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Transparency Market

Global Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET) Value Chain
Market is growing at a CAGR of
9!" fro# $%&' to $%&9. (y
Transparen)y Market Resear)h
Single User License:
USD 4595
Multi User License:
USD 7595
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USD 10595
Global Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Value Chain
Market is growing at a CAGR of 9!" fro# $%&' to $%&9. (y
Transparen)y Market Resear)h
Transparency Market Research
*tate Tower+
9%+ *tate *treet+ *uite ,%%
Albany+ -. &$$%,
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70 Page Report
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Press Release
Global Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET)
Value Chain Market
Global PET market was estimated to be worth USD 23.3 billion in 2013 and is expected to reach
USD !. billion in 201"# $rowin$ at a %&G' o( ".)* (rom 2013 to 201". +n the o,erall $lobal
market# &sia Paci-c is expected to maintain its leadin$ position in terms PET demand o,er the
next -,e .ears.
/rowse the (0ll report athttp122www.transparenc.marketresearch.com2pet3pol.eth.lene3
Demand (or PET is primaril. bein$ dri,en b. increasin$ application in %SD packa$in$ as well as
risin$ cons0mption o( packa$ed# (ro4en and other processed (oods. 5ar$est PET applications
incl0de packa$in$ o( %SD and bottled water# alcoholic and hot be,era$es# sheet2-lms and (ood.
The PET ,al0e chain market has been (0rther se$mented 0nder two markets# pol.eth.lene
terephthalate 6PET7 and eth.lene. 8,er the last decade demand PET has increased considerabl.
d0e to $rowin$ demand (rom (ood and be,era$es ind0str.. Eth.lene market is se$mented on the
basis o( its application as pol.eth.lene# eth.lene oxide# and eth.lene dichloride and eth.l
ben4ene. The market (or eth.lene was estimated to be worth USD 10. billion in 2010 and it is
expected to reach USD 29.9 billion in 201).
&sia Paci-c en:o.s the lar$est market share o( the worldwide PET and eth.lene market in 2010
and is expected to lead b. 201). &sia Paci-c is also expected to be the (astest $rowin$ market
(or eth.lene o,er the next -,e .ears.
This research is speciall. desi$ned to estimate and anal.4e the demand and per(ormance o( PET
and eth.lene in $lobal scenario. This research pro,ides in3depth anal.sis o( PET and eth.lene
man0(act0rers# trend anal.sis b. se$ments and demand b. $eo$raph.. The report co,ers all the
ma:or se$ments o( the $lobal PET and eth.lene market and pro,ides in3depth anal.sis# historical
data and statisticall. re-ned (orecast (or the se$ments co,ered. The st0d. presents a
comprehensi,e assessment o( the stakeholder strate$ies and winnin$ imperati,es (or them b.
se$mentin$ the PET and eth.lene market as below1
PET b. applications1
Transparen)y Market Resear)h
R+P,R- D+SCR.P-.,'
Global Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET)
Value Chain Market
%SD and bottled water
&lcoholic and ;ot be,era$es
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Transparenc. =arket 'esearch emplo.s ri$oro0s primar. and secondar. research techni>0es in
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