1-fainle exam third 2019-2020- 1 نموذج

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University of Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

Examination 2019-2020
Subject: Satellite Communication Systems Year: Third (B)
and Navigations
Division: Electronic Engineering Time: 3 Hours
Examiner: Dr. Ali Kareem Nahar Date: / / 2020
Answer Four (4) Questions

Q.1: Choose the correct answer for each question

(25 marks)
1- What does a GPS receiver measure?
A) The phase difference between signals from two satellites.
B) The time between transmission and reception of a signal from a satellite.
C) The for a signal to pass from it to the satellite and return.
D) The between reception of signals from two satellites.
E) The difference between the satellite clock and the receiver clock.

2- The main advantage of satellite communication is

A) Low cost
B) Low distortion
C) High reliability
D) High bandwidth
E) Non any one above

3- Which of the following is the world’s first cellular system to specify digital
modulation and network level architecture?

4- Geostationary satellite follows

A) Inclined path
B) Circular path
C) Elliptical path
D) Cycloidal path
E) Square path

5- Kepler’s third law states?

A) 𝑇 𝛼 𝑎
B) 𝑇 𝛼 2 ∗ 𝑎
C) 𝑇 2 𝛼 𝑎3
D) 𝑇 1.5 𝛼 𝑎3
E) 𝑇 3 𝛼 𝑎2

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6- Space Segment includes:
A) The transmit and receive
B) TT&C (tracking, telemetry& Command).
D) the control segment and the user segment
E) Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS-service)

7- Airplane and boat pilots use GPS for:

A) Mapping
B) control
C) Limit setting in air or water
D) Navigation
E) Bearing

8- How many GPS satellites are needed to provide an accurate stand-alone fix?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5

Q.2 A) Satellite at 35,000 km (range); Transmits 4W; Antenna gain Gt = 15 dB (global

Calculate: a. Flux density on earth’s surface
b. Power received by antenna with effective aperture of 11m2
c. Gain of receiving antenna at 12 GHz. (20 Marks)
d. Received C/N assuming Ts =150 K, and Bw =550 MHz

B) Explain the Hohmann-Transfer Orbit. (5 Marks)

Q.3: A) For satellite no. 14452 the eccentricity is given in the NASA prediction bulletin
as: 9.581 × 10-3 and the mean anomaly at epoch as 202.5779°. The mean motion is 14.817140
rev/day. Calculate the true anomaly and the magnitude of the radius vector 4 s after the epoch.
The semi- major axis is known to be 7200 km? (15 Marks)

B) The Top centric-horizon System; the position of the satellite Measured from the Erath
station in terms of the azimuth, elevation and range, it given:

(10 Marks)
Find Azimuth angle?

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Q4: A) A geostationary satellite is located at 80°W. (15 Marks)
Calculate the radius of a circular orbit for which the period is one-day?
Calculate the azimuth angle for an earth station antenna at latitude 43°N and longitude
110°W; then, Find the range and antenna elevation angle? Support the solution with Figures?
B) What kind of orbits are the GPS satellites in? (5 Marks)
C) Are there plans to increase the capabilities of GPS? (5 Marks)

Q5: For the satellite parameters specified in Table 2.1. (25 Marks)
A) Calculate the semi-major axis; and
B) Calculate the apogee and perigee heights for the orbital;
C) Then, Determine the rate of regression of the nodes and the rate of rotation of the line of
D) Also, Calculate the new values for m and K one period after epoch



R: radius of the earth (R = 6370 km)
g: acceleration of gravity (g = 9.81 m/s²)
k : Boltzmann’s constant ( k = 1.38x10-23 J/K)

𝐾1 : = 66063.1704 𝑘𝑚2

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