08 Satcom

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Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter which corresponds to your

1. The first duplex satellite is

a. Moon
b. Sputnik 1
c. Telstar
d. Early Bird

2. The FDMA technique wherein voice band channels are
assigned on as needed basis.


3. A form of CDMA where a digital code is used to continually
change the frequency of the carrier.

a. Spread Spectrum
b. Frequency Hopping
c. Store and Forward

4. The satellite frequency reuse method which sends different
information signals using vertical or horizontal
electromagnetic polarization.

a. Multiple coverage areas
b. Dual polarization
c. Spatial separation
d. Spread spectrum

5. A satellite communication link between Pinugay Earth
Station, Philippines and Mt. Fucino Earth Station, Italy is to
be established. If the assigned uplink frequency at Pinugay
Earth Station is 6175 MHz, what is the downlink frequency at
Mt. Fucino Earth Station, in MHz?

a. 4545
b. 3950
c. 3789
d. 4200

6. A satellite equipped with electronic devices to receive,
amplify, convert and retransmit signals.

a. Passive
b. Active
c. Uplink
d. Downlink

7. The orbit of any planet is an ellipse with the sun at one
focus. This is

a. Keplers First Law
b. Keplers Second Law
c. Keplers Third Law
d. Law of Universal Gravitation

8. The point in an satellite orbit which is farthest away from the

a. Perigee
b. Apogee
c. Azimuth
d. Ascending node

9. The first active satellite which transmitted telemetry

a. Telstar 1
b. Aguila II
c. Palapa A 1
d. Sputnik

10. The portion of the satellite communication link involving the
transmission of traffic from ground station to satellite.

a. Uplink
b. Lowlink
c. Paylink
d. Bus transmission

11. It is spacecraft placed in orbit around the earth carrying on-
board microwave receiving and transmitting equipment.

a. Communication satellite
b. Terrestrial link
c. Transponder
d. Microwave repeater

12. Satellite position has an/a __________ angle with respect to
the horizon.

a. Azimuth
b. Depression
c. Elevation
d. Critical

13. A satellite that revolves from North to South.

a. Equatorial
b. Polar
c. Orbital
d. Inclined

14. The Keplers Law which is also known as the Law of Areas.

a. First Law
b. Second Law
c. Third Law
d. None of the above

15. The satellite multiple access technique which uses the
spread spectrum technology is


16. The point where the orbit crosses the equatorial plane going
from South to North.

a. Ascending Node
b. Descending Node
c. Apogee
d. Perigee

17. The footprint which covers approximately one-third of the
earths surface using a 17 degree beamwidth.

a. Spot coverage
b. Zonal coverage
c. Earth coverage
d. Regional coverage

18. An earth station transmits signal to a satellite 38,500 km.,
directly overhead it. What is the propagation delay when the
signal is received back at the same earth station, in

a. 257
b. 200
c. 285
d. 185

19. When a satellite orbits in the opposite direction as the earths
rotation with an angular velocity less than that of the earth.

a. Orbital
b. Prograde
c. Retrograde
d. Geostationary

20. The actual user information conveyed through the satellite

a. Bus transmission
b. Payload
c. Prograde
d. Retrograde

21. The spatial separation between geosynchronous satellites

a. 1 3 degrees
b. 3 6 degrees
c. 6 8 degrees
d. 8 10 degrees

22. __________ detects the satellite signal relayed from the
feed and converts it to an electric current, amplifies and
lower its frequency.

a. Feedhorn
b. Satellite dish
c. Satellite receiver
d. LNB

23. What kind of battery panels are used in some advance

a. Gallium Arsenide solar panel
b. Silicon based panels
c. Germanium based panels
d. Gallium Phosphate solar panel

24. Footprint refers to coverage area in the globe

a. Satellite radiation polarization
b. Satellite navigation
c. Satellite radiation pattern
d. Satellite coverage

25. Satellite system or part of a satellite system, consisting of
only one satellite and the operating earth station.

a. Satellite system
b. Satellite network
c. Space system
d. Multi-satellite link

26. Known to be the first satellite capable to receive and transmit

a. Syncom I
b. Echo I
c. Telstar I
d. Score

27. A satellite receives an uplink frequency of __________ MHz
from a ground station of 3700 MHz.

a. 8150 MHz
b. 1475 MHz
c. 2225 MHz
d. 5925 MHz

28. What band does VSAT first operate?

a. X-band
b. C-band
c. Ku-band
d. L-band

29. Satellite engine use

a. Liguid fuel
b. Jet propulsion
c. Ion propulsion system
d. Solar jet

30. The first passive satellite transponder

a. Early bird
b. Score
c. Moon
d. Sputnik

31. Satellites used for intercontinental communications are
known as

a. Comsat
b. Domsat
c. Marisat
d. Intelsat

32. AsiaSat 1 covers how many countries in Asia?

a. 38
b. 40
c. 44
d. 42
33. An area on the surface of the earth within which the
boresight of the steerable satellite beam intended to be

a. Equivalent boresight area
b. Contour boresight area
c. Coordination boresight area
d. Effective boresight area

34. Refers to a man-made body sent into continuous orbit
around the earth, which provides propagation paths for radio
waves between terrestrial transmitters and receivers.

a. Rocket
b. Allotter relay
c. Space shuttle
d. Communications satellite

35. What is the basic function of a communications satellite?

a. To act as a receiving antenna for broadcast FM
b. To compensate for the antenna limitations
c. To eliminate aerodynamic drag
d. To act as a receiving antenna for broadcast AM

36. Typical round-trip distance and transmission time for a
satellite relay

a. About 300 ms and 90,000 km, respectively
b. 90,000 km and about 300 ms, respectively
c. 90,000 mi and about 100 ms, respectively
d. 90,000 mi and 300 ms, respectively

37. The figure of a satellite defines in orbit

a. Circle
b. Elliptical
c. Parabolic
d. Hyperbolic

38. Considered as the corrupting influence(s) in the satellite

a. Gravitational pull between the earth and the orbiting
b. Atmospheric drag on the satellite
c. Orbital ellipse
d. All of these

39. The orbit of communications satellites is defined by the
angle with respect to the earth equator, which is the 0
plane. What is (are) the basic orbital angle(s)?

a. Polar
b. Inclined
c. Equatorial
d. All of the above

40. How do we measure the position of a satellite?

a. By its elevation angle with respect to the horizon
b. By its azimuth angle measured clockwise from the
direction of true north
c. Through the line of apsides
d. A and B are correct

41. Which of the following cause(s) the satellites orbital

a. Sun
b. Earth
c. Moon
d. All of the above

42. What is the approximate service life of communications

a. 3 years only
b. 5 to 20 years
c. 20 to 60 years
d. 100 years

43. Represents application of the extraordinary advanced
technology of satellites to solve the problem of accurate,
reliable, 24 hr/day navigation.

a. Global Positioning System (GPS)
b. Navigation System using Timing and and Ranging
c. A and B are correct

44. A system based on the accurate knowledge by the vessel of
the position of each of four satellites, as calculated by the
time with respect to the user.

a. GPS
b. A or D

45. Segment(s) of a complete GPS system is(are)

a. Control segment
b. Space segment
c. User segment
d. All of these

46. Its function assures the overall system performance and

a. Control segment
b. Space segment
c. User segment
d. All of these

47. The user segment is used to receive signals for the GPS
system from the four satellites, compute the time differences,
and determine position, while space segments function

a. To receive signals for the GPS system from the four
satellites, compute the distance differences, and
determine position
b. To transmit time codes and orbital position
information to the users
c. To assure the overall performance and accuracy
d. All of the above

48. How do you describe the complete signal path of the satellite
communications operation?

a. Begins at a ground station, proceeds to an uplink,
then to a downlink, and ends at a receiving ground
b. From the satellite, to a downlink, then to a ground
c. Begins at a ground station, proceeds to an uplink, to
the satellite itself, to a downlink, and ends at a
receiving ground station.
d. All of these

49. What is a passive satellite?

a. A satellite capable of receiving, amplifying, and
retransmitting information to and from earth stations.
b. A bent-pipe or a reflector which bounces a signal
from one place to another.
c. A satellite which receives transmissions from earth
stations, stored them on magnetic tape, and
rebroadcast them to ground stations farther along in
its orbit.
d. A or C

50. How does communication between satellites be achieved?

a. Using satellite cross-links
b. Intersatellite links (ISLs)
c. Through is ground stations
d. A or B is correct

51. Which of the following refers to a delayed repeater satellite?

a. A satellite capable of receiving, amplifying, and
retransmitting information to and from earth stations.
b. A bent-pipe or a reflector which bounces a signal
from one place to another.
c. A satellite which receives transmissions from earth
stations, stored them on magnetic tape, and
rebroadcast them to ground stations farther along in
its orbit.
d. All of these

52. Satellite orbiting in the same direction as Earths rotation and
at an angular velocity greater than the earth is called
prograde orbit; and a satellite orbiting which is in the
opposite direction as Earths rotation or in the same direction
but at an angular velocity less than that of Earth is known as

a. Haleys orbit
b. Elliptical orbit
c. Equatorial orbit
d. Retrograde orbit

53. Are satellites that orbit in a circular pattern with an angular
velocity equal to that of earth.

a. Geostationary or geosynchronous satellites
b. Nonsynchronous satellites
c. Orbital satellites
d. B or C is correct

54. What do you call of a satellite used to provide satellite
services within a single country?

a. Orbital satellite
b. Geostationary satellite
c. Nonsynchronous satellite
d. Domestic satellite or domsat

55. Which of the following is not an advantage of
geosynchronous orbit?

a. No need to switch from one satellite to another as
satellites orbit overhead, therefore, no breaks of
transmission due to switching times.
b. High-altitude geosynchronous satellites can cover a
much larger area.
c. Geosynchronous satellites require higher transmit
powers and more sensitive receivers because of the
longer distances and greater path loss.
d. Satellite remains almost stationary in respect to a
given earth station, therefore, expensive tracking
equipment is not required at the earth stations.

56. Which of the following parameters (height of the satellite
from earth, travel time, rotation period, and the satellites line
of sight) refer to low-altitude satellites?

a. 19,000 25,000 mi; 6,879 mi/hr; 24 hr; and 24-h
availability time, respectively
b. 6,000 12,000 mi; 12,189 mi/hr; 5 12 hr; and 2 4
hr per orbit, respectively
c. 100 300 mi; 17,500 mi/hr; 1 hr, and or less
per orbit, respectively
d. 50 95 mi; 25,600 mi/hr, hr; and 1/8 or less per
orbit, respectively

57. There are two primary classifications of communications
satellites: one uses the angular momentum of its spinning
body to provide roll and yaw stabilization; and the other one
is its body remains fixed relative to Earths surface while an
internal subsystem provides roll and yaw stabilization. What
are they?

a. Gyroscopic satellites
b. Delayed repeater satellites
c. Passive and active satellites
d. Spinners and three-axis stabilizer satellites

58. How do radiation patterns or beams from a satellite antenna

a. Spot
b. Earth
c. Zonal
d. All of these

59. A __________ satellite with an orbital period of one sidereal
day or nominally, 24 h

a. Bent-pipe satellite
b. Processing satellite
c. Geostationary satellite
d. ANIK-D communications satellite

60. 19,000 25,000 mi height; 6,879 mi/hr travel time; 24-hr
rotation; and 24-hr availability time belong to what satellite?

a. Low-altitude satellites (circular orbit)
b. Medium-altitude satellites (elliptical orbit)
c. Hight-altitude satellites (geosynchronous orbit)

61. An orbit when the satellite rotates in a path above the

a. Polar orbit
b. Inclined orbit
c. Equatorial orbit
d. Geosynchronous orbit

62. Orbiting satellite system in Russia which means lightning or
news flash, used for television broadcasting. It uses a
highly inclined elliptical orbit with apogee at about 40,000 km
and perigee at about 1,000 km.

a. Molniya system
b. Molnya system
c. Molnia system
d. All are correct

63. Polar and inclined orbits refer to what?

a. Any other orbital path, and rotation above the
equator, respectively
b. Any other orbital path, and rotation that takes over
the north and south poles, respectively
c. Rotation that takes over the north and south poles,
and any other orbital path, respectively
d. Rotation above the equator, and rotation that takes
over the north and south poles, respectively

64. __________ means the farthest distance from earth a
satellite orbit reaches while __________ is the minimum

a. Apogee and perigee, respectively
b. Perigee and apogee, respectively
c. A and B are the same
d. None of these
65. Refers to the line joining the perigee and apogee through the
center of the earth.

a. Line of sight
b. Line of nodes
c. Equatorial belt
d. Line of apsides

66. The point where the orbit crosses the equatorial plane going
from north to south; and the point where the orbit crosses
the equatorial plane going from south to north refer to

a. Ascending node
b. Descending node
c. Ascending node and descending node, respectively
d. Descending node and ascending node, respectively

67. What is the line joining the ascending and descending nodes
through the center of earth?

a. Line of apsides
b. Line of nodes
c. Line of shoot
d. Line of sight

68. Refers to the horizontal pointing of an antenna.

a. Look angle
b. Elevation
c. Azimuth
d. Spot

69. What is meant by the angle of elevation?

a. The angle formed between the direction of travel of
a wave radiated from an earth station antenna and
the horizontal.
b. The horizontal pointing of an antenna.
c. The angle subtended at the earth station antenna
between the satellite and the horizontal.
d. A or C is right

70. The range of frequencies used by communications

a. from 1 GHz up to 3 GHz
b. from 1 GHz up to 30 GHz
c. from 30 GHz up to 300 GHz
d. from 300 GHz up to 350 GHz

71. Otherwise considered as radio repeater in the sky.

a. Transponder
b. Satellite
c. Sputnik
d. Courier

72. How does interference between uplink and downlink signals
be prevented?

a. By using different ground stations
b. By using different satellites
c. By using different carrier frequencies
d. All of these

73. An electronic system called transponder of the
communications satellite is used

a. For frequency translations
b. To retransmit signals
c. To receive signals
d. All of the above

74. What do you call of the signal path from the transmitter to
satellite and from the satellite to earth-based receiver?

a. Downlink and uplink, respectively
b. Downlink
c. Uplink and downlink, respectively
d. Uplink

75. Why is it that the uplink is always higher in frequency than
the downlink?

a. Because the uplink suffers greater spreading or free-
space loss of frequency than its lower counterpart
b. Since an earth station aims upward with well-
controlled antenna sidelobes
c. A and B are correct
d. None of these

76. What is frequency hopping?

a. A form of CDMA where a digital code is used to
continually change the frequency of the carrier.
b. Available bandwidth is partitioned into smaller
frequency bands and the total transmission time is
subdivided into smaller time slots.
c. Each earth station within a CDMA network is
assigned a different frequency hopping pattern in
which each transmitter hops or switches from one
frequency band to the next according to their
assigned pattern.
d. All of these

77. What is meant by satellite footprint?

a. Is the earth area that the satellite can receive from
or transmit to.
b. Is the function of both the satellite orbit and height,
and the type of antenna the satellite uses.
c. The geographical representation of the satellite
antennas radiation pattern.
d. All of the above

78. What (is)are the advantage(s) using 1-GHz and higher

a. Large amount of information can be sent due to
large available bandwidth
b. Propagation characteristics are very consistent
c. Signal wavelengths are shorter
d. All of these are correct

79. What is meant by link budget?

a. The sum of all the signal gains and losses along the
b. The difference of the signal gains and losses along
the way.
c. Identifies the system parameters and is used to
determine the projected C/N and E
ratios at both
the satellite and earth station receivers for a given
modulation scheme and desired P

d. A or C is right

80. How can satellite maintains its desired orbit consistently?

a. Using small on-board rocket thrusters
b. Through using guidance system
c. By telemetry channel
d. All of these

81. A satellite consists of many subsystem functions
incorporated into a single system. What is the subsystem
responsible for providing the primary dc power and the
regulated, secondary supply voltages for the satellite

a. Communication channel subsystem
b. Telemetry subsystem
c. Power subsystem
d. Antennas

82. How do communications satellites powered?

a. By a bank of batteries whose charge is maintained
by an array of solar cells
b. Liquid fuel
c. Nuclear
d. Ac power

83. __________ is the total power consumption for the satellite

a. About 10 W
b. About 150 W
c. About 2000 W
d. About 25000 W
84. As the height of a satellite orbit gets lower, the speed of the

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same
d. None of the above

85. The main function of a communications satellite is as a(n)

a. Repeater
b. Reflector
c. Beacon
d. Observation platform

86. The key electronic component in a communications satellite
is the

a. Telemetry
b. On-board computer
c. Command and control system
d. Transponder

87. A circular orbit around the equator with a 24-h period is
called a(n)

a. Elliptical orbit
b. Geostationary orbit
c. Polar orbit
d. Transfer orbit

88. A satellite stays in orbit because the following two factors are

a. Satellite weight and speed
b. Gravitational pull and inertia
c. Centripetal force and speed
d. Satellite weight and the pull of the moon and sun

89. The height of a satellite in a synchronous equatorial orbit is

a. 100 mi
b. 6800 mi
c. 22,300 mi
d. 35,860 mi
90. Most satellites operate in which frequency band?

a. 30 to 300 MHz
b. 300 MHz to 3 GHz
c. 3 GHz to 30 GHz
d. Above 300 GHz

91. The main power sources for a satellite are

a. Batteries
b. Solar cells
c. Fuel cells
d. Thermoelectric generators

92. The maximum height of an elliptical orbit is called the

a. Perigee
b. Apex
c. Zenith
d. Apogee

93. Batteries are used to power all satellite subsystems

a. At all times
b. Only during emergencies
c. During eclipse periods
d. To give the solar arrays a rest

94. The satellite subsystem that monitors and controls the
satellite is the

a. Propulsion subsystem
b. Power subsystem
c. Communications subsystem
d. Telemetry, tracking, and command subsystem

95. The basic technique used to stabilized a satellite is

a. Gravity-forward motion balance
b. Spin
c. Thruster control
d. Solar panel orientation

96. The jet thrusters are usually fired to

a. Maintain attitude
b. Put the satellite into the transfer orbit
c. Inject the satellite into the geosynchronous orbit
d. Bring the satellite back to earth

97. Most commercial satellite activity occurs in which band(s)?

a. L
b. C and Ku
c. X
d. S and P

98. How can multiple earth stations share a satellite on the same

a. Frequency reuse
b. Multiplexing
c. Mixing
d. They cant

99. The typical bandwidth of a satellite band is

a. 36 MHz
b. 40 MHz
c. 70 MHz
d. 500 MHz

100. Which of the following is not usually a part of a

a. LNA
b. Mixer
c. Modulator
d. HPA

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