Middle Pillar

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The Middle Pillar Ritual

Step 1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Step 2. Take a few moments to relax, and breathe deeply. For this you may stand, sit or
lay down.
Step 3. Visualize a disk of White light above your head. Vibrate the God name
AHIH(pronounced Eh-heh-yeh), and see the disk of brilliant white become a sphere.
Vibrate the name a total of three to four times; with each successive vibration the sphere
becomes larger.
Step 4. As you breathe in visualize a white line of light enter your head and descend to
your throat.
Step 5. Hold the image of the previous Sphere and line in your mind. Visualize a sphere
of white light begin to form at your throat, vibrate the God name YHVH ALHIM
(pronounced Yod-Heh-Vauv-Heh El-oh-heem). Vibrate the name three to four times
total. With each successive vibration the sphere becomes larger.
Step 6. As you breathe in visualize a line of light descend to your stomach.
Step 7. Still holding the previous two spheres and lines in your mind, visualize a sphere
of white light begin to form in your abdomen. Vibrate the God name YHVH ALOAH
ve-DAATH (pronounced Yod-Heh-Vauv-Heh El-oh-ah veh-Dah-ath). Vibrate the name
a total of three to four times. With each successive vibration the sphere becomes larger.
Step 8. As you breathe in visualize a line of light descend to your groin.
Step 9. Holding the previous spheres and lines in your mind, visualize a sphere begin to
form at your groin. Vibrate the God name SHAD AI AL CHAI (pronounced Shah-dye El
Chai). Vibrate the name a total of three to four times. With each successive vibration the
sphere becomes larger.
Step 10. As you breathe in visualize a line of white light descend to your feet.
Step 11. As before hold the previous spheres and lines in your mind, and visualize a
sphere begin to form at your feet. Vibrate the God name ADONAI ha-ARETZ
(pronounced Ah-doh-nye ha-Ah-retz). Vibrate the name a total of three to four times.
With each successive vibration, visualize the sphere enveloping your feet until half of it
is above the ground, and half below ground.
Step 12. Pause for a few breathes holding the image of the middle pillar. Then proceed
to the Circulation of the Body of Light.
Circulation of the Body of Light
Circulation 1. Still holding the image of the Middle Pillar in your mind, breathe in
slowly as you visualize a line of white light descend from Kether to Malkuth, down the
Left side of your body. Once the light reaches Malkuth exhale and visualize the light
moving up your right side, returning to Kether. Repeat this 3 to 5 times more for a total
of 4 to 6 circulations. Repeat the number of circulations the same way for all following
Circulation 2. Hold the image of the Middle Pillar and the previous Circulation in your
mind. As you breathe in, visualize a line of white light descend down from Kether to
Malkuth in the front of your body. Again after the light has reached Malkuth exhale
and visualize the light return up your back to Kether. Repeat a total of 4 to 6 times.
Circulation 3. Still holding the image of the previous circulations and the middle pillar,
breathe in. As you inhale visualize a fountain of light shoot up from Kether and
descend down to Malkuth.
Circulation 4. Once the fountain has reached Malkuth, exhale and visualize the light
swirl out of Malkuth. The light swirls around your body, wrapping in light and returns
to Kether.
Repeat 3 and 4 together a total of 4 to 6 times.
Hold this image in your mind as long as you like. When ready take a deep breath. As
you exhale visualize the image of light and spheres dim a bit. Repeat this at least twice
more, with each exhale visualize the light diminish, not that it goes out, but is not
visible by the naked eye.
At this point you may finish by doing a LBRP, or continue with whatever magickal
operation that you wish to do.
Once you have the basic ritual down, the next step is to add in colors for the white
spheres, and Arch angel names.
Color correspondences are
Kether- Brilliant White Light
Tiphareth- Gold
Malkuth- Citrine,Olive,RussetandBlack,alsothecolorsBlackorDarkGreencouldbe
Kether- Metatron(pronouncedMeh-tah-tron)
Daath- Exarp,Comananu,Tabitom(pronouncedEh-lex-ar-payCoh-mah-nah-nuh,Tah-
Tiphareth- Raphael(pronouncedRah-fay-ehl)
Yesod- Gabriel(pronouncedGah-bree-ehl)
Malkuth- Sandolphon(San-dohl-fon)
efOnOu.n d-, :
E..h He..h - yt?. h
fY'Ie0...('\ I Qf1"\
'Yod. Heh Vo..uv Heh
mea.ns Lord of
pronounc.ed: Yo d- '-4eh-
J..-.4._+---rt VCl.UV - He.h El- {oh-
ah veh- bah-crth
meanS Lordof

E\- Cha.',
mea.ns AIh'li3ht'/
LiVih3 Ged
ADONA! ha.- Are.tz..
prot\ou.n<::ed: Ah- dClh-n'!e
ha. - Ah -
mea.ns Lcf'cl ct Ea.rth



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