Lecnote Block Neoplasia 2011

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Oncogene & Tumor

Suppressor Gene
Harliansyah, Ph.D
Dept of Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine YARSI University
March, 2011
1. Smith, A. Marks, A D. Lieberman, M. 2006.
Marks Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical
Approach. 2ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
2. Bos, J I. Burgering, B M T. 2004. Molecular
Mechanisms in Signal Transduction and Cancer.
EMBO Reports. Vol. 5 (9) : 855 859.
3. Rao, N M. 2006. Medical Biochemistry. 2ed.
New Age International Publishers.
The Molecular Biology of Cancer
Cancer : a group of diseases in which cells grow
abnormally and form a malignant tumor.

Normal cells in the body respond to signals such as:
contact inhibition, that direct them to stop

Cancer cells do not require growth stimulatory signals
and they are resistant to growth inhibitory signals and
Cancer cells have an infinite proliferative
capacity and do not become senescent.
They can grow independently of structural
The transformation of a normal cells to a cancer
cell begins with damage to DNA (base changes
or strand breaks) caused by chemical
carcinogens, UV light, viruses, or replication

Three phase mechanism for chemical carcinogenesis :

1. Initiation , normal cells to latent tumor cells
2. Promotion , latent tumor cells to carcinoma in situ
3. Progression, carcinoma in situ to invasive carcinoma
Classification of Cancer
1. Carcinoma are cancers of the cells or organs derived
from ectoderm or endoderm, epithelial tissues, nervous
tissues, glands, etc.
examples: Adenocarcinoma (gland), Gliomas (brain
nervous tissues).

2. Sarcoma are cancers of the tissues of mesodermal
origion, bone, cartilage, connective tissues, muscle.
examples: Osteosarcoma (bone), Fibriosarcoma
(Connective tissues).
Type of DNA Mutation
Color Atlas of Genetics. 2
Ed. Passarge, E. Thieme. Stuttgart, Germany 2001
Oncogenes are mutated derivatives of normal
genes (proto-oncogenes) whose function is to
promote proliferation or cell survival.

These genes can code for growth factors (GF),
GF Receptor (GFR), signal transduction
proteins, intracellular kinases and transcription
1. Growth Factor
2. Transcription Factor 3. Cyclins synthesis
Tumor Suppressor Genes
Normal growth suppressor genes, encode
proteins that inhibit proliferation, promote cell
death and repair DNA.
1. Regulatory of Ras
2. Adhesi
Treatment of Cancer
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