This document is a registration form for The Turning Point Dance Studio. It requests information such as the dancer's name, birthday, age, parent's name, contact information, shoe sizes, class selections, medical conditions, and liability releases. There is a multi-student discount and a $20 registration fee per family. Parents must sign agreeing to studio guidelines, publicity and medical releases.
This document is a registration form for The Turning Point Dance Studio. It requests information such as the dancer's name, birthday, age, parent's name, contact information, shoe sizes, class selections, medical conditions, and liability releases. There is a multi-student discount and a $20 registration fee per family. Parents must sign agreeing to studio guidelines, publicity and medical releases.
Original Description:
Turning Point Dance Studio 2014-2015 Registration Form
This document is a registration form for The Turning Point Dance Studio. It requests information such as the dancer's name, birthday, age, parent's name, contact information, shoe sizes, class selections, medical conditions, and liability releases. There is a multi-student discount and a $20 registration fee per family. Parents must sign agreeing to studio guidelines, publicity and medical releases.
This document is a registration form for The Turning Point Dance Studio. It requests information such as the dancer's name, birthday, age, parent's name, contact information, shoe sizes, class selections, medical conditions, and liability releases. There is a multi-student discount and a $20 registration fee per family. Parents must sign agreeing to studio guidelines, publicity and medical releases.
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The Turning Point 2014-2015 Registration Form
Please list all dancer's registering here:
Name: Birthday: Age: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parent's Names:_____________________________________________________________________ Email Address:______________________________________________________________________ Full Address: City: Zip:_________ Phone Number: Cell:___________________________________ Emergency Contact: Phone: _________________________________ Allergies or medical conditions we should be aware o:______________________________________ !treet !hoe !i"e: !hirt !i"e: Child #! ! $ % #% Adult #! ! $ % #% &'ight !i"e:_________________________________________________________________________ &!ee website turningpointdancestudio(com or ront des) or pictures* pricing* and si"ing charts( Please list the oldest child first. There is discount given for multile students !ithin one famil". The first child#class is full rice$ the second recieves a %5 discount$ the third recieves a %10 discount and so on. There is a %20.00 registration fee er famil". &ame: 'lass#(rs: 'ost: Total: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) *u+total: %)))))))))) Registration Fee: %))))))))) ,*hoes$ *hirt$ Tights$ (oodie and#or Pants: %))))))))) T-T./ 012: %)))))))))) There !ill +e no refunds for classes missed +" students. %iability +elease ,n behal o my child and mysel* - assume the ris)s associated with dance training and the associated athletic e.ercise( - agree that 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio management and aculty shall not be liable in any way or personal in0uries or loss o or damage to personal property sustained during attendance at 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio acility* or any related perormances* demonstrations* recitals* or e1ents( Publicity +elease - hearby authori"e 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio to record my child's picture on photographs* ilms* or tapes2 and to incorporate these recordings into material to be used or promotion* media* and ad1ertising( - also ac)nowledge that no promise o compensation will be made by 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio or such use( $edical +elease -n the e1ent - cannot be reached* - hereby gi1e my permission to the management* aculty* and3or chaperones o 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio to authori"e any emergency medical care that may be re4uired or my child during participation in classes* perormances* recitals* or any other realted e1ents( - understand that - am responsible or any and all charges as a result o such care or medical treatment( By signing below* - ac)nowledge that - ha1e read and agree to abide by all 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio guidelines( !ignature o parent or guardian:___________________________________________________/ate: __________________