Rift Sequence Stratigraphy

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Rift sequence stratigraphy

Article in Marine and Petroleum Geology · January 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.08.001


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Catuneanu Octavian
University of Alberta


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Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7

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Rift sequence stratigraphy

M.A. Martins-Neto a, b, *, O. Catuneanu c
Vale E&P, Av. Graça Aranha 26, ZIP 20020-900, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Federal University of Ouro Preto, Geology Department, Ouro Preto/MG, Brazil
University of Alberta, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conventional sequence stratigraphy has been developed primarily for passive-margin basins. Despite the
Received 4 August 2008 conceptual advances within the last 30 years, a suitable model for rift basins has not yet been devised.
Received in revised form Many authors have attempted to adapt the passive-margin model to all other tectonic settings, including
27 July 2009
rifts, despite the fundamental differences in terms of the mechanisms controlling the formation and
Accepted 3 August 2009
Available online xxx
evolution of these sedimentary basins. Passive margins have their stratigraphic framework controlled
largely by cyclic sea-level fluctuations superimposed on long-term thermal subsidence. By contrast, rift
basins have their accommodation history strongly related to their mechanical subsidence regime, with
Sequence stratigraphy episodic pulses of extension that create space for sediment accumulation at very fast rates. Stages of
Sequence model rapid mechanical subsidence are typically followed by longer periods of tectonic quiescence, when
Rift basins sediment supply gradually consumes and fills the available accommodation. This cyclicity results in
depositional sequences that display overall progradational trends and coarsening-upward vertical
stacking patterns. Sequence boundaries are often marked by sharp flooding surfaces related to the
transgression of lacustrine or marine systems in response to rapid tectonic subsidence and the conse-
quent ‘instantaneous’ generation of accommodation. As such, a typical rift depositional sequence starts
with a flooding surface overlain by a relatively thin transgressive systems tract and a much better
developed highstand systems tract. A renewed subsidence pulse leads to the drowning of the previous
deposits and the start of a new depositional sequence. The strong asymmetry of the base-level curve
resembles the shape of glacio-eustatic cycles, with fast transgressions followed by longer term regres-
sions, although at potentially different temporal scales.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Myers, 1996; Posamentier and Allen, 1999; Catuneanu, 2002, 2006;
Catuneanu et al., 2009). However, despite the fundamental differ-
Classic sequence stratigraphy has been developed within the ences between the conditioning mechanisms of sequence devel-
context of passive-margin settings, which are tectonically stable opment in tectonically stable versus tectonically active basins,
areas where accommodation may be primarily attributed to global many authors have attempted to apply the passive-margin model
sea-level fluctuations on a background of longer term thermal to all other tectonic settings. The variability of the sequence-
subsidence (Vail et al., 1977; Posamentier and Vail, 1988; Pos- stratigraphic model with the tectonic setting has not yet been
amentier et al., 1988). This method is useful for understanding the captured in any summary papers or textbooks, and this is arguably
organization of the stratigraphic framework of sedimentary basins. one of the ‘next frontiers’ in sequence stratigraphy.
It is also a powerful exploration tool since it characterizes the The purpose of this paper is to present a sequence-stratigraphic
spatial and temporal distribution of depositional systems, with model for rift basins. The proposed model defines the dominant
a component of predictability with regards to the distribution and stratigraphic patterns that are commonly encountered in this
geometry of reservoir, source and seal facies. tectonic setting, and it provides a framework for understanding the
Starting from the original model for passive margins, sequence process–response relationship between the controls on accom-
stratigraphy continued to evolve during the last two decades (e.g., modation and the resulting stratigraphic architecture of rift basins.
Weimer and Posamentier, 1993; Loucks and Sarg, 1993; Emery and This summary also provides a method for the definition of key
surfaces for stratigraphic correlation in rift basins, and it highlights
* Corresponding author. Vale E&P, Av. Graça Aranha 26, ZIP 20020-900, Rio de
the predictive potential of the observed stratal stacking patterns in
Janeiro, Brazil. Tel.: þ55 21 2217 6810; fax: þ55 21 2217 6884. hydrocarbon exploration. The model proposed in this paper is
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Martins-Neto). based on case studies that include both marine and nonmarine

0264-8172/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),

2 M.A. Martins-Neto, O. Catuneanu / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7

Fig. 1. Depositional trends (progradation, retrogradation, aggradation) as a response of the interplay of accommodation and sediment supply (modified from Van Wagoner et al., 1990).
Black arrows represent the horizontal (progradational or retrogradational) component, blue arrows the aggradational component, and the red arrows the resultant shoreline trajectory.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic columns showing the coarsening-upward vertical stacking pattern that is typical of sequences accumulated in rift basins. Columns (a) and (b) are conceptual, whereas
column (c) illustrates the Proterozoic, lacustrine-alluvial deposits of the Sopa-Brumadinho sequence (part of the syn-rift stage, Espinhaço Basin, Brazil). The fining-upward trends that are
observed at the top of sequences may correspond to spans of time toward the end of each tectonic cycle when denudation of source areas, as well as the decrease in the differential relief
between the source areas and the basin, combine to decrease the efficiency of sediment supply to the basin. References: (a) Frostick and Steel,1993a; (b) Prosser,1993; (c) Martins-Neto,1993.

Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),

M.A. Martins-Neto, O. Catuneanu / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7 3

Fig. 5. Well-log cross-section of correlation in a Brazilian marginal, Cretaceous rift

basin, showing two depositional sequences separated by a flooding surface (well data
courtesy of Petrobras). The flooding surface is well defined in the lithologic and
gamma-ray logs. Note the coarsening-upward stacking pattern of both sequences. The
section is about 50 km long. Abbreviation: GR ¼ gamma-ray.

depositional settings. However, whether the proposed model is

general enough to apply to all rift basins still remains to be tested.

2. Fundamental concepts

Sequence stratigraphy improves our understanding of the

Fig. 3. a) Location of the Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá rift system (RTJ) in northeast Brazil. evolution and infill architecture of sedimentary basins, thus
b) Simplified stratigraphic chart of the Recôncavo rift basin, the southern segment of providing a methodology for predictive exploration of natural
the RTJ, showing the overall coarsening-upward vertical stacking pattern. c) Paleo-
geographic scenario for the Recôncavo rift basin (modified after Da Silva, 1993),
resources. The method of sequence stratigraphy emphasizes
showing the development of the coarsening-upward (CU) stacking pattern through the changes in depositional trends (i.e., progradation, retrogradation,
progradation of fluvial facies (Massacará Group – MAS) over the deltaic deposits of the aggradation, erosion) and the resulting stratal stacking patterns
Ilhas Group (IS), which in turn overlie the source-rock bearing lacustrine deposits of through time, which are controlled by shifts in the balance between
the Candeias Formation (CAN). Note turbidite intercalations in the distal/deep portion
accommodation (space available for sediments to fill) and sediment
of the Candeias lake. SAV ¼ Salvador Formation.
supply (Fig. 1; Weimer and Posamentier, 1993; Emery and Myers,
1996; Posamentier and Allen, 1999; Catuneanu, 2002, 2006;
Catuneanu et al., 2009).

Fig. 4. (a) Schematic stratigraphic column of the rift succession of the Proterozoic Espinhaço basin, southeastern Brazil, showing dominantly coarsening-upward depositional
sequences. Note the recognition of sequences of different hierarchical orders in the Sopa-Brumadinho syn-rift 3 sequence. See text for details. (b) Panoramic view of the São João da
Chapada sequence (syn-rift 2), Espinhaço basin, southeastern Brazil, showing the position of its basal flooding surface and the coarsening-upward stacking pattern.

Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),

4 M.A. Martins-Neto, O. Catuneanu / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7

Fig. 6. Well-log cross-section of correlation in the Viking graben, North-Sea rift (modified after Frostick and Steel, 1993b), where four coarsening-upward depositional sequences,
bounded by flooding surfaces, can be recognized. The sharp basal contacts of the deep-marine shales define flooding surfaces (sequence boundaries). The axial progradation of
sandstones and conglomerates generates overall coarsening-upward stacking patterns. Note the recognition of lower order (higher frequency) sequences, which are bounded by
lower order flooding surfaces.

Accommodation is generated, or lost, primarily as a result of the Temporal variations in sediment supply depend on a number of
interplay between tectonism (i.e., subsidence or uplift) and eustatic variables including climate, rock types available for weathering and
sea-level fluctuations (rise or fall). At the same time, sedimentation erosion in the source areas, and the evolution of the differential
consumes available accommodation at rates that may or may not relief between the source areas and the basin. Among these
match the rates in which accommodation is created. The balance controls, the latter can be predictably linked to the tectonic
between the rates of accommodation change and the rates of evolution of a sedimentary basin, and hence to the change in
sedimentation controls the manifestation of transgressions accommodation that can be attributed to tectonic mechanisms. The
(coastal retrogradation) and regressions (coastal progradation) role of tectonism as a control on accommodation is more significant
(Posamentier and Allen, 1999; Catuneanu, 2006; Fig. 1). In terms of in the case of tectonically active basins, such as rifts, while the role
vertical stacking patterns, progradation implies a facies succession of eustasy is increasingly dominant in the case of tectonically stable
where proximal facies gradually replace distal facies with time, basins such as the divergent continental (‘passive’) margins.
generating a coarsening-upward succession in a shallow-water The ability of fluvial systems to transport sediment to the basin
setting. Retrogradation results in a facies succession that displays is proportional to the landscape gradients, which are affected both
proximal facies at the base, which grade upward to distal facies at by the basin subsidence and by the source area tectonism. During
the top (fining-upward trend in a shallow-water setting; Van times of base-level fall, a steepening of the fluvial gradient down-
Wagoner et al., 1990). stream leads to a negative adjustment of the graded profile
(negative accommodation), resulting in an increase in sediment
supply to the marine portion of the basin. By contrast, a positive
adjustment during base-level rise causes sediment retention closer
to the basin margin, within the fluvial portion of the sedimentary
basin. In turn, this may lead to a decrease of sediment flux into the
basin, and consequently to a decrease in the deposition of marine
reservoir facies.
Passive-margin basins have their accommodation history and,
consequently, their stratigraphic framework controlled mainly by
sea-level fluctuations at different hierarchical scales (Posamentier
and Vail, 1988; Posamentier et al., 1988; Posamentier and Allen,
Fig. 7. Seismic section calibrated with borehole data, showing a rift-propagation 1999). Depositional sequences on passive margins begin and end
unconformity (red horizon) characterized by erosional truncation at the top of syn-rift with stages of base-level fall that cause subaerial exposure, erosion
sequence 1 (yellow arrows) and onlap at the base of syn-rift sequence 2 (red arrows) and clastic bypass of the continental shelf (sequence boundary) at
(Brazilian marginal, Cretaceous rift basin; seismic data courtesy of Petrobras). The the same time with the deposition of ‘lowstand fans’ (i.e., forced
borehole data indicate that the unconformity (sequence boundary) is marked by
a flooding surface. Abbreviations: GR ¼ gamma-ray; ms ¼ milliseconds (two-way
regressive deposits) in the deep-water setting. Following this,
travel time). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the a shift in the balance between the rates of positive accommodation
reader is referred to the web version of this article). and sediment supply leads to the classic arrangement of the

Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),

M.A. Martins-Neto, O. Catuneanu / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7 5

Fig. 8. Internal architecture of a complete (ideal) rift sequence, showing the overall coarsening-upward (CU) vertical stacking pattern, as well as the shift from underfilled to filled
and overfilled conditions during the accumulation of the sequence. The conceptual column to the left is correlated with a well log in a rift basin (GR ¼ gamma-ray).

stratigraphic record into lowstand normal regressive wedges, fluvial facies (Massacará Group) over the deltaic deposits of the
transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Ilhas Group, which in turn overlie the source-rock lacustrine
In a broader sequence stratigraphic approach, which could be deposits of the Candeias Formation.
generalized for all tectonic settings, a depositional sequence Another example of this stratigraphic pattern can be seen in the
corresponds to a complete stratigraphic cycle of changing deposi- Proterozoic Espinhaço rift basin of southeastern Brazil (Martins-Neto,
tional trends and stratal stacking patterns, generated by the inter- 2000, 2007, 2009; Fig. 4). Two angular rift-propagation unconfor-
play between the rates of creation/destruction of accommodation mities separate three syn-rift sequences within the rift succession.
and sediment supply (Jervey, 1988; Posamentier and Allen, 1999; Flooding surfaces, reworking the unconformities, are overlain by
Catuneanu, 2002, 2006; Catuneanu et al., 2009). lacustrine deposits, and define sequence boundaries. Each syn-rift
sequence shows a stacking pattern of coarsening-upward, developed
3. Controls on the stratigraphic architecture of rift basins by the progradation of alluvial, fluvial, and deltaic depositional
systems on top of the lacustrine system. Higher frequency sequences,
Although climate-driven eustatic fluctuations may operate at interpreted to be the product of higher frequency faulting pulses, can
a high-frequency level as a control on stratigraphic cyclicity in rifts, be recognized in the Sopa-Brumadinho third syn-rift sequence (Figs.
accommodation in these basins is generated mainly by tectonic 2c, 4), and display the same internal architecture as the higher rank
subsidence. Rift basins are characterized by episodic subsidence (lower frequency) sequences.
with short stages of rapid creation of accommodation in response Owing to the specific subsidence patterns of rifts, sequence
to pulses of extension and fault reactivation, commonly followed by boundaries tend, therefore, to be marked by flooding surfaces, as
longer periods of time of tectonic quiescence. During the latter rapid creation of accommodation leads to transgression in an
stages, no new accommodation is generated and sediment supply underfilled (lacustrine or marine) setting. Flooding surfaces of
gradually consumes the available space leading to a change from an different hierarchical orders can be identified in well logs and
underfilled to a filled or even overfilled basin. Typically, sediment outcrops within rift basins, providing a powerful tool for strati-
supply increases soon after a tectonic pulse, when the newly graphic correlation (Figs. 5 and 6).
created differential relief between the source area and the basin The well-log cross-section of correlation in Fig. 5 exemplifies
allows for a more efficient delivery of sediment to the basin. how flooding surfaces can be used as the key surfaces for strati-
The stratigraphic cycles observed in rift basins are dominated by graphic correlation. The sequence boundary in Fig. 5 separates two
progradational depositional trends, which describe coarsening- syn-rift sequences, each of them displaying a coarsening-upward
upward successions, as sediment supply fills the available accom- stacking pattern, which can be recognized both in the lithologic and
modation after each stage of extensional subsidence (Fig. 2). A full gamma-ray logs. Similarly, the well-log cross-section in Fig. 6
cycle tends to include a short retrogradational portion (trans- shows a stratigraphic organization that supports the framework
gressive systems tract), which corresponds to the tectonic pulse of presented here, where syn-rift depositional sequences bounded by
extensional subsidence, followed by a longer stage of progradation flooding surfaces can be recognized at different hierarchical levels.
during tectonic quiescence (highstand systems tract). This stratal Fig. 7 illustrates a seismic section calibrated with well-log data,
stacking pattern can be observed at different hierarchical levels. where a rift-propagation unconformity can be recognized using
The first-order stratigraphic framework of the Early Cretaceous seismic-stratigraphic criteria (truncation at the top of syn-rift
Recôncavo rift basin in northeast Brazil (Fig. 3), which is an aborted sequence 1 and onlap at the base of syn-rift sequence 2). The
arm of the South Atlantic rift system, exemplifies the development flooding surface at the base of syn-rift sequence 2 marks the
of a coarsening-upward basin fill through the progradation of sequence boundary, as documented by the well-log data.

Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),

6 M.A. Martins-Neto, O. Catuneanu / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7

4. Discussion and conclusions: a sequence-stratigraphic

model for rift basins

A typical rift sequence tends to start with relatively deeper

water deposits at the base, overlying a flooding surface, which are
the product of rapid subsidence and consequent transgression
(Figs. 2–8). A basal sandy interval can occur in some basins, below
the initial flooding surface, representing the early stage of rift
initiation, when accommodation is still limited (Prosser, 1993).
Intercalations of turbidite facies within the basal fine-grained
succession that overlies the first flooding surface may indicate the
onset of progradation. The shale/turbidite package characterizes
the underfilled phase in the evolution of the basin. With pro-
gradation, the succession passes upwards to shallow-water and
coastal systems (filled phase), which grade to alluvial facies at the
top (overfilled phase). The general change from underfilled to
overfilled conditions is attributed to a shift in the balance between
accommodation and the ability of sedimentary systems to fill the
available space.
A typical rift sequence consists of transgressive and highstand
systems tracts. The transgressive systems tract includes the retro-
gradational facies that accumulate during the tectonically-driven
pulse of subsidence and flooding. The highstand systems tract
forms the bulk of the sequence, and includes the progradational
coarsening-upward succession that overlies the maximum flooding
surface. Due to the strongly asymmetrical shape of the base-level
(accommodation) curve, with fast rise (pulse of tectonic subsi-
dence) followed by prolonged stillstand (tectonic quiescence), the
lowstand systems tract tends to be poorly developed or absent. This
marks a significant difference between rifts and tectonically stable
basins such as those represented by continental shelves in passive-
margin settings.
The tectonically-controlled stratigraphic framework of rift
depositional sequences bounded by flooding surfaces and arranged
internally in dominantly coarsening-upward successions charac-
terizes the architecture of sequences that develop at different
hierarchical levels (Figs. 2, 4, 6). Higher frequency sequences can be
recognized in well logs, as shown in Fig. 9, where two smaller scale
sequences display the same coarsening-upward character, with
sequence boundaries marked by sharp flooding surfaces. Such
higher frequency sequences (e.g., at third-order level) are attrib-
uted to smaller scale tectonic pulses of fault reactivation that occur
between the higher magnitude (e.g., second-order) tectonic events,
during a time of long-term (e.g., second-order) tectonic quiescence.
A renewed subsidence pulse leads to the drowning of the previous
deposits and the start of a new depositional sequence. The relative
importance of sequences (e.g., based on thickness, or temporal
scale) can be used to develop a hierarchy system for each rift basin
fill. The entire basin fill of a rift can be taken as a first-order
sequence, which represents the starting point for developing
a hierarchy system for that basin (Catuneanu et al., 2005; Catu-
neanu, 2006).
Variations from the ‘typical sequence’ can occur due to several
factors such as the overprint of climate-driven sea/lake-level
fluctuations, stretching rates during the evolution of the rift
system, differences in the subsidence history between the various
sub-basins of a rift system, and the location of the depocenters
relative to the source areas and the sediment entry points into the

Fig. 9. Well log (GR ¼ gamma-ray) showing rift sequences of two hierarchical orders
(solid arrows for higher order and dotted arrows for lower order). Regardless of their
We thank Luiz Fernando Ev, Mariangela G.P. Leite (Federal
order of cyclicity, sequences are bounded by sharp flooding surfaces and display overall University of Ouro Preto) and Frank Falkenhein (Petrobras) for their
coarsening-upward vertical stacking patterns. comments on earlier versions of this paper. The research has been

Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),

M.A. Martins-Neto, O. Catuneanu / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2009) 1–7 7

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during a long-term collaboration that resulted, in part, in the Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, Germany, p. 155.
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Please cite this article in press as: Martins-Neto, M.A., Catuneanu, O., Rift sequence stratigraphy, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2009),
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