Sped Timeline To History

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A Historical View of Special Education

Special Education Timeline: Overview

This special education timeline emphasizes the major events in the history of special
education. It gives a good overview of the progression towards our current special
education condition.
Special Education Timeline: Landmark Decisions
This special education timeline shows the landmark decisions leading up to and after
"arental advocacy groups are formed to push for federal help in the hope
of fair educational opportunities for their children with disa#ilities.
&ongress creates a 'ureau of Education for the (andicapped later named
)ffice of *pecial Education "rograms +)*E",. -ittle change happens early
#ut it indicated change was approaching.
Two landmark decisions made through the *upreme &ourt decide that
children with disa#ilities should have an e0ual right to access education.
1ills v. D.&. 'oard of Education 2 "A3& v. "ennsylvania.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is passed allowing
parents access to all personal information used by the school regarding
their child.
An Act that allows all school districts to educate students with disa#ilities5
called the Education for All (andicapped &hildren Act +EA(&A,5 is passed.
It is later amended and renamed as Individuals with Disa#ilities Education
Act +IDEA, in 16.
The final federal regulations are passed and reuire school districts to adhere
to a set of rules when providing education to children with disabilities.
Americans with Disa#ilities Act is enacted allowing disa#led children to
#ecome more common place in school districts and gives parents and
children certain rights under IDEA.
The 7o &hild -eft 'ehind law #ecomes enacted calling for A-- students to
#ecome proficient in reading and math #y the year /614.
Special Education Timeline: Children Are The uture
This timeline shows us how far we8ve progressed towards a fair education for
everyone. At -earning39 we #elieve that children with disa#ilities can #e as smart +if
not smarter, than non special students through #rain training. :e8ve proved it
thousands of times. -earning39 helps struggling students with disa#ilities #ecome
smarter and overcome their difficulties. :e strengthen their cognitive skills through
one;on;one mental e9ercises. &ognitive skills have #een shown to #e the leading
<weak link< causing learning disorders. To find out more information contact a local
-earning39 near you.
ranscript of History of Special Education in the Philippines
Special Education
The History of
1950 to 1975
1926 to 1949
1976 to Present
in the Philippines
Fred At!inson
"eneral #uperintendent of Education
reported to the #ecretary of Public $nstruction that deaf and blind children were found in
a census of school%aged children in &anila and nearby provinces
proposed that deaf and blind children be enrolled in schools li!e the other children
+avid ,arrows
wor!ed for the establishment of the $nsular #chool for the +eaf and the ,lind in &anila
At present- the Philippine school for the +eaf is .ocated on /arrison #treet- Pasay 0ity.
Philippine Association for the +eaf was Founded
The "overnment established 1elfareville 0hildren2s 3illage in &andaluyong.
the 7ational 8rthopedic /ospital opened the #chool for 0rippled 0hildren
9ue:on 0ity #cience /igh #chool was inaugurated for gifted students
Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the +isabled was organi:ed
Elsie "aches 3illage was established to ta!e care of abandoned- orphaned and youth with
physical and mental disabilities
first wee! of August was declared as #ight #aving 1ee!
&embers of .odge 7o.*<' of the ,enevolent and Protective 8rder of El!s organi:ed the
El!s 0erebral Palsy Pro=ect $ncorporated.
First Parent Teacher 1or! 0onference in #pecial Education was held at #+,
A tie !hen the pri"ate sector started supportin# the #o"ernent$s pro#ra for
%ilipinos !ith disa&ilities
The ,ureau of Public #chools (,P#) of the +epartment of Education and 0ulture (+E0)
created the #pecial Education #ection of the #pecial #ub=ects and #ervices +ivision.
The program include>
teacher training
census of e?ceptional children
integration of children with disabilities in regular classes
rehabilitation of residential and special schools
material production
&anila @outh Reception 0enter (&@R0) was opened for the socially malad=usted and
emotionally disturbed
+E0 issued 0ircular 7o.'' s. '(<4 A9ualifications of #pecial Education TeachersA
E?perimental integration of blind children at the Bose Ri:al Elementary #chool (Pasay)
#t. Boseph of 0upertino #chool for the &entally Retarted was founded
R.A. 646)> An act establishing a ten%year training program for teachers of special and
e?ceptional children in the Philippines.
teacher scholar at CP commenced in the areas of hearing impairment- mental retardation
and giftedness
Teacher scholar training for blind children started at P7C
Philippine Printing /ouse for the ,lind was established (C7$0EF D 0ARE- Philippines)
&anila #cience /igh #chool for gifted students was established
Training program for school administrators on the organi:ation- administration and
supervision of special education classes.
First $nstitute on the Education and Training of the &entally Retarded (#pecial 0hild
#tudy 0enter DA+&C)
,P# organi:ed the 7ational 0ommittee on #pecial Education
"eneral .etter 7o.4';> regulating the si:e of special classes for ma?imum effectiveness
R.A. 7o. 646)> Teacher training program for e?ceptional children started at P7C
classes for socially malad=usted children were held at &@R0
Bose Fabella &emorial #chool was divided into five units>
Philippine Training #chool for ,oys (Tanay)
Philippine Training #chool for "irls (Alabang)
Reception and 0hild #tudy 0enter (&anila)
Elsie "aches 3illage (Alabang)
7ayon ng Fabataan (Pasay)
R.A. 7o. 646)> Teacher training program for children with behavioral problem started at
the #chool for the +eaf and the ,lind was reorgani:ed into two separate residential
C7E#08 D Philippine Association for the Retarded> First Asian 0onference on &ental
Retardation was held in &anila
#ilahis 0oncept of #pecial Education was implemented
#pecial #ub=ects and #ervices +ivision was abolished
'(** to '(E*>
First 0amp Pag%ibig> day camp for children with physical disabilities
&olave @outh /ome for 0hildren with ,ehavioral Problem was organi:ed in 9ue:on
&inistry of Education issued +epartment 8rder 7o. ')> designating regional and division
supervisors of special education programs
,acarra #pecial Education 0enter (+ivision of $locos #ur)
,acolod #pecial Education 0enter (+ivision of ,acolod)
Presidential +ecree '6)(>
0reation of 7ational 0ommission 0oncerning +isabled Persons (700+P)
&E0 &emorandum 7o. 4E6> directed school divisions to organi:e special classes with a
set of guidelines on the designation of teachers who have no formal training
CP opened its special education training program for undergraduate students
PA+ started mainstreaming program in the +ivision of &anila 0ity #chools
0aritas &edico%Pedagogical $nstitution for the &entally Retarded was organi:ed
Bagna #pecial Education 0enter in the +ivision of ,ohol was organi:ed
#chool for 0rippled 0hildren at the #outhern $sland /ospital in 0ebu 0ity was
C7> $nternational @ear of +isabled Persons
,atas Pambansa ,ilang ;55% Accessibility .aw>
AAn act to enhance the mobility of disabled persons by reuiring cars- buildings-
institutions- establishments and public utilities to install facilities and other devices.A
Autism #ociety of the Philippines was organi:ed
'((; to 4))4>
the first wee! of Banuary was declared as Autism 0onsciousness 1ee!
First #eminar 1or!shop on $nformation Technology for the 3isually $mpaired
+E0# 8rder 7o.4<> $nstitutionali:ation of #pecial Education Program in all #chools
First Philippine 1heelathon%a%race was the main event of the '(th +isability Prevention
and Rehabilitaion 1ee!
Palarong Pinoy Para sa &ay F was held at Philsport 0omple?
+E0# 8rder 7o.')5> AE?emption of the Physically /andicapped from Ta!ing the
7ational Achievement Test (7EAT) and the 7ational #econdary Aptitude Test (7#AT)A
+E0# 8rder 7o.')E> A#trengthening of #pecial Education Program for the "ifted in
Public #chool #ystemA
+E0# 8rder 7o.55E> A#earch for the '((( &ost 8utstanding #pecial Education Teacher
for the "iftedA
&emorandum 7o.56*> A7ational Photo 0ontest on +isabilityA
+E0# 8rder 7o.''> ARecogni:ed #pecial Education 0enters in the PhilippinesA
&emorandum 7o.45 AFourth $nternational 7oise Awareness +ayA
Every fourth wee! of 7ovember> 7ational 8bservance of the wee! of gifted and talented
intro to #PE+
Historical )ilestones of
Special Education in the Philippines
The interest to educate Filipino children with disabilities was e?pressed through &r. Fred
At!inson- the "eneral #uperintendent of Education.
#pecial Education was formally started in the country by establishing the $nsular #chool
for the +eaf and ,lind in &anila.
The government established the 1elfareville 0hildrenGs 3illage- a school for people with
mental retardation in &andaluyong.
The 7ational 8rthopedic /ospital #chool for the 0rippled 0hildren and @outh is
9ue:on 0ity #cience /igh #chool was inaugurated for gifted students.
PA+ opened a school for the children with hearing impairment
The Elsie "aches 3illage was established in Alabang to ta!e care of the abandoned and
orphaned children and youth with physical and mental handicaps.
#pecial classes for the deaf in regular class were implemented.
The ,ureau of Public #chools of the +epartment of Education and 0ulture created the
#pecial Education #ection of the #pecial #ub=ects and #ervice Education.
#ome private college and universities started to offer special education courses on
graduate school curriculum
1ith the approval of R.A. 7o. ;6<4- the training of +E0 teacher scholars for blind
children started at the Philippine 7ormal Cniversity.
&ar!ed the start of training programs for school administrators on the supervision of
special classes held at CP
% 0lasses for socially malad=usted children were organi:ed at the manila @outh Reception
% Training of teacher for 0hildren with behavior problems started at the Cniversity of the
% The =uvenile and domestic Relations 0ourt of &anila established the Tahanan #pecial
#chool for the socially malad=usted children and youth.
% The +ivision of &anila 0ity #chools implemented the #ilahis 0oncept of #pecial
Education in public elementary schools.
% The ,ureau of Elementary Education #pecial Education unit conducted a two%year
nationwide survey if unidentified e?ceptional children who were in school.
% The #chool for the 0rippled 0hildren at the #outhern $sland /ospital in 0ebu 0ity was
% The Philippine institute for the +eaf- an oral school for children with hearing
impairment was established.
% The summer training for teacher of the visually impaired started at the Philippine
7ormal Cniversity
% +E0# issued 8rder 7o. '5 that directed regional officers to organi:e the Regional
#pecial Education 0ouncil (RE#0)
% The summer training for teachers of the hearing impaired was held at Philippine 7ormal
% +E0# order 7o. 6 HReclassification of Regular teacher and principal items to #PE+
teacher and special schools principal itemA
% +E0# order no. ;; H$mplementation of administrative order no. ')' directing the
+epartment of Public 1or!s and highways- the +E0# and the 0/E+ to provide
architectural facilities or structural feature for disabled persons in all state college-
universities and other buildings
Anne "ermain
+E0# 8rder 7o. ''- s. 4))) % Recogni:ed #pecial Education (#PE+) 0enters in the
An ongoing mobile teacherItraining program by the +epartment of Education and the
Cniversity of the Philippines trains regular and special education teachers on how to
educate children with special needs.
#pecial Education Act of 4))* identifies ten groups of 0hildren with #pecial 7eeds
+epEd under its wing had 4'* #PE+ 0enters that cater to the needs of children with
special abilities. The department issued ,raille te?tboo!s to help especially visually
impaired children.
#pecial Education Act of 4)')- An act establishing at least one #pecial Education center
for each school division and at least three #pecial Education centers in big school
divisions for children with special needs- guidelines for government financial assistance
and other incentives and support
+epEd has increased the funding for its #pecial Education program and is set to open
new centers
+epEd organi:ed a 7ational 0onference for #PE+ Teachers to sharpen their s!ills.

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