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TSTM 444: Training Systems

Training Plan Template, Spring 2013

(Directions/Helpful Hints are included in italics in the sections below to help you more
efficiently complete your training plan.)

------Section I: Basic Information------


Mark Herrmann, Chris Miller, Will Simons

E-mail address:
Will Simons [email protected]
Mark Herrmann [email protected]
Chris Miller [email protected]

------Section II: Training Plan------

Training Workshop Title:
All About Google

In this workshop we are going to be going over some of the features that
Google offers you free of charge. We are going to discuss the wide range
of capabilities that Google Drive, Gmail, Calendar, and Translate. Google
Drive is a online based document sharing program that lets groups
collaborate together to work on a project together in real time. Gmail is a
very popular email account that offers capabilities that several providers do
not offer. Google Calendar offers an online calendar that can be synced
with friends, family and other calendars offered online. Google Translate
offers over 50 different languages able to be translated in text and over 20
languages that are able to be read aloud.

Time Required to Complete the Training:
Training will last for approximately one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.

Description of Audience:
Audience will consist of high school students and adult education students.

1. Introduce the students to Google, and create Google accounts for
all students.
2. Introduce the students to Google Drive, and cover the suite of
features and accessibility.
3. Introduce the students to the basics of GMail, and highlight
important concepts like attachments, security, and folders.
4. Introduce the students to Google Calendar, and educate the
students on the ability to share calendars among peers.
5. Introduce Google Translate, and perform basic translation

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

Objective 1: Demonstrate how to use Google Drive

Objective 2: Introduce the students to the basics of Gmail

Objective 3: Present the Google Calendar as well as the benefits that
it offers.

Objective 4: Follow along with the students as they use Google

Focus Question:
How many of you already have a Gmail account?
How proficient are you with Gmail?
How do you compose emails?
How to create documents in Google Drive.
How to share documents and calendars.

Steps for the Training: (Include the amount of time for each step)
Enter the steps that are necessary to complete all of the trainings objectives. State what the
trainer does and what the trainees do. The steps should be more trainee-centered. The trainee
should do more than the trainer. Yes, the trainer may need to introduce a topic, but overall the
training should be more trainee-centered so that the trainee may learn the software more
efficiently. Also, you may want to include the different types of assessment approaches that will
be used: (e.g. writing samples, demonstrations, observations, surveys, interviews, projects,
rubrics, journals, quizzes, tests, etc.) during instruction and/or at various end-points in the

Step 1 Create Gmail account (10 min)
Trainer Does:
Guide the students through starting your basic gmail account.

Trainee Does:
Goes through step by step process to create a gmail account.

Step 2
Google Drive (10 min)

Trainer Does:
Teach the students how to create and a share a document using Google Drive

Trainee Does:
Create a worksheet, share it with a friend. Edit the worksheet in real time with friend.

Step 3
Gmail (10 min)

Trainer Does:
Teach the students the basics on emails, discuss how zipping folders can make emailing easier.

Trainee Does:
Creates a folder, adds several documents into the folder, emails the document to a friend.

Step 4
Google Calendar (10 min)

Trainer Does:
Teach the students why Google Calendar can be a useful tool in everyday life as well as

Trainee Does:
Creates an event their calendar and then shares their calendar with a friend

Step 5
Translate (10 min)

Trainer Does:
Guide the students through the process of using Google Translate

Trainee Does:
Translate an entire web page from English into another language.

Step 6
Assessment (5 min)

Trainer Does:
Shares the assessment file through google drive and have the students complete it

Trainee Does:
Fill out the assessment answer sheet.

Conclusion and Summative Assessment of Objectives:
We will conclude the training with a review of the objectives. We will
require the students to accept an email to add the presentation to their
Google Drive account. We will conduct a very quick survey through their
newly created Gmail account asking basic questions from the presentation
and about the quality of the workshop.

We will utilize a projector and a smart board to present our workshop. We will use a
Powerpoint presentation to relay the information. The trainees will be using personal computers
that are in the classroom to access trainees should have a basic
understanding of Google and how to operate a computer.

We will assign a homework assignment that involves a quick survey on the quality and
understanding of our workshop. It will be given at the end of the workshop.

We plan to leave the workshop attendees with a more advanced knowledge of the Google suite
including Gmail, and Drive. The attendees will have created a Google account and set up their
own Drive service. We will provide all of the information given during the workshop in by adding
the presentation to the attendees Google Drive account.

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