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LIFE and Europes wetlands

Restoring a vital ecosystem
colours C/M/Y/K
European Commission
Environment Directorate-General
LIFE (The Financial Instrument for the Environment) is a programme launched by the European Commission and coordinated
by the Environment Directorate-General (LIFE Unit - E.4).
The contents of the publication LIFE and Europes wetlands: Restoring a vital ecosystem do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of the institutions of the European Union.
Authors: Joo Pedro Silva (Technical expert), Leigh Phillips, Wendy Jones, Jon Eldridge, Eamon OHara (Astrale GEIE-AEIDL,
Communications Team Coordinator). Managing Editor: Philip Owen, European Commission, Environment DG, LIFE Unit BU-9,
02/1, 200 rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels. LIFE Focus series coordination: Simon Goss (LIFE Communications Coordinator),
Evelyne Jussiant (DG Environment Communications Coordinator). The following people also worked on this issue: Juan
Prez Lorenzo, Aixa Sopea, Cornelia Schmitz, Georgia Valaoras, Jrg Bhringer, Mikko Tira, Felix Bergmann, Iva Rossi, Laura
Nocentini, Chlo Weeger, Marita Arvela, Jos Rizo-Martin. Production: Monique Braem. Graphic design: Daniel Renders, Anita
Cortes (Astrale GEIE-AEIDL). Acknowledgements: Thanks to all LIFE project beneficiaries who contributed comments, photos
and other useful material for this report. Photos: Unless otherwise specified; photos are from the respective projects. This issue
of LIFE Focus is published in English with a print-run of 5,000 copies and is also available online.
Additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet.
It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu).
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-07617-6
ISSN 1725-5619
DOI 10.2779/22840
European Communities, 2007
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LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 1
Wetland ecosystems hold an important part of Europes biodiversity. They provide ideal conditions for a vast
diversity of habitats and species. They are especially important for birds, providing vital nesting and migratory
flyway areas, as well as for other fauna species, such as dragonflies and amphibians. Countless specialist plants
depend on wetlands.
Wetlands support a wide range of public goods and services, such as providing fresh water and recreational and
tourism opportunities. In addition, they act as carbon sinks and are therefore a fundamental asset in our efforts
to reduce levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
However, despite their importance, wetlands are disappearing (for instance, due to drainage and conversion to
farmland) or are being polluted at an alarming rate and are among Europes most threatened ecosystems.
In recognition of this, wetlands were one of the very first nature conservation issues ever put forward for European
and international policy consideration under the 1971 Ramsar Convention on the conservation and wise use
of wetlands and their resources. Following on from this, as a contracting party to the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD), the European Community has taken decisive steps to fulfil its commitments and to meet the
target defined by the heads of state and government to halt biodiversity loss by 2010. In May 2006, the European
Commission adopted a communication on biodiversity and an action plan which defines priority actions to meet
this target. Many of the objectives, targets and actions are directly relevant to the conservation and wise use of
wetlands. The action plan also emphasises the links to other relevant environmental legislation, including the
Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The Habitats and Birds directives and the WFD are the main pieces of legislation ensuring the protection of Europes
wetlands. The Natura 2000 network of protected sites and the integration of wetlands into future river basin manage-
ment planning (under the WFD) are helping to guarantee their future conservation and sustainable use.
The EU has been a major provider of funds for wetland conservation projects both within and outside the Union.
The Commissions financial instrument for the environment, LIFE, has been contributing to a large number of
projects supporting the conservation of wetland ecosystems within the Natura 2000 network. This brochure
presents a selection of these LIFE wetland projects. Most focus on the restoration and management of wetlands,
while a number also target key wetland species.
Looking to the future, it is expected that Member States will take full advantage of the renewed opportunities for
funding wetland projects under the Commissions LIFE+ programme, launched in 2007.
Peter Gammeltoft Patrick Murphy
Head of Unit Protection of Water and Marine Environment Head of Unit Nature & Biodiversity
European Commission, DG Environment European Commission, DG Environment
Peter Gammeltoft (left), and
Patrick Murphy
Foreword ...............................1
Europes wetlands status
and threats ........................... 3
EU wetland conservation
policy .................................... 7
LIFE and Europes
wetlands ..............................10
Wetlands in general ....... 11
Finland: Conserving and
managing valuable
wetland bird habitats...........12
Croatia: Promoting a
wise use approach to
the management of Lonjsko
Polje Park ............................15
Hungary: Restoring wetlands
in the Hortobgy .................16
Italy: Conserving wetland
and other habitats in
the Rhaetian Alps ................19
Latvia: Measures help
conserve wetlands in
Kemeri national park ...........20
Coastal wetlands ........... 21
Finland: Grazing wetlands
for waders .......................... 22
Ireland: Realising a dream
of an East Coast Nature
Reserve .............................. 24
Italy: Conserving the
Comacchio salt marshes ... 27
Spain: Cultivating
alternatives to conventional
rice farming ........................ 28
France: Working together for
the eco-development of the
Narbonnais lagoons ........... 30
wetlands ........................ 31
Spain: Reversing decades
of environmental damage .. 32
Greece: Buffalo and cattle
help to restore wetlands ..... 34
Spain: Conservation of
wetlands of European
importance in Andalusia..... 36
Mediterranean region:
A permanent solution for
temporary ponds ................ 38
Bogs ............................... 41
Scotland: Partnership aids
large-scale restoration of
active raised bogs .............. 42
The Netherlands: Using
hydraulics to conserve
the entire peat body of
the Fochterlorveen ........... 44
Germany: Reversing the
impact of drainage and peat
digging and conserving
corncrake habitat ............... 46
Wetland restoration ....... 49
Austria: Bog management .. 50
Germany: Bringing back
bittern to Galenbeck ......... 52
Germany: Restoring
wetlands in the Dmmer
region ................................. 55
Wetlands species ........... 57
Aquatic warbler .................. 58
Bittern ................................ 60
LIFE funding and other
wetlands species ............... 61
Further projects focusing
on wetlands ...................... 62
List of available LIFE
publications ........................ 65
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 3
Europes wetlands status and
Europes wetlands support a large diversity of plant and animal species and are also the source
of a wide range of public goods and services, including tourism and the supply of fresh water.
At the same time, however, wetlands are among the worlds most threatened ecosystems, with
some 50% of all wetlands having disappeared in the last century.
Wetlands are some of the plan-
ets most productive ecosystems.
Incredibly biodiverse, they sustain
some of Europes most important
bird, amphibian, invertebrate and
plant species during key stages in
their life-cycle. They provide spawn-
ing grounds for fish and feeding and
breeding areas for many migratory
birds. Representing around 6% or
the Earths land area some 570
million hectares, of which 2% are
lakes, 30% bogs, 26% fens, 20%
swamps, and 15% floodplains
they also provide important goods
and services to society.

What are wetlands?
It is not easy to define precisely what
wetlands are, with different interna-
tional bodies often having slightly
different definitions. Wetlands are
not exclusively land or water envi-
ronments. They encompass both
environments at the same time, or at
least most of the time, as there are
also wetlands that can be seasonally
aquatic or terrestrial.
However, in general wetlands are
those areas where water is the pri-
mary factor controlling the environ-
ment and the associated habitats.
They occur where the water table is
at or near the surface of the land, or
where the land is covered by shal-
low water.
Despite the range of definitions, the
most widely accepted definition is
the one set out in the text of the
Convention on Wetlands, signed
in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, the first
international effort made to protect
these important habitats. Accord-
ing to Article 1.1 of the convention,
wetlands are:
areas of marsh, fen, peatland or
water, whether natural or arti fi-
cial, permanent or temporary, with
water that is static or flowing, fresh,
brackish or salt, including areas of
marine water the depth of which
at low tide does not exceed six
Types of wetland in Europe
There are many different types of
wetland in Europe and their clas-
sification is not easy, due to their
complexity, dynamic characteristics
and their fluctuating and undefined
The wetlands habitats listed in Annex
I of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EC)
and included in the Interpretation
Wetland concentration
in Europe (2000)
Modelled wetland intensity
High: 100
Low: 0
No data
Outside data coverage




Wetland concentration in some European countries (2000)
Manual of European Union Habitats
EU-27 (July 2007)
, are largely iden-
tified by their plant composition and
in some cases by a range of ecologi-
cal characteristics. In all, the directive
lists some 40 wetland habitat types.

However, for the sake of simplicity,
wetlands can be more broadly cat-
egorised into seven general types
- marine and coastal wetlands
- estuaries and deltas;
- rivers and floodplains
- lakes
- freshwater marshes
- peatlands
- man-made wetlands, such as canals
and reservoirs
Wetlands are among the most highly
threatened ecosystems on the planet.
They have suffered continuous deg-
radation and loss. According to Wet-
lands International
, an NGO dedi-
cated to wetlands preservation, some
50% of the worlds wetlands have dis-
appeared in the last century.
1 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/
2 Wise use and conservation of wetlands,
COM (95), European Commission
3 www.wetlands.org
For the most part, this loss and deg-
radation is caused by drainage for
agriculture, infrastructure develop-
ments, forestation and malaria con-
trol, blocking and extraction of the
water inflow, over-exploitation of
groundwater resources, or the build-
ing of dams, to mention but a few
of the many reasons why wetlands
are deteriorating. Additionally, pollu-
tion from agricultural and industrial
sources can increase the level of nutri-
ents, pesticides or heavy metals, seri-
ously impairing ecological processes.
Code Habitat
1. Coastal and halophytic habitats
1130 Estuaries
1140 Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide
1150* Coastal lagoons
1160 Large shallow inlets and bays
1630* Boreal Baltic coastal meadows
1650 Boreal Baltic narrow inlets
3. Freshwater habitats
31 etc, 32 etc All the habitats
7. Raised bogs and mires and fens
71 etc, 72 etc, 73 etc All the habitats
9. Forests
9030* Natural forests of primary succession stages of land upheaval coast
91D0* Bog woodland
91E0* Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion,
Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)
91F0* Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor,
Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia, along the great rivers (Ulme-
nion minoris)
92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba galleries
92B0 Riparian formations on intermittent Mediterranean water courses with Rho-
dodendron ponticum, Salix and others
92C0 Platanus orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Platanion orientalis)
92D0 Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securine-
gion tinctoriae)
* Priority for conservation
Wetland habitats included in Annex I of the Habitats Directive
Drainage is the main cause of wetland loss and degradation, especially in southern Europe



ticular concern. Spain, for exam-
ple, has lost more than 60% of all
inland freshwater wetlands since
1970. More northerly regions have
also suffered, however. In France,
67% of wetlands have disappeared
within the last century. Similarly,
since the 1950s, 84% of peat soils
have been lost in the United King-
dom, and 57% in Germany due to
drainage for agriculture activities,
forestry and landfilling for urban
development. Lithuania has lost
70% of its wetlands in the last 30
years and the open plains of south-
western Sweden have lost 67% of
their wetlands and ponds to drain-
age in the last 50 years. Overall,
drainage and conversion to farm
land alone have reduced the wet-
land area in Europe by some 60%.
Despite global and national recog-
nition of their importance, Europes
wetl ands remai n under severe
pressure from changing land use
and pollution.
Countries %
The Netherlands 55%
France 67%
Germany 57%
Spain 60%
Italy 66%
Greece 63%
Wetland loss in selected EU
countries 1950-1985
River and floodplain restoration
River Basin management
River Nonitoring
Third Countries
1992 1998 1994 1995 199G 1997 1998 1999 2OOO 2OO1 2OO2 2OO8
Total ammonium ug h/l
B0D mg 02/l
Total ammonium (11O2j B0D7(44j B0D5(G8Oj
Haoitat restoration and management
River and floodplain management
8pecies Conservation and management
-4 -2 O 2 4 G
Constructed, industrial, artificial haoitats (7798G2j
lnland surface water (99518j
woodland and forest (GO8421j
Narine haoitats (-G58Oj
0rassland (-228555j
Cultivated, agriculture, horticulture (-8O1588j
inland unvegetated or sparsel] vegetated (-42197j
Coastal haoitats (-8281j
heathland, scruo and tundra (-2981O8j
Nire, oog and fen haoitats (-1O7O44j
hab|tat categor|es (chaoge |o ha)
% chaoge
Changes due to
natural and multiple
Semi-natural rotation
Urban residential
0,3% Sprawl of economic
sites and
Conversion from
wetlands to
New forest and
woodland creation,
Water bodies
creation and
management /
Uroan residential sprawl O,87
8prawl of economic sites and infrastructures 4,87
Conversion from wetlands to agriculture 9,57
hew forest and woodland creation, afforestation G8,87
water oodies creation and
management / Consumption 1,87
8emi-natural rotation /Consumption 11,87
Changes due to natural and multiple causes 8,97
Wetland habitat consumption by other land-cover categories (1990-2000)
Source: Corine land-cover (23 countries) - Copyright EEA, Copenhagen, 2006
All of this has resulted in the great
majority of wetland habitats being
extremely vulnerable, with many of
their dependent species also under
Al though the drai nage of wet-
l ands has been common prac-
tice in Europe for centuries, the
extent of thi s human i nterven-
tion has increased significantly in
the past century, and especially
in the last 50 years. Some two-
thirds of the European wetlands
that existed 100 years ago have
been lost (European Commission,
1995) , l eadi ng to a substanti al
decrease in the number, size and
quality of the natural habitats of
l arge bogs, marshes, and smal l
or shal l ow l akes. Thi s has dra-
matically altered both the visual
landscape and the environmental
functions of these habitats. Even
wi th i ncreased awareness and
certain moves towards wetlands
conservation, this trend contin-
ues, albeit more slowly.
In 1995, the European Envi-
ronment Agency (EEA) esti -
mated that around 25% of the
most important wetlands in Europe
were threatened by groundwater
overexploitation. In the Mediterra-
nean basin, wetland loss is a par-
Species such as water-lily
(Nymphaea alba) are first
to disappear in the wake
of wetland



LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 5
Special wetlands: Peatlands bogs, mires and fens

These habitats are characterised by their unique ability to
accumulate and store dead plants as peat. Under certain
conditions of low temperature, water saturation and lack of
oxygen, dead vegetal material accumulates at a greater rate
than it can decompose, leading to the formation of peat.
Depending on the location and ecological conditions, dis-
tinctive fens and bogs can develop in this way.
Fens differ from bogs because they are much less acidic and
have higher nutrient levels.
Requiring more northerly climes, bogs mainly occur in the
Atlantic, Boreal, Alpine and some parts of Continental Euro-
pes biogeographical regions.
Although approximately 60% of the worlds wetlands are
peat, these areas are sensitive to even the slightest environmental changes.
Warmer temperatures, for example, begin to dry out these habitats, resulting
in their degradation and, ultimately, complete destruction. Palsa mires, Scan-
dinavian northern mire complexes with permanently frozen peat hummocks are
already starting to melt as a consequence of rising temperatures.
Peatlands play an important role in the biosphere. They interact with funda-
mental life-support processes, involving biogeochemical cycling, food-chain
support, hydrological dynamics and water quality, and provide habitats for
many characteristic (and some highly adapted) plant and animal species.
Of particular importance is the role of peatlands as storehouses of large quanti-
ties of CO
, thus reducing atmospheric greenhouse gases. However, peatlands
remain carbon sinks only as long as they remain in good status. When dama-
ged, drained or burnt, or when peat is extracted for fuel, peatlands turn from
being net carbon sinks to net carbon sources. Therefore, the maintenance of
peatlands in good condition is an invaluable asset in the fight against climate
What do wetlands do for us?
The goods and services that wet-
l ands provi de to humani ty are
numerous and fundamental to meet-
ing some of our most basic needs.
They supply us with much of our
drinking water and help to recycle
our groundwater. They allow us to
irrigate farmland and harvest many
species of fish and shellfish more
than two thirds of the fish we con-
sume are dependent on coastal and
inland wetland areas. They also
support agri cul ture through the
maintenance of water tables and
nutrient retention in floodplains.
Rice, a common wetland plant, is
an important agriculture product
i n southern European countri es.
Many other resources such as
peat, game and berries also come
from wetl ands. For exampl e the
cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus)
found in the aapa mires and raised
bogs is of economical importance
in northern European countries.
Wetl ands are al so an effecti ve
buffer against flooding, as they can
store water in their soil or retain it
as surface water, thereby slowing
down the rate of flooding.They are
also natures chemical filter fac-
tories and encourage the break-
down of nutrients and sediments
carried in water. They play a role in
sewage treatment, and often act as a
source of hydroelectricity. For untold
generations, we have also used them
to support our transportation and
communication needs, and as a very
important space for recreation and
tourism activities.
Lastly, wetlands are vital carbon sinks
and, therefore, a crucial asset in the
effort to reduce the levels of green-
house gases in the atmosphere wet-
lands may account for as much as 40%
of global reserve of terrestrial carbon
and can make an important contribu-
tion in combating climate change.
Despite all of these benefits and
services, wetlands continue to be
among Europes most threatened
Wetlands are ideal for recreation
and tourism activities








Sphagnum moss the bog builder
The Mediterranean Initiative on the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, or
MedWet, was founded in 1991 with the aim of encouraging international
collaboration among Mediterranean countries, specialised wetland cen-
tres and NGOs in protecting regional wetlands. It is a forum for 25 Medi-
terranean countries to meet and to identify key issues and take positive
action to protect wetlands. In 2002, MedWet became a formal inter-regio-
nal structure for the implementation of the Ramsar Convention and now
serves as a model for regional wetland cooperative structures elsewhere.
Several LIFE projects contributed to the implementation of the MedWet
initiative (www.medwet.org).
Wetlands are among the key areas in migration flyways of birds
EU wetland conservation policy
Wetlands were one of the very first nature conservation subjects ever put forward for European
and international policy consideration. Outlined below is a brief overview of the subsequent
evolution of these policies over the last 30 years.
International wetlands policy initially
came about as a result of pressure
from bird enthusiasts, as wetlands are
habitats of vital importance for birds
and are among the core areas in the
migration flyways of bird species. It
was the response to international bird
conservation concerns that resulted in
the first major international agreement
on wetlands, the Ramsar Convention.
This agreement, which also happened
to be the first modern global intergo-
vernmental treaty on the conservation
and sustainable use of natural resour-
ces, was signed in the Iranian city of
Ramsar in 1971 and came into force
four years later.
The Ramsar Convention does not pro-
vide for supranational bodies such as
the European Community to become
contracting parties. However, since
the adoption of the Birds Directive in
1979 (79/409/EEC) and the Habitats
Directive in 1992, an ambitious and
comprehensive legislative and policy
framework has been put in place at
EU level to respond to the challenges
of the International Convention on the
conservation and wise use of wetlands
and their resources. As a contracting
party to the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD), the European Com-
munity has taken decisive steps to fulfil
its commitments under the Convention
and to meet the target defined by the
Heads of State and Government, to halt
biodiversity loss by 2010. In May 2006,
the European Commission adopted a
Communication on Biodiversity and
an action plan
which defines priority
actions to meet this target. Many of
the objectives, targets and actions are
1 COM/2006/0216 final: Halting the loss
of biodiversity by 2010 - and beyond -
Sustaining ecosystem services for human
directly relevant to the conservation and
wise use of wetlands. It also emphasi-
ses the links to other relevant environ-
mental legislation, including the Water
Framework Directive (WFD).
Natura 2000 network
Established under the Habitats Direc-
tive, Natura 2000, the EU-wide eco-
logical network of protected areas,
is the centrepiece of EU nature and
biodiversity policy. The aim of the
network is to assure the long-term
survival of Europes most valuable
and threatened species and habitats.
It comprises Special Areas of Conser-
vation (SACs), designated by Member
States under the Habitats Directive,
and Special Protection Areas (SPAs),
which Member States designated
under the 1979 Birds Directive. Wet-
lands represent a significant number
of Natura 2000 sites.


LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 7



- 2 0
Importance (SCIs), covering an area
of 626,870 km
and corresponding
to 12.8% of the EUs total surface
area. Within the directive, lagoons,
Mediterranean temporary ponds,
acti ve bogs, wet meadows and
calcareous fens were highlighted
as habitat conservation priorities.
A large number of proposed SCIs
include wetland habitats and spe-
cies such as amphibians, water
plants and invertebrates, and are
also listed as Ramsar Wetlands of
International Importance.
Communication on Wise Use
and Conservation of
In its 1994 work programme for the
implementation of the 5
mental Action Programme, the Com-
mission included the Communication
on the Wise Use and Conservation
of Wetlands (1995)
. This was the
first European document dedicated
exclusively to the conservation of
wetlands. The communication pro-
vided the strategic basis for a wet-
lands policy, spelling out the issues
that negatively affect wetlands and
providing an outline of the actions
that need to be taken.
3 COM/95/189 FINAL http://eur-lex.
EU Birds Directive

The EUs early work on wetlands
conservation was a product of the
UN Conference on the Human Envi-
ronment, held in Stockholm in 1972.
The Communitys first Environmental
Action Programme was adopted a
year later and then, in 1979, the Birds
Directive was adopted.
With the aim of conserving wild
birds, the directive explicitly reco-
gnises the need for the protection of
wetlands as a vital habitat for water
birds. Subsequently, between 1984
and 2006, Community actions rela-
ting to the environment were sup-
ported by LIFE and its predecessor,
ACNAT. Funding, both within and
outside the Union, was allocated
to projects related to the mainte-
nance, restoration or improvement
of wetland sites, many of which were
Special Protection Areas (SPAs), as
classified under the Birds Directive,
and listed as Ramsar Wetlands of
International Importance.
The new LIFE+ programme (2007-
2013) will continue financing wetland
conservation, among other issues.
The EU has also provided funds for
wetland conservation projects through
other instruments, such as the PHARE
Programme, within the Common
Agricultural Policy and through the
European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development.
Member States are required under
the directive to designate wetlands
of international importance for birds
as SPAs. As of June 2007, from the
4,830 SPAs proposed by the EU-
27 Member States, 645 were listed
as Ramsar Wetlands of Internatio-
nal Importance. This represents
a large number of SPAs and an
important contribution to the pro-
tection of wetlands in the Natura
2000 network.
In August 2007, the journal Science
published a BirdLife International
study that showed that the Birds
Directive has made a significant
difference in protecting many of the
continents most threatened birds
from further decline
EU Habitats Directive
In 1992, the Community adopted the
Habitats Directive, which provides
a framework for the conservation
of natural habitats of wild flora and
As of June 2007, the EU-
27 Member States had
proposed 21, 474
Sites of Community
2 Paul F. Donald et al. International Con-
servation Policy Delivers Benefits for Birds
in Europe. Science, 10 August 2007
Curlew (Numenius
arquata), a species
very dependent
on wetlands
Wetlands are a vital habitat for water birds





Water Framework Directive
The wetlands communication was
overtaken in 2000 by the Water Fra-
mework Directive WFD - (2000/60/
EC establishing a framework for
Community action in the field of water
. The WFD is the most substan-
tial piece of EU water legislation thus
far and aims to overcome the frag-
mentation of European water policy. It
requires all inland and coastal waters
to reach good status by 2015.
This is to be achieved by establishing a
River Basin Management Plan, within
which specific environmental objecti-
ves and a corresponding programme
of measures are set. This approach
ensures that water is managed on the
basis of the river basin the natural
geographical and hydrological unit
rather than administrative or political
boundaries. Some Member States
had already employed cross-border
co-operation, covering the Danube,
the Rhine, the Maas and the Schelde
river basins.
4 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/Lex-
WFD and wetlands
As the WFD provides a new fra-
mework for integrated river basin
management, it offers a platform to
address wetland-related issues. The
directive clearly identifies the need
for the protection and restoration of
wetlands, but it does not provide any
specific definition of what a wetland
is, nor does it provide details on how
wetland should be used to achieve
the WFD objectives. Recognising this,
a Horizontal Guidance on the Role of
Wetlands in the Water Framework
Directive (Guidance Document No.
was drafted. This document,
though non-legally binding, is the
most up-to-date reference document
for European wetland policy.
The Guidance Document was pre-
pared to assist Member States with
the implementation of the WFD with
regard to wetlands and the link with
EU nature conservation policy, in par-
ticular the Habitats and Birds direc-
tives. However, it goes further than
this, also outlining best practices
beyond the legal requirements of the
5 http://www.wrrl-info.de/docs/Guidance_
WFD, as in many cases, additional
effort leads to enhanced results.
Other European legislation
related to wetlands
Other European legislation also has
relevance to wetland conservation,
in particular when it comes to the
prevention of pollution. Examples
include the Nitrates Directive (91/676/
EEC), the Groundwater Directive
(2006/118/EC), and the Urban waste
water (91/271/EEC) Directive.
There is also the recently adopted
Flood Risk Management Directive
which is directly relevant to wetlands.
The directive will be implemented in
conjunction with the WFD, notably
through the coordination of flood risk
management plans and river basin
management plans, and through
the coordination of public participa-
tion procedures in the preparation
of these plans. In their favourable
conservation status, wetlands play a
vital role in water retention and act as
an important buffer zone in the pre-
vention of flooding.
6 http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAc-
Implementation of the WFD and EU nature conservation policy are the best guarantees of wetland protection

LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 9
LIFE and Europes wetlands
Launched in 1992, LIFE (the Financial Instrument for the Environment) spearheads Community
environment policy. LIFE co-finances environmental initiatives in the EU, certain third countries
bordering the Mediterranean and the Baltic Seas, and some EU candidate countries. The LIFE
is divided into three thematic components: LIFE-Nature; LIFE-Environment; and LIFE-
Third Countries. To date, the programme has co-financed some 2,750 projects, with a budget of
over e1.6 billion.
1 A new LIFE+ programme has recently been launched covering the period 2007-2013, For more information: http://ec.europa.eu/life/
LIFE Nature Co-op projects and wetlands
Co-op measures were aimed exclusively at supporting the exchange of expe-
rience among LIFE-Nature projects. They had to involve at least three ongoing or
past LIFE-Nature projects targeting similar nature conservation subjects, e.g. the
same species or habitat type or groups, similar nature conservation themes or
issues relating to communications, management planning, or exchange among
those who share nature areas, such as farmers, foresters, fishers, etc.
Of the ten Co-op-financed projects, there were three that directly targeted the
exchange of experiences on the issue of habitat and species management:
l Best practices in Finnish wetlands - networking for improved wetland mana-
gement (LIFE2002NAT/CP/FIN/27)
l Handbook for actions to promote Bittern in Europe (LIFE2003NAT/CP/D/9)
l Experience exchange on habitat management among Baltic LIFE-Nature pro-
jects (LIFE2003NAT/CP/LV/10)
Of these, since 1992, LIFE has co-
funded around 120 wetlands-related
projects across the nature, environment
and third countries thematic compo-
nents. Almost all of these projects have
been oriented towards nature conser-
vation, reflecting the biodiversity value
of the wetlands habitats.
This brochure examines those LIFE
projects that directly target wet-
lands ecosystems within the Natura
2000 network of sites. The majority
of these projects focus on the resto-
ration and management of wetlands,
with some projects targeting specific
wetlands bird species, and thus con-
tributing to the implementation of the
Habitats and Birds directives.
Furthermore, most projects support
the Ramsar Convention and are indi-
rectly linked to the implementation
of the Water Framework Directive by
maintaining or improving water qual-
ity and the status of ecosystems.
The projects chosen to illustrate
such activity represent a small sam-
ple of the many LIFE projects that
have addressed wetlands issues.
Beyond those LIFE-Nature projects
directly concerned with wetlands,
there are many other LIFE-Envi-
ronment and LIFE-Third Countries
projects that have also targeted
For further information, see the LIFE
website: http://ec.europa.eu/envi-
Re-wetting of the western Lake Dmmer fen area Lower Saxony, Germany

Wetlands in

Since the birth of civilisation, wetlands those transitional regions between
terrestrial and aquatic systems have provided a wealth of services to society.
Representing around 6% or the Earths land area some 570 million hectares, of which
2% are lakes, 30% bogs, 26% fens, 20% swamps, and 15% floodplains, they also supply
the water that an enormous range of plant and animal species require for their day-to-day
existence. However, wetlands are among the most highly threatened ecosystems on the planet,
with some 50% of the worlds wetlands having disappeared in the last century. Since 1992, LIFE
has co-funded around 120 wetlands-related projects across the nature, environment and third
countries thematic components. Almost all of these projects have been oriented towards
nature conservation, reflecting the biodiversity value of the wetlands habitats.
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 11
With the decline of grazing over
the past 20 years in some places
the practice had been abandoned
altogether the wet meadows that
once surrounded these waters had
become overgrown. This led to a
decline in populations of water bird
species such as the ruff (Philoma-
chus pugnax) a migratory wader
whose favoured breeding habitat is
the bogs, marshes and wet mead-
ows of northern Europe and Russia.
The gradual overgrowing of the shal-
low lakes also became problematic
for other reasons.
The project locations, all Natura
2000 sites, are popular with fisher-
men, boaters, hikers and bird-watch-
ers. But, prior to the LIFE project,
which was launched in the summer
of 1999, there were no restrictions
on their use and no infrastructure
was in place to guide visitors on-
site. Since the project areas were
used for a variety of purposes, it
was vital that all parties concerned
should be committed to participatory
project planning and management.
Thus, the objective of this 56-month
project was to reconcile the needs of
nature conservation, fishing, hunting
and tourism.
What did LIFE do?
The project was implemented by
Metshallitus, the Finnish Forest
and Park Service, in partnership with
the five municipalities for the project
areas and the SW Finland Regional
Environment Centre. New use and
management pl ans were drawn
up for each of the areas and exist-
ing plans were revised in an effort
to resolve conflicting pressures.
Wetlands in general
Finland: Conserving and managing
valuable wetland bird habitats
This influential LIFE project helped to reconcile the needs of nature conservation, fishing, hunting
and tourism at five of the most important wetland bird habitats in southwestern Finland: the two
estuaries; Mietoistenlahti and Oukkulanlahti and the three shallow lakes; Koskeljrvi, Otajrvi and
Omenajrvi. More than 20 species listed in the EU Birds Directive nest in the area or stop over
during migration.
Baltic coastal meadows support important bird habitats
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 13
Special care was also taken to
ensure that the growth in eco-tour-
ism in these areas was sustainable.
This included the provision of train-
ing to local tourism entrepreneurs.
To facilitate implementation of the
management plans, the project pur-
chased land in the project areas.
Management measures included
clearing and mowing overgrown
waterside meadows to enable graz-
ing on at least 100 ha. For the first
time in Finland, Warnstorfia moss
was removed from a 10 ha expanse
within lake Otajrvi (this species
tends to choke other vegetation).
As a small but vital part of the project,
the non-native predators, mink (Mus-
tela vison) and raccoon dog (Nyc-
tereutes procyonoides) were hunted
systematically. Local hunters were
enlisted to help establish the best
hunting method.
Signposted nature trails were laid out
and explanatory panels, towers and
observation points were erected for
the benefit of bird watchers. Other
actions included the building of a
marina at Mietoistenlahti bay with
anchorages set up on lakes Otajrvi
and Koskeljrvi. Old waterfront build-
ings were also demolished.
What was the outcome?
The project made a significant con-
tribution to the conservation and
management of the five sites. By
April 2004, the official end date
of the project, all the main actions
had been successfully completed,
with the exception of the manage-
ment plans. The management plan-
ning work load was intense over the
duration of the project, especially
in terms of involving local people
and all the different stakeholders.
However, the beneficiary continued
the planning work after-LIFE (more
below) and was able to complete the
plans in early 2005.
New management pl ans were
drawn up for four of the sites and
the existing plan for Mietoisten-
lahti was revised in order to resolve
conflicting pressures. Special care
was given to ensure that growing
eco-tourism in the area would be
compatible with sustainable use.
However, hunting issues were the
most problematic in some sites
(especially in Koskeljrvi).
The main results included:
l The purchase of 194 ha via project
co-financing and a further 100 ha
through national funds.
l On-site restoration actions were
carried out on the purchased land,
for instance 130 ha of meadow
was cleared and entered into agri-
environmental schemes.
l Mowing was carried out on 100 ha.
l Boating was restricted in certain
sensitive areas.
The project offered training to local
tourism entrepreneurs. The benefici-
ary actively encouraged farmers to
apply for agri-environment support,
and in Oukkulanlahti and Otajrvi
farmers applied for agri-environ-
mental support for grazing within
the SPA.
Trapping and eradicating mink and
raccoon dogs was carried out in all
five locations by local hunting clubs.
The number of volunteers required for
this work was far more than foreseen
an indication of the effort required to
achieve this action. The LIFE project
identified the best hunting methods
and periods. The trapping of small
predators has now been reinforced
as part of the management of these
sites. This work also improved the
co-operation between hunters and
the nature conservation administra-
tions within the project areas.
Bird observation tower built by the LIFE project
Project Number:
LIFE99 NAT/FIN/006278
Management of the most valuable
wetlands in SW Finland
Metshallitus - Forest and Park
Contact: Jouko Hogmander
[email protected]
asp?Section=2192 (Finnish)
asp?Section=2817 (English)
Aug-1999 to Apr-2004
Total Budget: e 1,430,000
LIFE Contribution: e 715,000
At the end of the project, it was
cl ear that l ong-term moni tori ng
would be required in order to assess
the impact of the projects measures
on breeding and staging bird spe-
cies. Project actions did however
restore the overgrown meadows
and increase areas of open water.
Additionally, restrictions on boat-
ing or other activities potentially
disturbing breeding/staging birds
were applied or proposed, and the
trapping of small predators was
strengthened. Visitor control was
also implemented by directing visi-
tors to bird observation towers and
relocating jetties.
The removal of water mosses, car-
ried out in Otajrvi, turned out to be
less successful in ecological terms.
Removal did increase the free water
area above the moss carpet, which
is important for water birds, made
the new carpet thinner and slowed
down the return of the water moss
carpet. Unfortunately this action
alone, proved ineffective in helping
to restore Otajrvi, but together with
raising water levels and decreasing
nutrient input to the lake, it would
make a difference.
Life after LIFE
The project methodology (partici-
patory preparation of management
plans) has been widely used in other
Finnish LIFE-Nature projects target-
ing wetlands. The experience of this
project has already been used by
another Finnish project to protect
and manage the valuable wetland
of Siikalahti, a five kilometre bay
in Lake Simpelejrvi, located in
south Karelia on the Russian border
(LIFE00/NAT/FIN/007061. The ben-
eficiary has also been active in the
ongoing Finnish wetlands manage-
ment co-op project (LIFE02 NAT/CP/
FIN/000027), which was launched in
A follow-up study of the project was
carried out in June 2007 by the LIFE
external monitoring team. It showed
that the beneficiary and one of the
partners, the SW Finland Regional
Environment Centre, have contin-
ued the management of the areas
as foreseen in the management
plans, which, with the exception of
Mietoistenlahti were finalised and
approved after the project. The man-
agement plans were approved for
the state-owned areas in Metshal-
litus. However, the approval for pri-
vately-owned areas is voluntary and
dependent on whether the landown-
ers agree on the actions included in
the plans. This caused some prob-
lems with respect to agreement on
the hunting restrictions in some
project areas (mainly in Otajrvi).
Hunting in Natura 2000 sites is quite
a contentious issue in Finland.) The
partner SW Finland REC is still trying
to find an agreement on the limiting
of the hunting in part of Otajrvi.
The land acquisition in the project
areas, notably in Mietoistenlahti and
Oukkulanlahti has continued in the
project areas after-LIFE with national
funding. Currently around 90% of
the land area in Mietoistenlahti is
either owned by the state or private
landowners have established private
nature conservation areas. The cor-
responding figure for Oukkulanlahti
is around 75%.
The management of restored coastal
meadows has continued and also
some new pastures have been
established. The management is
funded from the Finnish agri-environ-
mental programme. The harrowing
of the coastal line in Mietoistenlahti
has also continued. Furthermore
the clearing of the nesting islets in
Otajrvi was repeated in 2006. The
coastal meadows of Mietoisten-
lahti are, thanks to the restoration
and management actions, among
the best managed coastal meadow
habitats in the country. Thousands
of birds stop over in the area during
the migration season and also sev-
eral waders are nesting there.
The systematic trapping of the small
predatory mammals (American mink
and raccoon dog) has not continued.
According to the beneficiary, this
was mainly because this is a volun-
teer activity and therefore difficult to
continue after the project.
Finally, the monitoring of the man-
agement results and effects on the
habitats and species (e.g. birds) is
planned under the updating of the
management plans due in 2012.
Wetlands in general
A meadow cleared by grazing,
supported by agri-environmental
Project Number:
LIFE00 TCY/CRO/000076
Title: Towards wise use in Lonjsko
Polje Nature Park
Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public
Contact: Goran Gugic
Email: [email protected]
Aug-2001 to Jul-2004
Total Budget: e 535,000
LIFE Contribution: e 332,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 15
Croatia: Promoting a wise use
approach to the management
of Lonjsko Polje Park
Capacity building, raising awareness and promoting wider stakeholder participation were the
main ingredients of success for this LIFE-Third Countries project located in Croatias Lonjsko Polje
nature park
Set in the floodplains of the Mid-
dle Sava River Basin in Posavina,
the Lonjsko Polje Park covers over
50,000 hectares of wetlands and rep-
resents the largest floodplain area of
the Danube River catchment. It is
both a Ramsar site and an Important
Bird Area and hosts seven habitats
and 89 species listed in the Habitats

In 1998, the Croatian government
established the Lonjsko Polje nature
park public service (the project
beneficiary) to protect, maintain
and promote the park. The author-
ity manages the site in accordance
with Ramsar Convention guidelines
placing emphasis on good man-
agement and on stakeholder partici-
pation. However, at the time of the
project launch (in 2001), it was clear
that it did not possess the capacity to
meet its management goals. It was,
therefore suggested that capacity
building, awareness-raising and the
wider participation of stakeholders
were needed to further implement
international and national policies
within the park.
The overall project objective was to
develop and improve the Ramsar
wise use approach to the manage-
ment and promotion of the park.
Specifically, the project focused on:
(1) protecting its biological and land-
scape diversity; (2) improving its ben-
efits for the local people; (3) raising
public awareness; and (4) insuring
effective and environmentally-sound
water management for the whole
Sava River Basin.
What was the outcome?
The project ran for three years and
on completion had successfully met
its objectives. Over the project dura-
tion, the number of permanent staff
employed at the park was increased
from six to nine, and the park authori-
tys capacity was reinforced through
training and the upgrading of equip-
ment. In addition, the project estab-
lished a network of visitor and infor-
mation centres.
A number of dissemination and aware-
ness-raising actions were also carried
out, including seminars and study
tours on basic ecology, communica-
tion, interpretation (guiding) and moni-
toring. The experience and the results
were published in a rangers handbook,
which was presented at regional and
national level and, according to the
beneficiary, has generated a high level
of interest. In addition, the beneficiary
hosted a GIS (Geographic Information
Systems) training course which also
proved popular among participants.
The beneficiary also delivered a number
of lectures targeted at local schools,
farmers, students, and experts. These
helped to gain support for the park and
to generate greater awareness of ways
of meeting recreational needs whilst
also addressing conservation con-
cerns. The project also gathered feed-
back from visitors on the measures
implemented by the project. In general,
this feedback was very positive.
Despite some difficulties, the project
managed to involve stakeholder par-
ticipation at both planning and imple-
mentation stages although the ben-
eficiary reports that this objective was
the most difficult to achieve. Neverthe-
less, a stakeholder committee was set
up and co-operation was established
with various organisations including
the Croatian water and forest authori-
ties, the police, building services, live-
stock breeders, and nature conser-
vation and environmental protection
LIFE actions targeted the protection of
the parks rich biological and landscape


The broad, wind-swept Hortobgy
holds a special place in the imagi-
nation of the Hungarian people. This
steppe-like region in eastern Hun-
gary is part of the Alfld, or Great
Hungarian Plain, and was desig-
nated a national park in 1973 the
countrys first national park.
Unfortunately, over the past 200
years, the region has come under
repeated assault. The list of inflic-
tions to the ecosystem is long: sec-
tions were drained; certain pusztas
(prairies) were cultivated and dis-
connected from the Tisza River; its
marshlands and sodic lakes were
converted to fish ponds; in its alka-
line grasslands and meadows, vast
paddy fields were created; and dam-
aging alien species were introduced.
Moreover, natural rivers were trans-
formed into channels; settlements
and farmhouses foreign to the land-
scape were built; the ancient graz-
ing system was destroyed; and tra-
ditional domestic animal types were
Despite these problems, the Horto-
bgy puszta remains an important
habitat for numerous birds, and a
group of naturalists, with help from
LIFE-Nature, have been steadily
working towards restoration of the
region to its original pre-18th Cen-
tury conditions.
What did LIFE do?
To restore the region, the Hortobgy
Environmental Association (HEA),
the beneficiary, engaged in three
main activities:
1. Elimination of an unused chan-
nel network
Nearly 300 water control struc-
tures were removed from the
puszta, whi ch were l ater recy-
cled as roads for local villages.
Over 100 ki l ometres of chan-
nels and banks were eliminated
with heavy equipment, resulting
i n rai nwater f ormi ng shal l ow
pools of about 200 hectares in
the puszta. Thi s rehabi l i tati on
process can be compared to
an operation on a human body:
t hey cut a si ngl e, rapi d but
healing wound in the landscape
so as to ensure a long life. The
wound heal ed f ast , and t he
original vegetation re-colonised
al most enti rel y i n pl ace of the
backfilled channels by the fol-
lowing year.
2. Removal of woody growth from
the puszta
The beneficiary also removed
bushes and scrub (nearly 3,000
woody plants), most of which
were low-value, invasive species
introduced artificially to Hungary.
3. Creation of artificially flooded
wetland habitat
Due to the presence of some irri-
gation channels still in use, whose
elimination was not permitted,
certain shallow ponds that had
formed in old riverbeds had been
left without a sufficiently large
catchment area and hence with
scarce water supply even in wet
years. Thus in Nagy-Vkonya, the
beneficiary managed to artificially
flood by gravity one of these areas
covering 200 ha.
Hungary: Restoring wetlands
in the Hortobgy
Over the past 200 years, the steppe-like Hortobgy region in eastern Hungary has come under
repeated assault, particularly its being disconnected from the life-giving Tisza River. But by res-
toring wetlands in this region much spoken of in Hungarian poetry and song, this LIFE project is
also restoring a piece of the Hungarian soul.
Wetlands in general
The Pannonic steppe is regularly flooded in Hungarys Hortobgy region
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 17
What was the outcome?
In all, shallow-water habitats were
enlarged from 37 ha to 295 ha, via
inundation and the elimination of
channels. The group continues to
work on the elimination of paddy
fields and irrigation systems in the
pusztas of Hortobgy, which will
not only protect wetland habitat, but
also facilitate rainwater retention.
However, to ensure that the results
of the restoration work would be
preserved, the beneficiary turned to
traditional grazing.
Preservation via cattle grazing
The history of Hortobgy reveals that
swards (grassy meadows) of the Hor-
tobgy steppe can only be preserved
and used by applying grazing stock
of indigenous breeds. Any other
attempts to maintain and exploit this
area have been doomed to failure.
Re-establishment of the traditional
grazing system, however, serves both
the interests of conservationists and
people living near the Hortobgy.
To ensure the conditions for tradi-
tional herding of grazing stock, the
shelters and well-sweeps were ren-
ovated. Also, due to the enhanced
livestock population, new, tradition-
ally designed summer shelters and
windbreaks were constructed from
natural materials. Winter fodder for
the animals was produced outside
the grazing area.
By the end of the project dura-
tion, the number of native livestock
(Hungarian flecked and Hungarian
grey cattle, Mangalica pigs, Racka
sheep and goats) was increased
by 1,040.
Plants and animals return
One of the favourable changes in the
flora is that most of the damaged,
dried out habitats in the wetland
habitat were transformed into valua-
ble alkaline meadow and marshland
vegetation. Rare aquatic (Lemnetea)
and mudflat (Nanocyperion) plant
assemblages appeared in the area,
with one species endemic to the
Carpathian Basin, namely the Hun-
garian elatine (Elatina hungarica).
On the project site, 288 plant spe-
cies were recorded over the course
of the project period.
The difference between grazed and
ungrazed areas was studied with the
help of terrestrial arthropod monitor-
ing. From 2003 to 2005 altogether
22,463 terrestrial arthropods were
recorded, 12,942 of which were
found in the grazed units, and 9,521
were observed i n the ungrazed
tracts. The survey substantiated that
the high intensity of grazing has a
beneficial effect both on the insect
fauna and the birdlife feeding on
them in the pannonic salt steppes.
LIFE enhanced habitat conditions for Annex I bird species, such as the spoonbill
(Platalea leucorodia)
Thatched summer shelters built to ser-
vice the enhanced livestock population,
including the Mangalica pig
Project Number:
LIFE02 NAT/H/008638
Habitat management of Hortobgy
eco-region for bird protection
Hortobgy Environmental Association
Contact: Zoltn Ecsedi
[email protected]
Jul-2002 to Jun-2006
Total Budget: e 830,000
LIFE Contribution: e 622,000
Additionally, between 2002 and 2006
225 bird species were observed on
the project site. It is noteworthy that
13 of the recorded bird species are
included in the IUCN Red List Spe-
cies published in 2004. By 2006, a
total of 96 breeding species were
recorded, 11 of which are strictly
protected by national legislation.
Of the Birds Directive Annex I spe-
cies after the restoration, in 2004 up
to 56 pairs and in 2005 63 pairs of
water bird species were nesting in
Nagy-Vkonya. Furthermore, while
in 2003 only 7,603 water birds were
estimated to have appeared on habi-
tats in place of the former, damaged
paddyfield, following the restoration
works, in 2004, 61,248 and in 2005,
96,755 individuals could find a roost-
ing, foraging and stopover habitat on
the project site.
Steppe and marsh
A similar and complementary project
was undertaken i n the regi on,
but this time with the Hortobgy
National Park Directorate in the
role of LIFE beneficiary. The project
aimed to restore the Pannonic salt
steppes and marshes across some
10,000 hectares of the Hortobgy
National Park.
The project planned to eliminate the
artificial factors altering the natural
micro-topography of the flood plain
area by levelling down or filling in a
total of 360 km of artificial dykes and
irrigation channels.
Like the first Hortobagy project, the
marsh rehabilitation also involved
intensive grazing methods, this time
to re-create the unique mosaic of alka-
line wet and dry grassland patches.
Intensive grazing of cattle keeps the
grass short and gives the competi-
tively-weak plant associations such
as the Puccinellio-Salicornetea (habi-
tat 1310) the space to spread in suit-
able solonetz soil areas.
The project provides enhanced habi-
tat conditions for 37 species of birds
listed in Annex I of the Birds Direc-
tive. Population growth was already
seen during the project in important
species such as bittern (Botaurus
stellaris), common crane (Grus grus),
aquatic warbIer (Acrocephalus palu-
dicola) and great bustard (Otis tarda).
Furthermore, otter (Lutra lutra) occu-
pied all stagnant waters, ferruginous
duck (Aythya nyroca) bred and the
European pond turtle (Emys orbicu-
laris) re-colonised suitable habitats.
The project also reconstructed small
areas of special soil surface micro-
forms, which are a special habitat type
of salt steppes. In 2003, 514 dotterels
(Charadrius morinellus) were observed
on these patches, the highest number
ever recorded.
Wetlands in general
Grazing by indigenous stock breeds keeps the grass short and is beneficial to both insect fauna and birdlife
Project Number:
LIFE03 NAT/IT/000139
RETICNET. 5 SCI for the conserva-
tion of wetlands and main habitats
Ente Regionale per i Servizi
allAgricoltura e alle Foreste, Italy
Antonio Tagliaferri
[email protected]
Jun-2003 to Dec-2006
Total Budget: e 1,811,000
LIFE Contribution: e 906,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 19
The Rhaetian Alps in northern Lom-
bardy host five Natura 2000 sites,
covering more than 12,000 hectares,
typical of the rich diversity of wetlands
and alpine meadows of the region. At
the bottom of the valley lies Pian di
Spagna, a Ramsar site (designated a
wetland area of international impor-
tance) with alluvial forests, reedbeds
and open water. It is ecologically con-
nected to the other four sites, passing
through several vegetation types ris-
ing to alpine level (the highest point is
3,367 metres), boasting typical alpine
flora and fauna.
Among the habitats of Community
importance identified in the five
sites, some are particularly sensitive
to human activities. These include
species rich Nardus grasslands,
alpine pioneer formations of Caricion
bicoloris-atrofuscae, residual alluvial
forests and Tilio-Acerion (mix of ash,
elm and lime) ravine forests. Among
the major threats to the sites are the
silting up of wetland habitats and
overgrowth of grasslands, the spread
of alien species, reed-bed and forest
fires, and degradation of forest natu-
ral structure. The area is also subject
to increasing tourist pressure, which
needs to be managed to avoid further
What did LIFE do?
The LIFE project was run by Ente
Regionale per i Servizi allAgricoltura
e alle Foreste, the regional body
which manages state-owned for-
estry and agriculture. Its overall
objective was to introduce the man-
agement of the five Natura 2000
sites as a network. As a first step
a GIS database was set up in order
to define the location and state of
conservation of the habitats, identify
priority areas of intervention and pro-
vide data for site management plans.
(Four of the five plans have already
been adopted and implemented by
local authorities on behalf of the
regional administration.)
Habitat management actions were
based on the most urgent conserva-
tion needs. They included the restora-
tion of canals, opening up fire breaks
in reed-beds, elimination of alien spe-
cies in alluvial forest through selective
felling and re-creation of plots of this
habitat in selected sites.
Actions carried out in the mountain
areas included the restoration of silted
up springs and bogs, the elimination
of sweet chestnut trees from Tilio-
Acerion forests, mowing of Nardus
grasslands and beech forest man-
agement in order to protect the beetle
Rosalia alpina.
Finally, the impact of tourism on sen-
sitive areas was reduced through the
creation of paths and observation
points to drive and regulate move-
ment and access of visitors. The
awareness-raising campaign included
the development of a website, the
erection of information panels, the
production of handouts, guided visits,
seminars and environmental educa-
tion in local schools.
Italy: Conserving wetland and other
habitats in the Rhaetian Alps
Four of the five management plans developed for Natura 2000 sites in the Rhaetian Alps under
this LIFE project have already been adopted and implemented by local authorities. This experien-
ce provides an excellent model for other similar wetland areas.
Monitoring the mountain wetlands
conservation status
Alpine wetland site in northern
Project Number:
LIFE02 NAT/LV/008496
Conservation of wetlands in Kemeri
National Park
Kemeri National Park
Contact: Janis Kuze
[email protected]
Sep-2002 to Dec-2006
Total Budget: e 1,321,000
LIFE Contribution: e 991,000
Latvia: Measures help conserve
wetlands in Kemeri national park
This project provided the first step in the implementation of a nature management plan to protect
the exceptionally rich wetland biodiversity of one of the Latvias most important wetland regions.
emeri national park is one of Latvias
first national parks. Established in 1997
and covering over 38,000 hectares, it
hosts over 30 habitats of Community
importance including mire woods,
black alder swamps, raised bogs, rich
fens and coastal dunes. This diversity
of habitats harbours populations of
important wetland species listed in
the Birds and Habitats directives such
as corncrake (Crex crex), lesser spot-
ted eagle (Aquila pomarina), spotted
crake (Porzana porzana), and yellow
ladys slipper (Cypripedium calceolus).
Located within the park, Lake Kaieris
is designated as an internationally
important wetland under the Ramsar
Convention and is an important site for
migratory and nesting birds. The park
is also a proposed Natura 2000 site.
At the beginning of the project, large
parts of the park were not in a good
state of conservation. The outer rim
of the raised bog was drying out as a
result of a series of ditches dug in the
1930s and parts of the natural river-
beds were transformed into artificial
drainage systems, thereby preventing
the seasonal flooding that is so impor-
tant for the birds. There were also more
recent pressures from housing and rec-
reation, as the park in located just 30
km west of the Latvian capital Riga.
What did LIFE do?
The project was run by the Kemeri
national park administration, a gov-
ernment body responsible for the
conservation and management of the
park. In 2001, with support from the
Danish environmental consultancy,
CarlBro, the beneficiary drew up a
nature protection (management) plan
for the park, together with guidelines
for its practical implementation. The
LIFE project, launched the following
year, was the first step towards imple-
mentation of the plan.
The main nature management actions
in the plan included the restoration
of 105 hectares of natural flood plain
meadows along the river Slampe, in
close cooperation with landowners
and farmers, and the restoration of
the natural hydrological regime of the
active raised bog (4,635 ha) through
the blocking of ditches. (For example,
on the Lielais Kemeri bog, dams were
constructed to block the 22 drainage
ditches that had been built. This helped
to decrease the discharge of water
from the bog and the bog periphery. At
the same time, the level of forest roads
(4.5 km) was also raised to compen-
sate for the rising level of ground water
as a result of blocking the ditches.)
Action to help conserve bird colonies
at the lake Kaieris Ramsar site was
also proposed.
What was the outcome?
All the objectives were fully met. The
work to restore the natural flood plain
meadows along the river Slampe
started earlier, but completed under
LIFE, is particularly innovative as this
involved the full-scale re-meandering
of a straightened river course a re-
naturalisation solution that was new
to Latvia. A little-known method (cre-
ating dams from peat using heavy
machines) was also successfully
introduced under the bog restoration
work. According to the projects After-
LIFE conservation plan this provided
valuable experience that will be used
in future restoration work for the Zal-
ais and Raganau bogs.
Wetlands in general
LIFE restored the natural hydrological
regime of the area
Now, visitors are able to see the results
of the restored water level in the park

Coastal wetlands, including salt marshes or other marshes sub-
ject to tidal flooding and normal wind tides, provide breeding grounds and
habitats for many marine organisms as well as for waterfowl, shorebirds, and other
wildlife. They also protect against flooding and help maintain water quality. Furthermore,
these coastal environments are important economically, generating employment in both the
tourism and commercial fishery industries. Coastal wetlands come under assault in particular
from residential and commercial development, agricultural and urban run-off, shoreline modi-
fication, municipal waste disposal, oil spills, and over-harvesting of resources.
Coastal wetlands
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 21
Finland: Grazing wetlands for waders
This LIFENature project concerns the restoration of 12 Natura 2000 sites by cutting the over-
grown reed beds and restoring the Baltic coastal habitats by reintroducing grazing and involving
the local population and farmers.
The Northern Coastal Gulf of Finland is
one of the main bird migration routes
across northern Europe and an impor-
tant flyway for waterfowl and waders
that winter in the southern part of the
Baltic Sea and along the coasts of the
North Sea. Every spring and autumn,
large numbers of birds migrate through
the Gulf of Finland, stopping over to rest
or feed, and sometimes also to breed
in the area.
These wetlands are home to a wide
range of species and habitats, which
are dependent on the regular natural
flooding of the Baltic brackish waters.
The Boreal Baltic costal meadows
one of the special habitats (considered
priority for conservation under Annex I
of the Habitats Directive) that are char-
acterised by low-growing plant com-
munities in the shore zone, and that
are flooded by the brackish water with
almost no tidal influence.
Most of these areas were traditionally
used for mowing or grazing, keeping
the vegetation low and rich in vascular
plants, and were, therefore, suitable for
nesting waders. Today, they are mainly
covered with high vegetation reed beds
(Phragmites australis) and are undergo-
ing a process of overgrowing due to the
disappearance of the grazing activities
and increased nutrient levels. In some
places, the process is so advanced that
also trees and bushes have started to
encroach, further accelerating the dete-
rioration of these important wetlands.
The present LIFE-Nature project
focuses on 12 specific sites along this
flyway, covering a total of 3,630 ha. All
are considered internationally valuable
bird-rich wetlands by virtue of the fact
1 1630* - Boreal Baltic coastal meadows
that they host 35 species mentioned in
Annex I of the Birds Directive. Impor-
tant species such as the whooper
swan (Cygnus cygnus), the whistling
swan (Cygnus columbianus) and the
smew (Mergus albellus) use these
sites as resting areas. They are also
important habitats for many plant and
insect species mentioned in the Habi-
tats Directive. A major part of the large
white-faced darter dragonfly (Leucor-
rhinia pectoralis) population in Finland,
and of the entire Natura 2000 network,
lives within the project areas.
What did LIFE do?
The main goal of the project was to
restore the natural ecology of the
coastal wetlands and meadows,
which are important for waders and
waterfowl during their migration and
nesting period. The project aimed to
increase the diversity of habitats, cur-
rently dominated by reed beds, by re-
establishing the costal meadows and
opening pools that favoured species,
mainly insects, which are dependent
on open waters.
The project was run by the Uusimaa
Regional Environment Centre and
the Southeast Finland Regional Envi-
ronment Centre along with 11 other
partners and 16 co-financers includ-
ing local municipalities and other
interest groups. It involved a range
of activities, including the develop-
ment of management plans for Natura
2000 sites in close consultation with
experts, local inhabitants and land
owners trying to resolve potential or
existing conflicts between conserva-
tion and other land uses.
In order to restore the coastal wet-
lands, reed beds, trees and bushes
had to be cleared. Two innovations
from other Finnish LIFE projects were
adapted for this purpose: crushing
and rotovation
of the reed roots. The
normal mechanical cutting was found
to be unsuitable for restoring coastal
meadows as it was time consuming
and expensive, mainly because it
involves a second step of collecting
the cut reeds. It was also unsuitable
for places where the siltation process
was already too advanced.
The crushing technology involves the
use of a special machine with blades
similar to those used in machines
designed for cutting roadside veg-
etation. The crusher can be fixed to a
tractor or, on softer and wetter ground
to an all-terrain tracked articulated
2 Motorised system that works the soil by
means of rotating blades
Coastal wetlands
2004 2006
Before and after the mowing and cutting of reed beds in Gammelbyviken Natura 2000 site
Project Number:
LIFE03 NAT/FIN/000039
Title: Management of wetlands along
the Gulf of Finland migratory flyway
Uusimaa Regional Environment
Centre, Finland
Contact: Ilpo Huolman
Jul-2003 to Jun-2007
Total Budget: e 3,290,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,645,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 23
vehicle. The crushed material is left in
the soil, providing nutrients that pro-
mote further growth and leading to the
need for cutting every 2-3 years. This
technique is therefore only really effec-
tive where there is grazing after cutting,
or recurrent cutting.
In order to restore all the area of the
costal meadows, cutting all the way
to the water shore is necessary. This
requires the use of special equipment
that can operate in soft and flooded ter-
rain. The surface soil was rotovated to
a depth of 10-20 cm, impeding growth
in subsequent years. Altogether, 161 ha
of coastal meadows were cleared dur-
ing the project.
After cutting, cattle and sometimes
horses were introduced in order to
keep the vegetation short, avoiding the
need for further cutting in most parts
of the meadows and thus maintaining
favourable conditions for bird species.
Agreements between farmers and the
public land manager, Metshallitus (a
project partner), allowed for the estab-
lishment of 177 hectares of enclosed
pastures on previously cut areas.
Some small predators, such as raccoon
dogs and American mink, which are not
indigenous to Finland, are a threat to
the birds during the nesting period and
can have a negative impact on breed-
ing success. Therefore, the project
promoters, in cooperation with local
hunters associations, financed the pur-
chase of traps, which the local hunters
then armed and monitored. As a result
of this initiative, 1,310 raccoon dogs
and 391 mink where trapped. The suc-
cess of the initiative was demonstrated
by the success of nesting birds.
The project also included the creation
of small water ponds in the middle of
the costal meadows in order to provide
habitat for wetland-dependent insects,
such as the large white-faced darter.
What was the outcome?
The effects of the project actions in
the restoration of the Baltic costal
meadows has been followed up by
extensive monitoring. Bird counting
was carried out before the actions,
in the autumn of 2003 and spring of
2004, and then again after the project
was completed, in the autumn of 2006
and spring of 2007. Waders and water
fowl benefited considerably from the
project, in particular the restoration of
open costal meadows. In several areas,
the number of waders resting during
migration increased significantly. After
restoration, the meadows became a
very important place for several spe-
cies during the migration period. Water
birds (especially ducks) also found new
feeding places and numbers increased
significantly after the project was com-
pleted. Nesting birds, such as the lap-
wing (Vanellus vanellus) and common
redshank (Tringa totanus) also ben-
efited from the project.
In terms of vegetation, the effects were
monitored through aerial pictures,
which showed the presence of new
shore plant species and the decline
of reeds (see pictures before and after
p. 22).The new pools were also moni-
tored for the presence of insects
especially the dragonfly (Leucorrhinia
The project included the preparation of
10 management plans for the Natura
2000 sites. These plans, which have
legal recognition, specify the current
uses of the areas and the conservation
status of the species and habitats. They
also define the future funding source, as
well the parties involved in the manage-
ment of the areas. This project used a
participatory approach in the prepara-
tion of the plans. Farming activities were
closely linked to the management of the
restored areas and the maintenance of
the habitats after the project.
The conservation and management of
the project areas and the increasing
presence of birds attracted consider-
able interest and appreciation among
local inhabitants. As a result, the
project developed a system to control
recreational access to the areas. This
included 35 information boards, six
nature trails and the construction of
14 bird watching towers. During the
project, the group of environmental
educators established a guidebook,
Retkelle kosteikkoon, for teachers and
educators and designed special cards
about wetland species, which can be
used for field trips or in the classroom.
The projects proved successful in
enhancing the management of Nat-
ura 2000 sites that are important bird
resting and breeding areas along the
migratory areas of the Gulf of Finland.
It also succeeded in securing the long-
term management of coastal habitats
by involving local farmers in their man-
agement and encouraging them to
apply for agri-environmental support.
Several restored areas are already
managed by livestock grazing, which
is supported through agri-environmen-
tal programmes.
Cattle were introduced, avoiding the need
for further cutting and thus maintaining
favourable conditions for birds
Coastal wetlands
Ireland: Realising a dream
of an East Coast Nature Reserve
BirdWatch Ireland is currently restoring a wetland nature reserve, close to Dublin, as part of a
four-year LIFE-Nature project to protect threatened water birds and rare fen habitats and to
provide access to visitors. The relatively small-scale East Coast Nature Reserve, located within
the Murrough Wetlands, demonstrates at national level the potential for reversing damage to
wetlands in Ireland.
Oran OSullivan, the project manager
of the beneficiary, BirdWatch Ireland,
is a man with a mission: his long-held
dream of realising a nature reserve
along the countrys east coast, close
to an urban population, is nearing
completion thanks to co-funding from
the LIFE-Nature programme.
The 90-hectare reserve was pur-
chased at the start of the project,
to help promote conservation needs
across the whole Murrough a 15
km long, but narrow coastal wetland
complex, bounded on its seaward
side by a shingle ridge. The reserve,
at Blackditch Wood, County Wick-
low, harbours three main habitats:
Calcareous fen, an EU priority habi-
tat; wet grasslands and birch and
alder woodland. The fen is the most
important habitat for flora, while the
grasslands and pools provide crucial
nesting and feeding areas for highly
endangered species: Greenland
white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons
flavirostris), whooper swan (Cygnus
cygnus), and other bird species as
the kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) and little
egret (Egretta garzetta).
Ireland has a long history of damage
to wetlands caused by drainage and
agricultural reclamation. The reserves
wet grasslands had been used for
intensive sheep and cattle grazing.
Deep drains cut across the land and
biodiversity was low overall. The fen
was in a degraded state. Drains and
planted conifers were drying it out
and willow invaded from neighbour-
ing woodland.
OSullivan praises the board of Bird-
Watch Irelands far-sighted decision
in 2003, to fund its share of the 2.1
million project by selling off its prime
head-office premises in central Dub-
lin and re-locating to more modest
offices, close to the project site. By
cashing-in our Dublin property, we
were able to purchase the land and
immediately begin the restoration
works, he says.
Aerial view of the East Coast Nature Reserve at Blackditch Wood, County Wicklow
Kerry Bog Pony
The Kerry Bog Pony is a rare breed of horse similar to the Shetland pony in sta-
ture. Also referred to as Heritage Ponies, these diminutive horses were originally
bred in the 17th Century as workhorses. Their strength and resilience made them
ideal for hauling turf from peat lands, seaweed from the shore and even as a
mode of travel. Unfortunately, by the late 20th Century the pony population in
Ireland was on the brink of extinction, dwindling to only 20 individuals in 1994.
Today, under the auspices of the Kerry Bog Pony Co-Operative Society and local
breeders, there are approximately 130 individuals in the country. The ponies were
donated to the project by the NGO, Genetic Heritage Ireland.
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 25
What did LIFE do?
Led by the project officer, Jerry Wray,
the main actions have focused on
these three main issues:
l Water management
l Restoration grazing
l Tree and scrub removal
Water management
Improved habitat would be delivered
through actions to reverse the drying
out of the wetlands. This involved
improving the hydrology of the fen by
raising water levels and by the control
of water flow through the installation
of sluice gates. The sluices enable
the control of water flow between
and within the different habitats on
the reserve. Water levels are main-
tained in the fen throughout the year,
but are dropped in the grasslands
during the summer months to allow
cattle grazing.
The drainage ditches at Blackditch
with unconventionally steep sides have
been re-profiled and cut so that one
side is more gently-sloping. This has
increased ecological value by promot-
ing emergent insect life and allowed
an easier access to water birds.
Open water areas (scrapes) have
been created, which successfully
attract water birds, including the tar-
get species: little egret (where, follow-
ing the actions, up to four birds have
been recorded) Greenland white-
fronted goose (up to six birds) and
whooper swan (up to 14 birds). Moni-
toring of bird numbers from within and
around the scrapes has also recorded
numerous mallard, over 30 greylag
geese (Anser anser) and snipe (Gall-
inago gallinago), some 200 teal (Anas
crecca) and up to 300 wigeon (Anas
Restoration grazing
Prior to purchase, intensive cattle
(and sheep) grazing on the wet grass-
land areas had damaged the habi-
tat and was threatening the value of
the site for wetland plants and water
birds. However, the introduction of
low intensity
restoration grazing by
cattle is proving adequate for habitat
restoration and is also providing suit-
able feeding conditions for both win-
tering and breeding birds through the
creation of tussocks (tufts, or thick
clumps of coarse grass or sedge).
Says OSullivan, this low-level graz-
ing has proven beneficial both to the
project and to the grazers (two neigh-
bouring land-owners). Crucially, no
money changes hands: We need to
have the wetlands grazed in the sum-
mer. In return, they maintain fences
and provide machinery, for example,
tractors should we need them. Its a
kind of barter system and it works.
In the fen, low-intensity grazing by
Kerry Bog ponies (see box) helps
control encroaching coarse herba-
ceous species and encourages spe-
cial fen plants and grasses, such as
saw sedge (Cladium mariscus). With
their hardy pedigree, these diminutive
ponies are remarkably well-suited to
1 less than 0.5 livestock units/ha
life in the wet conditions of the fen
and are proving their worth in its res-
Tree and scrub removal
The removal of planted trees (which
together with the encroachment of
scrub had reduced the overall size
of the fen) has proved the most time
consuming element of the restoration
work. Two elements were essential,
the removal of a plantation of the
American lodgepole pine (Pinus con-
torta) and the control of a large per-
centage of the invasive willow and
gorse (Ulex).
Young ornithologist attends the project
open day in September 2007




Project Number:
LIFE03 NAT/IRL/000107
Title: Restoration and management
of the Murrough Wetlands for Annex
I Habitats and Waterbirds
BirdWatch Ireland
Oran OSullivan
[email protected]
Beneficiary website:
Jul-2003 to Dec-2007
Total Budget: e 2,130,000
LIFE Contribution: e1,597,000
Target bird species benefiting from LIFE actions
Little egret
This all-white heron is regularly seen about the reserve
feeding in the drainage ditches and pools. The birds
bright yellow feet act as a lure for fish.
Whooper swan
Closely related to the more familiar mute swan (Cygnus
olor) a small flock spends the winter at the nearby Kil-
coole Marshes SPA (Special Protection Area). The project
has put up decoys or models of the birds to encourage
them to land on the reserve.
Kingfishers feed in the drainage ditches where they dive
from their perches into the water.

Greenland white-fronted goose
This goose has only been seen on the reserve a few
times, but a similar goose, the greylag, is often seen and
in large numbers. The team has also deployed decoys of
this species in order to encourage them.
Coastal wetlands
Winches were used to minimise the
use of heavy machinery in the fen with
all the material chipped adjacent to the
fen. We thought we were going to be
able to sell-on this timber, but because
of the difficulty of getting onto the
water-logged land, no-body wanted
it, says OSullivan. The control of the
invasive willow on the main body of the
fen was only possible using chainsaws.
The tussocky nature of the ground
made vehicular access impossible,
and felled material had to be burnt in
situ or extracted and chipped.

The removal of trees on the grassland
areas of the site has created an open
area over part of the reserve. This
has encouraged geese, which prefer
exposed situations. This has resulted
in regular goose usage, including
increasing number of Greenland
white-fronted goose, for the first time
in over a decade.
What was the outcome?
The beneficiary has worked hard at
informing people of its work at Black-
ditch organising especially at the
beginning, a number of public meet-
ings to explain the projects aims,
as well as open days for the public.
According to OSullivan, at the early
meetings there were some concerns,
particularly among farmers, that they
were going to flood the land. Now, he
says, there is a clearer understanding
and support for what they are doing:
This awareness-raising was needed
and has been good for the project and
for the environmentTraditionally in
Ireland, there has been a rather nega-
tive impression among land-owners
towards Natura site designation. This
is changing.
Blackditch is an historic site for win-
tering whooper swan, the greylag and
Greenland white-fronted goose. Prior
to purchase of the site these species
had only been infrequently recorded.
Since BirdWatch Ireland took over the
management of the site, they have all
been recorded, including increasing
numbers of little egret and many other
bird species.
Access to the reserve is currently limited
to supervised open days and school
visits. But by spring 2008, the public
will have full access via several paths
and with the hide built under LIFE.
Life after-LIFE
Looking to the future, as the work on
this project draws to a close OSullivan
says he would like to work with more
local land-owners using this site as a
demonstration of good management
practices. The beneficiary is also seek-
ing additional funding to support the
on-going maintenance of the reserve
after-LIFE. In addition, there are plans
for a possible, follow-on project target-
ing the purchase and restoration of old
farm buildings, located just off-site, to
provide an education and visitor cen-
tre for the reserve.


Project Number:
LIFE00 NAT/IT/007215
Title: Environmental restoration and
conservation of the habitat of the Salt-
pan of the SCI Comacchio Marshes
Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Contact: Stefano Corazza
[email protected]
Jul-2001 to Sep-2006
Total Budget: e 1,597,000
LIFE Contribution: e 639,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 27
Italy: Conserving the Comacchio salt
Targeting the restoration of a section of the salt marshes of Comacchio, this project demonstra-
ted that abandoned habitats can become important areas for nature conservation and species
The Comacchio lagoons situated
on the Adriatic coast of the Emi-
lia-Romagna region of Italy are
part of the Po Delta wetlands, one
of the countrys most important
wetland areas. In the northeast
section, the coastal lagoons were
artificially transformed to take in
seawater, which was then evapora-
ted to produce salt. Although man-
made, these salt marshes provide
ideal conditions for the growth of
halophytic plants and are attractive
resting grounds for numerous spe-
cies of water birds. Located in the
Po Delta Regional Park, the site is
recognised as a Special Protection
Area (SPA) for birds and a Site of
Community Importance (SCI) under
the Habitats Directive.
The sal t works at Comacchi o
ceased operating in 1984. Since
then the seawater, which originally
replenished the evaporation basins,
has no longer been regulated. Rain-
fall and insufficient inflow of salt
water from the sea have contribu-
ted to a gradual fresh-watering of
the lagoons, which are, as a result,
slowly losing their distinctive ecolo-
gical features.
What did LIFE do?
The five-year LIFE-Nature project was
implemented by the Emilia-Romagna
regional authority. Its main objectives
were to restore a 600 ha section of
the salt marshes and to promote the
recovery of habitats and associated
water bird species, such as terns
(Sterna bengalensis, Sterna hirundo,
Sterna albifrons) and gulls (Larus
melanocephalus, Larus genei).
Environmental characteristics were
studied and monitored in order to
assess the effects of the project
actions and to define a management
plan for the area. In addition, facilities
to reduce the disturbance to wildlife
caused by visitors were set up. These
direct site management activities
were backed up by public education
and awareness campaigns.
Project actions included the overhaul
of the hydraulic network and the reac-
tivation of the salt works according
to traditional salt production practi-
ces. A particularly innovative aspect
of the project was the installation of
a system to monitor and survey the
chemical and physical parameters
of the water in the lagoon. Power
lines, which are a hazard to the many
species of nesting birds, were also
buried or removed.
What was the outcome?
The projects main objectives, inclu-
ding the adoption of a site manage-
ment plan, were met: water circu-
lation was re-established in order
to protect the typical habitats and
species of coastal lagoons and salt
production was recovered in a small
section of the western part of the
salt marsh. New bird nesting sites
were established and the quality of
the landscape was improved consi-
The full impact of these interven-
tions can only be assessed in the
longer term. Meanwhile, however,
the Po Delta Park is continuing the
management of the restored salt
marsh area providing a guarantee
for future conservation. Moreover
the restoration of the salt works and
its opening to the public is likely to
increase tourist interest in this site
and ensure direct benefits to the
local economy.
Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
The Ebro river delta, a Spanish wet-
land system of some 32,000 hectares,
is a vital staging point on bird migra-
tion routes at the European level. As
such, it is one of the most important
wetlands in the Mediterranean, and a
resting place for a wide range of birds
listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive.
More than 180,000 waterfowl spend
the winter in the delta, and another
40,000 pairs nest there. It has been
both designated as a Special Protec-
tion Area for birds and included in the
Ramsar list of internationally impor-
tant wetlands.
Although significant natural areas
still remain, such as coastal lagoons,
marshes, springs, dunes and flood-
plain forests, most of the delta is now
occupied by rice paddies. The impact
of such agricultural activities and the
accompanying use of pesticides has
effected significant changes to the
local hydrology, produced eutrophica-
and damaged the natural aquatic
environments of the delta, particularly
the lagoons and marshes.
What did LIFE do?
This LIFE co-funded demonstration
project, developed by the Spanish
Ornithological Society (SEO/BirdLife),
1 Eutrophication: the over-enrichment of
a water body with nutrients, resulting in
excessive growth of organisms and deple-
tion of oxygen concentration
included the experimental cultivation
of 60 hectares of rice fields, employ-
ing different management models
organic farming, farming with agri-
environmental methods and conven-
tional farming methods in order to
establish the economic and technical
viability of models compatible with
the conservation and regeneration of
environmental assets.
Specifically, the project carried out a
comparative analysis of four different
farming systems in the Delta, where
rice cultivation is the main activity,
affecting up to 65% of the 32,000
ha: set-aside of rice fields, traditional
rice growing, agri-environmental and
organic systems.
Coastal wetlands
Spain: Cultivating alternatives to
conventional rice farming
Agricultural activities, in particular rice farming and the associated use of pesticides, have had a
considerable impact on the Ebro delta wetland system. However, this LIFE project showed how
alternative rice-farming methods are perfectly compatible with the protection of one of the most
important wetlands in the Mediterranean.
Alternative agricultural management models were employed alongside conventional farming methods


Project Number:
LIFE96 NAT/E/00512
Improvement of habitat management
in the SPA of the Ebro delta
SEO (Sociedad Espaola de
Contact: Alejandro Snchez Prez
[email protected]
Jan-1997 to Mar-2001
Total Budget: e 1,219,000
LIFE Contribution: e 610,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 29
What was the outcome?
A total of 12 ha were cultivated
using conventional farming meth-
ods on land rented by SEO/BirdLife.
Another 11.1 ha were also rented for
growing rice in accordance with the
regulatory board for Organic Agricul-
ture. In these plots, rice was planted
but no fertilisers or pesticides were
used. Instead, other methods were
used to combat pests, such as
regulating the flooding period and
level, weeding by hand and pherom-
one traps against the main rice pest
(Chilo suppressalis). Since 1999 the
rice had been sown from a helicop-
ter instead of being planted. This
solution produced a decrease in the
costs and greater plant densities.
Agri-environmental farming meas-
ures were implemented across 11.7
ha in accordance with the specifica-
tions of a zonal programme. Here,
mechanical methods for weed con-
trol and slow-release fertilisers were
used. Meanwhile, rice fields were
set aside in two estates purchased
by the beneficiary (Del Clot and of
Riet Vell reserves) to recover natu-
ral habitats.
Agronomic and ecological monitor-
ing was carried out on all the plots,
with an external advisor analys-
ing the economic viability of the
organic farming. This monitoring
demonstrated that alternative meth-
ods (and particularly organic ones)
resulted in clear improvements for
the fauna and flora present. Feed-
ing habitats for bird species clearly
improved by using alternative rice
farming methods, whether organic
or agri-environmental.
Furt hermore, t he resul t s al so
showed that both organic and agri-
environmental farming were profit-
able, even if yields were slightly
below those of conventional farming
and production costs were higher.
These alternative systems could
be economically viable as long as
they receive support in the way of
agri-environmental subsidies, or
a higher sale price (in the case of
organic rice).
These arguments were being used
by SEO/BirdLife to encourage local
farmers to change from conventional
rice farming to other practices with
less environmental impact.
With 180,000 waterfowl wintering and another 40,000 nesting there, the Ebro river
delta is one of the most important wetlands in the Mediterranean
The delta, a wetland of some 32,000ha, is a vital staging point in bird migration
across Europe




Project Number:
LIFE00 ENV/F/000600
Title: Concerted eco-development
operating around the ponds and
lagoons of La Narbonnaise area
Syndicat Mixte de Gestion du Parc
naturel rgional de la Narbonnaise
Contact: Thierry Laniesse
[email protected]
Period: Jul-2001 to Jul-2005
Total Budget: e 2,757,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,062,000
France: Working together for the eco-
development of the Narbonnais lagoons
The coastal area of the Narbonnais
ponds and lagoons, located in the
region of Languedoc-Roussillon in
south-western France, is an area
of exceptionally high environmental
value. Historically, this Mediterranean
coastal region also supports a number
of important economic activities
including agriculture, shipping, fish-
ing, and tourism. However, its strong
economic development places pres-
sure on the fragile natural environment
of the lagoons, which are typically low
in depth (1-1.5 m), separated from the
sea by a lido. Rich in biological diver-
sity, the hydrological and ecological
functions of the lagoons are threat-
ened by human actions, especially
What did LIFE do?
The LIFE project was coordinated
by the development agency, (Syndi-
cat Mixte de Gestion du Parc naturel
rgional de la Narbonnaise) compris-
ing the joint forces of the regional
nature park (Parc de la Narbonnaise
en Mditerrane) in partnership with
the chamber of commerce and indus-
try of Narbonne and the chamber of
agriculture of the department of Aude.
The initiative had two main objectives:
1) to develop integrated environmental
uses/management of the region and
2) to organise actions demonstrat-
ing an eco-development approach.
A cross-disciplinary approach was
used in order to implement over 40
actions within the catchment area
of the lagoons, encompassing the
12,000 ha Natura 2000 site (also des-
ignated under the RAMSAR Conven-
tion). Before carrying out any neces-
sary preventive work, several working
groups were set up. For example,
one was responsible for establishing
the best way to manage the effluent
(urban, industrial and agricultural) into
the Robine canal, which empties into
the lagoons; another was responsible
for monitoring and evaluation of the
lagoons water quality and the promo-
tion of management and development
approaches favouring environmental
restoration; while a third targeted the
sustainable management of tourism.
In all, some 43 actions were imple-
mented by the project, almost all of
which concern the management/
treatment and monitoring of effluent
emptying into the lagoons:
l Clean port - Creation of a diagnostic
water and waste scheme for the
Port La Nouvelle, situated between
the lagoons of Bages-Sigeon and
the Mediterranean Sea.
l Regrouping of the Authorised
Syndicates Associations (ASA) in
charge of the agricultural manage-
ment of water, to enable joint action
across the whole catchment area.
l Development of a management
plan for the Cercle and Labrador
lagoon, a 950 ha site connected to
the Narbonnais lagoons.
l Development plan for water effluents
of the Croix Sud industrial area
l Effl uent treatment of nearby
l EPU Mobil phytosanitary (pestici-
des) cleaning water system
l Waste from water treatment sta-
tions covering the lakes.
l The impact of human activities on
the lagoon habitats by measuring
water quality.
Finally, a key sustainable result of the
project is a continuation of its manage-
ment/treatment actions following the
Eden methodology after-LIFE, under
a so-called contrat dtang, which is
currently being implemented by the dif-
ferent stakeholders across the region.
The LIFE-Environment project Eden (concerted eco-development around the Narbonnais lagoons)
is an excellent example of the integrated development of a coastal wetland area. Adopting a par-
ticipative approach, it brought together communities, industry, tourism and agriculture in a com-
mon objective the protection and sustainable development of these lagoons. Significantly the
project actions are continuing after-LIFE under a plan supported by the different stakeholders.
Coastal wetlands
Narbonnais lagoons, south-western

Due to the great climatic variability in the region, the range of types of wet-
lands in the Mediterranean is considerable, from large river deltas and lagoons on the
north shore, to salty and temporary marshes in the South, which appear only every few
years, as well as freshwater inland lakes. Additionally, the regions wetlands enjoy a strong
cultural and commercial relationship with local inhabitants that dates back thousands of years.
Unfortunately, over the last 100 years, the Mediterranean has lost about half of its wetlands,
as a result of demographic and developmental pressures. Because of such threats, some of
the most serious conservation and restoration efforts funded by LIFE have been made to
counteract the problem.
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 31
Lake Banyoles is the second larg-
est lake in the Iberian Peninsula. Its
privileged location has given rise to a
unique Mediterranean wetland. Sur-
rounding the lake is a diverse envi-
ronment of temporary and permanent
lagoons and springs that are host to a
range of valuable EU-listed habitats,
some of which have priority status.
The lacustrine basin of Banyoles is the
result of a karstic-tectonic phenom-
enon. It consists of a singular Mediter-
ranean humid zone, located between
the coastal plain and the mountains
of the hinterland. Although the Lake
Banyoles is the most important exam-
ple of this geological process, the area
around the lake itself is dotted with
eight lagoons and abundant springs
and sources. Some of these lagoons
only appear intermittently in times of
heavy rain, or when the subsoil con-
tains a large amount of water, thus
flooding surrounding areas. The finest
example of an intermittent lagoon is
the Espolla lagoon, situated 24 metres
above Lake Banyoles and which only
fills with water when the subterranean
water pressure is high enough to over-
come the difference in altitude.
The lake is also a traditional recreation
area for boating, particularly rowing it
was the site of the rowing events of the
1992 Barcelona Olympics as well as
for picnics, fishing and hunting. Natu-
rally, this sort of water-based tourism
provides income opportunities for the
local population. Unfortunately, how-
ever, it can also have some negative
repercussions. The eastern shore of the
lake has undergone considerable urban
development with subsequent negative
effects on the environment. In contrast,
the western shore has retained its
lakeside woods and floodplains, even
though much of the land has been
given over to agricultural use.
What did LIFE do?
The general objective of the project was
the recuperation of and an increase in
the area of the wetlands and lakeside
woods that surround the lacustrine
basin: the alluvial forests alder (Alnus
glutinosa) and white willow (Salix alba),
the narrow-leafed ash woods (Fraxinus
angustifolia), and the white poplar gal-
leries (Populus alba). To this end, the
project developed new lagoons, rede-
veloped artificially created streams and
the recuperated floodplains. Priority
was given to the intermittent Medi-
terranean lagoons, which had all but
disappeared from the zone until the
project started.
The project facilitated the purchase
by local town councils and the private
Mediterranean wetlands
Spain: Reversing decades
of environmental damage
Lake Banyoles may well be a hot-spot for watersports and tourism, but its surrounding areas
offer unique Mediterranean wetlands with priority-status habitats. Re-establishing lost wetlands is
now helping to undo some of the damage done in recent decades.
Lake Banyoles is a traditional recreational area for boating and was the site of the
rowing events during the 1992 Barcelona Olympics
The diverse environment surrounding
the lake is host to a range of EU-listed




Project Number:
LIFE03 NAT/E/000067
Title: Recuperation of the aquatic
environment of Porqueres and the
lake of Banyoles
Ayuntamiento de Banyoles
Contact: Jordi Bosch Batlle
[email protected]
Nov-2003 to Apr-2007
Total Budget: e 865,000
LIFE Contribution: e 432,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 33
foundation, Territori i Paisatge, of a total
of 37 ha of land, some 27 ha more than
had originally been envisaged. Addi-
tional land is also to be acquired in the
future, through land cessions agreed
with several private owners.
After preliminary topographic and
hydrogeological studies, the con-
struction of four lagoons took place
from December 2005 to December
2006 in the areas of Can Morgat and
Amaradors-Li. The fourth lagoon
was created naturally, once a canal
had been opened. Many types of birds
are now using these water bodies, with
a number breeding in the area. Also,
amphibians, odonates and fish have
been observed during scientific moni-
toring. Moreover, the improvements
in the environment indirectly favoured
the population of nesting aquatic birds,
both migratory and wintering, as well as
emblematic species such as the otter
(Lutra lutra). Other restoration activities
included the naturalisation of brooks,
the restoration of ditches, clearance of
the area, pruning and plantations.

The eradication of exotic species in
particular cherry (Prunus sp), giant
reed (Arundo donax) and plantation
of autochthonous vegetation, carried
out in different areas of the lake basin,
helped to enlarge and protect habitats
under the directive: mainly temporary
Mediterranean ponds (3170), calcare-
ous fens with Cladium mariscus (7210)
and residual alluvial forests of Alnus
glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (91E0).
Glyfosates were applied in a controlled
fashion to an area from which alien
species had already been removed.
The cutting of alien species was under-
taken by specialised personnel to avoid
sprouting. Three brigades, comprising
a monitor and two workers, now uproot
these unwanted species every year
from September to December. These
workers come from an occupational
centre for people with disabilities. All
such activities are continually super-
vised by an expert botanist. This work
has been successful in eliminating the
problem species, but the brigades will
continue their pruning and clearance
work in the future nonetheless.
The project also engaged in a range of
public-use-oriented actions, including
the conditioning of paths, signposting,
refurbishment of recreational areas,
and the construction of gangways and
Life after LIFE
The most important outcomes for the
future conservation of this site are a)
the approval of a revised Regulation of
lake activities legal protection instru-
ment for the town councils, which pre-
scribes what activities are sustainable
with nature conservation and public-
use regulation of the Banyoles Lake;
b) the approval of a Special Conser-
vation Plan for the whole lake basin
- a regional legal protection instru-
ment that covers the complete site of
community importance (SCI); c) the
creation of a consortium for a compre-
hensive management of natural and
cultural assets of the lake, including
all the relevant administrations with
powers relating to the lake; and d) the
creation of a new natural park that will
include the SCI.
The constitution of the Consortium for
the Management of the lake provides
effective management of the area from
now on. In fact, the LIFE project has
had a pump-priming effect in relation
to the conservation activities of the two
town councils with competencies per-
taining to the lake.
Indeed, this project is a good exam-
ple of collaboration among different
administrations (local, provincial and
regional) and private entities (Foun-
dation Territori i Paisatge) working
together for the conservation of a nat-
ural site. The creation of inter-munici-
pal management entity and the wide
consensus achieved for the actions
undertaken is the type of approach
needed for the management of Natura
2000 sites, where different competen-
cies are interwoven. Moreover, the
collaboration with private entities for
natural heritage protection has also
an important demonstrative effect in
Spain, where this type of cooperation
is not very common.
There is a dynamic and a momentum
that has been achieved for the pro-
tection of the area, bringing on board
businesses, local administration and
other regional stakeholders.
Restoration activities included the natu-
ralisation of brooks and the restoration
of ditches


Lake Banyoles - a unique Mediterranean
In a little corner of the Balkans
or, rather, three corners the tri-
ple border of Greece, Albania and
the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia - lies the Transboundary
Prespa Park, the first transboundary
area in the region to be protected.
The lakes in the park, Mikri Prespa
and Megali Prespa are some of
the very oldest bodies of water in
Europe. Lake Mikri Prespa in par-
ticular is a site of importance within
the park, being home to the largest
breeding colony of Dalmatian peli-
cans (Pelecanus crispus) worldwide,
around 600 pairs, and to one of the
biggest colonies of Pygmy cormo-
rants (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) -
one of the rarest waterbird species
on Earth - on the continent, around
700 pairs. A total of 261 species
of birds have been observed there
(including 164 nesting birds), 81 of
them listed in Annex I of the Birds
As a result, the lake has been clas-
sified as a wetland of international
importance under the Ramsar Con-
vention and has been designated as
a Special Protection Area under the
Birds Directive included in the Natura
2000 network.

However, poor management of the
lakes waters, which is connected to
Lake Megali Prespa, and the lack of
vegetation management (reedbeds)
have significantly degraded the birds
nesting and feeding grounds, as the
surface of wet meadows has been
reduced. Wet meadows are shallow
areas with low-lying vegetation that
are annually inundated in the spring
and summer, according to the fluc-
tuation of the water level. These wet
meadows, which are home to a host
of aquatic organisms, serve as the
key breeding and spawning grounds
for numerous fish and amphibians,
and are the feeding grounds for mul-
tiple species of rare waterbird.
When the Society for the Protection
of Prespa was established in 1991,
the degradation of the meadows had
advanced precipitously. By 2000, it
had deteriorated still further, with
under 30 hectares of the original area
covered by wet meadows remaining,
as inhabitants abandoned their tradi-
tional activities in the area. A range
of water birds stopped nesting there
and other species, such as the peli-
cans and cormorants, faced direct or
indirect threats. Meanwhile, fish pop-
ulations - particularly carp (Cyprinus
carpio) - continued to decline.
What did LIFE do?
The SPPs primary objective was the
restoration of these wet meadows.
A decades worth of comprehensive
research and pilot actions were per-
formed. Various attempts had already
been made to manage and protect
the region, including an ACNAT

project for the Dalmatian pelican, a
LIFE-Nature project (LIFE96 NAT/
GR/003217) for the pygmy cormorant
and the lesser white-fronted goose
(Anser erythropus). Then, in 2002,
with funding from LIFE, the benefi-
ciary launched a project lasting until
2007 that would oversee the restora-
tion of much of the vital wet mead-
ows, as well as the implementation of
an integrated management strategy
for Lake Mikri Prespa.
1 The funding mechanism predecessor
to LIFE.
Mediterranean wetlands
Greece: Buffalo and cattle help to
restore wetlands
This LIFE-Nature project used water buffalo and cattle grazing to restore the wetlands of a trans-
boundary park that straddles Greece, Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
and in so doing, has helped to protect Dalmatian pelicans and one of the biggest colonies of
pygmy cormorants.
Buffalo grazing is the most effective method for the re-creation of wet meadows


Project Number:
LIFE02 NAT/GR/008494
Title: Conservation of priority bird
species in Lake Mikri Prespa, Greece
Society for the protection of Prespa
Contact: Malakou Myrsini
[email protected]
Jul-2002 to Jun-2006
Total Budget: e 1,863,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,118,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 35
Specifically, the project aimed to
improve the conservation status
of the Dalmatian pelican and the
pygmy cormorant, but the activities
also directly benefited at least 18
other species covered by the Birds
Directive. The main actions of the
project included the reconstruction
of a sluice that channels water from
lake Mikri Prespa into lake Megali
Prespa, in order to improve water-
level management in the former; the
restoration of the wet meadows in
Mikri Prespa, covering some 70 ha;
and the monitoring of the avifauna
and the vegetation of the managed
littoral sites.
Sluice reconstruction
Prior to the LIFE project, water man-
agement between Lake Mikri Prespa
and the larger Lake Megali Prespa
was performed through a simple iron
sluice at Koula, the point where the
two lakes meet. The sluice simply
regulated the water flow from Mikri
into Megali in order to service local
agricultural requirements. However,
this mechanism didnt take into
account the demands of ecological
protection. The new, modern sluice
was built using LIFE funds following a
series of local stakeholder consulta-
tions and hydrological, environmental
and technical studies over the course
of six months in the second half of
2004 and direct collaboration with
the LIFE-Nature Project Scientific
Committee and began operation the
following spring.
As a result of the projects actions,
from 2005 onward, the park has seen
lake water levels consistently high
enough to create new wet meadow
areas, which in turn have seen the
return of many rare water bird species
who have now settled there - most
successfully in the case of the glossy
ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), which has
been observed nesting again in Mikri
Prespa. The species (listed in Annex
I of the Birds Directive) had not bred
in the area since the 1970s, and their
initial discontinuation of breeding
was attributed to the shrinkage of the
wet meadows.
Wet meadow restoration
Prior to the project, at ten littoral sites,
dense reed beds predominated, due to
the surface of water meadows having
been reduced. But, starting in 2002,
project participants and local inhab-
itants cut down the reeds in shallow
areas near the lake. This activity was
performed every summer, establish-
ing areas free of thick reed beds that
were then ready for autumn grazing
by buffalo and cattle.
Grazing by a water buffalo herd and
two cattle herds was applied system-
atically over the course of the five
years of the project at 11 different lit-
toral sites. According to the projects
monitoring data, buffalo grazing turns
out to be the most effective method
for the re-creation of wet meadows.
At the launch of the project, the area
covered by wet meadows had dimin-
ished to 30 ha. Since then, the total
wet meadow area has grown more
than threefold - to some 100 ha by
projects end.
Meanwhile, with the help of agricul-
tural machinery, the reeds and other
vegetation cut during the annual
summer pruning are turned into
grass balls, which are an ideal food
supplement for the buffalo during
the winter months. These balls are
shared between the beneficiary and
local stock-breeders. Beyond this,
the cut reeds are used by locals to
thatch their barns.
Improved breeding and feeding
The restoration activities of the
project have resulted in an improve-
ment in the breeding and feeding
conditions of the Dalmatian pelican
and the pygmy cormorant to the
extent that their populations have
now stabilised at a high level over
the last five years. The largest breed-
ing colony of Dalmatian pelicans in
the world is being established in Mikri
Prespa and, as of 2004, the number
of Dalmatian pelican breeding pairs
were estimated at 1,100. In addition,
at the lake, Pygmy cormorants form
the largest colony in the European
Union, ranging between 540 and 710
breeding pairs.
Furthermore, populations of more
than 20 other water bird species have
also benefited. Beyond this, popula-
tions of fish and other aquatic organ-
isms have directly benefited from the
expansion of the total surface area
of the wet meadows, particularly the
carp, which offers a knock-on benefit
for local fishermen.
Dalmatian pelican and pygmy cormorant
were the main target, but activities also
benefited 18 other species


The project specifically focuses on three
emblematic wetlands designated
as Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
which are representative of the whole
Andalusian wetlands and included in
the RAMSAR list of wetlands of inter-
national importance. Two of the three
targeted wetlands are closed basins, a
common feature in this region. These
give rise to the formation of lagoons of
different size which host habitats and
species of high biological interest.
The first site is the Fuente de Piedra
lagoon in the province of Mlaga,
known especially for its breeding
colonies of greater flamingo (Phoen-
icopterus rubber). The second site
is three closed basins with small
lagoons (Rincn, Santiago, Amarga)
in the south of the Crdoba province.
The third wetland is the Odiel Marshes
in the estuary of the Odiel and Tinto
rivers in the Huelva province.
What did LIFE do?
Regional authorities in Spain are respon-
sible for nature conservation, including
the management of protected areas.
The project beneficiary, the regional
authority in the region of Andalusia
(Consejera de Medio Ambiente Junta
de Andaluca), aimed to improve the
conservation status of 12 habitat types
of Community importance, including
two priority habitats (coastal lagoons
and Mediterranean salt steppes) on the
three Natura 2000 sites.
Over a 39-month period a variety of
actions were implemented to restore
the ecological and hydrological integ-
rity of the wetlands. These included
the acquisition of land to recover
flooded areas, restoration of lagoons
which had been drained or were still
used for agriculture, restoration of
degraded nesting areas and replant-
ing of lagoon shores.
The restoration works would also
improve the feeding and nesting habi-
tats of 44 EU-listed bird species, of
which three are priority: the marbled
teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris),
the crested coot (Fulica cristata) and
the white-headed duck (Oxyura leu-
cocephala). A series of actions was
also carried out in order to inform
the local population and visitors of
the importance of these habitats and
species and to improve public use of
these wetlands.
Mediterranean wetlands
Spain: Conservation of wetlands of
European importance in Andalusia
Mediterranean wetlands are unique and valuable habitats but also fragile due to the typical arid
climatic conditions. This project demonstrates conservation actions in three such wetlands of
European importance in the region of Andalusia in southern Spain. The know-how gained from the
project could be applied elsewhere in the region and also in other European wetlands with similar
Ricn lagoon, one of three small lagoons in southern Crdoba
Project panel for one of the actions
on the SCI and SPA Fuente de Piedra
Project Number:
LIFE03 NAT/E/000055
Title: Conservation and restoration
of wetlands in Andalusia
Consejera de Medio Ambiente Junta
de Andaluca, Spain
Contact: Cecilia Gan de Molina
[email protected]
Sep-2003 to Dec-2006
Total Budget: e 2,913,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,457,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 37
What was the outcome?
Most of the actions were completed
before project end (December 2006)
and as a result, almost all of the
project objectives were met. Only
a few actions in the Odiel marshes
encountered difficulties: namely, the
adaptation of ponds for biomass pro-
duction, which was not carried out
because of safety concerns.
The variety of threats identified silt-
ing up of basins due to agriculture,
water pollution, disturbance of water
level manage regimes and reduction
in flooded areas and their particular
ecological features make them suit-
able for demonstration of conserva-
tion initiatives that could be applied to
similar wetlands in the future. Moreo-
ver, the projects outstanding techni-
cal manual is proving a useful man-
agement tool for other wetlands.
In the Fuente de Piedra lagoon the
acquisition of 59 ha of land allowed
the management of the water flow into
the lagoon in order to improve its qual-
ity. This in turn increased the surface
of wetlands. Two freshwater lagoons
(Laguneto del Pueblo and Cantarranas)
and deteriorated nesting areas were
also recovered. In addition in order
to improve knowledge of and visitor
access to the area, two paths and sev-
eral bird observatories were built.
In the Odiel marshes several actions
were undertaken to recover the area
devoted in the past to the production
of salt. These actions involved the
restoration of the marsh dynamic, the
creation of a new freshwater lagoon
and the installation of an observatory
and a path.
In the Lagoons of Southern Cor-
doba the land acquisition allowed
the reduction of the silting risk in the
Amarga lagoon thanks to erosion pre-
vention works carried out on the sur-
rounding slopes and the reforestation
of the area. In addition the Santiago
lagoon, which had been drained in
the past, was restored. An observa-
tory was also installed between the
Santiago and Rincn lagoons for
Two very useful documents were also
produced: a Manual for the Mediter-
ranean Wetlands Restoration and
a Hydro-geological study of the
Lagoons of Southern Cordoba. The
former provides information about
the experiences accumulated from
several LIFE projects focusing on
the restoration of European Mediter-
ranean wetlands. It also presents a
series of guidelines to be taken into
account when undertaking ecological
restoration projects in Mediterranean
wetlands. The hydro-geological study
sets out the considerable achieve-
ments and knowledge gained over the
project duration of the hydro-geologic
dynamic of the three targeted lagoons.
The study also establishes the protec-
tion perimeters to be respected and
offers different proposals for action,
monitoring and control that should
help improve decision-making related
to the lagoon management.
Fi nal l y, the mai n focus of the
projects awareness campaign was
a portable exhibition, composed of
six information panels accompanied
by a leaflet, which was displayed in
different municipalities of the three
project areas. Other dissemination
material included educational books,
stickers and a poster.
Flamingo colony in Fuente de la Piedra lagoon
Project handbook on Mediterranean
wetland management
Around the Mediterranean, tempo-
rary pools and marshes are host to
an incredibly rich range of flora and
fauna, in particular invertebrates
and amphibians. They are called
temporary because they experi-
ence annual dry periods and are
subject to substantial inter-annual
hydrological fluctuations. The many
species that make these ecosys-
tems their home are adapted to
such changes. Indeed, the drying-
up plays a key role in the way these
ecosystems function.
However, the ponds are extremely
vulnerable, and as such, are priority
habitats under the Habitats Direc-
tive, as well as being home to many
species listed in its Annexes II and
IV, such as strigose pepperwort
(Marsilea strigosa), great crested
newt (Triturus cristatus) and mar-
bled newt (Triturus marmoratus).
Nonetheless, the ponds small size,
dispersion and only temporary sub-
mersion in water make them envi-
ronments whose biological signifi-
cance is often unnoticed by humans.
As a result, the ponds are frequently
damaged or destroyed when the
landscape is modified, usually as a
result of a lack of consideration in
land-use decisions, such as those
relating to agricultural or hydrologi-
cal development.
With this in mind, from 1999 to 2004,
the Tour du Valat Biological Station,
Mediterranean wetlands
Mediterranean region: A permanent
solution for temporary ponds
Temporary ponds represent an important but extremely vulnerable ecosystem in the
Mediterranean area. Protecting the rich diversity of flora and fauna that have adapted to the
unique conditions of these ponds requires specific conservation measures, such as those
explored in this important LIFE project.
Temporary ponds are so called because
they experience annual dry periods and
substantial hydrological fluctuations.






LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 39
a private research organisation and
the LIFE-Nature beneficiary for this
project, carried out an integrated
research and conservati on pro-
gramme on temporary pools, target-
ing rare species (especially plants)
and the impact of socio-economic
factors. A second major component
dealt with the management and
conservation of selected sites.
What did LIFE do?
The aim of the project was to help
conser ve Medi t er r anean t em-
porary ponds by combining two
approaches. The first consisted of
taking action to support seven sites
located in three regions of France:
Roquehaute, Valliguires and Age-
nouillade in Languedoc-Roussillon,
Padulu in Corsica, and Plaine des
Maures, Besse et Flassans and la
Colle du Rouet in the Provence-
Alpes-Cote dAzur region. These
sites presented a wide range of
problems and management plans
had to be established for sites that
did not yet have one. Acquisition
(180 ha) and control of land-use at
the sites had to be achieved before it
was possible to carry out the resto-
ration and management operations
necessary for their conservation.
The second approach was to
devel op a methodol ogy for the
management of this type of habitat
that could then be transferred to the
whole of the Mediterranean region.
This involved drawing up recom-
mendations and developing man-
agement tools. This approach was
to be based both on the experience
acquired on the project sites and on
experience from the whole Mediter-
ranean basin. Various awareness-
raising measures were also planned
to accompany the project, and in
particular a teaching module for use
in schools.
More specifically, through scientific
research as well as more applied
actions, the project aimed at:
l i mprovi ng knowl edge on key
issues for the conservation of
temporary pools, on population
genetics and dynamics (plants,
amphibians), and on inter-annual
vegetation dynamics
l promoting experimental manage-
ment of various sites, together
with scientific monitoring: shrub
removal, control through grazing
or cutting, pool restoration
l reinforcing the protection of the
temporary pools.
What was the outcome?
Inventori es of fauna, fl ora and
human activities were completed for
most sites, as well as some more in-
depth studies of species or locally-
important topics: users perception
of the ponds, a detailed inventory
of the micro-pools, and monitoring
of threatened species. The results
of these studies served as the basis
for the measures proposed in the
management plans drawn up for
three of the sites. Ultimately, an ini-
tial inventory of the temporary pools
in Mediterranean France was carried
out, which identified over 100 sites
supporting almost 1,000 pools.
Control over land use by organisa-
tions for the protection of natural
habitats is a prerequisite for the
management of temporary pools.
In total, some 83 ha were acquired
within the framework of the project.
In addition, management agree-
ments were reached with the own-
ers (private or communal) at five
sites, significantly increasing the
area where land-use could be con-
trolled in the medium-term.
The project determined the frame-
work for discussion prior to the
management work being under-
taken. This allowed permanent com-
munication to take place between
the site managers and the scientists
involved in the project. Exchange
visits between sites, theme-based
workshops, and co-ordination of the
network were all achieved employ-
ing such communication. Perma-
nent co-ordination between all the
various activities and partners was
organised throughout the project.
A steering committee was set up
and meetings organised, with reg-
ular contact maintained with the
European Commission and all the
project partners.
Various awareness raising measures accompanied the project, including the
development of a teaching model for schools


Project Number:
LIFE99 NAT/F/006304
Title: Conservation of Mediterra-
nean temporary ponds
Fondation Sansouire, Station
Biologique de la Tour du Valat
Contact: Jean Jalbert
[email protected]
Sep-1999 to Sep-2004
Total Budget: e 532,000
LIFE Contribution: e 504,000
Experimental management work
took place on most of the sites.
This included scrub clearing, dig-
ging-out pools, removal of invasive
exotic species, and the restoration
of filled-in pools. Most of this work
was accompanied by careful moni-
toring of the impacts, in order to
draw lessons that could be of rel-
evance elsewhere.
Finally, a management handbook
was published and a final interna-
tional conference was also organ-
ised, bringing together almost 100
participants from all over Europe
and the Mediterranean region. The
project produced a comprehensive
management guide in two volumes
(which can be downloaded [in French
onl y] from http://en.tourduval at.
org/ nos_pr ogr ammes/ pr oj et s_
t er mi nes / mar es _ t empor ai r es
[Volume I] and http://en.tourduvalat.
pdf [Volume II]).
Raising awareness
In an effort to address the lack of pub-
lic awareness concerning the impor-
tance of the biodiversity of the ponds,
the various site teams regularly inter-
acted with and provided information
to local inhabitants, elected repre-
sentatives and users of the sites.
Numerous awareness-raising, com-
munications and environmental edu-
cation initiatives were undertaken:
Natura 2000 Green Days, events
for schools, leaflets, information
panels, web pages, posters, edu-
cational modules, press articles, TV
programmes, and video recordings.
A number of events were also organ-
ised to encourage local inhabitants to
protect the temporary pools.
The temporary pools, which had
previously received little attention in
these three regions, either from local
residents, elected representatives or
other interests, are now viewed as a
major challenge for which a range of
planning initiatives have been under-
taken: woodland management, con-
trol of fires, revision of the planning
and zoning procedures. Thanks to
the project, knowledge of the habi-
tats and management of temporary
ponds has improved, not only on the
seven sites of the project but also
in the French Mediterranean area in
general, and even at an international
level - a specific Ramsar Convention
resolution has been developed by
the project (http://www.ramsar.org/
Almost all the partners have initiated
medium-term projects and activities
at six of the seven LIFE sites, in addi-
tion to regional initiatives that extend
widely beyond the sites, notably in
Corsica. Spain has subsequently
designated several Ramsar tempo-
rary pool sites, and Corsica has pro-
posed one as well. Lastly, a strong
network of professionals working
at the seven sites has also been
Thanks to the project, knowledge
of the habitats and management
of temporary ponds has been sig-
nificantly increased, not only on the
seven sites of the project but also
across the French Mediterranean
area in general, and even at an inter-
national level.
Mediterranean wetlands
Handbooks on temporary-pond
Temporary pond, Plaine des Maures,
Var France

Bogs, very common across the northern hemisphere, are notable for their
substantial peat accumulation, high water tables and acid-loving vegetation.
These habitats are enormous carbon sinks and thus, while in good health, are one
of our greatest allies in the struggle against global warming. However, due to over two
centuries of damage largely due to burning, overgrazing, peat extraction and industrial
pollution, bogs across Europe and beyond have been so degraded that they can begin to
release carbon instead. Thus contributing to their conservation and restoration is one of
LIFEs most urgent and vital tasks.
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 41
Scotland: Partnership aids large-scale
restoration of active raised bogs
The combined efforts of the Scottish Raised Bog Partnership has helped to restore to favourable
conservation status over 1,000 hectares across 11 sites of the United Kingdoms remaining raised
bogs. The project encouraged closer working relationships between NGOs and government
agencies and demonstrated good practice in its management works.
Since the start of the nineteenth
century the extent of primary, active,
lowland raised bog in the UK has
fallen dramatically from 95,000 ha to
8,100 ha a decline of 85%, mainly
due to commercial peat extraction
and land drainage. Two thirds of the
remaining area is found in Scotland,
and, despite the scale of destruc-
tion, Scotland still holds a significant
proportion of raised bogs in good
The three-year LIFE project focused
on 45% of the remai ni ng UK
resource, all in Scotland, within 11
sites (10 candidate Special Areas
of Conservation). All of the sites
whether large or small, private or
public had been subject to human
intervention at some stage through
peat cutting, drainage works, tree
planting, scrub encroachment and
grazing pressure.
What did LIFE do?
The project was undertaken by the
Scottish Raised Bog Partnership, a
partnership involving the Forestry
Commission for Scotland, Scottish
Natural Heritage and the Scottish
Wildlife Trust (the project benefici-
ary). Its overall objective was to bring
1,256 ha of active raised bog back up
to a favourable condition by reducing
existing or potential threats through
the clearance of encroaching scrub,
removal of non native forest planta-
tions, blocking of ditches and con-
trolling of grazing. The project also
increased the area of raised bog by a
further 315 ha through the clearance
of trees, scrub and heather.
Acid pool within a lowland raised bog





Project Number:
LIFE00 NAT/UK/007078
Title: Restoration of Scottish
raised bogs
Scottish Wildlife Trust, UK
Stuart Brooks
[email protected]
Jan-2001 to Dec-2003
Total Budget: e 2,139,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,459,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 43
Most site-based operations were
overseen by the respective site man-
agers from the partner organisations.
Local Operational Planning Teams
(LOPTs) a common approach in
many UK projects were set up to
provide additional support, input and
management infrastructure to the
local operations.
The human dimension was also
addressed with a variety of measures
to increase local interest and access
to the sites in order to raise awareness
of the conservation value of raised
bogs. A number of local open days
were held, fact sheets and a news-
letter produced and a conference
organised to disseminate the results
and best practice experiences of the
project to other site managers.
What was the outcome?
On closure (at the end of 2003) the
restoration work had been completed
successfully at all of the eleven sites:
Bankhead Moss, Braehead Moss,
Carsegowan Moss, Coalburn Moss,
Cranley Moss, Dykeneuk Moss, Flan-
ders Moss, Moine Mhor, Longbridge
Muir, Kirkconnell Flow and Threep-
wood Moss. The workload was sub-
stantial and included the removal of
430 ha of trees, clearance of 253 ha
of encroaching scrub, installation of
2,153 dams into ditches, erection of
12,101 m of fencing and the removal
of 3.6 ha of rank heather.
The key outputs of the project were in
the delivery of conservation actions on
site, particularly the large-scale tree
removal works on the Solway Mosses.
This project consolidated the achieve-
ments of earlier work and ensured that
the conservation value of the sites
became better recognised at both
national and local levels.
In many mire restoration projects the
most that can be expected from inter-
vention is a reversal of a negative trend.
Removing the apparent problem (trees
or heather) alone, does not necessar-
ily address the main cause, which is
usually disturbance to hydrological
functioning. However, where the dams
were installed there was an immediate
effect of raising water levels, which
was well demonstrated at the Flan-
ders Moss and Moine Mhor sites. Peat
moss (Sphagnum cuspidatum) was the
first coloniser of the open water.
The large-scale restoration work car-
ried out at the at Longbridge Muir
and Kirkconnell Flow sites built on
previous LIFE projects (e.g. LIFE92
NAT/UK/013400 and LIFE98 NAT/
UK/005432) and helped to maintain
momentum and build confidence in the
restoration techniques. The changes
were immediate: the removal of tree
cover reduced interception/evaporation
losses by around 30%. The removal of
tree cover also increases light, which
was of benefit to sphagnum species.

The dissemination work carried out at
and around the sites also proved valu-
able. Perceptions of peatlands are usu-
ally negative. This is because raised
bogs have been traditionally viewed as
unproductive, with little economic value
since their use for domestic peat has
all but disappeared. However, accord-
ing to the beneficiary, the projects
newsletters and open days helped to
counter this negative perception and
raise awareness, especially among the
local communities, of the ecological
importance of raised bogs and of the
need to conserve them.
Finally, a key aspect of this project is
that each of the eleven sites continues
to be monitored by Scottish Natural
Heritage, as part of their site condition
monitoring programme. The ongoing
monitoring shows whether the sites
are in, or moving towards, favourable
conservation status.
Early marsh-orchid
(Dactylorhiza incarnata)
Cleared of trees, peat moss is already
reclaiming the area (Sphagnum spp.)





At the end of the last Ice Age, about
10,000 years ago, an extensive area
of peat bogs was created along what
is now the border of the two north-
ern Dutch provinces of Drenthe and
Friesland. For centuries, peat was
used for heating on a small scale.
But large-scale land clearance for
agriculture between 1600 and 1900
fundamentally changed the charac-
ter of the region. All that was left of
this once huge peat resource was the
Fochterlorveen (3,000 ha) and a few
smaller cores. But also here the peat
degraded after the peat bog was
drained for tree planting and farm-
ing. The result was a monotonous
expanse of Molinia grasses. Only in
the highest core area was the peat
still intact, complete with the veg-
etation associated with raised bogs.
Sufficient peat moss (Sphagnum) still
grew here to sustain peat formation:
it therefore provided a core area from
which the entire Fochterlorveen
raised bog could be restored.
Apart from agricultural activities, this
is an isolated region, which actually
made the restoration work easier.
In 1965, the drainage ditches were
sealed off and extraneous water was
kept out. The task of restoration itself
began in the 1980s, with the build-
ing of low dykes, creating isolated
compartments on the bog surface.
The aim was to manage the water
levels in each compartment in such a
way that peat moss could grow there
again. The compartments proved to
be too big, however, and the differ-
ences in their height above sea level
meant that some were too dry and
others too wet.
What did LIFE do?
Raised bogs are fed by rainwater,
of which there is a sufficient volume
locally. Based on a Hydrologische
Inrichtingsplan voor Hoogveenre-
generatie (Hydrological Raised Bog
Restoration Plan), the LIFE project
which was run by a Dutch nature
conservation NGO, Natuurmonu-
menten aimed to prevent rain water
from flowing off the raised bog too
quickly and to stimulate natural peat
formation. This was achieved by:
l Construction of new compart-
ments subdividing the bog by
means of peat-covered dykes
and dams - altogether 24.5 km of
dykes and 39 dams were built.
l Inundation of these compartments
to stimulate Sphagnum growth, to
initiate peat production and to kill
The Netherlands: Using hydraulics to
conserve the entire peat body of the
This comprehensive restoration project employed Dutch hydraulic engineering in order to better
manage the Fochterlorveen, one of the largest raised bog areas in the Netherlands. Its innova-
tive approach, addressing the conservation of the entire peat body, rather than focusing on the
blocking of drainage ditches, has yielded very positive results.
LIFE helped to bring back an area of the Fochterlorveen peat body
Project Number:
LIFE99 NAT/NL/006280
Restoration programme of the
Fochtelorveen raised bog
Natuurmonumenten, the Netherlands
Contact: A. Stoker
[email protected]
Beneficiary website:
Feb-1999 to Jun-2003
Total Budget: e 4,274,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,496,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 45
the invasive purple moor grass
l Control of the water levels after-
wards, as part of the monitoring
of the bog restoration.
At the same time, a buffer zone
of more than 400 ha was created
around the bog with national funds.
The task of cutting peat with which
to cover the sheet piling for the
compartments needed to be done
with care, so as not to cut such
deep hol es that peat formati on
becomes impossible. The restora-
tion work also had to take account
of possible flooding as a result of
heavy rain, water seepage where
the (excessively) thin peat lies on
a sandy ridge, the swelling of peat
when it gets wet, and access for
Works were also carried out to
adapt the local traffic infrastruc-
ture to the new situation created by
the re-humidification works. These
included the replacement of an
asphalted road (Fochtelorveenweg)
by a narrower road with a surface
of bricks on a pebble substrate and
the replacement of asphalted cycle
track (Bonghaar) with a gravel track
on top of one of the dykes acting as
border of a compartment. An obser-
vation platform and a short board-
walk leading to it were built beside
this cycle track.
Wildlife screens and passages to
guide reptiles (snakes) and amphib-
ians to pass below the Fochte-
l orveenweg and the Bonghaar
cycle track, were also constructed.
The projects set of passages for
snakes, built in 2001, were the first
of their kind in the Netherlands.
What was the outcome?
At the end of the LIFE-project, all
necessary dykes had been built
with the system of dams in place to
enable the water level to be control-
led inside the compartments. Thus
the hydrology of the entire raised
bog can be managed and peat for-
mation can be initiated. This is quite
unusual as peat restoration projects
generally focus on drainage-ditch
blocking, rather than addressing the
entire peat body.
A method was developed during the
project to measure the rate at which
peat absorbs water after re-humidi-
fication and swells. This yielded the
following positive results:
l The new dyke compartments allow
a better control of the water levels:
seepage no longer occurs to an
extent that the bog surface desic-
cates; maximum annual water level
fluctuation is 20-30 cm.
l The water quality is good (pH 4
and low in carbonates and nutri-
ents): so the water chemistry is
sui tabl e to restart Sphagnum
l Natural methane production pro-
motes floating of the free peat
layer, so that Sphagna have a
substrate to grow from.
l Purple-moor grass (Molinia caer-
ulea) decreased and water peat-
moss (Sphagnum cuspidatum)
l The characteri sti c rai sed-bog
hummock-forming peat mosses
increased (S. magellanicum, S.
rubellum and S. fuscum).
l The population of Coenonympha
tullia, a threatened butterfly of
which the site hosts the largest of
the remaining Dutch populations,
and the population of dragonflies
are apparently increasing in size.
l The wildlife passages built during
LIFE have proved very successful:
in 2002 only one snake was killed
by traffic, compared to up to 100
a year earlier.
Life after LIFE
With the work successfully com-
pleted on the rewetting of the raised
bog, it was clear that further work
would be requi red after proj ect
closure in order to maintain the
momentum of the project to moni-
tor developments (hydrological and
biological), manage water levels,
and, where necessary, to repair or
upgrade the dams and dykes. A
permanent site manager has been
empl oyed by the benefi ci ary to
carry out the necessary manage-
ment tasks, and national funds have
been allocated for the after-LIFE
Water levels are now maintained
allowing peat moss to grow once again
Germany: Reversing the impact
of drainage and peat digging and
conserving corncrake habitat
This very successful project built upon the experience of an earlier LIFE project and completed
the measures started previously. It is now widely regarded as one of southern Germanys most
comprehensive peat bog restoration initiatives.
Post-glacial terrestrialisation of the
southern part of the Chiemsee lake
in Bavaria, Germany, left behind a
landscape southern Chiemgau
that even today is still rich in natu-
ral heritage, boasting considerable
expanses of raised bog, bog wood-
land and fen. The fens are dominated
by reedbeds and Streuwiesen (very
humid litter meadows characterised
by sedges and Molinia grass). These
are prime corncrake (Crex crex) hab-
itats with between 10 and 20 call-
ing males annually recorded in the
project area.
The three raised bogs tackled by
this project were all damaged by
past drainage and decades of
industrial peat dig-
ging (which was
only banned
in 1990). When
the project started, they
were covered in heather, Molinia
grasses and birches, all of which
are indicators of a degraded bog
Kendlmhlfilzen Natura 2000 site, southern Chiemgau after rehumidifcation
(Crex crex)







LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 47
What did LIFE do?
This project (and its predecessor)
was run by the Bavarian ministry
for rural development and environ-
ment, now the Bavarian ministry for
environment, health and consumer
protection (Bayerisches Staatsminis-
terium fr Umweltschutz, Gesundheit
und Verbraucherschutz).
In order to regenerate the raised
bogs, on land acquired - in part - by
the previous project, local hydrology
was improved by closing drainage
ditches, flooding old peat diggings
and clearing birch thickets.
Habi tats for meadow-breedi ng
birds (including the corncrake) were
increased by extending agricultural
land use and converting arable land to
pasture. About 100 ha of abandoned,
overgrown Streuwiesen, shunned by
the corncrakes, were cleared by ini-
tial mowing by local farmers. Three
observation platforms, and a board-
walk crossing a raised bog were built
to allow local people and the many
visitors to the region to view bird life
at Lake Chiemsee and the restored
What was the outcome?
In each of the bogs, the project
used the same rewetting strategy
to restore the hydrological balance.
This included the purchase of private
land affected by the works, blocking
of ditches and removal of the worst
l In the Kendlmhlfilzen raised
bog, 32 ha were bought. Four-
teen dams with widths of 20 50
m were built across the large drai-
nage ditches and a few hundred
smaller ditches were filled in. The
dams were arranged in such a way
as to minimise seepage pressure
and loss of water. Hydrologically,
the results, at project termination
were very promising: 200 ha of
bog had gained an improved water
level. The Egelsee, a shallow
lake which dried up 90 years ago,
reappeared. Monitoring carried out
at the end of the project revealed
increasing numbers of breeding
stonechats (Saxicola torquata),
whinchats (Saxicola rubetra), sni-
pes (Gallinago gallinago) and teals
(Anas crecca). Thanks to this and
the earlier LIFE works, an estima-
ted 80% of the total area of the
Kendlmhlfilzen bog is once again
evolving towards a more favoura-
ble conservation state. Tree rege-
neration in the humidified areas is
seriously reduced and the typical
ground vegetation of degraded,
hydrologically unstable peat bogs
(Calluna and Molinia) is expected to
be replaced within the next years
by peat-forming Sphagnum mos-
ses, which have already started
growing again at several points.
Boardwalk constructed through the Kendlmhlfilzen


Project Number:
LIFE97 NAT/D/004224
Title: Raised bogs and habitats for
the corncrake in Southern Chiemgau
Bayerisches Staatsministerium fr
Umwelt, Gesundheit und
Harald Lippert
[email protected]
Sep-1997 to Feb-2001
Total Budget: e 1,464,000
LIFE Contribution: e 732,000
l In the Bergener Moos-Wildmoos,
1.25 ha was bought to round off
purchases under the previous LIFE
project (60 ha). Fourty dams were
built and 10 ha of tree and bushes
cover were cut down.
l In the Rottauer Filz, 47 ha was
bought, on another 4 ha the local
community as owner gave permis-
sion for the works. A series of dams
were built in all, water levels were
raised over a bog area of 70 ha.
Building on the work of its predeces-
sor, the project cultivated a close
and very effective partnership with
the district authority (Landkreis), the
forestry service, the local farmers
and hunters organisations, local
tourist agencies and conservation
NGOs. Much of the mire restoration
work was done by farmers, organ-
ised through the local Maschinen-
ring (labour and equipment pool).
Life after LIFE
While the project officially closed
in 2001, a supervision period fol-
lowed until 2005. This showed that
in general, the construction of the
dams was successful. Only three of
the larger ones were damaged and
required subsequent improvements.
The factors which caused the leak-
age were identified and remedied.
Unexpectedly, the rewetting also had
other positive effects: it seems that
the influence of carbon-rich water
stimulated a specific minerotrophic
fen vegetation on many sites.
In 2005 the beneficiary was awarded
LIFE programme funding for simi-
lar mire restoration works at the
Hochrunstfilze and Auer Weid-
moos mit Kalten und Kaltenaue
Natura 2000 sites (LIFE05 NAT/
Finally, a post-project follow-up study
of the project was carried out in Sep-
tember 2007 by the LIFE external
monitoring team. It showed that the
projects long-term effects have con-
tinued. The rehumidification area has
been extended after the LIFE project,
through additional restoration meas-
ures on degraded bogs. Now, since
suitable hydrological conditions have
been created, no further interventions
are necessary.
Information panel at the Bergener Moos Natura 2000 site
The Kendlmhlfilzen site prior to
restoration of rehumdification measures.
Picture below: After rehumidification in
2001 the rapid re-establishment
of peat-forming mosses (Sphagnum)
Bird observation tower






Wetland restoration

Across Europe, in recent years, LIFE has funded a range of wetland restoration pro-
jects. Rehabilitation of previously existing wetland functions, from a more impaired to a
less impaired or unimpaired state of overall function. Wetlands that have been modified, or
even filled in or drained can retain their characteristic soil and hydrology, allowing their natural
functions to be reclaimed. However, restoration is an incredibly complicated procedure involving
a great deal of planning, long-term monitoring and management after it takes place. This means
it can be a very expensive process indeed. Which is where, naturally, LIFE comes in.
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 49
Restoration wetlands
By building dams, some of which
incorporate adjustable barriers, new
areas of standing water were cre-
ated leading to the increased irriga-
tion of large areas of the Weidmoos.
Landscaping along the banks of the
existing and the newly created areas
of standing water has also improved
the environmental conditions for
birds. However, to ensure the contin-
ued success of the project, detailed
testing of standing water to be car-
ried out twice a year was introduced.
The results of this testing will help
scientists to better understand the
nutritional balance of the bog as well
as help monitor the effects of dam
construction measures on water
quality. In addition, automatic water-
The Weidmoos, located in the bog
region north of Salzburg, is a mosaic
of standing water, vegetation-free
areas and forested patches. Its
unique ecology make it an ideal
breeding ground for the bluethroat
(Luscinia svecica) there are the
45 breeding pairs, one of the larg-
est breeding populations in Austria.
Other protected bird species includ-
ing the marsh and hen harrier (Circus
aeruginosus and Circus cyaneus),
spotted crake (Porzana porzana), lit-
tle bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), ruff
(Philomachus pugnax) and wood
sandpiper (Tringa glareola).
Without continuous management,
however, this semi-open 132 ha site
would rapidly turn into a wooded
landscape, losing its special habitat
mix so attractive to a range of bird
species. Growing recreational pres-
sure and creeping degeneration due
to changed farming practices have
further jeopardised the future of the
What did LIFE do?
In 2001, the site became a designated
area of the Natura 2000 network, and
two years later, a LIFE-Nature project
was set up to maintain and optimise
the breeding, resting and wintering
areas of the birds and encourage a
more positive attitude towards the
SPA among the local population.
For this purpose, the project ben-
eficiary, the regional authority Amt
der Salzburger Landesregierung,
built up a wide coalition of partners
including an association, set up by
hunters, landowners and mayors, to
promote the Weidmoos as a local
heritage site.
The project planned to acquire 22 ha
of former peat extraction sites and
the right of use to a further 16 ha in
addition to the 80 ha acquired before
the start of the project. Conservation
work on the site would focus on the
construction of 45 small dams and
landscape modelling to hold the
water on site and improve the habi-
tats for waterfowl. The project would
also introduce the experimental
management of wet meadows, reed
beds, bare land and bushy areas and
would optimise procedures to main-
tain the habitats over the entire 120
ha SPA. An existing management
plan was used as a basis for drawing
up detailed plans for the construc-
tion measures.
Austria: Bog management
Following the end of industrial peat extraction, the Weidmoos region of Austria has become an
important wetland habitat for more than a hundred bird species. But landscape management,
which was much boosted by a LIFE-Nature project, is needed to prevent the area turning into
woodland or a site for redevelopment.
The Weidmoos north of Salzburg is a semi-open 132 ha site that without continuous
management would rapidly turn into a wooded landscape

Project Number:
LIFE03 NAT/A/000010
Title: Habitat management in the
SPA Weidmoos
Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung
Bernhard Riehl
[email protected]
01-Apr-2003 to 30-Sep-2007
Total Budget: e 1,210,000
LIFE Contribution: e 605,000
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 51
level gauges continuously record any
fluctuations in water level.
The re-irrigation of areas, which were
drained during peat cutting, was
intended to halt the growth of scrub
and prevent the Weidmoos becom-
ing overgrown. Before the planned
construction work could be put out
to tender, however, it was necessary
to carry out a survey of the site in
order to gain planning permission.
Another legacy of peat cutting, stand-
ing water areas, are lines of straight
banks. The project has attempted to
create a more interesting landscape
by restructuring these banks.
The project has also made the Wei-
dmoos more accessible to visitors
while, at the same time, disturbing
the bird life as little as possible. It
constructed a discovery trail, infor-
mation centre and viewing tower in
the southern part of the moor. These
measures were followed up with
an awareness-raising campaign. In
June 2005 the visitor facilities were
opened to the general public.
Ongoing maintenance
In order to protect the Weidmoos
bird habitats in the long term, regu-
lar maintenance is needed along-
side the dam construction work and
landscaping. Such work is espe-
cially needed in the peripheral areas
of the Weidmoos which are insuffi-
ciently irrigated or not irrigated at all.
Detailed plans were drawn up for the
maintenance measures described in
the existing management plan for the
site. Ongoing measures include:
Creation of vegetation-free areas
on a regular basis, using the trac-
ked excavators originally used
in peat cutting. Areas of sparse
or no vegetation are particularly
important for the bluethroats, and
the aim is to continue preventing
these areas from becoming over-
Mai ntenance of the wetl and
meadows and reed beds. Regu-
lar mowing is necessary to pre-
vent the wetland meadows and
reed beds becoming overgrown.
Mowing is being carried out with
special regard for conditions in
the Weidmoos and the needs of
the bird species found there.
Management of trees and scrubs.
Although the presence of trees
and shrubs is crucially important
for many of the bird species found
in the Weidmoos, individual trees
or groups of shrubs that become
too large could have a negative
influence on the quality of the bird
The effects of the maintenance
measures are being monitored so
that undesi rabl e outcomes can
be avoided and necessary adjust-
ments made. Throughout the project
detailed records were kept of birds
observed in the area, in order to
monitor whether the measures being
taken were having a positive effect
on numbers. At the beginning and
end of the LIFE project, aerial pho-
tographs and orthochromatic pic-
tures were taken for documentary
purposes. These provide a detailed
record of landscape changes which
have occurred in the course of the
Inauguration of the viewing tower
Creation of vegetation-free areas using
the tracked excavators originally used in
peat cutting



Restoration wetlands
estimated to breed in the area, and
the populations of corncrakes (Crex
crex) and the lesser spotted eagle
(Aquila pomarina) had also sensibly
What did LIFE do?
The aim of the LIFE-Nature project
was to restore the lake to its original
condition, thereby bringing back a
rich birdlife to the area. The project
was based on several analyses and
feasibility studies conducted in the
1990s and at the beginning of the
century. Raising the level of the lake
would require the construction of a
7.3 km dyke, preventing drainage of
the water and marking off the project
In recent years, the water level of the
lake at Galenbeck in Mecklenburg,
West Pomerania, has declined, and
the surrounding areas of reeds and
wet grasslands have been vastly
reduced. During the last 50 years,
following one of the biggest farm-
land reclamation and bog drainage
schemes of the German Democratic
Republic, the volume of the lake
has declined by more than 50%. As
a result of the continued sinking of
the fen layer in the surroundings of
the lake, the entire fen except the
immediate vicinity of the lake now
lies below the lakes water level, and
the lake is therefore under constant
threat of leaking. Valuable reeds,
sedge marshes and wet meadows
have disappeared in the process,
and with them a rich and diverse
wildlife. The lake water has also
become eutrophic and partly silted
up, due to a permanent input of
nutrients from agriculture and fish
The lake is still an important stag-
ing post for at least 80 migratory
bird species, and together with
the adjacent fen, it has been reg-
istered as a wetland area of inter-
national importance (according to
the RAMSAR Convention) as well
as declared an EU special protec-
tion area for birds. However, prior to
the start of the project, just two pairs
of bittern (Botaurus stellaris) were
Germany: Bringing back bittern
to Galenbeck
This soon-to-be completed lake restoration project in eastern Germany is expected to raise the
water level of the mire surrounding the lake Galenbecker See in order to provide optimum habi-
tats for threatened species found in the region.
Lake Galenbeck in Mecklenburg,West Pomerania Germany
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 53
area from the surrounding cultivated
grassland. The plan also entailed run-
ning the water flowing into the lake
through a filter of reeds to remove
nutrients. This would improve the
transparency of the lakewater and
enable the restoration of fish stocks
to their natural levels.
As a first step of the restoration
work, the beneficiary, Staatliches
Amt fr Umwelt und Natur Ueck-
ermnde, acquired the use of con-
siderable areas of farmland (330 ha
in total), which would be flooded or
become wetlands. The raising water
level of the area will create new
amphibia-rich wet grasslands and
sedge mires for the lesser spotted
eagle and the corncrake, as well
as new reed beds for the bittern.
To secure local acceptance of the
scheme, an advisory board made up
of representatives of interest groups
was set up.
Within the redevelopment area, the
project aims to raise the water level
to 9.25 m (the normal high water
level) and create a rewetting zone
which would cover 610 ha. Such a
rise in the water level will result in a
large submerged shallow water area
adjacent to the lake, optimal for the
growth of peat. Encouraging this
process will maximise the potential
habitat for reeds. In order to protect
the moor grass meadows (Molinia)
that are found in higher ground,
excess water was drained through
a fixed drainage step.
The general elevation of the water
level in the project area will also result
in a change of vegetation in areas
that will not be permanently flooded.
Apart from wet meadows, the land-
scape will be dominated by sedge
marshes and herbaceous vegetation,
which form the natural habitat of the
corncrake. The restoration works will
also encourage the propagation of the
amphibious fauna, providing improved
hunting grounds for the lesser spotted
eagle (Aquila pomarina).
Terrestrialisation of the lake has
also been sustained by the import
of sediments into the lake. Part of
the groundwork of the project has
focused on reducing this process by
filtering out nutrients in a network of
reed beds in the main riverbed. A ban
on the selective fishing of predatory
species will ensure that the coarse
fish population will be reduced. This
in turn will increase the population of
microscopic filterers in the plankton,
further improving the quality of the
water. The final objective is to cre-
ate a macrophyte-rich clear water
lake that serves as a retention basin
for the adjacent fens and provides
visual hunters such as the pike (Esox
lucius) and bittern with suitable feed-
ing grounds.
The water levels can be controlled through the use of channels
LIFE constructed a 7.3 km dyke that
prevents water drainage
Project Number:
LIFE00 NAT/D/007038
Title: Restoration project Galen-
becker See for priority species
Staatliches Amt fr Umwelt und
Natur Ueckermnde
Horst Wroblewski
May-2001 to Dec-2007
Total Budget: e 5,780,900
LIFE Contribution: e 4,046,635
Restoration wetlands
level of the rewetting zone, which
began in 2007, will be a gradual
process. It is possible to fill the
rewetting zone in a year, but this is
not good for the plants and animals,
and it will therefore be done in four
years, he says.
The rising of the water levels in the
rewetting zone will also result in the
flooding of a wooded area of the
project site. A similar project in the
region at Anklam has yielded inter-
esting results. A wooded area that
was destroyed by flooding over a
decade ago is now showing signs of
It was important for the project
organisers to make sure the locals
were informed and supportive of
the measures. Wroblewski says that
at first they feared the loss of their
cattle, but through consultation they
were made aware of the importance
of the project. Local farmers were
also compensated for any loss of
l and. Several awareness-rai si ng
activities have also been organised
including a seminar and a guided
Taking action
Project organiser, Horst Wroblewski
says that he is confident that the bit-
terns will return following the resto-
ration of the lake. Before the work
began, the reed beds were too thick
and dry and the numbers of bittern
declined as a result of predation.
The positive impacts of the project,
however, wont be realised immedi-
ately. The purity of the water might
be a problem at first, but after a few
years it will be okay, Wroblewski
says. In addition, the raising of the
tour of the project activities around
the lake. Other publicity initiatives
included the setting up of a website
and an exhibition.
Wroblewski says that the last big
task is to protect the banks of the
dyke from erosion. In some sections,
the banks are being built with peat,
and protected with an outer layer of
rocks. Observation huts and signs
are also being erected before the
rising of the water levels.
Clearing the surrounding area in order to build the dyke
A larchwood look-out allows
visitors to enjoy the returning wildlife
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 55
The LIFE project, Rewetting of the
western Dmmer fen area, forms a
major part of a broader initiative to
restore the entire Lake Dmmer area
of Lower Saxony. A plan to rehabili-
tate the area was already drawn up in
1987. It resulted in a first LIFE project
in the southern part (1998-2000) -
LIFE98 NAT/D/005085, Rewetting
of the Ochsenmoor on the Dmmer.
More recently, a second project in the
west aimed at a large-scale re-humid-
ifcation of formerly drained agricultural
lands, through the use of adjustable
weirs to modulate water levels.
The Dmmer wetlands have been
in decline since 1953 when a dyke
was built around the lake and regu-
lar flooding of the meadows ended.
Previously the region contained rich
habitats for the corncrake (Crex
crex), the bittern (Botaurus stellaris),
several meadow bird species and
numerous other migratory birds. Fol-
lowing the construction of the dyke
the land became dry, and agricultural
activity led to the degeneration of the
wetland. As a result, the populations
of many breeding and resting birds
decreased or disappeared entirely.
What did LIFE do?
The main target of the project was
to regenerate wet grassland and
re-establish the meadow bird area.
The 4,500 ha Natura 2000 Special
Protection Area is managed by a
conservation agency (Naturschut-
zstation Dmmer) that belongs to
the environment ministry of the Land
Niedersachsen. This agency was
created in 1993 to introduce sustain-
able management of the rewetted
grassland areas in co-operation with
more than 100 local farmers. In fact,
an association, Naturraum Dm-
merniederung, was set up to bring
together not only local authorities
and municipalities, nature protec-
tion associations and water and land
management boards, but also local
banks and industrial companies.

The LIFE project provided the funds
for the purchase of the remaining land
sections (175 ha more than the 145
ha foreseen) required in the western
Germany: Restoring wetlands in the
Dmmer region
The area around Lake Dmmer is one of the most extensive fen meadow landscapes of north-
west Germany. A recent LIFE project in the western part of the region aimed to reverse the dry-
ing of the peat soil and, as a result, provide better conditions for the areas rich wildlife.
Lake Dmmer, Lower Saxony, is an important stopover point for migratory birds
Restoration wetlands
In winter the meadows are covered
in shallow water, and in summer the
water is allowed to recede slowly
so that the meadows and pastures
can be farmed in accordance with
conservation needs. In this way,
the farmers in the region actively
engage in nature conservation at
Lake Dmmer. Local participation
is a prerequisite for the restoration
and further development of suit-
able habitats for water, wading and
meadow bird species.
Blocking access to 30 km of path-
ways i n both proj ect areas has
created a 2,000 ha quiet zone
that protects bird species that are
sensitive to disturbance and con-
tributes to the areas conservation
value. The pathways, however, are
closed only when necessary (usually
in winter).
Dmmer area for an overall restora-
tion, while the necessary weirs and
ditch closures were largely built with
the beneficiarys own funds.
After completing the land purchase,
the rewetting of the whole target area
(1,200 ha) was achieved in winter
2006-2007. The water table of 43.5
km of drainage ditches can be con-
trolled by 28 adjustable weirs and 14
overflow weirs.
A lease-back arrangement for con-
servation land was established that
allows the land to be used for hay
production or grazing which helps
improve its ecological value. The
project provided the farmers with
special mowing machinery for use
on such wet grasslands. Without
such long-term care through hay-
ing, these areas would eventually
become scrubby alder woodlands,
a less favourable habitat for migra-
tory birds.
What was the outcome?
The populations of many breed-
ing and wintering bird species have
already increased, and some bird
species that have not been recorded
for a long time, have now returned
for breeding. Meadow bird spe-
cies (black-tailed godwits, curlews,
snipes and lapwings) are benefiting
A conference to highlight the suc-
cesses of the restoration work was
held in 2007. A key aim was to
exchange knowledge and experi-
ence of wet grassland management
with other conservation projects. It
included a one-day excursion. Moni-
toring of bird populations is continu-
ing in the Dmmer region.
An adjustable weir enables better control of the water table
LIFE provided special mowing machi-
nery to the farmers Here, a baler with
special tyres
Project Number:
LIFE02 NAT/D/008456
Title: Re-wetting of the Western
Dmmer fen area
Land Niedersachsen
Contact: Heinrich Belting
Email: heinrich.belting@nlwkn-
Jun-2002 to Apr-2007
Total Budget: e 3,103,000
LIFE Contribution: e 1,551,500
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 57

Many species are dependent on wetlands, especially aquatic plants and
birds. The LIFE programme has been actively contributing to the conserva-
tion of these species and their habitats.
Furthermore, there are a handful of projects that work across multiple regions and
Member States for the conservation of the same species or habitat. Here, we have
a look at a group of projects that aim to protect the aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus
paludicola), and another group of projects that have the bittern (Botaurus stellaris)
and other species such as amphibians and insects as their target.
Wetland species
The aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus
paludicola), is by far Europes rar-
est warbler. It breeds in temperate
eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary,
Germany, the Baltic States, Ukraine
and Belarus) and has an estimated
population of 15,000 pairs.
This small passerine bird is found in
wetlands with sedge and similarly
structured marshy habitats with a
preferred water depth of 1-10 cm.
Drainage of such wetlands and
destruction of the habitat has meant
ered priority for funding under the
LIFE programme.
For many year s, i t s wi nt er-
ing grounds were unknown, but
recently it was discovered that the
birds European population spends
its winters in Djoudj National Bird
Sanctuary in Senegal, with between
5,000 and 10,000 birds present at
this single site.
Aquat i c war bl er s have been
recorded migrating through 13 Euro-
pean countries. Birds from Poland
and eastern Germany migrate along
the Baltic coast in Poland and east-
ern Germany, then along the North
Sea coast of western Germany, the
Netherlands, Belgium and some-
times England, thereafter heading
south along the French and Iberian
Atlantic coast (see map at www.
The main stopover and feeding areas
during the post-breeding migration
are in north-western France, along
Aquatic warbler
Monitoring the water level is crucial for
the maintenance of the aquatic warbler
Wetland species
that this species has declined, rap-
idly, at a rate equivalent to 40% of
the total population over the last 10
years. The species became extinct in
western Europe in the twentieth cen-
tury and has declined dramatically
in central Europe. It formerly bred in
France, Belgium, the Netherlands,
former West Germany, former Czech-
oslovakia, former Yugoslavia, Austria
and Italy. According to the IUCN and
BirdLife, declines in the population
numbers are predicted at a similar
rate over the next 10 years.
This makes the aquatic warbler the
rarest and the only globally threat-
ened passerine bird found in main-
land Europe. The species is classi-
fied as vulnerable at the global level
and is listed as vulnerable in the
IUCN Red List of Threatened Spe-
cies (2007). At the European level,
the bird is classified as endangered,
and is included in Annex I of the
Birds Directive.
Key EU breeding sites in Germany,
Hungary and Poland are classified
as Special Protection Areas under
the Birds Directive and included in
the Natura 2000 network. A Euro-
pean action plan was published in
and the species was consid-
1 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/










Aquatic warbler males have a
distinctive mating call
Poland and Germany: LIFE project actions

So far, there is only one LIFE project, just recently launched, whose aim is the
conservation of breeding sites in Poland and Germany (LIFE05 NAT/PL/000101 -
Conserving Acrocephalus paludicola in Poland and Germany - www.wodniczka.pl).
The project aims to stabilise aquatic warber populations in key areas of its range in
Poland and Germany, by simultaneously improving and increasing the habitat in the
main stronghold of the species in Europe, Biebrza, and preventing the extinction
of what remains of the population in Pomerania.
An international partnership of five NGOs and two protected area administrations
from two EU Member States (Poland and Germany) are managing, monitoring
and implementing the projects objectives across nine project sites (all designated
SPAs). The main actions first involve the raising of awareness among local authori-
ties, the local public and key stakeholders of the need for conservation of the war-
bler, in particular, its specific habitat requirements. Next, the project will improve
the warbler habitat in Pomerania and Biebrza and then enlarge this territory. Lastly,
the projects shall identify replicable financial and legal mechanisms for ensuring
the long-term sustainable management of the warbler in Germany and Poland, and
then secure the necessary funding.
The project will create 1,500 ha of new potential habitat in Pomerania and Biebrza
and implement restoration actions on another 1,500 ha with the aim of obtaining an
increase of 15% in the population of aquatic warbler. Measures to be implemented
include hydrological management, removal of shrubs and overgrowth from wet
meadows and mires, initiation of extensive grazing and considerate mowing of
aquatic warbler habitats.
the Channel coast and further down
across the Iberian Peninsula. These
regions are characterised by a string
of coastal marshes and wetlands
which are currently suffering from a
lack of adequate management. This
is further aggravated by the secre-
tiveness of this little warbler and
the lack of knowledge on behalf of
site managers about its ecological
Other threats to wetland zones, such
as degradation of the hydraulic func-
tioning, natural filling-up, water pol-
lution, and man-made changes, have
also led to a loss of diversity within
French and Spanish marshes, and
hence to a decline of their ecological
value as feeding and resting habitat
for the aquatic warbler.
LIFE has funded four projects focus-
ing on the species along their migra-
tion route across stop-over sites.
Projects in Spain and France targeted
resting and feeding areas, while
projects in Poland and Germany tar-
getted breeding sites.
Specifically, the Spanish and French
projects aim to maintain or rehabilitate
the ecological functions essential for
the receiving of the migrating aquatic
warbler; to improve the knowledge of
the migratory stop-overs and the role
of their habitats for the species (using
radio tracking and other techniques);
to restore and mange the wetland
habitats (by clearing and maintaining
ditches); to implement management
plans for the most important stop-
overs; and additionally, in the case of
the French and Spanish projects, to
share acquired experiences amongst
each other.
l Conservation of the aquatic warbler
in Brittany (LIFE04 NAT/FR/000086)
Websi te: www.l i fe-phragmi te-
l Conservati on of the aquati c
warbler in the ZEPA La Nava-
Campos (LIFE02 NAT/E/8616)
Website: www.carricerincejudo.org
l Wetland restoration and manage-
ment: Canal de Castilla Special Pro-
tection Area (LIFE06 NAT/E/000213)
Website: www.lifecanaldecastilla.org
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 59
Mowing was part of the LIFE
projects habitat
restoration actions


LIFE Co-op promoting the bittern in Europe
This LIFE Co-op project was launched in 2004 to collect, interpret, prepare and dis-
seminate the experiences, results and know-how of bittern LIFE projects.
The project is run in close co-operation between three project partners from Germany,
the UK and France: the Brandenburg State Office for Environment, the Royal Society for
Protection of Birds and the Ligue pour la protection des Oiseaux. It is the first time that the
wealth of experience from across the continent has been brought together and made easily
accessible to a European audience.
This aim of this co-operation was the publication of the Bittern in Europe Handbook, which
offers detailed guidelines for actions to promote bittern protection, enriched by many
examples from all over Europe. It brings together the experience and knowledge devel-
oped by LIFE projects and in so doing, improves our understanding of bittern ecology
and habitat requirements.
The handbook has a very practical focus and is aimed at land managers, advisors and
interested groups in wetland conservation. It is also aimed at government departments
and agencies, water suppliers and local authorities.
Future bittern conservation projects will be able to draw upon the results and experi-
ences of the recent LIFE projects in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other
countries. All these projects are proving that it is possible to reverse the decline of bit-
tern populations.
LIFE03 NAT/CP/D/000009
Handbook for Actions to Promote Bittern in Europe
The handbook can be downloaded in pdf format from the LIFE web-
site: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/life3/components/
Although the species had stabilised
overall in the 1990s, with stable or
increasing trends across much of
Europe, its population has clearly not
yet recovered to the level that pre-
ceded its decline. The loss of wetland
habitat and their deterioration in qual-
ity are the main culprits for this situa-
tion. At the European level, the bittern
has an unfavourable conservation sta-
tus, although at global level the bittern
is considered not endangered due to
its widespread distribution.
The bi ttern has benefi ted from
numerous conservation actions in
many European countries, which
were mostly financed by the LIFE-
Nature programme. Indeed, it is
the species most often targeted by
LIFE-Nature projects, with a total of
69 having carried out various general
measures that benefit the bittern in
some way, and about 20 projects
that specifically target the bittern.
The bittern (Botaurus stellaris), a
medium-sized, brown heron, is a shy
and secretive bird, generally heard
more often than seen. It is widely
associated with reed beds and its
plumage is the perfect camouflage
for its reedy home. When alarmed,
bitterns stop and stretch their neck
and beak upwards; the markings
along the underside of their neck
imitate dry reedbed stems perfectly
and the bittern will even sway in the
The bittern is widespread but patch-
ily distributed breeder across much
of the EU, which accounts for less
than half its global breeding range.
Its European breeding population
is relatively small (under 54,000
pairs), and underwent a large
decline between 1970 and
1990. Some three quarters of its
European total population are found
in Russia and the Ukraine. Accord-
ing to BirdLife, the EU-25 is home
to 7, 90010, 000
pairs, which represent
between 19 and 23% of
the European population.
The well-hidden bittern in Phragmites
Wetland species
These LIFE bittern projects have been focusing on conservation
actions to avoid their decline in most western European coun-
tries. The main actions involve the establishment of mecha-
nisms for the legal protection of the species and key Natura
2000 sites by the implantation of legal binding management
plans or the elaboration of national conservation or biodiversity
plans Additionally, there has been a great deal of ecological
research, monitoring and assessment of the conservation sta-
tus of the bittern. Specifically in terms of habitat management
and creation, LIFE projects have engaged in land purchase
and water quality monitoring and management. Lastly, LIFE
has funded a range of awareness raising campaigns.
LIFE projects have directly benefited the bittern by improving
habitat conditions at the project sites and increasing the local
population. Moreover, most of the recent research programmes
on the bittern (France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden,
Germany) were either directly funded by LIFE or connected with
LIFE projects.
LIFE bittern projects have often been the starting point for
follow-up projects, funded either by a second phase of LIFE
or by other programmes. Prominent examples are the first
bittern project in the UK, the Siikalahti LIFE project in Finland,
or the LIFE projects in Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western-
In France and the UK, LIFE projects organised national recov-
ery programmes for the bittern. In many other countries, LIFE
projects have restored and created wetland sites. The greatest
number of LIFE projects has been in countries where, according
to the Bittern Action Plan, populations decreased significantly,
such as the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Ger-
many and Italy (see graph).
Indeed, given the breadth of activities funded by LIFE and the
major role LIFE has played in the implementation of strategies
for bittern conservation on the ground, it is very probable that
the bitterns status would be much worse in many countries, if
LIFE funding had not been available.
Wetlands, whether they be swamps,
marshes, bogs, or flood plains, are home
to a great variety of interesting species,
and not just aquatic bird species.
A large number of the species listed in
the Habitats Directive Annex II depend
on wetland environments. The amphib-
ians, reptiles, insects, mammals and
plants included in the directive must all
be maintained at a favourable conser-
vation status by the Member States.
Non-bird wetlands species that have in
particular benefited from multiple LIFE
projects include species of amphibians
and dragonflies:
The Fire-bellied toad (Bombina bom-
bina) and other amphibian species
were the subject of some six different
l Consolidation of Bombina bombina in
Denmark (LIFE99 NAT/DK/006454)
l Management of fire-bellied toads
in the Baltic region (LIFE04 NAT/
l Conservation of 4 endangered spe-
cies of amphibians in Luxembourg
(LIFE96 NAT/L/003195)
l Restoration of priority habitats for
amphibians (LIFE05 NAT/E/000060)
l Protection of Triturus cristatus in
Eastern Baltic Region (LIFE04 NAT/
l Aurora System - active presentation
of Salamandra atra aurorae and other
amphibians (LIFE04 NAT/IT/000167)
Dragonflies (Odonata) and Lepidop-
tera (butterflies, moths and skippers)
meanwhile were the subject of three
different projects:
l Protection programme for endangered
dragonfly species in the Southwest of
Germany (LIFE96 NAT/D/3036)
l Conservation of endangered arthro-
pods of Extremadura (LIFE03 NAT/
l Conservation and upgrading of
habitats for rare butterflies of wet,
semi-natural meadows (LIFE06 NAT/
LIFE funding and other wetlands species
LIFE project actions




LIFE targeting directly or indirectly the bittern projects by country (according to species range)
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 61
Further projects focusing on wetlands
The table below provides further examples of LIFE projects focusing on wetlands.
For more information on individual projects, visit the online database at:
The database provides useful, detailed search fields for example under keyword (alphabetical or
thematic) users may search under wetlands, freshwater ecosystem, lake, etc. Other search fields
are type of beneficiary (e.g Development Agency, NGO Foundation, Park-Reserve Authority etc;
and type of project area for example, coastal wetlands, continental waters, inland wetland etc.

Country Start Number Name
Austria 1998 LIFE98 NAT/A/005413 Water World March-Thaya-Auen
2000 LIFE00 NAT/A/007051 Management of floodplains on the Tisza
Belgium 1999 LIFE99 NAT/B/006285 Restoration of wetlands in Belgian Lorraine
2000 LIFE00 NAT/B/007148 Actions for Birds of Reedbeds in Bassin de la Haine
2002 LIFE02 NAT/B/008595 Minerotrofic mires and heath ecosystems in the Zuiderkempen
2003 LIFE03 NAT/B/000019 Rehabilitation of peat and wet habitats on the Saint-Hubert Plateau
2003 LIFE03 NAT/B/000020 Restoration and management of the lowland mire Damvallei
2003 LIFE03 NAT/B/000023 Uitkerkse Polder: a surplus value for nature and people
Denmark 2002 LIFE02 NAT/DK/008588 Improving status of coastal lagoon Tryggelev Nor, Denmark - IMAGE
2002 LIFE02 NAT/DK/008589 Restoration of Lake Fure - a nutrient-rich lake near Copenhagen
2005 LIFE05 NAT/DK/000150 Restoration of raised bogs in Denmark with new methods
Estonia 2000 LIFE00 NAT/EE/007082 Restoration and management of the Hdemeeste wetland complex
2003 LIFE03 NAT/EE/000180 Conservation of NATURA 2000 biotopes in Rpina polder
Finland 2000 LIFE00 NAT/FIN/007060 Protection and usage of aapa mires with a rich avifauna
2000 LIFE00 NAT/FIN/007061 Protection and management of the valuable wetland Siikalahti
2002 LIFE02 NAT/FIN/008470 Restoration of mire and bog ecosystems in North-Savo with reference to
environmental education
2002 LIFE02 NAT/FIN/008471 Protection of valuable bird-rich wetlands in Central Finland
2002 LIFE02 NAT/CP/FIN/000027 Best practices in Finnish Wetlands - networking for improved wetland
2003 LIFE03 NAT/FIN/000036 Karelian mires and virgin forests
2004 LIFE04 NAT/FI/000076 Restoration and maintenance of valuable aquatic bird habitats of Pirkanmaa
2006 LIFE06 NAT/FIN/000128 Promotion of public awareness and protection of aapa mires in Lapland
2006 LIFE06 NAT/FIN/000129 From Ancient to the Present Estuary, Kokemenjoki Wetland Chain
France 1998 LIFE98 NAT/F/005192 Wetlands of Gavot
1999 LIFE99 NAT/F/006315 Preservation and restoration of the habitats of the Ill wetland at Slestat
2004 LIFE04 NAT/FR/000086 Conservation of the Aquatic Warbler in Brittany
2004 LIFE04 NAT/FR/000087 Conservation of the most remarkables habitats and species of the Poitevin
Germany 1998 LIFE98 NAT/D/005081 Protection of priority bog habitats and of the Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) in the
Area of Upper Havel
2000 LIFE00 NAT/D/007042 Optimization of the SPA Dsterdieker Niederung
2000 LIFE00 NAT/D/007043 Hohes Moor peat bog
2000 LIFE00 NAT/D/007057 Restoration of clear water lakes, mires and swamp forests of the Lake Stechlin
2002 LIFE02 NAT/D/008462 Optimisation of the Blitzenreuter Seenplatte biosphere
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 63
Country Start Number Name
Germany 2003 LIFE03 NAT/D/000004 Regeneration of Grosses Torfmoor
2003 LIFE03 NAT/D/000005 Conservation and development of the inland salt marshes of Northern Thuringia
2003 LIFE03NAT/CP/D/000009 Handbook for Actions to promote Bittern in Europe
2005 LIFE05 NAT/D/000053 Rosenheimer master basin bogs
2005 LIFE05 NAT/D/000111 Conservation and development of the inland salt marshes of Brandenburg
2005 LIFE05 NAT/D/000152 Rehabilitation of the Baltic coastal lagoon habitat complex
Greece 1999 LIFE99 NAT/GR/006475 Conservation management of Amvrakikos wetlands
2002 LIFE02 NAT/GR/008491 Conservation management in Stofylia-Kotychi
2003 LIFE03 NAT/GR/000092 Implementation of management measures at the Agras wetland
2004 LIFE04 NAT/GR/000105 Actions for the conservation of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Crete
Hungary 2002 LIFE02 NAT/H/008634 Restoration of pannonic steppes, marshes of Hortobgy National Park
2004 LIFE04 NAT/HU/000118 Complex habitat rehabilitation of the Central Bereg Plain, Northeast Hungary
Ireland 2000 LIFE00 NAT/IRL/007128 Restoration Management for Annex I Birds at Termoncarragh Lake SPA
2002 LIFE02 NAT/IRL/008490 Restoring Active Blanket Bog in Ireland
2004 LIFE04 NAT/IE/000121 Restoring raised bogs in Ireland
Italy 1998 LIFE98 NAT/IT/005032 Lake Caldaro - an oasis for migratory birds in the heart of the Alps
1998 LIFE98 NAT/IT/005117 Maremma Park: management of wetlands and sand dunes
1999 LIFE99 NAT/IT/006212 Biodiversity of Iseo peat-moss: conservation and management
1999 LIFE99 NAT/IT/006235 Actions of environmental restoration of Alserio Lake
1999 LIFE99 NAT/IT/006248 Urgent actions for the conservation of some SCI in Foligno area
2000 LIFE00 NAT/IT/007161 Paludi di Ostiglia: intervention for the protection of priority birds
2000 LIFE00 NAT/IT/007209 Conservation and management of the biotope S. Genuario Wetland
2000 LIFE00 NAT/IT/007246 Restoration of the Soltarico oxbow Lake
2000 LIFE00 NAT/IT/007281 NEMOS project - improvement of Alpine wetland areas
2002 LIFE02 NAT/IT/008533 Conservation and improvement of habitats inthe SPA of Vendicari
2004 LIFE04 NAT/IT/000177 Safeguard and showing off of the peat-bogs in Danta (Cadore)
Latvia 2003 LIFE03 NAT/LV/000081 Lake Pape - conservation, preservation and evolution
2003 LIFE03 NAT/LV/000083 Management of the Lubana Wetland Complex, Latvia
2004 LIFE04 NAT/LV/000196 Implementation of mire habitat management plan for Latvia
Netherlands 2000 LIFE00 NAT/NL/007049 Peat bog restoration programme of the Korenburgerveen
2002 LIFE02 NAT/NL/008486 Restoration of biotope for Botaurus stellaris, Anas penelope and Limosa limosa
in the SPA Ilperveld
2004 LIFE04 NAT/NL/000202 Tiengemeten, restoration of freshwater tidal area in the Haringvliet estuary,
the Netherlands
2004 LIFE04 NAT/NL/000206 From degraded to active raised bogs pSCI Bargerveen
2006 LIFE06 NAT/NL/000074 Wetlands: challenges and innovation in succession management
Poland 2004 LIFE04 NAT/PL/000208 Conservation of baltic raised bogs in Pomerania, Poland
Portugal 2000 LIFE00 NAT/P/007085 Palustris, Management of the Special Area of Conservation of the Marsh of
Romania 1999 LIFE99 NAT/RO/006400 Integrated Management plan for the Small Island of Braila
2002 LIFE02 NAT/RO/008573 Conservation of the natural wet habitat of Satchinez (continuation of the project
2004 LIFE04 NAT/RO/000220 Improving wintering conditions for Branta ruficollis at Techirghiol
Country Start Number Name
Slovakia 2003 LIFE03 NAT/SK/000096 Restoration of Water Regime in Sur Fen Nature Reserve
2005 LIFE05 NAT/SK/000112 Restoration of Wetlands at Zahorie Lowland
2006 LIFE06 NAT/SK/000114 Conservation of Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs in Slovakia
Slovenia 2006 LIFE06 NAT/SI/000069 Intermittent Cerknica Lake
Spain 1997 LIFE97 NAT/E/004179 Conservation of the Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) in the Endorreic Wetlands of the
Ebro valley in Navarra
1999 LIFE99 NAT/E/006417 Conservation of priority habitats in the Valencian Community
1999 LIFE99 NAT/E/006339 Restoration of three wetland areas in Villacaas (Toledo)
2000 LIFE00 NAT/E/007330 SCI Parga-Ladra-Tmoga: recovery of bog woodland and dystrophic lake
2002 LIFE02 NAT/E/008616 Conservation of the aquatic warbler in the ZEPA La Nava-Campos
2003 LIFE03 NAT/E/000052 Conservation and management of the SPA for Birds site of Community interest
wetland La Albuera in Extremadura
2005 LIFE05 NAT/E/000058 Management and conservation of temporary ponds in Minorca
2006 LIFE06 NAT/E/000213 Wetland restoration and management: Canal de Castilla Special Protection Area
Sweden 2000 LIFE00 NAT/S/007117 Coastal Meadows and Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape of land
2004 LIFE04 NAT/SE/000230 Improvement of habitats for wetland birds in Ask-Tid
2006 LIFE06 NAT/S/000113 Restoration of the Wetland Area of Hejnum Kallgate
United 2000 LIFE00 NAT/UK/007075 Restoring active blanket bog of European importance in North Scotland
Kingdom 2000 LIFE00 NAT/UK/007078 Restoration of Scottish raised bogs
2002 LIFE02 NAT/UK/008544 Sustainable Wetland Restoration in the New Forest
2002 LIFE02 NAT/UK/008527 Developing a strategic network of SPA reedbeds for Botaurus stellaris

Country Start Number Name
Germany 2000 LIFE00 ENV/D/000351 Living Lakes: Sustainable Management of wetlands and shallow lakes
Portugal 1999 LIFE99 ENV/P/000673 Integrated Managmeent Structure of Ria de Aveiro : ESGIRA - MARIA
Spain 2003 LIFE03 ENV/E/000118 Integrated management of lighting in the Albufera Nature Reserve (Valencia)
2004 LIFE04 ENV/ES/000269 Integrated management of agriculture in the surrondings of community impor-
tance wetlands (sustainable wetlands)
Sweden 1996 LIFE96 ENV/S/000346 Wetlands in agricultural areas - complementary remedies to reduce nutrient
transport to inland and co

Country Start Number Name
Albania 2003 LIFE03 TCY/AL/000004 Capacity building on conservation of Albanian wetland ecosystems (alwet)
1999 LIFE99 TCY/BIH/000035 Development of a new management policy for the Hutovo Blato wetlands,
International 2003 LIFE03 TCY/INT/000031 Protection et Dveloppement Durable des Zones Humides en Afrique du Nord
2002 LIFE02 TCY/INT/000069 Wetlands Moroccan Centre
1994 LIFE94 TCY/INT/000988 MEDWET: Conservation and wise use of wetlands in the Mediterranean Basin
Israel 1997 LIFE97 TCY/IL/000038 Restoration and conservation in the re-flooded Hula wetland habitat in northern
Russia 2004 LIFE04 TCY/ROS/000050 Bringing Regional Protected Areas of the Leningrad region (Russian Federation)
into European Context
A number of printed copies of cer-
tain LIFE publications are availa-
ble and can be ordered free-of-
charge at: http://ec.europa.eu/
LIFE Focus
LIFE and Europes wetlands
p. 65
Available LIFE publications
Other publications LIFE-Focus brochures
A number of LIFE publications are
available on the LIFE website:
LIFE and waste recycling: Innovative
waste management options in Europe)
(2007 - 60 pp. - ISBN 978-92-79-07397-7)
LIFE and Europes rivers Protecting
and improving our water resources
(2007 52pp. ISBN 978-92-79-05543-0
- ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE and Energy Innovative solutions
for sustainable and efficient energy in
Europe (2007 64pp. ISBN 978 92-79-
04969-9 - ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE and the marine environment
(2006 54pp. ISBN 92-79-03447-2- ISSN
LIFE and European forests (2006 - 68pp.
ISBN 92-79-02255-5 - ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE in the City Innovative solutions
for Europes urban environment (2006,
64pp. - ISBN 92-79-02254-7 ISSN
1725-5619) http://ec.europa.eu/envi-
Integrated management of Natura
2000 sites (2005 - 48 pp. ISBN 92-79-
00388-7) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/
LIFE, Natura 2000 and the military
(2005 - 86 pp. ISBN 92-894-9213-9
ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE for birds - 25 years of the Birds
Directive: the contribution of LIFE-
Nature projects (2004 - 48 pp. ISBN
92-894-7452-1 ISSN 1725-5619)
The air we breathe - LIFE and the Euro-
pean Union clean air policy (2004 - 32 pp.
ISBN 92-894-7899-3 ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE-Nature: communicating with
stakeholders and the general public
- Best practice examples for Natura
2000 (2004 - 72 pp. ISBN 92-894-
7898-5 ISSN 1725-5619)
A cleaner, greener Europe - LIFE and
the European Union waste policy
(2004 - 28 pp. ISBN 92-894-6018-0
ISSN 1725-5619)
Industrial pollution, European solu-
tions: clean technologies - LIFE and
the Directive on integrated pollution
prevention and control (IPPC Direc-
tive) (2003 - 32 pp. ISBN 92-894-
6020-2 ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE and agri-environment support-
ing Natura 2000 - Experience from the
LIFE programme (2003 - 72 pp. ISBN
92-894-6023-7 ISSN N 1725-5619)
LIFE for Natura 2000 - 10 years imple-
menting the regulation (2003 - 108 pp.
ISBN 92-894-4337-5)
Best LIFE-Environment Projects 2006-2007
(2007, 44 pp.-ISBN 978-92-79-06699-3
ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 (2007,
64 pp. ISBN 978-92-79-05694-9 ISSN
Best LIFE-Environment Projects 2005-
2006 (2006, 40 pp. ISBN 92-79-02123-0)
LIFE-Environment 1992 2004 Dem-
onstrating excellence in environmen-
tal innovation (2005, 124 pp. ISBN
92-894-7699-3 ISSN 1725-5619)
LIFE-Environment Projects 2006 compi-
lation (2006, 56 pp.-ISBN 92-79-02786-7)
ht t p: //ec. europa. eu/envi ronment /
l i f e/ publ i cat i ons/ l i f epubl i cat i ons/
LIFE-Nature Projects 2006 compilation
(2006, 67 pp. ISBN 92-79-02788-3)
LIFE-Third Countries Projects 2006
compilation (2006, 20 pp. ISBN 92-
ht t p: //ec. europa. eu/envi ronment /
l i f e/ publ i cat i ons/ l i f epubl i cat i ons/

colours C/M/Y/K
ISSN 1725-5619
LIFE LInstrument Financier pour lEnvironnement / The financial instrument for the environment
Period covered (LIFE III) 2000-2006.
EU funding available approximately EUR 945 million.
Type of intervention co-financing actions in favour of the environment (LIFE projects) in the Member States of
the European Union, in associated candidate countries and in certain third countries bordering the Mediterranean and
the Baltic Sea.
LIFE projects
> LIFE Nature projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and natural habitats. They support the
implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network.
> LIFE Environment projects contribute to the development of innovative and integrated techniques or methods to
support environmental progress.
> LIFE Third Countries projects support environmental capacity building and initiatives in non-EU countries bordering
the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.
LIFE+ LInstrument Financier pour lEnvironnement / The financial instrument for the environment
Period covered (LIFE+) 2007-2013.
EU funding available approximately EUR 2,143 million
Type of intervention at least 78% of the budget is for co-financing actions in favour of the environment (LIFE+
projects) in the Member States of the European Union and in certain non-EU countries.
LIFE+ projects
> LIFE Nature projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and natural habitats. They support the
implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network.
> LIFE+ Biodiversity projects improve biodiversity in the EU. They contribute to the implementation of the objectives of
the Commission Communication, Halting the loss of Biodiversity by 2010 and beyond (COM (2006) 216 final).
> LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance projects contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative
policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments in support of European environmental policy and legislation.
> LIFE+ Information and Communication projects are communication and awareness raising campaigns related to the
implementation, updating and development of European environmental policy and legislation, including the prevention
of forest fires and training for forest fire agents.
Further information further information on LIFE and LIFE+ is available at http://ec.europa/life.
How to apply for LIFE+ funding The European Commission organises annual calls for proposals. Full details are
available at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/lifeplus.htm
European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment
LIFE Unit BU-9 02/1 B-1049 Brussels Internet: http://ec.europa.eu/life
LIFE Focus / LIFE and Europes wetlands: Restoring a vital ecosystem
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

2007 - 68p - 21 x 29.7 cm
ISBN 978-92-79-07617-6
ISSN 1725-5619
DOI 10.2779/22840

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