Howto - Writing Task 2

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The key takeaways from the passage are that families are becoming less close over time due to factors like busy lifestyles, changing cultural values, and technology, and the author believes the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the advantages.

According to the passage, families are becoming less close due to busy modern lifestyles where both parents work long hours leaving less time for family, a more materialistic culture that values relationships less, and people spending more time online than with family.

The passage gives three main reasons for the decline in close family relationships: busy lifestyles and long work hours leaving less family time, a more materialistic consumer culture that values family relationships less, and the influence of modern technology distracting people from interacting with family in their free time.

How to Write an IELTS Essay

On this page you will find some guidance on how you should write an IELTS essay.
There are then model answers on the following pages for different types of essay
and different questions, with some brief guidance on each.
It is important to analyse model answers for IELTS essays because there are
different essay types, and these will require different ways to answer them.
Howeer, as you will see from the guidance on this page, they can all follow the
same basic structure.
These are some of the types of IELTS essay we will loo! at"

Agree / disagree
Discuss two opinions
Advantages & disadvantages
Causes (reasons) & solutions
Causes (reasons) & effects
Problems & solutions
Compare & contrast
#ot eery essay will fit one of these patterns, but many do. $ou may get some of
these tas!s mi%ed up. &or e%ample, you could be as!ed to gie your opinion on an
issue, and then discuss the adantages or disadantages of it.
The golden rule is to ALWAY read t!e "uestion ver# carefull# to see e%actly
what you are being as!ed to do.

$ow do % identif# t!e tas&'
In order to grade your tas! response, the e%aminer will be loo!ing to see if you
hae answered t!e "uestion.
If you hae only partially answered the question, this will decrease your grade for
this criteria.
Let's loo! at the same essay question we loo!ed at in lesson ( when you identified
the topic"
(!e crime rate among teenagers !as increased
dramaticall# in man# countries)
Discuss some possible reasons for t!is increase and
suggest solutions)
In the preious lesson, we identified the topic for this question as teenage crime.
The tas! ) or *what you hae to do' ) is usually at the end of the prompt. +s you
can see, you are being told to Discuss some possible reasons for this increase
and suggest solutions.
It's ery common in tas! , IELTS essay questions to get as!ed to do two t!ings,
and this question is a good e%ample of this"
(. -hy teenage crime has increased
,. -ays to sole this problem
$ou ./ST discuss both those things to ensure you hae fully answered the
question and you must write roughly equal amounts about each part.
0oing any of the following things will reduce your score for tas! response, and
hence may reduce your oerall score"
(. Only writing about reasons or only solutions
,. -riting most of your essay about reasons and only a small part on solutions
1or isa ersa2
3. -riting about the reasons and solutions for crime in general, and not
referring to teenage crime 1the topic2
3. -riting about neither reasons nor solutions
This is why it is so important to spend some time at the beginning ma!ing sure
you identify the tas! so that you !now what you hae to write about.
A Common *ista&e
It is a common mista!e for students to rush at the beginning to start writing as
they are worried about not finishing, and then write about t!e wrong t!ing.
&or e%ample, when you hae finished identifying the tas!, you will brainstorm your
ideas. $ou may come up with reasons for an increase in crime such as +lac& of
parental supervision, and +boredom,.
Howeer, I hae seen students come up with problems of teenage crime, such as
+more #oung people being put in prison- and +stress for t!eir parents-.
This particular tas! as!s you to write about reasons, not problems 1though being
as!ed to write about 4problems and solutions4 is common2.
So if you do this you will not be answering the question. This comes from rushing
and not ta!ing enough time to identify the tas! properly.
.t!er /uestion (#pes
The preious question was fairly easy, so to identify the tas! was hopefully not too
Some questions, though, will ta!e more thought in order to identify what you need
to write about.
Here is another e%ample"
Advances in tec!nolog# and automation !ave reduced t!e need for manual
labour) (!erefore0 wor&ing !ours s!ould be reduced)
(o w!at e1tent do #ou agree'
+gain, loo! to the end of the prompt to identify the tas!.
$ou hae to say if you agree or disagree with wor!ing hours being reduced, or, in
other words, automation 1machines2 ta!ing oer from some human's duties.
$ou must also say !ow muc! you agree or disagree 15to what e%tent52.
Let's assume you want to loo! at both sides of the issue. $ou therefore need to
discuss the reasons w!# #ou agree, and the reasons w!# #ou disagree. Or put
another way"
(. The adantages of reducing wor!ing hours
,. The disadantages of reducing wor!ing hours
+nd of course in the introduction or conclusion you need to ma!e it clear what your
opinion is.
If you do all of these things then you will hae answered all parts of the prompt. If
you find more reasons to agree than disagree, then you can write more about this
side of the argument, or isa ersa.
$ow do % Write an %2L( 2ssa#'
In order to answer this, lets first loo! at a sample question"
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist
knowledge of the following topic.
In the last 20 years there have been significant
developments in the field of information technology
IT!" for e#ample the World Wide Web and
communication by email$ However" future developments
in IT are li%ely to have more negative effects than
To what e#tent do you agree with this view&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
+n IELTS essay is structured li!e any other essay6 you 7ust need to ma!e it
shorter. There are three !ey elements"
". %ntroduction
. 3od# Paragrap!s
3. Conclusion
-e will loo! at each of these in turn, using the essay question aboe as an
4) %ntroduction
$ou should !eep your introduction for the IELTS essay short. 8emember you only
hae 39 minutes to write the essay, and some of this time needs to be spent
planning. Therefore, you need to be able to write your introduction fairly quic!ly so
you can start writing your body paragraphs.
$ou should do 7ust two things"
State the topic of the essay, using some basic facts 1that you may be able to
ta!e from the question2
Say what you are going to write about
Here is an e%ample introduction for the aboe essay question about IT"
The last two decades hae seen enormous changes in the way people4s lies are
affected by %(, with many adances in this field. Howeer, while these
technological adances hae brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued
that future %( developments will produce more negative effects t!an
positive ones.
+s you can see, the first sentence ma!es sure it refers to the topic 1IT2 and uses
facts about IT ta!en from the question. #ote that these are paraphrased ) you
must not copy from the rubric:
The second part then clearly sets out the what the essay will be about and
confirms the writers opinion 1some questions may not as! for your opinion, but
this one does2.
Writing t!e %ntroduction
In the writing for tas! ,, you must write an %2L( essa# introduction, but you only hae 39 minutes.
In this time you need to anal#5e t!e "uestion, brainstorm ideas to write about, formulate an essay
plan, and then write your response.
Een for a natie writer of English, this is a lot to do in 39 minutes:
So you need to use #our time carefull#. $ou need a good IELTS essay introduction, but one thing you
do not want to do is spend too long writing it so that you end up rushing your paragraphs.
$our paragrap!s are the most important t!ing as they contain all your supporting arguments and
demonstrate how good you are at organi;ing your ideas.
$ou therefore need a method to write your IELTS essay introduction fairly quic!ly. -hen you write an
introduction, you should ma!e sure you do two things"
". Write a sentence introducing the topic and giving some bac%ground facts about it
. Tell the reader what you are going to be writing about
How you do this will ary depending on the question, but here is an e%ample"
21ample 46
'lood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years$ (s society develops it is
increasingly seen as an uncivili)ed activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are %illed$
'lood sports should be banned$
To what e#tent to you agree or disagree&
Sample IELTS essay introduction"
Despite the fact that killing animals for sport is popular in modern society, it remains a contentious issue.
I believe that blood sports are cruel and uncivilized and so should be banned as soon as possible.
+s you can see, the first sentence consists of the topic plus some bac&ground facts on the topic which
hae been ta!en from the rubric.
The second sentence then gies the writers opinion and tells us that in the essay the writer will be
arguing the reasons why it is cruel.
The topic does not hae to be in the first sentence, but it should be made clear somewhere in the
introduction. $ou must always hae a thesis.
+nother important point ) don-t cop# from t!e "uestion7 $ou must paraphrase 1put it in your own
words2. To do this you can use synonyms and moe the order of the sentence around.
/sing some of the same words is acceptable, but don-t cop# w!ole p!rases.
$ou can see how the question aboe has been paraphrased. +ll the information is from the question, but it
has been written in a different way and has not been copied.
8urt!er 21amples
21ample 96
Science and technology have helped the world ma%e many advances$ The (rts" such as
painting" theatre and dance" to name *ust three e#amples" however" are also valuable$
What things do the (rts provide to the world that Science and Technology do not&
Sample IELTS essay introduction"
ocieties have developed rapidly over time due to the many advances in science and technology.
!o"ever, the arts are also very important and provide our "orld "ith many things that science and
technology cannot.
21ample :6
(ccording to a recent study" the more time people use the Internet" the less time they spend
with real human beings$ Some people say that instead of seeing the Internet as a way of
opening up new communication possibilities world wide" we should be concerned about the
effect this is having on social interaction$
How far do you agree with this opinion&
Sample IELTS essay introduction"
# recent study has sho"n that as people use the Internet more, they are spending less time "ith human
beings. I believe that although this has increased the communication around the "orld in positive "ays, it
has also led to negative effects on the day$to$day social interaction of human beings.
21ample ;6
+nemployment has become an increasing problem in the recent past$
What factors contribute to an increase in unemployment and what steps can be ta%en to solve
the problem&
Sample IELTS essay introduction"
%ver recent years, the level of unemployment has been increasing at an alarming rate in many countries
around the "orld. This essay "ill discuss the reasons for this increase and consider "hat practical
solutions are available.
21ample <6
Some people thin% children in secondary school should study international news as part of the
curriculum$ ,thers thin% that this would be a waste of time as there are already too many
sub*ects for children to concentrate on$
-iscuss both views and give your own opinion$
Sample IELTS essay introduction"
While some people are of the opinion that it "ould be useful to include international ne"s as a sub&ect in
the school curriculum, others believe that this is a "aste of students time because they are already
overloaded "ith sub&ects to study. This essay "ill e'amine both sides of the issue.

9) 3od# Paragrap!s
&or an IELTS essay, you should hae , or ? body paragraphs ) no more, and no
&or your body paragraph, each paragraph should contain one controlling idea, and
hae sentences to support this.
Lets loo! at the first paragraph for the essay about IT. The essay is about the
benefits and drawbac!s of IT, so these will need to be discussed in separate
Here is the first body paragraph"
To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and
faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. &urthermore,
the World Wide Web means that information on eery conceiable sub7ect is now
aailable to us. &or e%ample, people can access news, medical adice, online
education courses and much more ia the internet. It is eident that these
improements hae made life far easier and more conenient for large numbers of
people and will continue to do so for decades to come.
The controlling idea in this first paragraph is the 4benefits of %(4, and there are
two supporting ideas, which are underlined. #o drawbac!s are discussed as the
paragraph would then lose coherence.
.ost of the essay will focus on the negatie aspects of IT, as the writer says there
are more negatie effects in the introduction. So the ne%t two paragraphs are
about these.
The topic sentence in the ne%t paragraph therefore tells us we are changing the
focus to the negatie points"
=evert!eless0 t!e effects of t!is new tec!nolog# !ave not all been
beneficial) &or e%ample, many people feel that the widespread use of email is
destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and
face)to)face conersation. This could result in a decline in people4s basic ability to
sociali;e and interact with each other on a day)to)day basis.
The final body paragraph gies the last negatie effect"
In addition, the large si;e of the -eb has meant that it is nearly impossible to
regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing
unsuitable websites and iruses. /nfortunately, this !ind of problem might een
get worse in the future at least until more regulated systems are set up.
:) Conclusion
The conclusion only needs to be one or two sentences, and you can do the
8e)state what the essay is about 1re)write the last sentence of your
introduction in different words2
@ie some thoughts about the future
Here is an e%ample"
In conclusion, deelopments in IT hae brought many benefits, yet I beliee
deelopments relating to new technology in the future are li!ely to produce many
negatie effects that must be addressed if we are to aoid damaging impacts to
indiiduals and society.
(!e full %2L( 2ssa#6
The last two decades hae seen enormous changes in the way people4s lies are
affected by IT, with many adances in this field. Howeer, while these
technological adances hae brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued
that future IT deelopments will produce more negatie effects than positie ones.
To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and
faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business. &urthermore,
the -orld -ide -eb means that information on eery conceiable sub7ect is now
aailable to us. &or e%ample, people can access news, medical adice, online
education courses and much more ia the internet. It is eident that these
improements hae made life far easier and more conenient for large numbers of
people and will continue to do so for decades to come.
#eertheless, the effects of this new technology hae not all been beneficial. &or
e%ample, many people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying
traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face)to)
face conersation. This could result in a decline in people4s basic ability to sociali;e
and interact with each other on a day)to)day basis.
In addition, the large si;e of the -eb has meant that it is nearly impossible to
regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing
unsuitable websites and iruses. /nfortunately, this !ind of problem might een
get worse in the future at least until more regulated systems are set up.
In conclusion, deelopments in IT hae brought many benefits, yet I beliee
deelopments relating to new technology in the future are li!ely to produce many
negatie effects that must be addressed if we are to aoid damaging impacts to
indiiduals and society.
()*+ "ords,
Improve your Information Technology -ocabulary
The I./T essay introduction talks in general about the increasing use of IT, thus
introducing the topic "ell. The thesis then clearly sets out the "riters opinion.
The follo"ing paragraph mentions the present benefits of these developments, but
the opening sentence in the third paragraph is a 0ualifying statement
(/evertheless" not all the effects$..,, so the "riter can no" focus on the
negative elements.
The fourth paragraph provides t"o other negative e'amples (lac% of regulation"
viruses,. 1oth paragraphs suggest that these problems "ill continue in the future.
The essay concludes "ith a clear opinion that agrees "ith the statement.
%verall, it is a "ell$balanced te't that mentions the present situation (...this has
made life..., but importantly, also refers to the future of IT ( to
increase$.., might get worse...,.
0odel Essay for IELTS 1 (dvertising
+ second model essay for IELTS is presented here. This one tac!les the sub7ect
of advertising.
+s with model essay (, this essay is an agree / disagree essay.
In these types of essays, you are presented with one opinion"
Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable
in today2s society$
To what e#tent do you agree with this view&
So your options are"
4) Agree 4>>?
9) Disagree 4>>?
:) Partl# agree
In the answer below, the writer agrees (99A with the opinion.
+s you can see, the writers opinion is made clear in the t!esis statement 1the
last sentence of the introduction2.
+ll the body paragraphs then e%plain w!# the writer disagrees. In other words, it
discusses thenegative aspects of adertising.
*odel 2ssa# for %2L( 9
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist
knowledge of the following topic.
Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical
and unacceptable in today2s society$
To what e#tent do you agree with this view&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
2ssa# for %2L( *odel Answer
The world that we lie in today is dominated by adertising. +derts are on
teleision, on the -orld -ide -eb, in the street and een on our mobile phones.
Howeer, many of the strategies used to sell a product or serice can be
considered immoral or unacceptable.
To begin with, the fact that we cannot escape from adertising is a significant
cause for complaint. Bonstant images and signs whereer we loo! can be ery
intrusie and irritating at times. Ta!e for e%ample adertising on the mobile
phone. -ith the latest technology mobile companies are now able to send
adertising messages ia S.S to consumer's phones wheneer they choose.
+lthough we e%pect aderts in numerous situations, it now seems that there are
ery few places we can actually aoid them.
+ further aspect of adertising that I would consider unethical is the way that it
encourages people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford. Bhildren
and young people in particular are influenced by aderts showing the latest toys,
clothing or music and this can put enormous pressure on the parents to buy these
In addition, the adertising of tobacco products and alcohol has long been a
controersial issue, but cigarette aderts hae only recently been banned in many
countries. It is quite possible that alcohol aderts encourage e%cessie
consumption and underage drin!ing, yet restrictions hae not been placed on this
type of adertising in the same way as smo!ing.
It is certainly true to say that adertising is an eeryday feature of our lies.
Therefore, people are constantly being encouraged to buy products or serices that
might be too e%pensie, unnecessary or een unhealthy. In conclusion, many
aspects of adertising do appear to be morally wrong and are not acceptable in
today4s society.
1,CD words2

This essay for I./T is "ell organized as there are five clear paragraphs, each
containing ideas that are relevant, "ell e'pressed, and related to the topic.
2ocusing on the language and structures in particular, the essay starts "ith an
appropriate introductory sentence. /inking "ords are used accurately (However"
In addition" Therefore,.
3hrases that signal opinions are evident (( further aspect of advertising that I
would consider unethical. .., backed up by reasons (...encourages people to
buy products they may not need or cannot afford, and e'amples (.hildren
and young people in particular" are influenced by adverts,.
In general, many other useful phrases are used, indicating a good control of
language (It is 3uite possible... 0any people consider. .. It is certainly true
to say.. .,.
IELTS Sample Essay 1 (lternative 0edicine
This IELTS sample essay tac!les the sub7ect of alternative medicine)
Here is the question"
.urrently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of
medicine$ However" at best these methods are ineffective" and at worst
they may be dangerous$
To what e#tent do you agree with this statement&
-hen you are as!ed whether you agree (or disagree), you can loo! at both sides
of the argument if you want.
This shows that you hae good academic s!ills as you are able to see both sides of
the issue.
It can also sometimes be a good idea to loo! at both sides of the argument
because it may be easier for you to brainstorm ideas.
If you 7ust loo! at one side, you may run out of ideas.
In this IELTS sample essay, the writer disagrees oerall with the opinion
presented ) thatalternative medicine is ineffective and possibly dangerous.
Howeer, in the first bod# paragrap! the writer discusses what those who agree
with this opinion thin!.
If you are going to put in an opinion that disagrees with your own, it is common to
put this argument first. This ma!es your argument stronger as you can then refute
it in the following paragraph.
+s you can see, in the second bod# paragrap!0 the writer gies the reasons why
heEshe disagrees.
In other words"
3od# 4 @ t!e disadvantages of alternative medicine
3od# 9 @ t!e advantages of alternative medicine
It is then a good balanced conclusion as the writer states that they are best used
%2L( ample 2ssa# :
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist
knowledge of the following topic.
.urrently there is a trend towards the use of alternative
forms of medicine$ However" at best these methods are
ineffective" and at worst they may be dangerous$
To what e#tent do you agree with this statement&
Give reasons for you answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
%2L( ample 2ssa# *odel Answer
#lternative medicine is not ne". It is accepted that it pre$dates conventional
medicine and it is still used by many people all over the "orld. I am unconvinced
that it is dangerous, and feel that both alternative and conventional medicine can
be useful.
There are several reasons "hy the conventional medical community is often
dismissive of alternatives. 2irstly, there has been little scientific research into such
medicine, so there is a scarcity of evidence to support the claims of their
supporters. 2urthermore, people often try such treatment because of
recommendations from friends, and therefore come to the therapist "ith a very
positive attitude, "hich may be part of the reason for the cure. 4oreover, these
therapies are usually only useful for long$term, chronic conditions. #cute medical
problems, such as accidental in&ury, often re0uire more conventional methods.
%n the other hand, there remain strong arguments for the use of alternatives.
Despite the lack of scientific proof, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest
that these therapies "ork. In addition, far from being dangerous, they often have
fe" or no side effects, so the "orst outcome "ould be no change. %ne of the
strongest arguments for the effectiveness of alternative therapies in the West is
that, "hilst conventional medicine is available "ithout charge, many people are
prepared to pay considerable sums for alternatives. If they "ere totally unhelpful,
it "ould be surprising if this continued.
I strongly believe that conventional medicine and alternative therapies can and
should coe'ist. They have different strengths, and can both be used effectively to
target particular medical problems. The best situation "ould be for alternative
therapies to be used to support and complement conventional medicine.
1,F9 words2
The "riter in this I./T sample essay introduces the topic in the introductory
paragraph (lternative medicine$$$! and puts for"ard a clear vie" on the
issue I am unconvinced$$$and feel$$$!.
The essay has a "ell$balanced argument looking at both sides of the issue. The
first body paragraph e'presses some doubt about alternative therapies $$$little
scientific research$$ $only useful for long term$$$!, but in the second body
paragraph the "riter takes a different vie" ,n the other hand$$$! and e'amines
the benefits$$$few side effects!.
The "riter5s concluding paragraph offers a strong opinion I strongly
believe$$$! and sums up the fact that both types of treatment are valid today.
There is also a good range of grammatical structures If they were totally
unhelpful" it would be$$$!, and connectors despite the fact" in addition"
IELTS Writing E#ample 1 +niversity
This IELTS writing e%ample is on the topic of universit# education.
In this essay, two opposing opinions need to be discussed.
(!is is t!e first opinion6
The aim of university education is to help graduates get better &obs.
(!is is t!e second opinion6
There are much "ider benefits of university education for both individuals and
+s the prompt suggests, you ./ST tal! about bot! sides of the issue and
include #our opinion.
%2L( Writing 21ample ;
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
Some people believe the aim of university education is
to help graduates get better *obs$ ,thers believe there
are much wider benefits of university education for both
individuals and society$
-iscuss both views and give your opinion$
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
%2L( Writing 21ample A *odel Answer
These days, more and more people are ma!ing the choice to go to uniersity.
-hile some people are of the opinion that the only purpose of a uniersity
education is to improe 7ob prospects, others thin! that society and the indiidual
benefit in much broader ways.
It is certainly true that one of the main aims of uniersity is to secure a better 7ob.
The ma7ority of people want to improe their future career prospects and attending
uniersity is one of the best ways to do this as it increases a persons mar!etable
s!ills and attractieness to potential employers. In addition, further education is
ery e%pensie for many people, so most would not consider it if it would not
proide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of liing. Thus 7ob
prospects are ery important.
Howeer, there are other benefits for indiiduals and society. &irstly, the
independence of liing away from home is a benefit because it helps the students
deelop better social s!ills and improe as a person. + case in point is that many
students will hae to leae their families, lie in halls of residence and meet new
friends. +s a result, their maturity and confidence will grow enabling them to lie
more fulfilling lies. Secondly, society will gain from the contribution that the
graduates can ma!e to the economy. -e are liing in a ery competitie world, so
countries need educated people in order to compete and prosper.
Therefore, I beliee that although a main aim of uniersity education is to get the
best 7ob, there are clearly further benefits. If we continue to promote and
encourage uniersity attendance, it will lead to a better future for indiiduals and
1,HC words2
Improve your I./T .ducation -ocabulary
The "riter in this I./T "riting e'ample has a clear thesis in the second sentence
of the introduction, establishing that t"o sides of this issue "ill be
discussed While some people are of the opinion$$$others thin% that$$$!$
/ooking at the structure, the topic sentences make it clear "hen the first opinion is
being discussed It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university
is to secure a better *ob$! and "hen the "riter is moving onto the ne't
opinion However" there are other benefits for individuals and society$!.
7onnectors To begin$$$ (lso$$$ 4irstly$$$ Secondly! are used "ell to introduce
each ne" supporting idea. 2urther connectors 4or e#ample$$$( case in point is
that$$$(s a result$$$! are used to e'pand on these ideas.
2inally, the "riter has demonstrated that they are able to use comple' sentence
structures While$$$that$$$in order to$$$as$$$!, andhas discussed both vie"s and
combined this "ith his8her opinion, thus ensuring the 0uestion has been ans"ered.
0odel IELTS Essays 1 5educing .rime
IELTS essays can be on a ariety of topics, and this writing sample is
about reducing crime.
+s with the preious essay, there are two opinions, and you must discuss each one
and your opinion must also be gien.
In the preious essay, the writers opinion was gien in the conclusion.
In this one, a separate body paragraph discusses the writers opinion.
%2L( 2ssa#s A 21ample <
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
Some people thin% that the best way to reduce crime is
to give longer prison sentences$ ,thers" however"
believe there are better alternative ways of reducing
-iscuss both views and give your opinion$
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
%2L( 2ssa#s A *odel Answer
Brime is a serious and growing problem in most societies. +lthough many people
beliee that the best way to tac!le this is to place people in prison for longer
periods, others are of the opinion that other measures will be more effectie.
There are benefits of giing offenders longer prison sentences. &irstly, spending a
long time in prison proides an opportunity for the prison serices to rehabilitate a
prisoner. &or e%ample, someone who has committed a serious offence such as
assault will need a long time in prison in order to be sure they can be re)educated
not to re)offend. In addition to this, longer prison sentences will act as a deterrent
for someone who is thin!ing of committing a crime.
Howeer, some people argue that leaing people in prison for a long time means
that they will mi% with other criminals and so their character will not improe. One
alternatie is community serice. This gies an offender the opportunity to gie
something positie bac! to society, and so it may improe their character. +lso,
the goernment could focus its resources on the causes of crime, which would lead
to less crime in the future.
In my opinion, it is important to loo! at alternatie methods. .any countries hae
lengthy prison sentences, but crime has continued to increase throughout the
world, so it is clear that this is not completely effectie. That said, long prison
sentences should remain for those who commit serious crimes such as assault or
murder, as 7ustice for the ictim and their family should ta!e priority.
To conclude, there are good arguments for and against long sentences, so
goernments must continue to research the arious methods of crime reduction to
ensure effectie policies are in place.
1,C9 words2
Improve your 7rime -ocabulary
The "riter of this essay has produced a "ell balanced and coherent piece of
They clearly ans"er the 0uestion. The first body paragraph is dedicated to
discussing the merits of long sentences, and the second body looks at alternative
methods. 2inally, the "riter provides their o"n opinion on the issue.
-ery important for I./T essays, each paragraph has a clear central topic "hich is
e'panded upon in the supporting sentences.
9egarding grammar, the "riter has successfully demonstrated their ability to use a
mi' of sentence structures, including a variety of comple' sentences although$$$
someone who$$$ in order to$$$ means that$$$ which would$$$!$
Ideas are coherently presented by using transition "ords 4irstly"$$$ 4or
e#ample"$$$ In addition to this"$$$ However" $$$$ In my opinion"$$$ To
It is important in I./T essays to have good topic related vocabulary in order to
achieve a higher score, and this is evident in this piece of "ork re1offend$$$
rehabilitate$$$ re1educated$$$ deterrent$$$ committing a crime$$$!$.
#lso of importance "ith regards to vocabulary is to vary your "ord choices and not
to repeat the same "ord. This can be done by using synonyms, as the "riter has
done "ith the "ord alternative 5"ays5, using variations of this methods$$$
Sample IELTS Writing 1 (rts Spending
This sample IELTS writing is on t!e arts.
+ common topic in IELTS is whether you thin! it is a good idea for goernment
money to be spent on t!e arts i.e. the isual arts 1as you see in art galleries2,
literary arts 1boo!s2 and the performing arts 1music, theatre, dance and film2, or
whether it should be spent elsew!ere, usually on other public serices such as
education, health, policing etc.
In this question, you are gien the opinion that spending money on the arts is a
waste of money, and it would be better spent on public serices.
$ou then hae to say if you agree or disagree. So you would need to decide what
you thin! and gie reasons to support your decision.
The sample IELTS writing model answer presented here is a balanced argument
that partl# agrees with this opinion.
This is made clear in the t!esis statement"
#lthough I agree that it is important to spend money on public services, I do not
think spending on the arts is a "aste of money.
So the writer does not thin! it is a 4waste of money46 howeer, heEshe does thin!
the ma7ority of money should go on public serices.
The essay, therefore, needs to e%plain this, and so is organi;ed as follows"
3od# 46 upport for spending most mone# on public services
3od# 96 upport for spending some on t!e arts
ample %2L( Writing B
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
6overnment investment in the arts" such as music and
theatre" is a waste of money$ 6overnments must invest
this money in public services instead$
To what e#tent do you agree with this statement&
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
ample %2L( Writing A *odel Answer
These days, the goernment spends a large part of its budget not only on public
serices, but also the arts. +lthough I agree that it is important to spend money on
public serices, I do not thin! spending on the arts is a waste of money.
There are seeral reasons for spending a significant amount of the goernment
budget on public serices. &irst and foremost, public serices are the things such
as hospitals, roads and schools, and these things determine the quality of life that
most of us will hae. &or e%ample, if the goernment does not spend enough
money on hospitals, the health of our society may decline. Similarly, if not enough
money is spent on schools, our children may not be properly educated. +lso, it will
be the poor in our society that will be affected more if we do not spend enough on
these things because they are the ones more dependent on such serices.
Howeer, this does not mean that the arts should be completely neglected. To
begin, it is difficult for many arts institutions to generate much profit, so without
some help from the goernment, many theaters and other such places may hae
to close. .oreoer, the arts also hae an important impact on our quality of life.
.any people get great pleasure in going to see music and theatre performances so
it is important that the goernment assists such institutions so that they can
continue to proide entertainment to the public.
To sum up, there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of inestment goes
into public serices as this influences the quality of life for nearly all of us. That
said, I do not beliee spending money on the arts is a waste of money as this too
proides important benefits.
1,CC words2
The essay gives a clear thesis at the beginning. This makes it clear that the "riter
partly agrees "ith the statement i.e. it is not a "aste of money, but it is if too
much is spent on it.
It is also a "ell$organized essay. The first paragraph sets out "hy the "riter thinks
a significant portion of money should go on public services. This is supported "ith
reasons and e'amples.
The second paragraph in this sample I./T "riting then sets out clearly "hy some
money should also go on the arts.
The conclusion then restates the authors opinion.
Sample IELTS Writing 1 7outh .rime
This sample IELTS writing is on the sub7ect of #out! crime.
In this essay, you are presented with an issue and as!ed to discuss
the -reasons- why it is occuring and suggest -solutions-.
Brime is a topic that sometimes arises in IELTS essays and in spea!ing questions.
Ie careful to identify what !ind of crime is being referred to ) this is
specifically #out! crime)
$ou need to gie some reasons that it is happening and then gie some solutions.
ample %2L( Writing C
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most
cities around the world$
What are the reasons for this" and suggest some
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
ample %2L( Writing A *odel Answer
Oer the last few decades, many cities around the world hae seen alarming
increases in the leels of youth crime. This essay will discuss the reasons for this
and proide some possible solutions.
The first reason is connected with the family. In order for a child to grow up in a
balanced way, it is ery important that he or she is nurtured well by his or her
parents. Howeer, these days, it is often the case that children are neglected. This
may be because of the fact that many parents in cities now both hae to wor! so
are often not around to gie their children support when needed. +nother factor is
the increasing leels of poerty around the world. -e hae seen with globali;ation
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and this ineitably means that those
who are poorer will hae to resort to illegal means to get what others hae. Of
course, this will include the children in the poorer families.
Howeer, there are ways to tac!le such problems. &irstly, one of the ways to
combat the problem is to hae stricter punishments. +lthough, as discussed aboe,
it can be outside factors that lead to crime, it is still important to hae seere
punishments to deter teenagers from crime. +ll too often, because they are young,
the courts are too lenient. >arents also hae to ta!e more responsibility for their
children's actions. They too should be punished if their children commit crime.
To sum up, seeral factors hae led to increases in youth crime, but measures are
aailable to tac!le this problem.
1,DH words2
The topic is clearly stated in the general statement of the introduction, and the
thesis tells the reader that reasons and solutions will be discussed.
It is organi;ed well, with reasons for youth crime discussed in the first body
paragraph and solutions in the ne%t. Each paragraph has two ideas and they are
clearly signaled and well supported.
There are some good comple% structures (%n order forD0 often t!e case t!atD0
means t!atD0) and some good e%amples of topic related
ocabulary (nurturedD0 neglectedD0 illegalD0 severe punis!mentsD0
deterD0 commit crimeD))
IELTS Traffic 8roblems Essay
This is a traffic problems essay and the specific topic is the ta%ing of car driers in
order to reduce these problems.
$ou are as!ed to discuss the advantages and disavantages of introducing such a
policy to tac!le the issue.
This question is ery clear, and it does not specifically as! you for an opinion.
$ou 7ust need to loo! at both sides of the issue.
The logical way to answer it would be to discuss each side in a different
ample %2L( Writing E
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
In order to solve traffic problems" governments should
ta# private car owners heavily and use the money to
improve public transportation$
What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
(raffic Problems 2ssa# A *odel Answer
Traffic congestion in many cities around the world is seere. One possible solution
to this problem is to impose heay ta%es on car driers and use this money to
ma!e public transport better. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbac!s of
such a measure.
One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heay ta%es would
discourage car owners from using their cars because it would become ery
e%pensie to drie. This would mean that they would begin to ma!e use of public
transport instead, thus reducing traffic problems and pollution as well. +nother
benefit would be that much more use would be made of public transport if it was
improed. It is often the case that public transport in cities is ery poor. &or
e%ample, we often see old buses and trains that people would rather not use. High
ta%es would generate enough money to ma!e the necessary changes.
#eertheless, there are drawbac!s to such a solution. &irst and foremost, this
would be a heay burden on the car driers. +t present, ta%es are already high for
a lot of people, and so further ta%es would only mean less money at the end of the
month for most people who may hae no choice but to drie eery day. In
addition, this type of ta% would li!ely be set at a fi%ed amount. This would mean
that it would hit those with less money harder, whilst the rich could li!ely afford it.
It is therefore not a fair ta%.
To conclude, this solution is worth considering to improe the current situation, but
there are adantages and disadantages of introducing such a policy.
1,HH words2
The topic is clearly stated in the general statement of the introduction, and the
thesis tells the reader that adantages and disadantages will be discussed.
It is organi;ed well, with the adantages of such a solution in the first body
paragraph and the disadantages in the ne%t.
Each paragraph has two ideas and they are well signaled and supported.
There are some good uses of tenses to show the writer is discussing the unreal
future i.e. something that has not happened 1would discourage car owners)))0
would be a !eav# burden)))02.
IELTS ,verpopulation Essay
This model essay is about overpopulation in cities.
$ou specifically hae to tal! about the problems of oerpopulation, and suggest
some solutions to this problem.
#ote that this question specifically as!s you
what governments andindividuals can do.
$ou ./ST, therefore, write about what both of these can do in order to fully
answer the question.
#ote as well that you must tal! about serious problems.
The easiest way to organi;e a problems and solutions essay is as follows"

3od# 46 Problems
3od# 96 olutions
In this essay, a separate paragraph has been written about goernment and
indiidual solutions, so it is organi;ed as follows"
3od# 46 Problems
3od# 96 olutions A Fovernment
3od# :6 olutions A %ndividuals
*odel 2ssa# G
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist
knowledge of the following topic.
,verpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous
Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that
governments and individuals can tac%le these problems$
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least 250 words.
%2L( .verpopulation 2ssa# A ample Answer
.any countries of the world are currently e%periencing problems caused by rapidly
growing populations in urban areas, and both goernments and indiiduals hae a
duty to find ways to oercome these problems.
Oerpopulation can lead to oercrowding and poor quality housing in many large
cities. >oorly heated or damp housing could cause significant health problems,
resulting in illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. +nother serious consequence
of oercrowding is a rising crime rate as poor liing conditions may lead young
people in particular to ta!e desperate measures and turn to crime or drugs.
In terms of solutions, I beliee the goernment should be largely responsible.
&irstly, it is ital that the state proides essential housing and healthcare for all its
citi;ens. Secondly, setting up community pro7ects to help foster more community
spirit and help !eep young people off the street is a good idea. &or e%ample, youth
clubs or eening classes for teenagers would !eep them occupied. &inally, more
effectie policing of inner city areas would also be beneficial.
#aturally, indiiduals should also act responsibly to address these problems, and
the motiation to do this would hopefully arise if the measures described aboe are
put into place by the goernment. This is because it will encourage people to hae
more pride in their own community and improe the situation.
Therefore, it is clear that the problems caused by oerpopulation in urban areas
are ery serious. $et if goernments and indiiduals share a collectie
responsibility, then it may well become possible to offer some solutions.
1,G3 words2
IELTS .auses and Effects 0odel Essay
This causes and effects model essay is about obesit# in c!ildren.
$ou specifically hae to tal! about the causes 1reasons2 of the increase in
oerweight children, and e%plain the effects 1results2 of this.
This particular essay is organi;ed as follows"
3od# 46 Causes
3od# 96 2ffects
Of course it is also possible to hae a ? body paragraph essay. &or e%ample"
3od# 46 Causes
3od# 96 Causes
3od# :6 2ffects
3od# 46 Causes
3od# 96 2ffects
3od# :6 2ffects
Howeer, remember not to write too little on one part.
&or e%ample, if you wrote one ery short paragraph about 4causes4 with little
support and most of your essay on 4effects4, you may then be seen to hae not
fully answered both parts of the question.
+nother possible way of organi;ing it is to put each cause and its effect within a
separate paragraph"
3od# 46 Cause 4 A 2ffect
3od# 96 Cause 9 A 2ffect
If you do this though, each particular cause must relate to that specific effect.
21ample 2ssa# 4>
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
>resent a written argument to an educated reader with no
specialist !nowledge of the following topic.
The percentage of overweight children in western
society has increased by almost 209 in the last ten
-iscuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend$
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
Causes and 2ffects 2ssa# A *odel Answer
Oer the last ten years, western societies hae seen close to a ,9A rise in the
number of children who are oerweight. This essay will discuss some reasons why
this has occurred and e%amine the consequences of this worrying trend.
The main cause of this problem is poor diet. Oer the last decade there has been a
prolific increase in the number of fast food restaurants. &or e%ample, on nearly
eery high street there is a .ac0onald's, Jentuc!y &ried Bhic!en and >i;;a Hut.
The food in these places has been proen to be ery unhealthy, and much of the
adertising is targeted at children, thus ensuring that they constitute the bul! of
the customers of these establishments. Howeer, it is not only due to eating out,
but also the type of diet many children hae at home. + lot of food consumed is
processed food, especially with regards to ready)made meals which are a quic!
and easy option for parents who are wor!ing hard.
The effects of this hae been and will continue to be ery serious. &irstly, there has
been a large increase in health related diseases amongst children, especially
diabetes. This debilitating illness means a child has to be in7ected with insulin for
the rest of their life. #ot only this, ery oerweight children often e%perience
bullying from other children, which may affect their mental health. The negatie
stigma of being oerweight may also affect self)esteem.
To sum up, it is eident that there are seeral causes of obesity amongst children,
and a ariety of negatie effects. Society must ensure steps are ta!en to preent
this problem from deteriorating further.
()+: "ords2
IELTS Human .loning Essay
This is a model answer for a !uman cloning essay.
If you loo! at the tas!, the wording is slightly different from the common -do #ou
agree or disagree- essay. Howeer, it is essentially as!ing the same thing.
$ou are as!ed if you agree wit! !uman cloning to use t!eir bod# parts 1in
other words, what are the benefits2, and w!at reservations (concerns) #ou
!ave 1in other words, what are the disadantages2.
So the best way to answer this human cloning essay is probably to loo! at both
sides of the issue as has been done in the model answer.
+s always, you must read t!e "uestion carefull# to ma!e sure you answer it
fully and do not go off topic.
$ou are specifically being as!ed to discuss the issue of creating human clones to
then use t!eir bod# parts. If you write about other issues to do with human
cloning, you may go off topic.
$uman Cloning 2ssa# A ample 44
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
>resent a written argument to an educated reader with no
specialist !nowledge of the following topic.
(s people live longer and longer" the idea of cloning
human beings in order to provide spare parts is
becoming a reality$ The idea horrifies most people" yet it
is no longer mere science fiction$
To what e#tent do you agree with such a procedure&
Have you any reservations&
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
*odel Answer for $uman Cloning 2ssa#
The cloning of animals has been occurring for a number of years now, and this has
now opened up the possibility of cloning humans too. +lthough there are clear
benefits to human!ind of cloning to proide spare body parts, I beliee it raises a
number of worrying ethical issues.
0ue to brea!throughs in medical science and improed diets, people are liing
much longer than in the past. This, though, has brought with it problems. +s
people age, their organs can fail so they need replacing. If humans were cloned,
their organs could then be used to replace those of sic! people. It is currently the
case that there are often not enough organ donors around to fulfil this need, so
cloning humans would oercome the issue as there would then be a ready supply.
Howeer, for good reasons, many people iew this as a worrying deelopment.
&irstly, there are religious arguments against it. It would inole creating another
human and then eentually !illing it in order to use its organs, which it could be
argued is murder. This is obiously a sin according to religious te%ts. +lso,
dilemmas would arise oer what rights these people hae, as surely they would be
humans 7ust li!e the rest of us. &urthermore, if we hae the ability to clone
humans, it has to be questioned where this cloning will end. Is it then acceptable
for people to start cloning relaties or family members who hae diedK
To conclude, I do not agree with this procedure due to the ethical issues and
dilemmas it would create. Bloning animals has been a positie deelopment, but
this is where it should end.
()+; "ords,
The essay is "ell$organized, "ith a clear introducion "hich introduces the topic<
The cloning of animals has been occurring for a number of years now, and this has
now opened up the possibility of cloning humans too.
#nd it has a thesis statement that makes it clear e'actly ho" the human cloning
essay "ill be structured and "hat the candidate5s opinion is<
+lthough there are clear benefits to human!ind of cloning to proide spare body
parts, I beliee it raises a number of worrying ethical issues.
The first body paragraph discusses the advantages of cloning humans, and then
the second body paragraph looks at the problems associated "ith this. The change
of direction to look at the other side is clearly marked "ith a transition "ord
(=ho"ever=, and a topic sentence<
Howeer, for good reasons, many people iew this as a worrying deelopment.
%ther transition "ords are used effectively to guide the reader through the ideas in
the human cloning essay< &irstly,.. +lso,... &urthermore,...
The candidate demonstrates that they can use a mi' of comple' structures. 2or
Due to brea!throughs in medical science and improed diets, people are liing
much longer than in the past.
It would inole creating another human and then eentually !illing it in order to
use its organs, w!ic! it could be argued is murder.
...if we hae the ability to clone humans, it has to be questioned where this
cloning will end.
IELTS Tas% 2 1 (nimal 5ights Essay
This IELTS essay is about animal rig!ts.
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
( growing number of people feel that animals should not
be e#ploited by people and that they should have the
same rights as humans" while others argue that humans
must employ animals to satisfy their various needs"
including uses for food and research$
-iscuss both views and give your opinion$
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
$ou are gien two opposing opinions to discuss.
This is the first opinion"
(nimals should not be e#ploited by people and they should have the same
rights as humans$
This is the second opinion"
Humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs" including
uses for food and research$
In this type of essay, you must loo! at both sides. In other words you need to
discuss the arguments 8.H animal rights and AFA%=(.
$ou must also ensure you gie Y.IH opinion.
One way to organi;e an essay li!e this is to consider both opinions, then gie your
opinion in a final paragraph 1see model essay >2 or dedicate a whole final
paragraph to your opinion 1see model essay :2.
+nother way to write an essay li!e this is to also ma!e one of the 4for4 or 4against4
opinions your opinion as well.
Loo! at the model animal rights essay. The second body paragraph discusses the
first opinion, but the topic sentence ma!es it clear that this paragraph is also
representing the writers opinion as well"
!o"ever, I do not believe these arguments stand up to scrutiny.
This now means that in two body paragraphs you hae coered all three parts of
the question from the animal rights essay"
4) 8irst opinion
9) econd opinion
:) Your opinion
The adantage of doing it this way rather than haing a separate paragraph is that
you do not need to come up with new ideas for a new paragraph.
If you hae a separate paragraph with your opinion you may find you cannot thin!
of any new ideas or you may end up repeating the same things as in your preious
%2L( Writing 21ample 49
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
( growing number of people feel that animals should not
be e#ploited by people and that they should have the
same rights as humans" while others argue that humans
must employ animals to satisfy their various needs"
including uses for food and research$
-iscuss both views and give your opinion$
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
Animal Hig!ts 2ssa# A *odel Answer
Some people beliee that animals should be treated in the same way humans are
and hae similar rights, whereas others thin! that it is more important to use them
as we desire for food and medical research. This essay will discuss both points of
-ith regard to the e%ploitation of animals, people beliee it is acceptable for
seeral reasons. &irstly, they thin! that humans are the most important beings on
the planet, and eerything must be done to ensure human surial. If this means
e%perimenting on animals so that we can fight and find cures for diseases, then
this ta!es priority oer animal suffering. &urthermore, it is belieed by some that
animals do not feel pain or loss as humans do, so if we hae to !ill animals for food
or other uses, then this is morally acceptable.
Howeer, I do not beliee these arguments stand up to scrutiny. To begin, it has
been shown on numerous occasions by secret filming in laboratories ia animal
rights groups that animals feel as much pain as humans do, and they suffer when
they are !ept in cages for long periods. In addition, a substantial amount of animal
research is done for cosmetics, not to find cures for diseases, so this is
unnecessary. &inally, it has also been proen that humans can get all the nutrients
and itamins that they need from green egetables and fruit. Therefore, again,
haing to !ill animals for food is not an adequate argument.
To sum up, although some people argue !illing animals for research and food is
ethical, I would argue there is sufficient eidence to demonstrate that this is not
the case, and, therefore, steps must be ta!en to improe the rights of animals.
1-ords ,C92
IELTS Essay 1 ,ld 'uildings
This model essay is about old buildings and whether they should be protected or
It is quite a difficult question, so you will need to brainstorm your ideas carefully.
It is basically an opinion essa#, as you hae to gie your opinion on protecting
old buildings.
There are two parts to this essay question so you must answer both.
?, !o" important is it to protect old buildings@
&or the first part you hae to decide which opinion you hae"
Yes0 it-s ver# important A reasons w!#
=o0 it-s unimportant A reasons w!#
), hould history stand in the "ay of progressK
%n t!is part0 #ou need to give #our opinion on w!et!er #ou t!in& !istor# is
so important it s!ould ta&e priorit# over a countr#-s progress)

%2L( 2ssa# 4: A .ld 3uildings
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
0any old buildings protected by law are part of a
nation2s history$ Some people thin% they should be
%noc%ed down and replaced by news ones$
How important is it to maintain old buildings&
Should history stand in the way of progress&
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
*odel Answer
.ost nations around the world hae at least some, or possibly many, old buildings
such as temples, churches and houses in their cities, illages and surrounding
areas which hae historical significance. In my opinion, it is ery important to
maintain these, but this does not mean progress should stop.
>resering certain old buildings is important for seeral reasons. &irstly, these
structures proide an insight into the history of our countries, showing us how
people many centuries ago lied their lies. -ithout them, we could only learn by
boo!s, and it would undoubtedly be sad if this were the only way to see them.
.any of these buildings are also ery beautiful. Ta!e for e%ample the many
religious buildings such as churches and temples that we see around the world.
#ot only this, but on a more practical leel, many of these buildings proide
important income to a country as many tourists isit them in great numbers.
Howeer, this certainly does not mean that moderni;ation should be discouraged. I
beliee that old buildings can be protected in tandem with progress. &or e%ample,
in many circumstances we see old historic buildings being renoated whilst
maintaining their original character, and being used for modern purposes. +lso, in
no way does history hinder progress, and in fact it is the opposite. Iy studying and
learning about our history, we understand more about the world we lie in, and
this helps us to build a better future.
To conclude, I beliee that it is ery important to protect and presere old
buildings as we can learn about our history as can others from other countries.
Such !nowledge can also help us to understand how to moderni;e our countries in
the best way.
Words )*+
IELTS (nimal Testing Essay
Here you will find an e%ample of an IELTS animal testing essa#.
In this essay, you are as!ed to discuss the arguments for andagainst animal
testing, and then gie #our own conclusions on the issue.
21ample 2ssa# 4;
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
E#amine the arguments in favour of and against animal
e#periments" and come to a conclusion on this issue$
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.

Animals (esting 2ssa# A *odel Answer
Issues related to animal e%perimentation are frequently discussed these days,
particularly in the media. It is often said that animals should not be used in testing
because it is cruel and unnecessary. This essay will e%amine the arguments for
and against animal testing.
On the one hand, the people who support these e%periments say that we must do
tests on animals. &or instance, many famous lifesaing drugs were inented in this
way, and animal e%periments may help us to find more cures in the future. Indeed,
possibly een a cure for cancer and +I0S. &urthermore, the animals which are
used are not usually wild but are bred especially for e%periments. Therefore, they
beliee it is not true that animal e%periments are responsible for reducing the
number of wild animals on the planet.
On the other hand, others feel that there are good arguments against this. &irst
and foremost, animal e%periments are un!ind and cause animals a lot of pain. In
addition, they feel that many tests are not really important, and in fact animals are
not only used to test new medicines but also new cosmetics, which could be tested
on humans instead. +nother issue is that sometimes an e%periment on animals
gies us the wrong result because animals' bodies are not e%actly the same as our
own. +s a consequence, this testing may not be proiding the safety that its
proponents claim.
In conclusion, I am of the opinion, on balance, that the benefits do not outweigh
the disadantages, and testing on animals should not continue. +lthough it may
improe the lies of humans, it is not fair that animals should suffer in order to
achiee this.
1Words )+*2
IELTS 4ood (dditives Essay
This food addities essay is basically an advantages and disadvantages essay.
$ou need to be careful with the word *outweig!' as this often confuses students.
The word *outweigh' can be placed in different ways in the sentence so rather than
wor! it out, it is better to thin! of it simply as *are t!ere more advantages or
0ecide what you thin! there are more of and then state this in the thesis
statement without mentioning the word *outweigh'.
&or e%ample, loo! at the thesis statement from the food addities essay model
In my opinion, the potential dangers from this are greater than the benefits "e
*Outweigh' questions do suggest, though, that there are definitely both
adantages A=D disadantages, so you should discuss bot!.
Howeer, ma!e sure your essay supports your opinion. &or e%ample, if you hae
said there are more disadantages, it would not ma!e sense to then write mostly
about adantages.
+s you can see from the model answer, adantages are discussed, but the focus is
on the disadantages as this is what it is stated are greater in the thesis

*odel 2ssa# 4< A 8ood Additives 2ssa#
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist
knowledge of the following topic.
-o the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in
food production and preservation outweigh the
Give reasons for you answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
8ood Additives 2ssa# *odel Answer
.ost foods that are purchased these days in small stores and supermar!ets hae
chemicals in them as these are used to improe production and ensure the food
lasts for longer. Howeer, there are concerns that these hae harmful effects. In
my opinion, the potential dangers from this are greater than the benefits we
There are seeral reasons why chemicals are placed in food. &irstly, it is to
improe the product to the eye, and this is achieed ia the use of colourings
which encourage people to purchase food that may otherwise not loo! tempting to
eat. +nother reason is to presere the food. .uch of the food we eat would not
actually last that long if it were not for chemicals they contain, so again this is an
adantage to the companies that sell food as their products hae a longer shelf
&rom this eidence, it is clear to me that the main benefits are, therefore, to the
companies and not to the customer. +lthough companies claim these food
addities are safe and they hae research to support this, the research is quite
possibly biased as it comes from their own companies or people with connections
to these companies. It is common to read reports these days in the press about
possible lin!s to arious health issues such as cancer. &ood addities hae also
been lin!ed to problems such as hyperactiity in children.
To conclude, despite the fact that there are benefits to placing chemicals in food, I
beliee that these principally help the companies but could be a danger to the
public. It is unli!ely that this practice can be stopped, so food must be clearly
labeled and it is my hope that organic products will become more readily aailable
at reasonable prices to all.
1Words )A*2
Social Interaction and the Internet Essay
Ielow is an %nternet essa#. $ou hae to discuss if you thin! that the Internet is
damaging social interaction.
The question also mentions the matter of the Internet opening up communication
world)wide, so you should also discuss this in your answer.
+lways loo! at the question carefully and underline t!e &e# pointsmade in the
prompt to ensure you do not miss anything.
Of course you should always do a quic! plan before you start to write.

*odel 2ssa# 4B A %nternet 2ssa#

$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
>resent a written argument to an educated reader with no
specialist !nowledge of the following topic.
(ccording to a recent study" the more time people use
the Internet" the less time they spend with real human
beings$ Some people say that instead of seeing the
Internet as a way of opening up new communication
possibilities world1 wide" we should be concerned about
the effect this is having on social interaction$
How far do you agree with this opinion&
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
%nternet 2ssa# A *odel Answer
It is eident that, at present, people are spending a considerable amount of time
on the Internet, and thus spending less time with real people. I strongly agree that
although this use of the Internet has greatly increased the leel of communication
aailable, it has also had detrimental effects on the amount and type of social
interaction that ta!es place.
The benefits of the Internet in terms of increased communication are clear, with
people connected across the globe. In the past, communication was only possible
by phone or mail, which entailed time and e%pense. It also usually meant 7ust
!eeping in contact with those people already !nown to you. -ith the internet, this
has changed dramatically. Email and social networ!ing sites such as &aceboo! and
.S# hae created online communities that are global in scale, and they hae
fostered communication between people and countries that we would not hae
thought possible in the not too distant past.
That said, there is no doubt in my mind that this has had negatie impacts on
social interaction. >eople, especially the younger generation, spend hours of their
time online, chatting and on forums. +lthough this can be beneficial, it is certainly
not the same as real interaction with human beings and does not inole the same
s!ills. It is important that children hae and maintain real friendships in order to
deelop their own interpersonal s!ills. #ot only this, it can also hae negatie
effects on local communities if people are spending most of their time
communicating online and not mi%ing in their neighbourhoods, and possibly lead to
feelings of isolation for those indiiduals who do not hae a *real' person to turn to
in times of need.
To conclude, I beliee that the internet has undoubtedly been beneficial, but there
are good reasons to be concerned about social interaction in our societies. It is
therefore important that we maintain a balance between our online life and our
contact with real human beings.
1?,F -ords2
IELTS .ause and Effect Essay
This cause and effect essay is about the issue of s!in whitening products" why
people are using them and their possible dangers for health and society.
There are three things you must discuss"
(!e reasons w!# t!e# are used
(!eir effects on !ealt!
(!eir effects on societ#
This causes and effects essay has been organi;ed into two body paragraphs.
The first dicussing the reasons, and the second discussing the effects on health
and society.
There are other ways to organi;e it of course.
&or e%ample, you could hae three paragraphs, each discussing one of the points

Cause and 2ffect 2ssa# A *odel 4C
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
In many parts of the world today there is a profitable
mar%et for products which lighten or whiten people2s
,utline the reasons for using such products and discuss
what effects they have in terms of health and society$
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.

Cause and 2ffect 2ssa# A *odel Answer
In many countries, particularly places li!e +sia, s!in whitening products are
incredibly popular and proide huge profits for the companies inoled in their
sale. This essay will e%amine the reasons why people use these products and the
effects this has on people's health and on society.
The principal reason that people use s!in whitening products is because whiter s!in
is seen to be more desirable than dar!er s!in. To understand why, we need to
firstly loo! at history. In ancient times, those people of a higher status tended to
stay indoors, whilst people of a lower status wor!ed outside, usually farming. +s a
result, those people who were indoors had much lighter s!in, which means that
whiter s!in is now associated with haing a higher status than dar! s!in. +nother
reason, which is partly related to this, is the desire for the *-estern' loo!. &or
e%ample, plastic surgery to creat western eyelids and noses is common in +sia,
and the white s!in is part of this. These beliefs and images are also perpetuated in
the media, with aderts showing people with white s!in as more successful and
Howeer, despite the fact that haing whiter s!in may improe a person's self)
esteem, these products can hae negatie effects. 8egarding health, there are
reports that people are harming their s!in permanently as some products bought
oer the counter hae prescription)strength ingredients. &or instance, some
contain steroids or to%ins which can seerely damage the s!in and other parts of
the body. In terms of society, there are also detrimental effects. Such behaiour
perpetuates the belief that *white' is better than *blac!', and thus those with dar!er
s!in may e%perience discrimination.
In conclusion, people use whitening products due to the fact that white s!in,
usually through the media, is portrayed as more desirable. Howeer, steps should
be ta!en to change this image as the drawbac!s of this are clear, with potentially
dangerous consequences for people's future health and society as a whole.
(B)* Words,
IELTS 6lobal Warming Essay
This model answer is for an %2L( global warming essa#.
$ou are as!ed in the question to discuss the causes of global warming and possible
solutions for indiiduals and the goernment.
So you must answer these three things in order to fully answer the question"
". W!at are t!e causes of global warming'
. W!at can governments do about it'
3. W!at can individuals do about it'

This essay has been diided into two paragraphs.
Howeer, you could write a separate paragraph about each of the aboe points if
you wanted.
Ta!e a loo! at the model answer and e%amine how it has been organi;ed.

IELTS @lobal -arming Essay ) .odel Essay (F
$ou should spend about 39 minutes on this tas!.
-rite about the following topic"
6lobal warming is one of the most serious issues that
the world is facing today$
What are the causes of global warming and what
measures can governments and individuals ta%e to
tac%le the issue&
@ie reasons for your answer and include any releant
e%amples from your own e%perience or !nowledge.
$ou should write at least ,G9 words.
%2L( Flobal Warming 2ssa# A *odel Answer
>robably the most worrying threat to our planet at the present time is global
warming. This essay will e%amine the reasons why global warming is occurring and
discuss some possible solutions.
The predominant factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the emissions of
BO, and deforestation. BO,, which damages the o;one layer, comes from seeral
sources, but the most problematic are those coming from the burning of fossil fuels
from power plants. This releases thousands of tones of BO, into the atmosphere
eery year. +nother cause of these emissions is the burning of gasoline for
transportation, which continues to increase because of our demand for cars and
also our increasing worldwide consumption, resulting in an increasing need to
transport goods. +lso, forests store large amounts of carbon, so deforestation is
causing larger amounts of BO, to remain in the atmosphere.
#eertheless, there are potential ways to sole these problems, or at least reduce
the effects. &irstly, goernments need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and
promote alternaties. >lant)deried plastics, biodiesel, wind power and solar power
are all things that are a step in the right direction, but goernments need to
enforce the limits on BO, emissions for the polluting industries in their countries
for these to be effectie. +lso, indiiduals can play a part by ma!ing lifestyle
changes. >eople should try to buy cars with the best fuel economy, and only use
their car when really necessary. They can also switch to energy companies that
use renewable energy rather than fossil fuels. &inally, small things li!e buying
energy efficient light bulbs, turning off electricity in the house, and planting trees
in the garden can help.
To conclude, although global warming is a serious issue, there are steps that
goernments and indiiduals can ta!e to reduce its effects. If we are to sae our
planet, it is important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned.
(B)C Words2
IELTS (irline Ta# Sample Essay
The following essay is on the topic of airline ta%.
$ou are as!ed to decide if you agree or disagree with ta%ing airlines in order to
reduce the problems that the increasing amount of air traffic can cause.
It is always a good idea to loo! at bot! sides of t!e issue, and this essay does
So you need to brainstorm"
". the reasons w!# t!is would be a good solution
. the reasons w!# it would not
?. and of course decide w!ic! side of t!e argument #ou agree wit!.

*odel 2ssa# 4G
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
(ir traffic is increasingly leading to more noise"
pollution" and airport constuction$ ,ne reason for this is
the growth in low1cost passenger flights" often to
holiday destinations$
Some people say that government should try to reduce
air traffic by ta#ing it more heavily$
-o you agree or disagree&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
LowAcost Airline (a1 A *odel Answer
Oer recent years there has been an enormous increase in the amount of air traffic
around the world resulting in arious problems, and a ma7or cause of this has been
the growth of low)cost airlines. +lthough some people beliee that ta%es should be
increased for air trael, I disagree.
Those that support ta%ing airlines beliee that this will result in a reduction in this
type of trael and thus sole the problems of pollution, noise and construction.
This is because a ta% would ma!e the cost of traelling more e%pensie, which will,
they claim, lead to a decrease in demand. >roponents of this solution beliee that
ta%es are fair because eeryone has to pay them and it is a wor!able solution that
will hae the additional bonus of proiding an income for the goernment.
Howeer, there are a number of reasons why this is not the right course of action.
&irstly, a ta% is not fair because it will adersely affect people on lower incomes.
Such a ta% would hae to be a fi%ed amount paid equally whether you are rich or
poor, which means that those on lower incomes would find it more difficult to
trael, but it would li!ely hae little effect on the lies of those with a higher
income. In addition, such a ta% would not wor!. &or e%ample, we hae seen
ta%es increase in most countries on cars, but this has had little affect, with car use
continuing to grow.
To sum up, it is eident that introducing heay ta%es on air trael is not fair or
wor!able. If we continue to e%plore alternaties, we can continue to en7oy the
benefits that air trael offers.
1)*C Words2
IELTS 4ree +niversity Education Essay
The issue of free universit# education is an essay topic that comes up in the
IELTS test.
This essay therefore proides you with some of the !ey arguments about this
The essay is an agree / disagreeessa#, which means you are gienone
opinion and then as!ed if you agree with it or not.
So remember to ma!e it clear in your essay which side you are on.
Of course you don4t hae to firmly come down on one side ) you could partly agree
if there are some aspects of the arguments you agree with but some parts you
disagree with.
In this essay, the writer beliees free uniersity education is the best policy, so
sEhe agrees with the opinion. This is made clear in the conclusion 1though you can
put your opinion in the introduction as well if you wish2.
The writer presents bot! sides of t!e argument. This is a good idea as you may
find it more difficult to come up with a lot of ideas for one side of an argument. It
also shows you are able to see both sides of the argument ) a good academic s!ill.

21ample 2ssa# 9> A 8ree Iniversit# 2ducation
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no
specialist knowledge of the following topic.
+niversity education should be free to everyone"
regardless of income$
To what e#tent do you agree or disagree&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
*odel Answer
Oer recent years, more and more people hae been attending uniersity and
arguments hae persisted as to whether students should pay for this priilege not.
+lthough there are conincing arguments on both sides, I strongly beliee that it
should be free.
One argument put forward in faour of charging students is that education is
becoming more e%pensie to fund as uniersities grow in si;e. Bonsequently,
ma!ing students pay may maintain standards and ensure the quality of the
teaching. In addition, it is argued that most students benefit from uniersity in
terms of higher paid 7obs, so it is fair that they pay for at least some of the cost,
especially gien that the ma7ority of students attending uniersity are from the
middle classes. Last but not least, in many countries, there is a shortage of people
to do manual 7obs such as plumbing and carpentry, so ma!ing uniersity more
e%pensie may encourage people to ta!e up these 7obs.
Howeer, there are a number of arguments in faour of ma!ing uniersity
education free for all. &irstly, it will encourage more people to attend and this will
benefit society. This is because it will lead to a more productie and educated
wor!force. 8esearch has generally shown that those countries that hae a better
educated population ia uniersity hae higher leels of innoation and
productiity. In addition, there is the issue of equality of opportunity. If all
students are required to pay, those on a low income may be dissuaded from
attending, thus ma!ing it unfair. The reason for this is that they will li!ely not be
able to secure financial support from their family so they will be concerned about
the debts they will incur in the future.
In conclusion, I am of opinion that all education should remain equally aailable to
all regardless of income. This is not only fair, but will also ensure that countries
can prosper and deelop into the future with a well)educated wor!force.
B); Words
.omputer 6ames Essay
This page analy;es a computer games essa# and also notes how you can ma!e
good use of the question to plan and organi;e your essay.
Ta!e a loo! at this IELTS tas! , question"

=owada#s man# people !ave access to computers on a wide basis and a
large number of c!ildren pla# computer games)
W!at are t!e positive and negative impacts of pla#ing computer games
and w!at can be done to minimi5e t!e bad effects'

8emember to always analy;e the question carefully. The topic should be fairly
7omputer games
8emember to also loo! carefully to see if the topic is being narrowed down to a
particular aspect of the topic. In this case it is"
#ow you need to chec! what the tas& is. How many things do you hae to write
Hopefully you reali;ed there are three things that you can easily turn into
brainstorming questions"
". What are the positive impacts of computer games on childrenK
. What are the negative impacts of computer games on childrenK
3. !o" can the negative impacts be minimizedK
$our answers to these questions will form your computer games essay.
$ou do not hae much time and you hae three things to answer, so one or two
ideas for each is enough, as remember you will need to e%plain your ideas and gie
#ow, ta!e a loo! at the model answer.

Computer Fames 2ssa# /uestion6
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
resent a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge
of the following topic.
=owada#s man# people !ave access to computers on a
wide basis and a large number of c!ildren pla# computer
W!at are t!e positive and negative impacts of pla#ing
computer games and w!at can be done to minimi5e t!e
bad effects'
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least 250 words.

Computer Fames 2ssa# *odel Answer6
+ccess to computers has increased significantly oer recent decades, and the
number of children playing games on computers has increased too. This essay will
consider the positie and negatie impacts of this and discuss ways to mitigate
against the potential negatie effects.
-ith regards to the positie effects, playing computers games can deelop
children's cognitie s!ills. .any popular games require abstract and high leel
thin!ing s!ills in order to win, s!ills that may not be taught at school. &or e%ample,
children need to follow instructions, sole comple% problems and use logic in many
of the games that are currently popular. Such e%perience will be beneficial to a
child's progression into an adult.
Howeer, concerns hae been raised about the prolific use of computer games by
children, much of this related to the iolence they contain. The problem is that in
many of the games children are rewarded for being more iolent, and this iolence
is repeated again and again. &or instance, many games inole children helping
their character to !ill, !ic!, stab and shoot. This may lead to increased aggressie
feelings, thoughts, and behaiours.
In order to minimi;e these negatie impacts, parents need to ta!e certain steps.
&irstly, some ideo games are rated according their content, so parents must
chec! this and ensure their children are not allowed to hae access to games that
are unsuitable. >arents can also set limits on the length of time games are played.
&inally, parents should also ta!e an actie interest in the games their children are
playing so they can find out how they feel about what they are obsering.
To sum up, there are benefits of computer games, but there are disadantages
too. Howeer, if parents ta!e adequate precautions, the seerity of these negatie
impacts can be aoided.
1)A; Words2

This computer games essay is well)organi;ed and it directly answers the question,
with each paragraph addressing one of the tas!s.
#ote how the topic sentences match the tas!s 1which hae been ta!en from the
". What are the positive impacts of computer games on children'
-ith regards to the positie effects, playing computers games can deelop
children's cognitie s!ills.
. What are the negative impacts of computer games on children'
Howeer, concerns hae been raised about the prolific use of computer games by
children, much of this related to the iolence they contain.
3. How can the negative impacts be minimi)ed'
In order to minimi;e these negatie impacts, parents need to ta!e certain steps.
This is why analy;ing the question is so important. This proides you with the basic
building bloc!s with which to write your essay
IELTS Scientific 5esearch Essay
This is an IELTS scientific researc! essa#.
&or this essay, you need to discuss whether the funding and controlling of scientific
research should be the responsibility of the goernment or priate organi;ations.
This is a fairly comple% topic so you may want to do an internet search and do
some reading about it before you attempt to write a practice answer.
The model answer below puts forward two ideas against priate organi;ations
holding such responsibility.
Howeer, there are further arguments around the topic in opposition to this, but
with 39 minutes to plan and write your answer you will need to choose carefully
which ideas you want to present.
+nother way to approach this scientific research essay would be to present ideas
for and ideas against.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
6overnments should be responsible for funding
and controlling scientific research rather than
private organi)ations.
To what e#tent do you agree or disagree&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples
from your own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.

cientific Hesearc! 2ssa# A *odel Answer
/nderta!ing scientific research is imperatie if countries want to progress and
compete in a globali;ed world. Howeer, the funding and controlling of this
research remains a contentious issue. In my opinion, the goernment should hae
the predominant responsibility for this.
One of the first issues is the !nowledge that we gain from research. If
goernments are responsible then they are drien by the need to ma!e adances
in !nowledge in order to improe people's lies. This is because they are
accountable to the public and the research is paid for by ta%es. On the other hand,
priate organi;ations are drien by profit. This may mean that some research that
could be aluable to society may not begin because there is no monetary gain.
+nother disadantage related to this is the research process. -hen the funding for
research comes from the same organi;ation that can be e%pected to gain from a
faorable outcome, there is a strong potential for biased results. Ta!ing drugs
companies as an e%ample, goernments usually require rigorous trials for new
drugs that can ta!e many years. The companies hae large amounts of money
inested in such research and the need for positie results is paramount. It is
difficult for a scientist to remain impartial in these circumstances. Howeer, if this
is controlled and funded by goernments, their accountability means that such
conflicts of interest are less li!ely to occur.
On balance, I would argue that although it is not realistic to remoe all
opportunities for priately funded research, goernments should hae the main
responsibility for the monitoring and controlling of this. Strong chec!s and
balances need to be in place to ensure future research is ethical and productie.
()*? Words,
'an Smo%ing in 8ublic 8laces Essay
This is a ban smo&ing in public places essay.
It is an e%ample of an essay where you hae to gie your opinion as to whether
you agree or disagree.
The sample answer shows you how you can present theopposing argument first,
that isnot your opinion, and then present your opinion in the following paragraph.
It is always a good idea to present a balanced essay which presents both sides of
the argument, but you must always ma!e it ery clear what #our opinion is and
which side of the argument you support.

3an mo&ing in Public Places 2ssa#
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
Smo%ing not only harms the smo%er" but also those who
are nearby$ Therefore" smo%ing should be banned in
public places$
To what e#tent do you agree or disagree&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
*odel Answer
.edical studies hae shown that smo!ing not only leads to health problems for the
smo!er, but also for people close by. +s a result of this, many beliee that
smo!ing should not be allowed in public places. +lthough there are arguments on
both sides, I strongly agree that a ban is the most appropriate course of action.
Opponents of such a ban argue against it for seeral reasons. &irstly, they say that
passie smo!ers ma!e the choice to breathe in other people's smo!e by going to
places where it is allowed. If they would prefer not to smo!e passiely, then they
do not need to isit places where smo!ing is permitted. In addition, they beliee a
ban would possibly drie many bars and pubs out of business as smo!ers would
not go there anymore. They also argue it is a matter of freedom of choice.
Smo!ing is not against the law, so indiiduals should hae the freedom to smo!e
where they wish.
Howeer, there are more conincing arguments in faour of a ban. &irst and
foremost, it has been proen that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds
which cause serious harm to a person's health, not only the smo!er. +nyone
around them can deelop cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and other sites
in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon another person. It is also the
case that people's health is more important than businesses. In any case, pubs
and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for e%ample, allowing smo!ing areas .
In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smo!e in public places.
This would improe the health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely a
positie deelopment.
()AC "ords,
This essay is "ell organized and presented.
The introduction is clear $ note ho" it follo"s the ban smoking in public places
essay 0uestion $ it paraphrases the information in order to introduce the topic and
the argument.
The argument against a ban on smoking in public places is presented first. It is
made clear that it is not the authors opinion by the topic sentence<
=,pponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons=.
#nd also by the use of the "ord 5they5 to refer to the opponents.
The "riter then clearly sho"s they are moving on to the other argument "hich is
their o"n (and it has clearly been stated in the thesis that this is their argument,<
=However" there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban=.
In this paragraph, 5they5 is dropped because it is no" the "riters opinion.
IELTS 4amily Si)e Essay
Here you will find an IELTS famil# si5e essa# and some adice on how to answer
this question.
Ta!e a loo! at the question below.

(s countries have developed there has been a trend towards smaller
family si)es$
Why does this happen&
How does this affect society&

$ou should always analy;e the question carefully to see if the topic isnarrowed
down to a particular group of people or place.
In this case, the question says 5As countries !ave developed...5.
This tells you that you need to write about decreasing family si;es in relation
to countries t!at are developing. If you start writing about family si;e generally
with no mention of this then you will not be fully answering the question.
The prompt is ery clear, but it is still common for candidates to miss one part.
There are two parts that need to be answered"
Why there is a trend to"ards smaller family sizes in countries that are
!o" this affects society in those countries
+gain, you must ma!e sure you e%plain how it is affecting societ#, not 7ust the
family itself.

%2L( 8amil# i5e 2ssa#
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
(s countries have developed there has been a
trend towards smaller family si)es$
Why does this happen&
How does this affect society&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
8amil# i5e 2ssa# A *odel Answer
.any countries around the world are becoming richer as they deelop and at the
same time these countries are seeing a reduction in the si;e of the family unit. This
essay will discuss the reasons for this phenomenon and e%amine some of the
possible effects it will hae on society.
One of the principal reasons for smaller family units is birth control. +s a country
deelops and becomes richer, birth control becomes more readily aailable. This
may be due to a rise in the number of medical clinics or the distribution of free
contraception. The result of this is that people can choose family si;e. +nother
important factor is the rise in the leels of education that occur as a country
deelops, which means that women are more educated and more li!ely to be
wor!ing. Bonsequently, many will want to delay haing children and so will li!ely
hae fewer in the long)term.
This can impact on society in a number of ways. One positie effect is that the
population will fall, which will li!ely result in less poerty as there will be less
competition for scarce resources. The parents can also proide a better education
to their children as it will cost less, which will benefit society as a whole. + possible
negatie impact is that there will be fewer younger people in the wor!force in the
future, thus ma!ing the sustainability of future economic growth less certain.
In conclusion, family si;e has fallen due to birth control and education, and this
can impact on debt, access to resources, and economic growth. 8egardless of any
impacts, this trend is li!ely to continue as countries around the world deelop and
become wealthier.
()*? "ords,
The family si;e essay is wellAorgani5ed ) the first sentence of the introduction
introduces the topic and this is followed by the thesis which clearly states the
issues that will be addressed"
Why family size decreases
!o" this affects society
Each paragraph then addresses one of these parts in turn.
The first sentences clearly illustrate the topic of each paragraph"
%ne of the principal reasons for smaller family units is...
This can impact on society in a number of "ays.
The conclusion then repeats the thesis
In conclusion, family si)e has fallen due to birth control and education,
and this can impact on debt, access to resources, and economic gro"th.
The family si;e essay is well signposted with lin!ing words and phrases to lead
the reader through the ideas, giing reasons andresults. &or e%ample, from body
paragraph one"
%ne of the principal reasons...
This may be due to...
The result of this is...
#nother important factor is...
"hich means that...
+ll of the content clearly answers the question and the ideas are properly
e%plained so there is no ambiguity.
%2L( tress 2ssa#
This is a model IELTS stress essa#. It is about stress in modern society and how
to preent it.
It is a causes and solutions type essay. In other words, you hae to identify w!at
causes stress and then suggest solutions.
This type of essay lends itself totwo bod# paragrap!s ) one e%plaining the
causes and the ne%t discussing some possible solutions.
+s is important with any IELTS essay, you must always read t!e "uestion
The topic is often narrowed down to a particular group of people or topic.

=arrowing down t!e "uestion
Ta!e a loo! at the stress essay question"
!tress is now a ma"or problem in many countries around the
#hat are some of the factors in modern society that cause
this stress$ and how can we reduce it%

The !ey here is that 4modern society4 is mentioned.
If you 7ust tal! about stress in general but don4t connect it to modern society you
may be in danger of not full# answering t!e "uestion.
$ou need to brainstorm some issues specific to the world we lie in today that may
result in stress.
What things effect us today that did not (or not too such an e'tent, ?C, )C, BC
years ago@
Ising personal pronouns
+lso, you may notice that 4we4 is used a lot in the stress essay.
8emember an IELTS essay is not quite the same as an academic essay you will
normally write. It is can be more personal as you only hae your own e%perience
to support your answer with.
$ou should avoid too man# personal pronouns if possible such as 4I4 throughout
the essay but you may wish to use this to gie your opinion or e%amples from your
own e%perience at times. This is o!, but don4t oerdo it.
This question specifically says how can 4"e4 reduce it. So it is already ma!ing it
personal. So it is o! to write about what all of us, or 4"e4, can do.

*odel 2ssa# 9<6 tress 2ssa#
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
Stress is now a ma*or problem in many countries
around the world$
What are some of the factors in modern society
that cause this stress" and how can we reduce it&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
tress 2ssa# *odel Answer
Stress is a problem that can hae detrimental effects on many people's lies, and
there are arious factors in modern society responsible for this. Howeer, there are
ways to limit the potential impacts.
The modern world we lie in today presents us with many issues that we did not
hae to cope with in the past. &irstly, there are issues of terrorism that we are
constantly confronted with in the media. -hether these are real or not, we are led
to beliee our lies are in constant danger, be it flying on a plane or traelling on
public transport. Blimate change is another worry that eeryone has to face. The
results of a significant rise in temperatures could radically affect our ways of life,
and our children's too. There are also more health issues to be concerned about
than in the past, with rises in al;heimer's, diabetes, and stro!e to name but a few.
+ll of these concerns can result in stress.
Tac!ling such problems will not be easy, but there are measures that can be ta!en.
@oernments and the media could play their part by ensuring that instead of
persistently bombarding us with such negatie images and information about the
world in which we lie, we are gien more positie stories too. Howeer, gien this
is unli!ely to happen, we need to deelop our own strategies to distract us from
these influences. Of course e%ercising regularly is one thing we should do as this
has been shown to increase endorphin leels and lead to feelings of happiness.
Sleeping enough helps us to recuperate and restore our body. &inally, eating
properly can improe our health and result in less worry about potential diseases.
+ll in all, although there are many factors around us today which lead to stress, we
can ta!e steps to reduce it. @ien that the strains we face in modern society will
li!ely get worse, ignoring it is not an option for many people.
Words< B)+
%2L( 2mplo#ing .lder People 2ssa#
This IELTS emplo#ing older people essay tac!les the issue of whether it it better
for employers to hire younger staff rather than those who are older.
This type of topic arises in IELTS writing now again. This is about employing people
oer G9.
0on4t mi% it up with essays that as! whether people should be forced to retire at a
certain age.
Some of the arguements may be the same i.e. the adantages of someone wor!ing
when they are older, but the question is different.

%2L( 2mplo#ing older people essa#
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
#rite about the following topic$
It has been claimed that wor%ers over :0 are not
responsive to rapidly changing ideas in the modern
wor%place and that for this reason younger
wor%ers are to be preferred$
To what e#tent do you agree or disagree&
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
2mplo#ing .lder People 2ssa# A *odel Answer
Some people beliee that due to the rapid changes occurring in modern wor!
places, it is better to employ younger than older people. I do not beliee that this
is the case.
One argument in support of younger employees is that older employees could be
more set in their ways and potentially against any change. To an e%tent this may
be true, but there are many fle%ible and intelligent wor!ers oer G9, while there
are infle%ible and narrow)minded younger ones. +ttitude towards change is a
result not of age but of personality type.
That said, physical changes occurring with age could mean certain 7obs are more
suited to a younger person. &or instance, psychologists seem to be in agreement
that memory declines with age for people not remaining mentally actie. In high)
tech industries such as computer programming, where it is so important to be able
to wor! with so much information, numbers and calculations, being younger may
be an adantage.
Howeer, older wor!ers hae a wide range of other positie attributes that they
can bring to their wor!ing enironment. @enerally, they hae more wor!
e%perience than those who are younger. In addition, as can be seen with the trend
of many department stores in the /J to ta!e on older people, they are seen to be
more reliable and respectful. These are important in any !ind of wor!ing
In conclusion, therefore, there is not the eidence to support employing young
people as opposed to those oer G9. It would seem that a mi% of the best qualities
of old and young is preferential in order to ensure the most productie
enironment eoles.
();> "ords,
4amily ;alues Essay
This is an IELTS family alues essay, centered around the belief that families are
not as close as in the past.
If you loo! at the question carefully, you will see that there are two tas!s.
&irstly, you hae to e%plain why 1gie reasons2 families are not so close.
The second tas! is to state whether you thin! this more of
anegative or positive trend.
So this essay is a mi% of causes0 advantages and disadvantages.
Ie careful in noting that it is partly as opinion essa# as you hae to gie your
opinion as to whether the adantages outweigh 1i.e. more adantages2 the
Ta!e a loo! at the question and the model answer"
%2L( 8amil# Jalues 2ssa#
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist
knowledge of the following topic.
=owada#s0 families are not as close as in t!e past and
a lot of people !ave become used to t!is)
W!# is t!is !appening'
Do t!e advantages of t!is trend outweig! t!e
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
You should write at least !0 words.
8amil# Jalues 2ssa# *odel Answer
There has been a trend oer recent decades for families to become less close than
they were in the past and this situation is largely accepted in society. This essay
will discuss the reasons for this and e%amine the benefits and drawbac!s of this
One of the first reasons for a decline in the closeness of families is connected to
the busy lifestyles that we now lead. .ost people are haing to wor! longer hours
and often both parents wor!, so they simply do not hae as much time to spend
with each other as they did in the past. +nother factor is the materialistic and
consumer drien culture we now lie in, which has led to less alue being placed
on family relationships. .odern technology also means that people are more
interested in their online life than interacting with their family in their free time.
It could be argued that this has benefits. If people are not so close with their
family, they are free to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, and to focus on
improing their own lifestyle. Howeer, I beliee that there are far more negatie
outcomes. The most important factors leading to a fulfilled and happy life are
emotional security and comfort. -ithout these we are in danger of feeling lost. It is
a difficult world we lie in and we need the support of people close to us to cope
with modern life. -e are seeing a rise in mental health problems in many countries
and this may well be a factor in this.
To conclude, busy modern lifestyles, changing cultural alues and modern
technology are causing families to become less close. -e should try to halt this
trend as it has more negatie than positie outcomes.
1)A> Words2
This family alues essay would merit a high IELTS score.
The essay is organi5ed clearl#. The introduction introduces the topic and the
thesis clearly sets out the contents of the essay.
Each body paragraph has a clear central idea ) the first paragraph is about
the reasons and the second paragraph e%amines theadvantages and
disadvantages. This paragraph also ma!es it clear that the writer beliees
the drawbac&s outweig! t!e benefits.
It would also be possible to hae presented a separate body paragraph, each with
the adantages and disadantages, but you would need to be careful not to write
too much and possibly run out of time.
The conclusion then summarises t!e main points made in the essay and
again clarifies t!e opinion.

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