NSET Mission and Vision Address, Contacts, E-Mail
NSET Mission and Vision Address, Contacts, E-Mail
NSET Mission and Vision Address, Contacts, E-Mail
Mi ssi on:
Negros School of Entrepreneurship and
Technology will continually offer relevant courses
and training programs. So that, theinstitution will
always be coherent with the provincial and
national thrust for development, growth and
excellence particularly in the area of Information
Vi si on:
Negros School of Entrepreneurship and
Technology will be an effective manpower
provider and high standard training institution in
the field of Information Technology, manned by
competent and highly motivated personnel.
Entry Requi rements
1. For theComputer Programmer, Computer Data Processor
and Computer Technician programs the only
requirements are:
A. At least a High School Graduate
B. A Filipino
C. A Citizen of good standing
2. For theComputer Programming Course, students with at
least 80% grade in Mathematics and Science, and 85%
general averagearegiven thepriority. For theComputer
Technician Course, students with background on Practical
Electricity and Basic Electronics arepreferred.
3. For thethreecourses, thefollowing arerequired:
a. Original High School Card
b. A copy of Permanent School Record
c. Certificateof Good Moral Character
Address, Contacts, E-mai l
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
E-mail: E-mail:
Class Schedule
Day Time Subject Room Instructor
The continuous assessment requires teachers assessment
on the performance of each student for every week and submit
theweekly grades to theRegistrars Officefor proper recording
and processing.
Thegradepoints arefrom0 to 10 with 5 as theminimum
level acceptable performance. Students who failed in a subject
for the week are advised to report their instructors for tutorial
Shown below is theillustration of thegrading system.
FSG = Final Semester Grade
P G = Grade for Prelim
MG = Grade for Midterm
FG = Grade for Final
P AWA = ( Weekly Assessment For Prelim)/Total No. of
Weeks For the PrelimAssesments
MAWA = ( Weekly Assessment For Midterm)/Total No. of
Weeks For the MidtermAssesments
FAWA = ( Weekly Assessment For Final)/Total No. of Weeks
For the Final Assesments
EA = Exams Average
= (Prelim + Midterm + Finals)/3
The Formula implies that Exam is only 30% of the Final
Grade where as Weekly Assessment is 70%.
Note: The basic Weekly Assessment could either one
or more of the following:
1. Attendance
2. Quiz
3. Assignment
4. Laboratory Activities
5. Recitations
6. Reports
If the basis for the assessment is two or more of the
above then the instructor has the liberty to proportionate the %
weight of each basis.
Exam Schedule
School P oli cies
1. Upon enrollment:
a. 50% of total tuition fees
b. Total miscellaneous fees
c. Total special fees
2. Midterm:
a. Balance of tuition fees
Students who formally withdraw from school within two (2)
weeks after the start of the classes could only avail a refund but
couldnt if withdrawal occurs after second week of classes.
Students are expected to:
1. Show courtesy on administration officials, faculty, office personnel,
visitors and fellowstudents.
2. Demonstrate good taste in their language and manners, which should
reflect respect for themselves and their colleagues
3. Wear shoes except when a given excuse by the Guidance Councilor
4. Keep the surrounding free fromlitter and other unsightly debris.
5. Refrain fromloitering along the corridors and other designated areas.
6. Keep the passages free from any obstruction that may impede the
smooth flow of movement.
7. Wear ID card at all times and during any school sponsored activity held
on or outside the school.
8. Keep out of classrooms, laboratories, and workshops during non-class
9. Keep a respectable dress code.
10. Observe the smoke-free and drug-free school premises.
11. Refrain fromwearing earrings (male students).
12. Safeguard school facilities and avoid acts of vandalism, pilferage and
graffiti writing.
Pr el i m :
Mi dt er m:
Fi nal s :
While inside the classroom, workshops and laboratories, students are
expected to observe:
1. Orderliness and cleanliness
2. Proper decorum
3. Safety and precautionary measures
4. Proper handling of tools/ instruments/ equipments issued or
assigned to them. All tools and instruments must be kept clean
and in good conditions and must be returned to their proper
places after each use.
Damage and losses should be reported immediately to the faculty
member concerned. Losses or damages due to negligence or
carelessness shall be charged to the students accordingly.
1. Attendance in scheduled classes, workshops, laboratories and
other activities is a basic requirement.
2. Students who are absent from classes 3 consecutive days are
required to present a letter of excuse signed by their parents or
guardian containing reason(s) and the length of time of such
absence. Students shall present this letter to their respective
Teacher for proper notation before they can be readmitted to their
Students who are late for more than 15 minutes will be
considered absent and subject to the above regulations.
3. A minimumof 80%in any subject is required in order to receive
full credit. Absences exceeding on 20%of the total time requires
in any subject shall warrant a failure with a grade of 3.0. Habitual
absenteeism, cutting classes and tardiness are considered
serious offense and grounds for disciplinary action.
Students who are formally withdraw within two weeks after the start
of the classes will be marked Withdraw in their subjects. Students who
dropped their subjects after two weeks and before the midterm will be
marked Dropped.
Students are required to participate actively in all school sponsored
The holding of any social event, meeting, or excursion requires a
written permit from the School Administrator or the Guidance Counselor.
Academic field trips should be cleared with the School Administrator or the
Guidance Counselor. The school takes no responsibility whatsoever on
anything that may result from an activity conducted without this written
Clubs may be organized, subject to the set of rules and regulations
that can be obtain at the office of the School Administrator. Organizers of
unauthorized clubs/groups will be subject to the disciplinary measures.
Students recommended for the serious disciplinary action due to
misconduct or academic deficiency shall be given a hearing of the Discipline
Committee. This committee is composed of Class Adviser, the Guidance
Counselor, and the School Administrator.
Actions on disciplinary complains on student shall commence upon
submission of a formal written complaint to the Chair of the Discipline
Committee. Only a written complaint filed within 15 days of the incident shall
be considered by the Discipline Committee for hearing. The committee shall
be convened by the Discipline Committee for hearing. The committee shall
be convened to hear the act upon the receipt thereof. The Guidance
Counselor may act and investigate minor complaints of misconduct and
submit his findings to the Committee for the deliberation and appropriate
Parent/ Guardians/ Teacher and witness may be called by the
Committee to give their testimony during the committee hearing.
The four main categories of the disciplinary sanction, which may be
imposed on erring students, are:
1. The Penalty of Expulsion is an extreme form of disciplinary and needs
the approval of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA). This penalty bars the student from enrolling in any private
and public school. Expulsion is usually considered proper punishment
for gross misconduct such as dishonesty, hazing, carrying deadly
weapons, assaulting school personnel, drug pushing, preventing or
threatening students or faculty members or school authorities for
discharging their duties or attending classes, tampering with official
documents or using forged transfer of credentials.
2. Dismissal is a sanction whereby a student is dropped from the school
rules for specific academic or behavioral infractions.
3. Suspension is a status given specific behavioral infraction whereby a
student is barred from entering the campus for a specific period of time.
4. Probation is a status whereby a student placed under observation for a
specific period. A student under probation is expected to obtain
satisfactory academic performance ratings as well as observed proper
conduct during the given period. At the end of each term, students on
probation are evaluated by the Discipline Committee for further action.
1. A student on probation who obtains a failing grade in any subject
or is found guilty of any misconduct maybe dismissed.
2. A student on probation is disqualified from officially representing
the school in any school activity.
3. A student is placed under probation if:
a. He falls to attend the On-the-Job Training as
scheduled for no justifiable reason. (Initial Probation)
b. He obtains final grades below 5.0 in not more than
two subjects w/o failing grade lower than 3.0. (Final
4. The following academic sanctions could be imposed on students
under disciplinary actions
One (1) Failure - Initial Probation
Two (2) Failures - Final Probation
Three (3) Failures - Dismissal
Admi ni strati ve Staff
Dra. Marilyn D. Maraon -Chairman of theBoard
Mrs. MelanieG. Torres -School Incorporator
Engr. Leonardo Torres, Jr. -School Administrator
Ms. J asmin Rovella G. Ymballa -School Registrar
Mr. J ed B. Gawan
Mr. J ulius G. Dolloso
Mr. J ay K. Pabalate
Mrs. J asmin Rovella G. Ymballa
Engr. Leonardo M. Torres J r.
Mrs. MelanieG. Torres
P rescri bed School Uni form
1. Drinking liquor inside the campus.
2. Dishonesty such as cheating, theft, plagiarism, forgery or
tampering with official documents.
3. Keeping, carrying, concealing deadly weapons inside the school
4. Gambling in any forminside the school.
5. Buying, selling, possession or giving of prohibited drugs.
6. Lewd acts or possession of lewd materials inside the school
7. Grave acts of disrespect or malicious conduct by word or deed
towards any member of the school community.
8. Willful damage to property of the school or that of any member of
the school community.
9. Habitual disregard of school policies and regulations.
10. Hazing that injures, degrades or disgraces a fellow student.
11. Brawls or physical assault on any member of the school
community on or outside the school.
12. Physically blocking or obstructing entrances to and exits from
offices, classrooms, laboratories, workshops or other facilities
with intent to deny others the right to enter, leave or such aspect.
13. Intentional acts calculated to impair routine or special activities
sponsored by the school on and outside the school.
14. Failure or refusal to take the term Examination and/or On-the-Job
Training as scheduled without valid reason.
15. Termination of by the participating industry, institution or
company due to negligence, insubordination, disrespect, absence
without leave and other similar offense.
16. Organizing clubs or associations without the required permit.
17. Selling, buying and stealing of examination papers.
18. Refusal to report or complete the report.
N.B Published memorandum/bulletins may supplement the
above list from time to time.
1. Parents and other callers may not interrupt classes to see or
talk to any student without prior clearance from the School
2. Students property (books, bags, etc.) found lying around after
the class hours should be taken to the library where may
claimed by the owner. Cases of lost articles should be
immediately reported in writing to the Library stating the time
and place of loss, description of the article that is lost and other
information, which may facilitate its recovery.
3. Bulletin boards are for publications. No student may write
notices on the bulletin board without the permission of the
school administration. Notices should be neat and type written.
4. Grades are constantly updated and made available to students
and their parents at the Registrars Office. It is the obligation of
the students to follow-up grades in order to obtain feedback on
their performance.
5. Request of documents such as transcript, honorable dismissal,
etc., is made at the Registrars Office and usually requires a
minimum of 10 working days notice. An accomplished clearance
form is required in order that the request shall be processed.
Documents shall be released only to the concerned student or
an authorized representative (only written authorization will be
6. Students who for any valid reason are unable to continue their
studies but plan to seek readmission in the future should notify
in writing the Registrar not later than 15 working days after they
have stopped attending classes. Readmission shall be on case-
to-case basis.
7. Students should have their ID cards pinned for as long as they
are on the school.
8. Students who have not completed their enrolment by the end of
the second week of classes shall no longer be accepted.
A functional Guidance program of the school offers the following
services to the students:
2. INFORMATION SERVICE- This type of service makes available to
students certain kind of information, which supplies pertinent data
and facts to the individual or group of students ordinarily provided
through the instructional program during the regular period of
instruction. It helps the students understand the options open to
him for education, training and educational pursuits.
3. COUNSELING SERVICES- This is the process by which the
student is approached on an individual basis by means of
interviews and other techniques. This type of service is the heart
and the center of an organized guidance program. The counselor
equipped with rich background of his counselees obtained through
various means help the students clarify his thoughts so he can
make wise decisions for himself. The primary concern of the
counseling service is the development of person.
4. PLACEMENT SERVICE- This is to the services, which assist
students in their school activities as the selection of the appropriate
occupation, educational institution and part-time employment. This
is performed to assist students to make adequate adjustments and
to participate in activity inline with their needs and capabilities.
Placement service help the individual bridge the gasps which he
faces as he is moving from one role to another progressing toward
the stage full occupational maturity.