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Creditor Letter Dispute 1

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Today's Date

Your Name
Your Address
Collector's Name
Collector's Address
Dear {insert name of collector or company},
I am writing in response to your (letter or pone call! dated {insert date}, (copy enclosed! "ecause
I do not "elie#e I owe te referenced amount$
Tis is te first I'#e eard from you, terefore, in accordance wit te %air De"t Collection &ractices
Act, 'ection ()*("!+ ,alidating De"ts+
("! If te consumer notifies te de"t collector in writing witin te tirty-day period descri"ed in
su"section (a! tat te de"t, or any portion tereof, is disputed, or tat te consumer re.uests te
name and address of te original creditor, te de"t collector sall cease collection of te de"t, or
any disputed portion tereof, until te de"t collector o"tains #erification of te de"t or any copy of a
/udgment, or te name and address of te original creditor, and a copy of suc #erification or
/udgment, or name and address of te original creditor, is mailed to te consumer "y te de"t
I re.uest tat you pro#ide me wit te following information+
(0! te amount of te de"t1
(2! te name of te creditor to wom te de"t is owed1
(3! &ro#ide a #erification or copy of any /udgment (if applica"le!1
(4! &roof tat you are licensed to collect de"ts in (insert name of your state!
5e ad#ised tat I am fully aware of my rigts under te %air De"t Collection &ractices Act and te
%air Credit 6eporting Act$ 'ince I am disputing tis de"t witin te 3) days of your notice, I am
aware of my rigts as follows+
you must o"tain #erification of te de"t or a copy of te /udgment against me and mail tese items to me
at your e7pense1
you cannot add interest or fees e7cept tose allowed "y te original contract or state law$
you do not a#e to respond to tis dispute "ut if you do, any attempt to collect tis de"t witout #alidating
it, #iolates te %DC&A1
Also please note tat I am 8eeping records of all communication from tis company and I will not
esitate to te following agencies+ 'tate Attorney 9eneral:s office, te %ederal Trade Commission
and te 5etter 5usiness 5ureau$
I a#e disputed tis de"t1 terefore, until #alidated tis de"t is inaccurate, terefore, if you a#e
already reported tis de"t to any credit-reporting agencies or Credit 5ureaus I demand tat you
immediately inform tem of my dispute wit tis de"t$ %air Credit 6eporting Act ; 0<(0s-2 proi"its
you from reporting inaccurate information$ or failing to report information correctly #iolates te %air
If you decide to go fort wit a lawsuit witout first #alidating tis de"t, I will inform te /udge and
re.uest te case "e dismissed "ased on your failure to comply wit te %DC&A$
%inally, if you do not own tis de"t, I demand tat you immediately send a copy of tis dispute
letter to te original creditor so tey are also aware of my dispute wit tis de"t$
Your &rinted Name

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