Predeployment Orientation 2024

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Orientation for Practice
The practice teachers from the
Bachelor of Elementary Education and
Bachelor of Secondary Education
programs will be exposed to various work
settings so they can experience and see
how the ideas they had studied in school
were put into reality.
At the end of the internship program, the students
should be able to:

1. Familiarize themselves with the taste of real-life

classroom encounters under the supervision of a
professional teacher;
2. Participate in the forum for student-teacher to
translate educational theories and principles into
3. discover their own strengths and weaknesses in
classroom teaching and address their weaknesses as well
as enrich their strengths;
4. acquaint themselves with real school environment as their
future work place.
5. Acquire professional skills, competencies, personal
characteristics and experience for full-time teaching after
6. develop a positive attitude towards the teaching profession;
7. assess the quality of training being provided by teacher
training institutions.
University Of Cebu Basic Education
Department is where the pre-service
teachers will have their in-campus
training or internship that prepares
them fo their future teacher career.
It is during the in campus and off
campus internship that pre-service
teachers will apply their knowledge,
skills, and competence in lesson
designing, lesson delivery, assessment
of learning, communication and
interaction with the students, parents,
mentors and co teachers.
Teaching Internship Plan 2024
*Batch 2023-24 is the set of
pre-service teachers that will
have the face to face student
teaching during the post
pandemic academic year
* Curriculum reflects the
outcomes-based approach in
*Teaching internship is
fundamental component of
the curriculum
* In this phase practice
teachers are given the
opportunity to try the art of
teaching and experience
actual teaching and learning
* chance to integrate theory
and practice in face to face
PT 422 (Practice Teaching)
is a one semester full time course
involving a minimum of 380 hours in
basic education schools using a
clinical approach under the
mentorship of a cooperating
Guidelines on the
Deployment of Pre-Service
Teachers for Teaching
CMO no 104 S. 2017-2023
1. UC CTE internship program requires
preservice teachers to use the Face to
face modality
2. Internship program of the college is
aligned with CMO no 104 S. 2017-2023
3. The duration of the internship program
shall up to the maximum of five
months (380 hours)
4. Student teachers have passed the HEI’s
qualification for internship:
4.1 must be physically and
emotionally fit
4.2 has accomplished the academic
5. Must pass the pre-deployment
demonstration Teaching
6. Must conduct a classroom-based
Action research
7. Accomplish a Student Teaching
8. Student Teacher Contract
9. Accomplish Parents’ Consent
Duties and Responsibilities
of the Pre-Service Teachers
CMO no 104 S. 2017-2023
The following are course responsibilities
during this time period. Specifically, the
student will:
1.observe and teach for a minimum period of 5
months during the first or second semester of the
senior year;
2.create and teach from lesson plans made under the
supervision of a licensed public or private school
3.Gradually assume responsibility for teaching from
three to five classes a day during this period.
(Teaching load may vary in relationship to the subject
being taught and the school schedule.);
The following are course responsibilities
during this time period. Specifically, the
student will:
4. Be responsible for administrative duties associated
with these classes. This should include attendance
reports and other routine duties previously handled by
the cooperating teacher;
5. Assume responsibility for the grading of students in
assigned classes. (depending on the cooperating
6. Construct, administer, correct, and
grade examinations for classes being taught;
The following are course responsibilities
during this time period. Specifically, the
student will:
7. Assume duties in addition to daily classes. This could
include school programs, small group tutoring, remedial
classes or whatever is deemed necessary to make the
schedule and experience as complete as possible; and
8. Assume duties as officers of the organization for
Field study and Internship organization for a school year.
The following are the Duties and
Responsibilities as stipulated in the
Students Contract

1. Sign or execute this Contract and all required documents

necessary for his/her participation in the Program;
2. Faithfully comply with the provisions of this Contract including the
rules and regulations of the HEI, HTE, and CHEd at all times;
3. Undergo the required pre-internship orientation conducted by the
HEI and HTE;
The following are course responsibilities
during this time period. Specifically, the
student will:
4. Report for internship in the HTE based on the

5. Perform tasks and activities indicated in the

Internship Plan;

6. Maintain confidentiality, when and where

appropriate, during and after the internship period of all
the data, business or trade secrets where such
information is not within public domain and is indicated
7.Adhere to the existing rules and regulations of the HTE
including the proper use of supplies, tools, instruments,
machines, and facilities.
8. Submit to the Student Internship Coordinator of the
HEI an Internship Journal reflecting the approved
Internship Plan, his/her experiences describing the
internship activities, any problem/s encountered, and
his/her reflections on the internship experience;
The following are course responsibilities
during this time period. Specifically, the
student will:
9. Complete the agreed duration of the Program. In
case he/she will be unable to finish the Program within
the designated period, he/she shall inform the Student
Internship Coordinator in writing of his/her intent and
reasons to prematurely end his internship, at least one
(1) week before the last day of the Program. Failure to
complete the Program without valid cause disqualifies
the SI from retaking the Program with the HTE; and
10. Report to the Student Internship Coordinator for an
exit assessment after the completion of the internship
Additional Duties and Responsibilities of Interns

The intern shall:

a. abide by the rules and regulations set by the institution;

b. partic ipate ac tively in offic e ac tivities;
c. notify the c oordinating teac her in c ase of absenc es;
d. c onsider/ be open to c onstruc tive c ritic isms;
e. respec t all offic e personnel;
f. c ome prepared at all times;
g. submit reports and requirements on time;
h. ac c omplish the training/ internship portfolio; and
i. projec t a good image at all times by observing:

a. adherenc e to the C ode of Ethic s

b. proper dress c ode

c . punc tuality in all ac tivities of the internship

d. disc ipline and right c onduc t.

Calendar of Activities
Category of Offenses and
Disciplinary Measures
A. Category of Offenses
• Minor Offenses:
- Tardiness
- Absences
- Improper Attire
- Any minor infractions as stated
in the Student Manual of the
Major Offenses:

- Going out with students without

the consent of parents and
cooperating teachers
• Inflicting corporal punishment
on offending students
Major Offenses:

-Making deductions from their

scholastic ratings as punishment
for acts which are clearly not a
manifestations of poor scholarship
- Stealing/Pilferage •
Major Offenses:

-Cheating/Tampering with
Records/Dishonesty •
-Selling, carrying or distributing of
prohibited drugs or paraphernalia
. Disciplinary Measures -
Depending on the circumstances
involved, the seriousness of the
offense and the extent of the
damage, the following are the
sanctions that may be imposed to
any Student Teacher who has
committed an infraction:
. Minor Offenses:
• Four (4) consecutive incurred
tardiness of fifteen (15) minutes
may be considered one (1) day
• Extension of three (3) days on
and off campus duty for one (1)
day absence.
. -Verbal or Written Reprimand
- Letter of Apology to the
Aggrieved Parties
- Community Service in the
Cooperating School ranging
from 10 to 80 hours •
- Any other sanction as befits the
. Major Offenses:
-Extension of On and Off Campus
Duty -A grade of Dropped or 5.0
-Automatic disqualification or
Dropping from the Honors List for
those aspiring to graduate with
. Exclusion.
After a thorough investigation of the case
and after following the procedure as
stated in the Student Manual for serious
offenses, the university will terminate the
enrollment of the student teacher found
guilty of a serious offense. Furthermore,
the student teacher is not allowed to re-
enroll in the University of Cebu or in any of
its satellite campus such as UC-METC, UC-
Banilad and UCLM.
. Expulsion.
This is given to very serious offenses.
The student teacher cannot enroll in
any of the schools in the Philippines.

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