This document provides guidelines for integrating a strategic planning course and outlines the key components of a strategy paper. It recommends including an executive summary, introduction, research methodology, vision/mission statements, environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, internal company analysis, strategic objectives, strategy formulation, implementation plans, and monitoring/control. The focus is on conducting thorough external and internal assessments to develop a comprehensive set of strategies aligned with the company's vision.
This document provides guidelines for integrating a strategic planning course and outlines the key components of a strategy paper. It recommends including an executive summary, introduction, research methodology, vision/mission statements, environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, internal company analysis, strategic objectives, strategy formulation, implementation plans, and monitoring/control. The focus is on conducting thorough external and internal assessments to develop a comprehensive set of strategies aligned with the company's vision.
This document provides guidelines for integrating a strategic planning course and outlines the key components of a strategy paper. It recommends including an executive summary, introduction, research methodology, vision/mission statements, environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, internal company analysis, strategic objectives, strategy formulation, implementation plans, and monitoring/control. The focus is on conducting thorough external and internal assessments to develop a comprehensive set of strategies aligned with the company's vision.
This document provides guidelines for integrating a strategic planning course and outlines the key components of a strategy paper. It recommends including an executive summary, introduction, research methodology, vision/mission statements, environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, internal company analysis, strategic objectives, strategy formulation, implementation plans, and monitoring/control. The focus is on conducting thorough external and internal assessments to develop a comprehensive set of strategies aligned with the company's vision.
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(to be defended on _________ ) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Provide a brief summary or overview of the stratey !a!er I" I#TR$%UCTI$# I&trodu'tory remar(s I&')ude some 'om!a&y history or ba'(rou&d II. RESEARCH ESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Ide&tify data re*uireme&ts a&d data sour'es Resear'h desi& a&d methodo)oy- how i&formatio& is obtai&ed+ uide *uestio&s for i&terviews, if a&y+ !erso&s i&terviewed a&d their !ositio& -to i&di'ate authority. /ramewor( for a&a)ysis0 Stratei' !)a&&i& framewor( a&d too)s Ma1or assum!tio&s a&d )imitatio&s,if a&y III. VISION/ MISSION Comme&t o& or eva)uate e2isti& visio&3missio& stateme&t, if a&y -see %avid4s &i&e e)eme&ts or other 'riteria. a&d re'omme&d 'ha&es $r %e ve)o! a &ew visio&3missio& i" State where you wa&t the 'om!a&y to be i& the future -Visio&. i" State busi&ess s'o!e or 'ustomer va)ue !ro!ositio& -Part of Missio&. ii " State !hi)oso!hy or va)ues, a&d 'ommitme&ts to sta(eho)ders -Part of Missio&. #ote 0 If you are !art of a"mu)ti&atio&a) 'om!a&y or a rou! of )o'a) 'om!a&ies, show that your visio&3missio& is a)i&ed to the !are&t or head-offi'e visio&3missio&" - Ma( re'omme&datio& o& how you wi)) 'ommu&i'ate the visio&3missio& to er!)oyees a&d other sta(eho)ders IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS . %is'uss current and expected outlook i& the fo))owi& areas, fo'usi& o& t e deve)o!me&ts that wi)) have the most si&ifi'a&t im!a't o& your busi &ess0 i" E'o&omi' deve)o!me&ts ii" So'io-'u)tura), demora!hi' tre&ds, )ifesty)e 'ha&es iii" Te'h&o)oi'a) deve)o!me&ts iv " Po)iti'a), )ea), over&me&t as!e'ts " $thers -E&viro&me&ta), et'". Tra&s)ate the above i& terms of what it mea&s for your busi&ess,i"e", Ide&tify $!!ortu&ities a&d Threats that may affe't the fo))owi&0 Co&sumer dema&d,mar(et o!!ortu&ities Ty!es of !rodu'ts a&d servi'es offered Su!!)iers a&d distributors Costs of doi& busi&ess " $thers v. INDUSTRYAND COMPETITOR ANALYSIS A. Industry Analysis %ef i &e the i&dustry that you wi)) be 'om!eti& i& A&a )y5e your i&dustry usi& Porter4s /ive /or'es /ramewor( Usi& resu)ts i& IV above a&d i& /ive /or'es a&a)ysis, ma(e 'o&')usio& abo ut the overa)) attra'tive&ess of your i&dustry B. Key Suc cess Factors for the Business 6de&tify a&d e2!)ai& the 'riti'a) fa'tors that wi)) determi&e su''ess i& the busi&ess" E2am!)es0 !rodu't *ua)ity,bra&d e*uity, i&&ovative&ess, busi& ess e2!erie&'e, e2te&sive sa)es a&d distributio& &etwor( C. Compe titor Analysis Ide&t ify a&d des'ribe your ma1or 'om!etitors Eva)uate your 'om!etitors a&d your 'om!a&y vis-a-vis the (ey su''ess fa'tor s ide&tified ear)ier usi& the Com!etitive Profi)e Matri2" -#ote0 Your assessme&t shou)d a)so ta(e i&to a''ou&t or be 'o&siste&t with your i&ter&a) assessme&t to be do&e i& the &e2t se'tio&". Ma(e a 'o&')usio& about your 'urre&t 'om!a&y4s 'om!etitive !ositio& or busi&ess stre&th i& the i&dustry, e"", very stro&, stro&, wea(, midd)e rou &d, et'" -7rite your $!!ortu&ities a&d Threats here. Use the E/E too) to assess how your 'om!a&y is res!o&di& to the o!! ortu&ities a&d threats i& the e&viro&me&t, whi'h shou)d be obtai&ed fro m the 'ombi&ed resu)ts of your e&viro&me&ta) assessme&t a&d the i&dustry a&a)ysis usi& /ive /or'es a&a)ysis VI. COMPANY NALYSIS The ob1e'tive of this se'tio& is to !rovide a more detai)ed a&a)ysis of your i&ter&a) ora&i5atio& i& various as!e'ts,i&')udi&, a&d es!e'ia))y i& re)atio& to the ide&tified (ey su''ess fa'tors Assess 'om!a&y4s mar(et share, reve&ue or sa)es rowth, &umber of em!)oyees, et'" Perfo rm a fi&a&'ia) assessme&t of the 'om!a&y -'urre&t a&d !robab)y !ast three years., assessi& 'om!a&y4s or busi&ess4 !rofitabi)ity, )i*uidity, )everaed !ositio&,i&vestme&t or asset retur&s,et'" -See %avid,!!" 157-158) . - Use the M'8i&sey or 7eissboard framewor( i& assessi& other as!e'ts of the ora&i5atio& Assess the !erforma&'e of ea'h fu&'tio&a) u&it or ma1or de!artme&t, i&')u di& ma&aeme&t" /rom the above ide&tify the 'om!a&y4s ma1or stre&ths a&d wea(&esses -7rite your Stre&ths a&d 7ea(&esses here. Use the I/E matri2 to eva)uate the overa)) i&ter&a) stre&th of the 'om!a&y" -#ote0 assi& more weiht to the ide&tified 8S/s, reard)ess of whether they are stre&th or wea(&ess". Ta(e &ote of the im!orta&t a!s0 'om!a&y4s wea(&esses i& the im!orta&t (ey su''ess fa'tors" VII. STRATEGIC (OR LONG-TERM) OBJECTIVE Provide a ')ear stateme&t of your stratei' or )o&-term ob1e'tive for the 'om!a&y or the busi&ess,whi'hever is the re)eva&t u&it of a&a)ysis" This must be 'o&siste&t with the 'om!a&y4s visio&3missio&,a&d shou)d !referab)y state a measurab)e ob1e'tive,e"",mar(et !ositio&, sa)es or reve &ue rowth, &et i&'ome or !rofit )eve), et'" 9o&-term 'a& be a&ywhere from three to five, or eve& te& years, de!e&di& o& the &ature of the busi&ess" Re-state the 'ustomer va)ue !ro!ositio& or the mai& basis of your 'om!etitive adva&tae,if you have to remai& i& the busi&ess" VIII. STRATEGY FORMULATION A. eneration of Strate!ic "ptions - Use the differe&t stratey formu)atio& too)s -T$7S,IE, :RA#%, ;C: 3$ther Portfo)io a&a)yti'a) too)s, SPACE. to 'ome u! with stratei' o!tio&s" - If you thi&( you 'a& 'ha&e your 'om!etitive !ositio& from a wea( o&e to a more favorab)e o&e, state so a&d the& re'omme&d a set of strateies o& the basis of the stro&er 'om!etitive !ositio&" - Eva)uate your stratei' o!tio&s" You may use <SPM" -If you have o&)y o&e best o!tio&, you may do the eva)uatio& somewhere at the e&d of this se'tio& or 'ha!ter". B. #ec ommended Business Strate!ies - This shou)d !rovide a more s!e'ifi' a&d 'om!rehe&sive dis'ussio& of your !ro !osed strateies" ($on%t state your strate!ies in !eneric terms&) - You may ')assify your set of strateies i&to the fo))owi& -%ISCUSS %ETAII9S. i" ;asis of Com!etitive Adva&tae Customer va)ue !ro!ositio& $r 9ow-'ost, %iffere&tiatio&, or /o'us -You may use the va)ue 'hai& a&a)ysis to des'ribe your sour'es of 'om!etitive adva&tae, whether )ow 'ost or differe&tiatio&. ii" Stratei' %ire'tio& Mar(et Pe&etratio& Produ't %eve)o!me&t %iversifi'atio& %ivestme&t, et'" iii" Method I&ter&a) :rowth A'*uisitio&,et'" = - If yo u have severa) busi&esses or !rodu'ts,you may &eed to rou! them or 'or&e u! with o&e set of strateies for ea'h busi&ess or !rodu't" - If yo u are diversifyi& i&to &ew busi&esses but !)a& to mai&tai& your e2isti& or 'ore busi&ess,you &eed to s!e'ify a set of strateies for both0 Core a&d #ew C" Re'ommended "r!ani'ational Strate!ies - State the stru'tura) )oi' of the busi&ess" 7hat wi)) be the more 'riti'a) fu&' tio&s that &eed to be em!hasi5ed by the ora&i5atio& to a)i& itse)f with the re*uireme&ts of the busi&ess> R ? %>, Mar(eti&, Sa)es a&d %is ributio&> 7hat ma1or a'tivities 'a& be out-sour'ed, if a&y> - This set of strateies shou)d a)so address the wea(&esses or a!s ide&tified i& the 'om!a&y a&d i&ter&a) assessme&t" #eed to ive reater fo'us o& the more im!orta&t o&es, !arti'u)ar)y those that are 'riti'a) to the su''ess of the busi&ess" $. "verall (valuation of the Strate!ies Sta te the overa)) ;usi&ess 9oi' a&d eva)uate if the set of strateies ma(es se&se as a who)e -Use A)bre'ht4s framewor(. Show the 9o&-term /i&a&'ia) P)a&s a&d fi&a&'ia) eva)uatio& i&')udi& fi&a&'ia) ratios". State your assum!tio&s a&d e2!)ai& how your strateies wi) im!a't o& some of the 'om!o&e&ts of the fi&a&'ia) budet or !ro1e'tio&s" - Summari5e overa)) eva)uatio&, to 'o&vi&'e the reader about the reaso&ab)e&ess, feasibi)ity a&d a''e!tabi)ity of your strateies" IX. AC)I"* +,A*S A*$ $(+A#)-(*)A, +#"#A-S This shou)d out)i&e the differe&t !rorams @a&d ste! by ste! a'tio& !)a& that wi)) be u&derta(e& to !roress the im!)eme&tatio& of the stratei' !)a&" The a'tio& !)a&s 'a& be ')assified by ma1or stratei' !rorams or by de!artme&t, or both" S!e'ify mi)esto&es3e2!e'ted out!ut,timetab)e,!erso&s or u&its res !o&sib)e, a&d resour'e re*uireme&ts,if ma1or" .. S)#A)(/ (0A,1A)I"*2-"*I)"#I* A*$ C"*)#", ;r ef)y dis'uss how some ma1or !)a&s for mo&itori& the su''ess of the im!)eme&tatio& of the !)a&, what (ey !erforma&'e measures wi)) be mo&itored, what su!!ort systems may be &eeded to e&sure su''essfu) im!)eme&tatio& of the !)a&s" Additional *otes: @, Imai&e hat you are the 'om!a&y4s or busi&ess4 )eader a&d that you have de'isio&- ma(i& 'a!abi)ity,or imai&e that you are a 'or!orate !)a&&i& ma&a*er whose re'omme&datio&s wi)) be 'o&sidered by the to! )eadershi!
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