Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan

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Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Junk

Foods Effects for Your Health

[After school]
Fitri : [Sigh] School really makes me hungry.
Lets get something delicious to eat!
Ratih : Good idea! Its lunch time anyway. Do you have any idea of delicious foods for our
Bobi : Hey, what about that food stall?
Ratih : Huh? Wait a minute. That is fast food stall, isnt it?
Bobi : Yeah. Come on! My stomach cant wait any longer.
Ratih : Why fast food? Can we find healthier foods for our lunch?
Bobi : Nope, I think there are no healthier food choices around. I heard that it sells delicious
cheese burgers and French fries too. Lets go! I cant stand hearing my stomach roaring.
Fitri : Come on, Ratih. Hamburger sounds delicious.
Ratih : [sigh]

Ratih : Oh my, Bobi. You ordered two large cheese hamburgers, French fries, and coke.
Are you going to eat all these junk foods?
Bobi : Of course! Im a man. I need more foods.
Ratih : Do you ever think what kind of danger that will come for you by eating these foods?
Bobi : Um overly full?
Ratih : No.. Bobi. These foods will bring bad effects for your precious health.
Bobi : Huh? What are the bad effects anyway?
Ratih : I join the healthy life club that attempts to motivate its members to live a healthy
lifestyle. We were taught to stay away from junk foods since junk foods like foods you are
going to eat now are known to be very bad for health.
Bobi : Why is that?
Ratih : You know that these foods contain high calories, fats, and sugar, but are really low in
nutritional value. Due to the high calories, the more you eat these foods the bigger your
body will be. It is called obesity. These foods are also high in salt. If you really love eating
these foods, they will lead you to a risk of high blood pressure.
Fitri : Wow, can it get worse then?
Ratih : Of course! Moreover, if you consume these junk foods day in, day out, then the
saturated fats will accumulate in your body, especially in your blood vessels. Day after day
the fats will pile up in your blood vessels and eventually block your blood stream and make
it clogged. If this happens on the blood vessels on your brain, you will then get a brain
stroke. The worst one is if you have high blood pressure and the fats block the blood stream
on your heart, then you can get a fatal heart strike that can lead you to death.
Bobi : [Gulp] is that. Is that true?
Ratih : there is no use if I tell fake stories.
Bobi : Alright, I think youre right. I have to start to go with a healthy lifestyle.
Fitri : Whoa, thanks for that information, Ratih. You really opened our eyes.
Bobi : So, what should I do with all these foods? I havent even eaten them yet.
Ratih : I heard you have dogs. Maybe they will like it.
Bobi : [sigh] Oh, great~
Glossaries Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan
Delicious: enak
Food stall: kios/warung makanan
Fast food: makanan cepat saji
Health: kesehatan
Health: sehat (Healthier: lebih sehat)
Choices: pilihan
Around: di sekitar (suatu tempat)
Cheese burger: burger keju
French fries: kentang goring
I cant stand: aku tidak tahan (akan sesuatu)
Roaring: meraung-raung (My stomach is roaring: Perut saya bersuara keras karena
Junk food: makanan sampah (makanan cepat saji tidak sehat)
Come for you: mendatangi kamu
Overly full: terlalu kenyang
Bad effect: dampak buruk
Precious: berharga
Motivate: mendorong, memotivasi
Attempt: berusaha
Since: sejak, karena
(to be) known: diketahui, dikenal
Nutritional value: nilai gizi
Obesity: obesitas/kegemukan
Salt: garam
Risk of high blood pressure: risiko tekanan darah tinggi
Get worse: menjadi lebih buruk
Moreover: selain itu
Consume: mengkonsumsi
Day in, day out: setiap hari
Saturated fats: lemak jenuh
Accumulate: berakumulasi, menumpuk
Blood vessels: pembuluh darah
Day after day: hari demi hari
Pile up: menumpuk
Blood stream: aliran darah
Clogged: tersumbat
Brain stroke: penyakit stroke otak
Worst one: yang terburuk
Fatal heart strike: serangan jantung yang fatal
Lead to: membuat, mengarahkan
There is no use: tidak ada gunanya
Fake stories: cerita bohong
Opened our eyes: (idiom) membuka mata kami (menyadarkan kami)

Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Terkait Kesehatan
1. Abnormal artinya: tidak normal
2. Abortion abortus, pengguguran janin
3. Abstinence pantangan
4. Ache sakit
5. Acne jerawat
6. Active aktif
7. Activity aktivitas
8. Acupuncture akupunktur
9. Addictive ketagihan
10. Aerobics aerobik
11. AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
12. Alcohol alkohol
13. allergist spesialis alergi makanan dan lingkungan
14. Allergy alergi
15. Anemia anemia
16. anesthesiologist ahli anestesi
17. Anorexia anorexia
18. Antidote penangkal
19. Anxiety kegelisahan
20. Appetite nafsu makan
21. Appointment janji (dengan dokter)
22. Arthritis radang sendi
23. Asthma asma
24. Athletics atletik
25. Authentic asli
26. Backache sakit punggung
27. Bacteria bakteri
28. Be sick bersakit-sakit
29. Beauty kecantikan
30. Blister melepuh
31. Blood darah
32. Blood pressure tekanan darah
33. Blood sample sampel darah
34. Body tubuh
35. Bones tulang
36. Breath nafas
37. Breathe bernafas
38. Broken arm patah lengan
39. Broken bone patah tulang
40. Broken leg patah kaki
41. Bruise memar
42. Calcium kalsium
43. Calorie kalori
44. Cancer kanker
45. Cardiac jantung
46. cardiologist spesialis jantung
47. Cereal sereal
48. Check-up check-up
49. Chest pain nyeri dada
50. Chicken pox, berarti: cacar air

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