EDTC6035 A Ray Staff Development

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EDTC6035 Staff Development Module

Alicia Ray Fall 2011

Introduction My staff development project will center on Google Docs and how to use it effectively in the classroom. This staff development will occur with third through fifth grade in correlation with the 21st century skill of life and career skills of being responsible, self-directed, and accountable. It will also show correlation between ICT literacy and content knowledge. This workshop will take place in the media center with 3-5 teachers bringing their teacher laptop and lesson plans for the next two weeks. Tools and Resources I plan to use the SmartBoard in the media center reading well and my own Google Doc account. Teachers attending the workshop will use their teacher laptop connected wirelessly to the internet, as well as lesson plans for the next two weeks for ideas to integrate Google Docs into classroom. Method of Delivery I will use lecture and demonstration as my main modes of delivery. After whole group instruction, I will have teachers break into grade levels to brainstorm ways to use Google Docs in their classroom within the next two weeks. I plan to monitor and assist as needed. I will also help 5th grade (my grade level) plan for Google Doc integration. Job aids are given as a tool for following along during demonstration. Needs Assessment Needs assessment was given via Google Doc sent in e-mail prior to staff development module. A basic survey was given to check for experience using Google Doc (we currently use a form to input teacher and class health and wellness points for our health and wellness initiative), motivation to learn, and proposed usefulness of Google Doc within the classroom. The teachers involved in workshop are all certified K-6 elementary education, with four currently enrolled in MAEd programs at various universities (High Point University, Appalachian State University, and East Carolina University). Teachers range in experience from fourth year teachers to teachers retiring after this year. There is no beginning teachers currently employed at my school. Teachers are experienced in computer usage, especially SMARTboard, PhotoStory, Powerpoint, and Movie Maker. Incentives Motivation for participation in the workshop is both intrinsic and extrinsic. Usually, teachers are in the field to better their students. What better way to engage 21st century learners than to use current technology. I will discuss the possibility of providing CEUs to those who participate with county office. The principal will also be present at the workshop. Main objectives and goals for the module The main goal for this staff development is that teachers will become familiar with Google Docs and envision ways to integrate Google Doc into their classroom instruction and evaluation.

EDTC6035 Staff Development Module

Alicia Ray Fall 2011

Participants will be able to create an evaluation on Google Docs using the form option. Participants will be able to create one activity for use in their classroom during the following two weeks. Teachers can use Google Docs to meet nearly any NCSCOS objective they choose. Time-line 3:00-3:05: Introduction and statement of purpose 3:05-3:15: Basic demonstration of creating a form for evaluation (any questions?) 3:15-3:25: Grade levels for account creation and creation of a basic evaluation form. 3:25-3:30: Google Form will be presented to whole group with feedback provided. 3:30-3:40: Demonstration of Google Doc as an instrument in 5th grade classroom 3:40-3:55: Grade levels brainstorm, using circle map, ideas for implementation over the next 2 weeks; Creation of forms, docs, etc. 4:00: Teachers are dismissed at 4:00, or may stay for additional help in creating a Google Doc for use in the classroom. Activities This is the most important part. During the first five minutes of the workshop, teachers will participate in whole group instruction. A demonstration of Google Docs using my log-in information will be included. We will look at a form that I have students complete after every reading ClassScape quiz completion. It is a personal check up for students about using strategies and how often they used them. The next ten minutes of the workshop is a demonstration of how to create a form. It is during this time that teachers will learn how to create a form. This form may contain multiple-choice questions, short-answer option, text, a scale, or have choices in a drop-down box. I will model how to make a question a required question, which means the student cannot submit the form until the question is answered. Creating a form is very simple, but we will still pause for questions. Then, teachers will use the wireless laptops they brought to create their own account in Google Docs using yahoo account, Google account, etc. As a grade level, in small groups, teachers will work collaboratively to create an evaluation form for their students. Job aid is provided for assistance in creating the evaluation form. This can be used at any time over the next two weeks. A great tool for use in the classroom is using Google Doc as an exit card, to check for understanding at the end of the day. I know this from personal experience. After we break and come back together as a whole group, I will instruct and demonstrate how to create other formats within Google Doc. This can be a Word Document, Spreadsheet, Database, and can be imported from current files on their laptops. Teachers may choose to use the new formats, or to use the forms to create another useful form. Examples given will be: I have used Google Doc as a research tool, in which I write the questions and students find the answers much like a WebQuest. I will have teachers give input with their own ideas for integration within their own curriculum. I have also used Google Docs to create a word document that acts

EDTC6035 Staff Development Module

Alicia Ray Fall 2011

as a discussion board for students, with each student having varying colors and we all participate at once in a silent classroom. One of my favorite Google Doc activities within the class was student-created survey for a graphing project in which the student asked her peers to answer her survey questions, and then used spreadsheet to create a graph based on the information. Teachers will then have individual and small group practice at their laptops making various Google Doc resources. Grade levels will get together again and discuss options for incorporation of Google Docs into their next two weeks of lessons. Teachers will be instructed that they must e-mail the Google Doc to the principal to receive credit for the workshop, as well as posting on our schools Haiku Management System on the teacher page. If teachers have used time wisely, they should have a Google Doc prepared at the end of the workshop. If not, they will have to create a Doc outside of the workshop, and then email it within the next three days. Handouts Handout will be in the form of a thinking map to brainstorm various ideas for implementation. This will likely be created by the teacher as a bubble or circle map. A tree map will be given for teachers to place notes under each form of Google Doc as needed. This serves as a great think sheet. A job aid is given as an instruction sheet for Google Doc for future reference. Method assessment & evaluation. Follow-up strategies for this workshop are the Google Doc to be sent to the principal. At the next faculty meeting, we will briefly discuss successes and trials in the implementation of the Doc in class. Evaluation of workshop is completed and returned anonymously to me.

EDTC6035 Staff Development Module

Alicia Ray Fall 2011

EDTC6035 Staff Development Module

Alicia Ray Fall 2011

~Create a Google Doc in 10 steps~ 1. Enter log-in information at docs.google.com 2. Click on Create and choose from various options. *Form is used to create surveys *Document creates and works like word document *Presentation creates and works like power point *Spreadsheet creates and works like Excel document *Drawing creates and edits like a Paint document 3. Upon creating form, type in title and directions. 4. Question title is question to be asked. Help text is additional direction (will be shown on live form). 5. Choose question type from drop-down menu. *Text simple one or two word answers *Paragraph text long answer, essay *Multiple choice gives the option to choose one answer *Checkboxes allows for multiple answers (all that apply) *Choose from a list for more than four answer choices *Scale on a scale from 1-___, rate ________ *Grid Creation of table within survey 6. Make required question by clicking box under each question. 7. Click Add Item at top of window to add additional items. 8. You may change the theme of the survey (changes font and backgrounds) by clicking beside add item and choosing background you may sample any backgrounds. To select background, click select. 9. Your Google Doc is complete it automatically saves doc. 10. Finally, save published form URL to computer or email to various recipients.

EDTC6035 Staff Development Module

Alicia Ray Fall 2011


Workshop Title: _______________________________ Todays Date: ________________

For each of the following areas, please indicate your reaction: Content Well Organized Practical to My Needs and Interests Covered Useful Material Effective Activities Presented at the Right Level Useful Visual Aids and Handouts Presentation Instructors Knowledge Instructors Presentation Style Instructor Covered Material Clearly Excellent [] [] [] [] [] [] Excellent [] [] [] Good [] [] [] [] [] [] Good [] [] [] [] Needs Improvement [] [] [] [] [] [] Needs Improvement [] [] [] [] Not Applicable [] [] [] [] [] [] Not Applicable [] [] [] []

Instructor Responded Well to Questions [ ] How could this workshop be improved?

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