Salmonella contamination poses a significant challenge to the global marketing of animal food products. Salmonellosis is the most common food-borne bacterial disease worldwide, with animals being the primary source. Herd prevalence of Salmonella in food-producing animals varies greatly between species and regions, from 0% to 90%. The pathogen is spread through international trade of live animals and non-heated animal food products. Emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains from antimicrobial use in animals is a major public health concern. Successful control requires a range of preventive actions across the entire production chain.
Salmonella contamination poses a significant challenge to the global marketing of animal food products. Salmonellosis is the most common food-borne bacterial disease worldwide, with animals being the primary source. Herd prevalence of Salmonella in food-producing animals varies greatly between species and regions, from 0% to 90%. The pathogen is spread through international trade of live animals and non-heated animal food products. Emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains from antimicrobial use in animals is a major public health concern. Successful control requires a range of preventive actions across the entire production chain.
Salmonella contamination poses a significant challenge to the global marketing of animal food products. Salmonellosis is the most common food-borne bacterial disease worldwide, with animals being the primary source. Herd prevalence of Salmonella in food-producing animals varies greatly between species and regions, from 0% to 90%. The pathogen is spread through international trade of live animals and non-heated animal food products. Emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains from antimicrobial use in animals is a major public health concern. Successful control requires a range of preventive actions across the entire production chain.
Salmonella contamination poses a significant challenge to the global marketing of animal food products. Salmonellosis is the most common food-borne bacterial disease worldwide, with animals being the primary source. Herd prevalence of Salmonella in food-producing animals varies greatly between species and regions, from 0% to 90%. The pathogen is spread through international trade of live animals and non-heated animal food products. Emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains from antimicrobial use in animals is a major public health concern. Successful control requires a range of preventive actions across the entire production chain.
Salmonella contamination: a signicant challenge to the global marketing of animal food products L. Plym Forshell (1) & M. Wierup (2) (1) Swedish National Food Administration, Box 622, 75126 Uppsala, Sweden (2) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Box 7084, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden Summary Salmonellosis is the most common food-borne bacterial disease in the world. Salmonella is a signicant pathogen for food-producing animals and these animals are the primary source of salmonellosis. It is estimated that herd prevalence varies between 0% and 90%, depending on the animal species and region. The pathogen is spread by trade in animals and non-heated animal food products. The emergence of strains that are resistant to antimicrobials, often as a result of antimicrobial usage in animals, is a public health hazard of great concern. It is increasingly accepted that the prevalence of Salmonella in animal production must be decreased and, in the European Union, plans to achieve this are currently being implemented. In this paper, the authors propose various risk mitigation strategies. Successful control must focus on a range of preventive actions because there is no simple silver bullet solution to reduce Salmonella contamination. The authors conclude that the key to controlling Salmonella is to follow the general rules that have been successfully applied to other infectious diseases. Keywords Animal products Antimicrobial resistance Control Disease Epidemiology Monitoring Pre-harvest control Risk mitigation Salmonella Salmonella contamination Salmonella pathogenicity island Salmonellosis Virulence. Introduction In most parts of the world, countries have seen dramatic and continuous increases in human outbreaks of salmonellosis, caused by infections in animals. In 2004, in the European Union (EU) alone, 192,703 human cases of salmonellosis were reported (17). These and similar data from other countries almost certainly underestimate the magnitude of the problem, as many cases of salmonellosis are not reported. Often, the infected person does not visit a doctor, or no specimen is obtained for laboratory tests or laboratory ndings are not reported. Taking into account this degree of under-reporting, the Centers for Disease Control estimate the annual number of non-typhoidal salmonellosis cases in the United States of America (USA) to be approximately 1.4 million (41). In addition to human health implications, Salmonella is a pathogen of signicant importance in worldwide animal production and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains, due principally to the therapeutic use of antimicrobials in animals, is a further threat to human and animal health. Increasing attention has been focused on the prevention and control of Salmonella in animal production, as this is the main source of outbreaks in humans (19, 66, 75). The need for global co-operation in controlling salmonellosis was emphasised at an early stage by the World Health Organization (WHO) (8). This is readily understandable since Salmonella infections are also spread through international trade in animal feed, live animals and food. The control of Salmonella is thus an urgent challenge confronted by Veterinary Services and producers as they seek to produce safe foods of animal origin. A stable-to-the-table approach is needed to implement stringent disease control measures. In this paper, the authors examine preventive measures at the pre- harvest level. Salmonella Nomenclature/taxonomy The genus Salmonella belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Salmonellae are facultative anaerobic, Gram-negative, oxidase-negative, rod-shaped bacteria. The genus Salmonella consists of two species, Salmonella enterica and S. bongori. Salmonella enterica is further divided into six subspecies: S. enterica subsp. enterica S. enterica subsp. salamae S. enterica subsp. arizonae S. enterica subsp. diarizonae S. enterica subsp. houtenae S. enterica subsp. indica. More than 2,400 serovars are known. Serovars that are frequently isolated in human or veterinary medicine have historically been given names denoting syndrome (e.g. S. Typhi), host-specicity (e.g. S. Choleraesuis) or the geographical origin of the rst isolation of a new serovar (e.g. S. Dublin). Salmonellae cause disease in both humans and animals. The serovar S. Typhi and most S. Paratyphi strains (A, B and C), which cause serious systemic infections in humans, are specic human pathogens. These pathogens have no animal reservoir and so are not dealt with in this paper. Instead, the authors focus on the remaining serovars, usually known as the zoonotic Salmonella spp., which cause so-called non-typhoidal salmonellosis in humans and sometimes also in animals. Virulence Understanding the mechanisms behind the survival of Salmonella bacteria, as they invade an exposed animal, and their ability to cause disease would enable researchers to prevent much of the suffering and economic losses caused by this pathogen. However, despite substantial research efforts, progress has been limited. The current knowledge may be summarised as follows. Following oral uptake, Salmonella is successively exposed to: a) low pH in the stomach b) the strong antimicrobial effect of bile c) decreasing oxygen supply d) normal gut ora and metabolites e) intestinal peristalsis f) cationic antimicrobial peptides present on the surface of epithelial cells (50). These encounters with stressful environments induce the expression of a number of genes whose products are essential for Salmonella to invade the intestinal epithelium and infect the host. The ability to cause disease relies on several virulence determinants. Some of these may be seen as virulence determinants in the broad sense, including genes involved in nutrient biosynthesis/uptake, stress response (both in and outside the host) and repair of cell damage. These genes may be considered housekeeping genes and are present in other closely related bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (5). Another group of virulence genes specic for the genus Salmonella encode adaptations to overcome host defence mechanisms and may therefore be called true virulence determinants. The expression of both groups of virulence genes is regulated in response to environmental signals in the host. The regulatory genes mediating this control may also be considered virulence determinants (5). The genetic control of Salmonella virulence is not fully known. However, both plasmid and chromosomal genes are involved. Many of the virulence genes of S. enterica are located on pathogenicity islands of the chromosomes, referred to as Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPI). These genes are believed to have been acquired by Salmonella from other bacterial species through horizontal gene transfer (62). They include functions such as host cell invasion and intracellular pathogenesis. Thus far, 12 different SPI have been described. The roles of some SPI in the pathogenesis of Salmonella spp. are well described but the function in virulence of many genes within SPI is not yet understood (27). At least six serovars of Salmonella (Abortusovis, Choleraesuis, Dublin, Enteritidis, Gallinarum/Pullorum and Typhimurium) harbour a virulence plasmid (although not all isolates of these serovars do). These plasmids vary Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 542 in size among the serovars. All these plasmids contain the Salmonella plasmid virulence (spv) locus. This locus harbours ve genes designated spvRABCD (62). The rst gene spvR encodes an activator of spvABCD, but the exact function of the encoded proteins is not fully known. These genes are induced by growth restriction, reduced nutrient supply or lowered pH and are involved in intra- macrophage survival of Salmonella (51). Other virulence factors of Salmonella include the production of endotoxins and exotoxins, and the presence of mbriae and agellae. The role of these factors in the pathogenesis of Salmonella spp. is not fully established (62). Salmonella infections Salmonella infections in humans Non-typhoid salmonellosis in humans is usually manifested as a localised enterocolitis. The incubation period ranges from ve hours (h) to seven days, but clinical signs usually begin 12 h to 36 h after ingestion of a contaminated food. Shorter incubation periods are generally associated with either higher doses of the pathogen or highly susceptible people. Clinical signs include diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain, mild fever and chills. The diarrhoea varies from a few thin vegetable-soup- like stools to massive evacuations with accompanying dehydration. Vomiting, prostration, anorexia, headache and malaise may also occur. The syndrome usually lasts for two to seven days. Systemic infections sometimes occur, and usually involve the very young, the elderly or the immuno-compromised. A fatal outcome is rare. The excreta of infected patients contain large numbers of Salmonella spp. at the onset of illness. Those numbers decrease with the passing of time. Some patients become carriers, and some are still excreting Salmonella spp. after three months. Non-typhoid salmonellosis can later give rise to chronic diseases, including localised infections in specic tissues or organs and reactive arthritis, as well as neurological and neuromuscular illnesses. Subclinical infections and/or carriers also occur and investigations have found that 7% to 66% of infected humans are subclinical carriers (2). Salmonella infections in animals As with humans, Salmonella-infected animals may or may not develop disease. Those serovars that were initially observed to cause disease were found to be adapted to specic animal species, that is: S. Abortus ovis (sheep) S. Cholerae suis (pigs) S. Gallinarum (poultry) S. Abortus equi (horses) S. Dublin (cattle). These serovars cause disease in the species to which they are adapted and are considered less pathogenic to people. However, when humans become infected, the same serovars often cause severe septicaemia (1, 54). These host- adapted serovars primarily cause abortions or severe gastroenteritis in their animal hosts. A group of more frequently isolated serovars, such as S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis, S. Hadar and S. Infantis (among others), readily affect both humans and animals. In food animals, these serovars manifest themselves clinically through per-acute septicaemia, acute enteritis or chronic enteritis. In the subclinical form of the disease, the animal may either have a latent infection or become a temporary or persistent carrier (47). The remaining, less frequently isolated serovars can colonise animals, usually without signicant clinical signs, but they are all considered capable of causing gastro- intestinal infection of varying severity in humans. In summary, in most food animal species, Salmonellae usually establish a clinically inapparent infection of variable duration, which is signicant as a potential zoonosis. However, under various stress conditions, serovars that are usually non-pathogenic may also cause disease in food animal species. No data are available to give the true prevalence of Salmonella in animal production or to provide true comparisons between countries. Existing data indicate that the herd prevalence, depending on animal species and region, may vary between 0% and 90% (in swine, cattle and poultry) (10, 11, 17, 56). Interestingly, Sweden, Finland and Norway have achieved virtually Salmonella- free animal production as the result of an intervention strategy, implemented some time ago, which proposed zero tolerance for Salmonella (17). Serovars involved in human illness Any serovar is considered capable of causing gastro- intestinal illness of varying severity in humans. In a global survey covering the years 1990 and 1995, S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium were the two most frequently isolated serovars among human isolates (29). These serovars were also the most frequently found in human outbreaks of salmonellosis in Europe in the period 1993 to 1998, being responsible for 77.1% of the recorded outbreaks and occurring in a ratio of approximatively 3:1 (77). In 2004, S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium were still the Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 543 most frequently reported serovars, accounting for 76% and 14%, respectively, of human isolates reported in the EU (17). However, the current situation could easily change, as exemplied when an apparently new virulent strain of S. Enteritidis appeared in the 1980s, with the ability to infect the eggs of poultry. This resulted in a pandemic spread, combined with severe outbreaks in poultry but also in humans, with contaminated eggs and egg products being the principal vehicle (30). Similarly, the spread of the multi-antibiotic-resistant strain of S. Typhimurium (see below) demonstrated that dynamic spread of certain strains of Salmonella can easily occur. In particular, the pandemic spread of S. Enteritidis prompted a more active approach to the control of Salmonella (48). Epidemiology Animals infected after exposure to infected animals, feed or environmental conditions excrete Salmonella bacteria by faecal shedding. Faecal/intestinal contamination of carcasses is the principal source of human food-borne infections. The exception is when Salmonella is directly transmitted into the food product, for example, S. Enteritidis into eggs and sometimes other Salmonella serovars into milk. Humans excrete the microbe as animals do. Salmonella bacteria can survive for long periods in the environment, although in general no significant multiplication occurs. Salmonella infections in wild fauna, such as rodents, are usually secondary to the infection of farm animals, even though infection cycles may continue independently of any continuous input of Salmonella bacteria from farm animals, as described by Henzler and Opitz (28). In a review on the survival of Salmonella in the environment, Murray (43) concludes that control of Salmonella must start with a signicant decrease in the number of organisms that are discharged into the environment. Animal and human faecal contamination of water and soil is also part of the epidemiological cycle and can contaminate, for example, vegetables, which then also become a source of food-borne human infections. Animal sources of food-borne salmonellosis An EU scientic committee concluded that the food categories that possibly pose the greatest hazard to public health include: raw meat and some meat products intended to be eaten raw raw or undercooked poultry meat products eggs and products containing raw eggs unpasteurised milk and some milk products. Sprouted seeds, unpasteurised fruit juices and home-made mayonnaise are also of concern (54). More correctly estimating the contributions of various food products to human outbreaks of Salmonella would require more detailed data. Situations are likely to vary between countries, according to different levels of Salmonella contamination and patterns of consumption. Two examples are available. In the Netherlands, the estimated contributions of travel, farm animals and various animal products towards human salmonellosis are presented in the 2003 annual report of the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Using typing data of Salmonella spp. isolates from laboratory surveillance, researchers estimated which fractions of human salmonellosis cases were attributable to which category of farm animals and their products, as well as which fraction was of unknown origin, including the possible cause of travel (Fig. 1). In 2003, the assessed total number of human salmonellosis cases amounted to 50,000 (308 cases per 100,000 head of population). The estimated mean number of human cases in Denmark (per 100,000 inhabitants) that could be attributed to various sources is presented in Figure 2. Transmission through trade and travelling Salmonella is spread by the trade of live animals within and between countries. In Europe, the spread of infection with S. Typhimurium is typically seen as a result of trade in calves (7), and by parent and grandparent ocks in poultry production (45). Trade in contaminated animal feed products has also signicantly contributed to the spread of Salmonella (59, 66), and several large outbreaks in humans have been traced back to contaminated animal feed (12). However, Salmonella is also spread by non-heat-treated animal products. In Sweden, in the 1950s, 500 people were reported to have been infected by S. Montevideo from meat imported from South America (55). Moreover, recent data from Denmark estimate the contribution from imported non-heat-treated meat (duck, turkey, chicken, beef and pork) to human cases of salmonellosis to be between 13.8% and 26.8% (Fig. 2). Many countries have trade restrictions for Salmonella and trade between countries has often been interrupted by Salmonella-contaminated consignments (40). There have also been numerous alerts concerning Salmonella- contaminated meat, meat products and poultry notied through the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) (49). Salmonella is additionally spread between countries by humans as a result of food-borne infections acquired Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 544 Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 545 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 0 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 Broilers/products Layers/eggs Pigs Cattle Travel/other S a l m o n e l l o s i s
c a s e s
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p o p u l a t i o n L a b o r a t o r y - c o n f i r m e d
c a s e s
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S a l m o n e l l o s i s Year Travel (mean: 26.6%) Imported duck (0.1%-0.8%) Outbreaks of unknown source (3.3%) Unknown (23.9%-31.3%) Pork (7.1%-11.4%) Beef (1.0%-2.0%) Table eggs (5.0%-8.2%) Imported pork (4.4%-8.7%) Ducks (0.2%-1.7%) Broilers (2.4%-6.5%) Imported beef (0.4%-0.9%) Imported chicken (7.1%-12.1%) Imported turkey (1.8%-4.3%) Fig. 1 Estimated contributions of travel and farm animals and their products to laboratory-conrmed human salmonellosis cases and estimated salmonellosis cases in the general population of the Netherlands, 1995-2005 (33, 34) Fig. 2 Estimated sources of 1,538 cases of human salmonellosis in Denmark, 2004 (3) abroad. The overall importance of this route of transmission may reect the prevalence of Salmonella contamination of food (including food of animal origin) in a particular country. In low-prevalence countries, such as Finland, Norway and Sweden, > 80% of human cases of salmonellosis are attributed to visits abroad (3). This is in marked contrast to countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands (Figs 1 and 2), where roughly the opposite situation exists. Risk mitigation options In 1980, WHO had already formulated three lines of defence against Salmonella, which still comprise valid strategic approaches to risk mitigation (71): a) the rst approach focuses on controlling Salmonella in the food-producing animal (pre-harvest control) b) the second approach involves improving hygiene during the slaughter and further processing of the meat (harvest control) c) the third approach targets the nal preparation of food by educating the food industry and consumers about good hygiene practices (post-harvest control). Successful prevention of food-borne salmonellosis originating from animal production must involve all three lines of defence. The previously supported strategy that it is possible to control Salmonella only at consumer level, i.e. only at the third line of defence, has been abandoned (67). Pre-harvest control of Salmonella at the farm level has long been considered an important part of pathogen reduction schemes (61), not least because traditional meat inspection cannot control Salmonella-contaminated carcasses. Indeed, the latter demonstrate how the industrialisation of animal production opened the door of the food chain to pathogens like Salmonella. Pre-harvest control General aspects There have been numerous international workshops and consultations on microbiological control and Salmonella reduction schemes in farming (35, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76). In addition, national inquiries directed principally at controlling Salmonella in poultry have been conducted in several countries in Europe, as well as Canada and the USA. A presentation of the Swedish Salmonella programme, supported by WHO, was of special interest (45). In a review for the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (66), on knowledge and experience in the prevention of salmonellosis on livestock farms, it was concluded that Salmonella control programmes should follow the same general rules that have been successfully applied to other infectious diseases (69). It is fundamental that monitoring programmes should be established to identify Salmonella-infected herds and animals and that efforts are made to nd and control the sources of infection and prevent further spread. The ultimate objective is to produce Salmonella-free animals. It should also be emphasised that Salmonella is a pathogen and not a ubiquitous bacterium or a normal inhabitant of the intestinal ora of domestic animals, as has sometimes been claimed previously (66). Specic aspects Serovars to be controlled Since any serovar, including those that infect animals or colonise their intestine, is a potential hazard to human health, measures to prevent food-borne salmonellosis must be directed at all serovars of Salmonella. However, a Salmonella reduction strategy which is limited to a few selected serovars should also have a preventive effect on most other serovars since the same advice for reducing any serovar applies. If such a strategy is implemented, a supporting surveillance programme will also be needed to detect the prevalence of zoonotic serovars and prevent their build-up in the production chain. If no interventions are made at this early stage, these serovars could later spread widely, perhaps reaching epidemic proportions. Live animals as a source of infection Salmonella-infected food-producing animals excrete Salmonella bacteria in large numbers, sometimes intermittently during their entire economic life. Excreted bacteria infect neighbouring animals on the farm and contamination of the environment takes place, with infections being transmitted to rodents and other wild fauna. When moved, the Salmonella-infected animals are effective at introducing the infection into their new holdings. In the absence of guaranteed Salmonella-free replacement animals, other methods must be used to limit the risk of introducing Salmonella with incoming animals. In general, animals should be introduced only from herds of the same or a higher health status. Integrated production limits the need to introduce animals from other herds and thus the risk of introducing Salmonella-infected livestock. Networking between producers is an effective way to prevent respiratory and enteric infections in pig production, and should also prove suitable for limiting the risk of Salmonella. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 546 Diagnosis and monitoring methods To combat the source of infection, the rst requirement is to identify all Salmonella-infected animals on a livestock farm. Methods for this have been summarised in a WHO consultation report (76) on poultry production. Corresponding detailed guidelines have not yet been developed for other areas, e.g. for swine or beef/dairy production, but have long been applied successfully in Scandinavian countries. Two principal methods are available: bacteriological immunological. Bacteriological methods express the actual infection status of the animal, including recent transmission or contamination. They detect all serovars. The actual infectious agent (or, in the case of multiple infections, agents) is isolated, which makes further characterisation (e.g. serovar and antimicrobial resistance prole) possible. However, the analytical procedure is laborious. Immunological methods identify previous exposure by detecting the presence of specific antibodies against Salmonella. This method can identify carriers or animals that are already clear of infection. It detects only those (most common) serogroups (O-antigens) included in the test and therefore new emerging serovars may not be detected. These methods are automated and less laborious. A control programme also needs a supporting monitoring programme. Monitoring using bacteriological methods is needed to obtain a true picture of Salmonella status (38). Serological methods can be recommended, especially in medium- and high-prevalence countries, since they are cheap, fast and suitable for large-scale use, but their limitations should also be considered. They should be supplemented by the strategic use of bacteriological methods to ensure that emerging serovars, which might not otherwise be included in the tests, are also detected. Hygiene and husbandry Optimal hygiene and management routines are of major importance in aiding animals to withstand exposure to Salmonella, and to minimise the possible subsequent spread of the agent on the farm. Improvements in hygiene and management procedures must be continually implemented as a natural part of Salmonella control. Guidelines and recommendations have been presented by WHO (72), Blood and Radostits (7) and Schwartz (53). Raising livestock in separate groups, without mixing animals from different sources and ages, has proved to be an effective health measure. The all-in, all-out system, with careful cleaning and disinfection between batches, has long been essential in broiler production (6), and is now also routine in Salmonella control programmes for beef and swine production. (This involves entirely emptying the stable/pen of animals before any new ones are introduced, so that infection cannot be passed on to incoming livestock.) Violating these procedures has been empirically shown to result in deteriorating health status. In the advanced Salmonella control policies applied in poultry production, good hygiene routines have proved to be of basic importance (66). In a study involving several EU Member States, it was found that the risk of swine at slaughter testing seropositive for Salmonella infection was twice as high in herds with a continuous production system as in herds with a batch production system (37). The importance of providing good herd and pen hygiene in pig production, especially by limiting the faecal-oral transmission route, is further emphasised in a recent report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (16). The control and eradication of immunodeciency-causing diseases have been found to have signicant health- supporting effects, in addition to the direct gains due to the absence of clinical disease. These diseases include the following: bovine virus diarrhoea enzootic bovine leukosis caprine arthritis/encephalitis in goats maedi-visna in sheep infectious bursal disease in poultry Aujeszkys disease (pseudorabies) in pigs. Other enzootic diseases can thus predispose or increase the susceptibility of animals to Salmonella exposure. Biosecurity systems should also prevent the introduction of Salmonella into a herd through, for example, wild animals, visitors or machinery (63). The importance of hygienic handling of manure is obvious, particularly considering that Salmonella is transmitted by faecal shedding and that the average number of animals per farm is increasing. Jones (31) reviewed the question of Salmonella in animal waste and presented recommendations for the storage and spread of manure, especially slurry. According to several studies, improving hygiene and husbandry management programmes, as described above, is generally very cost effective (64). Feed In all countries, there is a constant risk that animals will be exposed to Salmonella through their feed (14, 21). Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 547 Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 548 Considerable efforts should therefore be made to limit this exposure to an absolute minimum. Feed controls should follow the procedure described by Hggblom (24, 25). As Salmonella can seldom be detected in the nal feed, unless the feed is heavily contaminated, it cannot be emphasised enough that control measures must be implemented before that stage. Programmes to prevent Salmonella in feedstuffs must be based on detecting the bacterium as early as possible in the production chain. A protocol involving hazard analysis at critical control points in the feed mill, including procedures for efficient cleaning and disinfection, should ensure that the processing line is not contaminated with Salmonella (59). As shown by Edel et al. (13), pelleting can greatly reduce Salmonella contamination of the nished feed. Certain feeds, such as fermented liquid feed used as a wet feeding system, and acidied feed or drinking water, have been found to reduce Salmonella in pig production (63). Competitive exclusion The use of competitive exclusion, in which the normal intestinal flora protects the host against invading pathogens, is a valuable part of Salmonella control in poultry farming. Competitive exclusion cultures have been used and tested in various countries, as reviewed by Schneitz and Mead (52). Positive results from the use of competitive exclusion have also been reported in pigs (22). Vaccines Many efforts have been made to nd effective vaccines against Salmonella infections, especially in cattle and poultry but also in swine. A live attenuated vaccine against S. Gallinarum in poultry is available and there is currently demand for a vaccine to control Salmonella infections associated with human food poisoning, in particular, S. Enteritidis (20). However, due to the complicated pathogenesis of Salmonella infection, no significant breakthrough has been achieved (9). Vaccines to control Salmonella infections, especially inactivated vaccines, are in use all over the world. In recent years, increasing numbers of live vaccines have been developed but most of them are not yet authorised. Vaccination can play an important role in intervening against Salmonella in high-prevalence herds (23, 39, 46, 58). However, immunisation should not be conducted in isolation but always in combination with other measures, such as veterinary hygiene and improved management. Antimicrobials The use of antimicrobials to prevent suffering and economic losses in individual animals and herds can be justied, but should always be combined with other Salmonella reduction measures. Antibiotics have sometimes been used to prevent animals shedding Salmonella (36), but the use of antibiotics in pigs with enterocolitis has not been found to reduce the prevalence, magnitude or duration of Salmonella shedding by sick or recovered animals (70). Earlier, similar observations were made for experimental and natural S. Dublin infections in cattle (65). Both these ndings agree with results from the use of antibiotics in human salmonellosis, i.e. that they have long been recognised to prolong the carrier state (4). The use of antimicrobials for therapy or growth promotion may also disrupt the gut ora, which often increases the susceptibility of pigs to Salmonella infection. The use of antibiotics may thus act as a trigger to spread Salmonella infection throughout a herd, which would not have occurred if the animals remained untreated. This phenomenon has been thoroughly documented in poultry (57) and is also likely to occur in other animal species. The EFSA recently gave an opinion on the use of antibiotics to control Salmonella in poultry (15), which concurred with that of WHO (74), i.e. that Salmonella control should not be based on antibiotics. The emergence of antibiotic resistance is another serious reason why antibiotics should be used with great care, as demonstrated by the emergence and fast spread of the multi-resistant S. Typhimurium denitive phage type (DT) 104 (60). In developed countries, it is also becoming increasingly accepted that a majority of the resistant strains of zoonotic Salmonella spp. have acquired that resistance in an animal host before being transmitted to humans through the food chain (42, 60). The prevalence of resistant isolates in countries where intensive animal production is practised is between 10% and 30%. When herds are held under strong antibiotic selective pressures, due to the intensive use of antibiotics, the prevalence of resistant strains rises to between 60% and 90% (26). As these bacterial strains are of considerable potential clinical importance to human health, this is a matter of real concern. Strategies for implementation The implementation of the mitigation options summarised above should all have a Salmonella-preventing effect. However, effective interventions also need specic targets and strategies for their application. In addition, if Salmonella does occur, despite these interventions, a progressive disease control plan should already have been prepared. Possible strategies for such approaches to control Salmonella have previously been formulated (66, 68). An intervention strategy should be based on the situation in the targeted herd, region or country. In summary, the control of Salmonella at pre-harvest level must focus on preventive action because there is no silver bullet through which the level of Salmonella contamination can be simply reduced. No single vaccine Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 549 can prevent the infection, and the use of antimicrobials not only results in prolonged carriership but is also associated with the risk of developing antimicrobial- resistant strains. Both consequences pose public health hazards. Preventive action should follow the general rules that have already been successfully applied to control other infectious diseases. In poultry production, rapid and positive results were demonstrated after the introduction of nationwide Salmonella reduction schemes. In Denmark, the prevalence of infection in broiler ocks declined from 12.9% in 1997 to 1.5% in 2002, resulting in an estimated 78% reduction of human cases related to domestically produced poultry products (44). Corresponding results have also been demonstrated in swine production, e.g. from Denmark (10). However, due to the more complex nature of swine, beef and dairy production, achieving positive results on a national basis would probably require a more long-term control programme, covering all steps of the production chain (32). A step-by-step approach to targeted interventions is advisable. The results should be viewed from a long-term perspective and the programme should be regularly re-evaluated to ensure compliance, efcacy and modication, if necessary. Valuable experience can be gained from the EU, whose focus on preventing the spread of Salmonella in poultry is now directed to other animal species. Detailed rules are being established for harmonised Salmonella monitoring throughout the Community, to be followed by targets for reducing the prevalence of Salmonella serotypes with public health signicance in pig herds. These will be based on appropriate legislation (18, 19). Within 18 months of these targets being set, Member States shall prepare and submit national control programmes to be approved by the Commission. The deadline for setting targets in pig production is December 2007 for breeding pigs and December 2008 for slaughter pigs. Follow-up at harvest and post-harvest levels If such pre-harvest Salmonella reduction interventions are supported by similar measures at harvest and post-harvest levels (which are, however, outside the scope of this paper), human exposure to Salmonella bacteria from animal food products should be considerably reduced. In Denmark, the herd prevalence of Salmonella in swine is estimated to have decreased from 22% to 11% in the four years following the implementation (1993/1994) of a Salmonella control programme (10). Through further interventions during slaughter, primarily hygienic killing procedures which avoid faecal contamination of carcasses, the prevalence of Salmonella in swine carcasses has been brought down to approximately 1% (17). Infection Salmonella : une grave menace pour le commerce mondial des produits alimentaires dorigine animale L. Plym Forshell & M. Wierup Rsum La salmonellose constitue la maladie bactrienne dorigine alimentaire la plus frquente du monde. Salmonella est un agent pathogne important des animaux destins la consommation et ces animaux sont la source principale de salmonellose. Selon les estimations, la prvalence lchelle des troupeaux varie entre 0 et 90 %, selon lespce animale et la rgion. Lagent pathogne se propage lors du commerce danimaux et de produits alimentaires dorigine animale non cuits. Lapparition de souches rsistantes aux antimicrobiens, souvent la suite de lutilisation dantimicrobiens chez les animaux, reprsente une menace grave pour la sant publique. Il est de plus en plus admis que la prvalence de Salmonella dans la production animale doit tre rduite et, dans lUnion europenne, des plans visant cet objectif sont actuellement mis en uvre. Dans cet article, les auteurs proposent diffrentes stratgies dattnuation du risque. Une prophylaxie russie doit tre axe sur un ensemble dactions prventives car il nexiste pas de solution miracle pour rduire la contamination par Salmonella. Les auteurs concluent que pour lutter contre Salmonella, il faut suivre les rgles gnrales qui ont t appliques avec succs dautres maladies infectieuses. Mots-cls Attnuation du risque pidmiologie lot de pathognicit lis Salmonella Maladie Produit dorigine animale Prophylaxie Prophylaxie avant abattage Rsistance aux antimicrobiens Salmonella Salmonellose Suivi Virulence. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 25 (2) 550 La salmonelosis: un importante problema para la comercializacin a escala mundial de productos alimentarios de origen animal L. Plym Forshell & M. Wierup Resumen La salmonelosis es la ms frecuente de las enfermedades bacterianas que se transmiten por va alimentaria en el mundo. Salmonella es un patgeno importante para los animales de los que se alimenta el hombre, animales que son a su vez la fuente primaria de salmonelosis. Se estima que la prevalencia del patgeno en los rebaos oscila entre un 0% y un 90%, segn la especie animal y la regin de que se trate. La actividad comercial es el cauce por el que las salmonelas se transmiten entre animales y contaminan productos alimentarios no cocinados. La aparicin de cepas resistentes a los antimicrobianos, que suele ser consecuencia del uso de estos frmacos en animales, constituye un riesgo de salud pblica que suscita gran preocupacin. Cada vez est ms claro que hay que reducir la prevalencia de Salmonella en la produccin animal, y actualmente se estn aplicando planes para lograr ese objetivo en la Unin Europea. Los autores proponen varias estrategias para mitigar riesgos. Dado que no existe una nica solucin mgica que pueda reducir los niveles de contaminacin, la lucha contra la enfermedad, para resultar ecaz, debe integrar un conjunto de medidas preventivas. Los autores llegan a la conclusin de que la clave para luchar contra Salmonella estriba en seguir las reglas generales que se han aplicado con xito en el caso de otras enfermedades infecciosas. 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