Nootropic: N/A N/A

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DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a licensed medical professional and do not promote or advertise th

on how to add
situation/health or in general. Please conduct as much research
nootropics here.

Caffeine & L-
Nootropic Pramiracetam Aniracetam Phenylpiracetam

Primary Use Focus Focus Focus Focus

Secondary Use N/A Memory Fatigue N/A

The most basic

Works for focus and
Nootropic. Gives a stronger
memory recall. Provides calm focus
Enhances focus and focus, but every
Improves social and improves verbal
General Description perception. Lasts 3- dose lasts about 2-3
fluency. Lasts about fluency. Must be
(TL;DR) 5 hours. If you're a hours. Must be
2-3 hours. Must be taken with choline
Beginner to taken with choline
taken with choline source.
Nootropics, start source.
with this.

Headaches, Insomnia,
Appetite loss, lower headache,
gastrointestinal headaches, anxiety,
Possible Side blood pressure, overstimulation or
distress, feelings of pain, vertigo,
Effects dizziness, jitteriness, nausea,
nervousness or nausea, and
headaches, nausea. or irritability.
agitation. diarrhea.

200mg L-theanine
General Dosage 300mg 2x a day 300mg once a day 100-200 mg 3x a
with 100mg caffeine
Instructions (oral) (oral) day (oral)

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Vegan Purchase
Reference Websites
t promote or advertise the use of any of these substances. Some of these substances may be unsafe either for your specific
onduct as much research as you can if and/or before consuming. Use them at your own expense.

Brain Patches Adrafinil Flmodafinil N-Acetyl Selank Phenylalanine

Focus Focus Focus Focus Supplement

Mood Fatigue Fatigue Anxiety Mood

Wards off symptoms

Used to promote of depression,
wakefulness and Memory ADHD, Parkinson's
Dermal patches that promoting, used to
reduce fatigue. Do consolidation, Anti- disease, aids in pain
enhance memory, enhance cognition,
NOT use as a first anxiety, and relief, weight loss
focus, and energy. reduce fatigue, and
choice for a antidepressive. and alcohol
increase alertness.
stimulant. withdrawal

Slight gastro-
Reduced appetite, intestinal issues,
Heartburn, fatigue,
dizziness, insomnia if taken
nausea, dizziness,
headaches, and later during the day.
N/A None so far. constipation,
nausea. Long term May also cause
liver damage if not agitation or
cycled. excessive nervous

600mg twice daily

for 4-5 weeks,
CYCLE OFF 4 50-100mg early in 500mg once daily
1 a day (dermal) Once a day (Nasal)
weeks with Milk the day (oral) (oral)
Thistle, and restart
$16,99 $19,99 $33,88 $39,99 $8,99
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either for your specific DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a licensed medical professional and do not promote or advertise the use
research as yo

Ashwagandha Centrophenoxine Milk Thistle N-Acetyl Cysteine Lion's Mane

Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement

Fatigue Antioxidant N/A Antioxidant Antioxidant

Produces DMAE in the

body that helps to
Precursor to
reduce certain harmful Helps improve brain
glutathione, a potent
Effective Ayurvedic molecules that build up function and
antioxidant. Has
herbal supplement in the brain over time. increase NGF
Used to cleanse the been shown to have
for memory, Slows down the brain production.
liver from adrafinil potential in
cognition,libido, aging process by a Produces
and alcohol use. improving mood,
energy, and weight considerable degree. antioxidant effect
reducing anxiety by
management. Generally, only one and helps fight
cycle (read; one bottle, infections.
tub, etc) is neccesary
per lifetime.

Large doses of
ashwagandha might nausea, vomiting,
restlessness, issues
cause stomach N/A and diarrhea or Itchy skin
with the
upset, diarrhea, and constipation
gastrointestinal tract,
problems with sleeping,
nausea, irritability.

250mg a day (oral)

300mg 1-2 times a 150 mg once a day 1,200 - 2,400mg
until the bottle/tub is 1/2 Tbsp in tea
day (oral) (oral) daily

$9,99 $10,99 $11,81 $14,00 $14,95

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e or advertise the use of any of these substances. Some of these substances may be unsafe either for your specific situation/h
research as you can if and/or before consuming. Use them at your own expense.

Berberine CDP Choline Shilajit Rhodolia Rosea Alpha GPC

Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement

Antioxidant N/A Antioxidant Fatigue N/A

Effective Ayurvedic
An essential nutrient Effective Ayurvedic
herbal supplement
and can be herbal supplement
for regulating
consumed through for regulating the
glucose, increasing Stronger version of
many food products enzyme CoQ10, Effective Ayurvedic
long-term memory, CDP Choline .
like meat, fish, eggs, boosting herbal supplement
boosting metabolism Increases memory,
and some mitochondrial for regulating fatigue
rate and fat-burn learning capacity,
vegetables. energy, and boosts by boosting energy
rate in mitochondria. and cognitive
Increases memory, testosterone. May and mood.
Provide anti-aging function.
learning capacity, prevent or slow the
benefits and
and cognitive progression of
supresses growth of
function. Alzheimer’s.
cancerous cells.

Don’t take if you

have sickle cell
May include allergic Heartburn,
reactions, irritability, headache, insomnia,
Headache, diarrhea, insomnia, increased dizziness, skin rash,
cramping, diarrhea, or thalassemia. It’s
low or high blood blood pressure, and and confusion. May
flatulence, possible to be
pressure, nausea, chest pain, as well also cause some
constipation and allergic to this
blurred vision, chest as agitation, gastrointestinal
stomach pain supplement. Stop
pains. insomnia, anxiety, irritation in a small
taking shilajit if you
and occasional percentage of
develop rash,
headache. people
increased heart rate,
or dizziness.

500 mg 3x daily after

100 mg 3x a day 100 mg 3x a day
a meal. Take with 250mg orally once a
(oral) (REQUIRED 1 Capsule per day (oral) (REQUIRED
virgin, unrefined day (oral)
coconut oil (oral)

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your specific situation/health or in general. Please conduct as much DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a licensed medical profess
situation/health or in g

NA-R-ALA Noopept Colouracetam Bacopa Fasoracetam

Supplement Memory Memory Memory Memory

Antioxidant Antioxidant Mood Mood Mood

Increases memory
Neutralizes free Increases cognitive Enhanced memory,
recall and retention
radicals in the body, performance and focus, and
of knowledge.
thus suppressing booss memory, also motivation. Better Effective Ayurvedic
Increases mood,
aging by a working as an perception of colors, herbal supplement
focus, and
reasonable antioxidant to and better overall for memory
amount,and protect your brain mood. Must be enhancement.
Recommended be
suppresses from toxins and taken with choline
taken with choline
cancerous growths. stresses. source.

nausea, vomiting,
and vertigo

An oral dose of 600

10-20mg a day for 6
mg once daily
weeks, pause 1 300-600mg once a 15-20mg twice a day
appears to provide 10mg a day (oral)
week then cycle day (oral) (sublingual)
the optimum risk-to-
benefit ratio
$29,99 $7,99 $13,99 $15,99 $19,99
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icensed medical professional and do not promote or advertise the use of any of these substances. Some of these substances
situation/health or in general. Please conduct as much research as you can if and/or before consuming. Use them at your ow

PRL 8-53 Memantine Kratom F-Phenibut Tianeptine Sulfate

Memory Memory Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety

Mood Mood Mood Mood Mood

Stronger version of
Phenibut. Mildly
General word
Provides memory strong sedative
acquisition, Produces Mood-enhancing,
enhancement, effect. Provides
Intermediate term stimulation at low stress-resistance,
Cognitive euphoria, anxiety suppression,
recall, and retention doses, but sedative anti-anxiety effects.
promotes mild physical
of verbal information effects at high Promotes
mindfulness, and euphoria, and
are all increased doses. Provides neurogenesis.
promotes creative enhances sociability
significantly, with a pain relief and (Description By
and cognitive and empathy.
subtle focus and enhances mood. /u/Neuralgenesis )
thinking. Recomended it be
mood-lifting effect.
taken with choline

nausea, itching,
sweating, dry mouth,
Temporary numbing
of tongue when N/A N/A N/A
increased urination,
taken sublingually.
and a loss of

<1 gram for low

5-10 mg once a day 5-10 mg once a day 200-400mg 2x a 25mg 1-2x daily
dose, 1-2g+ for high
(sublingual) (sublingual) week (oral) (oral)

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me of these substances may be unsafe either for your specific DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a licensed medical professional
ng. Use them at your own expense. specific situation/health or in genera

Acetyl L-Carnitine Creatine Maca Root RAD140 Qualia

Muscle Growth Muscle Growth Muscle Growth Muscle Growth Compound

Supplement Fatigue Fatigue N/A N/A

Used to support
performance, as well
as boosting the Increase lean
Promotes muscle Enhances energy,
metabolic energy of muscle mass and
growth, reduces mood and memory,
your brain cells reinforce the effects
brain fatigue and improves female Compound Stack.
which may support of testosterone
increases ATP sexual health, and Click site for more
your cognitive without the
availability. Works male & female info.
processes, leading unwanted side
synergistically with sexual health &
to Improved memory effects of anabolic
racetams. virility.
recall, increased steroids
learning abilities,
and fluid


1 Scoop 4x a day for 20-30 mg for 12

3 capsules of Step
150mg 3x a day 1 week and then 1 weeks, break for 4-
1 capsule a day One and 6 capsules
(oral) Scoop a day 12 weeks, and cycle
of Step Two (oral)
onwards (oral) (oral)

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ed medical professional and do not promote or advertise the use of any of these substances. Some of these substances may
ation/health or in general. Please conduct as much research as you can if and/or before consuming. Use them at your own exp

Bromantane TBA TBA TBA TBA

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these substances may be unsafe either for your
se them at your own expense.

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