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PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education

1. Welcome to Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
Hello all! In this class we will review essential skills necessary to teach
structured sports in the PE classroom. Students will design wellness
plans, create or revise games that can be played in the K-12 PE setting
in order for students to learn the rules and skills of well known sports,
and review management skills for the PE classroom.

Course Outline (tentative and subject to change)
Module 1.0: Introduction to Physical Education
Module 2.0: Introduction to Physical Wellness
Module 3.0: Introduction to Basketball
Module 4.0: Introduction to Tennis
Module 5.0: Introduction to Baseball/Softball
Module 6.0: Introduction to Football
Module 7:0: Introduction to Soccer
Module 8.0: Managing your PE Classroom
Read online text, assigned textbook chapters, and online articles.
Engage in positive and helpful communication with classmates
concerning course material
Complete assignments/assessments prior to deadline
Check Moodle daily for course announcements
This course contains eight modules that must be completed over the
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
course of our five-week session. Each module will build on to previous
information learned. Moodle will be used to homework submissions
and online communication between students and professor. It will be
YOUR responsibility to check Moodle daily for course announcements.
This is an intensive course requiring approximately 8 12 hours for
each module. The time commitment will vary depending on the
individual's needs, study habits and participation. Participants are
required to log on to the course a minimum of three times a week.
Welcome to PEL 101! Good Luck!
2. Course Information
Course Title: Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: An introduction to teaching physical education in a K-
12 classroom.
Beginning Program
Program: Physical Education
College: Coastal Carolina University

PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
3. Goals and Outcomes
Course Goals
The following course goals articulate the general objectives and
purpose of this course. Students will:
Research and learn the basic history of popular sports today
Know the rules and objectives of the sports
Manage a K-12 PE classroom in order to run a 45-60 minute PE
class smoothly based on learned management skills and ideas
where their students are able to learn essential skills and rules of
basic play of sports
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Teach essential skills needed to play structured sports
Manage a K-12 PE classroom
Instruct students on basic nutrition and health
Create or revise fun games for younger students to learn basic
sports skills
4. Grading Course Assessments
Four quizzes will be administered during the session. You will complete
each quiz online using Weebly. Each quiz will be considered open-book;
you may consult all online course materials, or even external Internet
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
resources. You are also encouraged to collaborate with your classmates
currently enrolled in PEL 101, provided that you each submit your own
quiz. You will be allowed a maximum of 24 hours to complete each
quiz, which must be submitted before the deadlines posted in Weebly.
Module discussions are designed to engage a students interaction with
others in the course. Postings should be courteous, thoughtful and well
written. It is you responsibility to pay attention to the discussion
These written items and online activities are opportunities for the
students to demonstrate their understanding of how to apply
knowledge learned to the professor.
Assessment Weight
Quizzes 20% (5% each)
Discussions 20% (2% each)
Assignments 40% (5% each)
Final 20%
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education

Grades will be calculated by converting point accumulations for each
assessment using the table below. Candidates in the M.Ed. Physical
Education track, must earn a grade of C or higher in order to apply the
credit hours toward the degree.
Score Grade
90-100 A
86-89 B+
80-85 B
76-79 C+
70-75 C
66-69 D+
60-65 D
A grade of incomplete may be granted to students who fail to complete
all assignments by the end of the quarter. Documentation from a
physician is required and must be attached to the petition for a
temporary grade of incomplete. Please see the college catalog for
additional information.
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
5. Textbooks and Supplies
Required Texts
Guy Bailey (2004). The Physicals Educators Big Book, Published by Educators Press

Recommended Texts

6. Schedule
*Schedule subject to change*
Date Module
Module 1.0: Introduction to Physical Education
Module 2.0: Introduction to Physical Wellness
Module 3.0: Introduction to Basketball
Module 4.0: Introduction to Tennis
Module 5.0: Introduction to Baseball/Softball
Module 6.0: Introduction to Football
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
Module 7:0: Introduction to Soccer
Module 8.0: Managing your PE Classroom

7. Course Policies
Time Management
An online course can take a immense amount of time. As stated in
welcome page, each module requires 8-12 hours for readings and
assignments/assessments. It is recommended that you start each
assignment early and work on it continuously over the week.
You are responsible for completing weekly assignments, participating in
discussion groups, and checking in to the course site for course
Faculty Initiated Drop
Please be advised that if you do not attend class at least once during
the first week, I will drop you from class. Since this is an online course,
this requirement means that you MUST be present in our Moodle
course site during the first week.
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
You will always be given explicit instructions on where to send your
assignments. Assignments are usually due on a weekly basis the exact
dates will always be found in the activities. You may submit
assignments early and if you working in a group each member must
strictly enforced in the summer session due to the condensed schedule.
Turnaround Time
The instructor will be monitoring the discussion board on a daily basis.
Submitted assignments will be graded and feedback will be provided
within 2days after the module is closed. E-mail messages will be
answered within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends.
Academic Integrity
Under all circumstances, students are expected to be honest in their
dealings with faculty, administrative staff, and fellow students. In
speaking and/or correspondence with members of the college
community, students must give an accurate representation of the facts
at hand. Students must submit work that fairly and accurately reflects
their level of accomplishment. Any work that is not a product of the
students own effort is considered dishonest. Students may not submit
the same work for more than one course. A student may be suspended
or expelled for academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for additional information regarding the policy on academic
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
Academic Integrity Code
(from the Student Code of Conduct, Section III,
Statement of Community Standards:
Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the
highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility.
As members of this community, we are accountable for our actions and
are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
Honor Pledge: (required of all entering CCU students)
On my honor, I pledge:
That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and
That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty
as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.
From this day forward, my signature on any University document,
including tests, papers and other work submitted for a grade is a
confirmation of this honor pledge.
Technical Supports
If you ever encounter any technology difficulties, please contact the
following supports:
Moodle and WordPress (the instructor, [email protected])
General Computing Issues (ITS Student Computing Services).
PEL 101 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
Academic Supports
Kimbel library
Learning Assistance Centers (The Foreign Language Instructional
Center (FLIC), Mathematics Learning Center, Writing Center, and
Structured Learning Assistance)
Counseling Services.
Thank you for abiding by the Course Policies.
Modification of the Syllabus and Schedule
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus and schedule at
any time. Notice of any change will be E-mailed and posted as an

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