(Ita) Seeing Is Believing

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Seeing is believing: Classroom demonstrations as scientific inquiry.

Jerod L. Gross
Physics Teacher Candidate
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-4560
[email protected]

Demonstrations are a familiar component of any high school physics classroom. There are numerous ways in which
effective demonstrations can increase student learning and support the process of scientific inquiry. Conversely, a poorly
executed demonstration can leave students confused, misled, or even bored. A practical list of dos and donts is included
to help all teachers insure that the power of demonstrations in the classroom is not squandered.

The Power of a Demonstration
Mr. Rodriguez and Ms. Chan both use demonstrations
regularly in their high school physics classes. Today they are
both using a simple marble launcher assembly with two metal
marbles to demonstrate that a projectile launched horizontally
will hit the floor at exactly the same time as an object in free fall,
assuming the two objects were put in motion at the same time
from the same height above the floor. Ms. Chan enthusiastically
explains the set up of the demonstration as she loads the marbles
into the launcher. She asks her students for predictions of which
marble will hit the floor first and why. She does not provide them
with the answer ahead of time, but rather allows a short, spirited
debate before triggering the launcher to settle the issue for her
excited students. At the same time in a different classroom, Mr.
Rodriguez explains to his students that since the horizontal and
vertical motions of a projectile are independent, the two marbles
will hit simultaneously. He then triggers the launcher, which he
had loaded before class. The students watch with mild interest
as the marbles hit the floor simultaneously. When Mr. Rodriguez
asks for questions there are none, and he continues his lesson.
Both teachers used the same demonstration to explain the
independence of horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile.
Yet Ms. Chans students are eager and engaged, while Mr.
Rodriguezs students are hardly paying attention. By the next
day, it is safe to assume that Ms. Chans students will be able
explain the physics principle at work, while Mr. Rodriguezs
students will probably barely even remember the demonstration.
It seems clear that effective demonstrations can have a
powerful effect on the student learning process. But what exactly
are those effects, and are they worth pursuing? How are they
aligned with National Science Education Standards (NSES), if
at all? And what are some simple guidelines that can be used to
increase the effectiveness of any teacher s classroom

Demonstrations As Inquiry
It may not be immediately obvious how demonstrations are
tied into scientific inquiry. After all, the picture of scientific
inquiry presented in the NSES brings to mind students performing
experiments and collecting data. That seems to be diametrically
opposed to the idea of students watching a teacher perform a
demonstration. However, in this paper demonstrations are not
being proposed as a substitute for relevant student laboratory
experiences. Rather, demonstrations can be used as part of an
overarching pedagogy that supports inquiry by requiring students
to be actively engaged during demonstrations, instead of merely
audience members seeking entertainment.
The NSES definition of scientific inquiry is comprised of
two components: a set of fundamental abilities and a set of
fundamental understandings. In the next two sections of this
paper, the fundamental abilities and understandings of inquiry
are taken from Inquiry and the National Science Education
Standards (NRC, 2000, pg. 165-167, 170-171), and are presented
in italics. Following each ability and understanding of inquiry is
my commentary on how they can be promoted by the use of

Fundamental Abilities of Inquiry from NSES
1. Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific
investigations. Demonstrations can be used to prompt student
questions about the physical principles on display. This is
particularly true when a demonstration taps into a commonly
held student misconception. For example, the marble launcher
used by Ms. Chan and Mr. Rodriguez intrigues the students with
the unexpected result that both marbles strike the floor
simultaneously. Using words alone is too often inadequate to
present to students a clear picture of the physical phenomena in
question. Instead, students need to see the principles in action.
This will root the students understanding of physics in his own
sensory experiences, rather than the authoritative voice of the
2. Design and conduct scientific investigations.
Demonstrations can be used to show how various pieces of
scientific equipment and apparatus function. This can plant seeds
in the students minds regarding the equipment they would need
to conduct their own investigations. Demonstrations also allow
the teacher to model how a scientist conducts experiments.
Students need to see the teacher progressing through the steps
such as setting up and calibrating the equipment, collecting data,
and troubleshooting when something goes awry.

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3. Use of technology and mathematics to improve
investigations and communications. Students should be expected
to collect and use data from a teacher-led demonstration.
Mathematical relationships between variables can be explored
using the data as supporting evidence. Furthermore, doing both
a low-tech and a high-tech version of a demonstration can show
the effect of technology in scientific investigations, and then
comparing the precision of the data collected, for example.
Students may be surprised to discover that from time to time the
low-tech tried and true methods are just as powerful as the
newer high-tech methods.
4. Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models
using logic and evidence. Recognize and analyze alternative
explanations and models. Communicate and defend a scientific
argument. As stated above, students should collect data from
demonstrations as often as possible. These data can be used to
support physical relationships that have already been derived in
class. Alternatively, it can be used as the basis for deriving a
previously unseen relationship. It can even be used to contradict
a previously introduced relationship by introducing new variables
to the situation. Whatever models are created or revised, students
will have in hand the data to support and defend their conclusions.

Fundamental Understandings of Inquiry from NSES
1. Scientists usually inquire about how physical, living, or
designed systems function. Demonstrations that can be used in a
physics class to show how physical or mechanical systems
function is limited only by the creativity the teacher.
2. Scientists conduct investigations for a variety of reasons.
Demonstrations can be used at the beginning of a unit to pique
the students interest in a new phenomenon, just like a scientist
has his curiosity around by observing something heretofore
unseen. Demonstrations can be used to confirm a previously
taught concept, or to show an exception to a rule. This is
analogous to a scientist performing additional experiments to
confirm or to challenge his working hypothesis.
3. Scientists rely on technology to enhance the gathering
and manipulation of data. Mathematics is essential to scientific
inquiry. As stated previously, demonstrations in the classroom
not only illustrate principles of physics, but also allow students
to see various scientific instruments and techniques in action.
Collection and analysis of data from a demonstration shows the
interplay between math and science, and is vital in order to
prevent the demonstrations from becoming merely a show for
the students.
5. Scientific explanations must adhere to criteria such as
being logically consistent, abiding by the rules of evidence, being
open to questions and possible modifications, and being based
in historical and current scientific knowledge. Teachers should
ask thought-provoking questions based on the results of the
debate, and should encourage spirited discussion of the new ideas
that will emerge from the students. Student misconceptions are
both numerous and deeply held. The experience of a
demonstration can force to students to confront their closely held
beliefs with the new evidence of their own sensory experiences.
Therefore teachers need to be aware of common student
misconceptions, and should plan meaningful experiences,
including demonstrations, to revise them.
6. Results of scientific inquiry new knowledge and new
methods emerge from different types of investigations and
public communication among scientists. The use of
demonstrations as a source of real experimental data and a source
of classroom discussion material will promote new
understandings of physics in the students.

Dos And Donts of Demonstrations
Clearly there is a strong pedagogical argument to be made
in favor of using demonstrations in the classroom. However, if
the demonstration is going to achieve any of the lofty aims of
the NSES already described, it must be carried out effectively.
Here are some guidelines that can be used to increase the
effectiveness of any teachers demonstrations.
Be prepared. This sounds so elementary, yet it is so easy to
overlook. First, the teacher should have a thorough knowledge
of the physics principles being demonstrated. Teachers should
not attempt to teach what they do not know. Demonstrations
should be practiced ahead of time to assure smooth execution in
class. A teacher who fumbles about trying to operate the
equipment not only looks incompetent, but also runs the very
real risk of completely obscuring the point of the demonstration
altogether. Being prepared also requires that all of the necessary
materials be on hand and functioning properly when class begins.
It may be useful to keep a notebook with notes about each
demonstration, how to set it up, typical problems encountered,
typical student misconceptions, and a record of values that
produced good results.
Do not be afraid of failure. Science is not a simple endeavor.
Things frequently go wrong for practicing scientists, so teachers
should be prepared for that same eventuality. The risk of failure
can certainly be mitigated by proper preparation, but it is
inevitable that even the most familiar demonstration will go
wrong from time to time. Teachers should use these teachable
moments to demonstrate how real scientists solve their problems
by methodically examining and testing the setup. Teachers should
explain to the class what they are checking and why, in order to
help students understand the troubleshooting process.
Make the demonstration visible. If students cannot see a
demonstration, then they are missing out on an important learning
opportunity. Use of proper lighting and contrasting colors,
clearing away all unnecessary items from the work area, choosing
larger objects over smaller ones, and even elevating the equipment
can all improve the visibility of the demonstration. Teachers
should take care not to stand in front of the equipment to the
maximum extent feasible. Finally, it may be advantageous to
allow students to get out of their seats and to gather around the
work area, as safety dictates.
Present real science, not a sideshow. Demonstrations serve
serious educational purposes. They should not be presented as
mere entertainment. This is not to suggest, however, that teachers
should not be enthusiastic and engaging. Rather, avoid

J. Phys. Tchr. Educ. Online 1(3), December 2002 Page 4 2002 Illinois State University Physics Dept.
demonstrations that detract from the class; for example, avoid
performing demonstrations of physical principles that will not
be taught at some time during the semester. Do not try to fool the
students with tricks in the demonstration. The material in a
physics class is challenging enough without resorting to tricks,
which can result in student misconceptions as well as mistrust of
the teacher. Whenever possible, use demonstrations to obtain
some kind of quantitative results, even if they are rough. Always
allow sufficient time to analyze and discuss the results of a
demonstration. Again, a demonstration without an adequate
explanation of the physics is simply entertainment.
Keep it as simple as necessary to make the point. The more
complicated a demonstration is, the more time required to set up
and execute, and the more chance of encountering problems
during execution. Simpler setups allow for more class time to be
devoted to analysis and discussion. Furthermore, students may
be unable to follow a complicated demonstration. Teachers should
carefully consider using students as assistants in the execution
of a demonstration. Teachers should have the expertise with the
equipment and should be able to perform the demonstration
smoothly. Due to their inexperience, a student assistant may make
procedural errors that can detract from the central purpose of the
demonstration. Using computer simulations as demonstrations
can save on setup time and allow for easy repeatability. However,
over-reliance on computer simulations may lessen the educational
impact on the students. For example, a real-life demonstration
with the marble launcher is more likely to be a significant ,
memorable learning experience for the students than simply
watching a computer-generated demonstration of the same
Safety: Keep students a safe distance away from all
potentially dangerous demonstrations. Make sure the risk of
performing a dangerous demonstration is worth the educative
reward for the students. If feasible, perform such demonstrations
outdoors. Always keep first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and other
safety items close at hand, and show students where they are
kept. Teachers should always be a model of laboratory safety by
wearing, when necessary, appropriate clothing such as lab aprons,
work boots, and goggles. Teachers should avoid wearing dangling
ties or jewelry when performing demonstrations.
Demonstration evaluation: The demonstration rubric on page
6 was developed by the Physics Teacher Education program of
the Physics Department at Illinois State University. It can be a
useful tool for evaluating the execution of a demonstration. It is
not designed for use by the high school students, however. It is
intended for faculty members, administration, student teachers,
and other teaching professionals.

Concluding Thoughts
It should be self evident at this point that Mr. Rodriguez, the
physics teacher from the introduction, has clearly wasted a golden
opportunity for student learning by using poor teaching
practices with his demonstrations. Properly used,
demonstrations can be a meaningful part of any teachers
curriculum and can support the vision of science education
extolled in the National Science Education Standards.


Illinois State University, Physics Department. Retrieved
September 6, 2002. http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/ptefiles/
National Research Council. (2000). Inquiry and the National
Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: National
Academy Press.
National Research Council. (1996). National Science Education
Standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Swartz, C.E. and Miner, T. (1998). Teaching Introductory Physics:
A Sourcebook. New York: Springer-Verlag.


J . Phys. Tchr. Educ. Online 1(3), December 2002 Page 5 2002 Illinois State University Physics Dept.
Demonstrator: Evaluator:

Demonstration Rubric

Standard Accomplished (3 pts) Proficie nt (2 pts) Basic (1 pt) Unacce ptable (0 pts)
Preparation Everythin g in work ing
orde r, in place or readily
accessible; ev idence o f
rehearsal ; high quality
drawing or handout
prov ided.
Most things work wel l;
one or two minor
defi cienc ies; clear
eviden ce of rehea rsal,
but lacks finesse; good
quality draw ing or
handout pro vided.
Things don't wo rk well
or flow smoothly; o ne or
t wo things out of place
or missing; only fair
quality drawing or
h andout.
Thin gs are not i n
working order;
demonstrati on fails; no
evidence of rehears al or
adeq uate preparatio n;
low quali ty d rawing /
handout or mi ssing.
Kn owledge Demonstrates clear
understanding of
princip le or co ncept
involved; accu ratel y
relat es co ncept to
demonstrati on.
Exhibits only slightly
limited understan ding or
principle demonstrated;
minor inaccuraci es in
relat ing demonstrat ion.
Exhibits somewh at
limi ted understanding o r
p rincip le demonstrated;
mi nor inaccuracies in
rela ting demonstration.
Lacks an unders tanding
of the principle o r
concept demonstrated;
inaccurately rela tes
demonstrati on of
princip le or co ncept.
Suitab ly large
equipmen t, background
tak en into co nsiderat ion;
color ad ded to liquids;
adeq uate illumi nation;
elev ation to appro priate
lev el; does not hide
disp lay with body.
Some demonstratio ns
marginal ly adequate as
far as visibility is
concerned, others much
better; those in front can
see reas onably well,
those in back hav e a h ard
time seei ng some demos.
Demonstrat ions
margin ally adeq uat e as
far as visibi lity is
co ncerned ; those in front
can see reas onably well,
those in back have a hard
time seeing.
Demonstration s hard to
see fo r any number of
reasons; no ev iden ce of
concern b y pre senter for
visib ility consideration.
Simplicity Avoids unnecessary
complexity (e.g.,
adjustments) an d
common place materi als
if possibl e.
Deg ree of co mplexity
effectively o nly b etter
students; others left
somewhat confused.
So mewhat complex ; the
demonstrat ion is not
o verl y helpful making
point or i ntroducing
co ncep t.
Students cant see the
forest for the trees ; too
complicate d; concepts
too diffi cult or not
appropriate to demos.
Demonstration employed
is pro bab ly the best fo r
demonstrati ng concept.
Demonstration adequate,
but a bett er ch oice might
have been made.
Po or co nnectio n between
demonstrat ion an d
co ncep t or princi ple.
Insignificant connecti on
between demonstration
and concept of principle.
Safety goggles and/or
prot ective s creen used if
appropriate; keep s
students back ; keeps first
aid and other emergen cy
equipmen t on hand.
Expres ses some degree
regard for s afety of
students, but makes fails
to take adeq uate
precau tions to actually
prev ent possible minor
harm to studen ts.
Expresses s ome degree
reg ard fo r safety of
studen ts, but make s fails
to take ad equate
precautions to actually
preven t possible maj or
harm to stud ents.
Shows positive disreg ard
for s tudent or own
safety; fails t o pass the
test of forese eablity;
shows negligen ce;
threatens own or
students safet y.
Performance Emp loys mystery an d
showman ship; uses
precise in t echnique.
Amusi ng if not totally
captivating presentatio n;
clear u nderstan ding of
need to involve students.
Adeq uate presen tat ion
but nothing fan cy; fails
to en gage or involve
studen ts.
Poor deli ve ry style;
inappropriate technique.
Pe dagogy
Maximi zes ed ucational
benefit of demonstrat ion;
gears demonstration
toward studen ts; greatly
engages students
intel lectuall y; uses
inquiry approaches .
Seek to max imi ze
educational ben efit of
demo nstrati on; but gears
demo nstrati on toward
students ab ilities a nd
interes ts; somewh at
didacti c i n delivery .
Attains moderate
ed ucat ional benefi t from
demonstrat ion by
play ing to students;
limi ted interaction wi th
studen ts.
Demonstration appears
to have little o r no
educational value; bores
students; studen ts not
intel lectuall y en gag ed;
essentiall y lectures.
Students thoroughly
engaged by demos,
discussion &
part ici pation .
Studen ts pay attention
and even part icipate, but
are not intellectuall y
Stud ents los e att ention;
inco nsistent intel lectual
& physical en gagement.
Students not mentally or
physicall y en gag ed in
demonstrati on.
Asse ssment
Assess es studen t under-
standing by co nstant,
thought-pro voking
Does co mplete job of
assessing s tudent
unders tanding, but does
so only at end of demo.
Does incomplete job of
as sessi ng studen t under-
stan ding, or as sesses
only at end of demo.
Makes no attempt to
assess studen t

J. Phys. Tchr. Educ. Online 1(3), December 2002 Page 6 2002 Illinois State University Physics Dept.

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