Coatings Word August 2010
Coatings Word August 2010
Coatings Word August 2010
wax additives
E-854 HDPE-wax based emulsion
XP-10040700 HDPE-wax based micro dispersion
D-803 HDPE-wax based dispersion
Comprising following key features like all ULTRALUBE
VOC-free heavy-metal free
APEO-free and additional:
formaldehyde-free amine-free
used raw materials fulllling several legislative
requirements for food contact approval like:
FDA 175.300, BfR XIV and XXXVI, Swiss
Ordinance, plastics directive and much more.
Example: Typical SILCO SPERSE dispersing additive
fulllling european/international legislations (e.g. TSCA, REACH, RoHS)
zero-VOC content (<0,1%)
heavy metal content <100 ppm (CONEC)
Further SILCO specialty additives with similar
product prole available. Please inquire.
Violet 55
Solventborne Millbase Viscosity
3 days at 60 C
Exceptional millbase stability
100 rpm 50 rpm 20 rpm 10 rpm 5 rpm 2.5 rpm 1 rpm
C.I. PV-19
a* versus b* for 10:90 Pigment to Titanium Dioxide
-10.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00
Delta C.I. PB-60
C.I. PV-19
C.I. PR-202
C.I. PR-122
3x the color gamut compared to PV-19
C.I. PV-29
C.I. PB-60 C.I. PB-60
for an intense and distinct blue shade quinacridone,
try Quindo
Violet 55.
Project7:Layout 1 7/23/10 10:02 AM Page 1
expand capacity and further refine the quality to meet spe-
cific customer requirements, said Campbell. Trust Chem
and our JV factories have combined our research and techni-
cal capabilities to stay a step ahead of their competitors.
Trust Chem will also be moving our labs in a few months as
we are making space for additional equipment to improve our
support and capabilities for coatings, especially automotive
coatings and plastics customers.
Because of the added cost associated with high perform-
ance and specialty pigments, customers expect outstanding
performance. An investment in high performance pig-
ments can yield more in return for our customers than
standard pigments, said Yazdani. High performance pig-
ments make products that are more appealing to con-
sumers, help businesses become more competitive, grow
sales and improve margins. From a technical standpoint,
the most important property exhibited by high perform-
ance pigments that distinguishes them from other pig-
ments is their durability in the applications. Some exam-
ples of this include light fastness and resistance to chemi-
cal attack and high temperatures.
Use of effect pigments allows customers to highlight their
products in terms of design and appearance, drawing the end
use customer to their lines and providing consumer appeal,
he continued. In addition, the metallic series of pigments
provide functional properties to end use applications such as
improved anti-corrosion, thermal stability and UV
These pigments meet specific customer needs, added
Marsicano. High performance pigments, for example, offer
enhanced durability, opacity and higher hiding. Special
effect pigments provide exceptional brilliance and ultra-
high chroma that enable the creation of novel designs and
The goal for the customer is to attain increased perform-
ance for demanding applications while still being competi-
tive, said Martens. High performance pigments provide per-
formance advantages including heat resistance, ease of dis-
persion, weathering, lightfastness and IR reflection.
Competition in the HPP area has been strong which has
resulted in a reduction in the pricing gap between HPPs and
conventional pigments. As a result, additional applications
for HPP pigments are being unlocked.
While HPPs are traditionally used in automotive and indus-
trial coatings, they are also making inroads into some new
Traditional markets such as automotive and industrial
coatings will continue to be primary consumers of high per-
formance and special effect pigments, said Marsicano.
However, we continue to see interior and exterior decorative
applications as a high growth area for HPP as increased
interest for materials with improved durability, opacity and
weatherfastness properties are being requested by our served
For high performance pigments, the automotive and
industrial markets will have the greatest potential for growth
as these industries recover through 2010, said Marten.
There is also potential in the architectural market for niche
applications where either improved color space or durability
are desired.
According to Yazdani, from the market segment view-
point, Sun expects continued growth in cosmetics, special-
ties, and niche markets. We also expect flat to declining
automotive, architectural and ink markets, he added. The
trend for more efficient cars in the automotive market will
see a reduction in paint consumption, however, it will also
increase the demand for color. This trend will help to fuel
the continued growth in high performance and effect pig-
ments. In the graphic arts market, the increasing use of
non-impact printing methods such as ink jet means
increased demand for high performance pigments at the
expense of those conventional pigments used in traditional
printing inks.
The market for HPP pigments has been impacted by
increased growth in manufacturing and consumption in
Asian markets, particularly in China. According to various
news reports as of November 2009, China has become the
biggest auto market in the world. Consulting firm, McKinsey
and Company estimates that Chinas automotive market will
grow tenfold between 2005 and 2030.
Most of the major paint companies have come to visit
Trust Chem in China in the last 12 months seeking a new
source for high performance pigments, said Campbell.
Demand within China and for export are putting pressure
on Chinese pigment factories to respond to new business
opportunities forcing production expansion.
The emerging industrial giantsChina, India and
Eastern Europeare seen as the markets where per capita
gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow most rap-
idly, said Yazdani. Related to the GDP growth of these
emerging markets will be the growth in the demand for high
performance and effect pigments for the coatings of durable
goods, buildings and the automotive sector. Sun Chemical
and our parent company, DIC, have a strong manufacturing
and market presence in China and have the capability to sup-
ply pigments to global multi-national and local Chinese coat-
ings customers.
Heubach has established Hangzhou Heubach Co., Ltd. in
Hangzhou, China. Hangzhou Heubach complements and
expands our presence in China in order to ensure short deliv-
ery times and the utmost in technical service to our global
and local customers. In the near future, the facility will be
expanded to manufacture new products for the Heubach port-
folio, said Martens. The emergence of China as a major con-
sumer of pigments has had a significant impact on the global
market for pigments and raw materials. With the build-up of
infrastructure within China and the emergence of a middle
class, the quantities consumed in China are significant
enough to impact pricing and supply in the balance of the
global market. CW
p32-34:p. 44,46waternborne 7/29/10 4:03 PM Page 34
Project5:Layout 1 6/23/10 11:35 AM Page 1
Alberdingk Boley, Inc.
Greensboro, NC USA
Tel: 336-454-5000
Fax: 336-454-5007
[email protected]
UV/EB Raw Material and/or
Equip ment Offered: Alberdingk
Boley, Inc. offers water-based UV
curable dispersions.
Product Name: LUX 481
Attributes/Comments: Product with
outstanding chemical resistance, good
surface hardness and high UV-reactivity
in clears and pigmented systems.
Product Name: LUX 250
Attributes/Comments: Excellent
scratch resistance, excellent chemical
and stain resistant UV PUD disper-
sions. It is a hard-elastic WB PUD
that can be used for clear or pigment-
ed coatings on wood and plastics.
BASF Corporation
Wyandotte, MI USA
Tel: 800-231-7868
Fax: 800-392-7429
[email protected]
UV/EB Raw Material and/or
Equip ment Offered: Oligomers,
photoinitiators, reactive diluents,
UV absorbers and hindered amine
light stabilizers
Product Name: BASF offers a broad
portfolio of photoinitiators, reactive dilu-
ents, oligomers, and additives that pro-
vide additional benefits to your coating
products. Our products, marketed under
the trade names Darocur, Irgacure,
Laromer, and Lucirin, provide many
options for you to meet your radcure
coating requirements.
Our UV absorbers and hindered
amine light stabilizers (HALS), market-
ed under the trade names Chimassorb
and Tinuvin, help keep your products as
vibrant as the day they were created by
providing excellent performance and
For help with specific formulation
requirements or a complete list of
products, please contact your BASF
Wallingford, CT USA
Tel: 203-265-2086
Fax: 203-284-9158
[email protected]
Radcure Raw Materials
and Equipment Directory
Here is a look at the latest offerings from radcure raw material suppliers. For
more information on the products listed, contact the company directly.
p36-38:features 7/29/10 3:38 PM Page 36
UV/EB Raw Material and/or Equip -
ment Offered: Additives
Product Name: BYK-1790
Attributes/Comments: Silicone-free
defoamer for solvent-free radiation cur-
able systems. Suitable for pigmented
and clear coatings. Shows excellent
defoaming performance in coatings con-
taining commonly used pigments, exten-
ders and matting agents.
Product Name: DISPERBYK-2008
Attributes/Comments: Wetting and
dispersing additive for high solid and sol-
vent-free coating systems. Typical appli-
cations are in wood and furniture coat-
ings, industrial coatings and printing
Gelest, Inc.
Morrisville, PA USA
Tel: 215-547-1015
Fax: 215-547-2484
[email protected]
UV/EB Raw Material and/or
Equipment Offered: Gelest, Inc. devel-
ops and manufactures molecular materi-
als that enable your optical, protective,
decorative and special purpose coating
technologies for enhanced performance
on plastics, ceramic, metal, glass, con-
crete and inorganic mineral surfaces.
Our product line includes silane, silicone
and metal-organic molecules for: adhe-
sion promotion and crosslinking;
improved chemical resistance and corro-
sion protection; controlling hydrophobic-
ity, hydrophilicity and oleophobicity; rhe-
ological aids (improved processing, dis-
persion, flow).
Hamamatsu Corporation
Bridgewater, NJ USA
Tel: 908-231-0960
Fax: 908-231-1539
[email protected]
Radcure Raw Materials and Equipment Directory
p36-38:features 7/29/10 3:38 PM Page 37
UV/EB Raw Material and/or
Equipment Offered: UV spotlight
sources for UV curing
Product Name: LC-L2
Attributes/Comments: The Light -
ningcure LC-L2 is a palm-sized UV
spotlight source for UV spot curing
of adhesives and UV/radcure coat-
ings. Its long-lasting LED generates
stable, high-intensity UV light (365
nm) to ensure rapid curing with
minimal thermal effects. The LC-L2
includes all required functions for
external control.
Product Name: LC-L3
Attributes/Comments: The Light -
ningcure LC-L3 UV spotlight source
for UV spot curing of adhesives and
UV/radcure coatings features 9 LEDs.
These long-lasting LEDs generate sta-
ble, high-intensity UV light (365 or
385 nm) to ensure rapid curing with
minimal thermal effects. Each LEDs
light level can be adjusted to create
tailored profiles.
Sartomer USA, LLC
Exton, PA USA
Tel: 610-363-4100, 800-SARTOMER
Fax: 610-363-4140
[email protected]
UV/EB Raw Material and/or
Equipment Offered: Acrylic resins,
crosslinking resins, UV curing resins
Product Name: CN9026
Attributes/Comments: Highly func-
tional aliphatic urethane acrylate
designed for hardcoats or where addi-
tional crosslinking is necessary. It is flex-
ible at higher coat weights and has good
hardness and scratch resistance.
Shamrock Technologies, Inc.
Newark, NJ USA
Tel: 973-242-2999
Fax: 973-242-8074
[email protected]
UV/EB Raw Material and/or
Equipment Offered: Shamrock
Technologies offers a full line of fluoro
polymer and wax additives for UV/EB
applications. These products include
our EverGlide wax emulsions, disper-
sions and compounds, UltraGlide
PTFE dispersions, UltraMatte UV
matting agents, as well as our PTFE
Product Name: EverGlide UV 691
Attributes/Comments: EverGlide
UV 691 is an oxidized polyethylene
in UV monomer (TRPGDA). The
small 2-3 micron particle makes this
product ideal for thin film applica-
tions to provide slip and abrasion
resistance while maintaining gloss
and clarity.
Product Name: UltraMatte
Attributes/Comments: UltraMatte
UV 50-GDA is an innovative 50%
polyethylene/silica dispersion in UV
monomer that can efficiently matte
even thin films with no appreciable
effect on viscosity. This product also
provides excellent slip, mar resist-
ance and burnish resistance. CW
Radcure Raw Materials and Equipment Directory
RadTech Has Moved
** New Address as of July 2010 **
RadTech International NA
7720 Wisconsin Ave.
Suite 208
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: 240-497-1242
Fax: 240-209-2340
Email: [email protected]
p36-38:features 7/29/10 3:38 PM Page 38
Project3:Layout 1 5/5/10 11:01 AM Page 1
ince its inception in 1996, CHINACOAT has become
the key event for coatings, printing inks and adhe-
sives suppliers who wish to enter, expand and con-
solidate their positions in the Chinese market. In terms of
exhibit size, number of exhibitors and visitors, CHINA-
COAT is now one of the largest coatings shows held in the
world today and is organized by Sinostar International.
Chinas coatings industry has achieved remarkable suc-
cess in technology innovation and marketing transformation
while facing various challenges. The industry is now more
mature and able to withstand risks. Enterprises there are
expanding their markets through merger and acquisition.
Despite the global financial crisis, Chinas coatings
industry continues to grow. According to Sinostar, Chinas
coatings output value in the first half of 2009 was worth
RMB 78.142 billion (~$11.5 billion), an increase of 3.6%
over the same period of 2008 and its sales value was RMB
76.05 (~$11.2 billion), an increase of 3.2% over 2008.
Chinas economic recovery in 2009-2010 from the global
recession indicates that the governments stimulus package
and other policies against the crisis have played an active
role in the quick recovery. At the same time the overall
dynamics of Chinas coatings industry are evolving accord-
ing to some key trends.
Export markets, which prior to the recession, were the
bedrock of the Chinese coatings industry, is no longer the
case. According to Sinostar, domestic demand now repre-
sents the major market opportunities. Domestic infra-
structure construction of roads and bridges, for example,
has boosted economic growth. Emerging industries such
as wind power generation, logistics and the information
industry are also on the rise. Another trend, according to
Sinostar, has seen Tier II and Tier III markets develop
especially in rural areas, which are becoming larger
paint consumption markets. Lastly, Chinas middle and
western regions are undergoing an accelerated pace of
The overall urbanization of China is fueling the paint and
coatings industry there. It is the engine for Chinas economic
growth, according to Sinostar, and all these factors support
the continuous growth of the coatings industry in China.
An annual event, alternating between the cities of
Guangzhou and Shanghai every fall, CHINACOAT 2010
returns to Guangzhou from September 27-29 at the
Guangzhou International Convention & Exhibition Centre
(GICEC). With 700+ exhibitors from 25 countries and more
than 25,000 anticipated visitors, as well as a comprehen-
sive series of technology exchange programs, CHINACOAT
2010 will again serve as a global meeting place for the
paint and coatings industry across the world.
The 8th CHINACOAT Conference will be held in a confer-
ence theater inside the exhibition center on September 27-
28, 2010, the first two exhibition days of CHINACOAT. The
theme of the conference is, Architectural Coatings for a
Sustainable World.
This conference will cover a range of new developments
in the architectural coatings market, with particular
emphasis on environmental sustainability. It will bring
together the major players in this market to discuss the
future direction of the market and in particular the impact
of current concern about environmental sustainability.
This assembly of professionals with shared interest pro-
vides a special opportunity for developing new working
From September 27-29 Guangzhou will host CHINACOAT 2010, which
has become the main attraction for companies looking to capitalize
on Chinas growing market for coatings.
Expo Preview
p40-41:p. 44,46waternborne 7/30/10 8:50 AM Page 40
relationship as well as gaining a better understanding of
market dynamics and a vast scope for innovation. The con-
ference is designed to have benefits for all the elements in
the architectural coatings supply chain, from raw materials
suppliers to paint makers through to paint retailers, speci-
fiers and architects. Commercial success no longer hinges
on large volume but on sustainable performance.
This 2-day event features informal presentations on case
studies, novel technology, insights and marketing strate-
gies related to the following themes: Tailor-Made Resins
and Super-Green Additives.
On September 27, Laura Bittle, global market manager,
coatings strategic marketing and development, Wacker
Polymers, will present, Sustainability of VAE in The
Bittle will focus on whats behind the keyword sustain-
ability and the impact products have on the environment.
This presentation evaluates renewable resources in the
chemical industry with a special focus on the fundamental
chemistry of VAE copolymers which can provide low VOC
green capable solutions for the challenges of todays coat-
ings market.
The first of three presentations on September 28, Shen
Lan, senior manager of applied technology, Evonik
Industries, will present, A Novel Matting to UV Coatings.
UV coatings have become more and more popular due to
their advantages concerning efficient curing, eco-friendly prop-
erties and excellent performance. However, to achieve a dull
matted surface is still a big challenge for UV coating applica-
tions. Recently, a novel process to treat matting agents has
been developed. Compared to traditional matting agents, the
special chemical surface treatment process generates higher
matting efficiency and better compatibility in UV coatings. In
addition, less viscosity impact and good mar resistance proper-
ties are observed in most of the investigated UV systems.
The next presentation will be, New Development of
Environment Friendly Additives for Water-Based Paints
and Coatings, presented by Helen Li, assistant technical
manager, Clariant Chemicals (China) Ltd.
With more and more public attention on environmentally
friendly, health, safety and saving energy issues, it becomes
very important to select suitable additives (APEO-free, low
VOC) to manufacture satisfied products for the customers.
The last technical workshop, Formulation of Modern
Pigment Concentrates and the Influence of Additives, will be
presented by Wilhelm Wessels, technical sales manager, BYK
Chemie GmbH. Within the presentation it will be shown how
the right selection of additives can help to formulate colorants
which fulfill those technical requirements referred to and
comply with stricter voluntary ecolabels such as Euroflower
and Green Seal 11.
This years technical workshop is titled Radiation (UV &
EB) Curable Coatings/Inks Technology. Radiation curable
coatings/inks have many advantages over their conven-
tional-curing counterparts. This workshop aims to provide
the delegates with essential knowledge for understanding
radiation curing technology and developing radiation cur-
able coatings/inks formulations.
This prestigious event aims at presenting to attendees
the development of the coatings industry in Chinas
neighboring countries. After four successful year of pre-
sentations covering India, Vietnam, Malaysia, South
Korea, Indonesia, Russia, Australia, Japan, Thailand
and the Philippines, this year Sinostar has invited
experts to present an overview of Bangladeshs national
coatings industry.
Engr.Mohammed Abdur Rahman, secretary general of
the Bangladesh Paint Manufacturers Association and gen-
eral body member of Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) will present, The
Bangladesh Paint & Coatings Market.
The Bangladesh Paint Market had been experiencing a
steady growth of 10-12 percent per annum consistently
since late 90s mainly because of booming real estate devel-
opment, which however had a sluggish trend in 2007-2008
and now has started improving .
At present, approximately 100 companies are operating
in the Bangladesh paint market. Although the number of
players was higher a few years back, many small players
were forced to close in the face of raw material price hikes
in 2008 and fierce price competition among the top compa-
nies and working capital constrain. Around 10 to 12 com-
panies operate nationally and these players contribute 90%
of total market. The installed capacity of the existing facto-
ries cater the local market demand.
With the flourishing socio-economic development of the
country, consumers are becoming more conscious about
quality, variety and unique choice offerings. Rising concern
about health and environment will also influence the paint
industry in offering hazard-free and environmentally
friendly coating systems. CW
p40-41:p. 44,46waternborne 7/30/10 8:50 AM Page 41
Industry News
Evonik Industries is reorganizing its
carbon black activities. Recently
Evonik Carbon Black GmbH was
founded as a legally independent
management company under the
umbrella of Evonik Industries. chair-
man of the board (CEO) is Jack Clem
and Rainer Wobbe will take over the
position of the chief financial officer
(CFO). The operational headquarters
of the company, currently in
Frankfurt, will move to Hanau-
Wolfgang on October 1. The product
portfolio and the relationship to the
customer will not be affected by the
spin-off. Evonik, the second largest
manufacturer worldwide, produces
carbon black at 17 sites in 12 coun-
tries on four continents. In the last
fiscal year approximately 1,700
employees generated sales of 1 bil-
lion. The company reports, having
spun off the carbon black business,
Evonik is currently examining three
strategic options to develop its busi-
ness further. The possibilities extend
from optimization as an independent
market unit, through a partnership
solution, to sale of the business. One
of these three options will be decided
upon before the end of the second half
of the year.
Brenntag, a global market leader in
chemical distribution, has expanded
its market position in the Asia Pacific
region by acquiring 100% of the
shares of EAC Industrial Ingredients
Ltd. A/S, a sizeable provider of chem-
ical distribution solutions in South
and South East Asia. Selling compa-
ny is Copenhagen-based The East
Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S. The pur-
chase price is 160 million on a cash
and debt free basis. With the acquisi-
tion, Brenntag gains access to an
established distribution network
active in nine countries.
With this major acquisition in
South and South East Asia Brenntag
reinforces its growth strategy in the
Asia Pacific region. EAC Industrial
Ingredients holds an important mar-
ket share and covers with sub-
sidiaries markets in nine countries
with local presences in Thailand,
Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines,
Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia,
India and Bangladesh. For 2010
Brenntag expects sales of approxi-
mately 220 million for EAC
Industrial Ingredients.
The acquisition of EAC Industrial
Ingredients is a major step in the
execution of Brenntags growth
strategy. We expand our existing
presence in the growing markets of
Asia Pacific, add significant market
share and improve our market posi-
tion in focused industries like food
and beverage, coatings, personal care
and pharma, said Stephen Clark,
CEO of Brenntag. This strategic
milestone develops our market posi-
tion from a foothold in Asia to an
established operational network,
supporting our continued growth
path in the region.
Brenntag has already significant
assets in Asia Pacific with 17 sites in
11 countries and the acquisition of
EAC will increase the number of per-
sonnel in the region to about 1,000.
Air Products will build a 12-acre solar
farm at its corporate headquarters in
Allentown, PA, capable of generating
1.5 MW of electricity. The 1.5MW is
enough to serve the energy needs of
nearly half of Air Products adminis-
tration buildings. The project is
expected to begin construction this
Evonik establishes carbon black company
Arkema: Aug. 18-12% increase for its Rilsan
high performance polyamides granules.
Ashland: July 155-10% increase for its
Combizell and Culminal methylcellulose prod-
ucts; July 28up to 10% increase for its
Drewplus and Advantage foam control agents;
Aug 13-8% increase for a number of products
including cellulose, chlorine, ethylene oxide
and propylene oxide.
BASF: July 1130/MT increase for straight-
acrylic, styrene-acrylic and styrene-butadiene
dispersions as well as additives in Europe,
Africa and Western Asia; July 155-20%
increase for additives and pigments for plastic
applications including antioxidants and
process stabilizers, light stabilizers, flame retar-
dants and pigments; August 1$20/dry short
ton on the following products: ASP 101, ASP
170, ASP 400, ASP 400P, ASP G90, ASP NC,
and ASP RO kaolin clays and $30/dry short ton
on the following products: ASP 100, ASP 200,
ASP 600, ASP 900, and Buca kaolin clays.
Cytec Industries: August 1$0.07/lb.
increase for all powder coating resins (Crylcoat,
Additol, Modaflow and Uvecoat) sold in North
Elementis Specialties: August 15-10%
increase for Beontone organoclays and selected
Arkema has appointed Grolman to distribute
its Orgasol and Rilsan fine powders for paint
and varnish applications in France, Germany,
the UK, Scandinavia and the Benelux countries.
Scott Bader has appointed Bodo Mller
Chemie to distribute its polyester resins and
gelcoats, structural adhesives and bonding
pastes, water-based polymers and solvent-
based alkyd and acrylic resins in Germany and
p42-43:columns 7/28/10 11:50 AM Page 42
Industry News
fall and be onstream in the spring of
For years, customers around the
world have sought out Air Products
gases and materials to help improve
environmental performance, and now
we are excited to have this renewable
energy opportunity right in our own
backyard, said John McGlade, chair-
man, president and chief executive
officer of Air Products. Our employees
are looking forward to putting our
SunSource Solutions for photovoltaics
to work thereby reducing our carbon
footprint and generating sustainable,
clean energy to power a portion of our
Air Products has been supplying
critical gases and materials to photo-
voltaic (PV) manufacturers who make
solar panels for many years as part of
its leadership in the electronics indus-
try and, more recently, has been focus-
ing on reducing PV manufacturing
costs with its broad SunSource
Solutions offerings.
The solar farm is made possible
through investment by Air Products
and a $1 million grant from
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as
part of its 2008 Alternative Energy
Funding Bill. Funding is administered
by Pennsylvanias Commonwealth
Financing Authority. By utilizing the
1.5MW of renewable power, Air
Products will reduce its dependence on
purchased electricity thereby lowering
its carbon dioxide footprint by more
than 1,000 tons per year.
Specialty chemicals group Altana
sold the polyurethane foam stabiliz-
ers business of its BYK Additives and
Instruments division to Evonik
Goldschmidt GmbH...CoorsTek,
Inc., a leading global manufacturer
of technical ceramic and specialty
material components, has signed a
definitive agreement to purchase the
advanced ceramics business of
Saint-Gobain, a leading global sup-
plier of materials and components
made from ceramics, grains and pow-
ders with facilities in Europe, North
America, South America and Asia...The
E.T. Horn Company, a leading nation-
al distributor, supplier, marketer and
manufacturer of specialty chemicals
has been named the recipient of the
2009 Most Outstanding Distributor
Award in North America by Dow
Epoxy, a business unit of The Dow
Chemical Company. CW
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p42-43:columns 7/28/10 11:50 AM Page 43
People on the Move
PPG makes executive assignments
PPG Industries has made a number of
executive assignments. Rich Alexander,
senior vice president, performance coat-
ings, has been elected executive vice
president and joins PPGs executive
committee. Alexander joined PPG in
1978 as a sales representative based in
Detroit and subsequently held several
branch sales and marketing positions.
Alexander was elected vice president,
industrial coatings, in 2002, and to his
current position in 2005.
Pierre-Marie De Leener, senior vice
president, architectural coatings
EMEA, and president, PPG Europe, has
been elected executive vice president
and also will join PPGs executive com-
mittee. In addition, De Leener will
assume management responsibility for
the companys information technology
function. Werner Baer, vice president,
information technology, will report to
De Leener. De Leener joined PPG with
the acquisition of SigmaKalon Group in
January 2008, and was appointed to his
current roles that same year.
Cynthia A. Niekamp, vice president,
automotive coatings, has been elected
senior vice president and will join PPGs
Operating Committee. Niekamp joined
PPG in her current role in January
2009. She started her career with
General Motors, where she progressed
through several production supervisory
and engineering positions with the
Delco Moraine division.
Viktor R. Sekmakas, vice president,
coatings, and president, PPG
Asia/Pacific, has been elected senior
vice president and will also join PPGs
Operating Committee. In addition,
Sekmakas will assume responsibility
for PPGs packaging coatings business.
Douglas Pegg, vice president, packaging
coatings, will report to Sekmakas.
Sekmakas joined PPG in 1997 with the
acquisition of Lilly Industries electro-
coat business and became market
development manager, powder coatings.
He was named president, PPG
Asia/Pacific, in 2008, and he additional-
ly assumed responsibility for PPGs
global industrial coatings business in
early 2010.
Hardide Coatings has appointed Robin
Gillham business development manag-
er for its global valve, pump and auto-
motive business. Gillham joins ex-
Praxair UK sales manager Nick King in
Hardides business development team.
King will be responsible for growing the
companys oil and gas, and aerospace
sales. Gillham brings 19 years of engi-
neering and technical sales experience.
He spent almost ten years as a design
engineer with Rover and Land Rover
before moving into technical sales with
Tomita UK Ltd. to supply and support
Japanese machine components. He
returns to Hardide having previously
worked for the company between 2004
and 2008 as sales manager.
Air Products has appointed Julie
OBrien corporate sustainability man-
ager. In this new role, OBrien is
responsible for developing and manag-
ing the companys sustainability ini-
tiatives, practices and reporting
worldwide. She will work with senior
business and functional managers and
Air Products Sustainability Council to
drive achievements against the com-
panys sustainability growth strategy
and improvement targets.
PPG Industries aerospace business has
appointed Brian Roberson global plat-
form director for coatings. Roberson
joined PPG Aerospace in 1999 as
Southwest region sales and market
development representative, based at
the Dallas Application Support Center.
He held marketing and sales positions
with increasing responsibility for PPG
Aerospace until 2005, when he became
Mountain West regional sales manager
for PPGs automotive refinish business,
based in Denver. He moved to Toronto
in 2007 as director in Canada for the
automotive refinish business, and he
subsequently returned to PPG
Aerospace and assumed his current
Ferro Corporation has appointed
Thomas R. Miklich vice president and
chief financial officer. Miklich has
more than 30 years of diverse finan-
cial experience and has served as chief
financial officer for both public and
private companies, including OM
Group, Inc., a specialty chemicals com-
pany; Van Dorn Company, a manufac-
turer of containers for the food, chem-
ical, paint, household, automotive
products and petroleum industries;
and The Sherwin Williams Company,
a manufacturer and distributor of
paint, coatings and related products.
The E.T. Horn Company, a national dis-
tributor, supplier, marketer and manu-
facturer of specialty chemicals and
ingredients has hired Eva O'Keefe as
strategic account manager. She will be
assigned to broaden and oversee key
accounts within the companys coatings
and building materials group, which
concentrates within the paint and coat-
ings, building materials, non-structural
adhesives, inks/graphic arts, and
ceramics markets. CW
p44:columns 7/28/10 11:54 AM Page 44
Suppliers Corner
Specialty chemical manufacturer
Buckman is introducing a new green
Flamebloc GS line of fire retardant
products to the commercial and con-
sumer markets. The GS (Green
Series) portfolio of products are zero-
VOC, made from all GRAS raw mate-
rials and requires no halogen to acti-
vate their enhanced fire-retardant
capabilities, according to the compa-
ny. This innovative product portfolio
includes 13 substrate specific
chemistries designed to protect
paper, wood, leather, metal, plastic
and fabric. Based on the proprietary
chemistry of Flame Seal Products,
Inc., a water-based polymeric amino-
polyphosphate composition provides
superior char forming protection
against flame or heat by coating or
adsorption of the product.
Union Process now offers an optional
data acquisition package to provide
customers with real-time data that
will be helpful in monitoring condi-
tions in the mill as well as improving
quality control and providing an eas-
ier method to do test comparisons.
The software package is designed to
interface with the Baldor VS1SP
variable frequency drive, which is
standard on most Union Process
Attritors sold in the U.S. Now, with
the optional Union Process Data
Acquisition Software Package, the
customer can monitor the following
parameters: voltage to the motor,
motor current in amps, motor
absolute speed in rpm, reference
speed in Hertz, torque in Newton-
meters, actual motor rpm, agitator
rpm and kilowatts. The data acquisi-
tion package can be added to any
new or existing Union Process
Attritor (either laboratory or produc-
tion size) as long as that Attritor
uses a Baldor VS1SP variable fre-
quency drive.
BYK-Chemie has introduced two new
additives. BYK-P 9928 is a processing
additive for foam-free vinyl esters.
According to the company, the design
of vinyl esters has an impact on the
cobalt complex that is added for accel-
erating the curing process and on its
activity in the resin. BYK-P 9928
slightly interferes with the interaction
between the cobalt and the resin,
reduces the reactivity of the cobalt and
slows down the curing process. The
result is that the hydrogen peroxide is
decomposed to radicals that react with
the vinyl ester, instead of forming
water and oxygen which would eventu-
ally try to evaporate and create foam.
BYK-P 9928s benefits are no foam-
ing of vinyl ester resins, no negative
influence on mechanical properties or
corrosion resistance, liquid supply form,
easy incorporation, and storage stability
in the pre-accelerated resin for at least
six months.
Merck KGaA has launched the
Tivida brand, a new product group of
additives developed for application
in various coating systems that sig-
nificantly increases the scratch
resistance of automotive coatings.
Small, every day scratches from wip-
ing over the surface, for example, can
be avoided or reduced by the addition
of Tivida, according to the company.
The first product in the brand family,
Tivida AS 1010, was developed
specifically for high-gloss, solvent-
based two-component PUR coating
systems. The additive can be opti-
mally incorporated into the composi-
tion of the binding agent, thus chang-
ing its structure. The nanoparticles
make the solvent-based coating system
harder and, at the same time, more
elastic due to the cross-linking of the
polymer shell with the binding agent.
The cross-linkage of the additive with
the binding agent occurs throughout
the whole product. Thus, the desired
protection against scratches is
achieved not only in new coating lay-
ers, but also after weathering.
Additional products in the Tivida prod-
uct line will be launched over the
course of the year, including additives
for UV-curing and water-based coating
Atlas Material Testing Technology has
introduced a new mechanical cooling
system for its CCX advanced cyclic cor-
rosion cabinets. Special cooling require-
ments including material specifications
are often listed in corrosion standards,
especially those from many large auto-
mobile manufacturers such as Honda,
Toyota, and Ford. This new device
reduces the component footprint by
approximately 80%. The compact,
streamlined design fits in line with the
exposure cabinet and solution reser-
voir. The unit is fully integrated and
operated by the premium PC-based
control system, connecting to the left
side of the corrosion cabinet with 6"
ports. Not only can the unit run to
below freezing temperatures, but it also
allows for precise temperature ramp-
ing rates. In addition, noise levels have
been reduced by 10% as compared to
the previous design. The exterior of the
cooling unit is constructed with corro-
sion-resistant fiberglass to provide
years of continuous use. CW
Buckman launches green fire retardant line
p45:p.50 SC-dec 7/28/10 11:54 AM Page 45
Sept. 16-17: Feica European Adhesives
& Sealants Conference 2010, Helsinki,
Finland. More info: www.feica-confer-
Sept. 23-26: Paintistanbul 2010,
Istanbul, Turkey. Mor info: Istanbul
Congress Center & Lufti Kirdar
Rumeli Exhibition Center. More info:
Interteks International Trade
Sept. 23-24: CEPE Annual Conference
and General Assembly, Istanbul.
Turkey. More info: Vincentz Network,
Sept. 26-29: : Southern Society of Coa -
tings Technology (SSCT) 2010 Annual
Meeting & Technical Conference
Racing to New Technology in Coatings,
Hilton Resort, Daytona Beach, FL/USA.
More info: SSCT,
Sept. 27-29: CHINACOAT 2010,
Guangzhou, China. More info:
Oct. 7-10: Turkchem 2010, Istanbul,
Turkey. More info: Artkim Group,
Oct. 12-13: 7th International
Woodcoatings Congress Reducing the
Environmental Footprint, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands. More info: PRA
Coatings Technology Centre, www.pra-
Oct. 12-14: Corosave, Stuttgart,
Germany. More info: fairXperts
Oct. 12-13: European Coatings
Confernce Packagaing Coatings. More
info: Vincentz Network, www.european- CW
CHINACOAT opens in Guangzhou 9/27
Sept. 23-24: CEPE Annual Meeting,
Istanbul, Turkey; www.european-coat-
Sept. 27-29: CHINACOAT 2010,
Guangzhou, China;
p47:p. 51 meetings june 7/27/10 9:50 AM Page 47
Classified Advertising
Partner Wanted
Equipment for Sale
Coatings World
Phone: 631-642-2048
Fax: 631-473-5694
[email protected]
CWM CLASSIFIED 0810.qxd:CWM Class March2004 7/27/10 9:57 AM Page 1
Classified Advertising
Pigments/ Additives
Products & Services
producing high quality transparent
iron oxide pigments and
Shangyu Fine Chemical Zone of Zhejiang Province
312369, China.
Tel: 86-575-82028128 Fax: 86-575-82022898
E-mail: [email protected]
Shangyu Chemsfield Co., Ltd.
Shangyu Chemsfield Co
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 86-575-82028128 Fax: 86-575-8202289
312369, China.
P Zhejiang of Zone Chemical Fine Shangyu
pigments oxide iron
transpa quality high producing
o., Ltd.
CWM CLASSIFIED 0810.qxd:CWM Class March2004 7/27/10 9:57 AM Page 2
Advertising Index
Company Name Page Phone Fax Website
Buhler Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 . . . . . . .763-847-0280 . . . . . . . . .763-847-9909 . . . . . . .
BYK USA Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . .203-265-2086 . . . . . . . . .203-284-9158 . . . . . . .
Chemark Consulting . . . . . . . . . .16 . . . . . . .910-692-2492 . . . . . . . .910-692-2523 . . . . . . .
Conn & Company . . . . . . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . .814-723-7980 . . . . . . . . .814-723-8502 . . . . . . .
Dow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . .800-447-4369 . . . . . . . . .989-832-1465 . . . . . . .
Evonik Degussa Corporation . . .3 . . . . . . . . .732-981-5343 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hoover Color Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .Cov. 4 . . . .540-980-7233 . . . . . . . . .540-980-8781 . . . . . . .
Keim-Additec Surface GmbH . .13 . . . . . . .+49 (0) 67 63/93 33-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Micro Powders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .Cov. 2 . . . .914-793-4058 . . . . . . . . .914-472-7098 . . . . . . .
Mitsubishi Gas
Chemical America, Inc. . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . . .212-687-9030 . . . . . . . . .212-687-2810 . . . . . . .
Sartomer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 . . . . . . .610-363-4100 . . . . . . . . .610-363-4140 . . . . . . .
Shamrock Technologies Inc . . . .4 . . . . . . . . .973-242-2999 . . . . . . . . .973-242-2536 . . . . . . .
Sinostar Intl Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . . . . .852-2865-0062 . . . . . . . .852-2804-2256 . . . . . .
Sun Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 . . . . . . .800-543-2323 . . . . . . . . .513-681-5505 . . . . . . .
Trust Chem USA . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 . . . . . . .401-398-7301 . . . . . . . . .401-398-7321 . . . . . . .
Ultrablend LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . .800-680-3344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unimim Specialty Minerals Inc. . .25 . . . . . . .618-747-2311 . . . . . . . . .618-747-9318 . . . . . . .
Classified Advertising Rates
Ruled Box Ad $100 per column inch
Tel: (631) 642-2048 Fax: (631) 473-5694 [email protected]
Ad Index CWM0810:CW February04 Index 7/29/10 2:58 PM Page 1
Final Coat
Paint engineer for Art All Around project
in Maine receives prestigious award
on Cavallo, who serves as paint engineer for the Maine
Center for Creativitys (MCC) Art All Around project in
Portland Harbor, Maine has been honored with a presti-
gious international award for engineering expertise. Cavallo
recently received the Award of Merit and accompanying
title of fellow from the ASTM International Committee
D33 on Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power
Generation Facilities. The Award of Merit is the highest
organizational recognition for individual contributions to
ASTM standards activities. Cavallo is providing pro bono
paint engineering services to MCCs Art All Around proj-
ect, which involves the painting of 16 Sprague oil storage
tanks in South Portland, Maine. When completed in 2012,
it will be the worlds largest public art painting, viewed by
land, sea and air.
Cavallo recently inspected the second finished oil tank.
London-based artist Jaime Gilis bold, colorful design was
completed last fall on the first 36-foot tall tank. Professional
paint subcontractor AMEX has been enlisted to transfer
Gilis artwork onto the Sprague tanks.
Cavallos expertise in surface preparation, corrosion mit-
igation and paint adherence will help ensure the project
stands the test of time, especially against the often harsh
weather conditions in the Northeast.
Cavallo works as a senior consultant and corporate corro-
sion and coatings specialist at Enercon Services Inc. in Tulsa,
Oklahoma. He is a registered professional engineer in three
states, an SSPC protective coatings specialist, and a NACE
International CIP Level III coating inspector with nuclear
facilities endorsement.
In addition to ASTM International, he is also a member
of the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), NACE
International, ASME International and the National
Society of Professional Engineers. CW
Jon Cavallo recently received the Award of Merit and accompanying
title of fellow from the ASTM International Committee D33 on
Protective Coating and Lining Work for Power Generation Facilities.
A resident of South Berwick, Maine, the pro bono paint engineer
for the worlds largest public art painting, recently inspected the
second completed oil storage tank.
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