World 2016 Syllabus

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World History College Prep (CP)

2016-2017 Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Rio
Classroom: P1
Office Hours: 2:50 - 3:30 PM, T-F or by appointment
Phone: 209.830.3370 ext. 3901
Email: [email protected]
Class Website:
Course Description
World history is a 10th grade graduation requirement that examines the critical events, trends, government,
economics, religious, philosophical movements, and technological advances that effect the course of civilization
from the rise of democratic states in the early 17th century to the present era.
The required textbook for the course will be World History (Prentice Hall 2007) which you will receive from
the library. You are required to assume full responsibility for the text once the text is checked out to you. Other
suggested class materials consist of a three-ring binder, subject dividers, blue and black pens, #2 pencils,
markers, highlighters, and lined paper.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times, towards each other as well as
their instructor. Students must be in class on time and prepared to participate on a regular basis. Students must
give 100 percent in every task, assignment, project and exam. Students are expected to come to class with
thoughtful questions, concerns, and/or comments.
Attendance Policy
Those with excused absences are allowed to makeup work without penalty. You will receive 1 day for each
excused absence to make up the assignment/exam. Upon your return, check the website or consult with the
instructor or a classmate to collect any missing work. Students are responsible for making up all class work,
homework and exams. Students with unexcused absences or off-campus suspensions cannot makeup missed
Tardy Policy
The school tardy policy will be followed; this policy can be found in the student handbook. Please be in your
assigned seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
Classroom Rules
1. Arrive to class on time and ready to work.
2. NO food, drink (except bottled water), gum or candy in the classroom.
3. Appropriate attire is expected; NO hoods or sunglasses in the classroom.
4. Remain in your assigned seat at all times.
5. Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.
6. Respect the property of the school and of others.
Consequences for violating these rules are as follows:
1st offense:
verbal warning
2 offense: seat change, student/teacher conference
3rd offense: referral to an administrator
Cheating Policy
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to produce your own work and appropriately cite sources
if needed. Cases of cheating or plagiarism will result in a score of a zero for that assignment or exam for all
participating students and appropriate contacts will be made (parent/teacher/admin).
Homework will be given regularly throughout the course (TUSD Board Policy 6154). Readings, objectives,
outlines, and/or writing assignments will be assigned on a regular basis. Check the website for updated
assignment calendars.

Incomplete/late assignments
Students must show evidence of effort and knowledge and therefore incomplete work will NOT BE
ACCEPTED. Late work will be accepted within two school days of the original due date. Students must attach
a completed Late Work coupon when handing in late work. Late work will receive 50% of the credit. Late
Work coupons may be used up to four times a quarter and cannot be used on projects or essays. The instructor
will not accept e-mailed assignments/projects or assignments/projects on flash drives or CDs unless otherwise
noted. All assignments must be ready to submit on the due date.
Reading, lecture, or discussion quizzes may be given throughout the course with or without notice. Each unit
will conclude with some variation of an exam, project or essay. Midterms will cover material from the 1st
semester and will be given in December whereas the final will cover material from 2nd semester and will be
given in May.
Final semester grades will be based on the following percentages: 40% (Quarter)
40% (Quarter)
20% (final exam)
The instructor does not give or change grades; you earn grades and they are reported. Grades are calculated
through the Aeries grading system with the following grading scales:
20% - Homework and class work
20% - Writing
25% - Projects
35% - Exams
97-100 A+
87-89 B+
77-79 C+
67-69 D+






Grades will be updated on a regular basis and parents and students may review assignments through their
district Parent Link account. Students inquiring about grades are encouraged to meet with the instructor during
Extra Credit
Extra credit may be offered throughout the course and the due dates will vary.
Teacher Assistant (TA) expectations
Teacher assistants must be in class daily and on time, prepared and ready to work. TAs will sit at the TA table
during class time and work on assigned tasks and may work on their own work if the required tasks are
complete. A variety of tasks will be expected, some of which will include grading assignments, recording
assignments, and working with students and colleagues. The expectation is that you will carry out all of the
above mentioned responsibilities with maturity and respect and for that you will earn a passing grade.
Personal Learning Devices
2. The use of any electronic device for photography, audio or video recording is prohibited unless such activity is explicitly
approved by the instructor.
3. There are times when use of PLDs during class time will be permitted and other times when it is not. If asked to put PLD
away, the student must comply immediately.
4. Neither West High School, Tracy Unified School District, nor the instructor shall be held responsible for cell phone charges,
or if the device is lost or damaged.
5. PLD use shall be permitted only when I am in the classroom. When there is another teacher or a substitute teaching the class,
no electronic devices of any kind are permitted.
Consequences of Misuse of Personal Learning Device
If a student fails to comply with these guidelines, the PLD will be confiscated and locked up until the end of the school day. All school
discipline policies regarding the use of electronics are in effect at all times.

Merrill F. West High School
2016-17 Syllabus signature page
CLASS: __________________________________ PERIOD: __________
Parents/ Guardians: Your child has reviewed the class syllabus online through our class website. In an attempt
to go green and minimize costs I have posted the class syllabus online and I encourage you to read the
syllabus so that you and your child are clear of my expectations for the year.
The syllabus can be found online at the following websites:
World History CP and EL:
Human Rights:
My students are my top priority and I will work with you and your child in any way possible to ensure a
successful academic year. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I have read/reviewed the syllabus with my child and understand the rules and procedures of the class.
Student name (PRINT): ___________________________________________________________
Student signature: _________________________________________

Date: _____________

Students E-mail (PRINT): ___________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian name (PRINT): ________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature: ___________________________________


Parents E-mail (PRINT): ___________________________________________________________

--------------- VIDEO PERMISSION -------------------- VIDEO PERMISSION ------------------- Throughout
the course of the school year your child may be shown videos or video clips with a rating higher than a G and
due to the school board policy, 6144(a); the parent/guardians permission is required for students to view these
videos. My child may view a film with a rating higher than a G.
Parent/guardian signature: ____________________________________

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