Transport System in Bangladesh

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Transport System in Bangladesh: Issues and Options for

Sustainable Development

S.M. Sohel Mahmud

Mohammad Wahidur Rahman

Shahnewaz Hasanat-E- Rabbi

ABSTRACT: Transport developments have been driven in Bangladesh mostly by
improvised considerations having no explicit focus on future requirements and the
means of meeting these requirements on a competitive as well as sustainable basis. The
unplanned combination of rapid urbanization and motorization has been a key cause of
numerous transport problems in Bangladesh. It has resulted in deterioration in
accessibility, service levels, safety, comfort, operational deficiencies. The rapid
urbanization process, high vehicular population growth and that of the mobility,
inadequate transportation facilities and policies, varied traffic mix with over
concentration of non-motorized vehicles, absence of dependable transport system and
inadequate traffic management practices and parking facilities have created a
significant worsening of traffic and environmental problems particularly in urban
areas. Traffic accidents are now a very serious and growing problem and the safety
situation is very severe by international standard. The problem of road accidents
costing the community in the order of US$ 800 million (nearly 2% of GDP) each year.
The other serious deficiencies resulting from ad-hoc planning are sectoral bias
improper modal mix, un-integrated system, serious institutional weakness, limited role
of the private sector etc. The current deficiencies have produced an unsustainable trend
of transport development, which is characterized by misallocation of resources, adverse
impacts on the environment and lack of competition. The current disturbing trends in
transport development indicate the need for guidelines to make such development
environmentally and to create a transport system that can meet the growing demand for
transport services. In this paper characteristics of transportation and consequent
mobility, safety and environmental effects are discussed. The purpose of the present
paper is to conceptualized a vision and identify supporting policies for sustainable
transport development. The authors also make an attention on key transport issues and
possible options for ensuring sustainable transport development in Bangladesh.

Key words: Transport system, Deficiencies, Sustainable Development

Transport is an important component of economic activity in all countries but especially
so in those that are developing. Since ancient times, cities and trade canters have
developed in locations that took advantages of the availability of transportation
connections such as rivers, roads, protected harbors and railways.
The potential for enhancing economic and social development through improvements in
the transport sector are very large indeed. It helps the generation of economies of scale,
increased competition, reduced cost, systematic urbanization, export-led faster growth
and a larger share of international trade. But, it is true that, the unguided nature of
present development efforts is rooted in the absence of a vision for future development.
A vision sets the direction for development and guide formulation of policy measures

Research Assistant, Accident Research Center (ARC), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
and strategies to attain identified objectives. Unfortunately, no such vision for transport
development exists in Bangladesh. The current disturbing trends in transport
development indicate the need for policy directions to make such development
environmentally and otherwise sustainable and to create a transport system that can
meet the growing demand for transport services which is resulting from increasing
economic liberation and external orientation of the economy.

It is generally agreed that a well-articulated transport policy is needed for the
development of transport sector, even when the private sector plays an increasing role in
such development. The level of transport needs in a growing economy depend on the
pattern of development (e.g. spatial combination of economic activities, sectoral
composition, and importance of international trade). Transport policy can influence the
way the transport needs associated with a particular pattern met. A policy is required to
answer such vital question, among others, as who will provide transport infrastructure,
who will provide transport services, how transport infrastructure and services should be
priced, what the appropriate roles of various transport modes in a transport system are,
and how to resolve potential conflicts between transport developments and the

There is growing interest in the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development, and
sustainable transport. Sustainability reflects one of the most fundamental human desires
supported by virtually all philosophies and religions: to create a better future world. It
provides guidance for long-term, strategic decision-making. Sustainability emphasizes
the integrated nature of human activities and therefore the importance of comprehensive
Planning that coordinates between sectors, jurisdictions and groups. This is an important
change because existing institutions are often poorly suited to address complex, long-
term problems. The purpose of the present paper is to conceptualized such a concept of
sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable transport and identify supporting
policies for sustainable transport development in Bangladesh. At the outset of the paper,
the authors describe the overview of present transport development. The authors also
make an attention on key transport issues and possible options for ensuring sustainable
transport development in Bangladesh.

The transport system of Bangladesh consists of roads, railways, inland waterways, two
seaports, maritime shipping and civil aviation catering for both domestic and
international traffic.

Development and maintenance of transport infrastructure in the county is essentially the
responsibilities of the public sector. The public sector is involved in transport operations
in road, inland water transport (IWT) and ocean shipping alongside the private sector. In
the road transport and IWT sub-sectors, the private sector is dominant. In ocean
shipping, however, public sector still predominates, although the private sector has
considerably increased its role in this sector in recent years. Recently private sector has
also been involved in domestic air transport and railway in a very limited scale.

Bangladesh witnessed rapid growth of transport since independence. The overall annual
growth rate has been nearly 8.2 per cent for freight transport and 8.4 per cent for
passenger transport. Even then, the transport intensity of the Bangladesh economy is
considerably lower than that of many developing countries.
Projected Transport Demand and Allocation of Resources
The overall annual rates of growth for transport demand with reference to the estimated
benchmark year of 1997 are assumed to be 7.5 per cent and 8 per cent for passenger and
freight traffic respectively for the year 2002. The projected transport demand and modal
shares for the year 2002 is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Projected Transport Demand and Modal Shares - Passenger and Freight
Year Passenger Freight
Mode Shares Total
Mode Shares
Road Rail IWT Road Rail IWT
1997 90 billion 72% 11% 17% 12 billion 65% 7% 28%
2002 152 billion 70% 12% 18% 19 billion 72% 8% 20%
Source: Fifth Five-Year Plan (FFYP), 1997-2002.

An amount of Tk. 109,955.50 million has been earmarked from public sector for the
development of transport in the Fifth Five Year Plan. Besides this, a sum of Tk. 11,800
million has been provided for the Bangabandhu Bridge giving a total allocation of Tk.
121,755.50 million for the transport sector as a whole. The percentage share of transport
in the total public sector outlay is 14.20 compared with 16.50 in the Fourth Five Year
Plan and about 19 during 1995-97. The sub sectoral break-up of the Fifth Five Year
Plan Transport Sector financial outlay of Tk.121,755.50 million is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Public Sector Financial Outlay for Development of Transport in Fifth Plan
(In million taka, at 1997 prices)
Sub-Sector Total
On going
New Projects
Road Transport 64905.50 51500.00 13405.50
Bangladesh Railway 24000.00 17900.00 6100.00
Water Transport 13550.00 9750.00 3800.00
Air Transport 7500.00 6160.00 1340.00
Sub-Total 109955.50 85310.00 24645.50
Bangabandhu Bridge 11800.00 11,800.00 -
Total 121755.50 97110.00 24645.50
Note: Of the total Plan outlay, only 20.24 per cent is available for new projects. The highest outlay is given to the
road sub-sector (about 53.30 per cent) which is followed by Bangladesh Railway (19.71 percent).

Road Transport
The total paved road length under Roads and Highways Department (RHD) has
expanded from a mere 600 km in 1947 to around 4,265 km in 1973 and to around
21,000 km in 2001. At present it is nearly 22,000 km.

Another 1,83,354 km of road existed under LGED, as of December 1998, which link
rural growth centres with the arterial routes. Most of the heavy vehicles in Bangladesh
are of 2-axle configuration, with two wheeled front axle and 4-wheeled rear axle. The
axle load limit is 18,000 lbs or 8.2 tonnes, compared to 10.2 tonnes in India.

Bangladesh Railway (BR)
Bangladesh Railway (BR) has a total route kilometer of 2734, of which 901 km is Broad
Gauge (BG) and 1833 km is Meter Gauge (MG). The BR is at present catering to
passenger and freight services at 489 stations spread over the entire country.
Private sector is being increasingly involved in railway operations over the last few
years. These initiatives included the leasing out of commercial functions for passenger
trains. BR signed private sector contracts for the development, operation and
maintenance of their ticketing reservation and for the maintenance, expansion and
provision of telecommunication services to both railway and general public utilizing the
railways fibre optic network. In general, this private sector involvement has been
highly successful resulting in increased revenue for the railway and better levels of
service for the public.

Bangladesh Railway has also introduced computerized wagon control system
(RAILWICS) in 1999-2000. UNESCAP assisted programme, can now be used for
tracking and monitoring movement and status of all rolling stock, containers and cargo.
System can be integrated for international tracking. The system is now fully operated by

Inland Water Transport
Bangladesh is a Maritime country with vast network of inland waterways. Out of nearly
24,000 km of rivers, streams and canals in Bangladesh, only about 5,970 km is
navigable by mechanized vessels during monsoon period, which shrinks to about 3,970
km during dry period. Approximately, 90% of IWT services are provided by private

The IWT sector carries over 50% of all arterial freight traffic and one quarter of all
passenger traffic. River instability coupled with rapid deterioration of the river system
through massive siltation causes serious problems to navigation and also to the
management, operation and development of IWT system. Passenger and cargo facilities
are inadequate in terms of landing stages, storage area and handling equipment. The
management capabilities and skills are quite low and it requires human resource
development (HRD) and training. Rural landing facilities (pontoon and jetties) are few
and far between compared to the needs for mass transportation.

Urban Transport System
The urban transport issues of mobility, congestion, safety and environmental aspects are
becoming increasing important and critical in Bangladesh. The rapid urbanization
process, high vehicular population growth and that of the mobility, inadequate transport
facilities and policies, varied traffic mix with over concentration of non-motorized
vehicles, absence of dependable public transport system and inadequate traffic
management practices and parking facilities have created a significant worsening of
traffic and environmental problems in the major urban centres, Dhaka in particular.

The urban transport system focuses on mobility and access within the main cities and
towns. The main strategic issue related to urban transport is the efficiency of intra-urban
transport in the main urban centres. Rapid urban growth and its contribution to the
national economy need to be carefully addressed. Transports role in the urban economy
and growth of this sector has been phenomenal (e.g. individual mobility and new
employment opportunities in the transport service sector). This role need to be
strengthened and qualitatively improved in the coming years, while the management of
the urban system has become a critical issue. Management issues are expected to
constrain the growth of the sector, vis-a-vis, the national economy, unless clearly
defined policy and strategic actions are initiated without further delay.

The transport development in Bangladesh has taken place within the context of a low
level of overall national development and essentially with an inward looking policy.
Until now, the development and maintenance of transport infrastructure has remained
the responsibility of the public sector. In addition, public sector is the main provider of
rail and air services and is also involved in providing services in road, inland water
transport and shipping along with the private sector. An overview of the main features
of the existing transport situation in Bangladesh, deficiencies, trends on transport
development is presented in this section.

Poor Quality of Transport Services

The transport sector in Bangladesh is characterized by weak public and private
institutions, and low level of investment. It operates in a physical environment of high
levels of risk, and socio-political context of extreme poverty and frequent man-made
disruptions. The general quality of services at all levels and by all modes has been poor.
The overcrowded buses, trains and water transports, with poor safety and security
records, and unreliable service operations are quite common in Bangladesh. In freight
transport, excessive cost, time, pilferage, etc., are some of the common problems. These
problems are further complicated by vested interests from both within and outside the
transport sector itself and the socio-political environment of the country.

Road accidents, air pollution due to vehicle emissions, hazardous vehicle
driving/operations, overloading, etc are some of the most common phenomena, in
transport sector, particularly in the urban areas. These phenomena have actually
developed due to lack of enforcement of existing rules and regulations with regard to
transport operation in the country. While overloading of buses, rash driving of trucks,
unworthy vehicles are supposed to be stopped by law enforcing agencies viz, traffic
police, very little effective measures are actually taken in this regard.

Inappropriate Modal Mix
Due to its comparative advantages in terms of speed, flexibility, and accessibility, road
transport has emerged as the most popular mode of transportation in Bangladesh.
Reflecting popular demand for road transport and increased realization of the
significance of road transport for rural development and poverty alleviation, road
development has continued to receive major attention of all successive governments
since liberation in 1971. As a result, road transportation has become the principal mode
of transportation for both goods and passenger traffic.

With major developments in the road sector, the relative roles of the three modes of
surface transport - road, inland water transport (IWT) and railways are changing with
road transport growing progressively. Figure 1 presents the overall transport output
estimates in respect of the three modes of surface transport together. The changing roles
of the three major modes have many social, economic and environmental implications.
Passenger Flow Modal Share
1975 1985 1995 2005

Figure 1: Passenger Flow Modal Share by Different Modes
Source: Planning Commission

Public sector allocations to different modes of transportation over the successive plan
periods in Bangladesh are shown in Table 3. It shows that the share of road sector has
gradually increased from less than 30 per cent during the First Five Year Plan period
(1973-78) to more than 66 percent during the Fourth Five Year Plan (1990-95). Its share
in the current Fifth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) is about 60 per cent. Water
transportation suffered the most followed by air and rail transport. During the same
period, the share of water transport decreased from about 24 per cent in 1973-78 to a
mere 12 per cent during the current plan period.

The implications of these changes in resource allocation are clearly reflected in the
evolving relative roles of these modes. The road transport has expanded at the expense
of railways and inland water transport. All these distortions have taken place due to
distorted pricing of the services which are neither based on economic costing nor based
on cost-recovery principle.

Table 3: Share of allocation to different modes in the past plans*
Per cent of sector allocation in past plans Mode

1978-80 1980-85 1985-90 1990-95 1995-97 1997-02
Road 28.36 37.51 31.80 42.30 66.42 74.46 58.68
Rail 23.91 27.35 32.14 29.83 17.06 16.08 21.82
Water 35.30 24.41 24.63 20.38 13.07 5.32 12.53
Air 12.44 10.73 11.44 7.49 3.45 4.14 6.96
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Total allocation for all
modes (m taka)
5276.1 4500 12864.6 28023 52170 24799.8 107705.5
Sector allocation as
% of total public
sector outlay
11.65 13.79 11.59 12.01 16.50 18.81

* Excludes allocation for Bangabandhu Bridge
Source: Computed from data given in the Fifth Five Year Plan (Planning Commission, 1997)
Unaware of the Regional Role of the Transport System
As indicated earlier, Bangladesh has been developing its national transport system,
essentially with an inward looking strategy. In the context of the globalization process
which is currently underway, it has been observed that world wide economic dynamism
has been driven to a significant extent by economic exchange on an increasing scale
among economies situated in the same region/sub-region. Despite her strategic location
in the sub-region comprising the countries/areas which are the close neighbours, such as
Nepal, Bhutan and North-East India, Bangladesh has not been planning and developing
its transport system with a regional perspective in mind.

Development Trend Not Sustainable
There is a growing interest in sustainable development, which requires us to be more
sensitive to environmental and social constraints, including indirect and long-term
impacts. It emphasises intergenerational equity and long-term ecological viability.
Sustainability has significant implications for transportation planning, since transport
activities tend to be highly resource intensive, have numerous external costs, and
frequently distribute impacts inequitably. Sustainable development focuses on improved
access to facilities and to using each mode for what it does best. Improvement of access
and distribution of linked production and storage activities can substantially reduce the
necessity of movement and/or reduce trip length resulting in lower demand for transport
infrastructure and services, less energy consumption and reduction of external costs.

Pricing policy for the transport sector of the country poses a serious problem for the
proper functioning of the transport sector. Although pricing policy should ideally be
based on cost recovery principle, in reality it is not commensurate with the cost of
providing transport services. Fare and rates in all the transport sub-sectors are fixed at a
level much below the combined cost of transport. This leads to substantial losses in all
the transport sub-sectors and in turn puts strains on the total allocations meant for the
different sectors of the economy. Although the transport is a service sector and the
public transport is provided depending on the principle of public service obligaiton
(PSO), the practice of providing unlimited subsidy from Govt. exchequer is creating
problem for other sectors of the economy too, and is therefore not sustainable.

Transport System Not Fully Integrated
Integrated system development which has now become a major issue in modern
sustainable transport development, has particular significance for Bangladesh with her
acute resource scarcity. Thus there is an urgent need for an optimum mix of modes and
minimisation of consumption of resources. However, such a mix cannot be achieved if
one looks at a mode in isolation from others. Thus although rail and water transport is
generally more efficient than road transport because of their higher energy efficiency
and better labour productivity, this fact by itself cannot ensure greater use of these
modes. In most of the cases they alone cannot provide door-to-door services. Because of
their higher terminal costs they are also not suitable for short trip length or where
intensity of demand is too low to justify higher capacity modes. These inherent
characteristics of different modes require that to improve overall efficiency each mode
should be used for what it does best in an overall transport chain. Reflecting a
fundamental change in the traditional way of looking at transportation of goods and
people, a mode is increasingly considered only as a link in the chain and the whole issue
of transportation from the origin to ultimate destination is considered. In Bangladesh,
each mode of transport operators on its own without any initiative to establish efficient
logistic chains between O-D involving different modes as necessary. Thus an integrated
system involving different modes, as appropriate from the origin to ultimate destination
is needed.

Poor Air Quality Due to Higher Vehicular Emissions
Around 1000 MT of pollutants are pumped into the environment every day in Dhaka, of
which 70% comes from vehicles, followed by industrial units, garbage and other
biomass burning by the slum dwellers and burning of coal and wood by the large
number of brick fields in and around the city.

Although the total number of vehicles in Dhaka city are not large relative to human
population, there is preponderance of para-transit. The city, however, suffers from high
level of ambient air pollution due to vehicular emissions, and is one of the worst
environmental problems affecting more than ten million inhabitants of Dhaka city.
Motor vehicles contribute about 55% of SOx, 70% of NOx and 60% of CO of the total.
The motorized vehicle population in Dhaka is dominated by three wheelers and these
vehicles are mostly powered by two stroke engines which have high HC emissions as
well. In addition these vehicles emit unburned gasoline as a liquid particulate that
combines with water vapor to form an aerosol that provides a blue haze on the roads.
It is fully established now that two-stroke engines are a major contributor to ambient
Hydro Carbon (HC) and suspended particulate matter (SPM), HC and PM carbon
monoxide (CO) concentrations. There are about 70,000 two-stroke three wheelers (per
year increase 3500), 2000 two stroke large tempos (per year increase 200) and 3000 four
stroke three wheelers (per year increase 300) in Dhaka city.

Private Sectors Role Not Fully Defined
The conventional wisdom that government ownership and direct operation of services
are required to deliver social benefits of transport is no longer held sacred. Evidence in
many countries has shown that private sector ownership and operation of transport
services can also deliver social benefits to the people as a whole. In order to secure
competitive access to industrialised economies and global trade generally, and also to
exploit the potentials of providing transport services to the sub-region, Bangladesh
needs an active participation of private sector to bring in efficiencies of service
operation and access to capital.
However, currently the involvement of the private sector is limited mainly to providing
services in some of the sub-sectors like road, inland water and shipping. They have also
very limited participation in civil aviation and rail services. The involvement of private
sector in infrastructure development is also low. There are many reasons for low private
sector involvement. Absence of regulatory institutions, an appropriate legal framework
and inadequacy of capable and educated transport providers, bureaucratic procedures
and practices, etc., are some of the factors which are working as the obstacle to private
sector involvement.

Lack of Urban Transport Policy
Bangladesh has no urban transport policy as yet. As such there is no clear decision as to
which modes of transport and facilities, the urban areas should encourage. In the past
urban transport received little attention, as investment went more in infrastructure
development for inter-urban linkages and for opening up links to rural growth centres.
The 4th Five Year Plan of Bangladesh (1990-95) indicated that urban transport
problems, will be tackled, particularly in the metropolitan areas with emphasis on
landuse and water management system.

Government therefore, undertook a study the Greater Dhaka Metropolitan Area
Integrated Transport Study (DITS) (1992-94), funded by UNDP. In line with the
findings of the study, World Bank formulated a project Dhaka Urban Transport
Project, to address in the short-term, urgent policy issues, infrastructure bottlenecks
and traffic management constraints, and in the longer term, to focus on planning,
institutional and policy action. Based on another recommendation of the World Bank
for strengthening coordination mechanism, Greater Dhaka Transport Planning and
Coordination Board (GDTPCB) was established. The Board has recently been renamed
as Dhaka Transport Coordination Board. While efforts are underway to improve urban
transport situation in Dhaka, similar initiatives need to be taken to address urban
transport problems in other cities, and before that there is an urgent need for setting
urban transport policies of Bangladesh.

Generally speaking such a policy should aim at developing an integrated, balanced and
environmentally sound urban transport system in which all modes (motorized and non-
motorized) can play their roles efficiently.

Institutional Deficiency
The Bangladeshi institutions which are linked to transport sector, in general, have weak
and outdated structure. Their lack of capacity and shortage of resources seriously
undermine their capability for good governance, sound policymaking and public
management. Powerful vested interests and legal constraints further compound the
problem. The manifestations of all these are reflected in the poor- and malgovernance of
the transport sector, the outcomes of which are loss-making state enterprises, lack of
investments in transport infrastructure, breeding corruption, deterioration in the
institutions of law and order, weak law enforcement impacting on safety, security,
environment, private sector participation, etc.

Different ministries and government agencies responsible for transport sector
development are currently following a sectoral approach with no or very little
coordination among themselves. The basic problem here is the lack of coordination
among various government agencies and the absence of a clear policy framework with
regard to transport sector of the country. Inter-modal priority that is essential for
efficient resource use and for avoiding duplications and minimizing wastage of
resources is hardly found in practice. Instead, some non-economic factors such as
political considerations get prominence in many instances in connection with inter-
modal as well as intra-modal transport allocation in the country. In the past, the
Planning Commission used to play a major coordinating role in the allocation of
resources for development based on detailed analysis of economic costs and
externalities. This has diminished over the years.

Lack of Vision
It is vital for any country to have a vision for transport development. Without a vision,
development efforts become ad-hoc, and remain unguided. A vision sets the direction
for development and guides the formulation of policy measures and strategies to attain
certain objectives. Unfortunately, no such vision for transport development exists in
Bangladesh. Consequently, our development efforts have resulted in situations such as
sectoral imbalance leading to inefficient utilisation of scarce resources, adverse
environmental impacts, development of a system having little focus on any regional
role, etc.

A vision is therefore, needed for a long-term balanced and integrated system
development, which can address the present deficiencies and at the same time meets the
future requirements. A vision is needed which is realistic and is based on recognising
current development, potentials of growth, and global trend. This should also take into
account the changing needs of the people, their aspirations, wellbeing and affordability,
system efficiency, effective utilisation of the existing facility, technological
development, and minimisation of resource (physical and financial) consumption which
is of vital importance. Our actions in transport development cannot deliver the social
benefits we are looking for without having such a vision and accompanying broad

Non integrated transport system : road, water and water are act separately and on is
developing but other deteriorating
Only road sectoral basis: road transport is comparative advantage than other
competing modes. Investment, resource allocation, maintenance and management is
very much questionable
Unsustainable development: it requires more sensitive to environment and social
constraints including indirect and long-term impacts with less energy consumption
and reduction of external costs. In this case, rail and water is more efficient than road
Private Sectors road undefined: Absence of regulatory institutions, an appropriate
legal framework and inadequacy of capable and educated transport providers,
bureaucratic procedures and practices etc are some of the factors which are working
as the obstacle to private sector involvement.
Lack of Outward Looking Approach: transport sector consider basically national
context not cross border issues. It may become extremely costly for Bangladesh to
provide inter-country transport services when situation demand unless compatibility
with neighboring transport systems.
Serious Institutional Weakness: weak and outdated structure. Lack of resources,
capacity to good governance, sound policy making and public management. Lack of
coordination in different institution.
Lack of Vision: Long term vision is vital for transport development. But, for the lack
of vision development efforts become ad-hoc and remain unguided.
Inappropriate Modal mix
Neglect of Intentional Surface Transport

Traffic Congestion: traffic congestion means delay caused by one vehicle to others. It
results when the number of vehicles is high to the capacity of the road network.
Accidents: on the roads accidents constitute one of the major social problems. the
highest incidence of road accidents occurs ,not surprisingly ,in those cities with
highest rate of car ownership.
Public Transport, the problem of peak period: In practically every city the use of
public transport is concentrated in the morning and evening and rush hours.
Whatever the volume of demand, there is invariably too little capacity to permit
comfortable traveling condition at these conditions.
Pedestrian: there is lack of accessibility and facilities for the pedestrians
Environment: air pollution, noise pollution are associated with increased road traffic.
Parking: in many cities parking difficulties are deliberately crated by removal of
parking space and refusal to allow the provision of new car parks .nevertheless
from the consumers point of view, the shortage of parking space, the regulations
and charges applying to it, are another source of dissatisfaction and complaint.

There is no universally accepted definition of sustainability, sustainable development or
sustainable transport (Beatley, 1995). Some definitions are listed below.

Brundtland Commission (1987)
Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Transport Canada (1999)
The goal of sustainable transportation is to ensure that environment, social and
economic considerations are factored into decisions affecting transportation activity.

Richardson (1999)
A sustainable transportation system is one in which fuel consumption, vehicle
emissions, safety, congestion, and social and economic access are of such levels that
they can be sustained into the indefinite future without causing great or irreparable harm
to future generations of people throughout the world.

Transportation Research Board (TRB, 1997)
sustainability is not about threat analysis; sustainability is about systems analysis.
Specifically, it is about how environmental, economic, and social systems interact to
their mutual advantage or disadvantage at various space-based scales of operation.

Litman (2005)
Sustainable planning means that local, short-term decisions are consistent with strategic,
regional and global, long-term goals.

Access, not Mobility
Movement in cities is not an end in itself. We move in order to gain ACCESS to people
and things. But in car-oriented cities, activities tend to spread out. This forces people to
travel further and further for the same level of accessibility as before.

Moving People, not Cars
We need to focus on moving people and goods rather than vehicles. In dense cities,
public transport saves valuable space and energy compared to private transport, and can
make a healthy profit at the same time. However, cities need to nurture their public
transport by giving then some priority on the road over cars.

Reclaim City Space for Walking and Pedalled Vehicles
The healthiest and most sustainable modes of transport are walking and cycling. Even
car drivers become pedestrians to complete a trip, and effective public transport depends
on people being able to walk comfortably to stations and stops. But walking and cycling
are vulnerable to the impacts of traffic. Many rapidly motorising Asian cities are
quickly losing their walking spaces. In Bangkok, only 14% of all trips are on foot or
bicycle compared to a whopping 45% in the enormous Tokyo metropolitan area!

Stop Subsidising Private Motor Vehicles
A 1990 study found that peak hour driving by car in Bangkok is subsidized by society to
the tune of about 15 Baht (about 60 US cents) per km. Numerous studies are finding
similar results in diverse places, from Perth, Australia to Germany to Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. It is no wonder that too many people drive if they are not paying the full costs
of their actions. This can be corrected by road charges and taxes, which are reinvested in
measures to help public transport, walking and cycling.

1. Accessibility for All
The purpose of transport is to provide access to the contacts, services and goods that we
all need in an equitable, low-cost and low-impact way. Transport policy should not fall
into the trap of seeing mobility as an end in its own right and of simply promoting more
and more vehicle movement at higher and higher speeds. Accessibility planning aims to
ensure that destinations remain within easy reach and seeks to maintain the viability of
diverse and plentiful transport choices, particularly non-motorised transport, public
transport and paratransit.

2. Social Equity
Almost everywhere, transport priorities serve the poor badly and devote most
investment to the mobility of affluent vehicle owners. The negative impacts of transport
fall most heavily on disadvantaged people- those living in poverty, people with
disabilities, women, the young, the frail elderly and people with insecure housing rights.
Social equity demands that highest priority should go to public transport, walking and
non-motorised vehicles that are accessible to almost everyone and which have low

3. Ecological Sustainability
Both global sustainability and the local environment of settlements are seriously
threatened by overuse of private motor vehicles. Local impacts of transport, such as
noise and air pollution, are extreme in many developing countries of Asia like
Bangladesh. Places whose transport systems contribute least to environmental damage
are those with lowest car and motorcycle use and highest use of public transport, cycling
and walking.

4. Health and Safety
Transport has a major impact on health and safety. Motor vehicles are responsible for
around 70% of air pollution in many of the world's major cities. Worldwide more than
1.2 million people are killed every year in road crashes and 50 million are seriously
injured. In most developing countries, more than 60% of the victims are pedestrians and
other vulnerable road users. Travel is safest in places that provide plentiful public
transport and facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.

5. Public Participation and Transparency
Transport planning is always the better for involving the communities who are being
planned for. Transparency and open information also help to prevent corrupt practices
that hurt the whole society. Traditional transport planning distrusts community
involvement and insists that it be left to the experts. But around the world, more and
more community organisations are realising that they can and must take action.

6. Economy and Low-cost
The most sustainable, people-centred and equitable transport policies are low cost and
include restraint of the highest-cost mode of transport the private car. By restraining
cars and motorcycles and charging them their full costs, cities can avoid or postpone the
need for expensive roads while retaining high use of low-cost public transport, walking
and bicycles.

7. Information and Analysis
To take action, communities need to understand the forces that are pushing transport
priorities in the wrong directions. They need solid arguments and information to dispel
the myths propounded in support of destructive projects and policies. Destructive
proposals will not stand up to critical scrutiny. We can all learn from the successes and
failures of other campaigns around the world.

8. Advocacy
Unless voices are raised from local communities (especially poor communities),
pedestrians, bus riders, and non-motorised vehicle (NMV) users in transport planning,
then only the voices of motorists, truckers and big business will be heard by decision-
makers. Peoples advocacy has made a dramatic difference to transport plans in diverse

9. Capability building
There is an urgent need to build capacity and commitment among transport decision-
makers to adapt to the new paradigms that are replacing car-oriented mobility planning.
Community organisations also urgently need help to build their ability to assert their
rights to speak up on transport issues, to understand the fundamental issues, and to
know where to turn for help.

10. Networking
Networking involves actively making contacts and encouraging information exchange
and collaboration while always respecting the independence of diverse participants. The
active sharing involved in networking opens up creative opportunities for action and
synergy. Through generous networking, we can all gain ideas, information, lessons,
encouragement, and solidarity to further our mutual goals.

Attracts New Business
Generates sales
Encourages local circulation of money
Stimulates retail trade
Offers cost effective services
Encourages high value land use
Increases productivity
Reduces transportation costs
Enables economic development
Reduces infrastructure costs
Creates Jobs

Access to people, places, goods and services is important to the social and economic
well being of communities. Transportation is a key means, but not the only means,
through which access can be achieved.

Strategic Directions
Demand Management
o Reduce the need for travel while protecting social and economic needs
for access by changing urban form, promoting new communications
technologies, and developing more efficient packaging etc.

Diversifying Options
Improve access by diversifying transportation options, giving people more choices as to
how they meet their access needs.

People and Communities
Transportation systems are a critical element of a strong economy, but can also
contribute directly to building community and enhancing quality of life.

Strategic Directions
Urban Planning and Transportation Planning
o Concentrate urban growth, limit sprawl and provide for more mixed land
use through urban structure and land use policies. This would reduce
demand (especially for automobile trips) by moving origins and
destinations closer together and also help reduce habitat destruction and
loss of agricultural and recreational lands.
o Give priority to less polluting, lower impact modes of transportation in
the design of transportation systems and urban areas. Pedestrian and
cycling paths should be provided as attractive and safe alternatives to
o Maintain and enhance the health and viability of urban public transit
o Integrate transport modes, whether for passengers or goods, in order to
provide more efficient goods movement, and to increase the availability
of lower impact transportation options such as public transit.
o Protect historical sites and archaeological resources, reduce noise
pollution, and consider aesthetics in the planning, design and
construction of transportation systems.

Decision Making Processes
o Ensure public and private sector stakeholders coordinate their
transportation planning, development and delivery activities. These
transportation decisions should also be integrated with environment,
health, energy and urban land-use decisions.
o Make transportation-related decisions in an open and inclusive process.
Inform the public about transportation options and impacts, and
encourage them to participate in decision making so that the needs of
different communities (i.e. rural vs. urban; cyclists vs. drivers, etc.) can
be understood and accounted for.
o Anticipate environmental or social impacts of transportation-related
decisions rather than trying to react to them after they have occurred.
This will result in considerable cost savings since transportation
decisions often involve costly, long-term infrastructure investments.

Consider both the global and local social, economic and environmental effects of

Environmental Quality
Human activities can overload the environment's finite capacity to absorb waste,
physically modify or destroy habitats, and use resources more rapidly than they can be
regenerated or replaced. Efforts must be made to develop transportation systems that
minimize physical and biological stress, staying within the assimilative and regenerative
capacities of ecosystems, and respecting the habitat requirements of other species.

Strategic Directions
Environmental Protection and Waste Reduction
o Minimize transportation-related air emissions and discharges of
contaminants to surface (fresh and salt water) and ground water.
o Minimize the generation of waste through each phase of the life-cycle of
transportation vehicles, vessels and infrastructure. Reduce, reuse and
o Ensure that the rate of use of renewable resources does not exceed rates
of regeneration, and non-renewable resource use is minimized.
o Ensure emergency management systems are in place in order to respond
to spills and other transportation-related accidents.
Land Use
o Emphasize compact urban form in order to reduce habitat destruction and
loss of agricultural and recreational lands around urban areas.
o Minimize the impact on natural habitat and the wildlife and people it
supports in the design, construction and operation of inter-city
transportation systems and infrastructure, including, for example,
highways, pipelines, and railways.
Energy Use
o Reduce fossil fuel consumption and emissions through efficiencies and
demand management.
o Promote the use of alternative and renewable energy.

Institutional Developments
Institutional reform to create new institution and/or revitalize the existing ones would be
crucial to achieving the sustainable transport system of the future. The existing
institution need to be reformed. The reform would involve redefining the role of various
institutions and changes in organizational structure and operational practices. The
institutions must be able to operate in a multisectoral and multilateral environment. To
prepare the public sector to assume its changing role, revitalization of the existing
institutions should focus on capacity building, allocation of resources, access to new
technology especially related to IT etc. Along with reforms and revitalization of existing
institutions, setting of new institutions especially regulatory bodies and reforming of
existing regulatory regimes would also be required to facilitate participation of the
private sector, promoting competition and also to protect social interest at large.

There is also a need to redefine the concept of national interest in transport policy
development. The national economic policy of Bangladesh is becoming outward
looking. The transport policies need to keep pace with this trend. The transport system
must cater to national needs, which now require more interactions with the outside
world. The future transport policies should therefore be based on an outward looking

Besides this, need for clear framework for delegation
Allocate responsibility between levels of government clearly by law
Plan inter-governmental transfers to be consistent with the allocation of
Link statutorily imposed obligations to specific channels of finance

Economic Viability
Sustainable transportation systems must be cost effective. If adjustment costs are
incurred in the transition to more sustainable transportation systems they should be
equitably shared, just as current costs should be more equitably shared.

Strategic Directions
Fuller-Cost Accounting
o Identify and recognize public subsidies (hidden or otherwise) to all
modes of transport and make transportation decisions accordingly.
o Reflect the full social, economic and environmental costs (including
long-term costs) of each mode of transport or transport related practice as
accurately as possible in market prices.
o Ensure users pay a fuller share of all costs, while respecting equity
o Research and Technological Innovation
o Promote research and development of innovative alternative technologies
that improve access and help protect the environment. The emphasis
should be on providing a wide range of transportation options.

Job Creation
Consider the potential economic and employment benefits that could be derived from
the restructuring of our transportation systems.

The major aspects considered in this paper are issues/ problems of present transport
development and policy action for sustainable development in Bangladesh. The goals of
an efficient transport system must be linked with fostering economic development,
enhancing the quality of the environment, reducing energy consumption, promoting
transportation-friendly development patterns and encouraging fair and equitable access
and safe mobility to residents of different socioeconomic groups. The existing
institution should be defined roles and make ready in the new environment. Integrated
and comprehensive approach would ensure with all stakeholders. The paper in particular
focuses on the elements requiring immediate attention. Best practices in the developing
countries need to agree to a package of measures for achieving sustainable mobility.


UNCHS (HABITAT) Settlement Infrastructure and Environment Programme (SIEP)
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