Test Tactics and Sectional Strategies For The GRE
Test Tactics and Sectional Strategies For The GRE
Test Tactics and Sectional Strategies For The GRE
You Are Welcome to Pass This Free GRE Tips File On To Anyone Else, either from your own website or through an email transmission, or Via Any Appropriate Newsgroup. However, You May Not Make Any Changes to the Text of This File! VISIT http://www.testinfo.net/freegretips.htm on the Internet to see the cards themselves, to test yourself with our FREE quizzes to realize how much these cards will help your scores!
The suggestions and advice offered here are drawn from the set of decks of GRE flash cards offered by Presentation Dynamics Inc., designed to help you achieve a higher score on your GRE. GRE is a registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these study cards.
Click Here to Jump Immediately to Tips, Techniques, Tactics, and Strategies for:
The Overall Test Verbal Section Sentence Completion Verbal Section Analogies Verbal Section Antonyms Verbal Section Reading Comprehension Math Section Standard Multiple Choice Math Section Quantitative Comparisons Analytical Section
All Decks of Flash Cards Written by Judd Robbins, M.A., M.S., Licensed High School Teacher and Published Author of over 80 textbooks, videos, correspondence courses, seminars, and training CD ROMs.
The information offered in this Tactics and Strategies Report is intended for general educational purposes only. No warranty is either expressed or implied about the benefits to be obtained from using this information as a study aid for the GRE. These tips should only be used as an adjunct mechanism for preparing to take the GRE and obtain the best possible score. Students should also study vocabulary words, as well as the fundamentals of arithmetic, algebra and geometry.
5. Double check your work and answer before you click on the screen bubble. You cannot skip any question and you cannot go back after you've answered a question. 6. Answer every question, making educated guesses if you have to. Just try to eliminate one or more choices before guessing. 7. Don't spend too much time on any one question. You should spend only seconds on the easiest questions, and hesitate to spend more than 12 minutes on even the hardest ones. 8. Practice, practice, practice! 9. Bring a watch to the test center. You can't be guaranteed that there'll be a working clock there. 10. Don't bring a calculator since you're not allowed to use one. 11. Bring a couple of IDs to the test center. Make sure at least one of the pictures actually looks like you. Also bring any authorization voucher you may have received from the Educational Testing Service. 12. Read the words in the question carefully. Be sure to answer the question asked and not the question you recall from a practice test. 13. Know the Question Types to Expect on the GRE: * analogies * sentence completion * reading comprehension * math multiplechoices * quantitative comparisons ================================================================
choices. 4. Try to think of similarly constructed words that you may recognize and that may give you a clue as to the meaning of an otherwise unknown word. 5. Think of a recognizable context for a word you don't recognize. Let the context of the word in a phrase or sentence suggest its probable meaning. 6. Think of an opposite meaning for the capitalized word, even before you look at the actual choices. 7. Read all the choices before selecting your answer.
1. Read the entire question first. This enables you to get a better sense of the 'argument' and how best to approach the logic involved. 2. Read the entire argument as well. This enables you to better understand the logic involved and the likely conclusions.
3. Pay attention to key words, such as always or never (absolute terms) or sometimes or almost (relative terms). 4. In trying to use the process of elimination, you should consider dropping from consideration an answer choice if it goes beyond the contents (ie. scope) of the argument. 5. You should also consider eliminating choices that are more extreme (ie. using absolute terms).
You've just read the most useful tips and strategies for the GRE. Now ORDER our decks of Flash Card Study Materials: VISIT http://www.testinfo.net/freegretips.htmon the Internet