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Pe 122

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Course Title: Foundations of Physical Education (PE 122)

Instructor: Dr. Randy Deere

Academic Complex 208
[email protected]
Office Hours: 10:00 – 11:10 Tuesday and Thursday
Call or stop by for an appointment

Textbook: Foundations of Physical Education and Sport 15 edition

Deborah Wuest and Charles Bucher, St. Louis: McGraw-Hill

Course Objective: This course will provide an overview of the academic discipline and
professional context of physical education. Due to specialization, subdisciplines such as
biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor learning, sport sociology, sport psychology and
pedagogy have emerged making the application of structured physical activity programs more
pluralistic and diverse.

Course Outline:

Nature and Scope of Physical Education and Sport

Chapter 1 Nature and Scope of PE, Exercise Science and Sport
Chapter 2 Objectives for Education and the Field of Physical Education and Sport
Chapter 3 Role of Physical Education and Sport in Society and Education
Chapter 4 Historical Foundations

Foundations of Physical Education and Sport

Chapter 5 Motor Behavior
Chapter 6 Biomechanical Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
Chapter 7 Exercise Physiology and Fitness
Chapter 8 Sociological Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
Chapter 9 Sport and Exercise Psychology

Careers and Professional Considerations in Physical Education and Sport

Chapter 10 Career and Professional Development in Physical Education and Sport
Chapter 11 Teaching and Coaching Careers in Physical Education and Sport
Chapter 12 Fitness and Health Related Careers in Physical Education and Sport
Chapter 13 Sport Careers

Issues, Challenges, and the Future of Physical Education and Sport

Chapter 14 Issues and Challenges
Chapter 15 Future Trends
Class Attendance: Students are required to attend class meetings in order to receive a grade for
this course. If you are away on university related business you will be required to provide in
writing by your university supervisor those dates you will miss BEFORE the absences occur. If
you have an extended illness that requires you to miss more than 15% of the class meetings then
you need to obtain an excuse through the WKU office of student affairs. Arriving late to class is
unacceptable. If you are chronically late, it indicates two things about you: A) you don’t
care enough to be on time and two you aren’t dependable. Two lates equal 1 absence.

Course Requirements:

Weekly Quizzes – Each student will complete weekly quizzes given at the discretion of your
professor. These quizzes will be accessible via Blackboard. You will only be allowed to access
these quizzes ONE TIME. If you away on university related business, then you will be allowed
to make up work missed. Missing a quiz is not an option. Its on the internet and you are
responsible for completing them on time.

Examinations: Each student will complete 3 examinations taken periodically throughout the

Student Evaluation:
Description Unit Points Total Points
3 Examinations 50 150
Weekly Quizzes 10 100

Grade Distribution A - 90 to 100%

B - 80 to 89%
C - 70 to 79%
D - 60 to 69%
F - Below 60%

In compliance with university policy, students with disabilities who require accommodations
(academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Office
for Student Disability Services in DUC A-200 of the Student Success Center in Downing
University Center. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or
instructor without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services

Cheating will not be tolerated. If is a student is suspected of cheating, the professor will deal
with the incidence according to university policy.

The Learning Center (TLC) (located in the Academic Advising and Retention Center, DUC-
A330) Should you require academic assistance with this course, or any other General Education
Course, there are several places that can provide you with help. TLC tutors in most major
undergraduate subjects and course levels throughout the week . To make an appointment, or to
request a tutor for a specific class, call 745-6254 or stop by DUC A330. Log on to TLC’s
website at www.wku.edu/tlc <http://www.wku.edu/tlc> to find out more. TLC hours: M-Thur.
8am-9pm, Fri. 8am-4pm, Sat.-Closed, and Sundays 4pm-9pm

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