Guide For Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Ships Classed With Det Norske Veritas
Guide For Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Ships Classed With Det Norske Veritas
Guide For Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Ships Classed With Det Norske Veritas
No. 10
Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
APRIL 2009
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.
Guidelines are publications which give information and advice on technical and formal matters related to the design, building,
operating, maintenance and repair of vessels and other objects, as well as the services rendered by the Society in this connection.
Aspects concerning classification may be included in the publication.
An updated list of Guidelines is available on request. The list is also given in the latest edition of Pt.0 Ch.1 of the "Rules for
Classification of Ships and the "Rules for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft".
The Society reserves the exclusive right to interpret, decide equivalence or make exemptions to this Guideline.
Amendments and Corrections
This document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate
document normally updated twice per year (April and October).
For a complete listing of the changes, see the Amendments and Corrections document located at:, under category Guidelines and Classification Notes .
The electronic web-versions of the DNV Guidelines will be regularly updated to include these amendments and corrections.
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Det Norske Veritas
Computer Typesetting (Adobe FrameMaker) by Det Norske Veritas
Printed in Norway.
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Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
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This issue replaces the previous dated J une 2005. Main changes
- References, organizational as well as technical, throughout
the document are updated.
- A new Section 6 is introduced, replacing the previous.
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1. OBJECTIVE AND APPLICABILITY ................. 7
2. TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS......................... 7
3. A FEW BASICS....................................................... 8
SHIPS........................................................................ 8
4.1 DNV surveyor to be onboard......................................8
4.2 Kick-off meeting.........................................................8
4.3 Requirements to cleaning...........................................8
4.4 Means of access........................................................10
4.5 Execution of the Thickness Measurements
on board....................................................................11
4.6 Reporting..................................................................11
COMPANY............................................................ 12
MEASUREMENTS............................................... 13
6.1 All ships - Minimum thickness measurements.........14
6.2 General dry cargo ships
Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections ..............18
6.3 General dry cargo ships -
Minimum thickness measurements..........................21
6.4 Single skin bulk carriers ESP -
Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections ..............24
6.5 Single skin bulk carriers ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements..........................29
6.6 Double skin bulk carriers ESP -
i.w.o. close-up inspections .......................................34
6.7 Double skin bulk carriers ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements..........................41
6.8 Single Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP
Measurements in way of close-up. ...........................44
6.9 Single Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements..........................48
6.10 Double Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP -
Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections ..............52
6.11 Double Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements .........................56
6.12 Chemical tankers ESP -
Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections...............59
6.13 Chemical tankers ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements..........................63
6.14 Liquefied Gas Tanker
Close-up examination...............................................67
6.15 Liquefied Gas Tanker -
Minimum thickness measurements .........................70
7.1 Number of measurement points per plate
and averaging...........................................................74
7.2 Transverse sections .................................................75
7.3 Bulkheads and web frames.......................................75
7.4 Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections...............75
7.5 Figures with location of measurement points
All Ships - Transverse Section.................................75
7.6 Mapping of areas with substantial corrosion...........80
AGENDA AND MINUTES OF MEETING.................... 81
OF SHIPS STRUCTURE. ............................................... 83
CORROSION..................................................................... 84
FRAMES IN BULK CARRIERS .................................... 94
GLOSSARY....................................................................... 96
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1. Objective and applicability
This guideline is prepared by Det Norske Veritas for ship own-
ers, operators, yards and service suppliers approved for thick-
ness measurements of ship's structure, in order to facilitate co-
operation through a common understanding of the procedures
for UTM (ultrasonic thickness measurements) at Class Sur-
veys. CAP is not covered by this guideline. A separate UTM
specification for CAP may be downloaded at: http://
This guideline applies to all types of steel ships classed with
Figure 1-1
Steel plates in the deck being replaced after UTM. Evenly corrod-
ed steel plates might look perfectly acceptable even at close-up
distance. Thus, thickness measurements are an essential part of
class surveys.
If you have any comments or questions to this guideline, please
send an e-mail to: [email protected].
2. Terms and abbreviations
See also the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1
A100 for additional definitions.
Figure 2-1
Extent of corrosion
Prog. No.402 Requirements forming the basis for accepting
a service supplier to do ultrasonic thickness
measurements onboard steel ships for class.
Included in Appendix B.
Conditions Conditions are issued to ship owners by class,
in order to impose improvements, additional
surveys or other actions to ensure compliance
with rule requirements.
CA A condition on behalf of a flag state (CA):
Constitutes specific measures, repairs or sur-
veys that shall be carried out within a specific
time limit in order to retain the statutory cer-
A CA will be issued only when the Society
has been authorised to carry out a statutory
surveys on behalf of the flag administration.
(See the Rules for Classification of Ships
Pt.1. Ch.1 A208).
CAP Condition Assessment Program. Voluntary
hull condition survey, where a ship's hull,
machinery or piping system is given one of
the following ratings; 1 - Very good condi-
tion, 2 - Good condition, 3 - Satisfactory con-
dition or 4 - Poor condition (below
acceptable class standard).
CAS Condition Assessment Scheme. Increased
survey/reporting scope, where the classifica-
tion society will send a hull condition report
to the flag state for their acceptance to let the
ship continue trading. Applies to single skin
tankers >15 years on their first intermediate
or renewal survey after 5th of April 2005.
Category I Service suppliers approved to do thickness
measurements for class onboard all DNV
steel ships.
Category II Service suppliers approved to do thickness
measurements for DNV onboard fishing ves-
sels of all sizes and non-ESP ships below
Category II
Service suppliers approved to do thickness
measurements for DNV onboard fishing ves-
sels of all sizes and non-ESP ships of less
than 100m length, except general cargo ships
above 500 GT (with MO Ref. 129).
CC Condition of Class: Constitutes a require-
ment that specific measures, repairs or sur-
veys shall be carried out within a specific
time limit in order to retain class. (See also
the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.1.
Ch.1 Sec.1 A207 and Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.3 B300).
C.N.72.1 Classification Notes No.72.1 "Allowable
Thickness Diminution for Hull Structure"
ESP Enhanced Survey Program. Requirements for
planning, execution and reporting for hull
surveys of oil/chemical tankers, obo and bulk
An extent of corrosion that exceeds the al-
lowable limit, so that steel must be replaced.
Ref. Figure 2-1.
An extent of corrosion consisting of hard
and/or loose scale, including pitting, over
70% or more of the area under consideration,
accompanied by evidence of thickness dimi-
List of minimum acceptable thickness values
for the structural parts of a ship. An individual
list will be made by DNV for each and every
ship which is to be measured.
MGG Maritime Global Governance.
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3. A few basics
1) All thickness measurements done onboard DNV ships,
where the results are used by the class surveyor to evaluate
the strength, shall be done by a DNV approved service
supplier with a valid DNV certificate.
2) Thickness measurements done for class, as described in
point 1, shall be done with a DNV surveyor onboard.
3) DNV have specific requirements to access and cleaning to
be prepared for close-up surveys combined with UTM
(See Sec.4.3 and 4.4). Access and cleaning is owner's re-
4) Prior to every major thickness measurement project on-
board, such as for intermediate or renewal survey, a meet-
ing between DNV, the service supplier and the owner shall
be held. If a thickness measurement project is divided up
in separate smaller UTM jobs, a new meeting shall be held
prior to each job.
5) Only multiple echo instruments may be used for UTM on-
board all ships. This applies for both Category I and Cate-
gory II UTM companies.
6) The Category I service suppliers shall provide two opera-
tors for all major thickness measurement jobs (Intermedi-
ate Survey and Renewal Survey) done onboard ships. For
a definition of Category I and Category II companies, see
7) All operators in Category I companies doing measure-
ments onboard DNV ships shall be qualified and regis-
tered at the certifying DNV station. They shall be able to
communicate in English and to understand ship's main
hull drawings. If subcontractors are used, they shall be
subcontracted from another DNV certified company. Oth-
erwise the operators will be rejected. For a definition of
Category I and Category II companies, see Sec.2.
8) The surveyor onboard shall be kept continuously informed
about discovered areas with under minimum thickness,
and other structural defects such as cracks, grooving and
9) Based on the test results, it is up to the surveyors discretion
to order additional measurements.
10) After 1
of J anuary 2005, a DNV electronic reporting
form shall be used for all the thickness measurement re-
ports made by Category I UTM companies. The form can
be downloaded from DNV's website at: http://
sulting/technicalconsulting/cap.asp under "Downloads".
The same form may be used for Class, CAP and CAS. For
a definition of Category I companies, see Sec.2.
11) The thickness measurement report made by Category I
companies shall be filled in throughout the project and re-
sults made available to the surveyor onboard. A prelimi-
nary report shall be given to the attending DNV surveyor
before leaving the ship. For a definition of Category I and
Category II companies, see Sec.2.
12) The final thickness measurement report for category I
ships shall be issued within 2 weeks after the thickness
measurement job is completed. For a definition of Catego-
ry I and Category II companies, see Sec.2.
4. Procedure for class surveys and thickness
measurements onboard ships
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.3 B.
4.1 DNV surveyor to be onboard
A DNV surveyor shall be onboard, to the extent he or she finds
necessary to control the process, when thickness measure-
ments are done for class. Measurements which have not been
carried out in co-operation with DNV can not be accepted. The
UTM company shall inform the owner accordingly. See the
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 B200. This
applies to all steel ships where the measurements will make the
basis for the surveyor's decisions during class surveys. Thick-
ness measurements which per our rules are required in connec-
tion with close-up examination (such as web frames and
transverse bulkheads), shall always be taken with the surveyor
in attendance.
When onboard the operator/supervisor shall have his certifi-
cate and identification papers readily available for verification.
The operator shall notify the DNV surveyor of any structural
deficiencies, such as cracks, indents, buckling or abnormal
measurements detected.
4.2 Kick-off meeting
The Rules for Classification of Ships require a meeting for
planning of the thickness measurements, including Owners
representative, UTM company and DNV. See the Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 B104. See Appendix A
for an agenda/Minutes of Meeting form to be used for these
meetings. The meeting shall clarify initial scope of close-up
examination and thickness measurements.
At the meeting, unless requested earlier, the surveyor will hand
over the minimum thickness list. For ESP ships it may be
found in the Survey Programme. The minimum thickness list
is individual for each and every ship, and shall always be made
by DNV. Upon receiving the minimum thickness list, the UTM
operators shall enter the minimum thickness values into the
UTM report template, prior to commencing thickness meas-
urements, in order to facilitate the evaluation of the results on
a day by day basis onboard.
4.3 Requirements to cleaning
Cleaning is the owner's responsibility. The Owners should en-
sure that efficient means for de-scaling is available at the sur-
vey, i.e. hydro or sandblasting equipment. When satisfactory
de-scaling may not be arranged, the surveyor will only be able
to provide a preliminary specification of necessary upgrading,
without crediting the tank. A new survey will be carried out af-
ter de-scaling, additional thickness measurements may be re-
quired and the scope of repairs extended.
Where less than 25% of the corrosion margin is
left, yet thickness is higher than for excessive
corrosion. See Figure 2-1. Limits are stated in
the minimum thickness list.
Minimum allowable thickness. Calculated by
class and entered into a minimum thickness list.
If a steel plate or profile corrodes to a thickness
less than this value, it will normally have to be
min list
See minimum thickness T
See "Substantial corrosion".
UTM Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements. Used to
determine the thickness of steel plates and pro-
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
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Figure 4-1
Optimal conditions for inspection: Grit blasted, dry and clean, with all sediments, loose coating and rust flakes removed. Thickness
reductions and cracks are easily spotted with the naked eye.
Figure 4-2
What is sometimes presented for inspection: No cleaning whatsoever. Two men have been sent along to hack away loose scale where
needed. This is not acceptable according to our rules, and the inspection should be rejected by the surveyor.
Please note that the Rules for Classification of Ships do have
requirements to the cleanliness during surveys:
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 B101:
In preparation for survey and to allow for a thorough exami-
nation, all spaces and areas shall be cleaned including removal
from surfaces of all loose accumulated corrosion scale. In
tanks where soft coatings have been applied, representative ar-
eas, and those areas where it is obvious that further close-up
examination is required, shall be cleaned free of soft coating.
Guidance note:
Spaces should be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale,
dirt, oil residues etc. to reveal corrosion, deformation, fractures,
damage, or other structural deterioration. However, those areas
of structure whose renewal has already been decided by the own-
er need only be cleaned and de-scaled to the extent necessary to
determine the limits of the renewed areas. For more detailed in-
formation with regard to a tank where soft coatings have been ap-
plied, see IACS Recommendation No. 44.
Ref. IACS Unified Requirements Z7 Ch.5.1.3:
In preparation for survey and thickness measurements, and to
allow for a thorough examination, all spaces are to be cleaned
including removal from surfaces of all loose accumulated cor-
rosion scale.
Spaces are to be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale,
dirt, oil residues etc. to reveal corrosion, deformation, frac-
tures, damages, or other structural deterioration. However,
those areas of structure whose renewal has already been decid-
ed by the owner need only be cleaned and de-scaled to the ex-
tent necessary to determine the limits of the renewed areas.
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4.4 Means of access
Figure 4-3
Temporary staging during renewal survey of an oil tanker
Access is the owner's responsibility.
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 B102:
"All spaces shall be made safe for access i.e. gas freed, venti-
lated and illuminated, and prepared for the surveyor to exam-
ine the structure in a safe and practical way. One or more of the
following means for access, acceptable to the surveyor shall be
permanent staging and passages through structures
temporary staging and passages through structures
lifts and moveable platforms
boats or rafts
portable ladders
other equivalent means.
Figure 4-4
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 B103:
Rafts or boats alone may be allowed for survey of the under
deck areas for tanks or spaces, if the depth of the webs is 1.5 m
or less.
Figure 4-5
Depth of web frame
If the depth of the webs is more than 1.5 m, rafts or boats alone
may be allowed only:
a) When the coating of the under deck structure is in GOOD
condition and there is no evidence of wastage; or
b) If a permanent means of access is provided in each bay to
allow safe entry and exit. This means:
access directly from deck via a vertical ladder and a
small platform fitted approximately 2 m below the
deck in each bay, or
access to deck from a longitudinal permanent plat-
form having ladders to deck in each end of the tank.
The platform shall, for full length of the tank, be ar-
ranged in level with, or above, the maximum water
level needed for rafting of under deck structure. For
this purpose, the ullage corresponding to the maxi-
mum water level is to be assumed not more than 3m
from deck plate measured at the midspan of deck
transverse and in the middle length of the tank.
If neither of the above conditions are met, then staging or "oth-
er equivalent means" of access shall be provided for the survey
of the under deck areas.
The use of rafts or boats alone does not preclude the use of
boats or rafts to move about within the tank during a survey.
Reference is made to IACS Recommendation No. 39 - Guide
lines for the use of Boats or Rafts for close-up survey.
Use of remote technique methods to facilitate the required inter-
nal examinations, including close-up examinations and thickness
measurements, may be specially considered by the Society. The
methods applied shall provide the information normally obtained
from a survey carried out by the surveyor.
In order to verify the results, confirmatory close-up examinations
and thickness measurements at selected locations shall be carried
out by the surveyor, not using the remote inspection technique
Proposals for use of remote inspection technique methods shall
be submitted to Society for acceptance in advance of the survey.
One example of "other equivalent means" may be to use tem-
porary, portable staging fitted between the flanges of two web
frames, with partial filling of the tank (with a water level well
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
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below the web frames) for safety.
Alternatives with climbers doing thickness measurements
while carrying a camera, in order to let the surveyor do the
close-up survey by watching a TV screen onboard, will only be
accepted on a case by case basis, and must be clarified with
DNV well in advance of the survey. DNV do have climbers
performing "climbing survey".
4.5 Execution of the Thickness Measurements on
Prior to commencing the thickness measurements, the survey-
or will:
Check type of equipment and verify that the equipment is
calibrated according to recognized national / international
standards and properly labelled.
Witness calibration appropriate for size and type of material.
Be satisfied with operators competence and documentation.
The operators shall keep the equipment and required certifi-
cates ready for inspection at commencement of measurements.
For requirements to equipment and operators, see Sec.5.
The surveyor will direct the gauging operation by selecting lo-
cations such that readings taken represent, on average, the con-
dition of the structure for that area.
Thickness measurements mainly to evaluate the extent of cor-
rosion which may affect the hull girder strength (transverse
sections), should be carried out in a systematic manner of all
longitudinal, structural members. See Sec.7 for a figure show-
ing correct pattern. The surveyor should be in attendance dur-
ing this process. The location of the sections longitudinally
shall be decided by the surveyor, and will normally be decided
after deck and bottom plating has been measured, where re-
quired, in order to determine which areas have corroded the
most. The sections should be placed where the upper and lower
plating has corroded the most. One transverse section will nor-
mally be placed amidship.
Thickness measurements of structures in areas where close-up
surveys are required should be carried out simultaneously with
the close-up surveys in order to facilitate a meaningful survey.
The surveyor may specially consider the extent of thickness
measurements of certain structures, within spaces where the
protective coating is found to be in GOOD condition, but there
are restrictions to how much of the measurements may be re-
duced. In any case, clarify with the surveyor in each case.
The thickness measurement operators shall keep the surveyor
continuously informed (e.g. at the end of each day of measure-
ments) about measurement results and structural deficiencies
found, such as excessive or substantial corrosion, cracks, in-
dents or buckling. If doubler plates used as repairs are discov-
ered inside oil tanks or on oil/water boundary plating or
stiffeners, this shall also be informed to the surveyor.
Where thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion
or excessive diminution, the UTM company shall contact the
DNV surveyor onboard in order to get directions for additional
thickness measurements, in order to map the areas of substan-
tial corrosion, and to identify structural members for repairs /
renewals. The Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.4D. (Tables of Close-Up Examinations and Thickness
Measurements) and Appendix C of this document contain ta-
bles detailing how such areas shall be mapped.
Upon completion of the thickness measurements, the surveyor
must have confirmed that no further gauging is needed, before
the job of taking measurements can be regarded as completed.
The rule requirements detailed in Sec.6 are always to be con-
sidered the minimum scope for thickness measurements.
Upon completion of the thickness measurements onboard, the
surveyor shall verify the preliminary thickness measurement
report. The preliminary report should be kept until the final re-
port has been verified and signed. For Category I ships a copy
of the preliminary report shall be given to the attending survey-
or before leaving the ship.
See also 4.6 for reporting procedures.
4.6 Reporting
Procedures for reporting are given in DNV's "Standards for
Certification" No. 2.9, Programme No.402A: "Approval of
Firms Engaged in Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of
Ship's Structure". There are two different procedures, one for
Category I chips and one for Category II. Which version which
will apply for a particular UTM job, is depending on date of
survey and ship type, and detailed in the first part of Sec.5.
For Category II/ Category II, Extended types of ships, the
UTM report shall be the latest version of the electronic report
form that can be found on:
itime/publicationsanddownloads/downloads/index.asp, and
"shall include a copy of the certificate of approval" for the
UTM company. The front page should also inform about date
and place of measurements, number of pages in the report and
which company did the measurements. The front page should
be stamped and signed by the DNV surveyor. In addition, a
minimum thickness list shall be attached to the UTM report if
the min. thickness values used are not included in the report it-
Category I type of ships require the UTM company to write its
reports using a standardised DNV format, available on the
DNV web site at under "Downloads". The format
is the same as the one being used by CAP and CAS.
Figure 4-6
Climbers in action, doing survey on a web frame
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Prior to commencement, the UTM company shall enter the
original thickness and minimum thickness values for the struc-
tural parts to be measured into the report format. All these val-
ues will be stated in the minimum thickness list, which shall be
prepared by DNV. The report shall also inform which parts of
the structure has been replaced, and it should include a clear in-
dication of which transverse sections have been measured,
when applicable. The report shall be prepared onboard, with
measurements being filled in on a daily basis, and made avail-
able for the surveyor upon request.
Upon completion of the measurements onboard, a digital copy
of the preliminary report, with all measurements entered, shall
be given to the attending surveyor before the UTM company
leave the ship. Sketches showing the location of measurement
points shall also be given to the surveyor, but need not be dig-
Final report shall be sent to DNV no later than 2 weeks after
the measurements are finished. The final report shall consist of
one digital copy and one paper copy or digital copy in non-ed-
itable form (e.g. a.pdf file). Content of the paper copy or the
non-editable digital copy should be as for the preliminary re-
port, with integrated sketches showing measurement points,
but in addition it shall contain a front page with a stamp and
signature from the operator and the attending surveyor. The
front page shall inform about date and place of measurements,
number of pages in the report and which company did the
measurements. An example is given in Appendix D.
See Appendix E for a guide on how to calculate average corro-
sion in deck and bottom, where this is demanded by the surveyor.
5. Requirements to the UTM company
UTM shall be carried out by an approved UTM company and
with a DNV Surveyor present. The company shall have a valid
DNV certificate, authorising the company to do measurements
onboard the ship type in question (ref. below). The category of
the company will be stated in the company's certificate.
The requirements used as basis for certification of a UTM
company, is given in "Standards for Certification" No. 2.9, Ap-
proval Programme No.402A, "Approval of Firms Engaged in
Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Ship's Structure". A
reference to the program is found in Appendix B.
Approval Programme no. 402A was revised in October 2008.
The new revision separates all UTM companies into three cate-
- Category I: Authorised to do measurements on all types and
sized of ships classified by DNV.
- Category II: Authorised to do measurements on fishing ves-
sels of all sizes, and on non-ESP ships below 500 GT.
- Category II, Extended: Authorised to do measurements on
fishing vessels of all sizes, and on all non-ESP ships with
length less than 100 meters, except general cargo ships above
500 GT (with MO Ref. 129).
After J anuary 2005 companies which haven't implemented addi-
tional requirements listed in the new programme will automati-
cally become "Category II" UTM companies.
A UTM company may be converted into an "Extended Category
II" company by contacting certifying DNV station. If the station
can verify that the company satisfies the Category II company re-
quirements described in cert. programme 402A, certifying sta-
tion may issue an "Extended Category II" certificate.
Companies which choose to become Category I companies, must
first implement the additional requirements set in the new 402A
programme. After compliance has been verified through an au-
dit, these companies will be labelled "Category I" UTM compa-
nies, and may do thickness measurements for DNV onboard all
types and sizes of ships. For a complete list of the new require-
ments, a reference to the program is found in Appendix B. How-
ever, some of the most important, new requirements introduced
in April 2004 and further updated in the April 2005 edition are
given here:
Some of the most important, requirements specific for Catego-
ry I companies are given below:
1) Instruments using pulsed echo technique, either with os-
cilloscope or digital instruments using multiple echo are
required. A confirmation from the manufacturer that the
instruments satisfy this requirement shall be enclosed with
the instrument record. This is the only new requirement
which will apply to both Category I and Category II com-
panies after J anuary 2005. IACS UR Z17 Annex 1 (Sec-
tion 1.4).
Single echo instruments are not accepted. (Previously sin-
gle echo instruments were accepted on uncoated surfaces).
2) Each major class job (Intermediate Survey and Renewal
Survey) is to be carried out by at least two qualified oper-
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 13
ators working together. Operators shall carry ID cards
with a photo. An updated list of approved operators shall
be kept at the approving DNV office, so that qualifications
can be verified by attending surveyor. Readings taken by
non-listed operators will be rejected. Subcontractors shall
not be used, unless they come from another DNV certified
company. Operators shall be able to speak English, under-
stand ship's drawings and be able to choose a representa-
tive position for each measurement.
3) For work procedures and reporting, see Sec.4.5 and 4.6.
Some main requirements for Category II/ Category II, Extend-
ed companies (Standards for Certification - No. 2.9 Approval
programme No. 402 A):
A record of the equipment used for thickness measurement
shall be kept. The record shall contain information on
maintenance and calibration. (After J anuary 2005 multiple
echo instruments must be used by both Category I and Cat-
egory II companies).
The supplier shall keep records of the approved operators.
The record shall contain information on age, formal edu-
cation, training and experience.
The operator carrying out the measurements shall be certi-
fied to EN 473 Level I, ISO 9712 Level I or a correspond-
ing standard and have passed the internal training scheme
of the supplier.
For work procedures and reporting, see Sec.4.5 and 4.6.
6. Extent of thickness measurements
The rule requirements to the extent of thickness measurements
for ships are specified in the Rules for Classification of Ships
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 TablesD. Each table will correspond to one
specific ship type. All illustrations are given in Sec.6.1 to 6.15.
The requirements vary with ship type, age and survey type, and
may generally be divided in three groups:
1) Thickness measurements including requirements of shell
plating and transverse sections, to help evaluate the overall
strength of the ship. The requirements cannot be waived
due to GOOD coating, but the extent of measurement
points may be reduced to some extent. What may be re-
duced shall always be decided by the surveyor, who may
also decide to increase the scope based on findings on-
board. The requirements are given in Sec.6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7,
6.9, 6.11, 6.13 and 6.15 below, depending on ship type.
Measurement pattern (number of measurement points per
structural part) is described in Sec.7.
2) Measurements for assessment of corrosion level i.w.o.
close-up inspections. A guideline for initial extent of
measurements is given in Sec.6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8, 6.10, 6.12
and 6.14 below, pending on ship type. The requirements
may be reduced in case original coating is in GOOD con-
dition, to be decided by the surveyor. The surveyor may
also decide to increase the scope based on findings on-
board. Measurement pattern (number of measurement
points per structural part) is described in Sec.7.
3) Mapping of areas found with Substantial Corrosion Areas
found with Substantial Corrosion, as defined in the Rules
for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 A116, at previ-
ous surveys or through the measurements described in 1
and 2, should be subject to intensive measurements. The
required measurement pattern is thoroughly defined in the
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 D.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 14
6.1 All ships - Minimum thickness measurements See the Rules for Classification of Ships for Classification of
Ships Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal survey No.1
Age 5 years
Suspect areas only.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Main deck plating.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse sections in way of cargo area within 0.5 L amidship.
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 15
Internals in peak tank.
All air pipes and ventilators
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse sections in way of cargo area within 0.5 L amidship.
Main deck plating.
Hatch covers and coamings (plates and stiffeners).
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 16
Wind- and water strakes.
Strakes of transverse bulkheads in cargo spaces together with internals in way.
Keel plates and bottom plates. Plating of sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 17
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck).
Internals of forepeak and aft peak tank
Air pipes and ventilators.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 18
6.2 General dry cargo ships Measurements i.w.o.
close-up inspections
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Cargo hold transverse shell frames. Cargo hold transverse bulkheads- plating, stiffeners and girders.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 19
Deck plating and under deck structure inside line of hatch openings between cargo hold hatches.
Cargo hold transverse shell frames.
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads- plating, stiffeners and girders.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system. Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and
Inner bottom plating.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 20
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and under deck structure inside line of hatch openings
between cargo hold hatches.
Cargo hold transverse shell frames.
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads- plating, stiffeners and girders.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating
and frames.
Inner bottom plating.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 21
6.3 General dry cargo ships - Minimum thickness
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 TableD.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Suspect areas only.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Main deck plating.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse Sections in way of cargo area within 0.5 L amidship.
Main deck plating and wind and water strakes.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 22
Internals in forepeak tank.
All air pipes and ventilators on the fore deck (forward 25% of
ships length),
All air pipes to day tanks and selected air pipes and ventilator
coamings aft of forward 25% of the ships length.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Three complete sections.
Main deck plating.
All wind- and water strakes, port and starboard - full length.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 23
All keel plates full length.
All bottom plates.
Duct keel and pipe tunnel.
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck).
Internals of forepeak and aft peak tank
Plating of sea chests. Shell plating in way of overboard dis-
charges as considered necessary by the attending surveyor.
All on the fore deck (forward quarter length). All air pipes to day
tanks. Selected air pipes and ventilator coamings aft of the forward
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 24
6.4 Single skin bulk carriers ESP - Measurements
i.w.o. close-up inspections
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 TableD.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Cargo hold transverse shell frames
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, including internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 25
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longitudinals.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and the structure under the deck inside line of hatch openings between cargo holds hatches.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 26
Cargo hold transverse shell frames
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, in-
cluding internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longitudinals.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 27
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and the structure under deck inside line of hatch openings between cargo holds hatches.
Cargo hold transverse shell frames Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders,
including internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 28
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system. Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and lon-
Renewal Survey no.4
Age > 15 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and the structure under deck inside line of hatch openings between cargo holds hatches.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 29
6.5 Single skin bulk carriers ESP - Minimum thick-
ness measurements
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 TableD.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Cargo hold transverse shell frames Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, in-
cluding internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system. Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longi-
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Structural members subjected to close-up examination according to the Rules for Classification of Ships.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 10 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Wind- and water strakes.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 30
Vertically corrugated transverse bulkhead between cargo hold no. 1 and 2.
Side shell frames and brackets.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse sections in way of cargo area within 0.5 L amidship.
Main deck plating and wind and water strakes.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 31
Internals in peak tanks.
All air pipes and ventilators on the fore deck (forward 25% of ships length),
All air pipes to day tanks and selected air pipes and ventilator coamings aft of forward 25% of the ships length.
Vertically corrugated transverse bulkhead between cargo hold no. 1 and 2.
Side shell frames and brackets.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 32
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes.
Keel plates and bottom plates. Duct keel and pipe tunnel.
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck).
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 33
Internals of forepeak and aft peak tank
Sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges. Air pipes and ventilators.
Vertically corrugated transverse bulkhead between cargo hold no. 1 and 2.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 34
6.6 Double skin bulk carriers ESP - i.w.o. close-up
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Side shell frames and brackets.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings - plating and stiffeners.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longitudinals.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 35
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, including internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and the structure under deck inside line of hatch openings between cargo holds hatches.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 36
Ordinary transverse frames in double side tanks.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longitudinals.
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, including internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 37
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and the structure under deck inside line of hatch openings between cargo holds hatches.
Ordinary transverse frames in double side tanks.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 38
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longitudinals.
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, including internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 39
Renewal Survey no.4
Age > 15 years
Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners).
Deck plating and the structure under deck inside line of hatch openings between cargo holds hatches.
Ordinary transverse frames in double side tanks.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 40
Ballast tanks transverse web frames with associated plating and longitudinals.
Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders, including internal structures of upper and lower stools, where fitted.
Ballast tanks transverse bulkheads, including stiffening system.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 41
6.7 Double skin bulk carriers ESP - Minimum thick-
ness measurements
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Structural members subjected to close-up examination according to the Rules for Classification of Ships.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Wind- and water strakes.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Main deck plating
Wind and water strakes.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 42
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Main deck plating.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 43
Wind- and water strakes.
Keel plates and bottom plates.
Sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges. Air pipes and ventilators.
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 44
6.8 Single Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP
Measurements in way of close-up.
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 45
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 46
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Bottom transverse including adjacent bottom structural members.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 47
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Bottom transverse including adjacent bottom structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 48
6.9 Single Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Structural members subjected to close-up examination according to the Rules for Classification of Ships.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Main deck plating
Wind- and water strakes.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 49
Main deck plating
Wind and water strakes.
Internals in peak tanks.
Air pipes and ventilators.
All air pipes to day tanks and selected air pipes and ventilator coamings aft of forward 25% of the ships length.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 50
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes.
Keel plates and bottom plates. Sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 51
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 52
6.10 Double Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP -
Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse double hull web frames, including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 53
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse double hull web frames, including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural member
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 54
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse double hull web frames, including adjacent structural members.
Transverse web frames including adjacent structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 55
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse double hull web frames including adjacent structural members.
Transverse web frames including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including adjacent bottom structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 56
6.11 Double Hull Oil Tankers, Ore/Oil Ships ESP -
Minimum thickness measurements
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Transverse section within the cargo area.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 57
Main deck plating
Wind- and water strakes.
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 58
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes.
Keel plates and bottom plates.
Sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges.
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 59
6.12 Chemical tankers ESP - Measurements i.w.o.
close-up inspections
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 60
Transverse web frame rings, including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 61
Transverse web frame rings, including adjacent structural members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder system and adjacent structural members.
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 62
Transverse bulkheads including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members.
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 63
6.13 Chemical tankers ESP - Minimum thickness
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Transverse section within the cargo area.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Transverse section within the cargo area.
Transverse web frame rings including adjacent members.
Transverse bulkheads including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 64
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse section within the cargo area.
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 65
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse section within the cargo area.
Main deck plating.
Wind- and water strakes.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 66
Keel plates and bottom plates. Sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges.
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 67
6.14 Liquefied Gas Tanker Close-up examination See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Ballast tank transverse bulkheads, including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames, including adjacent structural members,
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Ballast tank transverse bulkheads, including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 68
Ballast tanks transverse web frames, including adjacent structural members,
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Ballast tank transverse bulkheads, including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames, including adjacent structural members,
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 69
Renewal Survey no.4
Age > 15 years
Ballast tank transverse bulkheads, including girder systems and adjacent structural members.
Ballast tanks transverse web frames, including adjacent structural members,
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 70
6.15 Liquefied Gas Tanker - Minimum thickness
See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
The following pictures are only to be used as guidelines. It is
the relevant Rules for Classification of Ships that give the ex-
act requirements.
Renewal Survey no.1
Age 5 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Renewal Survey no.2
Age 5 - 10 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Main deck plating
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 71
Renewal Survey no.3
Age 10 - 15 years
Transverse section within cargo area.
Main deck plating
Internals in peak tanks
Air pipes and ventilators.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 72
Renewal Survey no.4
Age 15 > years
Transverse sections within the cargo area.
Main deck plating
Wind- and water strakes.
Keel plates and bottom plates.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 73
Sea chests and shell plating in way of overboard discharges. Air pipes and ventilators.
Superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck
Internals in peak tanks
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 74
7. Thickness measurement pattern
7.1 Number of measurement points per plate and
Measurements shall be taken at the forward, middle and aft
area of all plates, minimum 3 measurements per plate. This ap-
plies for e.g. deck, bottom and wind- and water strakes.
NB ! Requirements at CAP surveys may be stricter, e.g.
one measurement in the middle of each plate and one in
each corner, five in all.
Where plates cross ballast/cargo tank boundaries, separate
measurements for the area of plating in way of each type of
tank shall be recorded. Where patches of steel plates have been
renewed earlier; be careful to check both the new and the old
steel plates. There has been incidents where measurements
were taken solely of the newest steel plates, and original plat-
ing close by was not measured, even though it was heavily cor-
Figure 7-1
Measurement points in main deck, marked as black dots.
Solid line is plate boundaries. Dotted line is bulkhead underneath.
Full line is plate boundaries. Dotted line is bulkheads under-
Readings to be included in the UTM report shall be represent-
ative for the area measured, and shall normally be single point
readings. If a single reading is not considered to be represent-
ative for an area, additional readings shall be carried out, with
a comment in the report stating that these are additional read-
ings. Alternatively, the average value of several readings in a
small area may be included in the report together with a com-
ment stating that this is an average value. In such cases all the
readings to be averaged are to be taken within the affected area.
The size of such a "small area", shall typically be the spacing
of the stiffeners (longitudinals in tankers or side frames in bulk
carriers), with the same length used both in the ship's trans-
verse and longitudinal direction (Figure 7-2).
The average thickness of that area shall then be entered in the
report, and used to compare with minimum thickness and sub-
stantial thickness values, even if single readings within that
area are less.
Figure 7-2
The only reading noted in the report would be (14.8 + 15.1 + 15.0
+ 15.2 + 14.9 + 15.5 +15.3)/7 = 15.1
The number of measurement points in the figure were just an
example. How many points needs to be taken, in order to get a
representative average, will depend on the thickness variations
within that space.
Figure 7-3
Pitting corrosion
If there is pitting corrosion, this should be mapped separately,
indicating minimum thickness measured, size of area affected,
percentage of area covered by pits and average pitting depth.
The surveyor shall be informed. The surveyor will use separate
acceptance criteria to decide if the area in question needs to be
renewed. Common location for pitting corrosion is the bottom
plating underneath pipe suction bellmouths in ballast- and car-
go tanks, and at the aft end of crude oil tanks.
The thickness of stiffeners may be "averaged" in the same man-
ner as for plates, with the web height or the flange width, as ap-
plicable, being the length of each side in a quadratic area. A
mean thickness is calculated for that area, as under Figure 7-2.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 75
Figure 7-4
Grooving corrosion
If there is grooving corrosion at the base of a stiffener, the af-
fected area should be mapped, with absolute minimum thick-
ness, average thickness of affected area and length of grooving
noted down. The surveyor shall be informed. The surveyor will
use separate acceptance criteria for grooving corrosion.
7.2 Transverse sections
The transverse sections measured should generally be within
0.5L amidship and where the largest thickness reduction is ex-
pected to occur or is revealed from deck and bottom plating
The results are used for longitudinal strength evaluation and
significant area reduction in deck or bottom i.e. above 5%, may
require measurements of additional transverse sections. Fur-
ther, if significant reduction is revealed in some areas, e.g. in
the deck longitudinals, measurements may be extended to en-
sure satisfactory condition for deck longitudinal in other areas
of the tank.
Minimum density of readings at each transverse section
Within 0.15 D from deck and bottom every longitudinal
and girder shall be measured on the web and flange and
every plate shall be measured one point between each lon-
Between deck and bottom area every longitudinal and
girder shall be measured on the web and flange and every
plate strake at least one point per strake.
See illustrations in Figure 7-5 for General Cargo, Figure 7-10
for Tankers and Figure 7-12 for Bulk Carriers.
7.3 Bulkheads and web frames
See Figure 7-8, 7-9 and 7-14 for the bulkheads and Figure 7-
11, 7-12 and 7-13 for the web frames. The figures apply wheth-
er the measurements are part of the systematic requirements or
as part of the close-up inspection. At least one row of measure-
ments should be taken in the upper part, in the lower part, and
in addition one row between each of the stringers.
As figure 7-8 indicates, where there is a plate joint with differ-
ent thickness in each of the abutting plates, measurements
should be taken of each of the two abutting plates. For bulk-
heads or web frames not corresponding completely with any of
the following figures, use the figures as guidance to work out
a pattern for that particular design.
7.4 Measurements i.w.o. close-up inspections
The Rules for Classification of Ships specify minimum re-
quirements to thickness measurements for assessment of gen-
eral corrosion and required extent of measurements will be as
found necessary by attending DNV Surveyor, to evaluate all
corroded structure. Readings from initial measurements show-
ing that more than 50% of corrosion margin is used, will nor-
mally require extended scope to confirm satisfactory condition
for similar elements in the rest of the tanks. Proposed initial
scope of measurements are indicated in the following figures,
but final scope of measurements will to a large extent be decid-
ed on board.
7.5 Figures with location of measurement points All Ships - Transverse Section
Figure 7-5
Transversely stiffened ships (such as bulk carriers and general cargo ships), shall also have random measurements taken of the adja-
cent, transverse frames forward and aft of the transverse section.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 76
Figure 7-6
All ships (including bulk carriers) hatch cover
Figure 7-7
All ships - web frames, deck transverses, internals, floors.
Where the original web plating has strakes with different thick-
ness, measurements should be taken from each of the different
strakes. Spot checks should be taken of plating/stiffeners in ad-
jacent structure. At least one of each i.w.o. each boundary in
each space (e.g. one measurement of plating, and one web and
flange of a longitudinal, in the deck and upper side in the upper
cargo hold).
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 77
Figure 7-8
All ships - Transverse and longitudinal bulkheads with vertical stiffeners (also applies to bulk carriers and tankers)
Figure 7-9
All Ships - Stringers on Transverse Bulkheads (From Tanker Structure Co-Operative Forum. See Sec.5)
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 78
Figure 7-10
Oil Tankers - Transverse section
Where the original web plating has strakes with different thick-
ness, measurements should be taken from each of the different
strakes. Spot checks should be taken of plating/stiffeners in ad-
jacent structure. At least one representative reading of plating/
stiffener i.w.o. each boundary in each tank (e.g. one measure-
ment of plating, and one web and flange of a longitudinal, in
the deck, side and bottom in the wing tank).
Figure 7-11
Oil Tankers web frame
Transversely stiffened ships (such as bulk carriers and general
cargo ships), shall also have random measurements taken of
the adjacent, transverse frames forward and aft of the trans-
verse section.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 79
Figure 7-12
Bulk Carriers - Transverse Section
Figure 7-13
Bulk Carriers - Web Frame
Where the original web plating has strakes with different thick-
ness, measurements should be taken from each of the different
strakes. Spot checks should be taken of plating/stiffeners in ad-
jacent structure. At least one reading of plate/stiffener i.w.o.
each boundary in each tank (e.g. one measurement of plating,
and one web and flange of a longitudinal, in the deck, upper
side and the slanted part in the bottom of a topside tank).
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 80
Figure 7-14
Bulk Carriers - Transverse, Corrugated Bulkhead
7.6 Mapping of areas with substantial corrosion
Areas found with Substantial Corrosion should be mapped ap-
plying gauging patterns in the Rules for Classification of
Ships. Detailed requirements are given in Appendix C.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 81
Appendix A
Kick-off meeting Agenda and Minutes of Meeting
Attended by:
Minutes of meeting
(With reference to requirements of IACS PR19)
A meeting was held in order to discuss the requirements for safe and efficient execution of surveys and thickness measurements
to be carried out in conjunction with the COMMENCEMENT / COMPLETION* of ANNUAL / INTERMEDIATE / RENEW-
AL / ..* survey, on the date(s) noted above.
Function Company Name Personnel
Owners Representative 1.
Approved Thickness
Measurement Company**
Surveyors Det Norske Veritas AS 1.
The following general topics were discussed with details (comments) as follows:
Personal Safety:
((Means of access, gas freeing, safety equipment such as gas- and oxygen meters, means of communication, point of contact in
the case of an accident, ballast pumping procedures etc.)
Schedule for thickness measurement.
Provisions for thickness measurements (cleaning, illumination, ventilation)
Scope of the survey:
1) Mandatory extent of thickness measurements. See the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Table D.
2) Areas subject to close-up surveys and thickness measurements, including areas previously identified with substantial cor-
rosion, as applicable. See Sec.6 and Sec.7.
3) Taking representative readings, of areas in general, and where uneven corrosion or pitting is found. Ref. first part of Sec.7.
4) Procedure for additional readings and/or mapping of new areas with substantial corrosion. See Sec.4.5 and Appendix D.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 82
Availability onboard of drawings with original scantlings.
Allowable thickness diminution (Minimum thickness list to be provided by surveyor. UTM company shall enter the
minimum thickness values into the UTM report template prior to commencement of measurements).
Measurements which shall be done during close-up inspection by surveyor.
Reporting of thickness measurements on a regular basis (shall be agreed. E.g. end of the day. Ref. Sec.4.5).
Prompt notification to the surveyor in case of findings like:
Excessive and/or extensive corrosion or pitting / grooving of any significance.
Structural defects like buckling, fractures and deformed structures.
Detached and / or holed structure.
Corrosion of welds.
Doubler plates e.g. inside cargo tanks (Ref. Sec.4.5)
Review of Thickness Measurement Firms documents.
Equipment to be used (enter below).
Personnel records of operators scheduled for thickness measurement onboard.
Company Approval valid * YES NO
Equipment Used: (Name)
Owners Representative (s) :
Representative (s) of Thickness Measurement Company :
DNV Surveyor (s) :
#Survey meetings shall be held each time, if thickness measurements are carried out in several operations during the allowable
period for the survey and / or by different thickness measurement firms.
* Delete as necessary.
** Only UTM Companies certified by DNV shall be used.
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 83
Appendix B
Approval Programme No. 402A May 2005: Approval of Firms Engaged in Ultrasonic
Thickness Measurements of Ships Structure.
DNV has developed a separate issued programme for subject
heading, available under Standard for Certification 2.9 Pro-
gramme 402A.
Located at Under "Your Industry"
choose "Maritime" followed by "Publications & downloads"
(upper right) and "Downloads" (lower left) and "Approval of
firms engaged in UTM of ships structure".
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 84
Appendix C
Mapping of areas with substantial corrosion
C.1 Main Class (all ships) - Mapping of Substantial Corrosion
C.2 Bulk Carriers - Mapping of Substantial Corrosion
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 Table D4
Guidance for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion (IACS UR Z7)
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Plating Suspect area and adjacent plates 5 point pattern over 1 m
Stiffeners Suspect area 3 measurements each in line across web
and flange
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table F5
Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of bulk carriers within the cargo area (IACS UR Z10.2)
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Shell plating 1.
Bottom and side shell plating
a) Suspect plate, plus four adjacent
b) See other tables for particulars on
gauging in way of tanks and cargo
a) 5 point pattern for each panel be-
tween longitudinals
Bottom and side shell longitudinals
Minimum of three longitudinals in way of
Suspect Areas
3 measurements in line across web
3 measurements on flange
bulkheads in
cargo holds
Lower stool
a) Transverse band within 25 mm of
welded connection to inner bottom
b) Transverse band within 25 mm of
welded connection to shelf plate
a) 5 point between stiffeners over 1 m
b) 5 point between stiffeners over 1 m
Transverse bulkhead
a) Transverse band within 250 mm of
top of shedder plate or hopper plate
b) Transverse band at approximately
mid height
c) Transverse band at part of bulkhead
adjacent to upper deck or below up-
per stool shelf plate (for those ships
fitted with upper stools)
a) 5 point pattern over 1 m
of plating
b) 5 point pattern over 1 m
of plating
c) 5 point pattern over 1 m
of plating
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 85
Deck struc-
ture, includ-
ing hatch
covers and
Cross deck strip plating
Suspect cross deck strip plating a) 5 point pattern between underdeck
stiffeners over 1 m length
Underdeck stiffeners
a) Transverse members
b) Longitudinal member
a) 5 point pattern at each end and mid
b) 5 point pattern on both web and
Hatch covers
a) Skirt each side and ends, 3 locations
b) 3 longitudinal bands, outboard
strakes (2) and centreline strake(1)
a) 5 point pattern at each location
b) 5 point measurement each band
Hatch coamings
Each side and end of coaming, one band
lower 1/3, one band upper 2/3 of coaming
5 point measurement each band i.e. end
or side coaming
Topside water ballast tanks
a) Watertight transverse bulkheads
i) lower 1/3 of bulkhead
ii) upper 2/3 of bulkhead
iii) stiffeners
b) 2 representative swash transverse
i) lower 1/3 of bulkhead
ii) upper 2/3 of bulkhead
iii) stiffeners
c) 3 representative bays of slope plating
i) lower 1/3 of tank
ii) upper 2/3 of tank
d) Longitudinals, suspect and adjacent
i) 5 point pattern over 1 m
ii) 5 point pattern over 1 m
iii) 5 point pattern over 1 m length
i) 5 point pattern over 1 m
ii) 5 point pattern over 1 m
iii) 5 point pattern over 1 m length
i) 5 point pattern over 1 m
ii) 5 point pattern over 1 m
d) 5 point pattern both web and flange
over 1 m length
Main deck plating
Suspect plates and adjacent (4) 5 point pattern over 1 m
of plating
Main deck longitudinals
Minimum of 3 longitudinals where plating
5 point pattern on both web and flange
over 1 m length
Web frames or transverses
Suspect plates 5 point pattern over 1 m
Double bot-
tom and hop-
per structure
Inner and double bottom plating
Suspect plate plus all adjacent plates 5 point pattern for each panel between
longitudinals over 1 m length
Inner and double bottom longitudinals
Three longitudinals where plates meas-
+3 measurements in line across web
and 3 measurements on flange
Longitudinal girders or transverse
b) Suspect plates b) 5 point pattern over about 1 m
Watertight bulkheads (WT floors)
a) lower 1/3 of tank
b) upper 2/3 of tank
a) 5 point pattern over 1 m
of plating
b) 5 point pattern alternate plates over
1 m
of plating
Web frames
Suspect plate 5 point pattern over 1 m
of plating
Bottom and shell longitudinals
Minimum of three longitudinals in way of
suspect area
a) 3 measurements in line across web
b) 3 measurements on flange
Cargo holds 1.
Side shell frames
Suspect frame and each adjacent frame a) At each end and mid span:
5 point pattern of both web and
b) 5 point pattern within 25 mm of
welded attachment to both shell
and lower slope plate
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table F5
Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of bulk carriers within the cargo area (IACS UR Z10.2) (Continued)
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 86
C.3 Single Hull Oil Tankers - Mapping of Substantial Corrosion
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G6
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of single hull oil tankers, ore/oil ships within the cargo tank length
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Bottom plating
Minimum of 3 bays across tank, including
aft bay. Measurements around and under
all bell mouths
5 point pattern for each panel between
longitudinals and webs
Bottom longitudinals
Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each bay
where bottom plating measured
3 measurements in line across flange
and 3 measurements on vertically web
Bottom girders and brackets
At fore and aft transverse bulkhead brack-
et toes and in centre of tanks
Vertical line of single measurements on
web plating with one measurement be-
tween each panel stiffener, or a mini-
mum of three measurements. Two
measurements across face flat. 5 point
pattern on girder/bulkhead brackets
Bottom transverse webs
3 webs in bays where bottom plating
measured, with measurements at both
ends and middle
5 points pattern over 2 m
area. Single
measurements on face flat
Panel stiffening
Where available Single measurements
Deck plating
Two bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per
plate per band
Deck longitudinals
Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each of two
3 measurements in line vertically on
webs, and 2 measurements on flange (if
Deck girders and brackets
At fore and aft transverse bulkhead, brack-
et toes and in centre of tanks
Vertical line of single measurements on
web plating with one measurement be-
tween each panel stiffener, or a mini-
mum of three measurements. Two
measurements across face flat. 5 point
pattern on girder/bhd brackets
Deck transverse webs
Minimum of two webs with measurements
at middle and both ends of span
5 points pattern over about 2 m
Single measurements on face flat
Panel stiffening
Where available Single measurements
Shell and lon-
Deckhead and bottom strakes, and
strakes in way of stringer platforms
Plating between each pair of longitudinals
in a minimum of 3 bays
Single measurement
All other strakes
Plating between every 3
pair of longitu-
dinals in same 3 bays
Single measurement
Longitudinals-deckhead and bottom
Each longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1
measurement on flange
Longitudinals - all others
Every third longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1
measurement on flange
Longitudinals - bracket
Minimum of three at top middle and bot-
tom of tank in same 3 bays
5 point pattern over area of bracket
Web frames and cross ties
3 webs with minimum of three locations
on each web, including in way of cross tie
5 point pattern over about 2 m
plus single measurements on web frame
and cross tie face flats
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 87
C.4 Double Hull Oil Tankers - Mapping of Substantial Corrosion
and swash
Deckhead and bottom strakes, and
strakes in way of stringer platforms
Plating between pair of stiffeners at three
locations - approximately 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4
width of tank
5 points pattern between stiffeners over
1 m length
All other strakes
Plating between pair of stiffeners at mid-
dle location
Single measurement
Strakes in corrugated bulkheads
Plating for each change of scantling at
centre of panel and at flange or fabricated
5 point pattern over about 1 m
of plat-
Minimum of three typical stiffeners For web, 5 point pattern over span be-
tween bracket connections (2 measure-
ments across web at each bracket
connection, and one at centre of span).
For flange, single measurements at each
bracket toe and at centre of span
Minimum of three at top, middle and bot-
tom of tank
5 point pattern over area of bracket
Deep webs and girders
Measurements at toe of bracket and at cen-
tre of span
For web, 5 point pattern over about 1
. 3 measurements across face flat
Stringer platforms
All stringers with measurements at both
ends and middle
5 point pattern over 1 m
of area plus
single measurements near bracket toes
and on face flats
(IACS UR Z10.1)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G6
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of single hull oil tankers, ore/oil ships within the cargo tank length (Continued)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G7
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length
Bottom, inner bottom and hopper structure
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Bottom, inner bottom and hopper structure
Minimum of three bays across double bottom
tank, including aft bay
Measurements around and under all suction
bell mouths
5-point pattern for each panel between longitu-
dinals and floors
Bottom, inner bottom and hopper structure
Minimum of three longitudinals in each bay
where bottom plating measured
Three measurements in line across flange and
three measurements on vertical web
Bottom girders, including the watertight
At fore and aft watertight floors and in centre
of tanks
Vertical line of single measurements on girder
plating with one measurement between each
panel stiffener, or a minimum of three measure-
Bottom floors, including the watertight
Three floors in bays where bottom plating
measured, with measurements at both ends
and middle
5-point pattern over two square metre area
Hopper structure web frame ring Three floors in bays where bottom plating
5-point pattern over one square metre of plat-
Single measurements on flange
Hopper structure transverse watertight
bulkhead or swash bulkhead
Lower 1/3 of bulkhead 5-point pattern over one square metre of plating
Upper 2/3 of bulkhead 5-point pattern over two square metre of plating
Stiffeners (minimum of three) For web, 5-point pattern over span (two meas-
urements across web at each end and one at
centre of span). For flange, single measure-
ments at each end and centre of span
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements
(IACS UR Z10.4)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G8
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length
Deck structure
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Deck plating Two transverse bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per plate
per band
Deck longitudinals Every third longitudinal in each of two bands
with a minimum of one longitudinal
Three measurements in line vertically on
webs and two measurements on flange (if fit-
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 88
Deck girders and brackets (usually in cargo
tanks only)
At fore and aft transverse bulkhead, bracket toes
and in centre of tanks
Vertical line of single measurements on web
plating with one measurement between each
panel stiffener, or a minimum of three meas-
Two measurements across flange. 5-point
pattern on girder/bulkhead brackets
Deck transverse webs Minimum of two webs, with measurements at
both ends and middle of span
5-point pattern over one square metre area.
Single measurements on flange
Vertical web and transverse bulkhead in
wing ballast tank (two metres from deck)
Minimum of two webs, and both transverse
5-point pattern over one square metre area
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements
(IACS UR Z10.4)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G8
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length (Continued)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G9
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length
Structure in wing ballast tanks
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Side shell and longitudinal bulkhead plating:
upper strake and strakes in way of hori-
zontal girders
all other strakes
Plating between each pair of longitudi-
nals in a minimum of three bays (along
the tank)
Plating between every third pair of lon-
gitudinals in same three bays
Single measurement
Single measurement
Side shell and longitudinal bulkhead longitu-
dinals on:
upper strake
all other strakes
Each longitudinal in same three bays
Every third longitudinal in same three
3 measurements across web and 1 meas-
urement on flange
3 measurements across web and 1 meas-
urement on flange
Longitudinals - brackets Minimum of three at top, middle and bottom
of tank in same three bays
5-point pattern over area of bracket
Vertical web and transverse bulkheads (ex-
cluding deckhead area):
strakes in way of horizontal girders
other strakes
Minimum of two webs and both trans-
verse bulkheads
Minimum of two webs and both trans-
verse bulkheads
5-point pattern over approx. two square
metre area
two measurements between each pair of
vertical stiffeners
Horizontal girders Plating on each girder in a minimum of three
Two measurements between each pair of longi-
tudinal girder stiffeners
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements
(IACS UR Z10.4)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G10
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length
Longitudinal bulkheads in cargo tanks
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Deckhead and bottom strakes, and strakes in
way of the horizontal stringers of transverse
Plating between each pair of longitudinals in a
minimum of three bays
Single measurement
All other strakes Plating between every third pair of longitudi-
nals in same three bays
Single measurement
Longitudinals on deckhead and bottom
Each longitudinal in same three bays Three measurements across web and one
measurement on flange
All other longitudinals Every third longitudinal in same three bays Three measurements across web and one
measurement on flange
Longitudinals - brackets Minimum of three at top, middle and bottom of
tank in same three bays
5-point pattern over area of bracket
Web frames and cross ties Three webs with minimum of three locations on
each web, including in way of cross tie connec-
5-point pattern over approximately two
square metre area of webs, plus single meas-
urements on flanges of web frame and cross
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 89
C.5 Tankers for Chemicals - Mapping of substantial corrosion
Lower end brackets (opposite side of web
Minimum of three brackets 5-point pattern over approximately two
square metre area of brackets, plus single
measurements on bracket flanges
(IACS UR Z10.4)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G10
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length (Continued)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table G11
Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of double hull oil tankers within the cargo area length
Transverse watertight and swash bulkheads in cargo tanks
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Upper and lower stool, where fitted Transverse band within 25 mm of welded
connection to inner bottom/deck plating
Transverse band within 25 mm of welded
connection to shelf plate
5-point pattern between stiffeners over 1 m
Deckhead and bottom strakes, and strakes in
way of horizontal stringers
Plating between pair of stiffeners at three loca-
tions: approximately 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 width of
5-point pattern between stiffeners over 1 m
All other strakes Plating between pair of stiffeners at middle lo-
Single measurement
Strakes in corrugated bulkheads Plating for each change of scantling at centre of
panel and at flange of fabricated connection
5-point pattern over about 1 m
of plating
Stiffeners Minimum of three typical stiffeners For web, 5-point pattern over span between
bracket connections (two measurements
across web at each bracket connection and
one at centre of span). For flange, single
measurements at each bracket toe and at cen-
tre of span
Brackets Minimum of three at top, middle and bottom of
5-point pattern over area of bracket
Horizontal stringers All stringers with measurements at both ends
and middle
5-point pattern over 1 m
area, plus single
measurements near bracket toes and on
(IACS UR Z10.4)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table K4
Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of chemical tankers
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Double bottom
and hopper
Inner bottom plating and bottom
Suspect plate plus all adjacent plates.
Measurements around and under all bell
mouths and pump wells
5 point pattern for each panel between lon-
gitudinals over 1 m length
Inner bottom and bottom longitudi-
Three longitudinals where plates
3 measurements in line across flange and 3
measurements on vertically web
Longitudinal girders or transverse
Suspect plates 5 point pattern over about 1 m
a) 5 point pattern over about 1 m
b) 5 point pattern alternate plates over 1
of plating
Watertight bulkheads (WT floors)
a) Lower 1/3 of tank
b) Upper 2/3 of tank
5 point pattern
Web frames
Suspect plate
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 90
Deck structure
Deck plating
Two bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per plate
per band
Deck longitudinals
Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each of
two bays
3 measurements in line vertically on webs,
and 2 measurements on flange (if fitted)
Deck girders and brackets
At fore and aft transverse bulkhead,
bracket toes and in centre of tanks
Vertical line of single measurements on
web plating with one measurement be-
tween each panel stiffener, or a minimum
of three measurements. Two measure-
ments across face flat. 5 point pattern on
girder/bulkhead brackets
Deck transverse webs
Minimum of two webs with measure-
ments at middle and both ends of span
5 point pattern over about 2 m
areas. Sin-
gle measurements of face flat
Panel stiffening
Where available Single measurements
Shell and longi-
tudinal bulk-
Deckhead and bottom strakes, and
strakes in way of stringer platforms
Plating between each pair of longitudi-
nals in a minimum of 3 bays.
Single measurements
All other strakes
Plating between every 3
pair of
longitudinals in same 3 bays
Single measurements
Longitudinals - deckhead and bottom
Each longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1 meas-
urement on flange
Longitudinals - all others
Every third longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1 meas-
urement on flange
Longitudinals - brackets
Minimum of three at top middle and
bottom of tank in same 3 bays
5 point pattern over area of bracket
Web frames and cross ties
3 webs with minimum of three locations
on each web, including in way of cross
tie connections
5 point pattern over about 2 m
area, plus
single measurements on web frame and
cross tie face flats
1) For tanks where Substantial Corrosion covers more than 20% of the deck surface, the whole deck structure including longitudinals and
web frames above this tank, should be mapped as if they were areas with substantial corrosion.
(IACS UR Z10.3)
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 Table K4
Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion.
Renewal survey of chemical tankers (Continued)
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 91
Appendix D
Example of UTM report front page
See "General Particulars".
Located at
Under "Your Industry", choose "Maritime" followed by "Pub-
lications & downloads" (upper right) and "Downloads" (lower
left) and "Electronic UTM report template."
Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement Report
Report number:
General particulars:
Ship's name:
Type of ship:
Class identity no.:
Port of registry:
Date of build:
Classification society:
Measurements performed by:
Thickness measurement company certified by:
Certificate no.:
Certificate valid from:..To:..
Place of measurements:
First date of measurements:
Last date of measurements:
Type of survey:
Type of measurement equipment:
Qualification of operator:
Name of Operator 1
Signature of Operator 1
Name of Operator 2
Signature of Operator 2
Company official stamp:
Name of class surveyor
Signature of Class surveyor
Classification society official stamp:
Guidelines - No. 10, April 2009
Page 92
Appendix E
Calculation of average thickness reduc-
tion in deck and bottom. Verification of
longitudinal strength
E.1 General
This Appendix is a guideline on how to verify a ship's longitu-
dinal strength, i.e. estimate average corrosion reduction in
deck and bottom, as required for vessels having had a trans-
verse section measured with UTM as part of the renewal sur-
vey scope. The calculation shall either be made by attending
surveyor, or by the service supplier doing the thickness meas-
urements, with the surveyor verifying the results.
It is not necessary to calculate the ship's section modulus or the
cross section's moment of inertia in order to verify the longitu-
dinal strength. For a quick approximation, a quick "adding up"
of cross section areas, as shown in the following example, is
sufficient for the verification of the longitudinal strength in the
field. Only if the calculated reduction percentage gets close to
10% (or 5%, if so stated in the heading of the minimum thick-
ness list), is it necessary to contact MTPNO864 for a more ac-
curate approximation of actual loss of longitudinal strength. It
is of no less importance that the surveyors carry out this ap-
proximation whenever a complete, transverse section is meas-
ured, as it forms the very basis for the minimum thickness list.
If the steel in plates or longitudinals is mild steel or high
strength steel has no influence on the result. The thickness re-
duction of HS steel and mild steel may be added into one fig-
The ship's main drawings shall be used to find as-built thick-
ness values where no minimum thickness list is available.
For tankers above 130 m length, DNV will upon request send
electronically an Excel sheet for average corrosion calculation/
reporting, including original thickness values for applicable
E.2 Example
For illustration, only half of the ship's breadth is included in the
calculation below. When doing such verification in real life,
however, one should calculate the average thickness reduction
over the whole breadth, from side to side (see Figure E-2). In
the bottom one should calculate over the whole breadth, from
bilge to bilge. As shown below, it is enough to calculate the av-
erage area reduction for the deck (or the bottom) itself, even if
some of the minimum thickness lists mention the upper or low-
er 15% of the sides and longitudinal bulkhead as "upper area"
or "lower area". However, it's not wrong to include the upper
or lower 15%, either.
Figure E-1
Deck Area, Plates:
Total original area, Plates:
4 000 mm 16 mm +4 000 mm 15 mm +3 000 mm 14 mm
=166 000 mm
Measured area, Plates:
4 000 mm 15.0 mm +4 000 mm 14.5 mm +3 000 mm
=157 000 mm
Total original area, Profiles:
300 14 +150 20 +300 14 +150 20 +300 14 +150 20
+300 14 +150 20 +300 14 +150 20 +300 14 +150
20 +300 14 +150 20 +300 14 +150 20 +300 14 +150
20 +300 14 +150 20 +250 16 (approx) +250 16 (ap-
=80 000 mm
Total measured area, Profiles:
300 (12.8 +12.5 +13.0 +11.5 +12.0 +13.5 +14.0 +14.0 +
14.5 +13.0 +150 (19.0 +18.8 +18.9 +19.2 +17.0 +20.2 +
20.0 +18.8 +19.5 +19.0) +250 15.2 +250 14.9
=75 325 mm
Total original area =Total original area plates +Total original
area profiles
=166 000 mm
+80 000 mm
=246 000 mm
Total measured area =Total measured area plates +Total
measured area profiles
=157 000 mm
+75 325 mm
=232 325 mm
Total area reduction = =5.6%
If this was the only section to be measured in a ship with a
maximum average corrosion limit of 10%, there would not be
any problem. The surveyor could just state average corrosion
verified to be below 10% in the inspection report. However,
if the ships minimum thickness list has maximum 5% average
corrosion in the deck area stated on the front page, then the sur-
veyor shall be notified immediately. The ship could have so
much corrosion, that it would need to have the minimum thick-
ness list revised. The bottom should be verified the same way.
Plates Plate A Plate B Plate C
Length 4 m 4 m 3 m
16 mm 15 mm 14 mm
15 mm 14.5 m 13 mm
Profiles Original dimensions Measured
L1 300 14 +15020 12.8 19.0
L2 300 14 +15020 12.5 18.8
L3 300 14 +15020 13.0 18.9
L4 300 14 +15020 11.5 19.2
L5 300 14 +15020 12.0 17.0
L6 300 14 +15020 13.5 20.2
L7 300 14 +15020 14.0 20.0
L8 300 14 +15020 14.0 18.8
L9 300 14 +15020 14.5 19.5
L10 300 14 +15020 13.0 19.0
L11 250 16 mm (HP Bulb) 15.2 N/A
L12 250 16 mm (HP Bulb) 14.9 N/A
000 246
325 232 - 000 246