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Name of Solution:
Workflow: Concurrent runs for Flat Files
Business Requirement:
Reuse PowerCenter workflow to process multiple flat files concurrently by using Concurrent
Execution feature.
Solution URL:
Supported Versions:
PowerCenter 9.1 and 9.5
When processing transactions using a PowerCenter workflow, data belonging to multiple
entities (e.g. regions) may be present in different flat files. These files may be available for
processing at the same time. The usual approach is to process them sequentially by running
the same workflow for each of the flat files. To reduce the processing time it will be
necessary to run a separate instance of the workflow for each of the flat files concurrently
by using the Concurrent Execution feature of the workflow.
A workflow configured for Concurrent Execution, can run as multiple instances concurrently.
This block illustrates this functionality by using a workflow that is configured with multiple
instances to process data belonging to multiple regions concurrently.
Use Case Details:
Order data arrives from multiple regions in flat files with comma-delimited records.
An indicator file is created on the incoming file system every time a new file arrives.
The data is read, transformed and written to a relational target table or separate flat
The indicator file is deleted after reading.
Download file contents:
1. Workflow
2. Source Files
3. Workflow for 8.x

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Steps to implement the solution:
1. Place source files in $PMSourceFileDir. Modify the parameter files
param_ca_orders.txt, param_nv_orders.txt and param_tx_orders.txt to reflect
appropriate folder name.
2. Import workflow using Repository Manager. Select the appropriate folder from
repository and resolve the conflicts by choosing suitable option.
3. Open the workflow in Workflow Manager. Assign the integration service in Workflow -
> Edit -> Integration Service
4. Edit session and assign valid connection object for the source and target.
5. For more details for importing object please visit our YouTube link.
6. Observe that Configure Concurrent Execution checkbox is checked and also
observe the configuration setting as shown below.

This Enables the Integration Service to run more than one instance of the workflow
at a time. You can run multiple instances of the same workflow name, or you can
configure a different name and parameter file for each instance.

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7. Observe the Event Wait properties as shown below. Event will wait for mentioned file
to be created in folder. Checked option of Delete Filewatch file ensures that file will
be deleted after the read.

8. Observe the session a property, source file name is read from parameter file name.

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9. Start the workflow using the "Start Workflow Advanced" option.

10. The workflow instance will be waiting at the EventWait. The EventWait is
configured to wait for the file with the same name as workflow instance name using
the built-in variable $PMWorkflowRunInstanceName.
11. Create the 0 byte indicator files "CA_ORDERS", "NV_ORDERS" and "TX_ORDERS"
(case sensitive and without extension) to complete the even wait and run the
sessions. Following is the screen shot of workflow monitor. Session waits up to
indicator files to be appeared.

12. Workflow should be unscheduled after completion otherwise it will keep running.

YouTube Video on Importing and Configuring Workflows:

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Other Useful links:
Mapping Bundles
Workflow Bundles
Informatica Tools Bundles
Informatica for Social Media Bundles
Debugging Tools Bundles
Visio Templates Bundles
B2B Templates and Projects Bundles
Data Quality Packs and Plans Bundles
Script Bundles

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