of 3uality.
9. To plan for 3uality !ith the help of process based approachB that is P. C. *.
An approach for all process to achieve the desired results.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
It is an important part of the Shodha Toyota# Hubli it mainly comprises of sale
of utility Gehicle and passenger cars namely Hualies# *orolla and *amry. The Toyota
Process has si& modules# !hich follo! the steps .
These modules include4
(. Preliminary Activities
). Approach and Hualifying
+. Presentation and Cemonstration
-. 7egotiation and *losing
/. Celivery
2. 6ollo! @p
(. Preliminary Activities4 $
Preliminary Activities include collection of all databases of the customers and
generation of the yearly sales target activity ta'es place. The general .anager and the
Sales .anager plan this activity. Sales target are set for that particular year. 6urther it
also includes monthly sales planning !hich depends on the ability of the sales officer
and the potential area of the monthly sales targets !ill be allocated to each sales
). Approach and Hualifying4 $
Sales territory of Shodha Toyota is distributed !ithin () districts. Each district
has one Assistant sales .anager !ho collects the information of the customers and
informs the sales .anager. Here then the sales .anager sends direct mail advertising
about the vehicle of the customer.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Sales letter
Price list
Hualifying includes !hether the customer is a potential buyer. People may be
targeted according to their standard of living# designation and their ability to pay.
+. Presentation and demonstration4 $
1nce the customer approach the sho!room the presentation and
demonstration activity is carried out. This activity includes display of the vehicle and
features such as safety and security# style and design# interiors# information regarding
the engine are brought into light.
-. 7egotiation and closing4 $
1nce the customer decides to buy the vehicle the sales manager negotiates
!ith him and further documentation ta'es place. 1nce the customer is satisfied the
deal is closed. He !ill be given some other special benefits li'e financial options# free
one$year insurance and other such schemes.
/. Celivery4 $
After the e&ecution of the above Imentioned activities Celivery of the vehicles
ta'es place.
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2. 6ollo! @p4
Responsibilities of the sho!room e&tent not only after the sales of the vehicle
but there is an e&tend courtesy !hich includes a phone call from the sales Cepartment
on the +
day# follo!ed by a <than' you> Letter along !ith a phone call by the sales
.anager and a photograph ta'en on the date of the delivery of the o!ner.
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Head *ustomer Service
Service Advisor ?/A ;ob *ontroller Parts Assistant
?,ody M
Center ,ody
Paint Tech
Accessories Sales
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Head *ustomer Service# heads !or'shop or servicing departments# he is
assisted by a service .anager. + Service Advisors# a "ob *ontroller and a Part in
charge then assist the service .anager.
:hen a vehicle is brought for servicing# then service .anager refers it to any
of the advisors# !ho then prepares a "ob card# "ots do!n the problems# !hat the
customer0s complaints are aboutO He then gives advises for repairs# replacements and
then further process of repairs and general chec' up starts that is !hen the
responsibility is handed over to the *hief Technicians !ho carry on the !or' on the
!or' and after all mechanical !or' is completed# the vehicle is sent to !ashing !here
the outer body is given the !ater !ash and the interiors are given air blo!.
In the same !ay accident cases are dealt !ith and the procedures for repairs
goes hand in hand !ith the insurance agent !ho inspects the vehicle and then gives
orders for further repairs. 1n an average (/ vehicles are serviced in a day.
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Administration Cepartments loo's about the financial aspects of the company.
The accounts department at Shodha Toyota is fully computeried and 6inanceL
Administrator heads it. The other persons under the 6inanceL Administrator are human
Resource 1fficer# Accounts 1fficer# Electronic Cata Processing 1fficer# *ashier#
Receptionist and House I'eeping supervisor. @nder the House =eeping Supervisor#
.essengers and *leaners hold their places.
All the information regarding the financial aspects is maintained in the
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6inance and administration
*ashier .aintenance
.essengers *leaners
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
(. To identify competence and s'ill levels re3uired for personnel for carrying out
the activities in H.S.
). To recruit the personnel based on minimum education# e&perience and s'ills
re3uired to perform the activities# in consistency !ith top management.
+. To identify the training needs for personnel to satisfy the competence
-. To identify training needs and conductL organie training.
/. To perform evaluation of training imparted and they0 re by to "udge
improvement in competence and s'ill of employee.
2. To maintain records of education# e&perience and training of all employees
Toyota .otor *orporation
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Elobal Gision
Toyota Puts 6orth <)5() Elobal Gision>
T1=K1 $ TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATIO- ?T.*A has established the
basic concept for <<;:< =lo&l Vi+ion> $ a company$!ide management outloo' that
sets the direction for long$term management. T.* President 6u"io *ho announced
the details of this vision !ithin the company today# calling on all to <ta'e on the
challenges of innovation !ith complete passion and dedication>.
<<;:; =lo&l Vi+ion> evolved from the course outlined in <<;;> Vi+ion>#
!hich T.* set in (882. Since then# Toyota has positioned the early part of the )(st
century as its <Se)on# Fo%n#in! Perio#> and has been engaged in efforts to realie
harmonious gro!th. ,ut current conditions have convinced Toyota that it is no! time
to4 create ne! dreams for future gro!thB determine the direction in !hich to proceedB
and carry out concrete reforms. These conditions include global political# economic
and social trends# as !ell trends to!ard ne&t$generation technologies# such as
environmental and information technologies# and various changes in the management
*entered on the basic theme <Inno*tion into t"e F%t%re># the core ob"ective
of <<;:; =lo&l Vi+ion> is to set a course for a more prosperous society based on
ma'ing things and technological innovation. It proposes the corporate image for
!hich all of Toyota should strive and the paradigm change Toyota should undergo
!ith consideration to!ard !hat society is e&pected to be li'e in the )5(5s.
Since its foundation# Toyota has sought to contribute to society by <m1in!
t"in!+> and <m1in! %tomo&ile+>. Toyota plans to brea' do!n the contents of this
paradigm change for easier lin'age to an internal reform movement that aspires to
create a global corporation !here each employee is passionate about future gro!th
and about building a prosperous society in the ne! century.
Fo%r Inno*tion+ ,or t"e F%t%re 4)on)ernin! 8"t TMC en*i+ion+ +o)iety to &e
li1e in t"e ,ir+t "l, o, t"e <:+t )ent%ry n# t"e )orporte im!e TMC 8nt+ to
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:2 To8r# Re)y)lin!7&+e# So)iety
As !e move to!ard a <recycling society> on a global scale# demands are
rising that !e move a!ay from the era of large$scale production and large$volume
consumption and disposal to!ard a recycling based society that promotes
conservation of resources# reusing and recycling. Toyota !ill endeavor to become a
leader of global regeneration through its outstanding environmental technologies.
<2 To8r# t"e A!e o, ITS n# U&i.%ito%+ -et8or1+
Information and telecommunications technologies are advancing# the use of IT
in automobiles is progressing# mobile information services are improving
dramatically# and transport infrastructure and infrastructure$respondent preventive
safety are developing. Against this bac'drop# Toyota !ill aim to be a leader in
creating vehicles and a motoried society in !hich people can live safely# securely
and comfortably.
?2 To8r# 6e*elopment o, Motori/tion on =lo&l S)le
.otoriation is advancing in *hina and other emerging mar'ets and people
around the !orld are en"oying the high degree of mobility afforded by automobiles. In
order to promote this# Toyota !ill e&pand the appeal of automobiles throughout the
!orld and largely increase the number of fans of Toyota# resulting in Toyota being
able to in)l%#e in it+ *ie8 a global share of about (/NP erly on in t"e <;:;+2
@2 To8r# Mt%re# So)iety
As nationalism steadily declines and respect for all peoples e&pands
throughout the !orld# global companies are shifting to!ard societies !here people of
a variety of nationalities and ethnicities can engage in lively e&changes of ideas.
Toyota see's to become a truly global enterprise that is respected by all peoples
around the !orld.
Pr#i!m )"n!e
To become the corporation of our future vision# Toyota !ill boldly underta'e
a !orld!ide revie! of e&isting corporate structures# frame!or's and methods and
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
implement a paradigm change in order to address issues such as development of a
!ide range of cutting$edge technologies# construction of corporate structures that can
be successful in global cost competition# global e&pansion of business# product
development that responds sensitively to the immediate mar'et# establishment of
efficient local management and construction of sales structures suitable for individual
Te)"nolo!y n# pro#%)t #e*elopment
Innovations in R&D structures and development of innovative production
Toyota !ill accelerate technological reform on a global scale by actively
engaging in development of basic technologies in such fields as the
environment# safety and information and by actively pursuing advances in
nano technology# materials and others. To accomplish this# Toyota !ill
consider systems for ma'ing optimum use of !orld e&perts and industrial#
governmental and academic alliances.
To strengthen the competitiveness of core technologies concerning such items
as engines and platforms for ensuring efficient development# Toyota !ill
revie! its approach to global tie$ups# including international sharing and
distribution of functions. In addition# it !ill promote strategic technical
alliances ?including mergers and ac3uisitionsA# as needed.
Toyota !ill actively pursue the construction of global# IT$based development
and production preparation systems# as !ell as the development of innovative
production technology that can be implemented around the !orld.
Innovations in product manufacturing structures
6or developing ne! technologies and ne! products from the vie!point that
<the customer al!ays comes first># not only !ill Toyota surpass its previous efforts to
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
use its managerial resources to the fullest and to strengthen its processes# it !ill also
promote the manufacture of products for the ne&t generation based on proposals that
incorporate Toyota0s ideas and dreams and e&cite and inspire customers.
Inno*tion+ in !lo&l mn!ement +tr%)t%re+
T.* !ill clarify responsibilities and authority to create optimal and
independent local entities in each region. Toyota !ill also actively ma'e contributions
to local societies. T.* !ill monitor and support local entities from the perspective of
overall optimiation and !ill consider the formation of a global head3uarters to
perform global management functions.
Inno*tion+ in7!ro%p +tr%)t%re+
Toyota !ill select and concentrate on business areas and technology fields#
and alliances ?including mergers and ac3uisitionsA to reform structures from the
perspective of promoting development of ne&t generation technology# reinforcing
global cost competitiveness# and developing global products and business to create
efficient consolidated and group structures.
Tem8or1 ,et%rin! *rio%+ type+ o, tlent
Toyota !ill promote the creation of environments featuring people from
around the !orld !ith various s'ills and values !ho are given the opportunity to
e&perience self$realiation as individuals. Ideally# these people !ill be able to4
Have pride in contributing the society through Toyota
,ring out the most in their specialty and creativity
Cevelop themselves and increase their value by !or'ing for Toyota
:or' under various terms of employment and attractive incentives
Pro,it +tr%)t%re+
Inno*tion+ to ,orm &ln)e# +tr%)t%re+ 8it" e,,e)ti*e "e#!in! o, !lo&l
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Toyota !ill shift to a structure supported by three profit basesQ;apan# 7orth
America and Europe. Efforts# such as re$strengthening the sales structure to 'eep it in
step !ith the mar'et and enhancing competitiveness in domestic production# !ill be
carried out in ;apan# Toyota0s home base# to reform the structure of management for
increasing the ability to improve earnings. Also for this# management resources !ill
be redistributed for optimiation on a global scale.
Mn!ement t"t pl)e+ importn)e on ll +t1e"ol#er+ in )o7eAi+ten)e 8it"
mn!ement t"t emp"+i/e+ e,,i)ient %+e o, ++et+
Toyota !ill continue to reinforce management that emphasies the efficient
use of assets# as !ell as build strong and good relationships !ith all sta'eholders to
become a respected global corporation over the long term by peoples and regional
societies around the !orld.
P6igures mentioned in this document constitute one part of the basic concept
described above based on "udgments and assumptions derived from information
currently available. In light of the possibility of changes as a result of the uncertainty
inherent in such "udgment and assumptions and changes in internal and e&ternal
circumstances# actual results may differ considerably
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Toyot Motor+ =enerl In,ormtion
:orlds )nd largest Automobile ma'er.
Turnover4 (2#/9F#5++ .illion Ken in )55+.
Profit after ta&4 ((#2)#58F .illion Ken in )55+.
Profits of Toyota in )55+ are more than profits of E.# 6ord and *hrysler put
7o. of cars sold4 9./- .illion in )55+.
() factories and (( manufacturing subsidiaries in ;apan.
-2 manufacturing bases in )2 countries and (2F mar'eting companies across
(-5 countries.
F Research and development facilities all over the !orld.
Total employees4 )#2-#(55.
Some of the most popular models include *amry# *orolla# Land cruiser
Range# *ro!n# Avensis#
*elica# Hilu&# Estima# Gios M Karis.
.ade the first mass produced lo! emission Hybrid car in the !orld ?PriusA.
Pioneered the concept of Lean .anufacturing through <;ust in time *oncept>
and also through the
<=an ,an> method of Inventory .anagement.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page +5
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Yer Mont" Hi+tory
(8(F ;an. Sa'ichi Toyoda establishes
Toyoda Spinning M :eaving *o.#
(8)2 7ov. Toyoda Automatic Loom :or's#
(8++ Sept. Automobile Cepartment est0d.
Toyoda Automatic Loom :or's
(8+/ Aug 6irst .odel E( truc'
(8+2 Apr. Production of the .odel AA
passenger car begins
(8+9 Aug. Toyot Motor Co2$ Ltd. est0d
(8+F 7ov. =oromo Plant ?no! Honsha PlantA
(8-9 .ay
(55#555th Toyota vehicle produced
Production of the .odel SA
passenger car begins
(8/5 Apr. Toyot Motor Sle+ Co2$ Ltd. est0d.
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as a separate# independent company
(8/9. Aug.
6irst made$in$;apan passenger car
e&ported to the @.S. ?*ro!nA
Toyota .otor Sales# @.S.A.# Inc.
est0d in the @.S
(8/8 ;an. 1verseas production begins ?in
.otomachi Plant begins operation
(82) ;un. (#555#555th Toyota vehicle
domestically Toyota South Africa
?Pty.A# Ltd. begins operation in
(82/ 7ov. =amigo Plant begins operation
a!arded the Ceming Prie
(89) ;an. (5#555#555th Toyota vehicle
domestically PT. Toyota$Astra
.otor est0d. in Indonesia
(892 ;ul. )5#555#555th Toyota vehicle
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page +)
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
(8F5 ;an. +5#555#555th Toyota vehicle
Yer Mont" Hi+tory
(8F) ;ul. Toyota .otor *o.# Ltd. and
Toyota .otor
Sales *o.# Ltd.# merge to
become Toyota
.otor *orporation ?T.*A
(8F+ .ar. -5#555#555th Toyota
Gehicle produced
(8F- Cec. 7e! @nited .otor
.anufacturing# Inc.
[email protected]# a "oint venture
!ith Eeneral
.otors# begins operation in
the @.S.
(8F2 ;an. /5#555#555th Toyota
vehicle produced
domestically =uoui
.otors# Ltd. begins
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
operation in Tai!an
(8FF Sept. 25#555#555th Toyota
vehicle produced
(88( 6eb. 95#555#555th Toyota
vehicle produced
(88+ Sept. F5#555#555th Toyota
vehicle produced
(889 Cec. Prius hybrid vehicle
(888 1ct.
(55#555#555th Toyota
vehicle produced
Toyota =irlos'ar .otor
Ltd. ?T=.A begins
production in India
)55( .ar *amry sales reach
/#555#555 in the @.S.
Toyota hybrid vehicle
?Prius# Estima Hybrid#
*ro!n .ild Hybrid#
*oaster HybridA sales reach
(55#555 !orld!ide.
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Participates in first
6ormula 1ne race.
(5#555#555th Toyota
vehicle produced in 7orth
Prius sales top (55#555
units !orld!ide T1K1TA
6*HG becomes first$ever
ar'etready fuel cell vehicle
to be certified by ;apan0s
.inistry of Land#
and Transport T.*$Hino
fuel cell hybrid bus first to
certified for use on
;apanese roads
)55+ Sept. The second generation
Prius launched. T.* and
.itsubishi .otors agree to
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tie up
on E$,11= T..*
begins production of Le&us
The "oint venture bet!een Toyota .otor *orporation and =irlos'ar group
gave a !ay to start a business in India on 1ctober 2# (889.
*hairman4 .r. K. Ishia'a
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Gice *hairman4 .r. Gi'ram S. =irlos'ar
.anaging Cirector4 .r. Atsushi Toyashima
Ceputy .Cs4 .r. =.=. S!amy
.r. =. Ta'arada
:eb site4 !!!
Shodha .otors Pvt. Ltd.# is the e&clusive +S dealership of Toyota =irlos'ar
.otor Ltd. +S stands for Sales# Service and Spare parts under roof# is the Toyota0s
uni3ue approach to customer care and service.
Shodha Toyota is one of the first of its 'ind in Hubli# similar to other Toyota
dealership in India# meeting Toyota international standards. It is fully e3uipped !ith
all tools# e3uipments and spare parts# from the day of commencement of its
operations. .r. Kamaa'i# .anaging Cirector# Toyota =irlos'ar .otors Ltd.# in the
presence of the Honorable minister for large and medium industries# Eovt. of
=arnata'a# .r. R. G. Ceshpande# the deputy managing director of T=.L# .r. =.=.
S!amy# and Cirector of .ar'eting T=.L# .r. S. Ao'i# inaugurated Shodha Toyota
on )F
April )55(.
S"o#" Toyot )on+i+t+ o, t"e ,ollo8in! 3or# o, 6ire)tor+:
.anaging Cirector4 .r. Prasad Ceshpande
Eroup *E1 .r. R E =ul'arni
Cirector4 .rs. =alpana 7aya'
Cirector4 .rs. .eghana Ceshpande.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
The Eroup *E1 R E =ul'arni# heads Shodha Toyota# !ho loo's after all the
+S ?i.e.# Sales# Service and Spare PartsA activities of the organiation.
The organiation chart reveals that it has + departments# Administration and
Accounts department# Sales department and lastly Sales department.
Administration and Accounts department consists of 6inance and Admin
.anager# follo!ed by human Resource 1fficer# Accounts 1fficer# *ashier#
.aintenance 1fficer# Receptionist and ECP 1fficer.
The Sales department consists of Sales .anager# Assistant Sales .anager#
Sho!room Sales 1fficers# 6ield sales 1fficers and finance sales officer.
The Service Cepartment comprises of Service manager# !ho is responsible for
both the spares and service activities. The service department consists of Parts$In
charge# Parts$Assistants# Accessories$In charge# :arranty *ler'# Service Advisors#
;ob *ontroller# *hief Eeneral Technicians# Technicians# :ashers# *leaners# Centor#
Painter and lastly Eardeners.
Hualis is a 3uality proven multi purpose vehicle# !hich !as launched in the
year )555. The organiation has a strong sales team# !hich sells more than +5
vehicles in a month. It also conducts various promotional activities as and !hen
The service is also not !ea' in serving the vehicles. .inimum (5 vehicles per
day come for service. The service team provides a satisfactory service to the
customers. This can be verify by *ustomer Relation 1fficer !ho is al!ays in touch
!ith the customers and follo!s up the customers !hich includes both purchased as
!ell as serviced one.
The organiation believes in <=AISE7> principle# !here in each individual
and process has to improve continuously.
Shodha Toyota is IS1 certified company# !hich spea's about the standard
!or'ing conditions.
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T"e mi++ion +ttement o, S"o#" Toyot
Totl )%+tomer +ti+,)tion i+ o%r mi++ion2 To )"ie*e t"i+ 8e 8ill l8y+ +tri*e
to impro*e pro)e++e+ )ontin%o%+ly n# #eli*er .%lity +er*i)e + per )%+tomer
nee#+ n# t"%+ &%il# C%+tomer ,or Li,e2'
The organiation has framed a list of O3JECTIVES so as to reach the
mission statement. .anaging director in co$ordination !ith Eeneral .anager has
defined follo!ing 3uality ob"ectives for Shodha Toyota.
To understand M define customer vehicle re3uirements clearly and e&ecuting
the order as per the sales process so as to achieve (55N customer satisfaction.
To procure spare parts and materials from approved suppliers and 'eep
optimum stoc' levels so as that customer re3uirements fulfilled.
To understand and define customer service needs clearly and e&ecuting them
as per service process so as to achieve (55N customer satisfaction.
To allocate !or' to competent personnel and improve their competence level
through effective training.
To improve processes continuously at every opportunity.
To maintain pressure free environment# hygienic facilities and clean
atmosphere !ith an aim to serve people and society.
To meet the re3uirements of all interested parties0 vi.# suppliers# directors#
employees# Toyota =irlos'ar .otor Ltd.# suppliers and statutory and
regulatory bodies !ith an aim to enhance stoc'holder0s satisfaction.
The Human Resource Cepartment governs the activities of
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Training and development.
The organiation conducts strong in$house training programmes for ne! as
!ell as presently !or'ing employees.
Stren!t" o, t"e Or!ni/tion:
The organiation has strength of minimum employees# !hich varies
according to the re3uirement.
Bor1in! "o%r+ o, employment:
In Shodha Toyota# the employees !or' for eight hours per day.
Service 8455am To 2455pm
Sales 84+5am To 24+5pm
Admin M 6inance 84+5am To 24+5pm
1n Sundays$ (5.55 am to ).55pm ?1T !ill be givenA
T"e mp o, t"e or!ni/tion:
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Toyota has a uni3ue 'ind of infrastructure for all of its authoried
As you enter from first door of the organiation# you !ill find a
receptionist on right side. As you move fe! steps straight# you !ill get in
touch !ith the Sales Cepartment !herein you can meet Sales .anager
?separate cabinA# sho!room sales officers# Assistant Sales .anager.
*rossing sales department# you !ill find other sales cabin !here in all
sales !or' is done. 6ront to that cabin# you find upstairs and t!o separate
toilet rooms meant for gents and ladies.
If you let your move to the up$stairs# you find another toilet room
to the left side. *ontinue to !al'# first you !ill come across Eeneral
.anager cabin# then 6inance .anager cabin# ne&t to it you find a meeting
room and a room in !hich you can meet accounts officer# ECP officer
and Human Resource officer.
Attached to that cabin# you get a storeroom !herein you find
various files# things 'ept. Kou !ill also find a Rero& machine in store
The meeting room is not only meant for meetings but also conduct
intervie!s !henever a candidate is called for the respective post.
1.=.# come bac' !ith the same route to near Receptionist. 7o!
move to left side from entrance# you find service department. There you
can find Service .anager cabin# service advisors# !arranty *ler'#
Accessories In$charge.
A !ell$organied customer lounge can be found near to the service
counter. If you move inside the service counter# you !ill find Parts and
accessories !arehouse along !ith its In$charge and his assistants# a "ob
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
controller cabin. The "ob controller cabin is such that he can observe all
the service activities form his place. If you again come to the service
counter# you find a !ay to !or' shop and canteen. In !or'shop# you find
chief Technicians# Technicians# and Electricians. 1n the upstairs of
!or'shop# you come across a toilet room# resting room for technicians# a
training room and lastly canteen room.
The left side of e&it door of !or'shop you find an open area of
vehicles standing. .ove your path to itB you find a room meant for
denting and painting of vehicles. Kou !ill also find a building
construction near to it# !hich is nothing but a ne! canteen that is under
7o! you are !ell versed !ith the infrastructure of the
The presence of an employee can be verified by the attendance
register and by biometric punch.
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The organiation has different salary pac'ages for all employees.
T!o employees of same designation can have different salary pac'ages.
It all depends on ho! you perform and satisfy the management.
Kour gross salary is divided into4
,asic4 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
HRA4 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
CA4 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
*onv.4 $$$$$$$$$$$$$
The gross salary includes the P6 and ESI deductions. ()N of salary
is deducted from P6 side and (.9/N of salary is deducted from ESI side.
The employee en"oys the P6 and ESI benefit from management
.anagement pays ()N of employees0 salary as P6 contribution
and -.9/N as ESI contribution.
Cnteen F)ility:
The employees as !ell as customers can en"oy the food ?veg M
non$vegA in organiation it self. Shodha Toyota has a canteen facility
!here in the employee gets subsidied food !here as customers get the
same thing at a cheaper rate.
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(. Established brand image around the !orld over the centuries.
). High *ustomer satisfaction.
+. *ontinuous improvement of products and 3uality.
-. Streamlined procedures for every function of the company.
/. The company0s corporate social responsibility has helped to develop its brand
and the mar'et.
2. Employee development is given utmost importance.
9. Employees are given great importance# this has resulted in less employee
turnover# and this has helped to curtail hiring and training costs.
F. Less dependency on e&ternal funds.
8. *ost reduction strategy is good.
(5. Leadership through innovation.
((. Employee0s contribution to!ards !or' is noticeable.
(). :orld class infrastructure facility.
(+. *ontinuous improvement of products.
(-. :ide portfolio of loyal customers.
High cost structure
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*ontinuous innovation of products.
Produce innovative products
The Indian automotive segment is gro!ing in e&cess of -5N annually and is
being flushed !ith a !hole ne! range of cars.
Launch of ne! vehivles I Toyota has an opportunity !ith the launch of the
ne! car as Toyota is the supplier of the engine and the bra'ing system of the
car. If the car is a hit in the mar'et it !ould help Toyota to develop and to
improve similar type products.
Toyota can foray into other line of business as it has a good brand image.
It can produce eco friendly to replace e&isting products as the mar'et for eco
friendly products are gro!ing and the economic forums have cited the need
for these products.
Increase of competition.
Too many substitute products available in the mar'et.
Ero!ing bargaining po!er of suppliers and customers.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Retention O, Employee+
Employee retention refers to policies and practices companies use to prevent
valuable employees from leaving their "obs. Ho! to retain valuable employees is one
of the biggest problems that plague companies in the competitive mar'etplace.
1rganisations started designing and implementing retention strategies in order to 'eep
the valued employees. In fact# organiations prefer to retain e&isting employees rather
than recruiting a ne! employee.
Employee retention is a process in !hich the employees are encouraged to
remain !ith the organiation for the ma&imum period of time or until the completion
of the pro"ect. Employee retention is beneficial for the organiation as !ell as the
employee. Employees today are different. They are not the ones !ho don0t have good
opportunities in hand. As soon as they feel dissatisfied !ith the current employer or
the "ob# they s!itch over to the ne&t "ob. It is the responsibility of the employer to
retain their best employees. If they don0t# they !ould be left !ith no good employees.
A good employer should 'no! ho! to attract and retain its employees. Retention
involves five ma"or things4
(. *ompensation.
). Environment.
+. Ero!th.
-. Relationship.
/. Support.
Employee retention !ould re3uire a lot of efforts# energy# and resources but the
results are !orth it.
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Importn)e O, Employee Retention4
The process of employee retention !ill benefit an organiation in the
follo!ing !ays4
(. The *ost of Turnover: The cost of employee turnover adds hundreds of
thousands of money to a company%s e&penses. :hile it is difficult to fully
calculate the cost of turnover ?including hiring costs# training costs and
productivity lossA# industry e&perts often 3uote)/N of the average employee
salary as a conservative estimate.
). Loss of *ompany =no!ledge: :hen an employee leaves# he ta'es !ith him
valuable 'no!ledge about the company# customers# current pro"ects and past
history ?sometimes to competitorsA. 1ften much time and money has been
spent on the employee in e&pectation of a future return. :hen the employee
leaves# the investment is not realied.
+. Interruption of *ustomer Service: *ustomers and clients do business !ith a
company in part because of the people. Relationships are developed that
encourage continued sponsorship of the business. :hen an employee leaves#
the relationships that employee built for the company are severed# !hich could
lead to potential customer loss.
-. Turnover leads to more turnovers: :hen an employee terminates# the effect is
felt throughout the organiation. *o$!or'ers are often re3uired to pic' up the
slac'. The unspo'en negativity often intensifies for the remaining staff.
/. Eood!ill of the company: The good!ill of a company is maintained !hen the
attrition rates are lo!. Higher retention rates motivate potential employees to
"oin the organiation.
2. Regaining efficiency: If an employee resigns# then good amount of time is lost
in hiring a ne! employee and then training himLher and this goes to the loss of
the company directly !hich many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this
you cannot assure us of the same efficiency from the ne! employee
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
The Retention .anagement Strategies help the organisation to motivate and
retain the talented employees. 1rganisations design and implement some of the
follo!ing strategies to retain the employees4
(. 1ffer competitive pay pac'age# benefits programme and social security benefits as
they !or' as Tgolden handcuffs.
). .aintain congenial human relations# interpersonal dynamics and employee
recognition programmes.
+. Provide continuous training and development programmes.
-. Provide efficient career planning and development programmes.
/. Emphasis on succession planning and development.
2. Ta'e proactive measures in identifying employee grievances# dissatisfactions and
frustration levels and employ corrective measures.
9. @se family involvement programmes# family !elfare programmes and family
recognition programmes.
F. Employ measures to satisfy esteem needs and self$actualiation needs of
employees in addition to other needs.
8. Cevelop the organisation and its business in order to meet employees0 gro!ing
demands and goals.
(5. Encourage internal mobility and "ob change through innovative practices.
These strategies play an important role in satisfying and meeting the needs of
the employees.
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The basic practices !hich should be 'ept in mind in the employee retention
strategies are4
(. Hire the right people in the first place.
). Empo!er the employees4 Eive the employees the authority to get things done.
+. .a'e employees realie that they are the most valuable asset of the organiation.
-. Have faith in them# trust them and respect them.
/. Provide them information and 'no!ledge.
2. =eep providing them feedbac' on their performance.
9. Recognie and appreciate their achievements.
F. =eep their morale high.
8. *reate an environment !here the employees !ant to !or' and have fun.
These practices can be categoried in + levels4 Lo!# medium and high level.
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Re+on ,or employee to )ome to t"e Or!ni/tion
Advancement Possibilities.
;ob Security.
7ature 1f :or'#
PersonalL6amily Time.
Re+on ,or employee+ to +ty 8it" t"e Or!ni/tion
*onfidence 6actor$they believe in potential successLleadership strategies
Emotional 6actor$ ?HugeA contribution# recognition# appreciation
Trust 6actor$ ) !ays$ promisesLcommitments 'ept ?strong lin' to loyaltyA
6it 6actor$ GaluesLethics are a good fit
Listening 6actor$ Are they heard and valued
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Myt"+ o, Retention Mn!ement
Myt":: People mo+t o,ten le*e )ompny ,or more py2
E&it intervie!s# conducted to learn !hy people leave an organiation# contain
some of America0s greatest fiction. People fre3uently say they0re leaving for more
money because it0s the easiest reason to give. .ore often the causes leading to
departure are related to issues that !ere unsatisfying in the "ob or the company.
Typical issues that cause dissatisfaction are company policies a and
procedures# 3uality of supervision# !or'ing conditions# relationship !ith the
immediate supervisor and salary. Kes# pay does matter. :hile research sho!s most
people don0t actually leave a "ob for more money# there are t!o important facts4 Gery$
lo!$income !or'ers !ill leave for more money because it0s a survival issue. 6or the
rest of !or'ers# the issue of money actually is about fairness. People become
dissatisfied !ith pay !hen they feel it is unfair !ithin the company# !ithin the
industry or !hen pay doesn0t seem to match the amount or type of !or' re3uired.
Myt" <: In)enti*e pro!rm+ pro#%)e lon!7term pro,it+ n# impro*e pro#%)ti*ity
n# morle.
So# !ho doesn0t li'e free stuffO Ho!ever# incentives such as gifts and cash
bonuses for meeting speed and volume goals don0t affect employee commitment.
They0re really a thro!bac' to outdated management beliefs that !or'ers must be
coerced in order to !or' hard. All the e&tras don0t add up to the real glue that creates
employee commitment4 the chance to learn and gro!# meaningful !or'# good
supervisors and respect and appreciation for a "ob !ell done.
Incentives have been over$used particularly in the past decade# as management
boo's touted the importance of improving recognition of e&cellent !or'. Ket# studies
sho! that carrot$and$stic' motivation actually does not pay off in long$term company
profitability or employee satisfaction or retention. To the contrary# incentives can
harm 3uality !hen employees aim for speed or other goals rather than 3uality.
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Myt" ?: People #onCt 8nt more re+pon+i&ility
They don0t !ant more !or' if they0re already overloaded due to lean staffingB
but people indeed !ant the opportunity to gro! and develop their s'ills# advance their
careers and have the opportunity for greater variety. =eep in mind !hat the research
confirms4 People do !ant to try ne! things# to feel s'illful and to e&perience the
personal satisfaction of higher levels of achievement.
People don0t need a "ob promotion in order to gain more responsibility. The same
"ob can be broadened to include more variety# more contact !ith different parts of the
organiation and greater control over decisions on accomplishing !or' tas's.
Myt" @: Loylty i+ #e#2
People are see'ing greater !or'$life balance than in the past# and employers
have made great strides in providing morefle&ible hours and dress codes. Still# people
see' to ma'e a contribution# andorganiations that provide healthy doses of the main
satisfiers en"oy significantly lo!erturnover and higher morale. Profits are higher# too#
according to recent research studies. Things have changed# indeed. Today0s !or'ers
!ill# in fact# change careers and "obs much more often. :hen the economy is good#
people have become much more at ease in changing companies# are more li'ely to
ac3uire ne! s'ills and move to companies that offer greater chance to use more of
their 'no!ledge and more !illing to ta'e the ris's of starting ane! at another
organiation.:hat has emerged in current management studies are that the same
3ualities that hold employees are the ones that best serve the customers4 Employees
!ho can ma'e 3uic'decisions on behalf of the customer and the companyB employees
!ho have a broaderscope of responsibility that allo!s them some freedom and
leverage to solve customer problemsB learning opportunities that give employees the
s'illfulness to address customer issuesB and supportive management and supervisors
!ho use any mista'es that occur as teaching opportunities.
Myt" >: Impro*in! employee +ti+,)tion i+ eApen+i*e2
Research tells us the true satisfiers can0t even be bought4 career gro!th#
meaningful !or'# respect and appreciation and being able to influence ho! !or' gets
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done. In these leaner times employers have the same opportunity to gain true loyalty
despite lo!ered budgets.
The trin'ets and pries given in recognition and re!ards programs aren0t
ingredients for developing an engaged !or'force. The <glue> that holds people is
of much different stuff4 .anagement that listens and responds to employees0 ideas
improving service# supervisors !ho support people0s gro!th and initiative# training in
ho! to do the "ob successfully# good relationships !ith co!or'ers and genuine
appreciation for a "ob done !ell. There are no costs incurred to build or enhance these
Myt" D: Employee +ti+,)tion i+ ,l%,,2'
Coes having engaged !or'ers ma'e a difference in the bottom lineO Studies no!
sho! that lo!er turnover and greater levels of employee satisfaction have a definite
positive impact on customer satisfaction and profitability# !hich are the 'ey factors in
company gro!th and sustainability. *onsider these facts.
A strong lin' !as found in a study by Price!aterhouse*oopers bet!een
retention and the 3uality of service as rated by companies0 customers.
According to the American Society of Training M Cevelopment# organiations
that invested the most in training had higher gross margins and income per
The cost of replacing an employee !ho leaves has been estimated by various
studies to be bet!een 95 and )55 percent of that !or'er0s annual salary.
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The *ouncil on *ompetitiveness found that a (5$percent increase in education
has a more positive impact on productivity than a (5$percent increase in !or'
Myt"E: S%per*i+or+ re t"e pro&lem
.any senior leaders e&press dismay about the 3uality and actions of their middle
managers and front$line supervisors. The blame game is old# yet the solutions are
stri'ingly similar to those re3uired to build an engaged !or'force. In most
organiations today# supervisors have more people reporting to them than inthe past#
more demanding customers than ever and greater amounts of change I alloccurring at
the same time. Ket# the amount of training provided to managers andsupervisors in
many organiations is minimal. .ore importantly# the amount of time thatsenior
managers spend in dialogue !ith middle and line managers also is minimal.
.iddle managers and supervisors can appear resistant to improvement efforts.
Ho!ever# the true failure e&ists in our understanding of their !orld# the challenges
face and the support they need in order to be successful. Successful organiations see'
to build team!or' bet!een senior leaders and middle managers and line supervisors
?!hich is a 'ey ingredient in creating team!or' throughout the companyA. Ho!ever#
the true failure e&ists in our understanding of their !orld# the challenges they face and
the support they need in order to be successful.
Myt" F: My )ompny G in#%+try G people re #i,,erent
Kes# every company is uni3ue# and every industry has its o!n set of unusual
challenges. Ho!ever# a very costly mista'e is made !hen !e believe information
other sectors doesn0t apply to us or our organiation.
Retention research studies cross all industries# all types of !or' settings and in
economic conditions. Still# the same results come up time and again. :e build
loyalty I and# indirectly# customer loyalty I through providing people !ith gro!th
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learning opportunities# minimiing red tape# allo!ing people to thin' and ma'e good
choices# supporting middle managers and front$line supervisors and appreciating the
efforts that people give to help our customers. It0s do!nright dangerous to ignore
these findings I ris'y to the bottom line and the organiation0s future.
:; Tip+ to retin yo%r employee+
Retaining 'ey personnel is critical to long term success of an organiation. A
Retention Strategy has become essential if your organiation is to be productive over
time and can become an important part of your hiring strategy by attracting the best
candidates !ho 'no! of your trac' record for caring for employees. In fact# some
companies do not have to recruit because they receive so many 3ualified unsolicited
submissions due to their history of e&cellence in employee retention.
:2 Tret yo%r employee+ li1e yo% tret yo%r mo+t *l%&le )lient+2
It is cheaper to 'eep your good employees than it is to hire and train ne! ones. Kour
top )5$)/N should be courted as you !ould court and then service your top
<2 =et yo%r employee+ to HFll in Lo*eH 8it" yo%r or!ni/tion.
Ho! do you get your employees to Jfall in LoveJ !ith your organiationO
This is a great 3uestion. *ommunicate your vision in a compelling !ay. Sho!
everyone the role they have to contribute to this vision. *reate opportunities for
people to connect !ith each other for support and to improve communication in
!or' teams. *apture the Hearts of your !or'force !ith4 *ompelling vision L
,alance L *elebration$6un
?2 Open Comm%ni)tion4
Internal listening is a priority# multiple lines of communication ?various
channels.A This is essential for managing change in a positive !ay !ith less
sabotage# anger# resistance# and fear. *reate partnerships4 S3uash status barriers L
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1pen the boo's L pay for performance ?not titlesA# share the JbadJ times the
JgoodJ times.
@2 6ri*e Lernin!4
JEuarantee Employability#J Encourage Life Long Learning ?Train outside of
"ob descriptionA. Loyalty comes from trusting your employees to develop their
s'ills for the good of the company and for their needs for personal gro!th and
satisfaction. Emancipate Action4 6reedom to 6ail# reduce bureaucracy# challenge
the Jstatus 3uo.J ,reathe life into your organiation. Co not let your employees
stagnate. Strong retention strategies become strong recruiting advantages.
>2 Retention i+ m%)" more e,,e)ti*e 8"en yo% p%t t"e ri!"t per+on into t"e
ri!"t (o&2 0no8 t"e (o&I 0no8 t"e employee n# t"eir moti*tion+
Half of the 6ortune /55 companies are no! using assessments to more fully
understand each "ob and the soft s'ills that are re3uired for top production !ithin
their specific company culture. These benchmar'ed s'ills are then compared
against 3ualified applicants to help determine !ho !ill be successful in the
position and fit !ell !ithin their company%s culture.
These assessments are also used as a po!erful professional
development tool to enhance the training of continuous life$long learning
?!hich is another po!erful retention strategy.A Advanced 6ibre
*ommunication is beginning to use this assessment process in hiring.
D2 Money i+ importnt &%t it i+ not t"e only re+on people +ty 8it" n
If your compensation plan is in the top )5$+5N of your industry# then
money !ill often not be the reason !hy people leave.
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E2 Employee )ommittee+ to "elp #e*elop retention +trte!ie+ i+ *ery
e,,e)ti*e Strte!y.
Eet their inputD As'# !hat do people li'e about !or'ing hereO :hat !ould
you li'e changed to ma'e your company a better place to !or' 2 .anagement must
be s'illful communicating company policies in a !ay that creates Jbuy$inJ from their
staff and be open to employee input. Help create Jo!nershipJ in your employees. The
companies !ith the best retention percentages are the same companies that are
actively committed to retention. They 'no! that is costs less to 'eep good people than
to continuously have to replace unsatisfied employees and managers.
F2 Re)o!nition$ in *rio%+ ,orm+$ i+ po8er,%l retention +trte!y2
J2 Remem&er$ t"e HF%n F)torH i+ *ery importnt to mny employee+2
:;2 Conne)tion+ n# mo%nt o, FU- in 8or1 tem+2
The 6@7 6actor is part of the generation of !or'ers that use activities as
stress management in highly charged production environments !here long hours
are re3uired. Ereg has encouraged Ping$Pong tournaments and bas'etball leagues
for interpersonal interaction# fun# and stress management. Though not everyone
can participate in physical activities# this sets the tone in a culture based on
competition# healthL!ell$being# and interactions that are inclusive beyond !or'.
Strte!ie+ ,or Retinin! Employee+:
Compen+tion En*ironment =ro8t"
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1vercoming these reasons re3uires the implementation of five distinct
categories of retention strategies4
Compen+tion +trte!ie+:
*ompensation strategies cover the broad spectrum of total compensation# not
"ust base pay and salary. *ompensation constitutes the largest part of the employee
retention process. The employees al!ays have high e&pectations regarding their
compensation pac'ages. *ompensation pac'ages vary from industry to industry. So
an attractive compensation pac'age plays a critical role in retaining the employees.
En*ironmentl +trte!ie+4
It is not about managing retention. It is about managing people. If an
organiation manages people !ell# employee retention !ill ta'e care of itself.
1rganiations should focus on managing the !or' environment to ma'e better use of
the available human assets
People !ant to !or' for an organiation !hich provides
Appreciation for the !or' done.
Ample opportunities to gro!.
A friendly and cooperative environment.
Or!ni/tion en*ironment in)l%#e+
*ompany reputation
Huality of people in the organiation
Employee development and career gro!th
Ris' ta'ing
Leading technologies
Ero!th and development are the integral part of every individual0s career. If
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an employee can not foresee his path of career development in his current
organiation# there are chances that he0ll leave the organiation as soon as he gets
an opportunity. The important factors in employee gro!th that an employee loo's
for himself are4
:or' profile
Personal gro!th and dreams
Training and development
Reltion+"ip +trte!ie+4
A supportive !or' culture helps gro! employee professionally and boosts
employee satisfaction. To enhance good professional relationships at !or'#
T"e mn!ement +"o%l# 1eep t"e ,ollo8in! point+ in min#2
:2 Re+pe)t ,or t"e in#i*i#%l: Respect for the individual is the must in the
<2 Reltion+"ip 8it" t"e imme#ite mn!er:
A manger plays the role of a mentor and a coach. He designs
ands plans !or' for each employee. It is his duty to involve the employee in
the processes of the organiation. So an organiation should hire managers
!ho can ma'e and maintain good relations !ith their subordinates.
?2 Reltion+"ip 8it" )olle!%e+:
Promote team !or'# not only among teams but in different
departments as !ell. This !ill induce competition as !ell as improve the
relationships among colleagues.
@2 Re)r%it 8"ole "erte#ly:
An employee should be recruited if there is a proper
place and duties for him to perform. 1ther!ise he0ll feel useless and !ill be
dissatisfied. Employees should 'no! !hat the organiation e&pects from them
and !hat their e&pectation from the organiation is deliver !hat is promised.
S%pport +trte!ie+4
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1rganiation can provide support in the form of !or'$life balance. :or' life
balance includes
6le&ible hours.
Cependent care.
Alternate !or' schedules.
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Sel, 7E,,i))y
Self$efficacy !as defined by Albert ,andura as a person0s belief in their
capability to successfully perform a particular tas'. Together !ith the goals that
people set# self$efficacy is one on the most po!erful motivational predictors of ho!
!ell a person !ill perform at almost any endeavour. A person0s self$efficacy is a
strong determinant of their effort# persistence# strategiing# as !ell as their subse3uent
training and "ob performance. ,esides being highly predictive# much is also 'no!n
about ho! self$efficacy can be developed in order to harness its performance
enhancing benefits. After outlining the nature of self$efficacy and ho! it leads to
performance and other !or'$related outcomes# the measurement and sources of self$
efficacy !ill be discussed. :e conclude by briefly considering !hether it is possible
to have too much self$efficacy.
-t%re o, Sel,7E,,i))y
As self$efficacy pertains to specific tas's# people may simultaneously have high
self$efficacy for some tas's and lo! self$efficacy for others. 6or instance# a manager
may have high self$efficacy for the technical aspects of her role# such as management
accounting# but lo! self$efficacy for other aspects# such as dealing !ith employees0
performance problems.
As self$efficacy is more specific and circumscribed than self$confidence ?i.e. a
general personality trait that relates to ho! confidently people feel and act in most
situationsA# or self$esteem ?i.e. the e&tent to !hich a person li'es themselfA# it is
generally also more readily developed than self$confidence or self$esteem. Self$
efficacy is also a much stronger predictor of ho! effectively people !ill perform a
given tas' than is either their self$confidence or their self$esteem.
So%r)e+ o, Sel,7E,,i))y
There are three 'ey sources of self$efficacy. The most po!erful determinant of
self$efficacy is enactive self$mastery# follo!ed by role$modelling# and then verbal
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:2 En)ti*e +el,7m+tery :
Enactive self$mastery is achieved !hen people e&perience success at
performing at least portions of a tas'. It serves to convince them that they have !hat it
ta'es to achieve increasingly difficult accomplishments of a similar 'ind. Self$
mastery is best achieved through progressive mastery# attained by brea'ing do!n
difficult tas's into small steps that are relatively easy# in order to ensure a high level
of initial success. Individuals should then be given progressively more difficult tas's
in !hich constructive feedbac' is provided and accomplishments celebrated# before
increasingly challenging tas's are attempted. ,uilding self$efficacy through enactive
self$mastery essentially entails structuring situations that bring re!arding successes
and avoid the e&perience of repeated failure. An e&ample of enactive self$mastery is
!hen people learning to pilot an aircraft are given many hours to develop their s'ill
and confidence at the separate component s'ills# before they ever attempt to combine
them by actually flying solo. Initial flying lessons are designed so that trainee pilots
are challenged# but also e&perience efficacy$building successes during each session.
6or individuals to develop self$efficacy through enactive self$mastery# managers
similarly need to provide challenges !hereby individuals regularly encounter and
celebrate successes as they develop their proficiency at their !or' tas's.
<2 Role7mo#ellin! :
Role$modelling occurs !hen people observe others perform a tas' that they
are attempting to learn# or vividly visualie themselves performing successfully. Role$
modelling can provide people !ith ideas about ho! they could perform certain tas's
and inspire their confidence that they can act in a similarly successful manner.
Effective role models approach challenging activities as an opportunity to learn
and develop their 'no!ledge# s'ills and effectiveness# rather than as a test of ho!
talented they are. They also respond to setbac's by e&ploring !hat can be done
differently in the future. In short# good role models demonstrate the development of
s'ill# persistence and learning# rather than the defensiveness and blaming that cause
mista'es to recur and subse3uent performance to decline.
.odels are most effective at raising self$efficacy !hen they are personally li'ed
and are seen as having similar attributes ?e.g. age# gender# and ethnicityA as the
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individuals !ho observe them. 1ne implication is that managers should thin'
carefully before assigning mentors# especially !ithout the input of those being
mentored. Individuals may also learn and become more confident from observing
both the successes and failures of others# as long as they feel confident that they can
avoid repeating the errors they observe.
Too M%)" o, =oo# T"in!K
E&tremely high self$efficacy can lead to e&cessive ris'$ta'ing# hubris# and
dysfunctional persistence# though in most cases# the resultant failures people
e&perience soon recalibrate their self$efficacy to a more realistic level. In general# the
many benefits of high self$efficacy ma'e it a !orth!hile attribute to cultivate. This is
best done through the simultaneous and systematic application of the enactive self$
mastery# role$modelling# and verbal persuasion principles "ust outlined. .anagerial
actions that improve employees0 performance by building their self$efficacy.
Efficacy-Activated Processes
A. Cognitive Processes
The effects of self-efficacy beliefs on cognitive processes take a variety of forms.
!uch human behavior, being purposive, is regulated by forethought embodying valued
goals. "ersonal goal setting is influenced by self-appraisal of capabilities. The stronger the
perceived self-efficacy, the higher the goal challenges people set for themselves and the
firmer is their commitment to them.
!ost courses of action are initially organied in thought. "eople#s beliefs in their efficacy
shape the types of anticipatory scenarios they construct and rehearse. Those who have a
high sense of efficacy, visualie success scenarios that provide positive guides and
supports for performance. Those who doubt their efficacy, visualie failure scenarios and
dwell on the many things that can go wrong. $t is difficult to achieve much while fighting
self-doubt. % major function of thought is to enable people to predict events and to develop
ways to control those that affect their lives. &uch skills require effective cognitive
processing of information that contains many ambiguities and uncertainties. $n learning
predictive and regulative rules people must draw on their knowledge to construct options,
to weight and integrate predictive factors, to test and revise their judgments against the
immediate and distal results of their actions, and to remember which factors they had
tested and how well they had worked.
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B. Motivational Processes
&elf-beliefs of efficacy play a key role in the self-regulation of motivation. !ost
human motivation is cognitively generated. "eople motivate themselves and guide their
actions anticipatorily by the e'ercise of forethought. They form beliefs about what they can
do. They anticipate likely outcomes of prospective actions. They set goals for themselves
and plan courses of action designed to realie valued futures.
C. Affective Processes
"eople#s beliefs in their coping capabilities affect how much stress and depression
they e'perience in threatening or difficult situations, as well as their level of motivation.
"erceived self-efficacy to e'ercise control over stressors plays a central role in an'iety
arousal. "eople who believe they can e'ercise control over threats do not conjure up
disturbing thought patterns. (ut those who believe they cannot manage threats e'perience
high an'iety arousal. They dwell on their coping deficiencies. They view many aspects of
their environment as fraught with danger.
D. election Processes
The discussion so far has centered on efficacy-activated processes that enable
people to create beneficial environments and to e'ercise some control over those they
encounter day in and day out. "eople are partly the product of their environment.
Therefore, beliefs of personal efficacy can shape the course lives take by influencing they
types of activities and environments people choose. "eople avoid activities and situations
they believe e'ceed their coping capabilities. (ut they readily undertake challenging
activities and select situations they judge themselves capable of handling. (y the choices
they make, people cultivate different competencies, interests and social networks that
determine life courses. %ny factor that influences choice behavior can profoundly affect the
direction of personal development.
Ada!tive Benefits of "!ti#istic elf-Beliefs of Efficacy
There is a growing body of evidence that human accomplishments and positive
well-being require an optimistic sense of personal efficacy. This is because ordinary social
realities are strewn with difficulties. They are full of impediments, adversities, setbacks,
frustrations, and inequities. "eople must have a robust sense of personal efficacy to
sustain the perseverant effort needed to succeed. $n pursuits strewn with obstacles,
realists either foresake them, abort their efforts prematurely when difficulties arise or
become cynical about the prospects of effecting significant changes..
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"eople with a high sense of efficacy have the staying power to endure the
obstacles and setbacks that characterie difficult undertakings. )hen people err in their
self-appraisal they tend to overestimate their capabilities. This is a benefit rather than a
cognitive failing to be eradicated. $f efficacy beliefs always reflected only what people can
do routinely they would rarely fail but they would not set aspirations beyond their
immediate reach nor mount the e'tra effort needed to surpass their ordinary performances.
"eople who e'perience much distress have been compared in their skills and
beliefs in their capabilities with those who do not suffer from such problems. The findings
show that it is often the normal people who are distorters of reality. (ut they display self-
enhancing biases and distort in the positive direction. "eople who are socially an'ious or
prone to depression are often just as socially skilled as those who do not suffer from such
problems. (ut the normal ones believe they are much more adept than they really are. The
no depressed people also have a stronger belief that they e'ercise some control over
situations. $nnovative achievements also require a resilient sense of efficacy. $nnovations
require heavy investment of effort over a long period with uncertain results. !oreover,
innovations that clash with e'isting preferences and practices meet with negative social
reactions. $t is, therefore, not surprising that one rarely finds realists in the ranks of
innovators and great achievers. $n his delightful book, titled, *ejection, +ohn )hite
provides vivid testimony, that the striking characteristic of people who have achieved
eminence in their fields is an ine'tinguishable sense of personal efficacy and a firm belief
in the worth of what they are doing. This resilient self-belief system enabled them to
override repeated early rejections of their work.
Early re"ection is the rule# rather than the e&ception# in other creative endeavors. The
Impressionists had to arrange their o!n e&hibitions because their !or's !ere
routinely re"ected by the Paris Salon. Gan Eogh sold only one painting during his
lifetime. Rodin !as re"ected three times for admission to the %cole des ,eau&$Arts
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Employee retention is a process in !hich the employees are encouraged to
remain !ith the organiation for the ma&imum period of time or until the completion
of the pro"ect. Employee retention is beneficial for the organiation as !ell as the
employee. 6or any organisation employees are very important and they are treated as
the asset of the organisation. I selected the topic employees0 retention strategies to
study ho! the organiations retain their valuable employees. To 'no! !hat type of
strategies are used by the management to increase the productivity or sales of the
organisation. These retention strategies help us to 'no! in !hat !ay the management
satisfies the employees in all the aspects to achieve the organisation as !ell as
individual goals. It helps the management to 'no! the needs of the employees and
ho! to respond to those needs. And to 'no! ho! to motivate and increase the morale
of the employees.
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The employees0 retention strategies are a significant element and help the
organisation to motivate and retain the talented employees.
The Title of the study is study of retaining the Employees0 follo!ed in
Shodha Toyota# Hubli.
The important ob"ectives of the study are4
(. To study the satisfaction level of the employees to!ards the Employees0
Retention Strategies.
). To study the effectiveness of Employees0 Retention Strategies.
+. To 'no! the employees problems !ith respect to their "ob and to offer
6t Colle)tion Met"o# 4
(. Primary Cata 4
Primary data are data collected for specific research needs.
The primary data is collected by holding formal discussion !ith H.R.C .anagers#
and other employees of the organisation. Primary Cata is also collected through
1bservations# Personal intervie! !ith the help of 3uestionnaires.
). Secondary Cata 4
Secondary data are the data that have already been collected by and are readily
available from other sources. Secondary data is further divided into ) types4
(. Internal Secondary Cata4 Are data !ithin the organisation.
). E&ternal Secondary Cata4 Are data outside the organisation.
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The secondary data is collected by4
Human Resource Te&t boo's.
*ompany !ebsite.
Smplin! Met"o#4
*onvenience Sampling4
In *onvenience Sampling# a researcher0s convenience forms the basis for selecting a
sample of units.
Smplin! Si/e:
A sample of /5 respondents !ill be selected to underta'e study. As there are (55
!or'ersLshift# I have selected /5N of them as my sample sie.
Smplin! Unit:
The :or'er0s of Shodha Toyota# Hubli.
Smplin! Frme:
Employees of Shodha Toyota# Hubli.
Tool+ An# Te)"ni.%e+ O, 6t Colle)tion4
Primary data is collected through personal intervie!. Cata is collected through
3uestionnaire survey method. The sampling unit is !or'er0s of Shodha Toyota# Hubli.
The data collected is tabulated in SPSS. ,ased on the analysis the final
recommendations are suggested.
Time Perio#:
The pro"ect as commenced from ;an (
and it ended on "une +5
)5(+. The
pro"ect is carried out in Shodha Toyota# Hubli.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 2F
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
3ene,it+ To T"e Compny4
Employees Retention Strategies are very beneficial tool to retain the talented
employees and increase the productivity in the organisation. Employees Retention
Strategies help the management to increase the employee morale. These strategies
help the organisation to reduce the cost of employee turnover. And it also helps the
management to diagnose the training and development needs of the future. The
good!ill of a company is maintained !hen the attrition rates are lo!. Higher retention
rates motivate potential employees to "oin the organiation. It guides the management
by providing necessary information in ma'ing decisions li'e promotions# transfers
etc. This study provides the guidance to create a right !or' environment.
3ene,it+ To Me4
,y doing the pro"ect on Employees Retention Strategies I got in$depth
'no!ledge about ho! to retain an employee in the organisation. I came to 'no! about
the company0s !or' environment and ho! to behave in an organisation. ,y this
pro"ect I got the 'no!ledge of ho! to motivate the !or'er0s to remain associated !ith
the organisation for a longer period.

KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 28
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 01 20.3 20.3 20.3
4o 2 56.3 56.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
1ut of /5 respondents ma"ority of them that is -) respondents ?F-NA said
management care for the employees. F respondents ?that is (2NA have told
management doesn0t care about the employees.
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Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 89 :2.3 :2.3 :2.3
4o 55 11.3 11.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
.a"ority of the respondents that is +8 respondents ?9FNA have agreed that
management provide opportunities for gro!th and development. And only ((
respondents ?that is ))NA said that they don0t provide opportunities for gro!th and
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 9(
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 06 91.3 91.3 91.3
4o 0 2.3 2.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
1ut of /5 respondents# -2 respondents ?that is 8)NA are satisfied !ith the !or'
environment and safety measures and remaining - respondents ?that is FNA said that
they are not satisfied !ith the !or' environment and safety measures.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 9)
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid ;ighly satisfied 18 06.3 06.3 06.3
&atisfied 56 81.3 81.3 :2.3
Ok : 50.3 50.3 91.3
4ot satisfied 8 6.3 6.3 92.3
4ot at all satisfied 5 1.3 1.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
1ut of (55N# -2N i.eB )+ respondents are highly satisfied# +)N are satisfied#
(-N i.eB 9 respondents told 1'# + respondents i.eB 2N are 7ot satisfied and only (
respondent is not at all satisfied.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 9+
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 03 23.3 23.3 23.3
4o 53 13.3 13.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
.a"ority of the respondents that is -5 respondents ?F5NA told that the salary
and bonus are lin'ed !ith their performance because they feel that the promotions and
raise in salary !ill be based on their performance. And (5 respondents ?that is )5NA
said that the salary and bonus is not lin'ed !ith their performance because they !ill
be getting fi&ed salary.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 9-
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 05 21.3 21.3 21.3
4o 9 52.3 52.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
-( respondents ?that is F)NA told that they are satisfied !ith the salary pac'age
and incentives as they are less educated. Remaining 8 respondents ?that is (FNA are
not satisfied !ith the salary pac'age and incentives.

KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 9/
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 00 22.3 22.3 22.3
4o 6 51.3 51.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
.a"ority of the respondents that is -- respondents ?FFNA have agreed that
management recognie and appreciate their !or'. And only 2 respondents ?that is
()NA said that they don0t recognie and appreciate their !or'.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 92
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 03 23.3 23.3 23.3
4o 53 13.3 13.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
.a"ority of the respondents have said that the management conduct training
programme ?that is F5NA to inefficient !or'ers and help them to become s'illed in his
!or' and remaining (5 respondents ?that is )5NA said that no training is given to the
employees by the management.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 99
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 07 93.3 93.3 93.3
4o 7 53.3 53.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
.a"ority of the respondents ?that is 85NA have said that they can gro! and
achieve in this organisation and remaining respondents ?that is (5NA said that they
can0t gro! in this organisation because they feel that the company has more
restrictions to!ards the employees.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 9F
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid /es 06 91.3 91.3 91.3
4o 0 2.3 2.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
1ut of (55N# 8)N i.eB -2 respondents said that the management encourage
mutual recognition among the co$!or'ers and remaining FN i.eB - respondents have
said no.
The ma"ority of people have said yes because it motivates the employees.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 98
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid -ery good 15 01.3 01.3 01.3
<ood 58 16.3 16.3 62.3
Ok 56 81.3 81.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
.a"ority of the respondents ?that is -)NA said very good. (+ respondents ?that
is )2NA said good# and remaining (2 respondents that is +)N have said o' !hile
comparing their good !ith their co$!or'ers.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F5
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,requency "ercent -alid "ercent
-alid -ery good 17 73.3 73.3 73.3
<ood 15 01.3 01.3 91.3
Ok 0 2.3 2.3 533.3
73 533.3 533.3
:hile comparing the relationship !ith their immediate superior out of /5
respondents# )/ respondents ?that is /5NA said very good. )( respondents ?that is
-)NA said good and remaining - respondents ?that is FNA said o'.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F(
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
The employees !ho are attended training program at SH1CH
T1K1TA says that it is very effective.
A employees says training program !ill improve their efficiency .They
!ill upgrade their 'no!ledge day by day !ith the company training people.
A trainer !ill give a good 'no!ledge about the product to the financial
Employees need a different method of training and some employees
need a different !ay of teaching.
The employees vie! on training is e&tremely essential and it is very
(. 1ut of /5 respondents# F-N told Kes and (2N told 7o that the management does
not care for employees.
). 1ut of /5 respondents# 9FN told that the management provides opportunities for
gro!th and development but remaining i.eB ))N does not agree that management
provide opportunities for gro!th and development.
+. 8)N of the respondents told they are satisfied !ith the !or' environment and
safety measures and FN are not satisfied !ith it.
-. -2N of the respondents are Highly Satisfied# +)N are Satisfied# (-N respondents
told 1'# 2N respondents are 7ot Satisfied and remaining ( respondent told 7ot at
all Satisfied.
/. 1ut of (55N# F5N told salary and bonus are lin'ed !ith their performance but
remaining )5N disagree.
2. 1ut of /5 respondents# F)N told they are satisfied !ith the salary pac'age and
incentives# and remaining (FN are not satisfied.
9. FFN told management recognie and appreciate their !or' and ()N told
management doesn0t appreciate their !or'.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F)
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
F. 1ut of /5 respondents# F5N told management conduct training programme and (5
respondents that is )5N told management doesn0t conduct any training
8. 85N of the respondents feel that they can gro! and achieve in this organisation
and remaining (5N told that they can0t gro! in this organisation.
(5. 1ut of /5 respondents# 8)N said that the management encourages mutual
recognition among the co$!or'ers and remaining FN i.eB - respondents have said
((. 1ut of (55N# -)N told very good# )2N told good# and (2 respondents that is +)N
told o'.
(). /5N of the respondents said they have very good relationship !ith their
immediate superior# -)N said good and remaining - respondents i.eB FN said o'.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F+
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
,ased on the findings of the study follo!ing recommendations are given4
(. According to the feedbac' F-N told that the management cares about the
employees and (2N told they don0t so the management must pay attention
to!ards all the employees. If they 'eep the !or'ers satisfied then it !ill be easily
for the management to retain them and also to achieve the organisation goals.
). The management must involve the employees in decision ma'ing so that they feel
li'e they are provided !ith opportunities to gro!.
+. The management must provide canteen facilities for their employees. As !or'ers
are coming from different areas it is difficult for them to get food. It is very
helpful to the employees.
-. Along !ith the fi&ed salary e&tra incentives must be given to the employees
depending on their performance. This !ill help the management to motivate the
employees to !or'.
/. The management is giving travelling allo!ances to the employees !ho are
coming from far places but the management must also give travelling allo!ances
!ho come from in around places so that the employee should not pay the money
from his poc'et.
2. The management must recognie and appreciate the employee for hisLher best
!or' !hich in turn motivates the employees to !or' and that may result in
employee retention and also help the management to increase the productivity.
9. The management must conduct training programs regularly so that the employees
can improve their s'ills. There !ill be a continuous process of learning so that the
employees can learn ne! things easily. The learning process !ill not be time
consuming if it is managed properly.
F. Retention strategies are useful if they are successful in retaining the employees of
the organiation for a longer period of time ?CecadesA. 6or retaining the
employees the management must develop the concept of career planning for all
the employees. This !ill allo! the employee to feel secure !or'ing for 7ectar
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F-
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
8. The management must provide empo!erment to the employees to ma'e certain
decisions and create a sought of bound bet!een the employees and the
(5. The company is follo!ing a good !ay of conducting e&it intervie! the company
should maintain and do it continuously.
((. The management must ta'e proactive measures to solve employee grievances and
to some e&tent personal problems so that the employee can concentrate to!ards
the !or' and can try to achieve better results. ,y this the employees may also
build trust to!ards the organiation.
Employees should be made a!are of the benefits of training program to them
and to the organiation.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F/
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
Training program must be such that it motivates the employees to learn more
and advance their s'ills to develop themselves and the organiation by
performing their "ob effectively and efficiently.
The HR department should conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for
employees for training as to give them an idea as !hy training is been conducted
and !hat they have to learn in the training program conducted and also after
training completion they should ta'e feedbac' as to ho! effective !as the
training so that the necessary improvements in training program can be
considered and implemented.
Apart from on$the$"ob training programs the HR department should conduct
constant value addition programs such Time .anagement# Stress .anagement#
group dynamics# grievance redressal. These !ill help to add value and is also
essential in today0s business scenario.
Performance of every employee undergone training should be evaluated so as to
get improved 3uality to relate inputs to output to 'no! their understanding about
training program conducted.
They should see' opinion of the trainee0s superior regarding "ob performance of
the employees !ho have undergone training and their behavior before and after
training so as to understand if the training has been really helpful to them. So
feedbac' is very necessary so as to the effectiveness of training been conducted
They should conduct personality development classes.
E&ternal trainers should be appointed.
They should adopt different !ay of teaching.
Training in SH1CHA T1K1TA is a proactive# planned and continuous
process as an integral part of the organiation development. Training program
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F2
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
helps to impart 'no!ledge# improve s'ills and re$orient attitudes for individual
gro!th and organiational effectiveness. The system of training has been effective
to a very large e&tent. It has also catered to the changing needs of the employees.
SH1CHA T1K1TA has also made efforts to get regular feedbac' from its
employees. Such feedbac' !ill help the organiation to identify the areas that
re3uire improvement. It is a !elcome change to see that changes have been made
on the basis of the feedbac' given by the employees and the training program are
made more applicable.
According to the results obtained from the different respondents about the
training conducted the employee are satisfied !ith the 'ind of training being
provided to them in different areas.
To conclude# it can be said that# all different steps and changes adopted by
the organiation determine the success of the organiation so the HR department is
effective enough as to manage change and bring pride to the organiation by
conducting continuously training programs so as to enhance the personal gro!th of
an individual and to retain the employee.
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F9
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
S@,,A RA1# [email protected] RES1@*ES CEGEL1P.E7T# II ECITI17
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page FF
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
6er SirGM#m$
I$A&"i+"e1 Mne $ %n#er!oin! pro(e)t on A STU6Y O- RETAI-I-=
THE EMPLOYEES AT SHO6HA TOYOTA$ HU3LI'2 I 8ill &e o&li!e# i, yo%
)o%l# +pre ,e8 min%te+ in n+8erin! t"e+e .%e+tion+2 T"i+ #t )olle)te# 8ill &e
%+e# ,or )#emi) p%rpo+e only.
Per+onl Pro,ile4
-. Phone. 7oL.obile 7o4 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
/. Coes the management care about there employeesO
?aA Kes ? A ?bA 7o ? A
2. Are you provided !ith the opportunities for gro!th and developmentO
?aA Kes ? A ?bA 7o ? A
9. Are you satisfied !ith the !or' environment and safety measuresO
?aA Kes ? A ?bA 7o ? A
F. To !hat e&tent you are satisfied !ith the !or' environment and safety providedO
?aA Highly satisfied ?bA Satisfied
?cA 1' ?dA 7ot satisfied
?eA 7ot at all satisfied
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page F8
Retention of Employees At Shodha Toyot a Pvt. Ltd. Hubli.
58. Coes the management recognie and appreciate your !or'O
?aA Kes ? A ?bA 7o ? A
(5. Coes the management conduct any training programmesO
?aA Kes ? A ?bA 7o ? A
KLES IMSR, Hubli. Page 85

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