Grade 11 Che, M Am New Review

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SCH3UO - Some More Review Ideas

The Mole
1. a)What is the molar mass of fluorine gas?
b) Did you remember that fluorine was diatomic? List other diatomic elements.

2. What is the mass of one Silicon atom? (consider molar mass to help you )

3. What is the molar mass of aluminum sulphite?

4. If you had one mole samples of zinc, iron, and copper,:
a) what would be the same in each sample?
b) what would be different?

5. Calculate the mass of 2.3 moles of calcium carbonate.

6. Calculate the number of lead atoms in 4.5 g of lead (iv) sulphate.

Atomic Structure and Bonding
1. Using the symbol ; how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in this isotope of nitrogen?
N- 15
2. Write the symbol for the isotope of nitrogen which contains one less neutron.
3. How many orbitals does sublevel s have? What is the shape?
4. How many orbitals does sublevel p have? How are they oriented around the nucleus?
5. What are Hunds Rule and the Pauli Exclusion principle.
6.Write the electron orbital configuration for the following ( do some full and some short)
a) Cu
b) Zn
c) Al
d) Kr
e) O

f) Mg

7. If an element if found to have a mass of 51 amu and 22 protons, which element
would it be?

8. If an element has an atomic number of 38, what is the formula of the compound formed
when it reacts with nitrogen ions?

9, If you averaged the atomic mass of all of the isotopes of nitrogen in any nitrogen sample,
what would be the value?
10. Write the electron configuration for Sulphur. How many electrons does sulfur need to be
a stable octet? What are some other possible valence that sulphur can have based
on electron configuration?
11. What does the Roman numeral III stand for in iron(III) oxide?
12. . What is the type of bond which holds the atoms in a water molecule together?
13. What is the type of force(s) which hold water molecules together with other water

14.. Distinguish between intramolecular and intermolecular forces

15. a. Whats the difference between ionic and covalent bonds, as far as electrons go?

b. What are the two types of atoms which would use an ionic bond? What two types
would use a covalent bond?

16. Make a sketch of then state whether or not these molecules are polar. Explain what
causes molecule to be polar.
a. water
b. hydrogen gas
c. methane, CH4
d. methanol CH
e. ammonia, NH3

17. Describe these intermolecular forces and give an example of a chemical which uses
each as the main force to hold them together.
a. London Dispersion Forces

b. hydrogen bonding

c. ionic

d. dipole-dipole

18. What type of bond will form between potassium and sulphur? Draw Lewis structures to
illustrate this bonding. What is the product name and formula?

Nomenclature and Writing Reactions
Write the formula or name of the following:
________________ lead(II) nitrate ___________sodium acetate
________________ dinitrogen trioxide ____________barium hydroxide
________________ AlCl
3 __
____________ carbonic acid
________________ (NH4)3PO4
________________ SO
___________ cupric sulphate
________________ aluminum carbonate

19. Which has the larger radius, Ca or Ca
. Explain your answer.

Which has the highest ionization energy, K or Cs? Explain your answer.

Which has the highest electron affinity, Zn Se or Kr. Explain

Draw a mini periodic table. Use to show the patterns of the main trends on the
periodic table.

Empirical Formulas
1. Find the mass percent of nitrogen in magnesium nitrate?
2. The empirical formula of a hydrocarbon is CH3. If the molecular mass of the compound is
about 60 g/mole, what is the molecular formula?
3. What is the empirical formula of a compound which is 59.2% P atoms and 40.8% O

Types of Reactions
1. List the 4 main types of reactions and write some points to help you remember them.

2. Complete and balance the following reactions. State the type of reaction.

a) Sodium carbonate is decomposed through gentle heating.
b) Magnesium sulphide reacts with calcium phosphate.
c) Iron(III) sulphate reacts with calcium metal.
d) Hydrogen and oxygen gas burn together, making steam.
e) Hydrochloric acid is neutralized by calcium hydroxide
f) The combustion of C
3. Write balanced, ionic and net ionic equation for the following
i)Aluminum nitrate(aq) reacts with sodium phosphate (aq)

ii) sulphuric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide

Some Acid/Base

1. What is the difference between a Bronsted Lowry acid and an Arrhenius Acid?

2. What controls whether an acid is STRONG or not?

3. Distinguish between a dilute base and a weak base.

4. Calculate the pH of a solution that has a H+ concentration of 2.4 X 10

5. What is the conjugate base of HCl (aq) and HCO

6. Complete the following Bronsted Lowry reaction. Label the conjugate acid base pairs
with brackets and the terms acid and base.

+ H
O <=>

Some Multiple Choice

1. What is the number of moles in 500 L of He gas at STP?
a) 0.05 moles
b) 0.2 moles
c) 22.3 moles
d) 90 moles

2. What are the missing coefficients for the skeleton equation below?
Al2(SO4)3(aq) + KOH(aq) Al(OH)3(aq) + K2SO4(aq)
a) 1,6,2,3
b) 2,3,1,1
c) 1,3,2,3
d) 4,6,3,2

3. Aluminum chloride and hydrogen gas are produced when strips of aluminum are placed in hydrochloric
acid. What is the balanced equation for this reaction?
a) Al + 2HCl AlCl2 + H2
b) Al + HCl3 AlCl3 + H
c) 2Al + 6HCl 2AlCl3 + 3H2
d) H + AlCl Al + HCl

4. What type of reaction was described in Question #3?
a) Synthesis
b) Single-displacement
c) Double-displacement
d) Decomposition

5. When the equation Fe + Cl2 FeCl3 is balanced, what is the coefficient for Cl2?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

6. Which of the following is an empirical formula?
a) Sb2S3
b) C12H26
c) C2H8N2
d) P4O10

7. The fictional element Q has two naturally occurring isotopes with the following
percent abundances: Q20 is 25.0% abundant, and Q22 is 75.0% abundant. What is
the average atomic mass for Element Q?
a) 20.5 g
b) 21.0 g
c) 21.5 g
d) 42.0 g

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