Amity School of Business Amity University Noida, U.P.: Indian Automobile Industry

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Amity University





We like to thanks_____for providing us with an opportunity to work on this project. We are also grateful for his
support and guidance provided through the completion of the project.

We are also thankful to all the people directly or indirectly involved in completing this project. This includes
the 100 respondents who were patient and cooperative in responding to our questionnaires.

And finally we are thankful to the staff in the library that helped us in getting resources for our secondary



I, Gautam Jain, a student of BBA(general) at Amity University,Uttar Pradesh, hereby declare that I have
undergone the comprehensive project under the supervision of Mr.Ashish Noel

I also declare that the present project report is based on my comprehensive project and is my original work. The
content of this project report has not been submitted to any other university or institute either in part or in full
for the award of any degree, diploma or fellowship.

Further, I assign the right to the university, subject to the permission from the organization concerned, use the
information and contents of this project to develop cases, caselets, case leads, and papers for publication and/or
for use in teaching.



In an era where there is a need for inclusive growth, the sugar industry is amongst the few industries that have
successfully contributed to the rural economy. It has done so by commercially utilizing the rural resources to
meet the large domestic demand for sugar and by generating surplus energy to meet the increasing energy needs
of India. In addition to this, the industry has become the mainstay of the alcohol industry. The sector supports
over 50 million farmers and their families, and delivers value addition at the farm side. In general, sugarcane
price accounts for approximately 70 percent of the ex-mill sugar price .The sector also have a significant
standing in the global sugar space.

The Indian domestic sugar market is one of the largest markets in the world, in volume terms. India is also the
second largest sugar producing geography. India remains a key growth driver for world sugar, growing above
the Asian and world consumption growth average.
Globally, in most of the key geographies like Brazil and Thailand, regulations have a significant influence on
the sugar sector. Perishable nature of cane, small farm landholdings and the need to influence domestic prices;
all have been the drivers for regulations. In India, too, sugar is highly regulated. Since 1993, the regulatory
environment has considerably eased, but sugar still continues to be an essential commodity under the Essential
Commodity Act. There are regulations across the entire value chain land demarcation, sugarcane price,
sugarcane procurement, sugar production and sale of sugar by mills in domestic and international markets.

This research is an endeavour to study the International and domestic sugar industry along with Indias ethanol
production feasibility and its regulatory framework. This research is based on assumptions about general
economic conditions, agricultural policies, population growth, weather conditions, and technological changes.

The world sugar market continues to experience considerable price volatility

The Government of India launched National Bio fuel Mission in 2003, primarily with a view to explore the
potential of bio fuels as a cleaner source of energy and to partially offset the growing burden of crude oil import
bills. This paper analyzed the economic viability and long term sustainability of bio ethanol production from
sugarcane molasses and commercial feasibility of biodiesel produced from tree-borne oilseeds like Jatropha.
Based on the analysis the paper observed that, given the slow growth in area and yield of sugarcane on the one
hand and rising demand for sugar, potable and industrial demand of ethanol on the other, it is highly unlikely
that the blending targets of ethanol with petrol would be met as planned by the government. To ensure long-
term sustainability and economic viability of bio ethanol
Production, it is imperative to diversify the feed stock basket by including more crops like sweet sorghum and
tropical sugar beet and encourage research on industrial production of second generation bio fuels. The
commercial feasibility of Jatropha based biodiesel largely depends on development of a proper supply chain by
augmenting marketing of Jatropha seeds, upgrading processing infrastructure and up-scaling biodiesel



There are number of research techniques which can be employed for market research. Different methodology is
employed according to the objective and scope defined for research.
Methods: Basically there are two methods
A. Desk Research or secondary research
B. Field Research or primary research

Desk or secondary research is the search for information from relevant data already available. The data could
take the form of information from censuses or information readily available from industry and trade directories.
A. Desk Research uses secondary data from:
B. Internal sources i.e. company itself
C. External sources using libraries of industry and trade associations, chambers of commerce, export
promotion organizations, international bodies such as International Trade Centre, Geneva, CBI, Holland etc
D. Internet sites of various agencies/organizations such as ITPO,WTO,IMF,ITC etc
E. Publications(books, magazines, journals, newspapers)
F. Market study/survey reports
G. Trade delegation reports
H. Catalogues of MNCs or leading world manufacturers
I. FOAs reports
J. Market intelligence reports

Field research is employed to collect primary data by:
A. Observation method
B. Survey method
Field Research focuses on consumer or buyers motives (e.g. Why they will buy your product instead of your
competitors product), which forms the basis of the positioning strategy.
The process of conducting field research on India sugar industry:
1. visiting the researcher own country
2. Visiting markets which involves
A. Planning of visits
B. Seeking /making appointments with target companies/organizations
C. Field research in exhibitions/trade fairs which involves Right Timing
D. Open ended questionnaire


Source: OECD

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