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Energy Efficient Lighting
Technology Market is growing at a
CAGR of 7.9% over the perio
!"#$ to !"#9 %y Transparency
Market Research.
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USD 4595
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USD 7595
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USD 10595
Energy Efficient Lighting Technology Market is growing at a
CAGR of 7.9% over the perio !"#$ to !"#9 %y
Transparency Market Research.
Transparency Market Research
&tate Tower'
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74 Page Report
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Press Release
Energy Efficient
Lighting Technology
Energy-Efcient Lighting Technology Market is estimated to be USD 118.7 billion in !11 and
e"#ected to reachUSD 17$.% billion in !1& at a '()* o+ 7.,- the #eriod !11 to !1&. The
LED segment is the +astest gro/ing /ith '()*1%.,- d0ring !11 and !1&.
&ro(se +ull report at http:,,(((-transparenc'*ar.etresearch-co*,e*erging"lighting"
The 1eld o+ lighting has /itnessed remarkable technology im#ro.ements in the #ast +e/ years2
es#ecially in the area o+ com#act 30orescent lam#s 4'5L6 and solid state lighting. 'on.entional
incandescent b0lbs are e"#ected to reach obsolescence /ith the onset o+ '5L and LEDs 4light
emitting diodes6. LED lighting is en7oying rob0st gro/th beca0se o+ its e"ce#tional +eat0res that
incl0de high energy-efciency2 long o#erational li+e and rob0st /eather resistant design. Lighting
acco0nts +or abo0t 18- to !- o+ total energy cons0m#tion globally8 and abo0t 7- to $!- o+
total energy cons0med +or domestic #0r#oses. LED lighting a##lications are likely to see do0ble-
digit gro/th /ith the highest market share in o.erall lighting market #ost !!. 9n the contrary2
gro/th o+ ofce and ind0strial a##lications o+ LED lighting /ill be slo/er d0e to the e"isting high
#enetration o+ cost-com#etiti.e '5Ls and 30orescent lam#s.
'om#act 30orescent lam#s 4'5L6 are abo0t 7!- more energy efcient than incandescent light
b0lbs. The ad.antages o+ '5L incl0de im#ro.ed light :0ality and longer o#erational li+e in
com#arison to incandescent lam#s. (dditionally2 '5Ls gi.e healthier concentrated light than
linear 30orescent and their si;es are 70st abo0t one-+o0rth o+ the si;e o+ con.entional 30orescent
lam#s. '5Ls hel# 1ght global /arming as their electricity cons0m#tion is a##reciably lo/er than
that o+ incandescent b0lbs. Each '5L is e"#ected to slash carbon dio"ide emissions by abo0t
12$!! lbs. its li+etime. '5Ls cost a little more 0# +ront2 b0t still o<er more sa.ings than
incandescent b0lbs by 0sing less electricity. 50ll s#ectr0m 30orescent lighting may also bene1t
the imm0ne system2 and th0s im#ro.e general health and /ell-being.
=n o.erall lighting technology market2 LED is the +astest gro/ing market at a '()* o+ 1%.,- +rom
!11 to !1&2 beca0se o+ the increasing a##lications o+ LED lighting that incl0des residential
lighting2 decoration2 signal indicators and dis#lay backlighting. The U.S. is e"#ected to be the
biggest market o+ LED in !1&8 ho/ (sian region /ill /itness the highest gro/th rate at a
Transparency Market Research

R/P0R1 D/SCR2P120#
Energy Efficient
Lighting Technology
'()* o+ 1&.&- +rom !11 to !1&.=n the o.erall LED market by 'orrelated 'olor Tem#erat0re
4''T62 the >!!!? - &>!!? segment acco0nted +or the largest market share at %!- re.en0e
share +ollo/ed by 7!!? - $!!!? segment at aro0nd hal+ o+ the re.en0e share as com#ared to
the >!!!? - &!!!? segment in !1!. The >!!!? - &>!!?segment is also e"#ected to gro/ +astest
at a '()* o+ 1>.8- +rom !11 to !1&.
Scope an 0$er$ie(
The ob7ecti.e o+ the st0dy on @)lobal Emerging Lighting Technology Market by 'orrelated 'olor
Tem#erat0re 4''T62 (##lication and )eogra#hy 4!11- !1&6@ is to gain detailed market insights
+orkey energy-efcient lighting technologies that incl0de Light Emitting Diode 4LED62 5l0orescent
and 'om#act 5l0orescent Lam# 4'5L6. The market is analy;ed on the basis o+ gro/th trends2
ongoing de.elo#ments2 market #enetration and re.en0e share.The re#ort also co.ers the
strategies +ollo/ed by34lobal /*erging Lighting 1echnolog' b' Correlate Color
1e*perature 5CC167 8pplication an 4eograph' 5%011" %01!63 #layers.
Seg*entation 9 8nal'sis
The re#ort segments and analy;es the @4lobal /*erging Lighting 1echnolog' b'
Correlate Color 1e*perature 5CC167 8pplication an 4eograph' 5%011"%01!6@ on the
basis o+ the +ollo/ing s0b-categoriesA
4eographic Mar.ets
This section #ro.ides in-de#th analysis o+ @4lobal /*erging Lighting 1echnolog' b'
Correlate Color 1e*perature 5CC167 8pplication an 4eograph' 5%011"%01!6@ that
incl0des market si;e and gro/th +orecast +or each geogra#hy2 +actors2 challenges and
o##ort0nities #re.ailing in the #artic0lar geogra#hy.
/nerg'"/:cient Lighting 1echnolog'
Light Emitting Diode 4LED6
Transparency Market Research
Energy Efficient
Lighting Technology
'om#act 5lorescent Lam# 4'5L6
This section #ro.ides in-de#th analysis o+ Energy-Efcient Lighting Technology market si;e and
gro/th +orecast +or each s0b segment2 +actors and challenges #re.ailing in the o.erall
and at the micro market le.els2 and o##ort0nities and +0t0re o0tlook +or all the le.els.
Correlate Color 1e*perature 5CC16
This section #ro.ides in-de#th analysis o+ all the Energy-Efcient Lighting Technologiesmarket
si;e and gro/th +orecast +or each correlated color tem#erat0re le.els and o##ort0nities and
+0t0re o0tlook +or all the le.els. 0$er$ie( 9 1rens anal'sis
This section analyses the lighting 0sage #attern2 cons0mer #re+erences2 lighting iss0es2 lighting
cost analysis2 energy-efcient lighting cost #otential analysis2 #er+ormance analysis2 and
in30ence o+ color tem#erat0re on mood and lighting a##lications.
Co*pan' Pro;les o+ 1op Pla'ers
This section #ro.ides brie+ o+ to# market #layers in the 34lobal /*erging Lighting
1echnolog' b' Correlate Color 1e*perature 5CC167 8pplication an 4eograph'
Transparency Market Research
Energy Efficient
Lighting Technology
5%011"%01!63- The #ro1le o+ each com#any incl0des brie+ key 1nancials2 #rod0ct E
ser.ices2 recent de.elo#ments and key strategies ado#ted by the #layer.
Trans#arency Market *esearch is a market intelligence com#any #ro.iding global b0siness in+ormation
re#orts and ser.ices. 90r e"cl0si.e blend o+ :0antitati.e +orecasting and trends analysis #ro.ides +or/ard-
looking insight +or tho0sands o+ decision makers.
Be are #ri.ileged /ith highly e"#erienced team o+ (nalysts2 *esearchers and 'ons0ltants2 /ho 0se
#ro#rietary data so0rces and .ario0s tools and techni:0es to gather2 and analy;e in+ormation. 90r
b0siness o<erings re#resent the latest and the most reliable in+ormation indis#ensable +or b0sinesses to
s0stain a com#etiti.e edge.
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