This document is a registration form for the National Manpower Registry of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment. The form collects personal information such as name, address, contact details, employment history, skills and qualifications, education level, licenses and certificates from registrants. It provides instructions on how to properly fill out the form, including examples. Additional supporting documents may be attached but original copies will not be returned. The form can be photocopied and downloaded from the Department of Labor and Employment website, and no fees will be collected from registrants.
This document is a registration form for the National Manpower Registry of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment. The form collects personal information such as name, address, contact details, employment history, skills and qualifications, education level, licenses and certificates from registrants. It provides instructions on how to properly fill out the form, including examples. Additional supporting documents may be attached but original copies will not be returned. The form can be photocopied and downloaded from the Department of Labor and Employment website, and no fees will be collected from registrants.
This document is a registration form for the National Manpower Registry of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment. The form collects personal information such as name, address, contact details, employment history, skills and qualifications, education level, licenses and certificates from registrants. It provides instructions on how to properly fill out the form, including examples. Additional supporting documents may be attached but original copies will not be returned. The form can be photocopied and downloaded from the Department of Labor and Employment website, and no fees will be collected from registrants.
This document is a registration form for the National Manpower Registry of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment. The form collects personal information such as name, address, contact details, employment history, skills and qualifications, education level, licenses and certificates from registrants. It provides instructions on how to properly fill out the form, including examples. Additional supporting documents may be attached but original copies will not be returned. The form can be photocopied and downloaded from the Department of Labor and Employment website, and no fees will be collected from registrants.
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Republic of the Philippines
NATIONAL MANPOWER REGISTRY R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M Name: (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Blk/St/Bld Name) (!it"/Municipalit") (Pro#ince) Telephone No.: ( ) Emal Address: T I N$ Da!e o" Br!h: Pla#e o" Br!h: A$e: Se%: Female Male Rel$on$ We$h!: &e$h!: '(l S!a!)s: Single Married Widow/Widower Separated Employment Status: Employed Unemployed Displaced Worker Resigned/Retired Returning OFW Languages/Dialects Spoken: English Filipino Spanish apanese French !erman Others Dsa*l!+: "isual #mpairment $earing #mpairment %hysically $andicapped/ Orthopedically #mpaired Speech #mpairment Others &%ls' Speci(y): Pre"erred Asss!an#e: %ob Placement Local $ _______________________ (Position) &#erseas $ _______________________ (Position) Li#elihood Skills 'rainin / Retoolin Leal (ssistance ,Wor- E%peren#e: Start with the present job or most recent one. Pos!on .O##)pa!on In#l)s(e Da!e 'ompan+ Name Address From (month/"ear) To (month/"ear) _______________________ _________ _________ _______________________ _________ _________ _______________________ _________ _________ _______________________ _________ _________ ,S-lls.'ompe!en#es: Indicate specific skills or competencies acquired through training (i.e. KASH, Apprenticeship and work e!periences. Trade.O##)pa!on Skills Le#el (see back portion for definition) )ears of *+perience Machine/*,uipment -sed ________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________ ________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________ ________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________ ________________________ ,Trann$ A!!ended: "ist rele#ant courses taken in go#ernment$pri#ate training institutions % gi#en appropriate certificates of completion and$or attendance. T!le 'ond)#!ed *+ (.nstitution) D)ra!on (No/ of 0ours) Spe#"# S-lls A#/)red ___________________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________ ___________ __________________ ,Pro"essonal L#enses: An& special license granted b& an& 'rofessional (egulator& )oard under the 'rofessional (egulation *ommission ('(* or the Air +ransportation ,ffice (A+,, "and +ransportation ,ffice ("+, and an& other licenses issued b& competent authorities. L#ense T!leE%pr+ Da!e ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ,'er!"#a!es o" 'ompe!en#e.El$*l!es: *ertificates of competence gi#en and conferred b& an& authori-ed bod& recogni-ed b& the go#ernment or issued b& industr& (e.g. *omputer 'rogrammer certified b& +.S/A 'er!"#a!e.s Iss)ed B+ Da!e Iss)ed ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ &$hes! Ed)#a!onal A!!anmen!: Highest grade completed$education le#el. Ed)#a!on Le(el 'o)rse.Ma0or S#hool.1n(ers!+ Year Grad)a!ed. Year Las! A!!ended &onors Re#e(ed ________________ _____________________ ________________________________________ ______________ _______________ ________________ _____________________ ________________________________________ ______________ _______________ ________________ _____________________ ________________________________________ ______________ _______________ 2For Sea3*ased Wor-ers4 On*oard E%peren#e or Land3Based E%peren#e Rela!ed !o Seamanshp: Pos!on A$en#+.'ompan+ 5essel T+pe.Tonna$e Da!e o" Ser(#e . hereb" certif" that the information contained herein are complete1 true and correct/ ________________________________ ________________________________ 2ate (ccomplished S$na!)re , Use separate sheet if necessary 2.S!L(.M*R$ (ll information in the NMRS form ha#e been pro#ided b" the o3ners of the information1 or b" other sources e+ternal to the 2epartment of Labor and *mplo"ment (2&L*)1 Philippines/ 'he 2&L* assumes no responsibilit" for the inaccurac" or unreliabilit" of the content. NOTE: Please type or print legibly. This Form is not for sale. Reproduction is allowed GUIDE IN ACCOMPLISHING THE FORM: (ll reistrants are ad#ised to fill4up the form in printed st"le/ Reistrants must pro#ide information truthfull"/ !ross out unfilled spaces or 3rite N&N* or N/( 3here applicable/ 'he follo3in items enumerated belo3 are re,uired to be filled4up properl"/ 'o assist reistrants1 3e are pro#idin e+amples on ho3 to suppl" the re,uired information/ a/ Wor- E%peren#e 5 refers to an" e+perience on the 6ob ac,uired b" the Reistrants beinnin 3ith the most recent one/ .ndicate/describe the nature of the 3ork performed/ E%amples: Position/&ccupation Pediatric Nurse &ffice !lerk Mason Ph"sical 'herapist (utomoti#e Painter Boom !rane &perator Boiler Ship &perator Mechanical *nineer b/ S-lls.'ompe!en#es 5 refers to an" skills or e+perience that Reistrant has ac,uired throuh 'rainin1 7ork e+perience1 actual e+posure/ E%amples: 'rade/&ccupation Skills Le#el Finishin !arpenter 4 Le#el 8 7ebpae 2esiner 4 Le#el 9 Shielded Metal (rc 7elder 4 Le#el : 0ea#" *,uipment &perator 4 Le#el 9 Ship *lectrician 4 Le#el : Skills level definition: Le(el 6 5 ac,uired skills thru e+perience Le(el 7 5 3/ formal trainin ; e+perience Le(el 8 5 3/ '*S2( !ertification c/ Trann$.A!!ended 5 refers to short courses taken in an" o#ernment or pri#ate trainin institutions and i#en appropriate certificates of completion and/or attendance/ E%amples: 'itle Basic (utomoti#e Mechanic !ourse !omputer Maintenance Food ; Be#erae Preparation Beaut" !ulture Ship Buildin and Repair 'rainin Refrieration ; (irconditionin Pro"essonal L#enses 5 refers to an" special license ranted b" an" Professional Reulator" Board under the Professional Reulation !ommission (PR!) or the (ir 'ransportation &ffice (('&)1 Land 'ransportation &ffice (L'&) and an" other licenses issued b" competent authorities/ E%amples: License 'itle Professional *lectrical *nineer !ertified Public (ccountant 'hird Marine *nineer Second Mate d/ 'er!"#a!e o" 'ompe!en#es.El$*l!es 5 refers to eliibilities i#en and conferred b" an" authori<ed bod" reconi<ed b" the o#ernment or issued b" industr"/ E%amples: *liibilit"/!ertificate !areer !i#il Ser#ice Professional Microsoft !ertified Professional !.S!& !ertified Net3ork *nineer '*S2( !ertified =eneral *lectrician '*S2( !ertified !osmetoloist e/ &$hes! Ed)#a!onal A!!anmen! 5 refers to the hihest le#el of education attained 3hether raduate or underraduate in an" academic or #ocational institution/ E%amples: *ducation Le#el !ourse/Ma6or !ollee =raduate B/S/B/(/ 5 ma6or (ccountin :rd )ear -nderrad B/S/ Nursin >ocational =raduate (ssoc/ in Marine *nineerin :rd )ear 0ih School 4 *lementar" =raduate 4 (dditional documents to support the information pro#ided b" the reistrants must be attached to the Reistration Form/ 2& N&' S*N2 &R.=.N(L !&P.*S of diplomas1 transcript of records and certificates/ 'he 2epartment of Labor and *mplo"ment is not liable in cases 3here documents sent to the 2epartment are destro"ed1 damae or lost/ 'he Reistration Form ma" be photocopied or reproduced for dissemination/ 'he Reistration Form ma" also be do3nloaded from 2&L* 4 BL* 3ebsite$ 999.*le.dole.$o(.ph/ No "ees 9ll *e #olle#!ed "rom an+ o" !he Re$s!ran! n !he Manpo9er Re$s!r+/