Multiple Choice CHmate

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1. Ironospheric delay is dependent on

a. Earth’s gravity force
b. Earth’s magnetism
c. Total electron count
d. Water vapours in atmosphere
2. DGPS is able to eliminate
a. Atmospheric error
b. Receiver’s clock error
c. Ephemeris error
d. all errors except multi paths error of GPS
3. GLONASS Satellite’s orbit incline to plane of equator
a. 55˚
b. 56˚
c. 64˚
d. 60˚
4. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is the standard generic term for
a. NAVigation System for Timing And Ranging
b. GLObal’naya NAvigationnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema
c. Satellite Navigation System
d. Global COMPASS Navigation System
5. 4 time measurement from 4th satellite is require to remove

a. satellite’s clock error

b. receiver’s clock error
c. Receiver’s noise
d. Doppler effect
6. Principle of Electromagnetic Log is based on the –

a. Faraday principle of electromagnetic induction

b. Kepler’s law

c. Doppler’s effect

d. Elementary law of Magnetism

7. One of the following statements’ is the best for signal transmission in Doppler Log?
a. Less than 60 degrees to horizontal.
b. More than 60 degrees to horizontal.

c. Exactly 60 degrees to horizontal.

d. Less than 60 degrees to vertical

8. The latitude, longitude, and altitude displayed by a GPS receiver represent:
a. an estimate of the receiver's antenna position

b. the height above MSL

c. the three dimensional position fix with millimetre accuracy

d. the height above the reference ellipsoid

9. The speed displayed by GPS receiver represent:

a. Speed through the water
b. Speed over the water
c. Speed over the ground
d. Relative speed with measured satellites
10. What is selective availability?
a. The limited window of time during which GPS signals are within line-of-sight of
a receiving antenna.

b. The intentional degradation of GPS signals to deny full access to

unauthorized users.

c. The Department of Defence classification of GPS users with access to the Y-code
(the encrypted P-code).

d. A local tangent-plane coordinate system used to provide flat earth approximations

for a small area (<12 km).

11. What is differential GPS?

a. A method for correcting GPS measurements by comparing bias errors

between a known location and the position of a "roving" GPS receiver.

b. The variance between Code and Carrier Phase GPS positioning.

c. Multipath or imaging problems that causes position errors in a GPS code-tracking


d. The design variations between the US (GPS) and the Russian (GLONASS)
satellite positioning systems.

12. GPS satellite orbits are

a. Elliptical
b. Circular
c. Quasi-circular
d. Nearly elliptical
13. GPS system require operational
a. 27 MEO satellites
b. 24 LEO satellites
c. 24 MEO satellites
d. 18 MEO satellites
14. The carriers and the PSN codes are used mainly to determine

a. Satellite’s Ephemeris
b. pseudo range
c. distance from the user’s receiver to the GPS satellite
d. Clock bias
15. With a Janus configuration transducer system, the error is reduced to
a. 5%
b. 0.1%
c. 0.2%
d. Fully eliminated
16. GPS system is keeping
a. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
b. Ship’s Mean Time (SMT)
c. International Atomic Time (TAI)
d. GPS Time
17. For depth sounding equipment design purpose a sound speed value of
a. 1505 m/s
b. 1500 m/s
c. 1535 m/s
d. 1432 m/s
18. In order to obtain more accurate position, DGPS system uses –
a. Time differential method
b. Position differential method
c. Both Time differential method and Position differential method
d. Datum shift
19. Position accuracy obtained by DGPS system is –
a. 5 - 10 meters
b. 3 - 5 meters
c. 5 – 15 meters
d. same accuracy as good GPS
20. DGPS station normally send the “correction value” to ships in the vicinity through -
a. HF
b. MF
c. Master control station
d. Up-load station
21. DGPS works in the following range between DGPS receiver and DGPS station
( reference station ).
a. 100 - 250 nm
b. 100 - 250 km
c. 250 - 400 nm
d. 250 - 400 km
22. Horizontal position accuracy of GPS in Precise Position Service is
a. 25 m
b. 23 m
c. 21 m

d. 12 m
23. GPS uses the following horizontal datum.
b. SGS 85
c. SGS 90
d. WGS 84
24. In GPS, Positional Dilution of Precision is the combination of -
a. TDOP and GDOP
b. HDOP and VDOP
c. HDOP and TDOP
d. VDOP and TDOP
25. GPS uses both following carrier frequencies.
a. L5 and L3
b. L3 and L1
c. L1 and L2
d. L1 and L5
26. Ionospheric and Atmospheric errors are caused in GPS due to –
a. Caused by the radio signal bouncing off various local obstructions before arriving
b. Caused by the discrepancies in the accuracy within the atomic clocks used in the
c. Radio signal travelling through Atmosphere experiencing delay.
d. Improper choice of satellites.
27. Positional or Ephemeris errors are caused in GPS due to –
a. Caused by the radio signal bouncing off various local obstructions before arriving
b. Caused by the actual positions of the SVs differ from predicted SV positions
in the system.
c. Radio signal travelling through Atmosphere experiencing delay.
d. Improper choice of satellites.
28. Multi Path error is caused in GPS due to –
a. Caused by the radio signal bouncing off various local obstructions before
arriving receiver.
b. Caused by the discrepancies in the accuracy within the atomic clocks used in the
c. Radio signal travelling through Atmosphere experiencing delay.
d. Improper choice of satellites.
29. In GPS, following quantity of satellites and elevation are required to view in order to
obtain a good fix generally.
a. At least 4 satellites with elevation of <9.5 degrees.
b. At least 4 satellites with elevation of >9.5 degrees.
c. At least 3 satellites with elevation of <8.5 degrees.
d. At least 4 satellites with elevation of <8.5 degrees.
30. Vertical position accuracy of GPS in Precise Position service is

a. 29.7 m
b. 24.7 m
c. 27.7 m
d. 26.7 m
31. In GPS, following quantity of satellites are arranged to view 9.5 degrees above the
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
32. In GPS, prediction of the further satellite position, further orbital and operational
parameters and updates the navigation message to each satellite is transmitted through
a. Monitoring station
b. Upload station
c. Master control station
d. GPS receiver onboard
33. One of the following statements is correct.
a. Sound velocity in the water varies with salinity only.
b. Sound velocity in the water varies with pressure only.
c. Sound velocity in the water varies with temperature only.
d. Sound velocity in the water varies with salinity, pressure and temperature.
34. Electromagnetic log can measure
a. Speed through the water.
b. Speed over the ground.
c. Speed through the water and speed over the ground.
d. Full movement of the vessel.
35. Simple Doppler log can measure
a. Speed through the water.
b. Speed over the ground.
c. Speed through the water and speed over the ground.
d. Full movement of the vessel.
36. Doppler log with dual axis configuration can determine
a. Precise speed through the water only.
b. Precise speed over the ground only.
c. Precise depth of the water only.
d. Longitudinal movement and athwartship movement of the vessel at two
37. Doppler log with Janus axis configuration can determine
a. Speed through the water only.
b. Speed over the ground only.
c. Depth of the water only.
d. Speed through the water and speed over the ground
38. Acoustic correlation log can measure
a. Speed through the water only.

b. Speed over the ground only.
c. Speed through the water, speed over the ground and depth.
d. Longitudinal and athwartship movement of the vessel.
39. The purpose of the Janus configuration in Doppler log is to
a. remove the error due to heel only.
b. remove the error due to heel and trim.
c. remove the error due to trim only.
d . obtain longitudinal movement and athwartship movement of the vessel at two
40. Janus configuration in Doppler log uses
a. One pair of transducers in longitudinal direction.
b. One pair of transducers in athwartship direction.
c. Two pair of transducers in athwartship and longitudinal direction.
d. One transducer for longitudinal direction.
41. Dual axis configuration in Doppler log uses
a. One pair of transducers in longitudinal direction.
b. Two pair of transducers in athwartship and longitudinal direction plus
another pair of transducers in athwartship direction.
c. One pair of transducers in athwartship direction.
d. One transducer for longitudinal direction.
42. Doppler log can normally provide speed over the ground in a water depth about
a. 200 m
b. 300m
c. 400 m
d. 500 m
43. Electromagnetic log uses one of the following to obtain speed of the vessel.
a. Speed of light in the water
b. Electromagnetic induction
c. Ground wave
d. Doppler effect
44. Echo sounder uses one of the following to obtain depth of water.
a. Speed of light in the water
b. Speed of sound in the water
c. Ground wave
d. Doppler effect
45. Velocity of the sound calibrated in the echo sounder is
a. 300,000 m/s
b. 1505 m/s
c. 1500 m/s
d. 1535 m/s
46. Before switching on the sounder,
a. Only gain control should be set at zero level
b. Only gain control should be set at maximum level
c. All controls should be set at maximum level

d. All controls should be set at zero level
47. Electromagnetic Log is based on the -
a. Faraday principle of electromagnetic induction
b. Kepler’s law
c. Doppler effect
d ).aws of floatation
48. With a Janus configration in Doppler Log system, the error is reduced to -
a. 0.1 %
b. 0.2 %
c. 0.3 %
d. Zero
49. Wavelength (λ) & frequency (ƒ) are inter-related each other
a. Directly proportional
b. Inversely proportional
c. Equal to
d. Have no relation
50. The following wave is emitted in horizontal direction and travels along the curvature of the
a. Ground wave
b. Sky wave
c. Space wave
d. radio wave
51. The following wave will move in Straight Line from Transmitter to Receiver. It offers line-of-
sight communications.
a. Ground
b. Sky
c. Space
d. Radio
52. A long cylindrical coil, it produces a field similar to field of a bar magnet. Each ends have like
North Pole and South Pole of bar magnet. It is called as
a. Electric motor
b. Magnetic switch
c. Solenoid
d. Dynamo switch
53. The loss of power in a radio wave caused by environmental effects is called
a. Fading
b. Loosing
c. Propagation
d. Transmitting error
54. GNSS provides spaced-based radio positioning system with following coverage.
a. Proper
b. Actual
c. Global
d. wide

55. GNSS provides one of the following positioning service at all times any place on earth, any
type of weather condition.
a. Proper
b. Actual
c. Continuous
d. wide
56. GNSS requires at least (4) satellites with below elevation above receiver’s horizon.
a. 8.5 deg
b. 9.0 deg
c. 9.5 deg
d. 9.1 deg
57. GNSS is required to be fitted onboard as per SOLAS Chapter
a. Chapter V, Regulation 19
b. Chapter V, Regulation 27
c. Chapter IV, Regulation 3
d. Chapter IV, Regulation 19
58. GNSS basically provides suitably the user with Position (Latitude, Longitude &
Altitude)Velocity and
a. Precise Time
b. Time signal
c. Timing signal
d. Time difference
59. GPS system is working with the following numbers of Space Vehicles ( S.Vs).
a. 22 to 32
b. 26 to 30
c. 24 to 32
d. Exactly 28
60. Satellites used in GPS system are at the altitude of
a. 20020 km
b. 20200 km
c. 20200 nm
d. 20020 nm
61. In GPS system, in each orbit contains.
a. 4 satellites
b. 5 satellites
c. 6 satellites
d. 7 satellites
62. In GPS system, satellite orbit are inclined to the plane of equator by.
a. 45 degrees
b. 50 degrees
c. 55 degrees
d. 60 degrees
63. GPs uses the characterized radio signals called
a. Pseudorandom code

b. TDMA code
c. Secret code
d. Access code
64. C/A Code in GPS system refers to
a. Certain Acquisition code
b. Coarse Acquisition code
c. Coarse Assess code
d. Central Assess code
65. P Code in GPS system refers to
a. Protected code
b. Perfect code
c. Precision code
d. Primary code
66. C/A code enables the following Positioning Service.
a. Standard
b. Precise
c. Normal
d. Accurate
67. P code enables the following Positioning Service.
a. Standard
b. Normal
c. Precise
d. Accurate
68. GPS receivers are fitted with.
a. Atomic clocks
b. Normal clocks
c. Very accurate special clocks
d. No clocks at all
69. Space vehicles in the GPS system are fitted with.
a. Atomic clocks
b. Normal clocks
c. Very accurate special clocks
d. No clocks at all
70. In GPS system the Quality of Result Regarding Geometrical Calculations of position accuracy
is called
71. The error of GPS due to Pressure, Temperature, Density & Humidity and the interaction of
weather systems is called
a. System error
b. Ephemeris error
c. Range error

d. Atmospheric error
72. The Integrated Navigation System offers
a. More crew members on the bridge
b. Improved safety
c. Alarm when the OOW is disable to perform navigation tasks
d. Alarm when the OOW fails to reset the system in time specified
73. Reducing fuel costs is the advantage of the
a. Radar/ARPA
c. Adaptive autopilot
74. Integrated Navigation System mostly offers high advantages. But, one of the limitations is
a. The system is semi-automatic
b. More crew member are required together to operate the system
c. Familiarisation with the system
d. Language problem
75. The following statement is true regarding echo sounder.
a. Echometer uses wet recording paper
b. Echometer uses dry recording paper
c. Echometer can be replaced the carriage of Echograph under SOLAS.
d. Echometer cannot be replaced the carriage of Echograph under SOLAS.
76. According to the IMO performance standard, echo sounder shall produce the water depth of
a. Up to 180 m
b. Up to 150 m
c. Up to 200 m
d. Up to 250 m
77. According to the IMO performance standard, echo sounder should provide
a. Minimum of 2 range scales
b. Minimum of 3 range scales
c. Minimum of 4 range scales
d. Minimum of 5 range scales
78. Error produced by the Echo sounder
a. When the ship is navigating at slow speed
b. When air bubbles present under the transducer
c. While using EM log
d. While using Doppler log
79. Echo sounder can
a. assist the navigator in determination of ship’s position and water depth
b. assist the navigator in determination of ship’s position only
c. assist the navigator in determination of water depth only
d. assist the navigator in determination of ship’s speed and water depth
80. Pythagorean error is the error of
a. EM log
b. Doppler log

c. Echo sounder
d. GPS
81. Janus configuration is to
a. To remove the propagation error in DGPS
b. To remove the error caused by ship’s list and trim in EM log system
c. To remove the error caused by ship’s list and trim in Doppler log system
d. Enhance the position accuracy in GPS
82. Aeration is one of the most common errors experienced in
b. Doppler log
c. AIS
d. GPS
83. By using the information provided by the echo sounder
a. Only depth could be obtained
b. Depth and high of tide could be obtained
c. Charted depth could be obtained
d. Bathymetry of the sea bed could be obtained
84. The depth of water displaying on the echo sounder could be counter-checked by
a. Using hand lead line only
b. By bar check only
c. Using hand lead line or by bar check
d. Nothing at all
85. Cross noise echo is caused by
a. Setting very high gain control in the echo sounder
b. Setting very low gain control in the echo sounder
c. Shoals of fish
d. Seaweed
86. OOW should set the depth unit of the echo sounder as charted depth unit to normally avoid
a. Reading depth against wrong scale
b. Unit reading error
c. Trim and heel error
d. Bar check
87. Pythagorean error in the echo sounder does not occur
a. If two transducers are used in the system and navigating in shallow water
b. If only one transducer is used in the system
c. If the gain control is properly set
d. If the UKC is low
88. Accuracy of EM log interfered with
a. Shoals of fish
b. Speed of sound energy
c. Ocean currents
d. Quality of the reflected echo
89. Accuracy of EM log interfered with
a. Seaweeds

b. Speed of sound energy
c. Vessel’s rolling and pitching
d. Quality of the reflected echo
90. Typical operating range of the EM log is up to
a. 0 to 50 knots
b. 0 to 40 knots
c. Only less than 20 knots
d. Only more than 3 knots
91. Principle of the Acoustic Correlation log is
a. Very similar to EM log
b. Very similar to Doppler log
c. Completed different from EM log and Doppler log
d. Only different from EM log

92. Ironospheric delay can be corrected by

a. Using high accuracy clocks in satellites
b. Using high accuracy clocks in GPS receivers
c. Atmospheric delay model or dual frequencies method
d. Using good signals from satellite
93. To avoid the false reading during phase range setting, OOW should start the phase from
a. Best setting with previous phase
b. start from lowest phase and then increase gradually
c. Estimated range base on chart contours
d. Estimated range base on chart depth around position of vessel
94. Multiple echoes appears when
a. Reflected from sea surface
b. Small noise of echoes appear between transmitting line and between bottom echoes
c. Navigating over the good reflected bottom with high sensitivity transmission
d. Echoes received from bottom plating
95. Rate of Turn Indicator (ROTI) shows
a. Turning Rate of the vessel with degree per min
b. Rate of change of course with degree per min
c. Turning of rate of sensor which is fixed at forward with degree per min
d. Turning of rate of sensor which is fixed at aft with degree per min
96. Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System includes emergency call to Master
a. By pressing continuously 5 sec of Reset Buttom
b. By turning of the Key
c. By Public Address System
d. By pressing direct calling points on bridge
97. While Automatic Steering System in operational mode, OOW should have special attention

a. Setting of Off Course Alarm
b. Setting of Weather Control
c. Setting of counter rudder
d. Setting of rudder control
98. While using GPS Datum shift must applied when using
a. Chart in use are in WGS 84
b. Chart in use are not in WGS 84
c. ENC
d. Old Chart
99. To avoid inaccuracy of GPS position due to Multi Patch error, users should have caution
a. Near various local obstructions around receiver’s antenna
b. High HDOP values
c. Coastal Navigation
d. Manoeuvring
100. More detail information about DGPS stations includes in
a. ALRS Volume:2
b. ALRS Volume:6
c. Relevant Sailing Direction
d. ITU Volumes
101. Reason of fitting transducer plate of echo sounder forward part of vessel is
a. To avoid water and air bubble mixture in water
b. To have earlier warning of indication of depth
c. To avoid disturbance of sound from engine room
d. To apply the SOLAS requirement
102. AIS data display which indicates direction of movements of targets shows
a. Movement direction and speed over the ground
b. Movement direction and speed over the water
c. Movement direction and speed same as ARPA
d. Movement direction and speed come from independent tracking system onboard
103. LRIT onboard includes in following statutory Certificate
a. Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Form E)
b. Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (Form E)
c. Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (Form E)
d. Record of Equipment for the ISPS Certificate
104. Speed input Automatic Piloting and Tracking system on radar onboard can fed with
a. Speed over the ground
b. Speed from GPS
c. Speed over the water
d. Any Speed provided by doppler log
105. Acoustic Correlation Log can measure

a. Speed through the water.
b. Speed over the ground.
c. Speed through the water and speed over the ground.
d. Speed through the water and speed over the ground including depth of water.
106. VDR and SVDR onboard includes in following statutory Certificate
a. Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Form E)
b. Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (Form E)
c. Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (Form E)
d. Record of Equipment for the ISPS Certificate
107. The carriers and the PSN codes are used mainly to determine
a. Satellite’s Ephemeris
b. pseudo range from the user’s receiver to the GPS satellite
c. Clock bias
d. Atmospheric delay
108. VDR and SVDR onboard can record data upto
a. 12 hours before set point
b. 24 hours before set point
c. 6 hours before set point
d. 18 hours before set point
109. Aeration is one of the most common errors experienced in
b. Doppler log and Echo sounder
c. Auto pilot
d. GPS
110. In GPS, Higher value of Dilution of Precision means
a. More accuracy
b. Less accuracy
c. Normal
d. Extra ordinary situation
111. Most of Errors of Echo sounder can be eliminated by:
a. Adjusting the Range
b. Changing the display modes
c. Reducing the gain or sensitivity
d. Switching on and off frequently
112. AIS data display which indicates direction of movements of targets shows
a. Movement direction and speed over the ground
b. Movement direction and speed over the water
c. Movement direction and speed same as ARPA
d. Movement direction and speed come from independent tracking system onboard
113. For large vessels, following speed data displays for different parts of vessel are not same
a. Transverse speeds

b. Longitudinal speed
c. Speed at pivot point
d. Speed of turning
114. The primary presentation of echo sounder’s depth should be
a. Digital display
b. Analogue display
c. Graphical display
d. Graphical and analogue display
115. IMO standard of Errors in the indicated distance run, when the ship is operating free from
shallow water effect and from the effects of wind, current and tide.
a. Should not exceed 2% of the distance run by the ship in 1 h.
b. 0.2 nautical in each hour
c. Should not exceed 2% of the distance run by the ship in 1 h or 0.2 nautical miles
in each hour
d. Should not exceed 2% of the distance run by the ship in 1 h or 0.2 nautical miles in
each hour, whichever is greater.
116. The depth of water displaying on the echo sounder could be counter-checked by
a. Using hand lead line only
b. By bar check only
c. Using hand lead line or by bar check
d. Nothing at all
117. AIS can handle multiple reports at rapid updates rate by the use of
118. BNWAS alarm system should set dormant for a period (Td) of
a. 3 minutes
b. 12 minutes
c. As per Company SMS manual
d. By master’s option
119. Battery life of fixed Data capsule of VDR or SVDR
a. For 7 days
b. At least 30 days
c. More than 30 days
d. For 12 days


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