Advantages of Coalition Politics 1. Government Will Be More Consensus-Based

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1. Government will be more consensus-based: resulting policies will

be broadly approved of all the parties, since There has been a remarkable
blending of tradition and modernity in the Indian society in which various
identities have found democratic channels of expression in the political process.
The political accommodation is a democratic barrier against manifestations of
extremism. And coalition politics is the sharing of power in which different
interests are democratically accommodated

2. Better representation of the electorate's wishes: The type of

Government depends on the type of election result and a fractured verdict by the
electorate can only result in a coalition. And a verdict given by the electorate
cannot be visualized as any violation of the electorate's mandate. It cannot be
treated as undemocratic. Since even if a political party wins few seats in a
parliament they have won because the voters have shown faith in them, their
policies. May be the voters of that constituency may have some minority political
interest but it will be represented in coalition government.

3. Better quality of policy: enhanced scrutiny and increased attention paid to

Each policy, since the coalition government consists of different political parties
With different ideologies every decision taken by the government will be
be scrutinized each coalition parties from their own point of view representing
particular ideology, which will lead towards better quality decision.

4. Increased continuity: election does not lead to dramatic overhaul which can
Produce fragmented rule, its difficult to seek unanimous agreement of all people
on one policy of government so there will be always disagreement among certain
people with regards to specific policy resulting to fragmented election results in the
absence of coalition politics it will be difficult to continusly won the elections, with
the help of coalition politics consensus can be built possibility of continuity


1. Tendency to be fractious and prone to disharmony: coalitions

would necessarily include different parties with differing beliefs and who,
therefore, may not always agree on the correct path for governmental policy. As
a result there is always a possibility of collapse of government at any time if the
coalition party takes away the support of government with regards to
disagreement to any government decision

2. Infeasible ideologies :Often coalitions are made just to form a

government irrespective of their ideologies resulting to fight among themselves,
so the government due to fear of losing its majority is unable to take right &
quick decision due to resistance from its coalition parties
3. Ability of minor parties to play kingmaker: In close elections
minor parties gain far more for their support than their vote would otherwise
indicate. i.e. if major parties have diverse ideologies & they need support of
minor parties to form a government . they get immense importance even after
being a minor party they undue influences the government policies

4. Sustaining of consensus is needed: it’s the nature of the coalition

government that wide consensus has to be built for taking a decision. To forge a
consensus, the leaders of ruling coalition parties can agree to silence their
disagreements on an issue to unify the coalition against the opposition. The
coalition partners, if they control the parliamentary majority, can collude to make
the parliamentary discussion on the issue irrelevant by consistently disregarding
the arguments of the opposition and voting against the opposition's proposals
even if there is disagreement within the ruling parties about the issue.

5. Powerful parties can act in an oligocratic way: Powerful parties

can also act in an oligocratic way to form an alliance to stifle the growth of
emerging parties. Of course, such an event is rare in coalition governments when
compared to two-party systems, which typically exists because of stifling the
growth of emerging parties, often through discriminatory ballot access
regulations and plurality voting systems, etc.


1. Majority in parliament should not be needed: coalition is formed to

get majority in parliament, its unnecessary the party which has maximum votes
should be allowed to form a government. the MP/MLA doesn’t need the support
of majority voters to win the election then why it is needed to form a government
of course to pass the bill government need majority but legislator should be given
free will either to vote in favors or against irrespective of their party command.
2. Encouragement of debates in parliament: It’s often seen that
coalition partners have to compromise on the policies for the benefit of other
coalition partner resulting into loss of faith of supporters ,with the help of public
debate supporters will get better idea about the policy its pros & cons .also it will
lead to better understanding among coalition partners.

3. Transparency & disclosure: we need a massive push for

enforceable ethics reforms among political parties, how parties
raise funds, how they spend them, how much of it needs to be
transparent and other related issues. So that voters can punish
the most corrupt political parties & can take better decision

4. Internal democracy inside politics: political parties has fallen in the

citizens’ esteem, it is because the political parties and leaders, who shoulder the
responsibility to man public offices, have sought to make their organizations their
families’ preserve to the exclusion of different segments of society and their
aspirations and dreams. This results into offended senior leader making separate
party also taking with them their own supporters. There should be a election
among party members to select the right candidate which will help to avoid
splits in particular party EG in us presidential elections voting was done among
democrat members to select president candidate among hillary Clinton
&barrack obama

5. compulsory voting : voting should be made compulsory as good voting

percentage will help to select the right &more acceptable candidate ,its often the
case where due to lower participation in voting many small parties won the

A presidential system is a system of government where an executive branch exists and

presides (hence the name) separately from the legislature, to which it is not accountable
and which cannot, in normal circumstances, dismiss it.


• Direct mandate — in a presidential system, the president is often elected

directly by the people. To some, this makes the president's power more legitimate
than that of a leader appointed indirectly.

• Separation of powers — a presidential system establishes the presidency and the

legislature as two parallel structures. Supporters claim that this arrangement
allows each structure to supervise the other, preventing abuses.

• Speed and decisiveness — some argue that a president with strong powers can
usually enact changes quickly.

• Stability — a president, by virtue of a fixed term, may provide more stability than
a prime minister who can be dismissed at any time


• Tendency towards authoritarianism — some political scientists say that

presidentialism is not constitutionally stable. According to some political
scientists, such as Fred Riggs, presidentialism has fallen into authoritarianism in
nearly every country it has been attempted.
• Separation of powers — a presidential system establishes the presidency and
the legislature as two parallel structures. Critics argue that this creates undesirable
gridlock, and that it reduces accountability by allowing the president and the
legislature to shift blame to each other.

• Impediments to leadership change — it is claimed that the difficulty in

removing an unsuitable president from office before his or her term has expired
represents a significant problem.

If the current situation prevails then coalition politics is going to be more
prominent in future ,we have to make certain

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