Script Seminar

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Jeff: Good Evening to all. Welcome to our 1

of the series of Seminar entitled Stress
Mls: Good Evening everone.
Jeff: !han" ou all for coming.
Mls: !han" ou for ta"ing time attending our free seminar.
Jeff: I am Jeff our host for tonight. (if ever you still want to carry the word liberated, pls
do so).
Mls: I am Mls our host. (let me know if we will still use single & available)
Jeff: #i Mls$ #o% are ou tonight& I heard that ou are stressed out this 'ast fe% das.
Mls: #i Jeff$ I(m )uite tired * stressed out from %or". !here are deadlines left * right.
I haven(t sle't %ell due to series of overtime. !a'os sasa+aan "a 'a ng clients na
Jeff: ,eall& It doesn(t sho% that ou are stressed. -o ou ta"e stress sta+& .r an "ind
of stress free vitamins.
Mls: /o0 Im not ta"e anthing. !alaga lang maganda "o.
Jeff: .ohh1(Jeff pakidagdagan ng punch line)
Mls: Well0 +efore %e 'roceed to not so good comment from ou. 2et us re)uest 3tra
2ouise to grace our seminar %ith 'raer.
3tra 2ouise: 4o'ening 'raer5
Jeff: !han" ou 3tra 2ouise for our stress free 'raer. (I think you should have ad lib
Mls: (I should react & answer if you have ad lib above)Is everone has the feed+ac"
form0 'rogram * 'iece of 'a'er for )uestion. (introduction question about the topic of
the first speaker)
Jeff: (answer to the question above)
Mls: !o further discuss * enlighten us a+out this to'ic0 %e are 'rivilege to have our first
s'ea"er. (read the speakers profile). 2et(s all %elcome -ra Malou ,enales.
-ra ,enales:
Jeff: !han" ou -ra ,enales for 666666666666666.(ask question about the learning).
Mls: (!nswer to Jeffs question)
(more of talk and discussion about the last topic. "ga # to two conversations)
Jeff: We have 're'ared some coffee and %ater for refreshment (im not sure if this is the
right word)
Mls: 2et(s also ta"e this o''ortunit to loo" around and find ne% friends. Introduce
ourself and get their contact no.
Jeff: 7ou ma also %ant to ta"e this o''ortunit to %rite do%n our )uestions * tr to
start ans%ering the evaluation sheet.
Mls: 7es. We %anted to "no% our thought a+out tonight(s activit. We a''reciate an
in'uts from ou.
Jeff: Mls0 I have seen familiar faces. (mention names$and make some ad lib from last
Mls: 7es0 I remem+er0 its +een a month since our last 1
8uarter 9ello%shi'. (mention
names also. !nd comments) :re ou so far en;oing the first to'ic&
Jeff: (you might have some ad lib here)
<offee Brea":
Jeff: -id ou en;o the coffee& We ho'e so. (ad lib and introduction to the %
speaker. I
cant think of anything)
Mls: (to answer &eff question in relation to the topic of the %
Jeff: 2et(s not e=cite our audience. 9or our ne=t s'ea"er 1 (read the 'ra (emy
)anganibans profile)
-ra ,em 3angani+an:
Mls: Imagine stress can reall harm m +eautiful s"in. Masisira ang malasutla "ong
+alat. What have to learn from -ra ,em& (conversation on what are the learnings about
her topic)
Jeff: ( answer about the learnings)
Jeff: If ou have some )uestions. 3lease %rite it do%n on a 'iece of 'a'er * give it to our
Mls: !han" ou for all ou )uestions. With that %e %ould li"e to sa than" ou to our
s'ea"ers -ra Malou ,enales * -ra ,em 3angani+an.
Jeff: !o 'resent our to"en of a''reciation. Ma %e call on :nthon Gathalian * Maita
!o"en: :nthon * Maita
Mls: !han" ou :nthon * Maita. We ho'e ou did en;o our to'ic and ou %ill a+le
to a''l them %hen ou go home.
Jeff: (pls put your punch line..i know you have one)
Mls: (to answer your punch line above)
Jeff: Before %e leave in this 'lace stress free. We %ould li"e to call our dearest 3tra
Irene to lead us in closing 'raer.
3tra Irene 4'raer * altar call5
Mls: !han" ou 3tra Irene for that heartfelt 'raer. With that0 %e %ould li"e to than"
ou for coming. .nce again %e en;o +eing %ith ou as our host. :gain I am Mls (if
we will still use single & available).
Jeff: It(s a 'leasure to see ou tonight. Sta safe * +e +lessed. I am Jeff (if we will still
use liberated)0 our host. Good /ight * God Bless$

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