Volume 13, Issue 2, August 2012 - Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Superficial Gastritis, Erosive Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer

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The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 74

Helicobacter pylori Infection in Superfcial
Gastritis, Erosive Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer
Jacobus Albertus*, Abdul Aziz Rani**, Marcellus Simadibrata**
Murdani Abdullah**, Ari Fahrial Syam**
*Department of Internal Medicine, Tugurejo District General Hospital, Semarang
**Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection leads to infammation of the gastric mucosa.
It damages the gastric epithelium and related to the risk of developing gastric cancer. Over time, it may develop into
the development of glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. This study was aimed to evaluate the histological
features of gastric mucosa, including H. pylori infection in patients with endoscopically found superfcial gastritis,
erosive gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Method: Subjects with abdominal complaints who underwent consecutive upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
were prospectively selected at Tugurejo Hospital between November 2004 and December 2010. Eligible subjects
were those with endoscopic diagnosis of superfcial gastritis, erosive gastritis or gastric ulcer. The biopsy
specimens were taken from the corpus, angulus and antrum of all the patients. Giemsa and hematoxylin-eosin
staining were used for the histological diagnosis H. pylori and gastric mucosa infammation.
Results: The overall prevalence of H. pylori infection in superficial gastritis, erosive gastritis
and gastric ulcer were 24.3%. There was significant difference between H. pylori infection rate in
antrum of patients with superficial gastritis 19.4%, erosive gastritis 26.3%, and gastric ulcer 34.7%.
The positivity rate of glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia of superfcial gastritis with H. pylori-positivity
was 12.5%, 14.0%; erosive gastritis 26.3%, 16.6%; and of gastric ulcer 38.9%, 29.3%; respectively. However,
there was no signifcant difference.
Conclusion: Patients with gastric ulcer have H. pylori infection, atrophic gastritis and metaplasia intestinal
more than superfcial gastritis and erosive gastritis. Progression of the gastric ulcer to atrophic gastritis and
intestinal metaplasia is related to H. pylori infection.

Keywords: Helicobacter pylori infection, superfcial gastritis, erosion and ulcer
Latar belakang: Infeksi Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) dapat menyebabkan terjadinya peradangan pada
mukosa lambung. Hal tersebut dapat merusak epitel lambung dan menjadi risiko terkena kanker lambung. Seiring
dengan berjalannya waktu, atropi kelenjar lambung dan metaplasia intestinal dapat berkembang menjadi kanker
lambung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi histologi dari mukosa lambung meliputi infeksi H. pylori
pada pasien dengan temuan endoskopi sebagai penyebab gastritis ringan, gastritis erosif dan ulkus lambung.
Metode: Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara prospektif dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang. Subjek
penelitian adalah semua pasien yang menjalani prosedur esofagogastroduodenoskopi secara konsekutif di Rumah
Sakit Tugurejo Semarang pada November 2004-Desember 2010 dengan keluhan pada saluran cerna bagian
atas dan ditemukan sebagai gastritis ringan, gastritis erosif atau ulkus lambung. Pengambilan biopsi dilakukan
pada korpus, angulus dan antrum. Pewarnaan Giemsa dan Hematoxyllin Eosin dilakukan untuk mendiagnosis
infeksi H. pylori dan infamasi pada mukosa lambung.
Volume 13, Number 2, August 2012 75
Helicobacter pylori Infection in Superficial Gastritis, Erosive Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer
Hasil: Secara keseluruhan diketahui prevalensi infeksi H. pylori sejumlah 24,3%. Terdapat perbedaan
bermakna secara statistik untuk infeksi H. pylori di antrum pada gastritis superfsial 19,4%, gastritis erosif
26,3%, dan ulkus lambung 34,7%. Infeksi H. pylori pada atropi kelenjar dan metaplasia intestinal masing-
masing ditemukan pada gastritis superfsial sebesar 12,5% dan 14,0%, pada gastritis erosif 26,3% dan 16,6%;
dan ulkus lambung sebesar 38,9% dan 29,3%, namun secara statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna.
Simpulan: Pasien dengan ulkus lambung mempunyai infeksi H. pylori, atropi dan metaplasia yang lebih
banyak dibandingkan dengan gastritis superfsial dan gastritis erosif. Infeksi H. pylori dapat mempercepat
perkembangan ulkus menjadi atropi dan metaplasia intestinal.

Kata kunci: infeksi Helicobacter pylori, gastritis superfsial, erosi dan ulkus
In the early 20
century, the pathogenesis of acid-
peptic disease was believed to be related to stress and
dietary factors. Later on, other factors such as gastric
secretions, age, sex, smoking and alcohol consumption
were held responsible as the cause.
Warren and
Marshall in 1982 discovered a spiral, flagellated
gram-negative organism known as Helicobacter pylori
(H. pylori) which has been implicated in the etiology
of these diseases.
While the prevalence of H. pylori
is decreasing in the Western world, it still constitutes
a signifcant medical burden in less industrialized
countries, with constant higher infection rates and a
more widespread distribution.
The challenge now is
to fll in the remaining gaps in our knowledge such as
transmission routes as well as genetic preconditions,
as antibiotic resistance increases, develop preventative
strategies including improved hygiene conditions and

Infection with H. pylori is a co-factor in the
development of duodenal or gastric ulcers (reported to
develop in 1 to 10% of infected patients), gastric cancer
(0.1 to 3%) and gastric mucosa associated lymphoid
tissue (MALT) lymphoma (< 0.01%).
with H. pylori may lead to infammation of the gastric
mucosa with subsequent ulceration.
Infection is
a major cause of chronic gastritis, a condition that
initiates the pathogenic sequence of events leading
to atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia
and subsequently cancer.
While the bacterium is
not a direct cause of cancer, its presence and resultant
reduction in acid production are necessary factors
in causation.
The risk of these disease outcomes
in infected patients varies widely among different
populations and the great majority of patients with
H. pylori will not have any clinically significant

Diagnosis of H. pylori infection is done either by
rapid urease test in biopsy specimen or microscopic
examination and culture of the specimen or by
other non-endoscopic methods like urea breath test,
H. pylori stool antigen assay or anti-H. pylori
antibodies in the serum.
H. pylori eradication has
been recommended by various consensus conferences
and its eradication has led to marked reduction in
peptic ulcer disease and need for further therapy.
H. pylori infection has worldwide distribution and
is found to be prevalent and strongly associated
with peptic ulcer disease and gastritis in Pakistani
Data of H. pylori infection in superfcial
gastritis and ulcer disease in Indonesia was limited. This
study was aimed to evaluate the histological features
of gastric mucosa, including H. pylori infection, in
patients with endoscopically found superfcial gastritis,
erosive gastritis and gastric ulcer.
A cross-sectional study was conducted. All patients
were prospectively selected from subjects with
abdominal complaints who underwent consecutive
upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at Tugurejo Hospital
Semarang between November 2004 and December
2010. The inclusion criteria were subjects with
endoscopic diagnosis of superfcial gastritis, erosive
gastritis and gastric ulcer. Subjects were excluded
from the study if they had history of receiving anti-
ulcer agents or antibiotics during two weeks before
endoscopy or had previous history of duodenal
ulcers, or gastric surgery. All patients have given their
informed consent prior to endoscopy.
Biopsy specimens for histological diagnosis were
obtained endoscopically from the greater curvature of
the lower, the upper corpus and the lesser curvature of
the lower corpus of the stomach, according to the triple-site
gastric biopsy method. The specimens were fxed overnight
in buffered formalin, embedded in paraffn, cut into three
m thickness, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 76
Jacobus Albertus, Abdul Aziz Rani, Marcellus Simadibrata, Murdani Abdullah, Ari Fahrial Syam
The grades of mononuclear cell and polymorpho-
nuclear cell infltration, mucosal glandular atrophy and
intestinal metaplasia in patients are shown in Table 3
and 4. The grades of mononuclear cell infltration and
polymorphonuclear cell infltration in gastric ulcer
were higher than that in superfcial gastritis patients
and erosive gastritis, but it was not significantly
The positivity rate of mucosa glandular atrophy and
intestinal metaplasia of superfcial gastritis, erosive
gastritis, and gastric ulcer patients with H. pylori
positivity was signifcantly higher in gastric ulcer than
superfcial gastritis (Table 5).
staining. In accordance with the Updated Sydney
System, the degree of gastric mucosal infammation
(mononuclear and poly-morphonuclear cell infltration),
glandular atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia were
classified into four grades as follows: 0 = none,
1 = mild, 2 = moderate and 3 = severe.
H. pylori infection was considered negative if
H. pylori were absent from all biopsy sites stained
with hematoxylin-eosin staining. H. pylori infection
was considered positive if at least one of the histology
tests was positive.
The prevalence of H. pylori infection, rates of
gastric mucosal infammation, polymorphonuclear cell
infltration, glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia
were compared using the chi-square test for 4-fold
table. The difference in grades of mononuclear cell
infiltration, polymorphonuclear cell infiltration,
glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia between
diseases was compared by Mann-Whitney test.
If p < 0.05 was considered statistically signifcant.
Two hundred and sixteen patients were enrolled
in this study consisted of 72 patients with superfcial
gastritis aged from 38 to 68 years (mean age 56.3
9.9); 72 patients with erosive gastritis aged from 38
to 66 years (mean age 65.3 10.4); 72 patients with
gastric ulcer aged from 38 to 70 years (mean age 65.7
Predominant sites of lesions based on endoscopical
diagnosis are shown in Table 1. The positivity rates
for H. pylori infection in studied patients are shown in
Table 1. Endoscopical diagnosis and predominant sites of lesion
Predominant site of location lesion
n (%)
Corpus Antrum
Corpus and
Superfcial gastritis 3 (4.16) 37 (51.38) 30 (41.67)
Erosive gastritis 19 (26.39) 51 (70.83) 2 (2 .78)
Gastric ulcer 16 (22.22) 47 (65.28) 9 (12.5)
Table 2. Helicobacter pylori infection identifed in antrum and
associated diseases
Endoscopical diagnosis H. pylori infective rate (%) p*
Superfcial gastritis 19.4
0.042 Erosive gastritis 26.3
Gastric ulcer 34.7
*Chi-square test
Table 3. The grade of gastric mucosal infammation in patients
Mononuclear (%) Polymorphonuclear (%)
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Superfcial gastritis 44.3 30.9 10.1 14.7 72.7 3.5 4.5 19.2
0.091 Erosive gastritis 3.8 27.0 23.0 43.4 36.7 3.8 10.1 52.1
Gastric ulcer 4.2 11.3 17.0 67.5 17.8 3.1 17.5 61.5
0: none; 1: mild; 2: moderate; 3: severe; *Mann-Whitney test
Table 4. The grade of glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia in patients
Atrophy Intestinal metaplasia
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Superfcial gastritis 77.6 18.7 2.2 1.5 85.3 4.2 4.9 5.6
0.087 Erosive gastritis 62.3 13.1 10.5 14.1 81.7 8.5 3.4 6.4
Gastric ulcer 56.2 10.7 11.8 21.3 71.7 6.7 8.1 13.5
0: none; 1: mild; 2: moderate; 3: severe; *Mann-Whitney test
Table 2. There was no data of H. pylori at angulus sites
since the pathologist had not evaluated H. pylori from
the antrum and angulus. The prevalence of H. pylori
infection in gastric ulcer was signifcantly higher than
that of superfcial gastritis and erosive gastritis.
Table 5. Glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia in patients with Helicobacter pylori
infection and associated disease
Glandular atrophy Intestinal metaplasia
H. pylori + (%) H. pylori + (%)
Superfcial gastritis 12.5 14.0
0.038 Erosive gastritis 23.6 16.6
Gastric ulcer 38.9 29.3
Volume 13, Number 2, August 2012 77
Helicobacter pylori Infection in Superficial Gastritis, Erosive Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer
H. pylori infections tend to be initiated at the antrum
and extend proximally into the corpus along the lesser
curvature. This study showed antrum-predominant
gastritis. Such result is similar to the results of studies
in Asian countries, including China, Vietnam, Thailand
and Myanmar.
In Japanese patients, H. pylori infection
and chronic active gastritis progress to the corpus
with advancing age, resulting in corpus-predominant
gastritis. In constant, antrum gastritis will not develop
into corpus gastritis in the Nepalese like other Asian
The difference of mucosal changes
induced by H. pylori infection between the Japanese
and other Asian populations may be correlated with the
different incidences of gastric cancer in the Japanese
and other Asian populations.
Uemura et al, reported
that among H. pylori infected Japanese patients,
those with severe atrophy accompanying intestinal
metaplasia, corpus-predominant gastritis or both, are
particularly high risk.

Epidemiological evidence indicates that H. pylori
infections are much more prevalent in developing
countries than in developed nations such as the United
States. It has been estimated that 3040% of the
United States population is infected with H. pylori.

H. pylori remains one of the most common worldwide
human infections and is associated with a number
of important upper gastrointestinal (GI) conditions
including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and
gastric malignancy.
The prevalence of H. pylori in this study is 24.3%,
which is lower than study reports by Elseweidy et al,
in Egypt (84%), Hashemi et al, in Iran (67.4%), and
Khan et al, in Pakistan (85%).
In India, H. pylori
is positive in 38 (56.7%) asymptomatic individuals
and in 49 (61.3%) symptomatic individuals.

In Jordan, H. pylori is frequent in 82% of 197 study
Prevalence of H. pylori in Indonesia
reported by Albertus et al, using polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) to detect H. pylori is 46.7%,
AF et al, using rapid urea test (Pronto Dry) found
10.2% of prevalence.
Previous studies have shown
that the prevalence of H. pylori infections is affected
by several factors, including living conditions, income,
ethnicity, socio-economic status, especially infection
in childhood, availability of public water supplies and
sewers, the number of family support organizations,
and the number of rooms in the home.
The reasons
for erratic rates of H. pylori infection may be reported
from the country.
In comparison between H. pylori- positive and
H. pylori-negative patients, mononuclear cell
infiltration was more severe in H. pylori-positive
patients with superfcial gastritis, erosive gastritis
and gastric ulcer than H. pylori-negative patients.
We assume that it was related with the grade of
mononuclear cell infiltration, polymorphonuclear
cell infltration and the grade of H. pylori infection.
More intense bacterial infection and more severe
polymorphonuclear cell infltration may contribute
more to DNA damage and promote carcinogenesis
in patients with gastric cancer. Furthermore, chronic
H. pylori infection is also associated with increased
gastric cell turnover, probably of importance in
malignant transformation.
Glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia were
found in more than half of H. pylori negative patients
but were remarkably low in the H. pylori-positive
patients. However, there was no signifcant difference
between H. pylori-positive and negative patients.
Glandular atrophy scores and intestinal metaplasia
scores of all sites in H. pylori-infected Japanese
patients was signifcantly higher compared to this
Zhang and Yamada reported that there was a tight
link between atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia
in stomachs of Japanese patients with early gastric
Occasionally, glandular atrophy and intestinal
metaplasia tissues were found in H. pylori-negative
patients; while in the tissues without glandular atrophy
or intestinal metaplasia, we may found H. pylori
positive. These fndings suggest that most patients
with intestinal metaplasia and glandular atrophy have
been infected with H. pylori at some stage. H. pylori
infection may provide the proper environment for
atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia to occur.
At the fnal stage of the disease, gastric atrophy with
intestinal metaplasia is not a hospitable environment
for H. pylori. It may also associated with a dramatic
reduction or even disappearance of the organism.

This study did not explore H. pylori strains and
(interleukin) IL-1 polymorphisms because there is
no facility for culture. Several H. pylori virulence
and associated genes have been found in Western
populations to be correlated to an increased risk of
gastric cancer and pre-cancerous lesions.
it has been confirmed that IL-1 polymorphisms
contributes to the gastric acid secretory response,
facilitating H. pylori infection and subsequently
developing clinical sequelae.

The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 78
Jacobus Albertus, Abdul Aziz Rani, Marcellus Simadibrata, Murdani Abdullah, Ari Fahrial Syam
Patients presenting with gastric ulcer have H. pylori
infection, atrophic gastritis and metaplasia intestinal
more than superfcial gastritis and erosive gastritis.
Progression of the gastric ulcer to atrophic gastritis and
intestinal metaplasia is related to H. pylori infection.
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Jacobus Albertus
Department of Internal Medicine
Tugurejo District General Hospital
Jl. Raya Tugurejo Semarang 50185 Indonesia
Phone/facsimile: +62-24-7605578
E-mail: [email protected]

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