Recurrence of same types of sequence stratigraphic surface through geologic time defines cycles of change in accommodation or sediment supply, which correspond to sequences in the rock record. Stratal stacking patterns combine to define trends in geometric character that include upstepping, forestepping, backstepping and downstepping.
Recurrence of same types of sequence stratigraphic surface through geologic time defines cycles of change in accommodation or sediment supply, which correspond to sequences in the rock record. Stratal stacking patterns combine to define trends in geometric character that include upstepping, forestepping, backstepping and downstepping.
Recurrence of same types of sequence stratigraphic surface through geologic time defines cycles of change in accommodation or sediment supply, which correspond to sequences in the rock record. Stratal stacking patterns combine to define trends in geometric character that include upstepping, forestepping, backstepping and downstepping.
Recurrence of same types of sequence stratigraphic surface through geologic time defines cycles of change in accommodation or sediment supply, which correspond to sequences in the rock record. Stratal stacking patterns combine to define trends in geometric character that include upstepping, forestepping, backstepping and downstepping.
The document discusses the methodology and nomenclature of sequence stratigraphy, emphasizing standardization while allowing flexibility. It covers concepts like accommodation, stratal stacking patterns, sequence stratigraphic units, and their relationships.
The document discusses the basic concepts of accommodation, stratal stacking patterns, allogenic vs autogenic controls in sequence stratigraphy.
The document mentions sequences and systems tracts as the main types of sequence stratigraphic units.
Newsletters on Stratigraphy, Vol.
44/3, 173245 Article
Stuttgart, November 2011 Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature Octavian Catuneanu 1 , William E. Galloway 2 , Christopher G. St. C. Kendall 3 , Andrew D. Miall 4 , Henry W. Posamentier 5 , Andr Strasser 6 , and Maurice E. Tucker 7 With 50 figures and 1 table Abstract. The recurrence of the same types of sequence stratigraphic surface through geologic time defines cycles of change in accommodation or sediment supply, which correspond to sequences in the rock record. These cycles may be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and may or may not include all types of systems tracts that may be expected within a fully developed sequence. Depending on the scale of observation, sequences and their bounding surfaces may be ascribed to different hierarchical orders. Stratal stacking patterns combine to define trends in geometric character that include upstepping, forestep- ping, backstepping and downstepping, expressing three types of shoreline shift: forced regression (forestep- ping and downstepping at the shoreline), normal regression (forestepping and upstepping at the shoreline) and transgression (backstepping at the shoreline). Stacking patterns that are independent of shoreline trajec- tories may also be defined on the basis of changes in depositional style that can be correlated regionally. All stratal stacking patterns reflect the interplay of the same two fundamental variables, namely accommodation (the space available for potential sediment accumulation) and sediment supply. Deposits defined by specific stratal stacking patterns form the basic constituents of any sequence stratigraphic unit, from sequence to systems tract and parasequence. Changes in stratal stacking patterns define the position and timing of key sequence stratigraphic surfaces. Precisely which surfaces are selected as sequence boundaries varies as a function of which surfaces are best expressed within the context of the depositional setting and the preservation of facies relationships and stratal stacking patterns in that succession. The high degree of variability in the expression of sequence stratigraphic units and bounding surfaces in the rock record means ideally that the methodology used to analyze their de- positional setting should be flexible from one sequence stratigraphic approach to another. Construction of this framework ensures the success of the method in terms of its objectives to provide a process-based under- standing of the stratigraphic architecture. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize a standard but flexible methodology that remains objective. Key words. sequence stratigraphy, stratal stacking patterns, accommodation, sediment supply, shoreline trajectories 2011 Gebrder Borntraeger, Stuttgart, Germany DOI: 10.1127/0078-0421/2011/0011 0078-0421/2011/0011 $ 18.25 Authors addresses: 1 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, 126 Earth Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E3, Canada. 2 Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78758-4445, USA. 3 Department of Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA. 4 Department of Geology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3B1, Canada. 5 Chevron Energy Technology Company, 1500 Lousiana Street, Houston, Texas 77382, USA. 6 Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. 7 Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK. Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Part one Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 1. Definition of sequence stratigraphy . . . . . . . 175 2. Rationale: the need for formalization . . . . . 175 Basic concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 1. Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 2. Stratal stacking patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 3. Allogenic versus autogenic controls . . . . . . 182 Sequence stratigraphic units: Sequences . . . 183 1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 2. Types of sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Sequence stratigraphic units: Systems tracts 184 1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 2. Shoreline-related systems tracts . . . . . . . . . . 185 3. Shoreline-independent systems tracts . . . . . 186 Sequence stratigraphic units: Parasequences 186 1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 2. Scale and stacking patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Sequence stratigraphic surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . 189 1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 2. Subaerial unconformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 3. Correlative conformities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 4. Maximum flooding surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 5. Maximum regressive surface . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 6. Transgressive ravinement surfaces . . . . . . . 190 7. Regressive surface of marine erosion . . . . . 191 Hierarchy in sequence stratigraphy . . . . . . . . 191 Model-independent methodology . . . . . . . . . . 192 Part two Case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Nonmarine settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 2. Case study: The Castlegate Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Book Cliffs, Utah . . . . 196 Coastal and shallow-water siliciclastic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 2. Case study: The Yegua Formation (Eocene), Gulf of Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Deep-water siliciclastic settings . . . . . . . . . . . 204 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 2. Case study: The Vischkuil Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin, South Africa . . . . . 208 Carbonate settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 2. Case study: Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) platform-to-basin correlation, Jura Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 3. Case study: Mid-Cretaceous carbonate platform of the Maestrat Basin, Iberian Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Mixed carbonate-evaporite settings . . . . . . . . 220 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 2. Case study: The Upper Permian carbonate- evaporite succession (Zechstein) of NW Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic settings . . . . . . 228 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 2. Case study: Mixed carbonate-clastic sequences, Mid-Carboniferous, northern England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Part three Discussion and conclusions . . . . . . . . . 232 Links to other stratigraphic disciplines . . . . . 232 Sequence stratigraphic methodology . . . . . . . 232 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 O. Catuneanu et al. 174 Part one Concepts Introduction 1. Definition of sequence stratigraphy Sequence stratigraphy is a methodology that provides a framework for the elements of any depositional set- ting, facilitating paleogeographic reconstructions and the prediction of facies and lithologies away from control points. This framework ties changes in stratal stacking patterns to the responses to varying accom- modation and sediment supply through time. Stratal stacking patterns enable determination of the order in which strata were laid down, and explain the geomet- ric relationships and the architecture of sedimentary strata. The sequence stratigraphic framework also pro- vides the context within which to interpret the evolu- tion of depositional systems through space and time. This analysis is improved by integration of process sedimentology with an understanding of the geome- tries and scales of the component depositional ele- ments (e. g., Sprague et al. 2002). The main tool used in sequence stratigraphic analy- sis is the stacking pattern of strata and the key surfaces that bound successions defined by different stratal stacking patterns. Trends in geometric character, which combine to define stratal stacking patterns, include upstepping, forestepping, backstepping, and downstep- ping. A sequence stratigraphic framework may consist of three different types of sequence stratigraphic unit, namely sequences, systems tracts, and parasequences. Each type of unit is defined by specific stratal stacking patterns and bounding surfaces. The definition of these units is independent of temporal and spatial scales, and of the mechanism of formation. Concepts that are precursors to modern sequence stratigraphy arose originally as an approach to the map- ping of the North American continental interior, when some generalizations about regional unconformities became apparent (e. g., Sloss et al. 1949; Sloss 1963). Subsequently, this method of stratigraphic analysis has developed into the fundamental approach for interpret- ing and predicting the distribution of sediment bodies. Unlike the analytical stratigraphic methods of litho - stratigraphy and biostratigraphy that involve subdivi- sions as objectively free of interpretation as possible, sequence stratigraphy is a genetic, process-based ana- lytical approach to stratigraphic interpretation that of necessity involves conceptual depositional models. 2. Rationale: the need for formalization In spite of its popularity among geoscientists in acade- mia, industry and government organizations, sequence stratigraphy remains a method that has no formalized definitions in stratigraphic guides or codes. This reflects Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 175 Sequences Sloss et al. (1949) Sloss (1963) Depositional Sequence I (Seismic Stratigraphy) Mitchum et al. (1977) Depositional Sequence II Haq et al. (1987) Posamentier et al. (1988) Depositional Sequence III Van Wagoner et al. (1988, 1990) Christie-Blick (1991) Depositional Sequence IV Hunt & Tucker (1992, 1995) Helland-Hansen & Gjelberg (1994) Genetic Sequences Frazier (1974) Galloway (1989) T-R Sequences Johnson & Murphy (1984) Embry & Johannessen (1992) Fig. 1. Evolution of sequence stratigraphic approaches (from Catuneanu et al. 2010). the existence of a variety of alternative approaches (Figs. 1, 2). Researchers usually choose the conceptual model that is best adapted to the depositional system they are studying, which naturally has led to a multitude of different definitions of the sequence stratigraphic units and surfaces. Such differences revolve largely around nomenclatural preferences and arguments with respect to which stratigraphic surfaces hold the greatest utility to be elevated in importance to the rank of sequence boundary. Otherwise, all approaches share a common ground that justifies the formalization of se- quence stratigraphy (Catuneanu et al. 2009, 2010). Formalization is necessary if the present state of methodological and nomenclatural confusion is to be eliminated along with the uncoordinated effort in the development of the method. Sequence stratigraphy re- quires the definition of a model-independent method- ology that honors the various approaches but tran- scends their differences. A single set of terms is re- quired so as to facilitate communication, but in no way is formalization meant to be an obstacle that limits further conceptual development or prevents certain approaches to specific situations. The definition of the common ground in sequence stratigraphy should pro- mote flexibility with respect to the choice of approach that is best suited to a specific set of conditions as defined by tectonic setting, depositional setting, data available, and scale of observation. O. Catuneanu et al. 176 Depositional Sequence II Depositional Sequence I Depositional Sequence III Depositional Sequence IV Genetic Sequence T-R Sequence end of RSL fall end of R end of T onset of RSL fall Events and stages Sequence model early HST early HST early LST (fan) early LST (fan) late LST (wedge) late LST (wedge) late HST HST HST HST HST TST TST LST TST TST TST RST RST FSST HST HST LST sequence boundary systems tract boundary within-sequence surface within-systems tract surface time t i m e onset of RSL fall end of RSL fall end of regression end of transgression CC* CC* CC** MFS MRS S e q u e n c e FR T LNR HNR HNR Fig. 2. Nomenclature of systems tracts, and timing of sequence boundaries for the various sequence stratigraphic ap- proaches (modified from Catuneanu et al. 2010). Abbreviations: RSL relative sea level; T transgression; R regression; FR forced regression; LNR lowstand normal regression; HNR highstand normal regression; LST lowstand systems tract; TST transgressive systems tract; HST highstand systems tract; FSST falling-stage systems tract; RST regres- sive systems tract; T-R transgressive-regressive; CC* correlative conformity in the sense of Posamentier and Allen (1999); CC** correlative conformity in the sense of Hunt and Tucker (1992); MFS maximum flooding surface; MRS maximum regressive surface. References for the proponents of the various sequence models are provided in Figure 1. Basic concepts 1. Accommodation The concept of accommodation defines the space available for sediments to fill (Jervey 1988). Accom- modation may be modified by the interplay between various independent controls which may operate over a wide range of temporal scales. Marine accommoda- tion is controlled primarily by basin tectonism and global eustasy, and, over much shorter time scales, by fluctuations in the energy flux of waves and currents. Changes in marine accommodation are referred to as relative sea-level changes, when emphasis is placed on the interplay of tectonism and eustasy, or as base-lev- el changes, when the energy flux of the depositional setting is also considered. Fluvial accommodation re- sponds to changes in marine accommodation within the downstream portion of fluvial systems, and to changes in discharge, gradient and sediment supply that may be controlled by climate and/or source area tectonism within the upstream portion of fluvial sys- tems. As they respond to independent controls, coastal (marine) and inland accommodation in fluvial systems may be out of phase (e. g., Blum and Tornqvist 2000). Depositional trends of aggradation, erosion, progra- dation and retrogradation may be explained by changes in accommodation or by the interplay between accom- modation and sediment supply. Positive accommoda- tion promotes sediment aggradation, whereas negative accommodation results in downcutting. During stages of positive accommodation, sediment supply in excess Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 177 Normal regression shoreline trajectory subaerial unconformity transgressive ravinement surface Forced regression RSL RSL RSL Transgression Stacking pattern Interpretation : retrogradation. : retrogradation (backstepping) driven by relative sea-level rise. Accommodation outpaces the sedimentation rates at the coastline. Stacking pattern Interpretation : progradation with downstepping : progradation driven by relative sea- level fall (negative accommodation). The coastline is forced to regress, irrespective of sediment supply. Stacking pattern Interpretation : progradation with aggradation : progradation driven by sediment supply. Sedimentation rates outpace the rates of relative sea- level rise (positive accommodation) at the coastline. Topset Offlap Basinward Fig. 3. Stratal stacking patterns related to shoreline trajectories (from Catuneanu et al. 2010): forced regression, normal regression, transgression. Zigzag lines indicate lateral changes of facies within individual sedimentary bodies. The diagram shows the possible types of shoreline trajectory during changes (rise or fall) in relative sea level. During a stillstand of relative sea level (not shown), the shoreline may undergo sediment-driven progradation (normal regression, where the topset is replaced by toplap), erosional transgression, or no movement at all. However, due to the complexity of independent variables that interplay to control relative sea-level change, it is unlikely to maintain stillstand conditions for any extended period of time. Abbreviation: RSL relative sea level. of available accommodation results in progradation, whereas underfilled accommodation results in retro - gradation. During stages of negative accommodation, processes of subaerial exposure and erosion are typi- cally accompanied by progradation in the basinward parts of the depositional profile. 2. Stratal stacking patterns Stratal stacking patterns may be defined either in rela- tion to or independently of shoreline trajectories. Cri- teria involved in the definition of stratal stacking pat- terns include geometries and facies relationships that arose from the interplay of available accommodation and sediment supply at syn-depositional time. Shoreline-related stacking patterns are defined by combinations of depositional trends that can be tied to specific types of shoreline trajectory: forced regression (forestepping and downstepping at the shoreline, inter- preted as the result of negative accommodation); nor- mal regression (forestepping and upstepping at the shoreline, interpreted as the result of positive and over- filled accommodation); and transgression (backstep- ping at the shoreline, interpreted as the result of posi- tive and underfilled accommodation) (Fig. 3). In the case of stratigraphic cycles that include a stage of forced regression as well as a stage of transgression, normal regressions can occur during both lowstands and highstands of relative sea level and, consequently, the products may be classified as lowstand and high- stand deposits (Fig. 4). Forced regressions, normal re- gressions and transgressions can be observed in mod- ern depositional settings (Fig. 5), as well as in outcrop (Fig. 6) and subsurface (Figs. 7, 8). In addition to re- gressive or transgressive shorelines, stable shorelines may also develop where accommodation and sediment supply are in balance. However, as accommodation and sediment supply are controlled independently by dif- ferent mechanisms, stable shorelines are unlikely to be maintained for any significant periods of time. The importance of shoreline trajectories, whether or not within a sequence stratigraphic context, was reiterated by Helland-Hansen and Hampson (2009). Shoreline-independent stacking patterns may devel- op in areas remote from coeval shorelines where sedi- mentation processes are unaffected by shoreline shifts. Such stratal stacking patterns may be defined based on changes in depositional style that can be correlated re- O. Catuneanu et al. 178 Lowstand normal regression (accelerating RSL rise) Highstand normal regression (decelerating RSL rise) shoreline trajectory (concave up) shoreline trajectory (convex up) The rates of progradation decrease with time, the rates of aggradation increase with time. The rates of progradation increase with time, the rates of aggradation decrease with time. RSL RSL Topset Topset Fig. 4. Stratal stacking patterns of lowstand and highstand normal regressions (modified from Catuneanu 2006). In both cases progradation is driven by sediment supply (overfilled accommodation at the shoreline). Lowstand normal regressions record a change in depositional trends from dominantly progradational to dominantly aggradational (concave up shoreline trajectory). In contrast, highstand normal regressions record a change from aggradation to progradation (convex up shore- line trajectory). Abbreviation: RSL relative sea level. Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 179 Arabian Sea Highlands Delta Plain Indus River Alluvial Plain Mainland Florida Gulf of Mexico Lagoon Barrier island A B C Delta Plain Fluvial Incision FC Delta plain to fluvial topset Prodelta to delta front foreset A B Forced regressive delta front Transgressive estuary-mouth complex WRS/SU TRS/SU C Fig. 5. Types of shoreline trajectory: present-day environ- ment. A forced regression (Svalbard; photograph courtesy of Jean-Loup Rubino); B normal regression (Indus delta); C transgression (Florida). See Figure 3 for stratal stacking patterns associated with these types of shoreline trajectory. Fig. 6. Types of shoreline trajectory: outcrop examples. A forced regression (Panther Tongue, Upper Cretaceous, Utah); B normal regression (Ferron delta, Upper Creta- ceous, Utah); C transgression (Muddy Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Colorado). Abbreviations: WRS wave-ravine- ment surface; FC facies contact; SU subaerial unconfor- mity; TRS tidal-ravinement surface. O. Catuneanu et al. 180 WRS FC 20 m 20 m NR FR NR NR NR NR T T T T T GR GR GR R R R 10 m Estuary mouth complex Shelf Shelf Shelf Shelf Fluvial Shelf Shoreface Shoreface Shelf MFS TRS/SU SU RSME WRS WRS A B C one km 100 msec MRS MFS CC** CC* SU FR FR NR T Fig. 7. Types of shoreline trajectory: well log examples. A forced regression (sharp-based shoreface; Cardium Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Alberta); B normal regression (gradationally based shoreface; Cardium Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Alberta); C transgression (Colorado Group, Lower Cretaceous, Alberta). Abbreviations: GR gamma ray log; R resis- tivity log; FR forced regressive; NR normal regressive; T transgressive; WRS wave-ravinement surface; SU sub- aerial unconformity; RSME regressive surface of marine erosion; FC facies contact; TRS tidal-ravinement surface; MFS maximum flooding surface. Fig. 8. Types of shoreline trajectory: seismic example (Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene, Gulf of Mexico; modified from Posa- mentier and Kolla 2003). Stratal terminations: green arrows offlap; yellow arrows downlap; blue arrows onlap. Ab- breviations: FR forced regression; NR normal regression; T transgression; SU subaerial unconformity; CC* cor- relative conformity in the sense of Posamentier and Allen (1999) (= basal surface of forced regression); CC** correlative conformity in the sense of Hunt and Tucker (1992); MRS maximum regressive surface; MFS maximum flooding sur- face. gionally. Distinct depositional styles are characterized by specific types or combinations of depositional ele- ments. In upstream-controlled fluvial settings, styles may be defined by the degree of amalgamation of channel deposits, which may reflect syn-depositional conditions of available fluvial accommodation (i. e., low- versus high-accommodation settings; e. g., Shan- ley and McCabe 1994; Boyd et al. 2000; Figs. 9, 10). In deep-water settings, depositional styles may be defined by the degree of channel confinement, which may re- flect changes in accommodation on the shelf and/or variations in sediment supply in the staging area (e. g., Posamentier and Kolla 2003; Catuneanu et al. 2009; Figs. 11, 12). Some of these deep-water stacking pat- terns may be genetically related to shoreline trajecto- ries, but there are also cases where offshore sub-basin tectonism may generate stacking patterns in a manner that is independent of changes in accommodation at the shoreline (e. g., Fiduk et al. 1999). The pattern of sub- marine fan sedimentation is also strongly dependent on the width of the continental shelf, the configuration of the continental margin, and their influence on sediment supply to the deep-water setting (e. g., Steel and Olsen 2002; Porebski and Steel 2006). Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 181 A B 1000 800 600 400 200 90 150 GR (API) LLD 2 100 (ohm.m) D e p o s i t i o n a l
S e q u e n c e L A S T H A S T LAST HAST LAST amalgamated channel fills dominantly overbank facies subaerial unconformity (m) Fig. 9. Stratal stacking patterns in upstream-controlled fluvial systems. A channel-dominated succession (low-accom- modation setting: Katberg Formation, Early Triassic, Karoo Basin); B overbank-dominated succession (high-accommo- dation setting: Burgersdorp Formation, Early-Middle Triassic, Karoo Basin). Fig. 10. Stratal stacking patterns of a fully fluvial succes- sion in an overfilled foreland basin (Miocene, Assam Basin, India; from Catuneanu et al. 2009; well logs courtesy of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, India). The fluvial succes- sion consists of depositional sequences bounded by subaer- ial unconformities, which may be subdivided into low- and high-accommodation systems tracts based on changes in depositional style that can be correlated regionally. On carbonate platforms and ramps, sediment supply is to a large part controlled by the ecology of the car- bonate-producing organisms, the contribution of no- directly biogenic particles such as lime mud and ooids, and by currents and waves that distribute the sediment. The stacking patterns are defined by deepening-up, aggrading, and shallowing-up facies trends that may correlate with the shoreline shifts or develop inde- pendently (e. g., give-up, keep-up, catch-up situations of Kendall and Schlager 1981). Whether or not their origin can be linked to shoreline trajectories, all types of stratal stacking patterns reflect the interplay of the same two fundamental variables, namely accommodation and sediment supply. Deposits defined by specific stratal stacking patterns form the basic constituents of any sequence stratigraphic unit, from sequence to systems tract and parasequence. Se- quences, systems tracts, and parasequences may in- clude both shoreline-related and shoreline-independent deposits and associated stacking patterns. 3. Allogenic versus autogenic controls The sequence stratigraphic framework records the re- sponse to both allogenic and autogenic controls on sedimentation. Allogenic processes are external to the sedimentary unit, and typically record the effects of eustatic fluctuations, tectonism, and climate change. These processes represent the main control on accom- modation. Within individual depositional environments, auto- genic processes of self organization towards the most energy-efficient state of equilibrium may generate strati- graphic signatures similar to those produced by allogenic mechanisms. Such processes may include channel avul- sion, delta lobe switching without changes in the rates of sediment supply or accommodation, the generation of stepped surfaces during transgression, and the generation of multiple incisions during constant rates of negative accommodation (Muto and Steel 2001a, b, 2004). Autogenic mechanisms may modulate the internal architecture of facies successions and depositional elements within the larger scale allogenic-controlled frameworks. The relevance of allogenic controls to the sequence stratigraphic architecture increases with the vertical and/or lateral scale of observation, whereas the importance of autogenic processes becomes more evident at smaller scales of observation. Sequences and systems tracts are commonly attributed to allo- genic controls, whereas parasequences may be gener- ated by either allogenic or autogenic mechanisms. O. Catuneanu et al. 182 A A B B B CC** CC** Fig. 11. Stratal stacking patterns in a deep-water setting (Triassic, The Dolomites, Italian Alps). A splay-dominat- ed succession of weakly confined and amalgamated channel deposits; B overbank deposits of a leveed channel-domi- nated succession; CC** correlative conformity sensu Hunt and Tucker (1992), marking the change from siliciclastic sediment (relative sea-level fall: carbonate factory switched off) to carbonate sediment (relative sea-level rise: carbonate factory switched on). Sequence stratigraphic units: Sequences 1. Definition A sequence was originally defined as an unconformi- ty-bounded stratigraphic unit (Sloss et al., 1949; Sloss 1963). The concept of sequence was subsequently re- vised to include a relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded by unconformities or their correlative conformities (Mitchum 1977). The continued development of the sequence strati- graphic paradigm in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in a diversification of approaches and the definition of several types of sequence (Figs. 1, 2): depositional sequences, bounded by subaerial unconformities and their marine correlative conformities (e. g., Vail 1987; Posamentier et al. 1988; Van Wagoner et al. 1988, 1990; Vail et al. 1991; Hunt and Tucker 1992); genet- ic stratigraphic sequences, bounded by maximum flooding surfaces (Galloway 1989); and transgressive- regressive (T-R) sequences, also referred to as T-R cy- cles, bounded by maximum regressive surfaces (John- son and Murphy 1984; Johnson et al. 1985). The T-R sequence was subsequently redefined by Embry and Johannessen (1992) as a unit bounded by composite surfaces that include the subaerial unconformity and the marine portion of the maximum regressive surface. The existence of several types of sequence requires a definition that is broad enough to accommodate all choices of approach. Every type of sequence may include unconformities within the sequence (Fig. 2): depositional sequences and transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequences can include marine surfaces of non- deposition or erosion that can form during times of maximum shoreline transgression (i. e., unconformable maximum flooding surfaces); genetic stratigraphic se- quences can contain surfaces that record stages of sub- aerial hiatus and erosion (i. e., subaerial unconformi- ties). The potential presence of unconformities within a sequence indicates that the succession of strata com- prising a sequence cannot always be described as rela- tively conformable or genetically related. For this reason, the concept of sequence was redefined as a suc- cession of strata deposited during a full cycle of change in accommodation or sediment supply (Catuneanu et al. 2009). This definition is generic, model-indepen- dent, and embraces all types of sequence that may de- velop at any spatial or temporal scale. The specification that a sequence corresponds to a full stratigraphic cycle is required to separate a se- quence from component systems tracts. All existing sequence stratigraphic schemes (Figs. 1, 2) incorporate a full cycle of change in accommodation or sediment supply in the definition of a sequence, because the be- ginning and the end of one cycle is marked by the same Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 183 Sediment waves Leveed channel Frontal splay Mudflow deposits 50 ms 1 km CC* CC** Fig. 12. Stratal stacking patterns in a deep-water setting (Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene, Gulf of Mexico; from Posamentier and Kolla 2003). CC* correlative conformity sensu Posamentier and Allen (1999); CC** correlative conformity sensu Hunt and Tucker (1992). type of event: the onset of relative sea-level fall; the end of relative sea-level fall; the end of regression; or the end of transgression (Fig. 2). In contrast, the bound- aries of any systems tract correspond to different events of the relative sea-level cycle (Fig. 2). 2. Types of sequence Depositional sequences A depositional sequence forms during a full cycle of change in accommodation, which involves both an in- crease (positive) and decrease (negative) in the space available for sediments to fill. The formation of depo- sitional sequence boundaries requires periods of nega- tive accommodation. The dependency of depositional sequences on negative accommodation (whether in continental or marine settings), in addition to the na- ture of bounding surfaces, separates depositional se- quences from other types of sequence stratigraphic unit, the formation of which may not require negative accommodation (i. e., parasequences, genetic strati- graphic sequences, T-R sequences in the sense of John- son and Murphy (1984), and systems tracts that form during positive accommodation). Genetic stratigraphic sequences The formation of genetic stratigraphic sequences de- pends on the development of maximum flooding sur- faces, which form during times of positive accommoda- tion. A genetic stratigraphic sequence may form during a full cycle of change in accommodation, as in the case of a depositional sequence, but it may also form during periods of positive accommodation in response to fluc- tuations in the rates of accommodation creation and/or sediment supply. Consequently, a genetic stratigraphic sequence may or may not include an internal subaerial unconformity, depending on whether or not the corre- sponding cycle includes a stage of negative accommo- dation. Maximum flooding surfaces may include un- conformable portions expressed as hiatal surfaces pre- served as marine unconformities (Galloway 1989). Such unconformities may develop on the shelf and slope because of sediment starvation, shelf-edge instability and erosion during transgression. Where present, un- conformable maximum flooding surfaces are included within but do not constitute the bounding surfaces defin- ing depositional sequences and T-R sequences. Transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequences The original T-R sequence of Johnson and Murphy (1984) depends on the development of maximum re- gressive surfaces, which form during times of positive accommodation. As in the case of genetic stratigraph- ic sequences, this type of sequence may form during a full cycle of change in accommodation, but it may also form during periods of positive accommodation as a result of fluctuations in the rates of accommodation and/or sediment supply. By contrast, the T-R sequence of Embry and Johannessen (1992) is dependent on negative accommodation, as it requires a subaerial unconformity at the sequence boundary. As the maxi- mum regressive surface is younger than the subaerial unconformity, the marine portion of the maximum re- gressive surface may or may not meet with the basin- ward termination of the subaerial unconformity (Em- bry and Johannessen 1992). The temporal and spatial offset between the two portions of the sequence boundary is increasingly evident at larger scales of observation (Catuneanu et al. 2009). Sequence stratigraphic units: Systems tracts 1. Definition A systems tract is a linkage of contemporaneous depositional systems, forming the subdivision of a se- quence (Brown and Fisher 1977). The definition of a systems tract is independent of spatial and temporal scales. The internal architecture of a systems tract may vary greatly with the scale of observation, from a suc- cession of facies (e. g., in the case of high-frequency sequences driven by orbital forcing) to a parasequence set or a set of higher frequency sequences. A systems tract consists of a relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded by conformable or unconformable sequence stratigraphic surfaces. As discussed by Catuneanu et al. (2009), the original definition of a sequence provided by Mitchum (1977) is more applicable to the concept of systems tracts than it is to the concept of sequence. This is because sequences may include internal unconformi- ties, whereas such unconformities, where present, are always placed at the boundary between systems tracts. This discussion considers sequences, systems tracts and bounding surfaces that develop at the same hierar- chical level: discontinuities of a higher frequency (i. e., lower hierarchical rank) can occur within a sequence or systems tract without violating the above definitions. Systems tracts are interpreted on the basis of stratal stacking patterns, position within the sequence, and O. Catuneanu et al. 184 types of bounding surface (Van Wagoner et al. 1987, 1988, 1990; Posamentier et al. 1988; Van Wagoner 1995; Posamentier and Allen 1999). Systems tracts may be either shoreline-related, where their origin can be linked to particular types of shoreline trajectory, or shoreline-independent, where a genetic link to coeval shorelines cannot be determined. 2. Shoreline-related systems tracts Shoreline-related systems tracts consist of correlatable depositional systems that are genetically related to spe- cific types of shoreline trajectory (i. e., forced regres- sion, normal regression, transgression). These systems tracts may be observed at different scales, and are de- fined by distinct stratal stacking patterns (Figs. 3, 58). The systems tract nomenclature applied to forced re- gressive deposits includes early lowstand, late high- stand, forced-regressive wedge, and falling-stage. The systems tract nomenclature applied to lowstand normal regressive deposits includes late lowstand and lowstand, whereas highstand normal regressive de- posits are designated as highstand or early highstand systems tracts. In all sequence stratigraphic schemes, the transgressive deposits comprise the transgressive systems tract (Fig. 2). Shoreline-related systems tracts are commonly in- terpreted to form during specific phases of the relative sea-level cycle (Posamentier et al. 1988; Hunt and Tucker 1992; Posamentier and Allen 1999; Catuneanu 2006; Catuneanu et al. 2009; Fig. 2). Five of these systems tracts are presented below. Falling-Stage Systems Tract (FSST) The FSST includes all the regressive deposits that ac- cumulate after the onset of a relative sea-level fall and before the start of the next relative sea-level rise. The FSST is the product of a forced regression. The FSST lies directly on the sequence boundary sensu Posamen- tier and Allen (1999) and is capped by the overlying Lowstand Systems Tract (LST) sediments. However, Hunt and Tucker (1992) placed the sequence boundary above the FSST, since in their view the boundary here marked the termination of one cycle of deposition and the start of another. A variety of parasequence stacking patterns can be produced, with attached or detached architecture, depending on the gradient of the deposi- tional profile, the rate of sediment supply, and the rate of relative sea-level fall (Posamentier and Morris 2000). The characteristics of the FSST were set out by Hunt and Tucker (1992), Nummedal (1992) and Ains - worth (1994). The terminology applied to this systems tract varied from forced regressive wedge (Hunt and Tucker 1992) to falling sea-level (Nummedal 1992) and falling-stage (Ainsworth 1994). The simpler falling-stage has been generally adopted by more re- cent work (e. g., Plint and Nummedal 2000; Catuneanu 2006). This systems tract has also been termed the Ear- ly Lowstand Systems Tract (Posamentier et al. 1988; Posamentier and Allen 1999). The fall in relative sea level is evidenced by the erosion of the subaerially exposed sediment surface updip of the coastline at the end of forced regression, and the formation of a diachronous subaerial uncon- formity that caps the Highstand Systems Tract (HST). The subaerial unconformity may be onlapped by flu- vial deposits that belong to the lowstand or the trans- gressive systems tracts. The subaerial unconformity may also be reworked by a time-transgressive marine ravinement surface overlain by a sediment lag. Lowstand Systems Tract (LST) The LST includes deposits that accumulate after the onset of relative sea-level rise, during normal regres- sion, on top of the FSST and the corresponding up- dip subaerial unconformity. Stacking patterns exhibit forestepping, aggrading clinoforms that (in siliciclas- tic systems) thicken downdip, and a topset of fluvial, coastal plain and/or delta plain deposits. LST sedi- ments often fill or partially infill incised valleys that were cut into the HST, and other earlier deposits, during forced regression. This systems tract has also been termed the Late Lowstand Systems Tract (Posa- mentier et al. 1988; Posamentier and Allen 1999) or the Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract (Hunt and Tucker 1992). In earlier papers the Shelf-margin Systems Tract was recognized as the lowermost systems tract associ- ated with a type 2 sequence boundary (Posamentier et al. 1988). With the abandonment of the distinction between types 1 and 2 sequence boundaries, this term is now redundant (Posamentier and Allen 1999; Catu - neanu 2006); these deposits are now considered to be part of the LST. Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) The TST comprises the deposits that accumulated from the onset of transgression until the time of max- imum transgression of the coast, just prior to the re- newed regression of the HST. The TST lies directly on the maximum regressive surface formed at the end of regression (also termed a transgressive surface) and Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 185 is overlain by the maximum flooding surface (MFS) formed when marine sediments reach their most land- ward position. Stacking patterns exhibit backstepping, onlapping, retrogradational clinoforms that (in silici- clastic systems) thicken landward. In cases where there is a high sediment supply the parasequences may be aggradational. Highstand Systems Tract (HST) The HST includes the progradational deposits that form when sediment accumulation rates exceed the rate of increase in accommodation during the late stages of relative sea-level rise (Fig. 2). The HST lies directly on the MFS formed when marine sediments reached their most landward position. This systems tract is capped by the subaerial unconformity and its correlative conformity sensu Posamentier and Allen (1999). Stacking patterns exhibit prograding and ag- grading clinoforms that commonly thin downdip, capped by a topset of fluvial, coastal plain and/or delta plain deposits. Regressive System Tract (RST) The RST lies above a TST and is overlain by the ini- tial transgressive surface of the overlying TST. The complete sequence is known as a Transgressive-Re- gressive (T-R) Sequence (Johnson and Murphy 1984; Embry and Johannessen 1992). The sediments of this systems tract include the HST, FSST and LST systems tracts defined above. There are cases where the data available are insuffi- cient to differentiate between HST, FSST an HST sys- tems tracts. In such cases the usage of the Regressive Systems Tract is justified. However, where permitted by data, the differentiation between the three types of regressive deposits (highstand, falling-stage, lowstand) is recommended because they refer to different stratal stacking patterns; are characterized by different sedi- ment dispersal patterns within the basin; and conse- quently are associated with different petroleum plays. The last aspect relates to one of the most significant ap- plications of sequence stratigraphy, which is to increase the resolution of stratigraphic frameworks that can op- timize petroleum exploration and production develop- ment. 3. Shoreline-independent systems tracts Shoreline-independent systems tracts are stratigraphic units that form the subdivisions of sequences in areas where sedimentation processes are unrelated to shore- line shifts. These systems tracts are defined by specif- ic stratal stacking patterns that can be recognized and correlated regionally, without reference to shoreline trajectories (Figs. 912). In upstream-controlled flu- vial settings, fluvial accommodation may change in- dependently of changes in accommodation at the near- est shoreline and create sequences and component low- and high-accommodation systems tracts (e. g., Shanley and McCabe 1994; Boyd et al. 2000). Shore- line-independent systems tracts may also be mapped in deep-water settings controlled by sub-basin tectonism (e. g., Fiduk et al. 1999), but no nomenclature has been proposed for these situations. The timing of shoreline- independent sequences and systems tracts is common- ly offset relative to that of shoreline-controlled se- quence stratigraphic units and bounding surfaces (e. g., Blum and Tornqvist 2000). Sequence stratigraphic units: Parasequences 1. Definition A parasequence in its original definition (Van Wagoner et al. 1988, 1990) is an upward-shallowing succession of facies bounded by marine flooding surfaces. A ma- rine flooding surface is a lithological discontinuity across which there is an abrupt shift of facies that com- monly indicates an abrupt increase in water depth. The concept was originally defined, and is com- monly applied, within the context of siliciclastic coastal to shallow-water settings, where parasequen - ces correspond to individual prograding sediment bod- ies (Fig. 13). In carbonate settings, a parasequence cor- responds to a succession of facies commonly contain- ing a lag deposit or thin deepening interval followed by a thicker shallowing-upward part, as for example in peritidal cycles (Fig. 14). In contrast to sequences and systems tracts, which may potentially be mapped across an entire sedimen- tary basin from fluvial into the deep-water setting, parasequences are geographically restricted to the coastal to shallow-water areas where marine flooding surfaces may form (Posamentier and Allen 1999). In the case of carbonate settings, peritidal cycles can in some cases be correlated into slope and basinal facies (e. g., Chen and Tucker 2003). For this reason, it has been proposed that parasequence be expanded to in- clude all regional meter-scale cycles, whether or not they are bounded by flooding surfaces (Spence and O. Catuneanu et al. 186 Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 187 FS FS FS c-u c-u c-u SU LNR HNR Fig. 14. Peritidal cycles in a platform top setting (Triassic, The Dolomites, Italy). Note the trend of upwards decrease in the thickness of peritidal cycles, which is typical of highstand topsets. This trend is caused by the gradual decrease in the rates of creation of accommodation during highstand normal regression (see Fig. 4 for comparison). The highstand deposits are over- lain unconformably by the lowstand topset, which displays a more pronounced continental influence (e. g., red mudstones, calcareous paleosols with caliches, calcareous sandstones, vadose pisoliths, teepee structures; P. Gianolla, pers. comm.). Abbreviations: SU subaerial unconformity; HNR highstand normal regression; LNR lowstand normal regression. Fig. 13. Upstepping parasequences (Late Permian Water- ford Formation, Ecca Group, Karoo Basin). The parase- quence boundaries are marked by flooding surfaces. Each parasequence consists of normal regressive and transgres- sive deposits. Abbreviations: FS flooding surface; c-u coarsening-upward trend. Tucker 2007; Tucker and Garland 2010). However, following the principle that a sequence stratigraphic unit is defined by specific bounding surfaces, most practitioners favor restricting the concept of parase- quence to a unit bounded by marine flooding surfaces, in agreement with the original definition of Van Wag- oner et al. (1988, 1990). 2. Scale and stacking patterns Parasequences are commonly nested within larger scale (higher rank) sequences and systems tracts. However, scale is not sufficient to differentiate parase- quences from sequences. For example, high-frequen- cy sequences controlled by orbital forcing may devel- op at scales comparable to, or even smaller than, those of many parasequences (e. g., Strasser et al. 1999; Fielding et al. 2008; Tucker et al. 2009). As such, even cycles as thin as a meter can sometimes be referred to as sequences and be described and interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts (e. g., Posamentier et al. 1992a; Strasser et al. 1999; Tucker et al. 2009). We recommend the use of the sequence stratigraphic methodology to the analysis of any small, meter-scale cycles, as long as they display depositional trends that afford the recognition of sys- tems tracts and diagnostic bounding surfaces. Parasequences consist of normal regressive, trans- gressive and forced regressive types of deposit, and display various stacking patterns. Parasequences may be stacked in an upstepping succession, in which case they consist of normal regressive and transgressive deposits that accumulate during a period of positive accommodation in response to variations in the rates of accommodation and/or sediment supply (Fig. 13). Upstepping parasequences may either be forestepping (Fig. 15) or backstepping (Fig. 16). Parasequences may also be stacked in a downstepping succession, in which case they consist primarily of forced regressive deposits that accumulate during a period of overall negative accommodation (Fig. 17). However, negative accommodation does not occur during the time of for- mation of the parasequence boundary. The pattern of stacking of parasequences defines longer term normal regressions (Fig. 15), forced regressions (Fig. 17) or transgressions (Fig. 16), which correspond to shore- line-related systems tracts of higher hierarchical rank (Fig. 3). O. Catuneanu et al. 188 SE NW Surfaces 3rd order MFS 4th order MRS 3rd order WRS facies contact coal coal 25 m Facies regressive marine 4th order MFS transgressive marine fluvial Fig. 15. Dip-oriented cross-section through the marine facies of Bearpaw Formation, based on gamma-ray well logs (Up- per Cretaceous, Alberta; modified from Catuneanu 2006). The section is approximately 30 km long. The internal architec- ture of the marine unit shows upstepping and prograding lobes (parasequences), which downlap the main maximum flood- ing surface of the Bearpaw seaway. Each prograding lobe consists of normal regressive and transgressive deposits. The pat- tern of stacking of parasequences defines a long-term normal regression. Abbreviations: MFS maximum flooding surface; MRS maximum regressive surface; WRS wave ravinement surface. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces 1. Definition Sequence stratigraphic surfaces mark changes in stratal stacking pattern. They are surfaces that can serve, at least in part, as systems tract boundaries. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces may correspond to conceptual horizons (i. e., without a lithologic con- trast) or physical surfaces, depending on their outcrop expression (e. g., Carter et al. 1998). Unconformable sequence stratigraphic surfaces typically have a phys- ical expression. Any conformable sequence strati- graphic surface may be a conceptual horizon or an observable surface with physical attributes, depending on local conditions of deposition or preservation. A set of seven sequence stratigraphic surfaces, in- cluding two types of correlative conformities, is in Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 189 30 m West East Datum (MFS) fluvial facies (main Almond) marine sandstone (upper Almond) marine shale (Lewis) GR RES GR RES GR RES GR RES GR RES GR RES 1 km 1 km 40 m 40 m 3. Present-day sea level 2 2 1. Pleistocene highstand 2 = Pleistocene lowstand Highstand prism Detached forced regressive wedge Fig. 16. Regional well-log cross-section of the Almond Formation in the Washakie Basin, Wyoming. The backstepping stacking pattern of parasequences records the overall transgression of the Western Interior Seaway during the Campanian. Each individual parasequence consists of normal regressive and transgressive deposits. The cross-section is approximately 65 km long. Well logs shown: gamma ray (GR) and resistivity (RES). Modified from Weimer (1966), Martinsen and Chris- tensen (1992) and C. Bartberger (pers. comm.). Fig. 17. Cross-section through the Pleistocene deposits of the Rhne shelf (offshore southeastern France), based on a re- gional seismic line. The three unconformity-bounded depositional sequences correspond to high-frequency glacial-inter- glacial cycles. Each sequence consists primarily of forced regressive deposits, which show a lateral stacking of downstep- ping parasequences. Modified from Posamentier et al. (1992b). widespread use. Criteria for mapping each type of se- quence stratigraphic surface are summarized in Catu - neanu (2006). 2. Subaerial unconformity The subaerial unconformity (Sloss et al. 1949) is an unconformity that forms under subaerial conditions as a result of fluvial erosion or bypass, pedogenesis, wind degradation, or dissolution and karstification. Alterna- tive terms include: lowstand unconformity (Schlager 1992), regressive surface of fluvial erosion (Plint and Nummedal 2000), and fluvial entrenchment/incision surface (Galloway 2004). Subaerial unconformities may form during forced regression, within the downstream-controlled portion of fluvial systems (e. g., Posamentier et al. 1988); during transgression accompanied by coastal erosion (e. g., Leckie 1994); during periods of negative fluvial accommodation within the upstream-controlled por- tion of fluvial systems (e. g., Blum 1994); or during relative sea-level fall exposing carbonate platforms and reefs to karstification. 3. Correlative conformities The correlative conformity in the sense of Posamentier et al. (1988) is a marine stratigraphic surface that marks the change in stratal stacking patterns from highstand normal regression to forced regression. It is the paleo-seafloor at the onset of forced regression. An alternative term is basal surface of forced regression (Hunt and Tucker 1992). The correlative conformity in the sense of Hunt and Tucker (1992) is a marine stratigraphic surface that marks the change in stratal stacking patterns from forced regression to lowstand normal regression. It therefore records the paleo-seafloor at the end of forced regression. 4. Maximum flooding surface The maximum flooding surface (Frazier 1974; Posa- mentier et al. 1988; Van Wagoner et al. 1988; Gal- loway 1989) is a stratigraphic surface that marks a change in stratal stacking patterns from transgression to highstand normal regression. It is the paleo-seafloor at the end of transgression, and its correlative surface within the nonmarine setting. Alternative terms in- clude: final transgressive surface (Nummedal et al. 1993), surface of maximum transgression (Helland- Hansen and Gjelberg 1994), and maximum transgres- sive surface (Helland-Hansen and Martinsen 1996). Sometimes the switch in depositional trend from ret- rogradation to progradation is marked by a zone of (commonly condensed) deep-water facies rather than a unique surface and this can lend itself to ambiguity in the placing of this surface in the rock succession (Carter et al. 1998). The maximum flooding surface is often expressed as a downlap surface in seismic strati- graphic terms, as it is typically downlapped by the overlying highstand clinoforms which record progra- dation. 5. Maximum regressive surface The maximum regressive surface (Helland-Hansen and Martinsen 1996) is a stratigraphic surface that marks a change in stratal stacking patterns from lowstand nor- mal regression to transgression. It is the paleo-seafloor at the end of lowstand normal regression, and its cor- relative surface within the nonmarine setting. Alterna- tive terms include: transgressive surface (Posamen- tier and Vail 1988), top of lowstand surface (Vail et al. 1991), initial transgressive surface (Nummedal et al. 1993), surface of maximum regression (Helland- Hansen and Gjelberg 1994; Mellere and Steel 1995), conformable transgressive surface (Embry 1995), and maximum progradation surface (Emery and Myers 1996). The term maximum regressive surface is rec- ommended where emphasis is placed on the end of regression, and the term transgressive surface is rec- ommended where emphasis is placed on the onset of transgression. 6. Transgressive ravinement surfaces The transgressive ravinement surfaces (Nummedal and Swift 1987) are erosional surfaces that form by means of wave scouring (i. e., wave-ravinement sur- faces; Swift 1975) or tidal scouring (i. e., tidal-ravine- ment surfaces; Allen and Posamentier 1993) during transgression in coastal to shallow-water environ- ments. Both types of transgressive ravinement sur- faces are diachronous, younging towards the basin margin (Numme dal and Swift 1987). Their basinward termination merges into the maximum regressive sur- face; their landward termination merges into the max- imum flooding surface. An alternative term for either type of transgressive ravinement surface is the trans- gressive surface of erosion (Posamentier and Vail 1988). O. Catuneanu et al. 190 7. Regressive surface of marine erosion The regressive surface of marine erosion (Plint 1988) is an erosional surface that forms typically by means of wave scouring during forced regression in wave- dominated shallow-water settings due to the lowering of the wave base relative to the seafloor. However, this scour may also form under conditions of high-energy normal regression, where the shoreline trajectory is horizontal (i. e., progradation during a stillstand of rel- ative sea level) or rising at a low angle (i. e., prograda- tion during low rates of relative sea-level rise; Hel- land-Hansen and Martinsen 1996). The regressive sur- face of marine erosion is diachronous, younging bas- inward with the rate of shoreline regression. Alterna- tive terms include: regressive ravinement surface (Galloway 2001), and regressive wave ravinement (Galloway 2004). Hierarchy in sequence stratigraphy The concept of hierarchy refers to the classification of sequences based on their relative scale and strati- graphic significance (Fig. 18). Sequence-forming processes have natural periodic- ities. This led to the definition of hierarchy of se- quences based on the duration of cycles (e. g., Vail et al. 1977, 1991; Van Wagoner et al. 1990; Mitchum and Van Wagoner 1991). However, the rates and periodic- ity of specific processes changed over geologic time, and the time spans of different process-related cycles overlap (Miall 2010). These facts raise questions with respect to the utility of a hierarchical system that is based on the duration of stratigraphic cycles (e. g., Carter et al. 1991; Drummond and Wilkinson 1996; Schlager 2010). The temporal and spatial scales of sequences do not define mutually exclusive ranges (Carter et al. 1991). The quantitative study of the duration and thickness of stratigraphic sequences made by Drummond and Wilkinson (1996) confirmed that the discrimination of stratigraphic hierarchies and their rank designation represent rather arbitrary subdivisions of an uninter- rupted stratigraphic continuum. Schlager (2004) pro- posed that at least at time scales of 10 3 10 6 yr, se- quences and systems tracts are scale-invariant fractal features, even though different hierarchical orders may involve different levels of stratigraphic complexity. The scale-independent, fractal-like nature of strati- graphic cycles has also been demonstrated by means of laboratory experiments and modelling (e. g., Martin et al. 2009). These conclusions question whether a universal and reproducible system of hierarchy exists at all in the stratigraphic rock record, and seem particularly true for tectonically generated sequences. However, Mi- lankovitch-band cycles may give discrete modes in the frequency distribution of sequence durations, albeit with slight change over geologic time, if they are not overprinted by other sequence-forming mechanisms that may operate within similar temporal scales. If it can be demonstrated that the hierarchy in the stacking of sequences was induced by orbital cycles, then the potential for the creation of a high-resolution time scale is presented (e. g., DArgenio et al. 1997; Stras - ser et al. 2006). In the absence of precise geochronological control, it is recommended to refer to sequences in a relative sense, such as lower versus higher frequency, or low- er versus higher rank, and interpret their relative strati- graphic significance based on criteria that can be ob- served in the rock record. Such criteria may include the geographic extent of unconformities, the magnitude of downstepping associated with offlap, the depth of flu- vial-incised valleys, or the magnitude of facies change across sequence stratigraphic surfaces (e. g., Embry 1995; Catuneanu 2006). The applicability of these field criteria may vary with the case study, so any ap- proach to hierarchy that is independent of the duration Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 191 h i g h r a n k ( l o w f r e q u e n c y ) l o w r a n k ( h i g h f r e q u e n c y ) fifth order first order second order third order fourth order Fig. 18. Diagrammatic representation of the concept of hierarchy. The use of low versus high orders is inconsis- tent: some refer to first-order cycles as high order, making reference to the high position of those cycles within the hierarchy pyramid; others refer to first-order cycles as low order, making reference to the numbers attributed to each order. For this reason, we recommend the less ambiguous terms of high rank versus low rank. of cycles may be basin specific. This approach pro- vides an empirical solution to a problem for which there is no universally applicable and accepted methodology for the definition of a hierarchy. Model-independent methodology The sequence stratigraphic approach relies on the ob- servation of stratal stacking patterns and the key sur- faces that bound successions defined by different stacking patterns. Construction of this framework en- sures the success of the method in terms of its objec- tives to provide a process-based understanding of the stratigraphic architecture. This defines a model-inde- pendent methodology that honors all existing models but transcends their differences. Beyond the model-in- dependent workflow, the interpreter may make model- dependent choices with respect to the selection of sur- faces that should be elevated to the rank of sequence boundary (Fig. 19). The surfaces that are selected as sequence bound- aries vary from one sequence stratigraphic approach to another. In practice, the selection is typically a func- tion of which surfaces are best expressed within the context of each situation, depending upon tectonic set- ting, depositional setting, types of available data and the scale of observation. The high degree of variabili- ty in the expression of sequence stratigraphic units and bounding surfaces requires the adoption of a method- ology that is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the wide range of possible scenarios. Part two Case studies Nonmarine settings 1. Introduction Rivers are affected by controls directed from both up- stream and downstream directions (Fig. 20). Sedimen- tation at any given time takes place within a buffer zone that encompasses the maximum ability of the river to aggrade its floodplain (the upper limit of the buffer zone) and to scour the deepest part of its chan- nel system (the lower limit), under prevailing condi- tions (Holbrook et al. 2006). The downstream end of this buffer zone is fixed by the presence of a buttress, which represents sedimentary base level. In the case of coastal rivers this is sea level. Channel-scale fining- upward cycles (Fig. 21) represent sedimentation with- in the buffer zone. Sheet-scale and regional-scale cy- cles represent long-term shifts in the buffer zone. Downstream controls include changes in sea level (in the case of a coastal river) or, in the case of an in- land river within an entirely nonmarine basin, changes in elevation of the ridge over which the river flows to leave the basin. Changes in sea level affect only the lower few tens of kilometers of the system (Blum and Trnqvist 2000). Upstream controls include tectonism and climate change. Tectonic uplift may or may not counter the effect of the erosional lowering of the source area. Climate change affects discharge, sedi- ment yield and seasonality. Upstream and downstream controls are typically unrelated and may be out of phase, and it is therefore not to be expected that the se- quence boundaries and systems tracts of a nonmarine O. Catuneanu et al. 192 1. : (feasible to formalize) Model-independent methodology 2. : (not feasible to formalize) Model-dependent choices Choice of surface(s) that should be selected as sequence boundaries Observations: facies, contacts, stratal terminations, stratal stacking patterns Delineation of specific types of sequences Framework of sequence stratigraphic units and bounding surfaces Fig. 19. Model-independent methodology versus model-dependent choices in sequence stratigraphy (modified from Catu - neanu et al. 2009, 2010). The model-independent methodology starts with basic observations and leads to the construction of a sequence stratigraphic framework defined by specific stratal stacking patterns and bounding surfaces. The model-de- pendent choices refer to the selection of surfaces that should be elevated to the status of sequence boundary. This selection is commonly guided by how well the various surfaces are expressed with the available data in a given succession. Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 193 M axim u m h e ig h t o f flo o d p la in a g g ra d a tio n Maximum depth of chan n e l s c o u r buttress basin subsidence source-area uplift climate BUTTRESS (sea level, lake level, outflow ridge) BUFFER ZONE (instantaneous preservation space) Relative role of major controls downstream controls upstream controls Movement of buffer zone by tectonism graded profile HO LA DA DA SB LA SB SB Sheet-scale fining-upward cycle (typically ~5-50 m) Channel/scour-scale fining-upward cycle (approx. = depth of channel) Element-scale fining-upward cycle (< channel depth) Regional-scale fining-upward cycle (10s to 100s m) Fig. 20. The controls on accommodation in nonmarine environments. The concepts of the buttress and the buffer are adapt- ed from Holbrook et al. (2006). The relative roles of the major controls on sedimentation were suggested by Shanley and McCabe (1994). Fig. 21. Types of cycle in fluvial deposits. Cycle thickness is the first clue regarding the origin of the cycle, but is not definitive, given the wide range of scales of fluvial channels and depositional systems. Sheet-scale and regional-scale cycles may be capable of regional subsurface correlation based on well-log or seismic data, but the smaller-scale cycles have later- al extents of only a few tens to hundreds of metres, and may therefore not be traceable from well to well. Numbers refer to the classification of nonmarine bounding surfaces by Miall (1996): 4 = surface bounding major bar deposit, 5 = channel-scour surface, 6 = regional stratigraphic surface, including sequence boundary. Two-letter architectural-element codes include LA= lateral-accretion deposit, DA= downstream-accretion deposit, SB = sand bedform element, HO = hollow element. system may be readily correlated to those of contem- poraneous marine systems. A rise in sea level elevates the downstream end of the buffer zone, creating new accommodation. This may cause transgression and flooding of a river, turning it into an estuary. With a high sediment load, however, a rise in sea level may be accompanied by an increase in aggradation. A lowering of sea level usually leads to a simple extension of the fluvial profile out across a gen- tly dipping continental shelf, with little effect on inland reaches of the river, except possibly a change in chan- nel style (Miall 1991; Schumm 1993). In the case of a narrow shelf, or where extreme sea-level fall takes place, lowering of the river mouth causes incision and the development, over time, of a broad coastal valley. Many basins are bounded by tectonically active source areas. Episodic uplift of the source area results in a rejuvenation of river systems, and uplift of the buffer zone, and may also be accompanied by an in- crease in the calibre and quantity of the sediment load of the river. The ancient record contains many examples of fluvial profiles that coarsen upward over thicknesses of tens of metres as a result of a progressive increase in stream power and sediment load accompanying tec- tonic uplift (Miall 1996). Cyclic deposits of this type have been termed tectonic cyclothems by Blair and Bilo deau (1988). Cessation of tectonic activity results in gradual erosional reduction of source-area relief and reduction in the quantity and calibre of the sediment load, yielding regional-scale fining upward cycles. Cyclic successions are ubiquitous in fluvial de- posits. Their presence reflects the fact that the fluvial environment is characterized by processes that tend to reproduce the same depositional results repeatedly. These repeated processes occur over a wide range of physical scales and time scales, but many are charac- terized by an initial pulse of high fluvial transport energy, which may be recorded as an erosion surface, followed by deposition of increasingly fine-grained sediment, with associated hydrodynamic sedimentary structures that decrease in scale (e. g., dune cross-bed- ding that becomes smaller in amplitude and passes up- ward into ripple cross-lamination). Successions that show an upward decrease in grain size, so called fin- ing-upward cycles are therefore common, and are commonly identified by bell-shaped or blocky wireline-log profiles (Fig. 21). The basic relationship between base-level change and the cycle of aggradation and sedimentation in flu- vial systems was first explored by Allen (1974). Mod- ern sequence models have been proposed by Wright and Marriott (1993) and Shanley and McCabe (1994). Figure 22 is based on these studies. The paragraphs be- low discuss the development of the sedimentary facies and surfaces illustrated in this diagram, commencing with the basal sequence boundary. Forced regression Rivers in humid regions typically are characterized by an increase in discharge and a decrease in the caliber of the sediment load in a downstream direction. The work required to balance these changes leads to the de- velopment of a smooth longitudinal profile, termed a graded profile, which decreases in slope toward base level (the buttress in Fig. 20). Valleys several kilo- metres wide and tens of metres deep may develop dur- ing a fall in base level. Pauses in this fall (e. g., periods of stable sea level) may allow the valley to widen, and the evidence of such episodes may be preserved in the form of terrace remnants along the valley walls. A widespread erosion surface develops across the coastal plain. On the interfluves (the elevated areas between major river valleys) the rate of erosion may be slow, allowing for the development of widespread soils. In arid to semi-arid settings, calcrete is commonly devel- oped at such surfaces. In nonmarine systems, the subaerial unconformity developed during forced regression is commonly taken as the sequence boundary. This surface represents the final position of the erosion surface immediately prior to the commencement of a new phase of base-level rise. The deep scour that occurs at the base of major rivers may cause this to form a prominent surface within a fluvial succession (Best and Ashworth 1997). The sur- face may cut down into a different facies succession, such as the transgressive or highstand shallow-marine or deltaic deposits of the preceding cycle, and the sur- face itself may be marked by a coarse lag deposit or evidence of extensive pedogenesis. How ever, in many systems deep scour is not in evidence. Miall and Arush (2001a) suggested the term cryptic sequence bound- ary for the erosion surfaces that develop on low-relief alluvial plains where, in outcrop, the subaerial uncon- formity appears identical to any other channel-scour surface. Such cryptic sequence boundaries in fluvial successions might be identified by sudden changes in detrital composition, major shifts in fluvial dispersal directions, and evidence of early cementation in the de- posits immediately below the subaerial unconformity, all of which are indications of the extended period of time represented by this surface, during which the flu- vial system continued to evolve. O. Catuneanu et al. 194 Lowstand normal regression A rise in base level generates increased accommodation and aggradation is likely to occur in the lower course of the river. The fill of an incised valley may commence with a complex of amalgamated channel-fill deposits, regardless of the fluvial style, reflecting an extended phase of channel reworking during a period when little new accommodation is being added to the fluvial pro- file. The rate of accommodation generation typically is less than the rate of sediment supply. Bar-top and flood- plain deposits have a low probability of preservation during this phase. A sheet-scale topset with a blocky vertical profile may be the result (Kerr et al. 1999). The maximum regressive surface is typically placed at the contact between the amalgamated channel fills of the lowstand topset (low-accommodation conditions) and the overlying floodplain-dominated transgressive fluvial deposits (high-accommodation conditions; Kerr et al. 1999). Basinward, the maximum regressive sur- face may be traced along the base of the oldest central estuary facies. Upstream, the maximum regressive sur- face may onlap the subaerial unconformity. Transgression In the case of rivers draining into the sea, as the rates of base-level rise increase following the initial stage of creation of new accommodation, incised valleys be- come estuaries, with a range of depositional conditions ranging from fully marine at the mouth to fully non- marine at the inland end of the estuary (Dalrymple et al. 1994). There will be a decrease in slope of the low- er course of the river, leading to a reduction in compe- tency and, consequently, in the grain size of the sedi- ment transported and deposited. The rate of accom- modation generation typically is greater than the rate of sediment supply. Rapid generation of accommoda- tion may be reflected by high sedimentation rates, and provides ideal conditions for floodplain accumulation. The limit of transgression is reached during the pe- riod when the rate of accommodation generation by rise in base level no longer outpaces the sedimentation rate at the shoreline. In predominantly nonmarine flu- vial systems this may be indicated by the appearance of marine influence in otherwise typical fluvial de- posits (Fig. 22). Marine ichnofacies may be present, Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 195 Incised valley-fill (LST) Rs > Ra Rs = Ra Rs < Ra SB SB HST TST interfluve with roots soil with calcrete hydromorphic soil fluvial channel sand tidally-influenced channel sand floodplain deposits Fig. 22. Sequence model for nonmarine systems (adapted from Wright and Marriott 1993). Rs = rate of sedimentation, Ra = rate of accommodation generation. Conventional systems-tract acronyms are shown in quotes, because it may be questioned whether it is appropriate to use a terminology based on sea-level change for depositional systems that have no connection to the sea. For falling-stage and lowstand deposits, Currie (1997) suggested the term degradational systems tract, for trans- gressive deposits, transitional systems tract, and for highstand deposits, aggradational systems tract. These terms provide analogous ideas regarding changes in accommodation and sediment supply and their consequences for depositional style. and tidal influence may occur in the form of tidal bed- ding, reversing cross-bedding, sigmoidal bedding, and inclined heterolithic strata (Thomas et al. 1987). The widespread marine shales that commonly mark the maximum flooding surface in the marine realm may extend landward into the previously purely nonmarine succession. The thickest and most laterally extensive coals typically occur during this phase of the base-lev- el cycle (Bohacs and Suter 1997). Channel complexes may be encased in thick floodplain fines and exhibit little lateral interconnectedness. Soils are likely to be immature. Hydromorphic soils, commonly character- ized by siderites, are also typical of this phase of sed- imentation (Wright and Marriott 1993). Highstand normal regression At the end of the phase of base-level rise, the rate of accommodation generation slows, leading to a reduc- tion in the ability of fluvial systems to aggrade. Chan- nel complexes become more laterally interconnected, developing broad sandstone sheets and, at the same time, channel scour reduces the preservation potential of floodplain deposits, resulting in increased sand- stone/shale ratios relative to the underlying systems tract. Soils have more time to develop and become more mature. Those that develop on interfluves, well away from areas of active fluvial erosion, may survive to become the subaerial unconformity during the next phase of base-level fall. 2. Case study: The Castlegate Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Book Cliffs, Utah The Castlegate Sandstone is part of the clastic wedge derived from the growing Cordilleran orogen, which prograded eastward into the Western Interior Seaway between the Late Jurassic and the Eocene (Miall et al. 2008). It is particularly well exposed in the Book Cliffs of central Utah, between Price and Green River (Figs. 23, 24). There are two scales of sequences in this succession, long-term sequences, such as that comprising the Castlegate Sandstone, with durations of about 5 Myr (sequences 1 to 3 of Fig. 23; Olsen et al. 1995), and high-frequency sequences in the Neslen Formation (not shown in Fig. 23), each representing less than O. Catuneanu et al. 196 Joes Valley Reservoir Castle Gate Sunnyside Horse Canyon Trail Canyon Tuscher Canyon ? ? Bluecastle Sandstone Upper Castlegate Sandstone Lower Castlegate Ss Sego Ss Neslen Fm L. C astlegate Ss Buck Tongue S E Q U E N C E
2 S E Q U E N C E
1 S E Q
3 30 m 50 km B lackhaw k Form ation Interbedded sandstone, siltstone, shale, fluvial-deltaic, in part tidally influenced Marine shale Braided fluvial sandstone, tidal influence in upper part of Lower Castlegate Sandstone Deltaic sandstone, siltstone, shale, coal Fig. 23. Stratigraphy of the Castlegate Sandstone. From Miall and Arush (2001b), as modified from Olsen et al. (1995) and Yoshida et al. (1996). 1 Myr. Willis (2000) and Yoshida (2000) demonstrat- ed the unconformable truncation of the Buck Tongue, a unit of marine shale extending westward from the centre of the Western Interior Basin in Colorado. The Buck Tongue represents approximately a million years of sedimentation. Its westward truncation implies the presence of a significant unconformity within the up- dip portion of the Lower Castlegate Sandstone. Nu- merous erosion surfaces are present within the braided sheet sandstones that comprise most of the Castlegate Sandstone, but most of these are channel scour sur- faces (bounding surface type 5 of Fig. 21). Miall and Arush (2001b) correlated the unconformity with sur- face D at the type section of the Castlegate Sandstone (Fig. 24) on petrographic grounds. Surface D is a good example of a cryptic sequence boundary which, although representing several million years of missing time, is indistinguishable in outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 197 Fig. 25. The sequence boundary at the base of the Castle- gate Sandstone, At the Castle Gate type section. Fig. 24. The type section of the Castlegate Sandstone, at the Castle Gate, near Price, Utah. The boundary between the upper and lower Castlegate Sandstone is interpreted to be at surface D (Miall and Arush 2001b). from other channel scour surfaces. The type of deep scour hollows that Best and Ashworth (1997) suggest- ed would characterize many nonmarine sequence boundaries is not present in this system. The Castlegate rivers probably combed continuously across the allu- vial plain, resulting in a widespread erosion surface that can be traced down-dip for more than 150 km. The base of the Castlegate Sandstone (lower right corner of the type section: Fig. 24, and in a closer view in Fig. 25) is marked by a distinct change in facies from the coal-bearing, heterolithic, meandering-stream de- posits of the underlying Blackhawk Formation to the coarser-grained, braided sheet sandstones of the Castle- gate. The sequence boundary is clearly a surface of erosion, with erosional relief of a few centimeters, fol- lowed by a lag deposit of wood fragments, and scat- tered dinosaur bone fragments. Olsen et al. (1995) and Yoshida (2000) showed that the Upper Castlegate Sandstone contains abundant evidence of tidal influence, in the form of tidal bed- ding and inclined heterolithic stratification (Thomas et al. 1987) (Fig. 26). This part of the succession there- fore corresponds to the TST of Shanley and McCabe (1994) or transitional systems tract of Currie (1997). Coastal and shallow-water siliciclastic settings 1. Introduction Sequence stratigraphy is arguably easiest to apply in coastal to shallow-water siliciclastic settings, where the relationship between stratal stacking patterns and shoreline trajectories is most evident (Fig. 3). All se- quence stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts may form in these settings, although they may not necessar- ily occur together within the same stratigraphic section. Forced regression The deposits of forced regression (i. e., the FSST) dis- play a stacking pattern characterized by forestepping and downstepping at the shoreline, interpreted as the result of relative sea-level fall (Figs. 3, 27). Criteria for the recognition of forced regressive deposits include: separation (detachment) between successive paleo- coastlines; presence of sharp-based shoreface/delta front deposits; presence of progressively shallower cli- noforms in a distal direction; occurrence of long-dis- tance regression; absence of fluvial and coastal plain/ O. Catuneanu et al. 198 Fig. 26. Outcrop of the Castlegate Sandstone 10 km east of the type section. Recessive-weathering beds just below the centre of the field of view consist of interbedded sandstones and shales displaying inclined heterolithic stratification, inter- preted as indicating tidal influence. The beds above and below are typical braided sheet sandstones. Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 199 DATUM TRS 7-10-62-7W6 (1) 7-18-62-6W6 (2) 7-10-62-6W6 (3) 6-8-62-5W6 (4) 10-3-62-4W6 (5) 4.8 km 4.8 km 6.2 km 12.8 km 20 m DATUM 7-10-62-7W6 (1) 7-18-62-6W6 (2) 7-10-62-6W6 (3) 6-8-62-5W6 (4) 10-3-62-4W6 (5) Basinward 4.8 km 4.8 km 6.2 km 12.8 km subaerial unconformity correlative conformity Hunt and Tucker (1992) correlative conformity Posamentier and Allen (1999) regressive surface of marine erosion facies contact within lowstand normal regressive strata transgressive ravinement surface (TRS) sensu sensu HNR HNR HNR HNR HNR FR FR FR LNR LNR LNR LNR LNR T T T T T ? fluvial facies (Musreau Member) swaley cross-stratified sandstone marine shelf facies A. B. Gradationally based Sharp based Sharp based Sharp based Gradationally based Fig. 27. Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the swaley cross-stratified sandstone of the Kakwa Member (Cardium For- mation), and adjacent units (from Catuneanu et al. 2010; modified after Plint 1988). The datum is represented by a flooding surface within the Muskiki marine shale. A. Sedimentary facies. B. Sequence stratigraphic interpretation. The interpretation is based on the following observations: 1. the shoreface displays coarsening-upward trends in all five wells; 2. the shoreface is gradationally based in wells (1) and (5), and it is sharp-based in wells (2), (3) and (4); 3. the top of the shoreface down- steps from well (1) to well (4), and upsteps from well (4) to well (5); 4. the sharp-based shoreface thins out toward the basin margin; and 5. the shoreface is overlain by nonmarine facies in all five wells. The gradationally-based shoreface indicates normal regression (highstand to the left; lowstand to the right), whereas sharp-based shoreface is diagnostic for forced regression. These criteria afford the separation of normal from forced regressive deposits in the absence of seismic data. FR forced regressive; HNR highstand normal regressive; LNR lowstand normal regressive; T transgressive. delta plain topsets at the top of forced regressive fore- sets; truncation of forced regressive foresets by a sea- ward-dipping unconformity; increase in average sedi- ment grain size in forced regressive foresets in a basin- ward direction; and presence of foreshortened strati- graphic successions (Posamentier and Morris 2000). Forced regressive deposits typically build the domi- nant systems tract of sequences that form on conti- nental shelves during periods of profound icehouse climatic and eustatic forcing (Fig. 17). This is because glacioeustatic changes in sea level are strongly asym- metrical, with brief stages of fast sea-level rise and pro- longed stages of slower sea-level fall (Bard et al. 1990). At the same time, both the magnitudes and the rates of sea-level change are higher in an icehouse world as compared to a greenhouse regime. Sequences of an icehouse affinity are typically less than 50 m thick and often organized in stacks of several in succession, sug- gesting a relation to orbital forcing (e. g., Naish et al. 2001; Fielding et al. 2008; Fig. 17). Examples of such icehouse sequences have been documented in studies of Neogene continental margin successions around Ant - arctica (Bartek et al. 1991, 1997; Fielding et al. 2001; Naish et al. 2001), from Plio-Pleistocene successions in New Zealand (Naish and Kamp 1997; Saul et al. 1999), the Miocene Chesapeake Group of eastern USA (Kid- well 1997), the Miocene of western Chile and Ecuador (Di Celma and Cantalamessa 2007; Cantalamessa et al. 2007), and from Lower Permian strata in the Sydney Basin of eastern Australia (Fielding et al. 2006). Normal regression The deposits of normal regression display a stacking pattern characterized by forestepping and upstepping at the shoreline, interpreted as the result of positive and overfilled accommodation. Normal regressions are driven by sediment supply and occur during relative sea-level rise, either before or after transgressions; the two types of normal regression are designated as low- stand (i. e., the LST) and highstand (i. e., the HST) respectively. Shoreline trajectories are different during lowstand versus highstand normal regressions (Fig. 4), reflecting accelerating or decelerating rates of creation of accommodation (e. g., fig. 19 in Catuneanu et al. 2009). During normal regressions, fluvial and coastal plain/delta plain topsets aggrade and prograde at the top of shallow-water foresets (Figs. 68 and 27). Transgression The deposits of transgression (i. e., the TST) display a stacking pattern characterized by backstepping at the shoreline, interpreted as the result of positive and un- derfilled accommodation. During transgression, most riverborne sediment is trapped within rapidly aggrad- ing and backstepping fluvial and coastal systems, while the shallow marine environment is often starved of sediment (Loutit et al. 1988; Van Wagoner et al. 1990). The decrease of sediment supply to the marine envi- ronment during transgression may result in the forma- tion of subaqueous unconformities, expressed as hiatal surfaces in the rock record (Galloway 1989). Such un- conformities may be accompanied by the formation of hardgrounds or firmgrounds marked by substrate-con- trolled ichnofacies (e. g., Pemberton and MacEachern 1995). Transgressive deposits are recognizable on seis- mic sections where condensed sections and/or marine or coastal onlap are observed (Fig. 8), but also in out- crop or well-log data sets (Figs. 6, 7, 15, 16). 2. Case study: The Yegua Formation (Eocene), Gulf of Mexico The Yegua Formation records a significant terrigenous clastic depositional episode along the entire northern and northwestern continental margin of the Gulf of Mexico Basin (Galloway et al. 2011). The episode is recorded by a sand-bearing genetic stratigraphic se- quence bounded by maximum-flooding surfaces with- in the regional marine Crockett (Texas) and Cook Mountain (Louisiana) Shales and the Moodys Branch Marl (Fig. 28). The depositional episode extended from about 38 to 36.1 Ma (Paleo-Data 2009) within late Middle to Late Eocene Standard Foraminiferal Zone P15. The Yegua section reflects, in stratal stack- ing pattern and consequent log response, a typical Gulf Coast Cenozoic succession of progradational and aggradational facies, capped by relatively thin back-stepping/transgressive deposits (Fig. 28) (Frazier 1974). Sedimentation rates were high; the northern Gulf of Mexico depocentre contains 0.5 to 1 km of sediment deposited within about 2 years. This is one of the highest rates of sediment accumulation recorded in the Gulf Cenozoic section (Galloway et al. 2011). The Yegua coastal plain prograded onto a deep, foundered continental shelf/ramp that was constructed by progra- dation of the Early Eocene Upper Wilcox sequence. Regional studies (Edwards 1991; Meckel and Gallo - way 1996; Galloway et al. 2000) delineate a large, flu- vial-dominated delta system that constructed the upper Texas coastal plain depocentre. Fang (2000), in a sub-regional study area lying in the southeast Texas depocenter, recognized 15 physical O. Catuneanu et al. 200 stratigraphic markers, labeled Y00Y14, that could be correlated within the study area (Fig. 28). Markers Y00 and Y14 are the maximum-flooding surfaces that bound the Yegua genetic stratigraphic (Fig. 28). Graph- ic correlation displays chronostratigraphic terraces, recording condensation, non-deposition, and/or mild erosion, at each of these horizons (Fang 2000). These constitute two of only three demonstrable chronostra - tigraphic discontinuities (excluding fault and slump planes) found within the Yegua interval. Most of the markers, including Y02, Y04, Y05, Y06, Y08, Y10, Y11, and Y13, are flooding surfaces bounding parase- quences and parasequence sets that range from several metres to around a hundred metres in thickness. Y01 corresponds to the Last Appearance Datum (LAD) of benthic foraminifer Ceratobulimina eximia and is the traditional base of the Yegua Formation. It is charac- terized by the appearance of the first sand or siltstone interval, which is commonly sharp-based in updip and outcrop sections. It is interpreted as a possible regres- sive surface of marine erosion. Surfaces Y00 through Y03 coalescence into a condensed section downdip Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 201 Meckel (1993) Markers Depth feet SP SFLA 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 Intervals Log Markers Paleo Markers Humble, #1 Hines A NC Y14 B C D E F G DY EY NM AU CE CG TT GS 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Y13 Y12 Y11 Y10 Y09 Y08 Y07 Y06 Y05 Y04 Y03 Y02 Y01 Y00 MFS FS RSME TRS/SU -10+ ohm.m 4 0 Fig. 28. Representative electrical log of fully developed mid-dip Yegua genetic sequence. Log markers divide the sequence into 14 genetic packages. Inter- preted origin of each log marker is shown in the right column. Modified from Fang (2000). O. Catuneanu et al. 202 N 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 14 8 6 7 11 12 13 0 50 km C.I. 10, 20, or 50 ft EXPLANATION 0 net sand >_ 50 ft (15m) net sand Shelf margin Incised channel or valley Slump Sand input axis Delta lobe outline Fig. 29. Net sand isopach maps for each of the 14 Yegua genetic packages showing interpreted delta lobes, inferred fluvial input axes, and shelf edge position. Note contour interval varies from map to map. Compiled from Fang (2000). toward the paleo-shelf edge. Three offlapping parase- quence sets compose the basal Yegua regression onto the Y00 maximum-flooding surface. This succession records normal regression within the highstand systems tract. The regressive succession culminates in marker Y04, which records a mildly erosional event up dip, where it is overlain by sharp-based sand bodies of dis- tributary and fluvial channel fills. Down dip, the basal Yegua sand body lies above the marker, which is inter- preted to be a possible regressive surface of marine ero- sion. Two aggradational parasequence sets, bounded by flooding surfaces Y04, Y05, and Y06, form the bulk of the remaining lower Yegua succession and record a resumption of normal regression. Marker Y06 records a prominent and regionally correlative surface of trans- gression of the Yegua coastal plain. A third possible chronostratigraphic break as demonstrated by graphi- cal correlation lies at or near Y06. Y07 evidences rejuvenation of Yegua sediment sup- ply and coastal regression. The overlying sand facies display either blocky, upward-fining or sharp-based, serrate log patterns; the shaley interval between flood- ing surface Y06 and Y07 is typically replaced updip by thick, upward-fining sand bodies. Consequently, the interval between Y06 and Y07 pinches out. Biofacies show abrupt shoaling across Y07, which is interpreted to be a well-developed regressive surface of marine erosion. Neither widespread subaerial exposure nor valley incision is demonstrated by the data. Regression was, however, forced by relative sea-level fall. Y08 records a marine flooding surface and increase in wa- ter depth within what is the thickest shale tongue in the Yegua Formation. Y09 records a second forced re- gression with prominent biofacies shoaling and wide- spread presence of sharp-based sand bodies above the shaley interval. Y10 and Y11 are both flooding sur- faces, associated with neritic faunas, widespread thin shale beds, and inter-regional markers. Marker Y12 is unique. Abrupt shoaling occurs across the demonstrably erosional surface. Thick, up- ward-fining sand bodies cut several tens of metres from this surface into underlying strata. These highly ero- sional channels or small valleys extend across the muddy shelf to the paleo-shelf edge. In most mid- and up-dip wells, the marker is capped by a thin, laterally continuous, sharp-based sand unit. The surface is inter- preted to be a combined subaerial unconformity and su- perimposed transgressive ravinement surface. Marker Y13 is a regionally correlative marine flooding surface that caps Yegua sand bodies in mid- and down-dip sec- tions. It is chronostratigraphically significant, demark- ing the LAD of Eponides yeguaensis. The LAD of Discorbis yeguaensis occurs just above the surface. Overlying marker Y14, characterized by the LAD of Nonionella cockfieldensis, is the regional maximum- flooding surface that caps the Yegua episode. The upper Yegua, extending from Y06 to Y13, records a robust phase of normal depositional regres- sion, punctuated by at least three forced regressive events, followed by backstepping transgression, and terminated by flooding and sediment starvation across the northern GOM continental margin. At the level of chronostratigraphic resolution possible, both the upper and lower bounding maximum flooding surfaces are documented disconformities that can be accurately dated. In contrast, internal forced regressive surfaces and the fluvial erosion surface do not create measura- ble temporal discontinuities (Fang 2000). The 15 marker surfaces provide a high-resolution stratigraphic framework of 14 genetic units for map- ping and interpreting the depositional history of the Yegua. Given the ca. 2 Myr duration of the episode, each records on the order of 125,000 years. Figure 29 shows mapped sand distribution in the 14 defined in- tervals. Mid to deep shelfal shale-dominated intervals 1 and 2 display thin, linear sand bodies that extend NE-SW along depositional strike. The next ten inter- vals display digitate sand patterns that record a suc- cession of stacked delta lobes that repeatedly prograd- ed from NW to SE across the study area, showing ongoing lateral shifts in sand input axes, lobes, and de- pocentres. Interval 13, bounded below by the compos- ite subaerial unconformity and transgressive ravine- ment surface, is distinct. Two narrow valleys extend across the shelf and connect downdip to locally thick (up to 50 m), pod-shaped, paleo-shelf edge sand suc- cessions. These are small, growth-faulted shelf-edge deltas and their upper slope turbidite aprons were de- posited during the temporary lowstand and comprise the lowstand systems tract. Above the transgressive ravinement surface, neritic shales contain thin, strike- elongate, transgressive shelf sands. Interval 14, the last gasp of back-stepping deposition, is shale domi- nated, but contains strike-elongate belts and pods of inner shelf, shoreface, and strandplain sand. The composite record of the Yegua episode can be summarized as (1) initial muddy shelf and shore-zone progradation, (2) and extended period of repeated delta lobe progradations (sometimes normal, some- times forced), abandonment, and transgression, (3) a terminal pulse of lowering base level resulting in deep fluvial channel incision across about 50 km of exposed Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 203 shallow shelf accompanied by accumulation of small shelf margin delta lobes, and (4) terminal backstepping transgression. The northern Gulf margin was a broad sediment-starved continental shelf both before and af- ter Yegua deposition. Deep-water siliciclastic settings 1. Introduction Acquisition of 3D volumes of seismic data compensates for the difficulty of observing deep-water processes and products in modern environments (e. g., Posamentier and Walker 2006; Weimer and Slatt 2007). Most depo- sitional elements that form in the deep-water setting develop over km-size scales in plan view, which is why few outcrop-based studies can replace or rival the imaging generated by the high-resolution 3D seismic data. This, together with the lack of accessibility of the deep-water present-day environment, renders the seis- mic data a unique role into the understanding of the deep-water setting, arguably more important than in the case of any other depositional setting. The application of sequence stratigraphy to the deep-water setting is challenging because: (1) there is potential for physical disconnection between the deep- water portion of sequences and their fluvial to shallow- water equivalents, commonly as a result of nondeposi- tion or sediment instability and erosion in the shelf edge to upper slope areas; (2) the time control to corre- late the deep-water and the shallow-water portions of sequences is typically inadequate; (3) deposition in the deep-water setting is controlled primarily by gravity flows and mass transport processes, which may result in lateral rather than vertical stacking of depositional elements and systems tracts; and (4) the evidence of relative sea-level change is only indirect in the deep- water setting. In spite of these challenges, significant progress has been made in the definition of sequence stratigraphic models that describe the relationship be- tween the cyclic change in the type of deep-water de- positional elements and the corresponding changes in accommodation and shoreline trajectories on the shelf (e. g., Posamentier and Kolla 2003; Catuneanu 2006; Fig. 30). The cyclic nature of siliciclastic deposition in deep water has been emphasized in numerous case studies and syntheses (e. g., Weimer 1991; Winker and Booth 2000; Posamentier and Kolla 2003; van der Merwe et al. 2010). A cycle of sedimentation in the deep water starts with the activation of shelf-edge repositories during relative sea-level fall, when a decrease in ac- commodation on the shelf results in an increase in sediment supply to the deep-water environment. The cycle ends with the gradual deactivation of the shelf- edge staging areas during relative sea-level rise, when renewed accommodation on the shelf is able to trap the majority of terrigenous sediment within fluvial to shallow-water systems. Changes in accommodation on the shelf, as well as in the location of the coastline, control both the vol- ume and the grain size of the riverborne sediment delivered to the deep-water setting. Sediment supply may also be modified by climate and tectonism in the source areas, the size and the energy of the rivers that bring sediment to the coastline, as well as by the width of the continental shelf. In the case of narrow shelves, sediment supply to the deep-water environment may be higher during all stages of the relative sea-level cy- cle; however, the general trends are maintained in the sense that the lowest volume and the finest sediment will still accumulate during times of highest accom- modation on the shelf, whereas the largest volume and the coarsest sediment will still be delivered during times of lowest accommodation on the shelf. Typically, three sequence stratigraphic surfaces are mappable regionally within the deep-water setting: the two types of correlative conformity and the maxi- mum flooding surface (Posamentier and Kolla 2003; Catuneanu 2006; Figs. 31, 32). These surfaces relate to important phases in the evolution of the deep-water system. The correlative conformity of Posamentier and Allen (1999) marks the onset of high sediment supply to the deep basin, which typically starts with mud-dominated gravity flow and mass transport de- posits. The correlative conformity of Hunt and Tucker (1992) corresponds to the top of the coarsest sediment in the deep-water basin, which typically forms the best petroleum reservoirs. The maximum flooding surface marks the timing of the minimum sediment delivery to the deep basin, and it is typically placed at the heart of regionally extensive condensed sections. A deep-water sequence includes the equivalents of forced regressive, lowstand normal regressive, trans- gressive and highstand normal regressive deposits on the shelf (Fig. 30). The following are generalized trends that describe a cycle of deep-water sedimenta- tion. Departures from this model may occur as a func- tion of shelf width, sediment supply, and patterns of sediment transport (e. g., Porebski and Steel 2006; Co- vault et al. 2007). O. Catuneanu et al. 204 Forced regression Sediment supply to the deep-water environment is highest during stages of relative sea-level fall and negative accommodation on the shelf. Consequently, forced regressive deposits (i. e., the FSST) tend to form the bulk of the submarine fan complex; however, actual thicknesses, as well as the ratio between the thicknesses of the different systems tracts may vary greatly with location and the place of accumulation of the various depositional elements of the fan complex. Deposition in deep water during forced regression typically starts with muddy facies of mudflow and mass transport deposits sourced from offshore sedi- ment that becomes unstable as a result of lowering of the wave base during relative sea-level fall. The fine- grained nature of the early forced regressive sediment also reflects the fact that coastlines on the shelf are typ- ically remote from the shelf edge during early stages of relative fall, preventing the delivery of riverborne sediment beyond the shelf edge. As forced regression continues and coastlines prograde closer to the shelf edge, sand becomes available in the staging areas, giving rise to high-density turbidites during late stages of relative sea-level fall. The depositional elements of these high-density turbidites are dominated by exten- sive frontal splays on the basin floor, which may be connected to aggrading feeder channels on the conti- nental slope. Besides episodic turbidity currents, cata- strophic collapse of shelf-edge deltas during stages of late forced regression may also give rise to sandy de- bris flows that consist of large accumulations of mas- sive sand. Lowstand normal regression The onset of relative sea-level rise marks a decrease in the volume, as well as the grain size, of the riverborne Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 205 T i m e HNR HNR Early Late LNR Early Late (-) RSL (+) (-) sand / mud (+) (-) grain size (+) Condensed section (hemipelagic) (1) (2) (3) Sequence stratigraphic surfaces Genetic units FR T CC* CC** MRS MFS (mappable) (mappable) (mappable) (cryptic) Fig. 30. Dominant types of gravity-flow deposits that form the submarine fan complex in a deep-water setting (modified from Posamentier and Kolla 2003; Catuneanu 2006). (1) mudflow deposits; (2) high- density turbidites and/or grain- flow deposits; (3) low-density turbidites. The relative contri- bution of hemipelagic sediment to the rock record is inversely proportional to the volume of terrigenous sediment delivered to the deep-water setting. Abbreviations: RSL relative sea level; HNR highstand normal regressive deposits; FR forced regressive deposits; LNR lowstand normal regres- sive deposits; T transgressive deposits; CC* correlative con- formity sensu Posamentier and Allen (1999); CC** correlative conformity sensu Hunt and Tucker (1992); MRS maxi- mum regressive surface; MFS maximum flooding surface. O. Catuneanu et al. 206 25 m Lithofacies Interpretation sandstone, thick beds sandstone, thin beds alternating mudstone and siltstone muddy chaotic, folded and faulted facies mudstone siltstone Laingsburg Formation V i s c h k u i l
F o r m a t i o n Collingham Formation high-density turbidites low-density turbidites low-density turbidites low-density turbidites mudflows, slumps and slides Sequence stratigraphic surfaces: maximum flooding surface correlative conformity ** correlative conformity * Systems tracts: highstand normal regression lowstand normal regression - transgression forced regression condensed section KEY: 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 31. Composite profile of the Vischkuil Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa (modified from van der Merwe et al. 2010). sediment delivered to the deep-water environment, as fluvial topsets trap the coarser sediment fractions on the shelf (Catuneanu 2006). As a result, the dominant type of gravity flow that carries sediment into the deep-water setting changes from the high-density tur- bidity currents of late forced regression to low-densi- ty turbidity flows characterized by lower sediment-to- water and sand-to-mud ratios. The lower-density tur- bidites of the lowstand normal regression (i. e., the LST) are dominated by aggrading leveed-channel sys- tems on the basin floor, which typically become en- trenched updip on the continental slope (Posamentier and Kolla 2003). Transgression With the rapid creation of accommodation and con- comitant trapping of riverborne sediment in backstep- ping fluvial and coastal systems, sediment entry points into the marine environment shift back from the shelf edge and the supply of sand to the deep water gradu- ally decreases during transgression. The manifestation of low-density turbidity flows continues from the low- stand normal regression into early transgression, when coastlines are still close to the shelf-edge staging areas. However, these turbidity flows become progressively more diluted, finer grained and infrequent during transgression, to the point when sedimentation from suspension becomes the dominant process in the deep- water environment at the time of maximum flooding. In such cases, condensed sections characterize the late stages of transgression. Instability at the shelf edge during rapid increase in water depth, coupled with sed- iment starvation, may also result in upper slope failure and the manifestation of mass transport processes and mudflows during late transgression (Posamentier and Kolla 2003). The transgressive deposits form the TST. Highstand normal regression The highstand is a time of slow increase in accommo- dation, renewed progradation of coastlines following the maximum flooding, and relative stability at the shelf edge. In the case of wide continental shelves, riverborne sediment may also not reach the shelf edge. Consequently, gravity flows or mass transport process- es are unlikely and infrequent in the deep-water envi- ronment, and condensed sections are typical for the deep-water portion of this (HST) systems tract. In the case of narrow continental shelves, coastal prograda- tion may gradually bring the sediment entry points close enough to the shelf edge for the delivery of riverborne sediment into the deep-water environment (Porebski and Steel 2006; van der Merwe et al. 2010). In such cases, low-density turbidites may be recorded above the condensed section (Figs. 30, 31). Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 207 Collingham Formation Laingsburg Formation Laingsburg 0 10 10 km 20 30 40 50 km highstand normal regression lowstand normal regression - transgression forced regression 50 m W E N Cape Fold Belt Karoo Basin CAPE TOWN PORT ELIZABETH 100 km Vischkuil Formation maximum flooding surface correlative conformity ** correlative conformity * 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 32. Sequence stratigraphy of the Vischkuil Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa (modified from van der Merwe et al. 2010). The Vischkuil Formation consists of five submarine fan complexes, corresponding to five depositional sequences (15), which include forced regressive, lowstand normal regressive, transgressive and highstand normal regressive systems tracts (see text for details). See Fig. 31 for a lithofacies description of the five sequences and component systems tracts. Ver- tical bars represent measured outcrop sections. 2. Case study: The Vischkuil Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin, South Africa The Ecca Group of the Karoo Supergroup includes depositional systems that exemplify both distal and proximal basin-floor settings, as well as overlying and prograding slope and shelf facies. The overall shal- lowing-upward succession from distal basin floor to shelf settings marks the transition from the underfilled to the filled phases in the evolution of the basin (Catuneanu et al. 2002). This case study presents the distal basin-floor succession of the Permian Vischkuil Formation in the Karoo Basin (Figs. 31, 32). The Vischkuil Formation is a 280380 m thick mudstone- and siltstone-dominated succession, which includes five sequences interpreted to have accumu- lated in relation to cyclic changes in accommodation on the shelf (van der Merwe et al. 2010; Figs. 31, 32). The bulk of the succession consists of gravity-flow and mass-transport deposits related to mudflows, slumps, high-density turbidity currents and/or grain- flows, and low-density turbidity currents. Each cycle of sedimentation comprises a relatively thin (i. e., me- tre-scale) but regionally extensive condensed section of hemipelagic mudstone that represents a starved basin floor, likely corresponding to a stage of maxi- mum flooding on the shelf (Figs. 30, 31). These con- densed sections are markers for regional correlation, and help to delineate sequences. Each condensed section is overlain by a succession of silty turbidites interpreted as an HST (Fig. 31). Highstand systems tracts represent stages of renewed progradation and delivery of riverborne sediment into the deep basin, albeit in a relatively distal setting. The deposition is terminated by an abrupt shift in deposi- tional regime marked by a sharp increase in sediment supply interpreted to mark the onset of relative sea- level fall, and hence the change from highstand nor- mal regression to forced regression on the shelf. The boundary separating these two systems tracts is a sur- face of regional extent that is referred to as either the correlative conformity or the basal surface of forced regression. The forced-regressive portions of sequences may in- clude muddy chaotic facies associated with mudflows and slumps, as well as sandy facies related to high-den- sity turbidity currents (Figs. 30, 31). The two older se- quences include sandy deposits, whereas the overlying three sequences comprise muddy facies. This trend reflects the gradual progradation of the shelf edge through time. The onset of lowstand normal regression is marked by a sharp decrease in sediment supply to the deep- water setting as sediment starts being trapped in ag- grading fluvial topsets on the shelf. The boundary between forced regressive and lowstand normal re- gressive systems tracts is a type of correlative con- formity (i. e., in the sense of Hunt and Tucker 1992). This surface can be traced regionally at the contact be- tween forced regressive mudflow and/or high-density turbidity flow deposits and the overlying low-density turbidites that accumulate dominantly within leveed- channel systems (Figs. 30, 31, 32). The correlative conformity has lithological expression as it corre- sponds to an allogenic event that changes sediment supply to the basin within a short time interval (e. g., Fig. 11). The lowstand low-density turbidity flows continued to dominate sedimentation during the transgressive stage as well, or at least during the early part of trans- gression (Posamentier and Kolla 2003; Catuneanu 2006). For this reason, the maximum regressive sur- face is cryptic in the deep-water system, within an undifferentiated succession of low-density turbidites. The turbidite succession of lowstand normal-regres- sive to transgressive deposits becomes finer through time, as progressively less frequent turbidity currents give way to dominantly condensed sections during late stages of transgression. Carbonate settings 1. Introduction A sequence stratigraphic framework applied to car- bonates provides a major tool for the interpretation of the complex and diverse spectrum of the depositional systems, and the geometric architecture of their facies (Figs. 33, 34). The subdividing sequence stratigraphic surfaces identified in carbonates, just as with silici- clastic sediments, are erosional and flooding surfaces produced by base-level change (Handford and Loucks 1993). This framework of surfaces is regional in ori- gin, and provides chronology to the order of deposition of the carbonate facies geometries defined by the hier- archy of the bounding surfaces and enables the inter- pretation and prediction of their extent and character. The methodology of this interpretive process is appli- cable no matter the response of the carbonates to the geotectonic setting and the physical, chemical and bi- ological conditions of the specific depositional setting, O. Catuneanu et al. 208 be it a basin with a steep margin, a homoclinal ramp or an epeiric sea (Figs. 35, 36). Though carbonate depositional settings and their as- sociated sediments have some similarities to clastics, major differences exist. Clastics are transported to their depositional setting, while carbonate sediments are the products of in situ generation linked to carbonate-pro- ducing organisms, many of which are products of depth-dependent photosynthetic activity and so have their greatest rates of generation close to the air/sea in- terface of the depositional setting. The depth-depen- dent character of most carbonate facies (with the ex- ception of mass transport down slope) means they are often tied directly to sea-level position whereas clastics are not. This often causes the character of carbonate sediment to change predictably during lowstands, rap- id transgression, and/or highstands of sea level, where- as clastics do not provide such clear indicators of sea- level position. Additionally carbonate sediments nor- mally have a biochemical origin and so are influenced by the chemistry of the water from which they precip- itated. This means that carbonate facies can also be used to determine changes in paleogeography, includ- ing the development of isolation or access to the open sea (Fig. 37) providing a better understanding of their depositional setting and relationship to plate-tectonic configuration, and changes in paleoclimate. In addition the evolution of the organisms, whose skeletal remains form many carbonates, can provide better time controls on the sedimentary succession. Thus carbonates, as in- dicators of depositional setting, when combined with the sequence stratigraphic framework often form more Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 209 Fig. 33. Composite sequence stratigraphic framework of a carbonate platform with (right-hand side) and without (left-hand side) buildups. The lower portion of the diagram captures a carbonate margin where the falling-stage system tract (FSST) is expressed as a forced regression that progrades and downsteps seaward in response to the loss of accommodation as rela- tive sea level falls. The three downstepping wedges of sediment build out over the basal surface of forced regression (BSFR) and terminate seaward in a basin-floor fan. Above the fan is a correlative conformity while up-dip the subaerial unconfor- mity forming the sequence boundary (SB) overlies the downstepping sediment wedges of the forced regression. Over the unconformity is the lowstand systems tract (LST) expressed by a shoreline whose trajectory rises seaward. This is followed by three onlapping retrograding carbonate units of the transgressive systems tract (TST) that overlie a transgressive surface (TS) and are topped by a maximum flooding surface (MFS). This in turn is overlain by a highstand systems tract (HST) car- bonate margin expressed as three shoaling-upward cycles which lie below the next depositional sequence boundary (SB). The designation of sequence boundary in this diagram conforms with Hunt and Tucker (1992). According to Posamentier and Allen (1999), the BSFR is the sequence boundary. The vertical section on the left-hand side is a schematic column of the stacked sediments that accumulated within each systems tract. The approximate position of the sedimentary column is indicated by white strips on the sections; no one locality provides a complete section through all the systems tracts and parasequences; the FSST is represented by a section that is basinward; the LST has a section even farther basinward, and the section for the TST and HST parasequences is better expressed further onto the platform. O. Catuneanu et al. 210 Fig. 34. Hierarchy of carbonate architectural elements from carbonate grains to cycles, bedsets, incised tidal channel fill (single units to complexes that extend perpendicular to the basin margin), shingled carbonate ribbons (complexes of inter- tidal beaches and or shoals that parallel the basin margin), build-ups (patch reef), reef flat, climbing sigmoids, offset sub- marine channels and levees, amalgamated submarine channels and levees, platform sheet geometries in response physical and ecological accommodation, and carbonate platform complex system set. Note relationship to depositional sequence boundaries, transgressive surfaces (TS) and maximum flooding surfaces (MFS). powerful interpretive indicators than clastics. Carbon- ates can therefore enhance the prediction of both the lithofacies and the hierarchies that develop within this framework away from data-rich areas. Framework of carbonate sequence stratigraphic geometries The hierarchy of carbonate sequence stratigraphic geometries includes those associated with normal and forced regressions of highstand, falling stage and low- stand systems tracts; and onlapping retrogradation transgressive geometries (Figs. 33, 3840). As with clastics, the geometries of carbonate strata are products of the morphology of the depositional surface, and rates of change of base level and sediment accumulation. For instance when rates of change are rapid, as on Figures 4 and 33, during lowstand normal regression it is not uncommon for carbonates to prograde through time while rates of aggradation increase with a resulting coastal trajectory that is concave upwards; conversely with highstand normal regressions it is not uncommon that progradation increases with time while aggrada- tion decreases, leading to a coastal trajectory that is convex up. During forced regressions, downstepping occurs. As with clastics too, these geometries are de- fined by the bounding surfaces that include those formed during and following transgressions (TS and MFS) and those that formed during falls in sea level as regressive surfaces (SBs). Physical erosion, burrowing, boring, dissolution (Clari et al. 1995; Lukasik and Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 211 clastic sediment input controls on carbonate accumulation evolution mineralogy climate belts change with plate tectonics biological factors temperature salinity sea level position rise fall HMC LMC ARAG. age drowned bank ramp isolated bank open shelf rimmed shelf epeiric shelf karst a g e d e p t h d e p t h t u r b i d i t y photic zone production foramol/bryomol chloralgal salinity increase water depth turbidity chlorozoan s u b m e r g e n c e e m e r g e n c e subsidence light water movement controls wind waves tides storms ocean currents wave base -sea level- antecedent topography platform morphology no influx siliciclastic influence influx controls on accommodation d e p t h rate accumulation Fig. 35. Main factors that control the formation of carbonate successions on platforms (after Jones and Desrochers 1992). James 2003), and/or cementation may have modified these surfaces. Whatever their origin, these surfaces mark changes in the depositional regime, particularly base level, and provide a convenient means to subdi- vide the carbonate section. From the perspective of se- quence stratigraphy, these surfaces are used to deter- mine the order in which strata are laid down and to de- fine the geometries that they enclose, and so interpret their depositional setting. Biostratigraphic data (both skeletal remains and ichnology) when tied to the stratal units, enable the direct comparison between shallow- marine and deeper-marine carbonate sequences, their related units and the potential correlation of the car- bonate cycles to relative sea-level rise and fall. Carbonate strata can be expressed (Fig. 34) as un- confined sheets, unconfined but localized buildups O. Catuneanu et al. 212 give up time back step down step catch up keep up prograde spill out s e a
l e v e l d e p t h accumulation rate Carbonate response to sea-level rise give up back step catch up keep up prograde down step fll up and spill out new sea level new sea level old sea levels new sea level old sea levels old sea level new sea level old sea level new sea level old sea level new sea level old sea level give up back step down step catch up keep up prograde relative sea level low high t i m e prograde { Fig. 36. The carbonate response to relative sea-level change (after Scaturo et al. 1989). (reefs, banks and islands), unconfined but localized sigmoids (reef cores; Pomar 1991) and bank margins, and confined incised channels (tidal channels and the product of flood events). Just as with clastics, what - ever the final carbonate geometry formed, this geom- etry is the product of both accumulation (aggradation, retrogradation and progradation) and erosion. As with clastics, sequence stratigraphy of carbonate successions is commonly determined from a combina- tion of the comparatively low-frequency resolution of 2D and 3D seismic data, the high-frequency resolution of well logs, the very high-frequency resolution of cores and a combination of high-frequency resolution and low-frequency resolution from outcrops. How - ever, unlike clastics, marine carbonate successions are the products of base-level change that generates ac- commodation expressed in two forms (Pomar and Kendall 2008) (Fig. 34): physical accommodation (controlled by hydrodynamic conditions) and ecologi- cal accommodation (controlled by organisms and their productivity). Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and depositional setting A carbonate sequence stratigraphic framework pro- vides a useful explanation of carbonate depositional setting and predictions of potential carbonate plays and reservoir models. It links depositional settings, facies, geometries, fauna, and systems tracts (see Figs. 3840 and Table 1). In conclusion, a sequence stratigraphic framework for carbonate rocks can be used to predict the extent and character of facies geometries, whether these carbonate sediments accumulated in updip platforms, platform margins, margin slopes and/or downslope basins. The literature is replete with examples of the effective use of sequence stratigraphic methodology including many on the Permian Basin of west Texas Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 213 Fig. 37. Relationship of carbonate grains to cementation, and waves and currents, based on the Holocene carbonate ramp of the United Arab Emirates and analogous to epeiric sea settings too. O. Catuneanu et al. 214 Fig. 38. Lowstand carbonate stacking including progradational trajectory and keep up response to stillstand of relative sea level at a low sea level position within the basin and the downslope deeper basinal settings. Fig. 39. Transgressive carbonate stacking including retrogradational trajectory and keep-up response to rapid rising of relative sea level during a transgression across a carbonate shelf. and New Mexico (Tinker 1998; French and Kerans 2004); Carboniferous of the Sacramento Basin (Bach- tel and Dorobek 1994; Bachtel et al. 2000a, b); Creta- ceous carbonate platforms of central Texas (Kerans et al. 1997a, b; Kerans 2002); Mississippian Paradox Basin carbonates (Eberli et al. 2005; Grammer and Ritter 2008); Mississippian Mission Canyon Forma- tion (Read and Dorobek 1993; and Smith et al. 2003); Mesozoic of the Middle East (Sharland et al. 2001; van Buchem et al. 2002, 2003); Miocene carbonates of the Balearic Islands (Pomar 1993; Pomar and Ward 1995, 1999); the platform to basin transition of the Maiella platform, Italy (Eberli et al. 2004); and Cretaceous (Aptian) of the Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain (Bover- Arnal et al. 2009). 2. Case study: Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) platform-to-basin correlation, Jura Mountains In the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, the massive carbonate beds of the Kimmeridgian form prominent cliffs in the landscape. These carbonates originated in the shallow, subtropical waters of the platform that separated the Vocontian Basin (a branch of the Tethys ocean) to the south from the Paris Basin to the north (Dercourt et al. 2000). Detailed sections have been logged and high-resolution sequence- and cyclostrati- graphic interpretations have been performed by Co - lombi (2002), Colombi and Strasser (2005), and Colombi and Rameil (2006). Ammonites in these plat- form sediments are rare but nevertheless they do fur- nish a biostratigraphic framework (Gygi 2000). A more refined ammonite biostratigraphy has been established in time-equivalent hemipelagic sections in the Vocon- tian Basin (Atrops 1982). Consequently, the platform- to-basin correlation allows the placing of recognized sequence-stratigraphic elements into a biostratigraphic framework. This further permits a comparison of the studied interval with the sequence-chronostratigraphic chart that Hardenbol et al. (1998) prepared for the Eu- ropean basins. For the present case study, five outcrop sections are presented, focusing on the interval cover- ing the Ataxioceras hypselocyclum and Crussoliceras divisum ammonite biozones (Figs. 41, 42). In the platform sections, a prominent break in verti- cal facies evolution occurs where birdseyes indicate that lagoonal lime mudstones shallowed up into a tidal flat (Court) and where birdseyes, charophytes, and dolomitization suggest intertidal to supratidal condi- Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 215 Fig. 40. Highstand carbonate stacking including progradational trajectory and keep-up response to stillstand of relative sea level at a high sea level position. O. Catuneanu et al. 216 Table 1 Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and depositional setting. Carbonate sequence stratigraphy links depositional set- tings and fauna to a predictable framework of facies, geometries, systems tracts and bounding surfaces. The facies, geometries, fauna and the framework of systems tracts recorded by epeiric seas are similar to those of shelf settings. Setting Inner Shelf Outer Shelf Margin Slope Basin Facies Geometry Fauna LST (Fig. 41) TST (Fig. 42) HST (Fig. 43) Sediment homogeneous Micrites, peloids to bioclastic packstone to wackestone; local evapor- ites Shallowing upward cycles common, predictable and correlatable finer carbon- ate capped by tidal-flat dominated by cyanobacte- ria and/or evaporites Sediment heterogeneous: ooids, grapestones and hardened peloids to bioclastic grain shoals to patch reef and shoal build ups Shallowing upward cycles common, predictable and correlatable Sediments heterogeneous to homogenous, reefal boundstones, bioclastic packstone to grainstone accumulations Shallowing upward cycles common Upslope: Heterogeneous wackestones to packstones to grainstone and rudstone offbank transport Lime mudstone-wacke- stone from fine-grained periplatform shedding and quiescent foreslope Local presence of well- sorted grain-rich tem- pestites Brittle reef failure and de- bris of breccias and blocks (olistoliths) common Down slope homogenous dispersed bioclastic pack- stone to mudstone from upslope, often bioturbated Fining-upward cycles common Homogenous cycles of mud- stone, marl to shale, from relative sea-level changes Fining-upward cycles common Unconfined sheets of homogeneous sediment Local storm-driven confined channel fills Unconfined heterogeneous sediment sheets Local confined channel fills Local confined lens- shaped buildups Unconfined thick to mas- sive homogeneous sheets to linear bodies parallel (barrier shoals) or perpen- dicular (tidal channels) to margin Interfingering unconfined aggraded and retrograded foreslope clinoform sheets; thicken upslope/thin downslope Local confined sheets and channel fill can be com- mon Unconfined thin widespread sheets Fauna often high numbers and restricted Fauna commonly shallow water, heterogeneous and moderately cosmopolitan Fauna high numbers and cosmopolitan Downslope ecological accommodation common with massive boundstones and heterogeneous open- marine reef-building skeletal materials often grain-prone in distal por- tions; upper bounding surfaces often SB and less visible MFS Fauna high numbers upslope but sparser and restricted downslope Bioturbation cosmopolitan in shallows protected from heavy wave action; in deeper upper slope burrowing often intense Fauna low numbers and sparse away from margin Bioturbation common on surfaces with low supply rates FSST and subsequent LST exposure SBs, potential karstification and/or no accumulation FSST and LST common exposure surfaces and dis- continuous mudstone to wackestone fill of incised tidal channels perpendicu- lar to margin overlain by discontinuous to continu- ous microbial flat sheets FSST and LST include ex- posure surfaces, or, where sea-level fall less, forced regressions of packstone and wackestone facies of shoreline bodies of upper slope area (perched parasequences) parallel to margin FSST and lowstand LST erosional surfaces from sediment bypass from upslope, downslope from forced regressive shore- lines with wackestone and packstone facies extending downslope from the basin margin FSST/LST collapse margin megabreccias at sea-level falls LST and TST (and early HST) when platforms ag- grade rapidly they, and slope, supply debris and mud flows TST often missing or reworked earlier sediments TST onlapping linear sheets parallel to margin with local aggradation of TST lenses TST onlapping sheets of open-marine facies of mudstones, wackestones and packstone sheets TST onlapping sheets of open-marine facies of argillaceous lime mud- stone and wackestone; local buildups, especially over topographic highs LST and TST (and early HST) when platforms ag- grade rapidly they, and slope, supply debris and mud flows HST base of organic-rich argillaceous carbonate or shale HST elevated aggradation- al, linear, ribbons of lime- sand barriers and shoals parallel to margin capped by subaerial SBs HST base of finer lime mudstones and wacke- stones, and overlain by aggrading shallowing-up cycles of grainstone rib- bons parallel to the plat- form margin and massive merging boundstone paral- lel to margin capped by subaerial SB HST lime mudstone to wackestone sheets from margin, SB erosional to subaerial unconformity caps HST platform shedding, grain-flow, density-flow and turbidite sands and less lime mud. Lower slope thinning-thickening upward calciturbidites metre-scale and upwards beds, product of millennial eustatic or climatic change tions with local freshwater lakes (Pry-Reuchenette; Fig. 41). At Pichoux, black pebbles and a restricted-la- goonal mudstone point to very shallow conditions. In the basin, at Chteauneuf-dOze, a slump in the Atax- ioceras hippolytense subzone implies slope instability. At Crussol, thick limestone beds suggest low sea lev- el that forced export of carbonate mud from the plat- form (Colombi and Strasser 2003). Hardenbol et al. (1998) placed a sequence boundary Kim2 at the base of the A. hippolytense subzone. It is therefore suggest- ed that the observed features (indicating a fall in rela- tive sea level) correspond to this sequence boundary. Facies in the platform sections occur in beds and bedsets that can be interpreted as small-scale deposi- tional sequences (Strasser et al. 1999). While the indi- vidual beds do not necessarily display a facies evolu- tion indicating a relative sea-level fluctuation, the bedsets can in several cases be interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy: they commonly have an erosive base, display a deepening-up part composed of la- goonal packstones to grainstones with reworked mate- rial, and have a maximum-flooding to early highstand part with low-energy wacke- to mudstones. Towards the top of these sequences, higher energy deposits in- dicate shallowing towards the following bounding surface (e. g., small-scale sequences 3 and 4 at Pry- Reuchenette). Through their stacking pattern and with- in the given bio-chronostratigraphic framework it can be shown that these small-scale sequences formed in tune with the orbital short eccentricity cycle of 100 kyr (Colombi 2002; Strasser 2007). The basinal sections of Crussol and Chteauneuf-dOze are dominated by limestone-marl alternations. Each couplet is thought to correspond to the orbital precession cycle of 20 kyr. The 100-kyr cycles are visually less well expressed than in the platform sections. However, Boulila et al. (2008) performed a cyclostratigraphic analysis includ- ing the Chteauneuf-dOze section and confirmed the presence of the 100-kyr as well as the 400-kyr eccen- tricity cycles. The maximum flooding of the large-scale (Kim2- Kim3) sequence is indicated by a change from gener- ally high-energy deposits to low-energy mudstones at Pichoux and Court (uppermost part of small-scale se- quence 5). Even during maximum-flooding conditions water depth was very shallow to intertidal, as indicat- ed by birdseyes and microbial mats. At Pry-Reuch- enette, an equivalent facies change occurs 100 kyr lat- er and coincides with the maximum-flooding surface of small-scale sequence 6. In the basinal section of Crussol (and in several other sections of the Vocontian Basin; Atrops 1982), the Ataxioceras lothari subzone comprises 16 limestone-marl couplets, corresponding to 320 kyr (Hardenbol et al. 1998, indicated 300 kyr). At Chteauneuf-dOze, only 5 couplets are counted. At the base of the A. lothari subzone, the marly inter- val and a peak in manganese suggest condensation related to maximum flooding (De Raflis et al. 2001). A second marly and thin-bedded interval with a man- ganese peak appears in the C. divisum zone. It corre- sponds to the condensed interval of the Kim2-Kim3 sequence identified by Hardenbol et al. (1998) in many other European basins. Correlating this interval up to the platform, it is seen to correspond to the maximum flooding identified at Pry-Reucenette (Fig. 41). The equivalent of sequence boundary Kim3 of Hardenbol et al. (1998) is indicated by charophytes, black peb- bles, dolomite, and birdseyes in the platform sections, and by thick limestone beds in the basin. It is situated in the C. divisum ammonite zone. In the absence of laterally continuous outcrop in the vegetated Jura Mountains and in the absence of seismic lines, it is not possible to reconstruct the geometries of the sequence-stratigraphic elements. In the platform sections, the general facies trends within the large-scale Kim2-Kim3 sequence do not imply deepening or shal- lowing that would indicate retrogradation or prograda- tion. However, many bedsets (small-scale sequences of Strasser et al. 1999) exhibit deepening-shallowing trends. It is therefore suggested that the Jura platform was in a general aggradational mode during this time but that high-frequency (orbitally controlled) sea-level fluctuations were superimposed on this long-term trend and controlled the facies evolution. Across the whole platform, carbonate production was high enough to constantly fill in the available space, even during the transgressive part and the max- imum flooding of the large-scale sequence. Tidal flats were common and islands with fresh-water lakes (as in- dicated by the charophytes) formed sporadically. The absence of karst or soils indicates that sea level never dropped below the platform edge and that the high-fre- quency sea-level fluctuations were of low amplitude. The fact that the studied large-scale sequence is signif- icantly thicker at Pry-Reuchenette implies differential subsidence. The Jura platform was part of the northern passive margin of the Tethys Ocean where extensional block-faulting was common (Wildi et al. 1989). The slump at Chteauneuf-dOze represents a low- stand deposit. The thick limestone beds at Crussol formed during lowstand but also during transgressive conditions when carbonate mud was exported from the Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 217 O. Catuneanu et al. 218 F i g . 4 1 . C o r r e l a t i o n
o f
t h r e e
p l a t f o r m
a n d
t w o
b a s i n a l
s e c t i o n s .
N u m b e r s
i n
c o l u m n s
t o
t h e
l e f t
i n d i c a t e
s m a l l - s c a l e
( 1 0 0 - k y r )
s e q u e n c e s .
F o r l e g e n d
s e e
F i g . 4 2 . platform. During transgression, the energy on the plat- form was generally higher, which resulted in the re- curring pack- and grainstones there. In the basin, a first condensed interval formed while on the platform no change in stacking pattern or facies is observed. The second condensed interval, however, corresponds to the shift from rather high-energy deposits to low-ener- gy facies on the outer platform (Pry-Reuchenette). This shift, however, happened earlier in the platform interior (Pichoux and Court). Due to the high-frequen- cy sea-level fluctuations that were superimposed on the long-term trend and due to the irregular platform morphology, the threshold apparently was not passed at the same time all over the platform. The highstand deposits are quite thin in the basin while they are well developed on the platform. According to the time-lines given by the cyclostratigraphic interpretation, the late highstand is much reduced in the platform interior while at Pry-Reuchenette subsidence was sufficient to accommodate thick peritidal deposits. This case study demonstrates that the combination of sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy allows the reconstruction of systems tracts with a high time reso- lution. It is seen that the physical expression of se- quence-stratigraphic surfaces (as defined by facies changes in the outcrop) can be shifted in time due to varying basin morphology and due to superposition of high-frequency sea-level fluctuations on a longer-term trend of sea-level change (Strasser et al. 2000). If a spe- cific surface cannot be physically followed from one section to the other, it may therefore be of advantage to define sequence-boundary zones or maximum-flood- ing intervals (Montaez and Osleger 1993; Carter et al. 1998). This study emphasizes the complexity of car- bonate systems where organic sediment production, sea-level changes, and subsidence patterns interact. 3. Case study: Mid-Cretaceous carbonate platform of the Maestrat Basin, Iberian Chain The mid-Cretaceous carbonate system of the western Maestrat Basin in the Iberian Chain shows clear facies patterns and distinct key surfaces which enable sedi- ment-body geometries to be defined and interpreted in terms of the 4-systems tract model of Hunt and Tuck- er (1992, 1995). Deposition during the late Early Middle Aptian was controlled primarily by two orders of relative sea-level change, and the higher-frequency sea-level rhythms created four types of meter-scale cycle (Bover-Arnal et al. 2009). The lower-frequency cyclicity resulted in five well-differentiated systems tracts within two depositional sequences: a highstand systems tract (HST) and falling-stage systems tract (FSST) of depositional sequence A; and a lowstand systems tract (LST), transgressive systems tract (TST) and highstand systems tract (HST) of depositional se- quence B (Fig. 43). The systems tracks could be sepa- rated and identified on the basis of well-developed key bounding surfaces, namely a basal surface of forced regression, a subaerial unconformity and its marine correlative conformity, a transgressive surface and a maximum flooding surface. These are all broadly iden- tifiable and correlatable throughout the platform-to- basin transition. The first HST of depositional sequence A consists of prograding rudist-coral framestones-rudstones- floatstones. The succeeding FSST consists of a de- tached, slightly cross-bedded bioclastic pack/grain- stone unit situated at the toe of the slope in a basinal position. The LST is characterized by a small carbon- ate platform dominated by rudists and corals, and this downlaps over the FSST and onlaps landwards over the sequence boundary. The TST exhibits platform backstepping and is composed of more marly, locally bioclastic wackestones. The second HST is character- ized by prograding units of bioclastic, rudist-coral pack/grain- stones as high rates of carbonate produc- tion resumed on the platform and skeletal debris was supplied to the slope. Bover-Arnal et al. (2009) took the view that the sequence boundary should be placed above the forced regressive wedge, below the low- Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 219 Texture marls mudstone wackestone packstone grainstone m M W P G Sequence stratigraphy sequence boundary maximum flooding condensed section Kim2 MF CS Facies limestone with quartz limestone with dolomite peloids oncoids ooids lithoclasts black pebbles brachiopods echinoderms foraminifera corals green algae bivalves gastropods charophytes Sedimentary structures birdseyes bioturbation microbial mat lamination Fig. 42. Legend for Fig. 41. stand prograding wedge. On a more regional, even global scale, these systems tracts occur within two larger-scale Aptian T-R sequences. On a smaller scale, the Maestrat succession is made up of four types of meter-scale cycle resulting from higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations. These basi- cally accretional units are composed of ten lithofacies associations, which are interpreted in terms of ba- thymetry, hydrodynamic conditions and trophic level of the various depositional environments. This Maes- trat Basin carbonate platform had a flat-topped non- rimmed depositional profile with well-developed rud- ist-bivalve floatstones containing corals, interpreted as largely formed below wave-influence. For the most part, deposition of all these Aptian carbonates took place in low energy hydrodynamic conditions. One feature of particular interest is that the major sea-level fall recorded in this succession at the end of the first HST during the uppermost early Aptian (Dufrenoyia furcata biozone) was likely on the order of tens of meters and appears to have been a global event. This fall that subaerially exposed the carbonate platform, led to the deposition of the FSST. Of the various mechanisms that could trigger a significant sea-level drop in less than 1 Myr, glacioeustasy was in- voked and this event could correlate with the cooling episode proposed for this time slice (Hochuli et al. 1999; Steuber et al. 2005). Mixed carbonate-evaporite settings 1. Introduction In evaporite systems, precipitation takes place in a range of shallow- to deep-water environments at times of increased aridity (see review in Warren 2006). The majority of the worlds thickest and most extensive evaporite successions were precipitated in intracraton- ic basins, which were separated from the world ocean by some barrier. Examples include the Zechstein, Williston-Elk Point, Michigan, Paradox, Delaware, O. Catuneanu et al. 220 HST HST N TST Platform backstepping MFS FSST BSFR LST TS CC TRS/SU 15 m Fig. 43. Sequence stratigraphic framework of an Aptian platform-to-basin carbonate succession in the western Maestrat Basin (from Bover-Arnal et al. 2009). See Bover-Arnal et al. (2009) for full facies descriptions and interpretations. Abbre- viations: HST highstand systems tract; FSST falling-stage systems tract; LST lowstand systems tract; TST trans- gressive systems tract; BSFR basal surface of forced regression (= correlative conformity sensu Posamentier and Allen, 1999); CC correlative conformity sensu Hunt and Tucker (1992); TS transgressive surface (in this case, a transgressive ravinement surface reworking a maximum regressive surface); TRS transgressive ravinement surface; SU subaerial un- conformity; MFS maximum flooding surface. Moscow and Siberian basins. In most of these, carbon- ate platforms developed around the basin margins when there was free circulation within the basins and open connection with the ocean. Evaporites were com- monly precipitated in sabkhas and hypersaline lagoons, often extremely extensive, behind the carbonate rims. The evaporites within the basin centers, where the thickest successions occur (the saline giants), were precipitated at times of reduced connection with, or complete isolation from, the open ocean, through the operation of a sill or barrier. Once sea level has dropped below the height of the barrier to cut the basin off totally, then the basin may draw down very quickly through evaporation. Some water will seep into the basin through marginal permeable rocks, and there may be some reflux of hypersaline brines out of the basin. In a similar way, global sea level may only need to rise a few meters to overtop the barrier and flood the basin. Much greater and more rapid water-level changes can thus be expected within such silled basins compared with those normally considered for siliciclastics and carbonates deposited on passive margins and in other completely open basins. In addition, sea-water and brine levels within an isolated saline basin may vary in- dependently of global sea level, responding especially to climate changes and tectonic effects. In terms of sequence stratigraphic models for car- bonate-evaporite basins, two principal types were dis- tinguished by Tucker (1991), depending on the degree of drawdown: model 1, incomplete drawdown, giving marginal gypsum wedges and basinal laminated gyp- sum, and model 2, complete drawdown, giving halite basin-fills (Figs. 44, 45). More recent discussions of these and other aspects of evaporite sequence stratig- raphy have been presented by Sarg (2001) and Warren (2006). The origin of sequences is generally assumed to be related to cycles of salinity change, but other ecological factors such as temperature may be equally important in controlling facies and faunal cyclicity in carbonate-evaporite settings (Pratt and Haidl 2008). Prior to the onset of evaporite precipitation, an in- tracratonic basin is typically fully connected to the world ocean, with the sea level above sill height. Car- bonate platforms will occur around the basin and ex- tensive shallow-water biogenic and abiotic carbonate sedimentation will take place under the generally ideal hot and dry climate, where there is limited siliciclastic input. Retrogradational (TST) carbonates followed by aggradational-progradational (HST) shallow-water carbonates would be developed, with thin (condensed) pelagic carbonates and hemipelagic mudrocks within the basin center (Figs. 44.1, 45.1). Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 221 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 1. highstand open basin, carbonate rim 2. falling stage & lowstand marginal gypsum wedge 3. early TST retrogradational sabkha/evaporitic lagoons 6. late HST sabkha/evaporitic lagoons 5. highstand rimmed shelf 4. TST retrogradational carbonate open ocean sill/barrier basinal laminites: carb/gyps/org C reworked, slumped gypsum shelf selenite sabkha sulphate basinal carbonates condensed section pinnacle reefs/mud mounds formed during TST LSW LSW LSW LSW HST HST HST HST HST HST HST TST TST TST TST TST TST TST TST sb SL Fig. 44. Carbonate evaporite intracratonic basins: sequence stratigraphic model for a basin with incomplete drawdown, leading to basin-margin gypsum wedges (from Tucker 1991). O. Catuneanu et al. 222 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 1. highstand open basin, carbonate rim 2. falling stage & lowstand gypsum wedge during slow sea-level fall 3. lowstand halite pans and lakes 6. highstand rimmed shelf/ramp through basin-centre subsidence open ocean sill/barrier seapage if fast fall no gypsum wedge pinnacle reefs/mud mounds formed during TST LSW LSW HST HST HST HST HST TST TST TST TST sb SL 4. basin-fll halite (BFH), early TST gypsum LSW LSW HST HST TST TST 5. highstand aggraded platform LSW LS-BFH LSW HST HST TST TST LSW LS-BFH LSW HST HST TST TST Fig. 45. Carbonate evaporite intracratonic basins: sequence stratigraphic model for a basin with complete drawdown lead- ing to basin-fill halite (from Tucker 1991). Forced regression With a forced regression and sea-level falling close to or just below the sill height, the water level within the basin will quickly fall below the shelf break of the marginal carbonate platforms through evaporative drawdown. Water within the basin will rapidly become hypersaline, although some seawater replenishment may occur as a result of seepage through permeable carbonates near the barrier. Gypsum will precipitate in abundance around the basin margins during this FSST, below the carbonate platform rims, to initiate wedges (Figs. 44.2, 45.2). On the basin floor, carbonate will continue to be deposited in the early stages of draw- down until the basinal waters themselves are saturated for calcium sulphate. During the falling stage and subsequent lowstand, the marginal carbonate platforms will be exposed and may be subjected to subaerial erosion, karstification and, potentially, massive dolomitization. Fluvial inci- sion and siliciclastic influx may occur if there is hin- terland topography, but under an arid climate the amount of sand supplied may be limited. Lowstand normal regression In the situation of incomplete drawdown, where the basin always contains some water through partial to near-complete isolation from the world ocean, extensive marginal gypsum wedges will prograde into the basin. Gypsum precipitation during this time of more stable sea level within the basin may take place in shallow, la- goonal hypersaline waters as selenitic gypsum. Gypsum platforms may form within the basin on local topo- graphic highs, as occurred in Poland during the upper Permian (Slowakiewicz and Mikolajewski 2009). Me- ter-scale sedimentary cycles (parasequences) may be developed within the wedge if there are higher frequen- cy relative water-level changes within the basin. Resed- imentation of gypsum into deeper water by storms, slope failure, debris flows and turbidity currents will give graded beds, slumps and breccias, and contribute towards the progradation of the gypsum platforms. Within the basin center, fine-grained gypsum will be precipitated from surface waters on to the basin floor, and this may be interlaminated with carbonate and/or organic matter, reflecting seasonal variations in precip- itation and plankton blooms. Salinity stratification of the water mass can be expected, and a pycnocline is likely to form too, through the weak circulation of wa- ter within the basin. This will enhance organic matter preservation. Selenitic gypsum may be precipitated on the basin floor if the water depth is below about 25 m. If the conditions for subaqueous gypsum precipitation within the basin center are maintained for a long period of time, a thick succession of sulphate laminites will form, perhaps with selenitic beds, and this could fill the basin. Such was the case in the Permian Castile Forma- tion of Texas (Anderson et al. 1972). Reflux of brines out of the basin and/or a relative humidity control may be required to prevent halite precipitation. A basin may endure complete drawdown during the lowstand, if there is a major drop in sea level well below sill-height or there is complete blockage of the basin entrance (Fig. 45). If the climate is arid enough (atmos- pheric relative humidity below 76%) and there is virtu- ally no replenishment from the adjacent ocean or from surface run-off, then halite will be precipitated on the basin floor, with deposition taking place in salt pans and salt lakes (Fig. 45.3). If the lowstand follows a very rapid forced-regressive drawdown, there may be little gypsum precipitated in basin-margin wedges. If there is sufficient water seeping into the basin through perme- able rocks at the sill, then enough halite may be precip- itated to completely fill the basin (Fig. 45.4). Potash salts may form in instances of extreme desiccation. Transgression When the basin is reconnected to the open ocean, the formerly exposed carbonate platforms will be re-flood- ed and carbonate deposition may resume there in trans- gressive, retrogradational (TST) geometries (Figs. 44.3, 44.4). The early deposits of the TST along the shelf mar- gin could still be evaporitic if hypersaline shallow wa- ters were maintained long enough to establish sabkhas and salterns (Fig. 44.3). In a lowstand halite-filled basin, initial deposits of the TST would likely still be hypersaline (Fig. 45.4). Dissolution of salts by the incoming seawater would maintain hypersalinity for a time. Gypsum sabkhas and lagoons could be established and extend back over the former marginal carbonate platforms. Where lowstand halite has completely filled the basin, all original to- pography will have been removed and, in the absence of any differential subsidence, succeeding transgres- sive carbonates will be deposited in an extensive shal- low sea, and highstand carbonates could well show a restricted fauna with further evaporites (Fig. 45.5). Highstand normal regression Once a basin has been completely re-flooded and fully connected to the open ocean then normal shallow-ma- rine carbonates can be expected again on the marginal platforms with highstand progradation (Figs. 44.5, Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 223 45.5). The area of shallow-water carbonate deposition could now be much more extensive in view of the for- mation of the gypsum wedges and platforms during the preceding forced regression and lowstand. The new carbonate shelf margin will be located along the outer (basinward) edge of the gypsum wedge. Around the in- ner margins of the platforms, sabkhas and hypersaline lagoons could be very extensive during the highstand, although not necessarily creating thick successions (Figs. 44.6, 45.5). Discussion Thick and relatively rapidly-precipitated evaporites can have a significant loading effect on the crust (Van der Belt and de Boer 2007). This may well lead to in- creased subsidence of basin margins and basin floors, thereby creating further accommodation for more evaporites (Fig. 45.6). In terms of key surfaces, the depositional sequence boundary will occur on the upper surface of the plat- form carbonates, where it could be represented by a pa- leokarst, or evaporite residue from later dissolution of inner platform sabkha-lagoonal evaporites. Dolomites may occur and be related to the sequence boundary as a result of seepage reflux. The correlative conformity of this surface in the basin would be best taken at the base of the evaporites, as a major facies change but also marking the beginning of forced regression. This would also be at the base of gypsum-carbonate/car- bonaceous laminites in the central part of the basin. In a basin of incomplete drawdown, the sequence would consist of an evaporitic lower part (the forced regressive-lowstand gypsum wedge and succeeding early TST sabkha/lagoonal gypsum) passing up and lat- erally into platform carbonates of the TST and HST. In a basin of complete drawdown, forced regressive gyp- sum could be succeeded by extremely thick lowstand halite, before transgressive evaporites and then carbon- ates as the basin reflooded. Evaporites may also be present in the uppermost part of the sequence from deposition in late HST-early FSST sabkhas and hyper- saline lagoons on the inner part of the carbonate plat- form. Thus, in addition to the controls of climate on evaporite occurrence, evaporite precipitation is much controlled by base-level change and accommodation. Evaporites occur in thick successions at basin margins and in basin centers predominantly during lowstands of sea level (global or regional). However, they may also O. Catuneanu et al. 224 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v vv v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v basinward landward sabkha siliciclastic-rich alluvial-fll carbonate margin key carbonate platform carbonate slope halite subaqueous gypsum/anhydrite HST HST HST HST HST FSST LST LST LST ts sb TST TST TST mfs mfs mfs TST sb> sb> <sb <sb high low LS evaporites relative sea level FSST sb Fig. 46. Summary diagram of evaporite-carbonate lithofacies distribution in a sequence stratigraphic framework. Evapor- ites can occur within all systems tracts but are preferentially developed within the basin during falling-stage and lowstand systems tracts, and on the platform itself during early transgressive and late highstand to falling-stage systems tracts (after Sarg 2001). The designation of sequence boundary in this diagram conforms with Posamentier and Allen (1999). be precipitated in quite thick sections on platforms and shelves around basins during transgressive times when accommodation is being created. During highstands, evaporites may continue to be formed inboard of car- bonate platforms, generating sabkha and other arid- zone type cycles/parasequences, but these evaporites will generally be relatively thin. Figure 46 summarizes the sequence stratigraphic context of evaporites. 2. Case study: The Upper Permian carbonate-evaporite succession (Zechstein) of NWEurope The Upper Permian Zechstein strata of NW Europe were deposited in the Southern Permian Basin, which stretched for 1500 km from eastern Britain to eastern Poland. The Zechstein succession has traditionally been described as a series of carbonate-evaporite cycles, five in total, which can be correlated across the whole basin with some local variations (Taylor 1990; Menning et al. 2006). Applying sequence stratigraphic concepts to the Zechstein (Tucker 1991) has some advantages since the stratigraphy of whole basin is considered rather that just the basin center as in the cycle concept. In addition, sequence stratigraphy extends the degree of prediction to the basin-margin platform carbonates and their dia- genesis, that is not evident in a cycle approach. In NE England, the first-cycle platform carbonates (Z1Ca = Zechstein First-cycle carbonates) are the Raisby and Ford formations (equivalent to the Zech- steinkalk of continental Europe), with the first being a distally-steepened ramp deposit and the second a rimmed shelf (Figs. 47 and 48). Each of these plat- forms is one sequence (ZS1 and ZS2 = Zechstein Se- quence 1 and 2), each dominated by transgressive and highstand carbonates, and the SB between the two is a karstic surface. A major slide deposit (megabreccia) was generated during the forced regression that termi- nated Raisby deposition. Subsequently, the Zechstein basin was subjected to a partial drawdown and during forced regression and lowstand, the Hartlepool Anhydrite (= Werra) was pre- cipitated as a 180 m thick and 30 km wide gypsum wedge, against the former shelf-margin carbonate slope. Much of the anhydrite is nodular, but this could well be a replacement of selenitic gypsum, precipitat- ed in shallow water. Slumps, debrites and turbidites have been described from the Werra Anhydrite of Ger- many and the Netherlands. In the southern North Sea and Poland, halite units occurring within the anhydrite were precipitated in salt lakes. The succeeding carbonates (Roker Formation, equiv- alent to the Main Dolomite of Poland, second Zechstein cycle carbonates, Z2Ca), are transgressive and high- stand systems tracts, and with the underlying evaporites form Zechstein sequence 3 (ZS3). The Roker mostly consists of shelf-margin oolite (60 m thick) with micro- bial bioherms. The shelf margin was now more basin- ward than the earlier carbonate margin as a result of the development of the gypsum wedge. The foreslope facies (110 m thick) consists of graded beds, slumps and laminites, with well-developed cycles controlled by millennial-scale and Milankovitch rhythms (Mawson and Tucker 2009). To landward, marls and evaporites were deposited in shelf lagoons and sabkhas, mainly during the highstand. Another forced regression and lowstand led to the precipitation of further evaporites: the Fordon Evapor- ites (= Stassfurt in continental Europe). Marginal gyp- sum wedges were formed but in contrast to the earlier Hartlepool-Werra evaporites, the basin was subjected to complete drawdown and so was completely filled with halite (thickness exceeding 300 m). Late-stage poly- halite attests to extreme desiccation. In the basin center, the uppermost part of the evaporite section above the halite is a very persistent anhydrite bed (the Deck An- hydrite); this represents the early stage of the succeed- ing transgression. Overlying carbonates (Z3Ca, Seaham Formation, Plattenkalk in Poland, maximum 100 m thick) are uniform, peloidal mudstone to packstone, lo- cally oolitic and bioclastic (restricted fauna), with cross- lamination and local storm bedding. This aggraded shelf deposit extended for at least 100 km before passing into deeper-water laminated carbonates, since now much of the basin accommodation was filled with evaporites. The Hartlepool-Werra evaporites (FSST, LST) and suc- ceeding Seaham-Plattenkalk carbonates (TST, HST) comprise Zechstein sequence 4 (ZS4). The top part of the Zechstein succession, the third to fifth carbonate-evaporite cycles, generally has less car- bonate, more clastics and thinner evaporites, of which some are potash facies, especially carnallite (KCl). With these facies, deposition took place in sabkha, lagoonal and lacustrine environments, with clastics from coastal plains and distal alluvial fans, the whole succession now becoming much more continental. These deposits could be subdivided into three se- quences, but they are relatively thin, and so could be regarded as higher-frequency cycles (parasequences) of one sequence (ZS5). Examining a carbonate-evaporite succession in terms of its chronostratigraphy (Fig. 48) is instructive. This Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 225 O. Catuneanu et al. 226 o o oo o o o o o o o oo o oo o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o o o o + + + + + + + + + + + + + + o o o o o o o o o o o o o o W E S T E A S T 5 0 m 5 0 k m R o x b y
F m .
L i t t l e b e c k
A n h y d r i t e . S l e i g h t s
S i l t s t o n e
S n e a t o n
H a l i t e .
B o u l b y
H a l i t e B i l l i n g h a m
A n h y d r i t e S e a h a m
F m . R o k e r
F m . F o r d
F m . R a i s b y
F m . H a r t l e p o o l
A n h y Y e l l o w
S a n d
R o t l i e g e n d C a r b o n i f e r o u s F o r d o n
E v a p o r i t e s M a r l
S l a t e E d l i n g t o n
F m . S h e r b u r n
A n h y d r i t e T r i a s s i c Z S 7 Z S 6 Z S 5 Z S 4 Z S 3 H S T H S T H S T H S T H S T H S T T S T T S T T S T T S T T S T L S T L S T L S T / T S T B F H L S T L S T L S
G Z S 2 Z S 1 s b s b s b s b s b s b s b s b s b a p p r o x
s c a l e 0 I l l i t i c
S h a l e s a n d s t o n e w a c k e s t o n e b r e c c i a l i m e m u d s t o n e o o i d s p e l o i d s b e d d e d h a l i t e r e e f g y p s u m / a n h y d r i t e l a m i n a t e d g y p s / a n h y / c a r b . K +
s a l t s h a l i t e K E Y o o v # + + o o ox F i g . 4 7 . L i t h o s t r a t i g r a p h y
o f
t h e
U p p e r
P e r m i a n
s t r a t a
o f
E n g l a n d
a n d
N o r t h
S e a ,
s h o w i n g
f o u r
m a j o r
c a r b o n a t e
p l a t f o r m s
( R a i s b y ,
F o r d ,
R o k e r
a n d S e a h a m
f o r m a t i o n s ) ,
a n d
t w o
m a j o r
e v a p o r i t e
s u c c e s s i o n s
( b a s i n - m a r g i n
H a r t l e p o o l
A n h y d r i t e
a n d
b a s i n - f i l l
F o r d o n
e v a p o r i t e s )
( f r o m
T u c k e r
1 9 9 1 ) . approach highlights the stratigraphic breaks, which pri- marily occur on the platforms surrounding the basin at times when thick units of evaporites were being precip- itated in the basin. Platform sequences are dominantly transgressive to highstand carbonates with increasing evaporitic deposition towards the top of the highstand, and with platform interior sabkha-saltern parasequenc - es. By way of contrast, basin center sequences are falling-stage and lowstand evaporites (laminated gyp- sum/anhydrite and bedded halite), passing up into trans- gressive-highstand pelagic, starved-basin, condensed organic-calcareous rhythmites, possibly with highstand calciturbidites derived from adjacent platforms. In recent years, other sequence stratigraphic inter- pretations have been published for the Zechstein of NW Europe including Strohmenger et al. (1996) for Germany, Peryt and Wagner (1998) and Slowakiewicz and Mikolajewski (2009) for Poland. Differences re- Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 227 Fig. 48. Chronostratigraphy of the Permian Strata of NE England and the adjoining North Sea (from Tucker 1991). late to decisions of where to place the sequence bound- ary, and more data being available (from core and well-logs) on evaporite facies, especially relating to deposition during the late HST, and evaporite rework- ing during the late LST-TST. Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic settings 1. Introduction Terrigenous material generally has a detrimental effect on carbonate production, affecting the carbonate-se- creting organisms in several ways. Turbidity caused by fine-grained material in suspension affects organisms by reducing light penetration, driving animals and plants to live at shallower depths, while clogging up their feeding mechanisms. Sudden influxes of terrige- nous mud and sand can smother and bury organisms, and high nutrient levels which often accompany ter- rigenous input, can lead to intense microbial activity. This has a deleterious effect on many higher organisms which produce carbonate skeletal material since many are oligotrophic. Carbonate-producing organisms how- ever have made many adaptations to clastic input and there are also many examples today where such animals are happily growing in areas of terrigenous sedimenta- tion. This can lead to the formation of patch reefs on clastic shelves for example (e. g., the inner part of the Queensland shelf, inboard from the Great Barrier Reef; Larcombe et al. 2001), or to reefs growing on aban- doned delta-front bars in areas dominated by terrige- nous mud (e. g., the Mahakan Delta, Indonesia; Wilson and Lockier 2002). In the Red Sea, coral reefs are in close proximity to wadi-fan delta systems which peri- odically shed clastics over the reefs (e. g., Tucker 2003). There are numerous examples in the geological record of reefal carbonates associated with clastics (e. g., San- tisteban and Taberner 1988; Braga et al. 1990). Mixed-lithology sequences are of two broad types. In some cases the clastics, generally fine- to coarse- grained, occur above carbonates towards the top of a sequence (lower carbonate upper clastic sequences), whereas in others, the clastics, dominantly mudrocks, occur in the lower part of the units, beneath the carbon- ates (lower mudrock upper carbonate sequences). These mixed-lithology packages are developed where carbonate platforms are attached to terrigenous source areas (deltas, coastal mudflats) or where there is an ax- ial supply of clastic material to the basin, through long- shore-drift and shoreline-parallel currents in shelf envi- ronments, and contour-flowing currents, tide-induced or wind-driven circulations dispersing micrite in slope- basinal environments. The clastic input is mostly con- trolled by sea-level and base-level changes, or through fault-related uplift, advancing thrust sheets as in fore- land basins, or climatic effects. Clastic input and distri- bution, however, is not restricted to low stands of sea level, as commonly supposed. Lower carbonate upper fine-to-coarse-clastic sequences Following the deposition of transgressive and high- stand platform carbonates, which may involve slope progradation through clinoforms, clastic sediments are commonly deposited during the late highstand-forced regression-lowstand. Prograding clastic shorelines, flu- vial plains and aeolian sand sheets may develop during the late highstand along the platform interior. During the forced regression, palaeosoils may form on the plat- form top, and incised valleys cut into the platform. Clastic sediment supplied to the basin during the FSST and lowstand will lead to lowstand wedges on the low- er foreslope of the platform and the basin floor. This is the notion of reciprocal sedimentation: lowstand shed- ding of clastics and highstand shedding of carbonates (Van Siclen 1958). This occurs in the slope and basinal deposits of the Quaternary of the Caribbean area (Schlager et al. 1994) where clastic input to the deep sea was much greater during glacial times and carbon- ate production was higher during the interglacials when platforms were flooded. Ancient examples are docu- mented from the Cambrian of northern Greenland (In- eson and Surlyk 2000), Devonian of the Canning Basin (Southgate et al. 1993; Playford et al. 2009), the Per- mian of Texas (e. g., Saller et al. 1989), and the Tertiary of northeast Australia and Gulf of Papua (Davies et al. 1989). A further type of lower carbonateupper clastic sequence occurs where transgressive carbonates are overlain by highstand clastics. In many cases, the low- er carbonate has been initiated by rapid sea-level rise with little time for reworking of the coastal plain clas- tics below. This scenario requires a plentiful supply of terrigenous material to generate the upper clastic unit, usually a coarsening-upward deltaic or shoreline pack- age. This type of sequence is well-known from the mid-Carboniferous of North America (e. g., Soreghan 1997; Rankey et al. 1999; Miller and Eriksson 2000; Smith and Read 2001) and from western Europe, and is described below as a case study. O. Catuneanu et al. 228 Lower mudrock upper carbonate sequences Basinal-outer shelf mudrock through to shallow-water limestone sequences, typically several 100 meters thick, are characteristic of carbonate ramp succes- sions. They may themselves contain an internal small- er-scale cyclicity. Examples of these occur within the Carboniferous strata of South Wales (Burchette and Wright 1992), Triassic Muschelkalk of Germany (Aigner 1984) and the Cretaceous of the central and western Pyrenees (Simo 1989; Lenoble and Canerot 1993) and Austrian Alps (Sanders and Hofling 2000). Broadly, the deeper-water mudrock lower parts repre- sent transgressive facies, while the upper carbonates were prograding shallow-water highstand facies. The Grand Cycles of the Cambrian of the Rocky Moun- tains (Canada), Appalachians (USA; Glumac and Walker 2000), Canada (Aitken 1978), China (Meng et al. 1997) and elsewhere, are of this type. The terri - genous muds may be supplied axially into the basin, rather than across the drowned carbonate platforms. This is particularly true of foreland basins and narrow extensional basins, where carbonate platforms may be preferentially developed on one side. Discussion With the different types of mixed-lithology sequence, the lithofacies succession depends on the rate of sea- level change and availability of clastics. Slow sea- level rises can lead to extensive reworking of coastal- plain clastics and so well-developed clastic lower parts to cycles representing transgressive units. More rapid sea-level rises cause flooding of coastal plains and so little reworking of sediment, especially if there had been extensive pedogenesis and/or vegetative cover, such that ravinement erosion was limited. At the other end of the sea-level cycle, stillstands allow coarsen- ing-upward alluvial-plain, shoreline and deltaic facies to prograde over late transgressive-early highstand carbonates, with accommodation space determining thickness. A forced regression leads to platform expo- sure, river incision and the formation of lowstand fans and wedges on the basin-margin/toe of slope and in- cised-valley fills on the platform-top. Mixed carbonateclastic sequences are best devel- oped at times of high amplitude sea-level change, and since these are typical of icehouse conditions, they are well-represented in the Quaternary and Permo-Car- boniferous. During these times the high-frequency sea- level fluctuations were on the scale of 10s of meters and this was sufficient to bring terrigenous sediment into the depositional environment during a sea-level fall. The PermoCarboniferous was also a time of first- order sea-level lowstand, when more of the continental landmasses were exposed for weathering, erosion and denudation than at other times. The late Paleozoic was also a period of supercontinent assembly, when moun- tain ranges were forming, being uplifted and eroded. During greenhouse times, lower- and mid-Paleozoic and Mesozoic, low amplitude sea-level changes were the norm and extensive carbonate platforms and clas- tic shelf seas were typical. Most shallow-marine, con- tinental-shelf sequences of these periods are composed of single, uniform lithofacies, all clastic or all carbon- ate. The mixed lower carbonateupper clastic se- quences discussed here were rarely developed. 2. Case study: Mixed carbonate-clastic sequences, Mid-Carboniferous, northern England The Carboniferous period was a time of developing glaciation in Gondwana (Wright and Vanstone 2001) and successions of this time in most parts of the world are markedly cyclic, which is usually attributed to glacioeustasy, although tectonic overprinting can mask the orbital-forcing signal (e. g. Wilkinson et al. 2003). In Europe Lower Carboniferous cycles com- monly involve carbonates, while the Upper Carbonif- erous cycles are more clastic, with the Coal Measure cyclothems of the Westphalian being classic examples. In Northern England, in the upper Visan through Ser- pukhovian, the cycles are typically mixed lower car- bonateupper clastic facies, referred to as Yoredale cycles. The lower carbonate part is up to 30 meters thick, overlain by a clastic section, locally with a thin coal seam at the top (Tucker et al. 2009). These cycles vary in thickness from 5 to 70 m. The Yoredale limestones are typically well-bedded muddy bioclastic packstoneswackestones with a di- verse fauna. Locally there are small biostromes of colonial corals or beds of solitary coral. The basal bed (up to 0.5 m thick) of some limestones is a prominent sand-rich or clay-rich bioturbated bioclastic packstone with fish scales with the clastic material derived from reworking of the top of the cycle below. Limestones were deposited in water depths of 1040 meters, in a generally quiet environment with occasional storms. This was effectively an extensive and flat, low-energy epeiric-type platform, probably 150 km across, cover- ing 10,000 sq km, with a gentle slope with micrite mounds and debrites into deeper water of the Central Pennine Basin to the south. Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 229 O. Catuneanu et al. 230 h i g h s t a n d
s y s t e m s
t r a c t a g g r a d a t i o n a l
t o
p r o g r a d a t i o n a l c y c l e
b e d
s e t u n c o n f o r m a b l e
b o u n d a r y m a x i m u m
f l o o d i n g
s u r f a c e f l u v i a l
& / o r
e s t u a r i n e
s a n d s t o n e s w i t h i n
i n c i s e d
v a l l e y s c o a s t a l
p l a i n
s a n d s t o n e s a n d
m u d s t o n e s f l u v i a l
s a n d s t o n e s s h a l l o w
p l a t f o r m
c a r b o n a t e s
t h i n
t r a n s g r e s s i v e
s h a l e s s u b m a r i n e
f a n
l e v e e - c h a n n e l s a n d s t o n e s h i g h s t a n d
s y s t e m s
t r a c t p r o g r a d a t i o n a l c y c l e
b e d
s e t s h e l f
b r e a k t r a n s g r e s s i v e
s y s t e m s
t r a c t b a c k s t e p p i n g
r e t r o g r a d a t i o n a l c y c l e
b e d
s e t l o w s t a n d
s y s t e m s
t r a c t p r o g r a d a t i o n a l c y c l e
b e d
s e t f a l l i n g
s t a g e
s y s t e m s
t r a c t f o r c e d
p r o g r a d a t i o n a l c y c l e
b e d
s e t b a s i n
f l o o r
f a n a x i a l
c h a n n e l
s l o p e
f a n
s l o p e
s l u m p s H S T H S T T S T T S T L S T F S S T S B m f s m f s T S } } } } } t r a n s g r e s s i v e
s u r f a c e T S / S B > T S / S B > T S > S B ? > T S T T S T m f s > m f s > H S T H S T H S T l a t e
H S T F S S T / L S T F S S T L S T T S T m a r i n e
l i m e s t o n e m a r i n e
f l o o d i n g
s u r f a c e d e l t a
p l a i n d i s t r i b u t a r y
c h a n n e l
f i l l d e l t a
f r o n t p r o d e l t a
m u d s t o n e m a r i n e
s h a l e m a r i n e
l i m e s t o n e s e q u e n c e
b o u n d a r y c o a l m a r i n e l i m e s t o n e e s t u a r i n e / c o a s t a l s e d i m e n t i n c i s e d v a l l e y
f i l l m a r i n e
l i m e s t o n e c o a l T S T e a r l y
T S T l a t e
L S TS B > T S TT S / S B > s h e l f
s l o p e
m u d s t o n e s
t h i n
s a n d s t o n e s s e a
l e v e l
s y s t e m
t r a c t < S B < S B < T S < S B < m f s < m f s F i g . 4 9 . S e q u e n c e
s t r a t i g r a p h i c
m o d e l
a n d
c y c l e s
t y p e s
f o r
m i x e d
c a r b o n a t e - c l a s t i c
s u c c e s s i o n
b a s e d
o n
t h e
Y o r e d a l e
c y c l e s
i n
t h e
M i d - C a r b o n i f e r o u s
o f
n o r t h e r n
E n g - l a n d .
T h e
s c h e m a t i c
l o g s
s h o w
( 1 ) a
c y c l e
w i t h
a n
i n c i s e d - v a l l e y
f i l l
s a n d s t o n e
c u t t i n g ,
a n d
( 2 ) c o a r s e n i n g - u p
d e l t a i c
c l a s t i c s
a b o v e
c a r b o n a t e s . Two main types of clastic succession occur above the limestone in a Yoredale cycle: (1) a dominantly deltaic unit of prodelta mudrocks passing up into dis- tal mouth-bar then proximal mouth-bar sandstones. In some cases a distributary channel sand-body, several meters thick, cuts down into mouth-bar sandstone (see Fig. 49, right-hand log); and (2) a deep- to shallow- marine succession of mudrocks to sandstones with tempestites and HCS from storms and a range of trace fossils, and then shoreface foreshore cross- and flat- bedded sandstones. At several horizons in the succession, major len - ticular, cross-bedded, coarse sand bodies cut down 10 meters or more into the coarsening-upward unit, in some cases reaching the limestone at the base of the cycle (see Fig. 49, left-hand log). These shoestring sand-bodies show a fining-up of grain-size and a de- crease of cross-bed set thickness, and in some cases wave-ripples and burrows towards the top. These sandstones are interpreted as incised-valley fills. At the top of the Yoredale cycles, there is usually a palaeosoil (seatearth, fireclay, underclay, ganister, calcrete) of variable grain-size, colour, thickness and texture, reflecting the climate of the time. A thin coal seam may complete the cycle. One or several meter- scale (minor) coarsening-upward cycles may also occur at the top of a cycle. These coastal-plain facies result from small deltas filling lakes and bays. The Yoredale cycles show all the features of fully developed sequences that include all systems tracts (Tucker et al. 2009; Figs. 49, 50). The limestones con- stituting the lower parts of the Yoredale cycles repre- sent the transgressive systems tracts (TST). The pas- sage up into the overlying mudrocks is equivalent to the maximum flooding. The succeeding coarsening- upward, shallowing-upward deltaic facies represent the highstand systems tracts (HST), and the thin coals and paleosoils at the top of a typical cycle are the late HST/ FSST-LST/early TST. The incised-valley fills down- cutting into the HST facies represent the falling-stage (FSST) and lowstand (LST) systems tracts, of fluvial through estuarine facies, then succeeded by transgres- sive carbonates of the next sequence. The IVFs occur at specific stratigraphic horizons and represent times of sharper and deeper glacioeustatic sea-level falls. The valleys would have fed lowstand fans and wedges located in the Central Pennine Basin to the south. The cyclicity which so dominates Carboniferous sedimentary successions was largely produced by glacioeustatic changes in sea level as a result of orbital forcing and variations in solar insolation. Notwith- standing the dominance of orbital forcing, there were Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 231 Fig. 50. Sequence stratigraphic model for mixed carbonate-clastic mid-Carboniferous Yoredale cycles of northern England (from Tucker et al. 2009). locally tectonic and sedimentary controls on deposi- tion too. There have been numerous papers discussing the periodicity of Carboniferous cycles in Europe and North America, with the consensus favouring the ec- centricity rhythm, but arguments over whether the short or long eccentricity was the control (e. g., Smith and Read 2000, 2001 versus Wright and Vanstone 2001). Davydov et al. (2010) have dated major Permo- Carboniferous oscillations as 100 kyr with 400 kyr modulation. The origin of the Yoredale cycles specifically has been much discussed with tectonic, eustatic and sedi- mentary mechanisms all put forward. Broadly similar patterns of cycle thickness variation across the region support the role of eustasy and/or regional tectonics (subsidence), although there may well have still been local tectonic (i. e., fault) or sedimentary controls. Part three Discussion and conclusions Links to other stratigraphic disciplines Sequence stratigraphy relies on other stratigraphic dis- ciplines to constrain the correlation of surfaces and systems tracts and to estimate the time involved in the formation of a sequence. Lithostratigraphy allows short-distance correlations in aggradational intervals where facies changes occur simultaneously over the studied area. Allostratigraphy uses discontinuities and surfaces that are assumed to have a time-stratigraphic significance. Thus, it can be considered as being a part of sequence stratigraphy. Biostratigraphy is needed to tie the studied sequences to the chronostratigraphic time frame. Magneto- and chemostratigraphy help in fine-tuning the chronos- tratigraphy by furnishing precise correlations (Langreis et al. 2010; Weissert et al. 2008). There may also be a genetic link between biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy because sea-level changes may force bio- logical evolution (e. g., Cecca et al. 2005; Sandoval et al. 2008). A genetic link may also exist between sea-lev- el changes and the chemical composition of the ocean because they are related to the same driving forces such as ocean-floor spreading and climate changes (e. g., Weissert and Mohr 1996; Weissert et al. 2008). Cyclostratigraphy has a high potential to refine the sequence-stratigraphic analysis. It uses astronomical cycles of known periodicities (Berger et al. 1989) to interpret repetitive patterns in the sedimentary record (e. g., Strasser et al. 2006) and to establish astro chro - no logical time scales (e. g., Hinnov and Ogg 2007). As- tronomical cycles cause insolation changes at the top of the atmosphere, which then translate into climate changes and eventually into eustatic sea-level changes, mainly through glacioeustasy and thermal expansion and retraction of the uppermost layer of ocean water. Eustatic sea level, together with subsidence, controls accommodation. A sedimentary sequence created by an orbitally controlled sea-level fluctuation thus can po- tentially be interpreted in terms of sequence stratigra- phy (Vail et al. 1991; Strasser et al. 1999). In many cases, parasequences (Van Wagoner et al. 1990) or simple sequences (Vail et al. 1991) can be shown to have formed in tune with orbital cycles. The stacking pattern that is commonly used in sequence stratigraphy to define retrogradational, aggradational, or progradational trends may reflect the hierarchy of orbital cycles. Care has to be taken in the interpreta- tion, however, because not all cycles are recorded if no threshold was passed to create a recognizable facies contrast, or if there was non-deposition or erosion (missed beats; Goldhammer et al. 1990). The effect of orbital cycles on sedimentation may also vary with the tectonic and depositional setting. For example, epicon- tinental seas are particularly sensitive to climatic fluc- tuations, and prone to changes in water temperature and salinity that may result in the formation of regional se- quences (Pratt and Haidl 2008). The superposition of high-frequency sea-level fluctuations on a longer-term trend may add another degree of complexity to the stratigraphic record by producing intervals of repeated sequence-stratigraphic surfaces rather than a single surface (Montaez and Osleger 1993; Strasser et al. 2004). Furthermore, autogenic processes may produce sequences and surfaces that are independent of accom- modation changes (e. g., Martin et al. 2009). Sequence stratigraphic methodology Perhaps the most significant progress in sequence stratigraphy is the shift from models to methodology (Fig. 19). The debates that punctuated the last three decades (Figs. 1, 2) led to the realization that all ap- proaches are correct under the specific circumstances O. Catuneanu et al. 232 for which they were proposed (Catuneanu et al. 2009, 2010). A standard methodology can be defined based on the common ground between the different ap- proaches, with emphasis on the observation of stratal stacking patterns in the rock record. Various data sets can be used for this purpose, including outcrop, core, well-log and seismic data. Each data set may be more suitable to a particular scale of observation, and may provide different insights toward the identification of stratal stacking patterns and key bounding surfaces. Mutual corroboration, wherever possible, is desirable. A great deal of disagreement was fueled by argu- ments regarding the selection of sequence boundaries among the set of sequence stratigraphic surfaces. Ear- ly models also promoted the idea that sequence strati- graphic surfaces are time lines and correlatable world wide, which sparked intense debates and controversy. It is now clear that both global and local controls may contribute to the sequence stratigraphic frame- work of every sedimentary basin, and that no model can replace the value of data and observation. It was demonstrated that all sequence stratigraphic surfaces may have physical expression in outcrop (e. g., MacEachern et al. 1999; MacNeil and Jones 2006; Bover-Arnal et al. 2009), and that they all are poten- tially diachronous (e. g., Catuneanu 2006). These de- velopments reiterate the importance of field criteria to the delineation of any type of sequences stratigraphic unit and bounding surface, and the fact that all se- quence stratigraphic approaches are data driven. Sequence stratigraphic units (i. e., sequences, para - sequences, systems tracts) are defined by their bound- ing surfaces. The definition of units is independent of temporal and thickness scales, and therefore the scales of different types of unit may overlap. Sequences and parasequences correspond to cycles of change in stratal stacking patterns, which are interpreted to re- flect cycles of change in accommodation or sediment supply. These cycles are defined by the recurrence of the same types of stratigraphic surface in the rock record, whether subaerial unconformities (in the case of depositional sequences), maximum flooding sur- faces (in the case of genetic stratigraphic sequences), maximum regressive surfaces (in the case of T-R se- quences) or flooding surfaces (in the case of para - sequences). In contrast with sequences and para - sequences, systems tracts correspond to only portions of full cycles, and therefore they have different types of bounding surface at the base and at the top. Stratal stacking patterns describing normal regres- sions, transgressions or forced regressions can succeed each other in any order, as a function of syn-deposi- tional conditions and/or post-depositional preservation. Sequences may consist of any combination of these types of deposit, and may or may not include all three types of deposit. However, all sequences whose timing and origin relate to shoreline trajectories share the com- mon element that they all consist of a combination of the same types of (normal regressive, transgressive and forced regressive) stacking patterns. Notably, the same kinds of stacking patterns compose any type of sequence stratigraphic unit, from sequence to systems tract and parasequence. This means that a methodolo- gy that focuses on stratal stacking patterns provides an objective, model-independent workflow to the standard application of sequence stratigraphy (Fig. 19). The sequence stratigraphic method must be kept in- dependent of assumptions regarding the controlling mechanisms on sequence development. It has become increasingly evident that a range of allogenic process- es may operate over similar temporal scales to control the development of depositional patterns and strati- graphic cycles. Accommodation curves may be recon- structed based on geometries preserved in the rock record, including the thickness of topsets that form during normal regressions, the increase in the relative elevation of backstepping (transgressive) coastlines, the magnitude of downstepping during forced regres- sions, or the depth of fluvial incised valleys. However, such quantitative curves may only have local rele- vance due to variations in tectonic regimes and sedi- ment supply from one sedimentary basin to another, or between different sub-basins within the same sedi- mentary basin. The scale of observation is a critical aspect of se- quence stratigraphic work; it may be selected on pur- pose according to the scope of the study (e. g., petro - leum exploration versus production development) or it may be imposed by the resolution of the available data. For example, outcrops and well-log data may support high-resolution sequence stratigraphic studies, suitable for understanding reservoir compartmental- ization, whereas seismic data afford lower resolution studies, more suitable for the purpose of petroleum ex- ploration. The relative significance of sequence strati- graphic units that develop at different scales of obser- vation is resolved via the concept of hierarchy. Different proposals on how to define a hierarchy system (e. g., Vail et al. 1977, 1991; Mitchum and Van Wagoner 1991; Embry 1995; Krapez 1996, 1997) have stimulated active discussions within the stratigraphic community (e. g., Miall 1995, 1997; Drummond and Sequence Stratigraphy: Methodology and Nomenclature 233 Wilkinson 1996; Schlager 2004; see recent summaries in Catuneanu et al. 2009, 2010). A factor that limits the definition of a universally applicable hierarchy system is that the interplay of competing sequence-forming mechanisms results in the formation of stratigraphic cycles across a continuum of temporal and spatial scales (Drummond and Wilkinson 1996; Schlager 2004). In the absence of discrete modes within the wide continuum of scales, hierarchical subdivisions often remain arbitrary and may only be basin specific (Catuneanu et al. 2009, 2010). In this paper we aim to clarify and streamline the sequence stratigraphic terminology and methodology for a more user-friendly and model-independent appli- cation in all types of academic or industry-oriented research. This model-independent approach is meant to release sequence stratigraphy from the straitjacket imposed by the requirements of any specific sequence stratigraphic model, and stimulate the flexibility that is needed to adapt to the particularities of any case study. The proposed streamlined methodology permits the construction of sequence stratigraphic frameworks that are best fitted to the available data. Acknowledgements. This paper is the result of the con- tinuing effort to provide a neutral platform for the inclusion of sequence stratigraphy in international stratigraphic guides and codes. Work started in 2006 with the premise that a large and inclusive working group is required for this task. We ac- knowledge the significant contributions brought by all mem- bers of this working group, which, in addition to the authors of this paper, includes V. Abreu, J. P. Bhattacharya, M. D. Blum, R. W. Dalrymple, P. G. Eriksson, C. R. Fielding, W. L. Fisher, P. Gianolla, M. R. Gibling, K. A. Giles, J. M. Holbrook, R. Jor- dan, B. Macurda, O. J. Martinsen, J. E. Neal, D. Nummedal, L. Pomar, B. R. Pratt, J. F. Sarg, K. W. Shanley, R. J. Steel and C. Winker. With this paper we build upon the work published by Catuneanu et al. (2009, 2010). 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